"There is in the original autumn ...", analysis of Tyutchev's poem. Short but wonderful time

Is in the autumn of the original
short but marvelous time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
To the resting field...

There is a spell in autumn early,
One all too brief, of an enchantment rare:
The nights are radiant and pearly,
The days, pellucid, crystal-clear.

Where played the sickle and fell the corn, a mellow,
A warm and breathless stillness reigns supreme;
spanning the brown and idle furrow,
A dainty thread of cobweb gleams.

The birds have flown, we hear no more their clamour,
But winter "s angry winds not soon will start to blow -
Upon the empty fields there pours the azure glow
Of skies that have not lost the warmth of summer.

Exists in the autumnal growing
A brief, but an enchanting phase:
The day - as if in crystal glowing,
The dusk - in the resplendent glaze.

Where ears fell to zesty sickle's rending,
It "s bare around; through a widespread range
Glows only, thinning and unbending,
A web string on an idle trench.

The air "s depleting, quiet - birds have pealed,
Of nascent wintry storms there isn't a clue,
And pours the warm and the transparent blue
Onto a resting field...

There is a fleeting, wondrous moment
during autumn "s early days:
time stands motionless, time "s a crystal,
evenings bathe in brilliant rays.

Where sickles swung and crops were toppled
there"s just an empty wasteland now.
A strand of glittering web is all you notice
across an idle track cut by a plow.

The air has emptied. Birds no longer chatter,
though there "s some time to wait for winter" s snow and rain,
and pure and warm, a gentle blue is flowing
across the resting plains.

Jest chwila krotka w dniach jesiennej pory,
Przedziwnych chwila mgnień:
Powietrze czyste, krysztalowy dzień,
Świetliste jeszcze wciąż wieczory...

Gdzie rześki błyskał sierp i padał kłos,
Dziś głucho wszędzie, opuszczona niwa;
I tylko cienki pajęczyny włos
Na śpiącej bruździe odpoczywa.

Wichrowe jeszcze śpią poświsty,
W powietrzu pustka, zmilkły ptaków spory,
I spływa lazur jasny, ciepły, czysty
Na pogrążone w sen ugory.

I know in the early autumn
So short and clear.
Povіtrya clean, a day of insight,
I evening sang into the distance.

De sickle roaming and fell eared,
Use the space, empty on the stubble.
Lish pavutinnya, mov thin hair,
Shine on the march furrow.

Don't be a bird, it's getting colder,
Far to the first snowy khurtovins,
Blur the vision and heat flow from the heights
On a stagnant and quiet field.

Er is, als de herfst amper is verschenen,
Een korte maar heerlijke tijd -
Alle dagen als door kristal beschenen,
En de avond een stralende heerlijkheid.

Waar eens de sikkel het koren luchtig deed vallen
Is het nu uitgestrekt en verlaten.
Alleen de spin weeft er nog zijn vallen,
Een scittering over stille paden.

In de lege lucht laat geen vogel zich horen.
De eerste winterstorm nog ver in "t verschiet,
Warm en zuiver is het azuur dat vliedt
Over de rustende voren..

U jesenskih je prvih dana
Krachahna, ali divna dob -
Kad stoji dan ko "od kristala,
I večer sjaji blistavo…

Gdje set "o čilo srp i klas gdje pad" o
sad tek je prostor svud - i pusto sve -
i paucine tanki vlasak samo
Treperi gdje je brazde pusti red.

Zrak samotan, ni ptica cuti više,
no daleko jos je do prvih zimskih bura -
potoci toploga i cistoga azura
leže gdje polje mirno disse…




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Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • introduce children to the beauty of the autumn landscape;
  • reveal the role of art in understanding the beauty of nature;
  • to educate children in love for their native land, using works of painting, literature, music.

Lesson equipment: interactive board, 23 slides, drawings, poems and compositions of children.

During the classes

1. introduction teachers

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but wonderful time...

Russian nature is part of our great motherland. You know that the grass is green, the sky is blue, but the moon is often silvery white.

The word "Motherland" contains all the colors of the rainbow and their shades. In it we hear the rustle of leaves, wild flowers and herbs, the ringing of bells, the singing of birds, the murmur of streams. How many interesting things can be seen in the forest, in the field, on the lake and even near our house, if you look closely at everything. Nature is good in all seasons.

Today we are conducting a general lesson on this topic.

Here it is over warm summer, it is replaced by autumn. The first month of autumn is September. During this month, we are talking about this wonderful time of the year in the lessons of literary reading, the world around us, visual arts, technology.

We read the works of K. G. Paustovsky, M. M. Prishvin, and also wrote our own essays and fairy tales. They studied poetry by I. A. Bunin, A. A. Fet, F. I. Tyutchev, K. A. Balmont - they composed their own quatrains. We looked at reproductions of great artists - drew our own drawings.

2. Work with texts.

Children selectively read texts, and other students supplement with proverbs and sayings (4 people)


The warm summer has come to an end, and autumn is coming to replace it. The first month of autumn is September. They call him "singing autumn" and "gold flower". Grasses in meadows, fields and forests dry up, turn yellow, leaves of trees and shrubs become golden.

autumn artist

Tied Autumn colorful apron
And I took buckets of paints.
Early in the morning, walking through the park,
The leaves are gilded.

In early September, warm sunny days are issued. The sky sparkles with blue, on which the leaves of maples and birches show through with golden patterns. The air is clean, transparent, and silvery threads of the web fly in it. These days are called Indian summer". “If it’s clear, then autumn is beautiful,” says a Russian folk proverb.

In September, the days become shorter, the sun no longer rises in the sky as high as in summer.

The leaves on the trees turn yellow first on the tops, where the air is colder, and then on the lower branches. The leaves of birches and lindens become golden first.

Cold gusty winds are more common. The wind blows, plucks a leaf from a branch, and slowly circling, it falls to the ground.

In the mornings, white damp fogs creep over the forest glades and river meadows.

It often rains in September, but not warm summer, but cold, shallow, drizzling, and the sky is overcast gray clouds. « Autumn is coming and brings rain with it. (Folk proverb.)

There are frosts at the end of the month. The puddles are covered with a thin crust of ice, a silvery hoarfrost falls on the grass and bushes.

In the forest in September, mountain ash pleases the eye, its scarlet berries become sweeter after the first frost. That is why September is called "field ash". At this time, acorns ripen on oaks, nuts on hazels, cranberries on a swamp. In September, the forest smells of prel and mushrooms. On old mossy stumps, friendly families of mushrooms appear. Covered with golden, red and purple leaves, boletus, boletus, chanterelles, russula and milk mushrooms hide in dry grass. "A fungus in a box - in the winter there will be a pie."

After the first frost, insect life stops. Ants are not visible, they gather in the depths of the anthill and close the entrances to it.

At the beginning of autumn, when there are fewer insects, swifts and swallows fly away, because they feed only on insects. Other birds change food: willingly peck berries, fruits and grains.

Cranes, rooks and cuckoos gather in flocks, prepare to fly to warmer climes. Geese, ducks and swans are the last to fly away. As long as the reservoirs are not frozen, they will have enough food. September is known as the month of birds.

2 people They talk about the day of the autumn equinox, and why the leaves turn yellow in autumn.

Autumn equinox day

September 23 is the autumnal equinox. Day and night are equal, they last for 12 hours. So 23 September called the autumnal equinox. After that, the night becomes longer and longer, and the day noticeably decreases.

The short autumn days of autumn are coming: the sun has barely disappeared - and night is already approaching.

Why do leaves turn yellow in autumn

The leaf is green because it contains a green dye. It gives the leaf its color.

And why do the leaves turn yellow, red, purple in autumn? Green dye ( chlorophyll) is destroyed. And in summer it is quickly, easily restored, and the leaves remain fresh and green.

But the days are waning. The light is getting smaller and smaller. Grains of chlorophyll continue to break down just as quickly as in summer, and new ones form more slowly, they become smaller, and the leaf turns pale.

But in the cells of the leaf there are other coloring substances - yellow, only in summer the lush greenery drowns them out.

Now, when the green coloring matter is constantly being destroyed, they appear brighter. The leaves turn yellow.

Pen Test Competition.
1) We had a competition called "Test of the pen", where you tried to compose your own lines. Now we will listen to some students.

Nastya Abramenko's poem "Autumn".

I love our autumn!
She brings me light.
And fall and fall
I'll go on a hike.
I will find a beautiful bush,
And I will find a tree.
Where the leaves are golden
Crimson grow.
I'll pick my leaves
And I'll dry it in a book.
And a long winter
About summer I will plunge .

Alyosha Bondarev "Autumn"

On an autumn day we forest walked,
It was warm time.
Can't believe it's summer
It was almost yesterday.
And the forest is still green
Mushrooms hide in the grass.
But soon the forest will change its color,
Rains will fall to the ground.
will come autumn golden,
And the birds will fly south.
And nature will rest
Under the snowfall and howling blizzards.

MilyaevaAlyona. "Crystal Day".

Autumn has come
The crystal day has come.
The trees are golden
They stand in all their glory.
It suddenly became quiet in the forest ...
In crystal silence
Only the leaves are trembling
In an inaudible draft...

2) Some of the children in our class carefully observed nature and wrote their compositions.

An essay on the theme “Autumn time” by a student of grade 3a Kosarev Vladik.

With the advent of autumn, changes are observed in nature. They affect the plant and animal world. It got colder in the mornings, the trees dropped some of their leaves, and the rest changed their color from green to golden yellow, crimson and red.

The story of Nastya Cabina "Autumn".

Russian autumn is charmingly beautiful. You can not see enough of the forest in a golden dress. How unique trees are in their beauty! As if in a fabulous round dance, there are fiery red aspens, light yellow birch trees, mighty oaks. And nearby, a lonely old tree stretched out its clumsy branches-hands after the sun, as if it wants to delay it.

The story "Autumn Forest" by a student of the 3rd grade Slepukhina Nastya.
Autumn has come. The autumn forest is extraordinarily beautiful. Once in the forest, I was amazed by the many different colors. Here was the gold of the birches, and the crimson of the aspen leaves, and the pines were still green. Looking closely, I noticed how a small spider was weaving silver nets. The silence of the forest fascinated me. And only the rustle of falling leaves disturbed the peace in this amazing kingdom.

3) We read, wrote, drew, and now let's look at reproductions of paintings by great artists.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan "Golden Autumn".

Levitan's autumn landscape seems simple and familiar to us. The artist depicted a narrow river, calmly carrying its waters between its banks. On the left, on the high bank of the river, a small birch grove is shown. On the right - individual trees - red-bronze oaks. In the foreground is the river. The water in the river is dark blue, and in the distance it is blue. A lonely standing birch determines the turn of the river.

The whole picture of Levitan is permeated with light. There are no dark colors here. Dominated bright colors.

You look at the picture and feel the cool, invigorating autumn air. The landscape does not cause sadness - the artist depicts autumn in Pushkin's style, drawing "the magnificent withering of nature." We love beauty native land, which has always attracted the masters of the Russian landscape.

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov "Golden Autumn".

In the picture of Polenov, we see a bend in the river, a high bank, overgrown with forest, and gave up to the very horizon. In the foreground - a clearing with a path, a young birch forest, reddening aspens, juicy, green crowns of oaks. The autumn sun is warm. Its soft rays illuminate everything around with an even light. The landscape was painted from the high bank of the river.

Ilya Semenovich Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn".

Ostroukhov peers into the life of the autumn forest with close range. All his attention is drawn to the foreground: two old maples with drooping branches and several young trees, green grass, fallen openwork maple leaves. In the depths on the left are the gnarled trunks of old trees, and then everything seems to merge with the bright gold of autumn foliage. But, depicting autumn in its golden beauty, Ostroukhov did not forget to draw magpies galloping through the grass. This is what allowed us to clearly feel the life of the autumn sonorous forest.

4) The musical fragment “September. Hunting” by P. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons”.

Against the background of this music, the student reads a poem by F. I. Tyutchev:

Is in the autumn of the original
Short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
To the resting field...

3. The result of the lesson.

The teacher speaks against the background of music. The musical fragment “September” by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons".

Beautiful melody P.I. Tchaikovsky absorbed quiet sadness, thoughtfulness and the color palette of autumn.

Autumn is blazing with birch bonfires, the earth glows with golden placers. Autumn is a mixture of joy and sadness. Joy- in the gifts of nature, in the multicolor of colors. BUT sadness- the piercing blue of the sky, in which the golden crimson of foliage is buried, the last farewell dress of nature, the disturbing rustle of foliage, flocks of birds flying away to warm lands, the infinity of fine autumn rain.

How do you understand folk wisdom: “Autumn rewarded everyone, ruined everything”?

Autumn awarded us yellow and red apples, blue plums.

She ruined everything: gray rain, black wet branches of trees without a golden outfit.

What is the sound of autumn?

  • Leaves rustle, saying goodbye to each other and the sun;
  • Sing the sad song of autumn raindrops;
  • Smells in autumn park, a forest of dampness and withered foliage.

Our nature is beautiful in all seasons. Let's love her for who she is. But for this we must treat it carefully.

“There are many miracles in nature. No matter how long you live in the world, you still will not fully understand nature. Nature is a mystery that will never be solved. Not a single day is the same, not a single leaf, nature is endless. A variety of shapes, colors, shades - everything is in nature. M. M. Prishvin

Thanks everyone for the lesson.

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but marvelous time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
On the resting field…

Analysis of the poem "There is in the original autumn" Tyutchev

F. Tyutchev became famous for his ability to convey the elusive moments associated with the Russian landscape. His poems are like excellent photographs taken at the most opportune moments. The poet surprisingly accurately found the right angle and time. In 1857, he wrote a poem "There is in the autumn of the original ...", dedicated to the most beautiful and short autumn season - Indian summer. The work was written by the poet in a surge of inspiration while watching the autumn landscape from the carriage.

Autumn is traditionally considered a period of fading vitality, a premonition of the inevitable winter with its severe frosts. Therefore, many poets were attracted by a special autumn period - Indian summer. After the first dull autumn rains and frosts, it is a bright farewell reminder of the past happy summer days. Indian summer is a short respite of nature, made before the next severe test.

Tyutchev draws the reader's attention to the fact that Indian summer suddenly stops the process of withering and for some time fixes nature in an unchanged state, allowing you to fully enjoy its beauty. One feels the incredible fragility of this state ("the whole day stands as if crystal"). A person is given time to gather strength before the long Russian winter, once again plunge into the atmosphere of the past summer.

Tyutchev refers to the images of simple village labor, harvesting and harvesting. Along with the latest warm days ended and hard times suffering. Autumn is a period of summing up. It is no coincidence that weddings were traditionally celebrated in Russia at this time. Indian summer is also becoming a respite for the peasantry.

Tyutchev's close attention to every little thing is vividly represented in the image of the "thin hair of the web." This element of the landscape, insignificant in itself, very capaciously and accurately conveys the feeling of peace that unites nature with man.

The poet encourages readers to make the most of the respite provided. Nothing can interfere with the calm contemplation of nature: disappeared loud sounds(“no more birds can be heard”), bright colors faded. Severe winter storms are still very far away, so they seem to be something unrealistic. The author specifically does not mention the autumn bad weather and mudslides. He wants to keep the best memories of autumn in his memory.

Studying the landscape lyrics of Russian poetry, you should definitely read the verse “There is in the original autumn” by Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich. The unusual construction of the work, consisting of only three sentences, attracts attention. Tyutchev wrote this poem in adulthood, in 1857. Like many other descriptions of landscapes created by Tyutchev, it is based on the poet's personal observations of the nature of his native land. Fedor Tyutchev treated autumn without much love, for him it was associated with the withering of nature and human life. That is why most often with the onset of autumn he went abroad.

In this poem, the author describes the period " Indian summer", when autumn only reminds of itself thin hair cobwebs flying above the ground. Calling the day "crystal", the poet conveys the feeling of transparent air, pierced by the last warm rays of the sun. Describing beautiful scenery, Tyutchev mentions that the cold winter is still far away. He deliberately skips the period of this dank autumn, with its cold rains and bare trees, because this particular autumn was his least favorite time of the year. But such a period of transition from summer to autumn causes a slight sadness in the poet’s soul, it symbolizes for him the onset of adulthood, illuminated by the wisdom of the past years.

In the poem, the poet uses many epithets, metaphors and comparisons, giving brightness and expressiveness to his creation. These lines sound like beautiful music, captivating the reader from the first words. The poem is written so precisely that one can very easily imagine the picture described in it. In preparation for a literature lesson in the classroom, you can download the entire text of Tyutchev’s poem “There is in the original autumn” or learn this work by heart completely online.

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
On the resting field…

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a famous Russian poet of the 19th century. There are many intriguing topics in his creative list, but the author devoted the most interesting lyrical works to natural phenomena. He painted Russian nature with a lively soul, endowed it with human qualities, character, mood swings. Particularly impressive are the verses dedicated to autumn, the dull season with special colors and flavor.

Autumn in Tyutchev's lyrical works has an attractive charm, an unusual and somewhat quivering breath, an orphaned sadness inherent in human emotions. Picturesque descriptions of nature are conveyed by the author in such detail and interestingly that when reading poems, the reader seems to be transported into a fictional, talentedly painted world.

Fyodor Tyutchev is rightfully considered an unsurpassed master of landscape lyrics. Every word in his poems has a certain meaning. Descriptions of nature and the autumn season appear before the reader in an original sketch, as if the poet did not write poetry easily, but drew in detail the pictures he saw. He did not single out the ordinary, what everyone can see. Tyutchev looked deeply inside, into the very soul of nature, felt its state and mood, and he magnificently conveyed all these observations in rhyme.

Every person occasionally admires surrounding nature. Watching her life and the change of seasons is always interesting and instructive. The poet was also fond of studying natural phenomena, only unlike other people, he skillfully conveyed all the most interesting, enticing the reader with melodic lines. Tyutchev's poems are studied with pleasure by people of all ages, there are many admirers of his work among children younger age. Poems about autumn that are pleasant to read are easily perceived and learned by heart, leaving the most pleasant excitement in the reader's soul.

Analysis of the poem "There is in the autumn of the original ..."

In August 1857, Fyodor Tyutchev wrote one of the most wonderful poems about the autumn season - "There is in the original autumn." This verse was invented by the author quite by accident. Returning to Moscow from a long trip with his daughter, the author admired the surrounding colors of autumn, which inspired the talented poet to create another literary masterpiece. Returning home, he immediately wrote a poem, which in the future was recognized by the world community as one of the best.

This lyrical work is attributed to the late work of Tyutchev. The publication of the poem took place a year after it was written, in a well-known magazine called "Russian Conversation".

The poem "There is in the original autumn" is an interesting sketch of natural landscapes in early autumn. Many people call this time “Indian summer”, when hot days are replaced by gentle warmth with a slight coolness, characteristic of the autumn season. The author managed to colorfully describe this glorious transitional period, highlighting the finest line between the outgoing summer and the dawn of the autumn season.

The leading role in this poem is occupied by epithets. With their help, Tyutchev masterfully revealed the image early autumn. He called this time of the year "wonderful", emphasizing its unique beauty and extraordinary days. And with the word “crystal”, the author was able to emphasize the transparency of the autumn sky and the play of light, conveying the sonority autumn days and fragility of beauty.

In the poem, the breath of autumn is clearly felt, reminding everyone living on earth of the imminent arrival of winter. The poet speaks of that pleasant ringing silence that gives peace and special peace. At this time of the year, both man and nature itself need some rest, and after an inevitable pause, we manage to enjoy the autumn silence and harmony of this season. All these quivering feelings and inherent excitement were masterfully conveyed in a poem by the famous and talented poet - Fyodor Tyutchev!

"There is in the autumn of the original ..."

Is in the autumn of the original
Short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...
Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.
The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
On the resting field…

Analysis of the poem "Autumn Evening"

Also in early years creativity, Tyutchev was able to sing the autumn season, picturesquely distributing the colors of autumn and its deceptive mood. As you know, the poet lived abroad from the age of eighteen, and during his next trip to Russia, which happened in 1830, Fyodor Ivanovich wrote a wonderful poem - “Autumn Evening”. It was created in a classical style, with subtle touches of romanticism. The main theme of the work is landscape lyrics.

Autumn evening is presented by the poet as a phenomenon natural life. The author gave this creation a special philosophical meaning, trying to find something similar between natural phenomena and life. ordinary person. The poet deeply expanded the metaphor, comparing the feelings of autumn with the prototypes of deep morality inherent in animated faces.

The poet wrote "Autumn Evening" in iambic 5-foot using cross-rhyming. The poem of twelve lines has a complex sentence, which is read loudly in just one breath.

“A gentle smile of fading” is a small phrase used by Tyutchev in a lyrical work that could harmoniously combine all the important details conceived by the poet. Thus, a charming image of nature fading in the autumn haze was created.

In this poem, Fyodor Tyutchev described the nature of many-sided and rather changeable. It has rich colors and unusual sounds. The author managed to masterfully convey the beautiful charm of twilight on a cool autumn evening. And with the help of syntactic condensation, the poet was able to reunite the many-sided artistic expressiveness.

In the lyrical work "Autumn Evening" there are many epithets of various structure. Contrasting techniques allowed the author to quite expressively convey to the reader the transitional state of nature in the autumn.

Tyutchev clearly comprehends the autumn landscape, conveys to her the human qualities of character and feelings. He perceives this time of the year as a parting smile of nature, signaling the imminent arrival of winter.

"Autumn evening"

Is in the lordship of autumn evenings
A touching, mysterious charm:
The ominous brilliance and variegation of trees,
Crimson leaves languid, light rustle,
Foggy and quiet azure
Over the sad orphan land,
And, like a premonition of descending storms,
A gusty, cold wind at times,
Damage, exhaustion - and on everything
That gentle smile of fading,
What in a rational being do we call
Divine bashfulness of suffering.

Analysis of the poem "Wrapped in a thing with drowsiness"

The real pearl of landscape lyrics in the work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is recognized as the poem “Wrapped in a thing with drowsiness”. Many famous personalities spoke flatteringly about this poetic creation - Ivan Aksakov, Leo Tolstoy, critics popular at that time, and, of course, fans of the famous Russian poet who studied Tyutchev's lyrics.

The poem “Wrapped in drowsiness in a thing” presents a picture of a fading autumn in all its lovely colors. In this work, the author introduces non-standard thinking, presenting the true beauty of natural nature, hidden in external unattractiveness and even ugliness. As a point of reference, the poet chooses chaos that gives rise to new life after a disastrous collapse. This view of Tyutchev on natural phenomena is somewhat comparable with the creative thoughts of the English poet W. Wordsworth.

In this poem, as in other lyrical works of Tyutchev, one can see the inspiration of natural phenomena. Plants and the forest, covered with colored paints, experience a little joyful, but at the same time sad emotions inherent in man.

Fyodor Tyutchev always considered nature to be alive, he saw it subtle soul, believed that she knew how to show feelings of love, harmony, sadness ... All these emotions of nature, invisible to the simple human eye, the author conveyed in many ways in his poems, saturated with beautiful epithets and amazing rhyming.

Reading the poem “Wrapped in drowsiness in a thing”, one can clearly see a skillful comparison of the cycles of nature with the periods of human life. A fading autumn forest can be compared to the aging of a person. The author sees this withering of nature in beautiful outlines, considering all the charm of the last smile, once blooming and alive ...

The poem is narrated in the first person, the lyrical hero, who appears to the reader as a young man who has a somewhat contemptuous attitude towards inevitable old age. This opinion arises because, in such early age, he does not try to consider his personality in the objective reality that awaits any person at a certain interval life path. It is possible to interpret the author’s idea with other thoughts, each reader can show imagination and independently summarize the main meaning of the magnificent lyrical work - “Wrapped in a thing with drowsiness”.

"Wrapped in a thing of drowsiness ..."

Wrapped in a thing of drowsiness,
The half-naked forest is sad...
Is it the hundredth of summer leaves,
Shining with autumn gilding,
Still rustling on branches.
I look with compassion,
When, breaking through the clouds,
Suddenly through the trees dotted
With their decrepit leaves exhausted,
A lightning beam will splatter!
How fading cute!
What a beauty in it for us,
When that so blossomed and lived,
Now, so feeble and feeble,
Smile for the last time!

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