Compound numerals consist of several words. Compound numerals in Russian. What question does the numeral answer?

Has ten parts of speech. They can be divided into interjections and non-interjections, into independent and service ones.

Independent non-interjectional parts of speech are divided into names, a verb and an adverb. There are three names in Russian: adjective, noun, numeral. Based on some signs, pronouns can also be attributed to them.

The numeral as a nominal part of speech

What words are numerals? What question does the numeral answer? How is the number inclined? far from complete list questions related to the definition of the name of the numeral.

Like all nominal parts of speech, the numeral is characterized by declension according to the case paradigm. The nominative case is considered the initial form. There is no category of gender for numerals (an exception is numerals two,one, ordinal numbers and collective both/both). The category of number is not defined for this part of speech, except for ordinal numbers.

Numerals can be all members of the sentence. Often they fulfill the subject, definition or object. Rarely are they predicates and circumstances. Phrases of numerals and nouns are indivisible and act as one member of the sentence.

Grammatical digits of numerals

Leading scientists emphasize the insufficient formation of this part of speech. There is a group of linguists who do not recognize the numeral separate part speech. In this regard, there are different opinions on the definition of the composition of numerals. In a narrow sense, only quantitative ones belong to the numeral: both compound numerals, and simple, and complex ones, and ordinal ones are included in the category of relative adjectives. In a broad sense, numerals include digits of quantitative and ordinal, as well as words that do not indicate a specific amount: so much, much, how much, little.

The noun is a part of speech with pretty complex structure, because it can express infinitely long combinations of words. In Russian, numerals are divided into two large groups: simple and complex. This article details the characteristics of both groups with examples.

Numerals stand out among other parts of speech with their complex structure. They have the ability to express one meaning in a very long, almost endless combination of words.

Simple and compound nouns

Simple numbers consist of a single root. Most simple cardinal numbers are non-derivative. Among this category there are words that originated from other numerals. For example: Seventeen - seven + by + ten; twenty - two + ten.

To derivative the numeral forty also applies: it has a common root with modern word"shirt" is not accidental. It is believed that for the manufacture of one fur product, which was called "forty" (something similar to a modern fur coat), it took just 40 sable or marten skins. The bag was also called, in which this number of skins was placed. Gradually, the complex numeral "fourty" was replaced by a simpler word.

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All cardinal numbers have a corresponding ordinal formed in a suffixal way.

Complex and compound numbers

Many people confuse the names of categories, calling combinations of several words complex, and compound - Difficult words. To remember the names correctly and not get confused, you can use the following hint scheme:

  • Difficult- formed by adding: seven + hundred - seven hundred, six + ten - sixty;
  • Composite- one that consists of several words written separately: forty-two, thirty-four, seven hundred seventy, seven.

When declining in quantitative complex numbers, all the bases change, and in compound ones, all parts of the combination.

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Numeral- one of the simplest parts of speech in Russian. It’s easy to find out the numeral - just ask the question “how much” or “which”, and if the word answers it, then it is included in this group.

But inside large group numerals are divided into several varieties. Consider the main ones and find out how to attribute a part of speech to a particular type.

What are the prime numbers?

Main hallmark numeral - this is the ability to write a word in numerical form, that is, in numbers. But the records can be very different from each other in terms of appearance and by reading - for example, the words "ten", "three hundred and twelve" and "one thousand six hundred and seventy-eight."

  • The group of prime numerals includes mostly prime numbers that are written with just one word - “six”, “nine”, “four”.
  • It happens that the numeral consists of two or more digits - “twelve”, “one hundred”, “million”. It still remains simple, since there is only one word - and most importantly, only one root.

Compound numbers

But such words as "sixty", "eighty" or "seven hundred" are no longer simple. Although they are written in one word, there are more roots here. For example, the word "sixty" consists of the stems "six" and "ten", the word "seven hundred" consists of the stems "seven" and "one hundred". Such words are usually called complex, and it is very important not to confuse them with simple ones.

Compound - numerals from several words

The main difference between compound numbers and the previous two groups is their spelling in several separate words. Examples are "one thousand sixty-eight", "four hundred and twenty-three", "eight hundred and forty-one", "twenty-two". Almost all fractions also belong to this group - if you write them in words, not numbers, you always get a whole phrase.

For example - "one point six", "five ninths", "two thirds". The only exception is the word "one and a half" - it can be used to express the number "one point five".

The rules for declension of compound numerals deserve special mention. They differ depending on the situation. Sometimes the expression is declined completely, for each word - for example, "pay for the purchase of three hundred and forty-three rubles." But in some cases, only the last part composite number. For example, you can take "in one thousand nine hundred and forty-five." As we can see, here the case is changed only for the last part - all the rest remain in the nominative case.

Numbers in Everyday life play an important role, with their help people determine the number of objects, count the time, determine the mass, cost and order in the count. Words that can be marked on a letter by writing letters and numbers are called numerals. Another definition sounds like this: numerals are words denoting the serial number of an object or quantity.

Grammatical signs of the numeral

All lexemes denoting integers and fractional numbers, as well as the number of people, animals or objects, are a special group of words, the composition of which is fully formed and does not change.

Such units are one of the important, or, as they say, significant parts of speech and can have several designations:

The concept of a number as such: five, ten, fifteen, and so on;

Number of certain items: two cars, six houses;

The combined value of several items that have been counted.

Accordingly, the questions to them sound like this: what is the number? which the? How many? Depending on the meaning and the question to which the numeral answers, they are divided into several types (we will talk about this a little later).

For example: Thirty (subject) is divisible by ten. Six six - thirty six(nominal part of the predicate). Speaking about the place of numerals in a sentence, it should be noted that they can be both main and secondary members. Another feature is that the numeral as a part of speech is a non-replenished group of words. All forms used orally and writing, are formed exclusively from the name of the numbers. In the syntactic construction, the numeral as a part of speech can be both in the main and part of the minor member of the sentence.

Note! The numeral denoting quantity and the noun associated with it always act as one inseparable member of the sentence. For example: We walked until six in the morning. Swimming lessons start at 5:00. The girls collected twenty-five daisies.

Types of numerals

Next, you should highlight the initial form of the word being parsed, to which category it belongs (ordinal or cardinal number), structure (simple or compound) and the features of its declension in cases.

The next step is to define fickle signs. These are case, gender and number, if any can be recognized.

In conclusion, the analysis describes the syntactic function of the word in the sentence, with which part of speech it is associated and whether it agrees with it. And although such an analysis of the name of the numeral is unlikely to be useful to anyone in life (except for future philologists), but for correct use words in speech and writing to be able to produce it is simply necessary.

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