Top scariest monsters. The most terrible monsters as they are. Lake monsters: how many of them

How often does a person wake up in a cold sweat because he is tormented by another nightmare? What will it be: a terrible monster or an element, groundless fear or horror frozen on the fangs of a werewolf?

Some researchers seriously believe that mythology is an attempt by a person to explain certain anomalies in the world around him, plunging him into shock and awe.

Oddly enough, it is precisely such legends that give rise to the most terrible monsters, chilling the blood and forcing to beg for a saving conduct. Who are these creatures generated by the inflamed brain of a reasonable person?

Koschei the Deathless

It is hardly possible to call Koshchei a monster in the usual sense of the word.

To some extent, he is good-natured or simple, so you can decide based on folk tales and oral traditions.

However, he, as well as several other images in world mythology, can be considered the first ancestor of the revived dead.

The monster walks, talks, handles a horse and even eats, despite the fact that an empty abdominal cavity is visible through the holes in his black cloak.

The most terrible monsters are generated by human misunderstanding.

How can a living corpse exist? But, more importantly, how can it be destroyed?

Today it is a compilation of images, among which there is a place for the semi-legendary Fenrir, who is able to swallow the Moon and the Sun, who became the father of all wolves, and even the Italian wolf, a real-life monster that terrorized the city of Gubbio.

What makes a person afraid of a werewolf? What pushes you to run without looking back from the wolf howl? Maybe the fear that the beast will spread into the same person?

It is not known which people gave rise to the legends about werewolves.

However, it is in the legends of the Scandinavians that these animals are given the most honorable place.

Wolves sit at the throne of Odin, the son of Loki, Fenrir, is the harbinger of Ragnarok, and the god of warriors Thor considered it an honor to fight such a monster.

To date, the legends about these monsters have been significantly romanticized, films and literature have turned werewolves into courageous heroes, while real monsters are only interested in bloodlust.

One has only to imagine how such a monster overtakes an unlucky traveler at a late hour, and home comfort becomes a lifeline in a cruel world.

Yakumama ("Water Mother")

Under the quiet rustle of the wind, the natives, passing each other an open bottle, are in no hurry to start a conversation about Yakumama, the legendary snake.

The anaconda queen, the "Mother of Water" and the ancestor of all the snakes of South America, has become a real monster in the mythology of the local peoples.

The width of the head of such a leviathan is 1.8 meters, the length of the body reaches 50 m.

According to legend, crawling through the numerous "daughters" of the Amazon, Yakumama changes their course of flow, breaks trees and knocks down boats with explosive jets of water from his mouth.

It is noteworthy that the largest recorded length of the anaconda was 9 meters with a weight of 130 kilograms. The monster was so strong that it took a long time to catch the snake.

What then is the power of such a creature as Yakumama?

What could be more attractive and more terrible than a woman?

The image of the mother comfortably coexists with the seductress and the murderer, such a duality is shown especially clearly in Japanese mythology. In it, the most terrible monsters are not visible behind a human appearance.

Numerous creatures and akuma (evil spirits) hide their ugliness behind external beauty.

Kumo appears before the unlucky traveler in the form of a beautiful girl, but when a man comes closer, he wraps his web around him.

Before the face of the victim, the creature appears in its terrible guise of a huge spider.

Vampires could be included in this category, however, thanks to the same world of cinema, Count Dracula ceased to scare and repel people, becoming a hero for teenage girls who desired eternal life.

Most often, this monster is portrayed as an extremely unpleasant outwardly woman, crying or moaning, luring gullible passers-by to her.

It is widespread in the mythology of the Philippines, where it plays the role of the main antagonist. The creature is able to grow wings, and its favorite dish is the heart of an unborn baby, sucked out of the mother's womb by a long proboscis that replaces the monster's tongue.


The image that came to Romanian mythology from Ancient Dacia, formed according to one source in 82 BC.

Nobody knows exactly what, or who, the strigoi are. They are like vampires because they feed on blood, but if the same count is able to wipe the corner of his mouth with a silk scarf after a meal, then the strigoi hides the sharpest fangs and is forced to mask the wide mark from the noose around his neck.

The fact is that only a hanged man can spread into a strigoi, although this feature does not appear in all legends.

Thanks to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, the image of the kraken has become much more popular, although it originally belonged to Scandinavian mythology.

The Normans believed that during a storm it was sinking ships, pulling them to the bottom with huge tentacles.

This monster is truly huge and is even able to pretend to be an island, luring closer the unlucky traveler on the ship.

The creature is able to digest food for up to 3 months, constantly luring schools of fish to itself, which feed on the remnants of the meal and the creature's excrement.

As you can see, the most terrible monsters are by no means real-life animals, and a person’s fantasy, sometimes true, sometimes not. In this case, shouldn't humanity be afraid of themselves?

Modern people are by nature skeptics. Maybe it happened because they grew up reading, listening and watching fantastic stories, and then found that real life is much more prosaic? Monsters are not real. Magic does not exist, just like Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga and Brownie. But just because Santa Claus is not some kind of omnipotent magical ruler, it doesn’t mean that in real life there was no person who would not do something good for humanity selflessly and would not leave a lot of good behind him .

Let's put our skepticism aside for a moment and take a look at the ten things below (plus a bonus) that are considered mythical but actually existed or had a real-world equivalent.

10. Dragons

Theories about what exactly inspired people to create dragon stories rely on the lost bones of crocodiles and dinosaurs. However, we cannot call these creatures real dragons because humans have never encountered dinosaurs and crocodiles are too small in size. And that's where the Megalania enters the scene, an ancient relative of the Komodo dragon that terrorized the Australian Aborigines. It grew up to 8 meters in length and weighed up to 1.9 tons. Her poisonous saliva, containing an anti-clotting agent, caused her victims to bleed to death.

9. Hobbits

During the excavations, which were carried out in a limestone cave on the island of Flores in Indonesia, a skeleton about 1 meter high was discovered, the skull of which was only one third of the skull of an ordinary person - a hobbit. The researchers found the remains of nine such people, the skeletal age of the youngest of which dates back to about 12,000 years. They also discovered tools and other signs of civilization. There are skeptics who believe that hobbits are simply people who have suffered some kind of growth-suppressing disease, such as microcephaly. However, it is widely believed among scientists that hobbits are actually a separate species, the same as the Neanderthal species, which had a common ancestor with humans. In addition, there are active volcanoes in Indonesia, where, if necessary, you can throw a ring ...

8. Kraken

There is an opinion that the image of the Kraken was inspired by a meeting with a huge squid. It can't help but be frustrating, can't it? With eyes the size of beach volleyballs, the giant squid is truly huge, but it lacks monstrosity. He is not like the creature that we can imagine tearing apart a boat.

However, the Colossal Squid has recently been discovered in the Southern Ocean. It is believed that the length of its body reaches fourteen meters, and its beak and eyes are much larger than those of a giant squid. What makes it different from other squids is that in addition to its suckers, its limbs are covered with sharp hooks, some of which are curved inward and some of which end in three claws. This is truly something that can cause significant damage.

7. Amazons

You have no doubt heard of the Amazons, an all-female tribe who were fierce warriors. They are also known from the legends about the exploits of Hercules. The Greek historian Herodotus (Herodotus) described the fate of the Amazons as follows: he said that they were captured and transported to another territory, then they overthrew their captors, suffered a shipwreck and ended up on the Eurasian steppe, where they fought with the Scythians. Believing that the Amazons could be strong wives, the Scythian men decided to fight them only on the field of love. Surviving after all these vicissitudes, the Amazons agreed to marry Scythian men, but only on the condition that they allow their daughters to continue the proud tradition of mothers and become warriors.

Herodotus is known for his love of embellishing history, so he should not be believed unless his words are backed up by archaeological evidence. However, they are backed up. Excavations of ancient graves in the Eurasian steppe have shown that a significant proportion of Scythian women had bone injuries associated with battles, and that they were buried with swords, bows, daggers and other tools of warriors.

6 Dire Wolf

The dire wolf has appeared in many role-playing games, and maybe you even recently read or saw him in the Game of Thrones (Game of Thrones). In real life, dire wolves coexisted with early humans in the megafauna during the Pleistocene era. They were bigger and stronger than a normal wolf, and their teeth were sharper.

However, as the megafauna began to die out, dire wolves lost their main source of food. They were too slow to hunt the kind of prey that today's gray wolves hunt, which forced them to become scavengers - although they were not adapted for this. Ultimately they died out.

5. Scylla and Charybdis

On one of the days of his journey, Odysseus was forced to send his ships through a narrow cave, on both sides of which terrible monsters were waiting for him and his team. On one shore, Scylla, a multi-headed monster, was waiting for his ship, which dragged part of Odysseus's crew from the deck. On the other side, Charybdis was waiting for him, a sea animal that sucked ships to the bottom with a funnel. Odysseus decided to sail near Skilla, believing that it would be better to lose a few people, but let everyone else survive, than to lose the whole ship and all his people.

The Straits of Messina runs between Sicily and mainland Italy. It was here, according to legend, that Skilla and Charybdis lived. Charybdis is actually a funnel, only there is no monster in it and its course is much calmer than described in the legends. On the other side of the strait are rocky shoals, which inspired people to create the legend of the heads of Scylla. In fact, Odysseus would have been better off choosing Charybdis.

4. Berserkers

Berserkers aren't just heroes from Skyrim screenshots - the first mention of them can be found in old Norse poems. They were quite fearsome warriors in their time. But how did they get supernatural strength and invulnerability? Surely their legendary madness in battle was nothing more than an embellishment of history? But no, it actually happened. They took drugs before the fight, most likely hallucinogens, which made them fearless, strong and immune to pain and danger. The researchers found that the drug bufotenin was able to replicate the effect of their violent anger.

3. Tower of Babel

Unlike the Hanging Gardens, the construction of the Tower of Babel is evidenced by archaeological finds that were found at the excavation site of Babylon and prove that Nebuchadnezzar II received the right to build it.

However, this was not a place where people spoke nonsense that God destroyed. It was a ziggurat called "Etemenanki", a temple to the god Marduk, which was later destroyed by Alexander the Great. He wanted to rebuild it to his liking, but died before he could do so. After that, many people tried to rebuild the temple according to their ideas, each time demolishing what had been built before in order to start all over again. But no one ever managed to finish anything. It turns out that this place, after all, can be a symbol of human inability to work together.

2. Moby Dick and Captain Ahab

Moby Dick was based on stories about a real-life giant white sperm whale. Moreover, the real sperm whale was much more badass than in the book. In fact, his name was Mocha Dick (Mocha Dick), probably due to the fact that he lived near the island of Mocha. He won fights with hundreds of whaling ships, blowing some of them to pieces and sending them to the bottom. Once he fought three whaling ships at once and won.

The character of Captain Ahab was also based on a real person who lived around the same time as Mocha Dick. Captain Pollard didn't seek revenge after the whale destroyed his ship. He and his team had to resort to cannibalism in order to survive. But, he again went to sea, as a captain on a new ship ... which also sank, this time due to a storm. He spent his remaining years working as a night watchman.

1. Imoogi or Korean Dragon

Korean legends tell of Imuji, huge pythons thought to be young dragons. According to legend, the Imuji lived in water or caves, and had to live on earth for a thousand years before they could ascend to heaven and become true, fully formed dragons.

Although he lived in South America, and not in Korea, a python of such gigantic size did exist. It was so huge that we might have mistaken it for a young dragon. The length of Titanoboa (Titanoboa) was approximately 14 meters, and it weighed more than 1 ton. He choked his victim with a force of 400psi, which is equivalent to if the Brooklyn Bridge fell on you, only 1.5 times harder. Such a python could swallow a human even without his body expanding anywhere as the human's body moved through his digestive system. They died out many years ago, but I would like to think that they ascended and became dragons.

Dwarka - Krishna's City of Dwarka

According to legend, Krishna (the Hindu equivalent of Jesus) ruled over the city of Dwarka until the city was swallowed up by the sea. Finding the lost city of Dwarka would be tantamount to our finding the Holy Grail or Noah's Ark for the Hindus.

Archaeologists have indeed discovered a sunken city off the coast of India. Stone reliefs found in this city not only confirmed that this was actually Dwarka, the oldest city in history, but also that it was under the rule of Krishna.

“You know, you don’t hear thunderstorms here at all, so it’s not interesting to be afraid. I’d better go and be afraid again in the attic.” Kitten Woof

We watch movies to experience all sorts of different emotions. And fear as well. Vile creatures are great for this. And they are interesting to look at. I half-covered my eyes with my fingers, so as not to be so scary, and you peep. This collection brings together the very best. Even inserting pictures was creepy.

Witches - "Witches" Frame: Warner Bros.

Perhaps, in no other film, witches were not so terrible. For many children of the 90s, it was these "beauties" that caused nightmares.

Werewolves - " Another world"
Frame: Sony/Columbia

The history of the rivalry between vampires and werewolves is far from new and has become the basis for many books, films, TV shows and even comics. However, regardless of whether these creatures fight each other or have love affairs, they still remain monsters. And in the movie "Underworld" werewolves look especially creepy. These are huge, muscular creatures with the head of a rabid dog. Perhaps this is the last thing you would like to see in real life.

Predator - " Predators"
Frame: 20th Century Fox

That's really someone, and a predator can be fully called a terrible creature. Absolutely everything about him is terrible, starting from the name and ending with the appearance. What are at least the jaws, like those of insects. In addition, the Predators are not just some monsters, they are a race of highly intelligent creatures whose development is significantly ahead of ours, and this makes them even more dangerous.

Pumpkinhead - "Pumpkinhead"
Frame: MGM/UA

When you hear the name "Pumpkinhead", you might think of a funny cartoon character, but this is not at all the case. Pumpkinhead is an evil demon of revenge, which was summoned from the underworld by the father of a murdered boy, thirsting for retribution. You only have to see this creature once to understand that he really is one of the scariest monsters in the history of cinema.

Clover -" Monstro"
Frame: Paramount Goblins - "Goblins 2"
Frame: Empire Pictures

Unlike most of the other monsters on this list, which are mostly much larger and stronger than humans, Goblins are tiny creatures that take the concept of "ugly" to a whole new level. Despite their size, they are vicious and bloodthirsty creatures that attack people.

Something-" Something"
Frame: Universal

An alien life form that can take on almost any form. But that image of a creepy dog ​​that we saw in the film is really scary.

Brandle fly -" Fly"
Frame: 20th Century Fox

Seth Brundle was a promising scientist who invented a teleportation device. But a fatal accident ended his career overnight. During one of the experiments, a fly got into the teleport device, its cells mixed with Brundle's cells. As a result, Seth began to turn into a terrible humanoid creature.

Mimic - " Edge of Tomorrow"
Frame: 20th Century Fox

Aliens are often portrayed in films in a wide variety of forms and guises. But in the movie "Edge of Tomorrow" they are especially frightening. And it's not just their appearance. After all, they are fluent in military tactics and strategy, and they also know how to manage time, which makes them very dangerous opponents.

Acromantula - " Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets"
Frame: Warner Bros.

Acromantula is a huge eight-eyed spider, its entire body is covered with thick black hair, and its legs span reaches several meters. It emits a deadly poison, and when angry or frightened, it clicks loudly. Among other things, he is a predator, and is not averse to eating a human being.

Pale Man -" Faun's Labyrinth"
Frame: Picturehouse

A humanoid creature with eye sockets on its palms, into which it inserts its eyes on its own, and then, spreading its fingers wide, looks around, isn't it creepy? Such a fabulous monster rightfully deserves a place on this list.

Viy - " Viy"
Frame: UPI

The same old Viy from the 1967 film, of course, is also creepy, and inspired fear in more than one generation of our viewers. But the new Viy from 2014 with many eyes and long eyelids, looking more like a giant insect, is also very scary.

Bear - "Morozko"
Frame: Gorky Studio

A clear demonstration of what happens when you do not bow from the waist to the talking humanoid mushrooms. But seriously, this terrible bear face even now looks scary, and even then, in the 1960s, it was just terrible.

Stranger - " Stranger"
Frame: 20th Century Fox

This two-meter acid-spitting alien monster is without a doubt one of the creepiest creatures ever to appear on movie screens. Aliens are somewhat similar to giant ants, they also have a queen - the main and largest individual in the colony, and also have soldiers and drones. It's scary to even imagine the horror of that world where strangers can be the same harmless ants.

Monster - "Snake Valley Spell"
Frame: Tallinnfilm

The terrible monster that Breacher turned into, although he did not live on the screen for very long, managed to scare many of his viewers.

Throughout the history of the existence of mankind in the world, there are countless stories and legends in which the main characters are terrible monsters - mythological creatures. The human imagination is capable of giving birth to such monsters that can only be seen in science fiction horror films. Terrible mythical creatures appear from the darkness, instilling horror and inexplicable fear. A person gave a name to each such monster, many of which cannot even be pronounced aloud, so as not to wake up the universal evil, and not to curse oneself.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most terrible mythical creatures that have arisen in the history of mankind.


A monster named Yovi comes from Australia, more specifically from a mountainous region located not far from the city of Sydney. It was invented by local natives to scare away European conquerors and settlers. There is no official confirmation that Yovi attacked people. But according to legend, he was so terrible that only with his appearance and gaze he inspired mortal horror and fear in people.


A creature invented long ago by the Slavs. Brownie lives in houses, among people. This is a small, bearded man who appears at night and does his "business". Moreover, if order and harmony reign in the family, the brownie is kind, and his petty pranks are almost invisible. But if in the house they often quarrel and discord reigns, and misunderstanding, then the brownies are evil, and they will do everything to make life in such a house unbearable.


The giant Anaconda, whose length exceeds five meters, came from the myths of South America. Her terrible and piercing gaze, flexible, massive body, long poisonous teeth - Anaconda was endowed with all these qualities. But no one has ever seen her, not alive, not dead.


This huge creature with the head of a crocodile, the face of a dog, large fangs, with fins and a ponytail, lives in the marshy places of Australia. Often mentioned in the mythical stories of the XIX century. His name comes from the word "devil" and the locals still believe in his existence.


Hairy, huge monster Bigfoot lives in the USA. According to the mythical stories of local residents, this monster stole people and kept them in their dwellings in the wilderness of the forest. There is no reliable evidence and witnesses to this, but there are many stories.


A creature born from Japanese folklore that describes it as a terrible monster that feeds on human flesh. In the past, Jikininki was a greedy and bad person who, as a punishment for his wrong life style, received such a punishment. Forced in a terrible way, with eyes glowing in the dark, to wander the earth and eat carrion.


A terrible giant, all covered with hair, with a ferocious grin consisting of long fangs, walks on two legs and frightens people. This monster came from Tibetan mythology. Many saw in the forests not only his footprints, but also himself. Rumor has it that he penetrates to us from other worlds.


Many peoples are familiar with the Chupacabra. For the first time, they started talking about him in Puerto Rico, South and North America, Chile. This small creature, the size of a dog, with long claws and sharp teeth, feeds on the blood of its still living victims, like a vampire. Neither alive nor dead, and not even a photo of him. But he is well known all over the world.

Werewolf Gevaudan

A bloodthirsty werewolf, either a wolf or a dog, ate people and kept France in great fear during the reign of Louis XV. He was hunted down. Thousands of local residents tried to kill him, but their attempts were in vain. During this time, the werewolf killed more than 110 people, and injured the same number. And only after some time, with a charmed bullet, one hunter killed the monster. At autopsy, the remains of human bones were found in his womb.


Wendigo is a mythical monster invented by the American Indians, who, according to them, was a human cannibal in the past. Wendigo can move into any person, completely taking over his soul and body.

This is a giant bull-shaped monster invented by the Sumerians, an ancient but advanced civilization. Mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh. This creature was sent by the gods to Earth as a punishment for people.


This creature is a vampire, bloodthirsty, but mortal. It feeds on the blood of humans and pregnant women. Breaks into homes to steal babies. It can be killed by sprinkling it with salt.

Black Annis

An evil and bloodthirsty mythical creature, very famous in the rural areas of Britain. It was they who frightened naughty children, since Black Annis ate children and sheep. From the skin of children, Annis made belts that she wore like trophies on her body.


The most terrible monster that came to us from Jewish mythologies. This evil spirit is able to move into a person, destroy his soul and subsequently take his life. At the same time, until the very end, a person does not realize that this demon of evil has inhabited him, and rules his will and fate.


A mythological creature belonging to the folklore of the Slavs, and familiar to everyone since childhood, according to the fairy tale "The Tale of Koshchei the Immortal". This creature is more like a human skeleton, which cannot be killed, but it also has one weak point. He has a soul that is sharper than a needle, which is hidden in an egg, and the egg is in the duck, and the duck is in the hare, and the hare is in the chest. That chest hangs on chains on a large oak that grows on a fairy-tale island, and not every hero can get to this island.

Horror films are primarily stories about monsters. Each generation produces its own monsters, and its fears say a lot about itself. Movie horror started with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster, followed by Alien, Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees. And what will our era remain in the history of horror? We offer you the ten most terrible and unusual monsters of the twenty-first century.

10. Trolls - "Troll Hunters" (2010)

It would seem, who can be scared by trolls?

But in the movie "Trollhunters" these creatures are shown eerily realistic. From it you can learn a lot of details about the habits of these creatures and their habitats. Usually the unknown is more frightening, but here it is the details that make the trolls convincing, and the pseudo-documentary manner of filming and the words that the authorities supposedly cover up the problem almost make one believe in the reality of these creatures.

And be horrified by them, because trolls are by no means cute little animals. They can easily tear a person apart, crush a car, and some of them are the size of an entire mountain.

9. Host - Dinosaur Invasion (2006)

We bet that most of you haven't seen the Korean horror movie Dinosaur Invasion, aka The Master. But it is in it that one of the most unusual monsters of our century is shown. This very Owner is a cross between an Alien and an underwater predator. Despite its size, it is very agile, swims quickly and easily hides in the sewers, where it stores the captured people in reserve. Like Godzilla, the Master symbolizes nature's revenge for pollution. He was born because of toxic waste poured into the river, and now people are paying for their carelessness.

8. Underground creatures - "The Descent" (2005)

The creatures from The Descent are like Gollum from The Lord of the Rings, only he seems funny, but they are scary. Underground creatures are strong, fast and merciless. They are blind, but they are guided by hearing no worse than bats. They eat human flesh, and they have a whole warehouse of bones in the dungeon.

A group of female speleologists who stumbled upon these creatures were doomed. We don't know much about these monsters. Perhaps this is a branch of humanity that broke away from us. Or maybe they are the victims of some bad experiences. In any case, the caves are their home, and here you are always welcome for lunch.

As a main dish.

7 Weeping Angels - Doctor Who

The weeping angels from Doctor Who only come to life when no one is looking at them. If you look at them, they turn to stone and seem like harmless statues. When the observer turns away, the monsters can do anything to him. Angels are able to kill the victim with a kiss, turn it into dust, or send it to the past. This releases the energy that these monsters feed on. Weeping Angels are graceful and unusual killers. Perhaps too beautiful to climb higher in our top.

6. Human Centipede - "The Human Centipede"

The human centipede is both a monster and a victim at the same time. It does not cause fear, but disgust. It was created by a mad doctor who sewed the mouths and anuses of several people together. This disgusting creature can make even the most die-hard onlookers vomit.

The centipede frightens not with its danger, but with what it says about the audience and their craving for the shameful and disgusting. Everyone you ask criticizes Centipede films and scolds their creators. But somehow the series collects at the box office and has already acquired the third part. The human centipede reveals the monster in its viewers.

5. Clover - "Monstro"

The image of a giant monster destroying cities is not new. King Kong and Godzilla are unlikely to scare anyone today, because they are predictable. We know all about them.

But Clover from the movie "Monstro" is an element that defies comprehension. We do not know anything about the creature: neither its origin, nor its structure, nor why it made an apocalypse on the streets of New York. The monster is invulnerable, bullets for Clover are dust, explosions of rockets and bombs are light slaps in the face. People hide in the subway, but they do not find protection there either. From the body of the monster, small creatures are parachuted, capable of reaching the most secret places. Clover is a horror that is beyond human strength.

4. Jeepers Creepers - Jeepers Creepers

The mythology of the Jeepers Creepers series goes back to the belief of cannibals that eating human flesh gains its strength. So the demon from this series of films goes hunting to profit from human flesh. The parts of the bodies of the victims that he devoured replace his own.

It's nearly impossible to destroy. He can cure any injury by eating the right organ. And superhuman strength, sharp teeth and an excellent sense of smell make any meeting with him fatal. However, there is a chance. The appearance of the Creepers is preceded by a song. If you hear her, run immediately.

3. Creatures from the mist - "Mist"

In this adaptation of Stephen King, everything is shrouded in fog. The monsters are hard to see. Most of them appear in the frame for a matter of seconds or partially, showing a tentacle or claw. It's a pity, because they look impressive, and many of them deserve a place on this list. So we include them en masse. And terrible insects, and spiders, and a four-winged pterodactyl, and gigantic praying mantises, and others.

But the most terrible thing in this film is the darkness itself, which seems to have enveloped the entire Earth - the natural habitat of creatures that make our world live by its own rules and drive people into shelters. You can't fight the darkness, and it's driving you crazy.

2. The Pale Man - Pan's Labyrinth (2006)

Guillermo del Toro is a master of inventing cinematic monsters, and his best creation is a monster with eyes on his palms. On the Internet, many people call him “Hand-eye”, but in the script he is called the Pale Man.

The image of this monster is inspired by mythology. Del Toro was influenced by Goya's painting "Saturn Devouring His Son", thanks to which the monster acquired a style of eating fairies alive. Another source is the Japanese myth of Tenome, a vengeful spirit with eyes in its palms. So the Pale Man personifies punishment for disobedience and weakness of will. As soon as the girl Ophelia steals a grape, the monster comes to life and gives chase.

Pan's Labyrinth has many interpretations. According to one, the Pale One is a Faun in disguise, who pretends to scare the heroine, so the fairies eaten in the finale are alive. According to another version, all events take place in the imagination of Ophelia.

But that doesn't make the monster less scary. If you die in the Matrix, you die in reality.

Worthy of mention

Necromorphs. Creatures from the Dead Space series of games are worthy heirs of Alien. Unfortunately, in the cinema they have so far appeared only in one little-known cartoon.

thin man, he is slenderman. This character of network folklore is really creepy and has already appeared on the screen. But the film "Slender" does not reveal the topic at all. Let's wait for the next screening.

Monsters from Pacific Rim,"Hellboy" and other films by Guillermo del Toro. All of them are bright and original, but you can’t call them scary.

1 Pyramid Head - Silent Hill (2006)

The Silent Hill series of games has become a cult classic thanks in large part to this monster, which personifies the conflict in the hero's soul. He understands that he deserves punishment, and his conscience is embodied in the form of a formidable executioner. Pyramid Head, like the Pale Man, is a revived sense of guilt, only stronger and more terrible.

The monster turned out so bright that it moved to other parts of the series and in the film adaptation. In the Silent Hill movie, he punishes members of the sect who tried to kill the girl Alessa.

But the heroes are not spared either. He walks around in a butcher's apron and with a huge cleaver, which drags with a terrible grinding. And his iron pyramid without slits for the eyes looks like an executioner's cap. Unfortunately, in the movies, Pyramid Head has ceased to be a symbol and has turned into just a mysterious monster.

Nevertheless, he remains the most terrible monster of the XXI century.

* * *

Every monster we fear says something about ourselves. After all, monsters are invented by people, but how can a creator put into creation something that is not in himself? The 21st century has only recently begun and will surely give us many more terrible creatures; there will be new similar tops ...

But the most terrible of the monsters will forever remain the man himself.

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