Producing and derived word. Derivative and non-derivative, derivative and generating

The words of the Russian language differ in the structure of the stem, or morphological composition.

The bases of all significant words are divided into two groups according to their morphological composition: the bases are non-derivative and derivative. The words water, mountain have a non-derivative basis, and flood, hillock- derivative ( water-a, mountain-a, pa-water-ok, near-mountain-ok).

Non-derivative basis(unmotivated) is a single whole, indecomposable into separate morphemes (meaningful parts); derivative basis(motivated) - a composite unity, divided into separate morphemes.

The segmentation of a derived stem into meaningful parts is a morphological feature of this stem and distinguishes it from a non-derivative one. This property of a derived stem is present in it only if and as long as the language has non-derivative basis corresponding to this derivative. Word Basics mountaineer, chicken, stick are derivatives; they are divided into separate morphemes because in modern language there are non-derivative bases corresponding to them: mountains, chickens, sticks.

A derived stem loses its ability to be divided into morphemes and becomes non-derivative if the non-derivative stem corresponding to it disappears from the language or ceases to correlate with it. Yes, basic words stick, bench, bowl, bump have lost their articulation into separate morphemes, have become non-derivative in the modern language because those that corresponded with them in Old Russian non-derivative bases ( pala, lava, misa, kocha) fell out of the dictionary of the modern Russian literary language. Word Basics bag, capital, hoop, churchyard, belly, beauty also moved into the category of non-derivatives, as they ceased to correlate with those available in modern Russian literary language non-derivative bases ( fur, table, hand, guest, live, flattery).

A non-derivative stem, correlated with a derivative, can be present in the language in two varieties: as a separate word (in its pure form) and as a separate morpheme (in bound form), combined with affixes or another stem. Word Basics ponytail, bell ringer, forest are derivatives, as they correlate with non-derivative bases tail, ringing, forest, which act in modern Russian as separate, independent words. Word Basics rush-a, excerpt-a, wash-a are derivatives, but the non-derivative stems associated with them ( hurry, hold, wash) are not independent words, but act exclusively as related basics, as morpheme roots ( hurry-and-be, hold-a-be, you-wash-a-be).

To classify a stem as a derivative stem, it is sufficient to have at least one related word, which has a related base in pure or bound form (cf.: peacock - pava, finger - six-fingered, branch - branch). The stem is also considered a derivative if the suffix that stands out when correlating the stems is unproductive and does not occur in other stems (cf.: young - youth, smolder - decay).

The difference between the bases of non-derivative and derivative is not limited to their morphological properties. This difference also applies to lexical meaning basics.

Non-derivative stem of words shaft, glass, city, sea does not make it possible to answer the question why these objects are actually called that way. The meaning of the non-derivative basis is, as it were, inherent in it itself, it is unmotivated. Meanings of derivative stems of words roller, coaster, ancient settlement, seaside somewhat meaningful and motivated. The meanings of such stems are made up of the meanings of the individual morphemes that make up the stem: we interpret the roller as a “small shaft”, the coaster as “a stand into which a glass is inserted”, the ancient settlement as a “huge city”, seaside as “located on the seashore ".

Thus, the derivative basis designates the object of reality by establishing the connection of this object with other objects indirectly, and the non-derivative basis - directly, purely conditionally. The indicated difference in the meaning of the non-derivative and derived basis is not universal; compare: knife - knife, umbrella - umbrella.

The opposition of the derivative and non-derivative stems is expressed in the fact that the derived stem: 1) is divided into separate morphemes, 2) exists as a derivative as long as there is a non-derivative corresponding to it, 3) denotes objects of reality indirectly; non-derivative basis: 1) is not morphologically divided, 2) denotes objects of reality conditionally and unmotivated.

The words of the Russian language differ in the structure of the stem, or morphological composition.
The bases of all significant words are divided into two groups according to their morphological composition: the bases are non-derivative and derivative. The words water, mountain have a non-derivative basis, and flood, hillock have a derivative (water-a, mountain-a, pa-water-ok, near-mountain-ok).
A non-derivative stem (unmotivated) is a single whole, indecomposable into separate morphemes (meaningful parts); derivative base (motivated) - a composite unity, divided into separate morphemes.
The segmentation of a derived stem into meaningful parts is a morphological feature of this stem and distinguishes it from a non-derivative one. This property of a derived stem is present in it only if and as long as there is a non-derivative stem corresponding to the given derivative in the language. The basics of the words highlander, chicken, stick are derivatives; they are divided into separate morphemes because in the modern language there are non-derivative stems corresponding to them: mountain-a, chicken-s, stick-a.
A derived stem loses its ability to be divided into morphemes and becomes non-derivative if the non-derivative stem corresponding to it disappears from the language or ceases to correlate with it. So, the stems of the words stick, shop, bowl, tussock have lost their articulation into separate morphemes, have become non-derivative in the modern language, because the non-derivative stems that corresponded with them in the Old Russian language (pala, lava, misa, kocha) have dropped out of the dictionary of the modern Russian literary language. The bases of the words bag, capital, hoop, churchyard, belly, charm also passed into the category of non-derivatives, since they ceased to correlate with the non-derivative bases available in the modern Russian literary language (fur, table, hand, guest, live, flattery).
A non-derivative stem, correlated with a derivative, can be present in the language in two varieties: as a separate word (in its pure form) and as a separate morpheme (in a related form), combined with affixes or another stem. The bases of the words ponytail, zvonar, lesok are derivatives, as they correlate with the non-derivative bases tail, ringing, forest, which act in modern Russian as separate, independent words. The stems of the words haste-a, excerpt-a, wash-a are derivatives, but the non-derivative stems associated with them (hurry-, hold-, stir-) are not independent words, but act exclusively as related stems, as morphemes-roots ( hurry-and-be, hold-a-be, you-wash-a-be).
To refer the stem to derivative stems, it is sufficient to have at least one related word in the modern language that has a correlated stem in pure or related form (cf.: peacock - peahen, finger - six-fingered, branch - branch). The stem is also considered a derivative if the suffix that stands out when correlating the stems is unproductive and does not occur in other stems (cf.: young - youth, smolder - decay).
The difference between the bases of non-derivative and derivative is not limited to their morphological properties. This difference also extends to the lexical meaning of stems.
The non-derivative basis of the words shaft, glass, city, sea does not make it possible to answer the question why these objects are actually called that way. The meaning of the non-derivative basis is, as it were, inherent in it itself, it is unmotivated. The meanings of the derivative stems of the words roller, coaster, ancient settlement, seaside are to some extent meaningful and motivated. The meanings of such stems are made up of the meanings of the individual morphemes that make up the stem: we interpret the roller as a “small shaft”, the coaster as “a stand into which a glass is inserted”, the ancient settlement as a “huge city”, seaside as “located on the seashore ".
Thus, the derivative basis designates the object of reality by establishing the connection of this object with other objects indirectly, and the non-derivative basis - directly, purely conditionally. The indicated difference in the meaning of the non-derivative and derived basis is not universal; cf .: knife - knife, umbrella - umbrella.
The opposition of the derivative and non-derivative stems is expressed in the fact that the derived stem: 1) is divided into separate morphemes, 2) exists as a derivative as long as there is a non-derivative corresponding to it, 3) denotes objects of reality indirectly; non-derivative basis: 1) is not morphologically divided, 2) denotes objects of reality conditionally and unmotivated.

§one. What is word formation

The lexical composition of the language is constantly updated. And not only due to borrowings from other languages, as it may seem to someone.
For example, along with computers, the word computer came into the world, which was borrowed by Russian from English: computer. This word quickly became widely used and already in Russian, according to the rules of our word formation, other new words were formed from it:


This means that the language has its own internal mechanisms for the formation of new words. They study word formation.

Do not be surprised: the term word formation is used in different meanings:
1) the process of word formation in the language;
2) a section of linguistics that studies these processes.

§2. Derivative and generating bases

derived word is a word whose stem is formed from another stem and is motivated by it. Motivated means that it is connected with it in meaning and is explained, interpreted by it.

The house is little house(connection by meaning)
small househouse(the word house is formed from the stem house using the suffix -ik, a derivative base: house)

Hence: word house derivative, and the word house no.

Derivative basis- the basis of a new word, for example: candy ← candy, spring ← spring.

Production basis- the basis closest in form and meaning to the derivative basis: spring → spring , candy a→candy.
In the formation of complex and compound words they have two generating bases: waters(water) and WHO(carry)→water carrier or a combination of generating stems and words: yellow(yellow) and red th→yellow-red.

The derivative basis is formed from the generating one. If in the modern language the word does not have a generating stem, then the word is non-derivative. These are words that are not formed from other words: spring, around.

§3. Means of word formation

word-formation tool It's what makes words. The nature of word-formation means is different. These include:

The nature of the means is different, but their purpose is similar: to serve to form one word from another.

Word-building morphemes are

  • prefixes, for example: for-, on-, do-, re- in words write down, write, add, rewrite
  • suffixes, for example: -tel-, -ik-, -onok- in the words writer, kindergarten, bear cub

Special operations with a generating stem or several stems are special actions that allow you to form words without the participation of prefixes and suffixes, for example, such operations are:

  • addition of foundations: chimney, plumbing
  • fusion of the basics: hard to reach, obscure
  • abbreviation of the basis: special, comp and some others.

When forming words, one or several means can be used at once. For example, in the formation of the words homeless, on the right, in our opinion, both prefixes and suffixes are used simultaneously.

§four. Ways of word formation


The illustration shows that the non-suffix way of word formation differs from others. In many textbooks nothing is said about this method: the authors do not single it out. However, in KIMah USE this method is taken into account. Therefore, the non-suffixal method is included in our scheme, but its special place among others, unconditionally singled out by all authors of textbooks, is marked with a dotted line. And in the future, in other illustrations, such a line will show that the content element causes different interpretations.

Way of word formation- the very process of formation of a derivative base from a generating base. The method is determined depending on the means of word formation. A combination of different methods is possible.

Concepts: the means and method of word formation are different, these terms should be distinguished and used correctly. It is important to understand that the method of word formation is determined depending on the means used. For example, if the means is a suffix, then the method is suffixal, if the prefix is ​​prefixed, if the suffix and prefix are together, then prefixed-suffixal. The names of operational means and methods of word formation are the same. At the word pipeline the means of word formation is the addition of bases, the way of word formation is also the addition of bases. Don't be surprised by this. Thus, linguists emphasize the originality of operational means, their special nature.

The Russian language is characterized various ways word formation:

  • Prefixal: the formation of words with the help of prefixes: look ← look, suburb ← city, inexpensive ← expensive
  • suffixal: the formation of words with the help of suffixes: Tuesday ← second, inventor ← invent (truncation of the base), fence ← fence
  • prefix-suffix: the formation of words using prefixes and suffixes: window sill ← window, quietly ←quietly(warp truncation), shade←shadow
  • Non-suffix (non-suffix): exit ← exit, high ← high
  • Addition: connection of parts of the bases different words: forest-steppe, sofa bed
  • Addition combined with suffixation: puzzle, car repair
  • Union: long lasting, fast dissolving
  • Reducing the warp: head, deputy
  • Abbreviation, that is, the formation of compound words: Russian Federation, Moscow State University, salary, military commissar
  • Changing the part of speech: sick, canteen

The formation of a word is often accompanied by phenomena that facilitate the mutual adaptation of the generating base and the word-forming means: prefixes, suffixes, roots.

  • Alternating vowels and consonants, for example: road→path (alternating g//f)
  • Interfix inserts- a connecting element that serves as a phonetic link when adding bases, for example: steam + walk(warp truncation)→steam about move
  • Generating stem truncation: kat → kat + ok (the suffix of the verb stem -а was truncated when a new word was formed)
    These phenomena need to be able to notice and comment.

There are a lot of words in the language. Among them you must find derivatives. They are educated differently. The school curriculum requires the ability to determine the derivative and generating (or generating) bases. It is necessary to understand by what means a derivative word is formed, and also to name the method of word formation.

AT school course word formation is given a lot of attention, but very little time is devoted to teaching theory. However, it is impossible to do a word-formation analysis correctly if you do not know the basics of the theory. Do not be fooled by the fact that you can easily derivate the analysis of the simplest examples.

test of strength

Check your understanding of the contents of this chapter.

Final test

  1. In a couple of words autumn - autumn the foundation autumn is it derivative or generating?

    • derivative
    • Producing
  2. What is the name of the stem of a new word formed from another stem?

    • derivative
    • Producing
  3. What is the name of the stem of the word from which the new word is formed?

    • derivative
    • Producing
  4. gas pipeline, oil pipeline?

  5. How many generating stems do words have pale blue, dark gray?

  6. gray-brown-crimson?

  7. How many generating stems does a word have Moscow State University?

  8. What is the name of the process of formation of a derivative basis from the producing one?

    • Way of word formation
    • word-formation tool
  9. Are word-building morphemes a means of word formation?

  10. Are special operations with a generating stem (or generating stems) a means of word formation?

  11. What is the name for the formation of words using a prefix and a suffix?

    • Prefixal
    • suffixal
    • prefix-suffix
  12. What phonetic phenomenon is observed in the formation of a word little hand from the word hand?

    • Interfix insertion
    • Base Truncation
    • Consonant alternation

). FROM basis the main lexical meaning of the word is connected: ne-th, chita-l, id- current, new th and so on.
Basics reflexive verbs with postfix -sya- such basics called intermittent: teach-th- Xia, daring-la- camping.

Derivative and non-derivative bases

Basics are divided into derivatives and non-derivative. Derived bases educated from others fundamentals. Living affixes are found in their composition. Derived bases call objects and phenomena of reality motivated: house-ik (little house), at-home-n th(located on the house) rooms-to-a(small room) and so on.
Non-derivative foundations- this is basics, which do not contain live affixes. living affix is a morph, the meaning of which is determined from the standpoint of synchronous word formation. Non-derivative basis names objects and phenomena unmotivated, directly: house, rooms-a, white th. Non-derivative basis is indivisible and consists only of the root.

Related Basics

Term "related stems"(“connected roots”) belongs to Professor G.O. Vinokur. Examples of such concepts are, in particular, the words: put on, take off; subtract, add and so on. Associated roots are characterized by a certain set of features that are abstracted from free roots:
related roots cannot be used on their own, they are necessarily associated with affixes;
meaning associated root outside of affixes it is not clear;
related roots must necessarily be repeated in a series of words, in a few words ( overthrow, overthrow, reject);
in many cases the meaning of the word related roots understandable thanks to the prefix. It is worth noting that words with a specific meaning are better segmented, and words with an abstract meaning lose their segmentation, so it is worth segmenting words like this: from-no-be, raz-no-be, understand, heed and so on;
if at least one allomorph of the root is used freely, then the entire root is considered free.

Basics with a specific structure

Except related fundamentals there are words with a specific morphemic structure (boiled pork, raspberry, viburnum, mountain ash, currant). Opinions about the articulation of these foundations differ. So, according to Prof. Smirnitsky, Zemskaya, Arutyunova, roots are distinguished in these words buzhen ', small ', cal ', ripple ', currant '. The root in these words, in this consideration, is followed by a suffix with the meaning of a variety of berries or meat.
However, prof. Vinokur and Academician Shansky consider these words to be indivisible.
Prof. Kubrikova considers such a division to be defective, and calls the distinguished parts quasimorphs(false morphs), since according to the rules they cannot be identified.

Generating and Derivative Bases

For word formation, it is important to find out from which word the given word is directly formed. It is often important to decide which of the two fundamentals producing, and which word is secondary. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the direction of production.
In scientific and educational literature There are several terms that refer to generating and derivative basis:
base and derived word;
motivating and motivated words;
generating and derivative basis.
Derivative basis is the basis from which it is directly derived this basis. There are certain rules that help establish the direction of derivation. Derivative and generating bases are the closest relatives, this is manifested in the fact that:
derivative basis more difficult producing by semantics: red - blush(turn red)
derivative basis more difficult producing formally: earth-I - earth-yan-oh;
with the same formal complexity, the derivative is a word that is more complex in semantics: methodology - methodologist; student - student(it is traditionally accepted that feminine nouns are formed from masculine nouns);
Regardless of the formal complexity in word formation, the motivating word is the one whose meaning corresponds to the categorical meaning of the part of speech. This rule is especially relevant in relation to words formed with the help of zero affixes: dry - dry(the categorical meaning of a noun is an object or phenomenon, and the word dryness denotes a sign);
words marked stylistically are derivatives, they cannot be derivatives: intimate - intimate, neutral - neutral;
in words with associated root it is impossible to determine the direction of production unambiguously: to put on - to put on;
there are words in Russian that are characterized by multiple production(have not one, but several motivating words): cute - very nice, nice - very nice; acquaint - acquaint, acquaint - acquaint.

The words of the Russian language differ in the structure of the stem, or morphological composition.

The bases of all significant words are divided into two groups according to their morphological composition: the bases are non-derivative and derivative. The words water, mountain have a non-derivative basis, and flood, hillock have a derivative (water-a, mountain-a, pa-water-ok, near-mountain-ok).

A non-derivative stem (unmotivated) is a single whole, indecomposable into separate morphemes (meaningful parts); derivative base (motivated) - a composite unity, divided into separate morphemes.

The segmentation of a derived stem into meaningful parts is a morphological feature of this stem and distinguishes it from a non-derivative one. This property of a derived stem is present in it only if and as long as there is a non-derivative stem corresponding to the given derivative in the language. The basics of the words highlander, chicken, stick are derivatives; they are divided into separate morphemes because in the modern language there are non-derivative stems corresponding to them: mountain-a, chicken-s, stick-a.

A derived stem loses its ability to be divided into morphemes and becomes non-derivative if the non-derivative stem corresponding to it disappears from the language or ceases to correlate with it. So, the stems of the words stick, shop, bowl, tussock have lost their articulation into separate morphemes, have become non-derivative in the modern language, because the non-derivative stems that corresponded with them in the Old Russian language (pala, lava, misa, kocha) have dropped out of the dictionary of the modern Russian literary language. The bases of the words bag, capital, hoop, churchyard, belly, charm also passed into the category of non-derivatives, since they ceased to correlate with the non-derivative bases available in the modern Russian literary language (fur, table, hand, guest, live, flattery).

A non-derivative stem, correlated with a derivative, can be present in the language in two varieties: as a separate word (in its pure form) and as a separate morpheme (in a related form), combined with affixes or another stem. The bases of the words ponytail, zvonar, lesok are derivatives, as they correlate with the non-derivative bases tail, ringing, forest, which act in modern Russian as separate, independent words. The stems of the words haste-a, excerpt-a, wash-a are derivatives, but the non-derivative stems associated with them (hurry-, hold-, stir-) are not independent words, but act exclusively as related stems, as morphemes-roots ( hurry-and-be, hold-a-be, you-wash-a-be).

To refer the stem to derivative stems, it is sufficient to have at least one related word in the modern language that has a correlated stem in pure or related form (cf.: peacock - peahen, finger - six-fingered, branch - branch). The stem is also considered a derivative if the suffix that stands out when correlating the stems is unproductive and does not occur in other stems (cf.: young - youth, smolder - decay).

The difference between the bases of non-derivative and derivative is not limited to their morphological properties. This difference also extends to the lexical meaning of stems.

The non-derivative basis of the words shaft, glass, city, sea does not make it possible to answer the question why these objects are actually called that way. The meaning of the non-derivative basis is, as it were, inherent in it itself, it is unmotivated. The meanings of the derivative stems of the words roller, coaster, ancient settlement, seaside are to some extent meaningful and motivated. The meanings of such stems are made up of the meanings of the individual morphemes that make up the stem: we interpret the roller as a “small shaft”, the coaster as “a stand into which a glass is inserted”, the ancient settlement as a “huge city”, seaside as “located on the seashore ".

Thus, the derivative basis designates the object of reality by establishing the connection of this object with other objects indirectly, and the non-derivative basis - directly, purely conditionally. The indicated difference in the meaning of the non-derivative and derived basis is not universal; cf .: knife - knife, umbrella - umbrella.

The opposition of the derivative and non-derivative stems is expressed in the fact that the derived stem: 1) is divided into separate morphemes, 2) exists as a derivative as long as there is a non-derivative corresponding to it, 3) denotes objects of reality indirectly; non-derivative basis: 1) is not morphologically divided, 2) denotes objects of reality conditionally and unmotivated.

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