The T-80 turned out to be a complete disaster. T-80 turned out to be a complete disaster Tank t 80 name of modifications

Represents further development tank T-80B. Improvements have affected all the main combat and operational properties. First of all, the survivability of the tank has been significantly increased due to changes in the design of armor barriers, the inclusion of built-in dynamic protection, and a slight increase in the mass of material released for armor. The capabilities of both long-range and close-range fire combat have been improved thanks to the use of a new guided weapon system, improved weapon characteristics and a fire control system. Mobility indicators have increased due to the use of a more powerful gas turbine engine (919 kW), improved transmission and motion control drives.

The tank was put into service in 1985. Since 1987, the production of a modification with a diesel engine, which received the T-80UD index, has been mastered in Kharkov. The use of a two-stroke diesel engine resulted in constructive changes in transmission and motion control drives. There are other design differences, for example, in the installation of an anti-aircraft machine gun. The main characteristics remained unchanged.

In order to improve the mine resistance of the tank, the driver's seat is not attached to the bottom, but is suspended from the roof (turret sheet). On the left behind the seat, a piller is installed, which increases the rigidity of the structure.

In the fighting compartment, in contrast to the T-80BV tank, an additional seven shots are placed (non-mechanized ammo rack). Somewhat changed mutual arrangement devices due to the introduction of duplicated fire control and the use of a thermal imager.

fuel tanks placed in the department of management, in the fighting compartment and in the MTO. The capacity of internal fuel tanks is 1090 liters. Another 680 liters of fuel is placed in five external tanks. Three additional barrels of 200 liters each can be installed on the tank. Thus, the transportable fuel supply reaches 2370 liters.

To supply consumers with electricity and recharge the battery when the main engine is off, to supply electricity together with the battery when starting and cranking the main engine, the tank has a gas turbine power unit with a generator with a capacity of 18 kW. It is located in the stern of the machine in the bunker on the left fender. The power unit control panel is located in the control room.

The main armament is a 125-mm modernized 2A46M-1 smoothbore gun - a launcher.

In the cradle of a new design, to reduce the effect of the gap between the pipe and the guides of the cradle on the accuracy of shooting, three backlash-selecting devices are mounted.

To align the zero line of sight without the crew leaving the tank, there is a built-in control device, consisting of a rear sight on the muzzle of the barrel, a telephoto lens and a prism between the protective glass and the head of the rangefinder sight.

Ammunition for the gun consists of 45 rounds of separate-sleeve loading. It includes a shot with a 9M119 guided missile with a HEAT warhead. The main part of the ammunition is placed in the rotating conveyor of the loading mechanism (28 shots). Other artillery rounds are in non-mechanized stacks in the hull and turret (seven shells and charges in the control compartment, the rest in the fighting compartment).

The fire control complex provides for the search for targets and tracking them by the commander and gunner, automatic input of corrections for deviations from normal firing conditions, guidance and stabilization of the gun and the machine gun coaxial with it, launch and automatic guidance of the missile, target designation from the commander. Functionally, it combines the gun and coaxial machine gun control complex; guided weapon system.

The composition of the gun and coaxial machine gun control equipment includes the gunner's information-computing day sighting system, weapon stabilizer, commander's sighting and observation system and night sight gunner complex.

The sight-rangefinder - guidance device has independent stabilization of the field of view in two planes and a pancratic magnification system from 3.6 to 12 times. It provides guidance and stabilization of the information laser beam, measurement and indication of the range to targets, and generation of control signals for the gun and turret drives.

An electronic ballistic computer generates corrections for the range to the target, its flank movement, the speed of the tank itself, the deviation of air and charge temperature, bore wear, atmospheric pressure, side wind, and the angle of inclination of the cannon trunnion axis.

The armament stabilizer includes an improved small-sized electro-hydraulic drive for vertical guidance of the gun and an electric machine drive for the turret.

The gunner's night sighting system includes a thermal imaging sight, which can be used by the tank commander with the help of his video viewing device, and a parallelogram drive with a device for correcting the position of the illuminator.

The sighting and observation complex of the PNK-4S commander provides observation of the battlefield, priority duplicated control of the cannon and coaxial machine gun, firing from the cannon day and night artillery shells, target designation.

Combined day-night sight TKN-4S commander has an independent stabilization of the field of view in the vertical plane. The sight includes two daytime optical channels (single and 7.5x magnification) and a passive-active night channel.

As an auxiliary weapon, the tank has a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun coaxial with a cannon and a 12.7 mm NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun.

The 9K119 guided weapon system consists of equipment installed in the tank and a guided missile shot. A semi-automatic remote control system using a laser beam is used to guide the missile. Rocket firing range - up to 5000 meters.

The hull has a welded structure, with large angles of inclination of the bow parts. The upper frontal sheet is combined, with an angle of inclination of 68 degrees from the vertical. The tower is cast, in the frontal sector it has combined armor protection.

Dynamic protection made in the built-in version. Such a scheme provides an increase in security, both from cumulative and kinetic projectiles.

Crew protection from damaging factors WMD is provided by the system collective defense, similar to the system of the T-80BV tank. The machine is equipped with individual anti-radiation vests. The tank is equipped with a high-speed PPO 3ETs13 "Hoarfrost" system.

The tank is equipped with a gas turbine engine GTD-1250, made according to a three-shaft scheme, with two independent compressors and a free power turbine. Engine power 919 kW (1250 hp). Diesel is considered the main fuel. In addition, it is allowed to use low-octane gasolines, jet fuels. The transmission has, in comparison with the T-80BV tank, some differences due to the increased engine power and the use of a hydraulic brake.

The chassis is the same as that of the T-80BV tank.

The main modifications of the T-80 tank

T-80 (1976)- basic pattern.

T-80B (1978)- a modernized gun was installed, an improved FCS was installed, a KUV was introduced, protection characteristics were improved. Since 1980, the GTD-1000TF engine with a power of 1100 hp.

T-80BV (1985)- installed hinged dynamic protection.

T-80U (1985)- installed a modernized gun, new SLA with duplication from the commander, a new complex of guided weapons with missile guidance on a laser beam, a GTD-1000TF gas turbine engine with a capacity of 1100 hp was introduced. (or GTD-1250 with a power of 1250 hp), protection characteristics have been improved. Since 1992, a thermal imager has been installed on the tank.

T-80UD (1987)- a diesel engine 6TD with a power of 1000hp was installed, dynamic protection in a built-in design.

Combat and technical characteristics of the T-80U tank

Combat weight............................ 46 t Crew .................. ............... 3 pers. Height on the roof of the tower ................... 2202 mm Cannon ........................ ........... 125-mm smoothbore - launcher Ammunition ............................................ 45 rounds Types of ammunition ........................ BPS, OFS, BKS, guided missile Guided weapons complex ........ 9K119 Guided missile .. ................... 9M119 with laser beam control UR launch range ............................ .100-5000 m Probability of hitting UR................ 0.8 on a tank-type target when firing from a place and on the move Rangefinder ........... ................... Laser Stabilizer ............................... vertically electro-hydraulic, horizontally electromechanically ..... yes Loading .............................. automatic Duplicated fire control ........ .. from the tank commander Machine guns ................................. one 12.7 mm, one 7.62- mm Armor protection... ...................... combined dynamic protection ................ built-in Smoke grenade launchers. .................... 8 pcs. Maximum speed ........................ 70 km/h Highway range .................................. 400 km Engine ............................... gas turbine, three-shaft Engine power ........... ........... 919 kW (1250 hp) Transmission ............................... mechanical planetary Suspension ............................. torsion bar Caterpillar .............. ................... with RMSH with rubber-coated treadmill Depth of the overcome water obstacle .. 5 m (with preparation)

The second largest tank in the Russian army is currently the T-80. In total, there are at least 4,500 such armored vehicles in units and storage bases. The most massive modification in this case is the T-80BV, of which there are about 3 thousand units. The production of such tanks continued until the end of the nineties.

Gradually, all available T-80s will run out of service and go for recycling. During the time preceding this event, it is possible to repair and modernize existing machines with an extension of their service life. In order for old tanks to remain in service after the update, in last years several options for modernization were created with the replacement of various systems and assemblies.

"Object 219AM-1"

In the course of work on this option for updating existing equipment, the original T-80U received a number of new systems. The upgraded tank, in addition to the "object" designation, also acquired a new index - T-80UA. The greatest changes affected the armament and its auxiliary equipment. So, the native gun-launcher was replaced with a 2A46M-4 gun with a UUI-2 barrel bending device.

For fire control, the tank received a new sighting system 1A45-1 and new sighting systems for the gunner and commander. After modernization, they have complexes TO1-KO4 (day and night) and TO1-KO5 (night), respectively. The modernization project also allows the use of thermal imaging sights of other models. The chassis, power plant and chassis of the T-80U tank did not undergo any changes during the modernization. The same can be said about the tower.

The absence of any design updates is due to the requirement to update the tank as simply as possible in a repair plant. The former driving performance after modernization is compensated by higher combat characteristics. So, maximum speed reversal of a combat vehicle, in which it is possible aimed shooting, has almost doubled and is now equal to 40 degrees per second.

At the same time, the time for preparing a shot by the commander was reduced. Now he spends almost half the time on all the necessary preparations for a shot. The new 2A46M-4 gun with the UUI-2 device made it possible to significantly increase the accuracy of fire. Finally, Maintenance and diagnostics of the sighting system is now carried out using a special remote control.

The tank "Object 219AM-1" / T-80UA was developed at the beginning of the 2000s and, after all the necessary tests, was put into service in 2005. Since the production of T-80 vehicles ceased a few years before the tank was put into service, it was decided to modernize some of the T-80U armored vehicles in service. The exact number of converted tanks is unknown.

"Object 219AM-2"

Simultaneously with the development of the T-80UA tank, work was underway on a simpler modernization of the T-80U, aimed at increasing its level of protection. To do this, it was proposed to install a complex on the base tank active protection"Arena". It is worth noting that, if successfully completed, such a modernization project would increase the level of protection of all or almost all of the existing tanks of the T-80 family.

Regarding the course of the Object 219AM-2 project, it is only known that in the first half of the 2000s, the only prototype with the Arena system passed state tests. Their results have not been published anywhere, but from the available information about future fate T-80 tanks, we can conclude that the armored vehicle with the letters "AM-2" was not accepted into service. At the same time, work on equipping tanks of the T-80 family with active protection systems continued.

"Object 219AC-1"

Another modernization project for the existing T-80s involved changing the power and energy units of the tank, finalizing the sighting equipment and improving protection. For this, it was proposed to install a turret with a fighting compartment from the T-80UD on the chassis of the T-80BV tank. In addition, a GTD-1250 gas turbine engine with a capacity of 1250 horsepower was mounted on the "Object 219AC-1".

To increase the efficiency of the engine and increase the depth of the ford, the tank was equipped with a special air intake device. Thanks to him, the "Object 219AC-1" is able to overcome water bodies up to 1.8 meters deep without prior preparation. During development power plant for the new modernization project, a number of measures were taken to maintain engine power and at the same time reduce fuel consumption.

To improve the combat qualities of the original weapon control system of the T-80UD tank, a 1V216M correction input device with 15 pre-installed ballistics calculation algorithms was added. The consumption of electricity by the units of the tank as a whole remained at the same level, but the use gas turbine engine with its characteristic high fuel consumption, it was forced to install an autonomous generator with a capacity of 18 kilowatts on the tank. With the help of this unit, the tank electronics can work even when the gas turbine engine is turned off.

The hull, turret and armor of the "Object 219AS-1" remained almost the same as they were on the original T-80BV and T-80UD tanks. Some changes have been made to the design of the built-in dynamic protection. The absence of serious modifications to the design of the armored hull and turret made it possible to simultaneously solve several problems. Firstly, it was possible to increase the combat potential of the existing equipment, and secondly, to save money on the disposal of the turrets of the T-80UD tanks that were retired from service.

In 2005, the "Object 219AS" was adopted by the Russian army under the name T-80UE-1. According to various sources, at least several dozen T-80BV tanks have been converted to this variant by now.

Tanks T-80BV. Educational and methodological collection of the ZVO, 138th rifle brigade, Leningrad region. May 2011

"Object 219M"

One of the most interesting options modernization of the T-80BV tank became the "Object 219M". A close examination of this project gives the impression that its authors tried to radically improve all the available characteristics of the combat vehicle, but at the same time they tried to keep within the capabilities of repair plants. For this reason, "Object 219M", retaining the main details of the design, changed most electronic equipment, and also acquired a number of new systems.

Changes in the composition of the tank's equipment are visible even at first glance. The upper front part of the hull and the turret of the tank are now covered with modules of the Relikt dynamic protection system. In addition, the antenna unit of the Arena active protection complex is visible on the tower. It is noteworthy that both of these complexes have previously been repeatedly used on tanks. various models, but for the first time used together precisely on the "Object 219M". When developing the modernization project, it was assumed that the combination of the latest dynamic and active protection systems would significantly reduce the likelihood of a tank being hit, including with the most modern ammunition.

The armament complex of the new tank has undergone a serious revision. He received a new gun (presumably 2A46M-4) and updated electronics. The exact composition of the weapon control complex was not published, but it is known that it provides the possibility of combat work day and night, and also significantly improves the accuracy of fire. To use the new shells, the automatic gun loader was modified. Ammunition, apparently, remained the same - about 40 shots.

According to reports, during overhaul and modernization of the T-80BV tanks, converted into the "Object 219M", should have received a modified version of the GTD-1250 gas turbine engine. Its main feature was the possibility of a short-term increase in power up to 1400 hp. Thanks to this, a slightly heavier tank could move with more speed or overcome more serious obstacles.

A few years ago, tests of the only prototype of the Object 219M tank were completed. On them, he showed interesting results, but he could not interest a potential customer. As a result, the idea of ​​a comprehensive modernization of the existing T-80BV remained just another not very successful project.

As you can see, only in the last few years, Russian tank builders have created whole line projects for the modernization of tanks of the T-80 family. Not all updated machines have reached combat units, but they are of some interest. After the existing T-80s run out of service, they will be sent for scrap. Therefore, the existing modernization projects are doubly beneficial, because if they are implemented, our armored forces will have at least not obsolete equipment for several years.

In this case, when there are enough newest ones in the troops, a certain number of modernized T-80s will still remain in service, which have not exhausted their resource and are able to continue serving. However, according to the current plans of the command of the Russian army, the T-80 tanks will gradually go out of service by 2020. Therefore, modernization projects that have remained at the level of prototypes will remain without attention.

Tank T-80BVK. Educational and methodological collection of the ZVO, 138th rifle brigade, Leningrad region. May 2011

It is noteworthy that the upgraded tanks could become another source of income. For example, Ukraine has been removing from storage, repairing and modernizing used tanks for several years, after which it sells them to third world countries. Obviously, the upgraded T-80s with an extended service life will cost significantly less in the export version, and even more so the Armat. Thus, Russia will be able to expand the list of tanks offered for sale and attract small and poor countries. Will be able. But will it?

The forties and fifties of the last century was a real " finest hour» for turbine power plants. The turbine engine won an easy victory over the piston engine in the aircraft industry and tank builders also began to produce the first drawings of tanks with similar power plants. And this is not surprising: this engine has much higher performance compared to a traditional diesel or gasoline engine; having the same weight, a gas turbine engine is much more powerful, and this increases the speed of the tank and allows you to install more powerful weapons on it.

The Soviet Union is the first country in the world to establish serial production tank, which was a gas turbine engine (GTE). Although I must say that it took several decades. Drawings of tanks with gas turbine engines began to appear in the late 40s, and the T 80 battle tank was put into service in 1976. But the task was not easy. The first turbines were imperfect and ill-suited for use as tank engines.

In Kharkov, in 1963, a modification of the T-64 tank was created, on which a gas turbine engine was installed, but this tank did not go into series. Despite all the advantages of gas turbine engines, there were problems that could not be solved in the 60s. The main difficulty in using a gas turbine power plant was to clean the air from dust. If the aircraft turbine encounters this problem only during landing and takeoff, then the tank engine operates in completely different conditions and the tank column often travels in a continuous cloud of dust. Also, gas turbine engines had higher fuel consumption than traditional engines. In the 50-70s of the last century, numerous drawings of tanks with gas turbine engines were created, but most of them remained at the project stage.

In 1969, the development of a new tank began at the Kirov Plant, on which a gas turbine engine was installed. The tank was developed on the basis of the T-64, but after the first tests it became clear that the drawings of the tank required significant changes. First of all, this applied to the chassis of the car. It took seven years to develop all the changes, and in 1976 the main tank T 80 was adopted. This tank was in service with the USSR army for more than 20 years, now it is the main battle tank of the Russian armed forces. This machine went through many conflicts and wars, was involved during the CTO in Chechnya.

Battle tank T-80. Description

Like any other Soviet tank, the main tank T 80 had a classic layout, inside it housed a crew of three. The mass of the vehicle was 42 tons, the frontal parts of the tank were made of multilayer armor. This made it possible to increase the security of the tank without increasing the thickness of the armor and adding extra weight. The tank engine had a special air purification system from dust, which made it possible to retain 97% of dust particles. The use of the GPA made it possible to seriously improve the technical characteristics of the new tank, the speed and maneuverability of the vehicle were seriously increased. One of the positive features of machines with gas turbine engines is their "illegibility" in terms of fuel; gasoline, aviation kerosene, diesel and other types of fuel can be used to refuel the T-80. Fuel consumption is relatively small. well thought out internal organization tank and conditions for the crew - driving a tank is very easy and convenient.

The tank is armed with a 125-mm smoothbore gun (firing range up to 5 km), the ammunition load includes 40 shells (later modifications have 38 and 45 shells), both sub-caliber, and cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation. Later modifications of the vehicle were able to fire Cobra and Reflex missiles (firing range 4 and 5 km). The armament also includes an anti-aircraft machine gun and a PKT (7.62 mm).

The Soviet main tank T 80 had the following modifications: T-80U, T-80B (T-80BV), T-80UD and T-80U-M1 Bars, although the latter is a completely Russian tank created in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. Below is a table describing all the main characteristics of the T-80 and its modifications.

TTX of the main modifications of the T-80 tank

Modification T-80 T-80B (T-80BV) T-80U T-80UD
Plant-developer Kirovsky plant Kharkov plant
Adopted 1976 1978 1985 1987
Weight 42 42,5 46 46
Length, mm 6780 6982 7012 7020
Width, mm 3525 3582 3603 3755
Height, mm 2300 2219 2215 2215
Clearance, mm 451 529
Availability and type of protection
Dynamic Not "Contact-1" "Contact-5" "Contact-5"
Active Not "Curtain"
Armor cast and rolled, combined
A gun 2A46-1 2A46-1 2A46-1/4 2A46-1
Firing range, m 0-5000
40 38 45 45
Crew 3
Power point
engine's type gas turbine Diesel
Power, hp 1000 1100 1250 1000
70 60
Cross country speed 40-45
Specific power hp/t 23,8 25,8 21,74 21,7
Fuel reserve, l 1840
Fuel consumption l/km 3,7
suspension type Torsion

Modifications T-80U and T-80UD are the most advanced versions of this tank. T-80U was created in 1985 in Leningrad, and T-80UD - in 1987 in Kharkov. And the T-80U-M1 "Bars" was already created in Russia, after the collapse of the USSR. These vehicles received the most advanced fire control system, their protection was improved (by increasing the thickness of the armor and installing dynamic protection). At the same time, the weight of the car increased slightly. The T-80UD is distinguished by a more powerful engine (diesel 1000 hp), a new turret with improved armor and an improved fire control system. Ammunition was increased.

All modifications of the T-80 tank use an automatic engine control system, which significantly reduces fuel consumption. The visibility for the crew has been improved.

T-80U-M1 "Bars"

I would like to separately talk about the latest modification of this very interesting car- about the famous Russian "flying" tank T-80U-M1 "Bars", which was created in the early 90s in Russia.

The creators of the Russian "Bars" aimed to improve the protection of the tank, increase its maneuverability and provide it with a lighter and more advanced weapon system. The aiming systems and visibility of the crew members have also been significantly improved. The tank weighs 47 tons. The layout is classic. The tank can fire guided missiles, firing range up to 5 km. Ammunition consists of different types shells.

The Russian "Bars" is equipped with the same reliable and proven 125-mm 2A46M cannon (firing range up to 5 km), ammunition - 45 rounds. The rigidity of the barrel was increased and this improved the accuracy of fire. The fire control system installed on the tank takes into account many characteristics: the range to the target, its speed, the speed of the tank itself, wind strength, charge temperature. All this significantly improves the accuracy of shooting and allows you to send the projectile right on target. The control system allows the tank commander to shoot as well. The T-80U-M1 provides excellent visibility for all crew members. The tank can be equipped with a night sight or a thermal imager. The thickness of the armor has been increased, with a slight increase in the mass of the tank.

Tank protection also corresponds to the best world analogues. It consists:

  • combined multi-layer armor of the upper front of the hull and turret;
  • built-in dynamic protection (VDZ);
  • complex of active protection "Arena";
  • KOEP "Shtora-1".

The installation of an active protection complex increases the survivability of the tank several times, even without increasing the thickness of the armor and maintaining the weight of the tank. Especially when participating in local conflicts when the main means of destruction are hand grenade launchers. The experience of using "Bars" during the CTO in Chechnya confirmed this. We can safely say that the T-80U-M1 is one of the most protected tanks modern Russia. Built-in protection provides better protection against projectiles.

This tank has an engine with a maximum power of 1250 hp. Its specific power is 27.2 hp/t, which is a record. No wonder the Bars is called the "flying tank", it is distinguished by excellent speed and maneuverability. Below is a description of the T-80U-M1 tank. The engine management system can significantly reduce fuel consumption.

The T-80U-M1 automatic loader contains 28 rounds of ammunition and this ensures a fast rate of fire.
Below is a table describing the parameters of the tank.

Modification T-80U-M1 "Bars"
Adopted 1976
The weight 47
Length, mm 7010
Width, mm 3603
Height, mm 2202
Clearance, mm 450
Availability and type of protection
Dynamic There is
Active There is
A gun 2A46-1
Firing range, m 0-5000
Ammunition, number of shells 40
Power point
engine's type gas turbine
Power, hp 1250
Maximum highway speed 70
Specific power hp/t 23,8
Fuel reserve, l 1840
Fuel consumption l/km 3,7

At the same time, the Russian "Bars" is easy to operate, the arrangement of the fighting compartment is extremely well thought out and convenient. For this tank, Russian specialists have developed a unique air conditioning system, which makes driving easy and convenient. It can be said that the Russian tank T-80U-M1 is the best of all modifications of this machine.

Video about the T-80 tank

T-80U-M1 "Bars"

The T-80 tank is in service with Russia and a dozen other countries. The tank took part in many wars and conflicts, including in Chechnya and the Caucasus. How many more years this tank will be in service in Russia, no one can say.

If you have any questions - leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them.

The T-80 is the world's first mass-produced tank with a gas turbine engine capable of running on aviation kerosene, diesel fuel and regular gasoline. He entered service with the Soviet Army in 1976 and was four years ahead of the American "" with a similar power plant. The development of a highly improved version of the tank was carried out by the Design Bureau of the Leningrad Kirov Plant.

Tank T-80 - video

Due to the strengthening of the armor, the mass of the tank increased to 42 tons, but the GTD-1000T engine with a capacity of 1000 liters. with. provided the T-80 with a speed of 70 km / h. It was a record speed for combat vehicles with such a mass. The design of the T-80 used the units of the T-64A tank: a 125-mm smoothbore gun with a hydroelectromechanical automatic loader, an optical rangefinder sight TPD-2-49, ammunition, armor protection elements. The gun is equipped with a heat shield barrel. From new tank borrowed the undercarriage - due to the increase in the dynamic qualities of the machine, the track rollers became smaller in diameter, and the treadmills of the tracks were rubberized.
Similarly, in 1978, the tank received the Cobra guided weapon system and a fire control system consisting of a 1G42 laser rangefinder sight, a 1V517 ballistic computer, a 2E26M stabilizer and other elements. This made it possible to undermine high-explosive fragmentation shells at the most advantageous point of the trajectory. In addition, the complex ensured the defeat of enemy tanks with a Cobra guided missile at a distance of 4 km with a probability of 80%.

In 1985 many soviet tanks received an additional letter B in the designation, which indicated the installation of a dynamic protection system on them. Many rectangular boxes covering the turret, hull and sides of the tank contained small charges of a special explosive. When a cumulative enemy projectile hit the box, it detonated and reduced the effectiveness of the projectile to zero.

Launched in the same year mass production T-80U with the Reflex guided weapon system, GTD-1250 engine with 1250 hp. and advanced multilayer combined armor with built-in reactive armor. The 2A46-M1 gun and the Irtysh weapon control system (1G46 laser rangefinder sight, electronic ballistic computer, 2E42 stabilizer, etc.) increased the range of enemy tanks to 5 km.

Since 1987, they began to produce the T-80UD with a 6TD diesel engine with a capacity of 1000 liters. with. instead of gas turbine. This tank was better adapted to fighting in the desert, where the air is saturated with dust. Early engines had a short life in such conditions due to increased wear from exposure to sand dust.

The latest version of the tank was the T-80UM of the 1992 model, equipped with the Agava-2 thermal imaging observation and aiming device, radar-absorbing coating, and the Arena active protection complex (T-80UM1). began to enter the western military districts and foreign groups of troops in the late 70s and did not take part in hostilities as part of the Soviet Army, but Russia used these tanks in the Chechen military conflict.

The performance characteristics of the T-80

Crew, people: 3
Layout scheme: classic
Developer: Kirovsky Zavod
Producer: Omsktransmash, Plant named after Malyshev
Years of production: 1976-1998
Number of issued, pcs.: more than 10,000

Weight T-80

- T-80: 42.0
- T-80U: 46.0

Dimensions T-80

– Case length, mm: 6982
- Length with gun forward, mm: 9654
- Hull width, mm: 3525
– Height, mm: 2193
— Clearance, mm: 450

Armor T-80

- Type of armor: rolled and cast steel and combined, anti-cannon
- Dynamic protection: Contact-1, Contact-5

Armament T-80

- Caliber and brand of gun: 125 mm 2A46-1
– Type of gun: smoothbore gun
– Barrel length, calibers: 48
- Gun ammunition: T-80: 38; T-80U: 42
– Firing range, km: ATGM: 5.0; BOPS: 3.7
- Sights: optical sight-rangefinder TPD-2-49, periscope night TPN-3-49
- Machine guns: 1 × 12.7 mm NSVT; 1 × 7.62 mm PKT

T-80 engine

— Engine type: GTD-1000T

Engine power, l. with.
- T-80: 1000
- T-80BV: 1100
- T-80U: 1250

T-80 speed

— Highway speed, km/h: T-80: 65; T-80U: 70
- Speed ​​​​over rough terrain, km / h: T-80: 50; T-80U: 60

- Range on the highway, km: 350
- Power reserve over rough terrain, km: 250
- Specific power, l. s./t: T-80: 23.5; T-80U: 27.1
– Suspension type: individual torsion bar
— Specific ground pressure, kg/cm²: 0.84
- Climbability, degrees: 32 °
– overcome wall, m: 1.0
- Crossable moat, m: 2.85
- Crossable ford, m: 1.2 (1.8 with preliminary preparation; 5.0 with OPVT)

Photo T-80

The main battle tank T-80 is made according to the classic layout scheme. In front of the body, strictly along the longitudinal axis, there is a control compartment. The fighting compartment, where the main and auxiliary weapons are installed and the places of the commander (to the right of the gun) and the gunner (to the left of the gun), are equipped, is located in the middle part of the hull in a rotating turret. The aft part of the tank is occupied by the engine-transmission compartment, where a gas turbine engine with service systems and transmission units are installed, isolated from the first two compartments. Thanks to the use of compact components and assemblies, as well as their very dense layout, it was possible to ensure a low silhouette of the machine and optimal weight.

The issue of protecting the crew and internal equipment of the tank from being hit by anti-tank weapons and weapons of mass destruction has been seriously worked out.

The armor of the hull and turret is differentiated in thickness and composition in accordance with the probabilistic laws of shelling the vehicle in the directions and power of the anti-tank weapons used. Taking into account the same laws, the most rational angles of inclination are given to the armor parts. To increase resistance against cumulative ammunition, the frontal parts of the hull and turret are protected by composite armor, which includes, in addition to steel, non-metals.

A set of non-metallic elements contributes to the "break" of the cumulative jet and the loss of its energy. The sides of the hull are covered with anti-cumulative shields, which are solid (along the entire length of the side) screens made of reinforced rubber with armor plates (the front half of the length of the screen). Such a barrier causes a premature detonation of the cumulative ammunition and a significant loss of jet energy before reaching the main armor of the side of the tank.

To provide protection against high-precision weapons that hit the tank, as a rule, from the upper hemisphere to the engine compartment area (all of them are mainly with thermal homing heads), the exhaust manifold guide grille was made in a box shape. This made it possible to somewhat remove the exit point of hot gases from the aft armor plate and actually "deceive" the homing aids. In addition, the set of underwater tank driving equipment (OPVT) available on the machine was placed at the stern of the tower, thus covering a significant part of the MTO roof.

The inner walls of the fighting compartment and the control compartment were covered with a layer of lining made of polymer material. It performs a double protective function. When kinetic and armor-piercing high-explosive anti-tank ammunition enters the tank, it prevents small armor fragments that form on the inner surface of the armor from scattering inside the hull. In addition, thanks to a specially selected chemical composition, this lining significantly reduces the effect of gamma radiation on the crew. For the same purposes, a special plate and an insert in the driver's seat (protecting it from radiation when overcoming contaminated terrain) serve the same purposes.

Protection against neutron weapons is also provided. As is known, these particles with zero charge are most effectively retained by hydrogen-containing materials. Therefore, the lining, which was mentioned above, is made of just such a material. The fuel tanks of the engine power system are located outside and inside the vehicle in such a way as to surround the crew with an almost continuous anti-neutron belt.

Also, for protection against weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical and bacteriological and for extinguishing fires arising in the vehicle, a special semi-automatic collective protection system (SKS) installed in the tank is intended. It includes: a radiation and chemical reconnaissance device (PRKhR), switching equipment ZETs-11 –2, a filter-ventilation unit (FVU), a sub-pressure meter, an engine stop mechanism (MOS), closable seals with actuators, and permanent hull and turret seals.

Front armor plate of the T-80 hull with driver's periscopes Periscopes and driver's hatch

Gunner's forward periscopes Side periscope gunner

Installation of gunner's sights Commander's cupola with a machine gun on the T-80 and T-80B

Aft part of the tower Aft turret and gunner's hatch

Side rubber screens with internal steel plates Side rubber screens with external steel plates

GTE exhaust guide grate Exhaust box hanger assembly

Hinge OPVTna T-80
Hinge OPVT on the T-80U (option)

The system operates in two modes: automatic and manual - by commands from the control panel (in exceptional cases, to extinguish fires by command from the PI-5 panel).

In the automatic (main) mode, when radioactive or chemical air contamination is detected outside the tank (using the PRHR device in the constant air monitoring mode), a command is sent from the sensors of the system to the actuators of the closing seals and the filter-ventilation unit is turned on, creating an excess pressure of purified air in the habitable compartments . At the same time, sound and light alarms are activated, notifying the crew of the nature of the contamination of the area. The efficiency and reliability of the system's operation have been proven during special tests with simulations of air contamination situations that are close to realistically possible.

Air sampler, from PRHR kit
Air intake FVU

The fire-fighting equipment is connected to the CPS through the ZETs-11-2 switching equipment and can operate automatically or from the buttons on the consoles of the driver and commander. In automatic mode, the equipment is triggered by a signal from the temperature sensors of the ZETs-11-2 equipment. At the same time, the supercharger is turned off and the HVU valves are closed and the MOD is activated. As a result, air access to the MTO is stopped. Then the squib cartridge of one of the three cylinders with a fire extinguishing composition is blown up and through the sprayer it is filled with the corresponding (place of fire) compartment of the tank. After extinguishing the fire, the HVU supercharger automatically turns on with the opening of the valves, which contributes to the rapid removal of combustion products and fire extinguishing composition from the habitable compartments of the tank. In this case, an electrical signal is removed from the MOD, which makes it possible to start the engine.

The listed design solutions serve to protect the crew and internal equipment of the tank in case of hit by various anti-tank weapons. In order to reduce the likelihood of their hitting, thermal smoke equipment was installed on the T-80. Thus, the camouflage properties of the vehicle were increased, which, combined with its low silhouette and high dynamic qualities, makes it much more difficult for the enemy to accurately aim.

Installation of anti-aircraft 12.7 mm machine gun NS VT on T-80 and T-80B Nest coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun remote control drive anti-aircraft machine gun on the T-80U
Drive and link collector of an anti-aircraft machine gun


As the main armament, they used the well-proven T-64A stabilized in two planes smoothbore gun D-81 (2A46) caliber 125 mm with automatic loader. Range of a direct shot from it sub-caliber projectile(initial speed 1800 m / s) was 2100 m. A PKT tank machine gun of 7.62 mm caliber, also used on previous machines, is paired with a cannon. Anti-aircraft machine gun NSVT caliber 12.7 mm mounted on the turret of the commander's cupola. Optical stereoscopic sight-rangefinder TPD-2-49 with independent stabilization of the field of view vertically allowed the gunner to quickly and with high precision determine the range to the target within 1000–4000 m. To determine smaller ranges, there was a rangefinder scale in the field of view of the sight. Measurement data was automatically entered into the sight (the aiming mark was raised or lowered). Also, corrections for the speed of the tank were automatically introduced (mechanism HELL) and the type of projectile used (ballistic mechanism). In one block with a sight, a weapon guidance control panel with buttons for determining the range and firing was made. The night sights of the T-80 commander and gunner were borrowed from the T-64A.

GTD-1000 with units of power plant systems, left view
GTD-1000, front view of the input device tank rack Two independent shafts with centrifugal compressors and their turbines
Flow part of GTD-1000, longitudinal section
Combustion chamber, compressor turbines and RSA GTD-1000

In general, the tower of the first models of the T-80 tank was largely similar to that installed on the T-64A (including aiming and observation devices, as well as a fire control complex). The difference was only in the capacity of the mechanized ammo rack of the automatic loader. Here it was possible to place only 28 shots instead of 30 for the T-64.


The T-80 power plant consists of a GTD-1000T gas turbine engine (with a capacity of 736 kW (1000 hp)), with its servicing systems, and a set of special equipment. The engine is made according to a three-shaft scheme with two independent turbochargers and a free power turbine. In the car, it is located longitudinally (with the power turbine back) and is attached at three points. Unlike all previous tanks, the front engine attachment point of the T-80 is located not on the bottom, but on the upper armor plate of the hull. The other two supports are similar to the supports on the T-64A - in the yokes at the junction with the gearboxes.

The systems serving the engine (fuel, lubrication, air cleaning, air) are made in the same unit with it (with the exception of fuel and oil tanks and some pumps) and are structurally very different from those used in tanks with diesel engines. Thus, the fuel system of this tank, in addition to traditional functions (storage, transportation, fuel purification and its supply to the combustion chamber), also controls the engine start panel, protects it from operating at modes exceeding the maximum gas temperature and turbocharger and power turbine speeds, provides the operation of the hydraulic mechanism of the drive of the adjustable nozzle apparatus, periodically removes fuel from the engine flow path.

Reinforcement on the front of the MTO roof for engine mounting
Attachment of "boxes" OPVT on the T-80 Attachment of "boxes" OPVT on the T-80U (option)

In total, there are 13 tanks in the fuel system (in the outer and inner groups). There are 5 tanks on the right and left fenders (2 on the right and 3 on the left). Inside the vehicle, tanks are installed almost along the entire perimeter of the hull, encircling the fighting compartment. The front left and front right tanks and a tank rack are installed in the front part. Ammunition is placed in the rack tank (a variant of the so-called wet ammo rack). Further, clockwise, there are the middle right (in the fighting compartment), the right, aft and supply tanks (in the engine compartment) and the middle left (in the fighting compartment). Thus, the most efficient use

track roller
Object 172M
Object 167

Tank T-80 GTD-1000

Target shot Overcoming the water barrier wade

Main battle tank T-80

Track roller and balancer, view from under the bottom of the hull Support rollers and balancers travel stops

Drive wheel "asterisk"

Track links
"Restrictor" that prevents foreign objects from entering the gap between track and hull

almost the entire reserved volume of the tank (with the exception of the crew necessary for combat work) and provided high degree protection from damaging effects neutron weapons.

The engine control system also differs significantly from the systems of known diesel engines. It consists of a mechanical drive for fuel supply and a hydraulic servomotor of an adjustable nozzle apparatus (RSA). The fuel supply can be controlled by the pedal or the handle of the manual feed sector. However, the use of these drives is limited, as a rule, only to set a certain mode of fuel supply. The control of the acceleration and deceleration of the engine is carried out using the PCA. It is a rotary vanes in the flow part of the engine in front of the impeller of a free turbine. Due to the rotation of the PCA blades, the vehicle is braked by the engine, the speed of the free turbine (through a gearbox is connected to the transmission) is controlled during the movement of the tank, and the turbine rotor is not carried out at the time of gear shifting.

Due to the absence of a rigid connection between the transmission and the engine shaft (there is only a gas connection between the rotor of the free turbine and the second turbine), stopping the impeller of the free turbine (due to the high resistance to the movement of the tank) does not lead to engine stop.

Idler wheel "Head" of the track tensioner drive
Hinge on the tank devices for self-digging

One of the most important elements of the T-80 power plant is the air cleaning system. This is explained by the fact that the gas turbine at maximum power consumes a lot of air (up to 4 kg / s), its flow rate is very high. Naturally, the engine is very sensitive to the presence of dust in the air entering it. Therefore, a high-efficiency air cleaning system is installed in the T-80 tank. A compromise solution is implemented in its design: a high efficiency of air purification from mechanical particles is achieved with a minimum inlet resistance. The system includes: air intake shutters for the roof of the engine compartment with a protective mesh, an air cleaner unit and oil coolers; fan blowing units; two fans for dust extraction and oil cooling; two air ducts for ejection of cooling air and dust; engine bulkhead hatch; air filters of the nozzle apparatus of the high-pressure turbine and pressurization of the support cavities. The air cleaner unit (single-stage inertial type) and radiators is installed transversely in the engine compartment and is attached to the front support of the monoblock. All fans are engine driven and mounted on the front drive box. The air cleaning system operates in two modes: movement on land and movement with OPVT. In the first case, air is taken from the atmosphere above the air cleaner louvers and, having passed through the cyclones, enters the engine flow path. When installing the OPVT, special casings, an air supply pipe and a gas exhaust pipe are attached to the inlet shutters. Instead of the cover of the air cleaner housing, a mesh is installed. In this mode, the air flow is taken through the air supply pipe and firstly enters under the left casing and, through the connecting pipe, under the right one, and then into the air cleaner unit, similarly to work when driving on land. In this case, the resistance at the air inlet increases slightly. To compensate for these losses, a charge is used from the cooling air and dust selection system, which enters the MTO (the exhaust air ducts are closed) and is taken back into the air cleaner and then into the engine flow path.

To ensure the normal functioning of the engine and its servicing systems in various operating conditions, special equipment is included in the T-80 power plant. It includes: dust blowing and vibration cleaning systems; a device for spraying fuel with compressed air and blowing nozzles, thermal smoke equipment.

The dust blowing system is designed to remove dust deposits from the interblade channels of the impellers of the engine compressors when operating in conditions of high dust content in the air. For this purpose, compressed air from air cylinders is used. The system operates in two modes - automatic and manual. A vibration cleaning system is used to clean the body and blades of the nozzle apparatus of the high-pressure compressor turbine from glassy deposits and loess dust melted in the combustion chamber.

The device for atomizing fuel and purging injectors is designed to improve the atomization of diesel fuel and direactive mixtures (ensuring multi-fuel and easier start-up) when starting the engine, as well as for purging injectors after it has stopped. Thermal smoke equipment provides the setting of camouflage smoke screens during combat operations. Since fuel from the engine power system is used as a smoke-generating substance, the equipment can act repeatedly.

Hanging a log for self-pulling Knots for hitching a mine trawl

In the course of long-term tests over the entire set of road-ground and climatic conditions, as well as during the period of military operation, on long marches and during exercises and tactical exercises, the high efficiency and reliability of the gas turbine power plant were proved, reserves for its further improvement were identified, which were implemented on subsequent models of the T-80.


The transmission of the T-80 tank is two-block mechanical, with a hydraulic servo control system. It consists of two onboard planetary gearboxes, structurally combined into one unit with onboard gearboxes. Gearboxes are similar to those on the T-64, but differ from them in the number of gears (4 instead of 7). This reduction was facilitated by the favorable torque characteristics of the engine, which significantly expanded the range of application of each gear. Thanks to this, it was possible, while maintaining acceptable dimensions of the boxes, to significantly strengthen their elements, which, in turn, contributed to an increase in the reliability and durability of the units. Rectilinear motion The tank is ensured by the synchronous operation of both units, and the rotation is carried out by turning on the lagging side of the gearbox, which is lowered by one gear stage. Therefore, a turn with a minimum design radius equal to the track width of the tank is possible, like the T-64, only in 1st or reverse gear. However, depending on the position of the control lever, the following are provided: machine turns with a free radius (at the beginning of the lever travel), depending on road and ground conditions, since at this moment the gear is simply switched off in the lagging side box; smooth turns (with further movement of the lever) due to slipping of the engagement clutches and a smooth decrease in the turning radius from the value of the free one; turns with the estimated radius in gear (with the lever fully depressed).

There is no clutch mechanism in the traditional sense in the transmission of the T-80 tank. Its role is performed by the RSA mentioned above. When shifting gears, the PCA pedal is moved all the way. In this case, the blades of the nozzle apparatus are rotated by 70–80° from the position corresponding to the maximum traction power of the turbine, which actually leads to its stop (zero power position). Moreover, it is possible to move the selector lever only when the PCA pedal is depressed, since in the initial position it mechanically and electrically blocks the gearshift hydraulic servo drive. Thus, the guaranteed protection of the turbine rotor against runaway is ensured. By the way, the absence of such a mechanism in the GTD-ZT engine of object 167-T led to the destruction of the turbine blades during testing.

Rear tow hook Tow hook lock

Gearbox control drives of the same type as on the T-64. Their driving elements are the gearshift lever, two steering control levers and the brake pedal located in the control compartment, while the actuating devices are hydraulic servo drives. The driver, acting on any setting control, applies the forces necessary to turn the small spool in the distribution mechanisms. This requires so little effort that it was necessary to install additional loaders on some controls (for example, in the steering drive).

To ensure shockless and smooth gear shifting, the hydraulic control system has a special smoothness box. Due to its presence, the processes of relieving oil pressure in the clutch boosters of both boxes (when the gear is turned off) and its increase are automatically adjusted in time.

The machine is braked at the moment the pedal is pressed, which through a mechanical drive acts on the hydraulic booster control valve, the piston of the latter, moving under pressure, turns on the stopping brakes of the gearboxes. The parking brake (mountain) has a mechanical servo drive.

The caterpillar mover of the T-80 tank (as applied to one side) consists of a small-link caterpillar with a rubber-metal hinge and a rubber-coated treadmill, six dual track rollers with external shock absorption in the form of rubber arrays, five rubber-coated support rollers, a drive wheel with removable rims and a guide wheel with tension mechanism.

As already noted, the increase dynamic characteristics tank due to the installation of a more powerful engine than the T-64 and T-72, led to the need to improve the chassis. However, its design, similar to the T-72, was too heavy, similar to the T-64 - simply could not withstand the loads. The designers found a compromise. The track rollers were made somewhat smaller in diameter than those of the T-72, and the caterpillar track (the inner surface of the tracks) was covered with rubber shoes.

The caterpillar of the machine is a small-linked lantern gear (the transmission of force from the drive wheel is carried out through brackets fixed at the ends of the fingers) consists of 80 tracks with a rubber-metal hinge. Each track consists of two stamped links, in the eyes of which two fingers are pressed, and on upper part vulcanized rubber pads. The tracks are interconnected in the middle part with ridges and shoes, which are bolted together. Staples (the so-called binoculars) are put on the fingers of adjacent tracks along the edges. Caterpillar tracks are symmetrical and can be put on from any side.

The drive wheel consists of a two-piece welded hub, two removable gear rims and a restrictive disk. The toothed rims have 12 teeth each, the working sections of the profiles of which are reinforced with wear-resistant surfacing. As the teeth wear, the drive wheels are swapped or replaced with gear rims. The track roller T-80 is dual-slope, with removable disks, made of aluminum alloy. The outer surface of the discs is vulcanized with a massive rubber tire. Support rollers are single-sided, also equipped with a rubber tyre.

The steering wheel of the machine consists of two cast discs welded together with windows for the exit of dirt and snow and stiffeners. In the bores of the axles of the guide wheels there is a gearbox and an electrospeedometer sensor (on the right) and a gearbox with a tachogenerator to ensure the operation of the IM mechanism (on the left). The track tensioning mechanism is single-worm with globoid gearing, directly perceives the forces acting on the idler wheel.

The suspension of the car is individual. As elastic elements long, full-width tank hull torsion bars are used, providing a large dynamic travel of the road wheels. On the 1st, 2nd and 6th suspension units, powerful double-acting hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers are installed. In general, the chassis of the T-80 satisfies the requirements of marching conditions and provides high maneuverability on weakly bearing and loose soils in combat conditions. The design of the tank turned out to be quite light ("openwork") and reliable, having a reserve for increasing the mass of the tank.


The machine has several sets of special equipment designed to increase the autonomy of the machine in combat conditions. These include OPVT (it was discussed above), equipment for self-digging and equipment for self-extraction. The self-digging equipment is a blade with four struts and guides, which is installed on the lower front armor plate of the tank hull. With its help, the machine can independently, without the involvement of special engineering facilities, uncover a hiding place for yourself in a short time.

The self-extraction kit is even simpler. This is a log, two cables with loops and brackets with bolts and nuts. Using this simple set, the tank crew is able, without involving evacuation means, to ensure the independent exit of the vehicle in case of its one or two tracks getting stuck on the ground with poor grip.

In addition, the T-80 has special devices for installing the KMT-6 anti-mine trawl, with which you can make rut passages in minefields.

T-80UD on the streets of Moscow, August 1991 (photo by D. Grinyuk)
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