Polina kitsenko personal life. In cold water, beauty will last longer. About self love

Polina Kitsenko (on Instagram - @polinakitsenko) is a Russian business woman, owner of the Podium boutique chain. At first, she bought only clothes from luxury brands, for example, Chloe, Antonio Berardi and others like that, but then things designed for the average consumer began to fall into the number of goods.

The girl was born in the Vladimir region, the city of Alexandrov. Parents constantly moved, and when the girl was 11 years old, they came to Moscow. There was little money, the family lived an ordinary Soviet life. She received a higher education in law, like her father, then got a job at GUTA-bank, in the place of a specialist in Visa cards.

In the 90s, the girl organized her own network of boutiques, married businessman Eduard, gave birth to a son, Yegor, and seriously went in for sports. Now she participates in triathlon: these are three sports one after another - a 2 km swim, a 90 km bike and a 21 km run. Polina's life is built according to a schedule: getting up at 8 in the morning, training from 9 to 12, and even bad weather is not a hindrance.

A distinctive feature of the character of a business woman is perfectionism, which her husband also has. This was reflected in the construction of the house: Eduard wanted to build a house in the Art Deco style, and therefore he looked for interesting details in books, went to the masters with sketches, and they made furniture and decor to order.
She has a lot of energy, which she shares not only personally. One of the ways to motivate yourself is to look at the photos on Polina Kitsenko's Instagram.


Why motivate? On Instagram, Polina Kitsenko promotes healthy eating and sports by her example and the example of her friends, for example, Vera Brezhneva. Polina Kitsenko posts recipes with photos of dishes, pictures from sports competitions (for example, Running Hearts) or from travels on the official Instagram website. It can be seen in the courtyard of a beautiful Gothic cathedral or on city streets. But there is little self-love in her. If there are her photos on Instagram, then, as a rule, from afar and by chance, in between times.

Polina does not like to put her life on display. In her social networks, there are very few pages dedicated to family or everyday life, but there are so many sports recommendations, direct PR for a healthy lifestyle and beautiful photos of the celebrity herself in expensive outfits and at social events.

It is known that Kitsenko was born in the Vladimir region in a family of officials. Her parents moved to Moscow when she was 11. There, a capable and diligent girl went to an English special school, and after graduating from it, to the International Institute. Kitsenko studied as a lawyer, but the student paid much attention to languages.


Developer Vadim Raskovalov and co-owner of Podium Fashion Group Eduard Kitsenko (left to right) at the new annual Metamorphoses project of the Silver Rain radio station and SNC magazine at the Gogol Center.

It is difficult to say when Polina became a fan of a healthy lifestyle and became so interested in sports that now she can easily carry millions of fans of morning jogging and healthy eating with her. However, it is known that her husband, businessman Eduard Kitsenko, whose last name she bears, fully shares her passion for an active lifestyle.

When the lovers got married, Edward owned the Podium company and one store and, according to rumors, was against his wife also doing business.

Young people met many years ago and soon created the very family that many people only dream of throughout their lives. In one of her interviews, Polina calls herself Chekhov's Darling, and Ksenia Sobchak (her friend and author of that interview) reveals secrets: the star always personally prepares breakfast for her husband and arrives home early to be with him.

Kitsenko has two children - a son and a daughter, the age difference between them is 12 years. They travel a lot for the whole family, often having active rest: skiing, cycling, climbing ... They work, one might say, also together. When the lovers got married, Edward owned the Podium company and one store and, according to rumors, was against his wife also doing business.


However, the girl was extremely interested in fashion. In an interview, she admits that she is still delighted to find unusual and beautiful things - even a sweater for a thousand, even a priceless couture dress.

It was at her suggestion that stores selling premium brand clothes first developed into a chain, and then some of them were modified into Podium Market, a more accessible boutique that works for a wide audience.

The special knowledge that the fashion industry demanded from her, Polina studied on her own. The businesswoman says that her husband helped her in many ways.

Most kind

She calls him the kindest and most patient man and talks about his subtle, unsurpassed taste, with the help of which her husband directs Polina herself. Well, what else to expect from a man whose business is directly related to the fashion industry?

Kitsenko also talks about the fact that a spouse can give good advice on the image of his wife. It was he who invented the legendary blonde hairstyle. He can also casually note which outfit on the Field sits more advantageously.

Maybe that's why Polina calls her husband her best friend, and her family - not sports or work - is the closest sphere in which she is ready to be realized endlessly.

September 7, 2010, 16:20

For the fashionable Russian elite, the name of Polina Kitsenko is far from an empty phrase. The owner of the Podium boutique chain has been a trendsetter for several years and is one of the most influential people in Russian fashion. Such “stylish things” as Ksenia Sobchak, Miroslava Duma, Daria Zhukova, Olga Slutsker and many others are proud of personal acquaintance with her. At one time, it was Polina Kitsenko who taught all Moscow young ladies, and after them the whole country, to wear leggings in combination with mini-dresses.
The niche occupied by the Podium trade brand in the capital's clothing market can be conditionally called "clothes for very rich people." For the first time in Moscow, these luxury stores opened in 1994 and since then have become a real Mecca for the “cream of society”. The official website of the Podium Fashion Group says that it laid the foundation for the development of the fashion industry in Russia. The assortment of boutiques includes almost all leading fashion brands specializing in the production of clothes, shoes and accessories of the highest price category. Polina Kitsenko herself has said more than once that it is mostly those clients who dress in her salons for whom buying outfits at the price of small cars is a common thing. Podium does not adhere to any particular style concept, it offers collections of clothes in the spirit of the mainstream and in the spirit of the avant-garde. Next to things from Alexander McQueen, Pucci, Baldessarini, Balenciaga there are new items from Celine, Chloe, Antonio Berardi, Emilio Gardem, Hugo Boss, Jean Dsquared2. Podium boutiques also offer expensive niche perfumes and cosmetics, jewelry and interior items. Profitable business Polina Kitsenko's boutiques are open in a number of regional centers of Russia, in particular, in St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Samara and some others. The company is not inclined to advertise information about its turnover; Moreover, at the peak of the crisis, the owner of Podium did not lag behind the general fashion to express dissatisfaction with the economic trends in the country and complained about the drop in interest on the part of buyers for dresses from Balmain worth 425 thousand rubles. But according to experts, the volume of investments in the opening of one Podium store can reach twenty million euros, and its net annual profit will be approximately twenty-five million rubles. But the success of Madame Kitsenko in business can be judged by the way she spends her leisure time. Polina with her husband Eduard and children often visit the fashionable ski resort in Courchevel: it has become a family tradition to go there for the New Year holidays. In addition, the Kitsenkos opened one of their famous boutiques there. It presents jewelry brands Loree Rodkin, Garrard, Palmiero worth from 15-20 thousand euros. Kitsenko's Courchevel project called Podium Jewelery is aimed at wealthy tourists from Russia, the countries of Muslim Asia and Latin America, primarily Argentina.
One of the most high-profile purchases of Polina Kitsenko was the purchase of an unusual lot at a charity auction organized by Natalia Vodianova. The "style icon" laid out ninety thousand euros for a personal serenade performed by singer Bryan Adams, ignoring Andrei Malakhov's comments that "Factory sings for that kind of money." A fan of the ironic style But, probably, like most women with very different levels of income, Polina prefers to invest the lion's share of investments in her personal wardrobe, since her financial opportunities for this are almost unlimited. She often wears Azzedine Alaia, Phillip Lim, Givenchy, Chapurin Couture. The owner of Podium considers it her professional duty to be present at all world-class fashion events, including all famous Fashion Weeks and other cult shows. You can see her everywhere in the forefront of the audience: Polina enthusiastically selects interesting models for herself and her stores. Polina Kitsenko's style is defined by fashion experts as a balanced mix of luxury and rising, but not yet very popular brands. The images in which she appears in public often combine eclecticism and spontaneity, bordering on deliberate negligence.
They say that this shows the ironic attitude of the trendsetter of the capital's fashion towards herself. “I am against mental anguish on the topic “What shoes will I pick up with this handbag?”. My consciousness doesn’t work like that at all, ”admits Polina.
She used to arrange a mobile wardrobe from her car. In the back seat or in the trunk of Polina Kitsenko there is always a bag with several pairs of shoes, a couple of clutches or bags and a few outfits. She experiences incomparable pleasure when she creates images from a limited number of things. For her, this is a kind of exciting game. Svetlana Usankova.www.luxury.net

Polina Kitsenko is one of the owners of the Podium chain of fashionable and popular boutiques. She often appears at all kinds of secular parties. She registered her own brand together with her partners back in 1994. The girl is among those who stood at the very origins, so to speak, built up the foundation of the Russian fashion industry.

In her Kitsenko boutiques, Polina provided customers with exclusively world-famous stylish brands: Hugo Boss, Celine, Pucci, Chloe, Antoni Berardi, etc. The girl moved into the fashion business in the mid-90s, bringing fashion to Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara and many other large cities of the Russian Federation.

Today, boutiques are popular throughout the country. Here you can find high-quality original products with a worldwide reputation at the lowest possible prices. The girl has her own instagram page. Kitsenko, whose Instagram is read by almost 190 thousand followers, is registered under the login - polinakitsenko.

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