Tarot cards are a mirror of fate interpretation of the minor arcana. Tarot is a mirror of fate: rules for working with cards. Questions to ask yourself after pulling out the Emperor

Tarot cards are a mirror of the fate of every person. The arcana contains deep wisdom, a lot of secret knowledge that will help you get to know yourself better and predict the future. Let's share some simple spreads so that you can lift the veil of secrecy and figure out what to expect.

Analyze the meaning of the arcana in each of the positions:

  1. Health. Forecast for the next year about your well-being. Tips on what you need to pay special attention to, what problem areas of the body exist. Possible serious illnesses to be faced.
  2. Finance. Everything related to material well-being. You will learn where you can find additional sources of income, whether there will be problems with money and how to avoid them. A complete financial forecast that will help you achieve prosperity and solve difficulties.
  3. Personal life. If you are single, the cards will indicate what are the chances of meeting a soul mate in the near future. If in a relationship, you will understand how they can be improved, what ways will help bring harmony and happiness into your union with your loved one.
  4. Career and work. Is it worth expecting career growth, changing jobs, will you find your purpose and your favorite business. Problematic and advantageous points of this sphere of your life.
  5. Pleasant events that will happen in the coming year. What bonuses will fate give, what will you receive from life easily and effortlessly. What can be done to attract good luck and enlist the support of the Higher powers.

Remember that despite the Tarot prediction, your fate is always in your hands. If you find out something bad, you can easily fix it using the advice of the arcana.

Watch the video with the Mirror of Fate Tarot layout:

Rules for working with Tarot cards

To get a reliable forecast, you need to guess correctly. Cards do not like fuss and neglect, keep this in mind.

  1. Guess in a good mood and mood. If at this point in time you are experiencing any negative emotions, put the cards aside until a more favorable time.
  2. Believe that the arcana will tell the truth. If you are in doubt, skeptical, the cards will never give a correct forecast.
  3. Use only one deck, do not give it to anyone. There must be an energetic connection between you and the Tarot. It will break if a stranger touches the cards.
  4. At the beginning of the divination, mentally ask the Tarot the question that interests you, and at the end - thank you for the predictions, advice and wisdom.

Read more about how to read Tarot fortune telling at.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

1. Magician - Meaning for divination: skill, diplomacy, skillful handling; disease suffering, loss, misfortune, self-confidence, willpower; can mean Querent if he is male.
- Reversed: healer, magician, mental illness, shame (disgrace), anxiety.
2. High Priestess - Secrets, secrets, the future is still not revealed; a woman who is interested in the Querent, if that is a man; may mean Querenta (woman); silence, perseverance, wisdom, science (scientific knowledge).
- Reversed: Passion, spiritual or physical heat, vanity, superficial knowledge.
3. Empress - Fruitfulness, action, initiative, life expectancy. Unknown, hidden, also difficulty, doubt, ignorance.
Reversed: Light, truth, unraveling complex issues, public celebrations.
- According to other readings - fluctuations (inconstancy).
4. Emperor - Stability, power, patronage; outstanding personality; support, prudence, conviction.
Reversed: Charity, compassion, trust. Also confusion in front of opponents, interference, immaturity.
5. High priest - Marriage, captivity, enslavement; according to another interpretation - gratitude and generosity; inspiration; the person the Querent turns to for help.
Reversed: Society, good understanding, agreement, over-friendly, weak.
6. Lovers - Attractiveness, love, beauty, overcoming temptations.
Reversed: Flaw, foolish designs
7. Chariot - Help provided in difficult times, providence, also war, triumph, arrogance, revenge, anxiety (troubles).
Reversed: rebellion, quarrel, litigation, dispute, defeat
8. Strength - Power and vigor, action, courage, generosity.
- Reversed: Despotism, abuse of power, weakness, discord (strife)
9. Hermit - thrift, also (and this is the main meaning) betrayal, pretense, swindle, venality.
Reversed: Concealment, deceptive appearance (mask), politics, fear, foolish caution.
10. Wheel of fate - Fate, luck, fun, happiness.
- Reversed: growth (increase), abundance, abundance (surplus).
11. Justice - Impartiality, equality, honesty (incorruptibility) diligence.
Reversed: Law in all areas (without exception), bigotry, prejudice, excessive severity.
12. The Hanged Man - wisdom, prudence, insight, temptation, sacrifice (sacrifice), intuition, prophecy, prediction.
- Reversed: selfishness, crowd (hustle), state.
13. Death - The end, mortality, destruction, corruption (decomposition).
- Reversed: Inertia, drowsiness, lethargy, stupor, somnambulism
14. Moderation - Savings, moderation (continence), frugality, ability to manage (own a tool), adaptability (compromise).
- Reversed: things related to religions, churches, sects, clergy; See also division (separation), unfortunate combinations, competing interests.
15. Devil - Devastation, violence, passion, extraordinary effort, coercion, rock. That which predetermines, but in itself, is not the cause of evil.
- Reversed: fatal evil, weakness, blindness (recklessness), irritability.
16. Tower - Suffering, grief, need, misfortune, disaster, shame, deceit, death (ruin).
- Reversed: according to one interpretation - the same as in the main meanings, but to a lesser extent. Also oppression, imprisonment (imprisonment), tyranny.
17. Star - Loss, theft, deprivation, abandonment. Another reading says: hope and bright prospects.
- Reversed: arrogance, arrogance, importance
18. Moon - Secret enemies, danger, slander, darkness, horror, deceit, mistake.
- Reversed: instability, inconstancy, silence, as well as in the main meanings of deceit and error, but to a lesser extent.
19. Sun - Material well-being, successful marriage, contentment.
- Reversed: the same, but to a lesser degree.
20. Judgment - Change of position, revival (update), result.
- Reversed: weakness, cowardice, naivete. Also deliberation (slowness), sentence, condemnation.
21. World - Guaranteed luck, travel, road, emigration, flight, change of place.
- Reversed: inertia, stagnation, immobility, immutability.
0, 22. Jester - Stupidity, mania, extravagance (extravagance), intoxication, delirium, madness (rabies), involuntarily betraying.
- Reversed: negligence, absence, distribution (distribution), carelessness, apathy, insignificance, vanity (vanity).
King - The physical and emotional nature to which the meaning of this card is attributed is ignorance, ardor, flexibility (pliability); lively, passionate, generous. It is associated with the symbol of the lion, which is painted on the coat of arms on the back of the throne.
- Divinatory meanings: not too educated (dark) person, friendly, country dweller (peasant), usually married, honest and usually conscientious.
Reversed: Kind but demanding, strict but tolerant.
Queen - Wands corresponding to this suit always bloom, because this is the suit of vitality and inspiration (liveness)
- The character traits of the Queen correspond to the character of the King, but as a woman she has more magnetism (attractiveness)
- Divinatory meanings: not too educated woman, villager, friendly, chaste, faithful, honest. If the card next to her denotes a man, then she is disposed towards him, if a woman, then she is interested in the Querent. Also loves money.
Reversed: Good, thrifty, charming, helpful. Other meanings are opposition, jealousy (envy), even deceit and infidelity.
Rider - Shown traveling, and although he is armed, this is not a military assignment.
- meanings for divination - departure, absence, flight, emigration. Not too educated young man, friendly. Changes place of stay (residence)
- Reversed: break, disagreement, interruption, hitch, discord.
Messenger - Meaning for divination - not a very educated young man, truthful, beloved, messenger, postman. If this card is located close to another, symbolizing a person, then it portends favorable news related to this person. This picture can symbolize a dangerous nasty if it follows the Herald of Cups. It has the main characteristics of its suit.
- Reversed: anecdotes, notice, bad news. Also indecisiveness and inconstancy, which do not accompany this news.
Ten - Divinatory Meaning: This is a divination card and some of its readings do not agree with each other. Separately, we note what is associated with honor and conscientiousness: this card can mean oppression (oppression), but also luck, profit, various kinds of success in your affairs (game). This card can symbolize what seems false, disguise, treachery. The place (home) may suffer. Success is nullified if this card is accompanied by 9 swords. If there is a case discussed in court (litigation, lawsuit), then there will be a sure loss.
- Reversed: obstacles, difficulties, intrigue, etc.
Nine - Divinatory Meaning: This card signifies strength in resistance (opposition). Being attacked, a person will meet the attack boldly. Along with the main meaning, its main additions take place - postponement, suspension, break.
- Reversed: Interference, misfortune, calamity.
Eight - The card denotes movement through immovable - flight through open territory.
- Meaning for divination: activity in entrepreneurship and the trajectory of such activity, fast in the function of an urgent courier. Great haste, great hope, haste towards the completion of something that promises guaranteed success (happiness); mainly that which is in motion; including arrows of love.
Reversed: Arrows of jealousy, internal strife, remorse, strife.
Seven - Divinatory Meaning: This card symbolizes valor. After all, you can interpret the image as six attacking one. On an intellectual level, this symbolizes a debate, a verbal struggle; in business - negotiations, trade war, barter, competition. This card contributes to the fighter's success, and his opponents may not be able to reach him.
- Reversed: Confusion, confusion, apprehension.
Six - Divinatory meaning: This card can correspond to several meanings. Outwardly, this is a triumph of victory. But it is also important news that the king's messenger could bring. It is also the expectation of the completion of personal aspirations, the crown of hope, etc.
- Reversed: apprehension (gloomy forebodings), apprehension (like fear of a victorious enemy at the gate), betrayal (as if someone opens the gates of a fortress to enemies), treachery, etc.
Five - A group of people brandishing staves as if in a wrestling sport. Divinatory meanings correspond to this mimicry of struggle: imitation, such as an exhibition fight, strong competition, or a struggle after which wealth and good luck come. This card is interpreted as a sign of gold, profit, abundance.
-Reversed: Litigation, process, controversy, swindle, refutation.
Fourth - Value for divination: country life, peace, harmony, harmony, prosperity, peace, and, therefore, the completion of work.
- Reversed: the meanings remain unchanged: they are prosperity, growth, happiness, beauty, ornaments.
Troika - Three young people crossed their wands.
- Meaning for divination: the card symbolizes solid (authoritative) strength, enterprise, effort, trade, commerce, deployment (of business).
Reversed: The end of worries, the suspension or cessation of adversity, toil and disappointment.
Two - Divinatory Meaning: There is no unity between the alternate meanings of this card. On the one hand - wealth, luck, splendor, on the other - physical suffering, illness, annoyance, sadness, humility.
Reversed: Surprise, miracle, magic, excitement, anxiety, apprehension.
Ace - The hand emerging from the fire holds a strong wand.
- Meaning for divination: creativity, inventions, bold enterprise, productive forces that help in that, principle, purpose, source, birth, family, origin. According to another interpretation: money, luck, inheritance.
-Reversed: Fall, decay, destruction, perdition, heading towards perdition, also joy through tears.
King - Holds a dove in his right hand and a large goblet in his left. Its background rises in the middle of the sea. The sign of cups is implied to refer to water, which appears in all card pieces of that suit.
- Meaning for divination: an honest man, a man of action, a lawyer or a theologian; reliable, disposed to do favors for the Querent. Also law, art and science, including those who are professionally engaged in science, jurisprudence and art; creative mind.
- Reversed: dishonest, hypocritical person; fraud, extortion, injustice, vice, slander.
Queen - Beauty, nobility, dreaminess - these are the features of someone who is able to see pictures, contemplating the bowl.
- Divinatory meanings: a good, polite woman who will do favors for the Querent; finding pleasure in reflection and hence the ability to foresee; success, happiness, pleasure; See also wisdom, chastity.
- Inverted: the meanings vary - a good woman, according to another reading - an outstanding woman, unreliable (who cannot be relied upon); stubborn (capricious) woman; vice, dishonor, depravity.
Rider - Elegant but not belligerent; he rides calmly, wearing a hat with a feather, which is related (as a symbol) to the high capacity for imagination, creative fantasy, which this card sometimes characterizes.
- Meaning for divination: arrival, approach - sometimes a courier with a message; warning, suggestion, behavior, invitation, incitement (inducement).
- Reversed: Swindle, cunning, sharpness (of the mind), deceit (cheating), double-dealing, forgery.
Herald - A suave, helpful, somewhat pampered (effeminate) boy with an expression of diligence and attentiveness.
- Divinatory meaning: a suave young man forced to render services, with whom the Querent will have a connection; diligent young man; news, messages; petition, reflection, meditation; as well as funds aimed at managing the enterprise.
- Reversed: addiction, inclination, affection, temptation (seduction), deceit, cunning.
Ten - Fountain from the cup. A man and a woman running towards each other, they are obviously husband and wife.
- Meaning for divination: contentment, complete peace of mind; improvement of this state; in combination with several curly cards, it can denote a person who shows concern for the interests of Kviretn; also the place of residence of the Querent.
Reversed: Rest of the perfidious soul, resentment, violence.
Nine - A pleasant couple enjoying a sense of satisfaction in the heart, and an abundance of refreshing wine on the table.
- Meaning for divination: consent, contentment, well-being, also victory, success, favorable position; satisfaction for the Querent or the person for whom the consultation is arranged.
Reversed: Truthfulness, fidelity, arrogance. However, the interpretations vary and contain errors, incompleteness, etc.
Eight - Value for divination: delayed success, voluntary removal from established affairs.
- Reversed: great joy, prosperity, celebration.
Seven - A strange, fantastic reflection in the mirror.
- Meaning for divination: imaginary favor, building "castles in the air", sentimentality; some illusory achievements, but nothing lasting or lasting is meant.
Reversed: Strong desire, will power, determination, projects.
Six - Young people in the old garden, their cups are filled.
- Meaning for divination: this is a card of the past and memories; it denotes the desire to look into the past, for example, into one's childhood; well-being, joy, but coming, perhaps, from the past; things that are already gone. Another interpretation, opposite to this, is new connections, new knowledge, new environment; also children frolicking in new possessions.
- Reversed: future (changes), renewal that will come soon.
Five - A man and a woman leave each other.
- Divinatory Meaning: This card means loss, but partial loss: three cups may be empty, but the other two are full. This card may portend some kind of inheritance, ancestral inheritance, a parcel, but all this is not connected with the expected (hopes). In combination with some cards, it can mean marriage, but not without bitterness or disappointment.
- Reversed: news, alliances, intimacy, kinship, ancestors, return, false plans.
Four - A young man sits at a table and contemplates three cups in front of him. The woman behind him offers him another goblet.
- Divinatory meaning: boredom, disgust, antipathy, imaginary troubles, as if the wine of this world had caused satiety; now the young man was offered, as a magical gift, another wine, but he sees no consolation in this. This card also speaks of a frequent change of entertainment.
- Reversed: news, omen, new recommendations, new connections.
Three - People on the shore with cups raised up, as if drinking each other's health.
- Meaning for fortune-telling: a thorough completion of some business, completion and fun; happy outcome, victory, realization (of something), consolation, healing (of wounds).
- Reversed: expedition, dispatch (of mail), achievement, end (end).
Two - A young man and a girl drink each other's health, and a star rises behind them. This is a variant of the symbol found on older copies of this card.
- Divinatory meaning: love, passion, friendship, intimacy, sympathy, sexual connection. Separately, such a reading is proposed: that which is consecrated by nature.
- Reversed: Fake love, stupidity, misunderstanding.
Ace - The hand emerging from the water holds the cup. The “dove of peace”, carrying a branch in its beak, descends to put it in a goblet.
- Meaning for divination: the beginning of great love, joy, contentment, dwelling, food arising from this.
- Reversed: the beginning of false love, volatility, instability, upheaval.
King - He sits on the throne of fate, holding the symbol of his suit stretched out from its sheath. It has an eagle on its coat of arms.
- Meaning for divination: everything that follows from the concept of “judgment” and what is connected with the process of judgment: power, domination, authority, active mind, law, state institutions, etc.
Reversed: Cruelty, stubbornness, inhumanity, treachery, malice.
Queen - Her right hand holds a weapon and her left hand is watered on the armrest of her royal throne; her face expresses severity, restraint and indicates a close acquaintance with sadness.
- Divinatory meaning: widowhood, female sadness and embarrassment, lack of anything, barrenness, mourning, deprivation, separation.
- Reversed: malice, fanaticism, pretense, excessive scrupulousness, deceit.
Horseman - He is consumed by the pursuit.
- Divinatory meaning: skill, courage, competence, protection, dexterity, hostility, rage, war, destruction, opposition, resistance, destruction.
Reversed: imprudence, incompetence, foolishness
Herald - A lithe, energetic figure wields a sword in both hands, halting rapid movement for the time being.
- Divinatory meaning: power, supervision, overseer, secret service, vigilance, surveillance, trials, etc.
- Reversed: the same meanings, but with a more negative meaning: what is not provided, not prepared statement (unpreparedness); can also mean sickness.
Ten - A wounded man leaning on a sword.
- Meaning for divination: everything that the image indicates; also pain, unhappiness, tears, sadness, despair.
- Reversed: Auspicious position, income, success, luck - but all this is impermanent (not for long). Also power and authority.
Nine - A woman stands on a balcony and cries.
- Divinatory meaning: to dare, bankruptcy, failure, obstacle, deceit, disappointment, hopelessness.
Reversed: Imprisonment, suspicion, disrepute, disgrace.
Eight - A bound man and woman surrounded by warriors.
Divinatory Meaning: Bad news, great disappointment, crisis, condemnation, interference from authorities, conflict, slander, also illness.
Reversed: Anxiety, difficulties, opposition, accident, betrayal, the unforeseen, doom.
Seven - Armed people discovered the castle.
- Meaning for divination: plan, attempt, desire, hope, confidential message; also a cause for enmity; a plan that might fail, an annoyance.
Reversed: good advice, consultation, recommendation, slander, gossip.
Six - A boat for transporting passengers to the other side.
- Divinatory meaning: trip on water, route, path, emissary, messenger, means to an end.
- Reversed: recognition, declaration, publicity. One interpretation speaks of the possibility of a marriage proposal.
Five - Warriors in a besieged fortress.
- Divinatory Meaning: Destruction, total rearrangement (cancellation), degradation, dishonor, disenfranchisement, disgrace, loss.
- Reversed: the same, funeral, burial.
Fourth - Divinatory meaning: insomnia, refuge, solitude, hermit's rest, exile (exile), grave and coffin.
Reversed: Wise administration, prudence, economy, greed, foresight, testament.
Troika - Three crossed swords.
- Meaning for divination: absence, moving, delay, separation, break, scattering.
- Reversed: mental alienation, error, loss, absent-mindedness, confusion, confusion.
Two - A man and a woman stand in front of each other, leaning on swords.
- Meaning for divination: correspondence and the balance that this correspondence determines, courage, friendship, an armaments treaty between states. Love, intimacy.
Reversed: Cheating, treachery, duplicity, infidelity.
Ace - A hand emerging from a cloud clutches a sword.
- Divinatory meaning: triumph, excess in everything, conquest, triumph of strength. This card speaks of great power in both love and hate.
- Reversed: the same, but the results are disastrous; another interpretation says: conception, childbirth, multiplicity.
King - The figure does not cause any special associations. The face, perhaps, swarthy, indicating courage, a certain tendency to apathy. The symbol in the form of a bull's head is repeated on the throne. The sign of the suit is presented as a pentagram (star) engraved or decorated with heraldic signs, personifying the connection of the four elements in human nature and what they can be controlled by.
- Meaning for divination: prowess, practical mind, business and normal intellectual ability, sometimes mathematical ability and achievements in this field; success where these qualities are required.
Reversed: vice, weakness, perversion, venality, danger (risk)
Queen - Her face indicates a mysterious woman whose qualities can be combined in the idea of ​​the greatness of the soul; she also has a serious mindset.
- Divinatory meaning: Wealth, generosity, splendor, protection (security), privilege.
Reversed: Evil, suspicion, uncertainty, fear, distrust.
Rider - He rides slowly on a hardy, powerful horse befitting his own appearance.
- Meaning for divination: usefulness, suitability, interest, responsibility, honesty.
Reversed: Inertia, idleness, this kind of calmness, stagnation. Also serenity, discouragement, carelessness.
Herald - A young man carrying a pentacle in his hands.
- Meaning for divination: diligence, the acquisition of sophistication, meditation. Another reading means news, messages and who brings these messages, also rules, guidance.
Reversed: Extravagance, debauchery, liberality, luxury, bad news.
Ten - A woman and a man below under the arch, which represents the entrance to the fair.
- Meaning for divination: income, wealth, family affairs, archives, lineage, staying true to the family.
- Reversed: fatality, loss, theft, risky games, sometimes a gift, dowry, boarding.
Nine - A girl, standing on a balcony, is waiting for a young man.
- Meaning for divination: caution, safety, success, accomplishment, confidence, insight.
Reversed: Cheating, deceit, empty plans, bad omen.
Eight - Craftsmen demonstrate the fruits of their labors.
- Meaning for divination: work, occupation, order, craftsmanship, art in craft and business.
Reversed: Empty ambition, vanity, greed, extortion, usury.
Seven - A man and a woman give up their pentacles.
- Meaning for divination: they are very contradictory. As a rule, this card means money, business, barter. Another interpretation means a quarrel, a quarrel. Another reading means innocence, ingenuity, purification.
- Reversed: Anxiety about money.
Six - A rich man gives gifts to others.
- Meaning for divination: gifts, gifts, rewards; according to another interpretation - attention, vigilance; generally accepted interpretation - real prosperity, etc.
- Reversed: strong desire, greed, envy (jealousy) suspiciousness, illusion.
Five - Meaning for divination: the card predicts, first of all, material difficulties or what is contained in the composition of the image - poverty or something like that. Some experts say that this is a card of love and lovers: wives, husbands, friends, teachers; also connections and close ties. These alternative values ​​do not agree with each other.
Reversed: Disorder, chaos, destruction, discord, profligacy.
Four - This card represents the calculation between people.
- Meaning for divination: guarantee of material profit; remaining true to what he has: gifts, inheritance, inheritance.
- Reversed: Anxious expectation, obstacle, opposition.
Three - Meaning for divination: trade, skilled labor; this card can mean a titled person, celebrity, fame.
- Reversed: mediocrity in work or otherwise childishness, insignificance, weakness.
Two - Meaning for divination: on the one hand, this card means entertainment, relaxation and what is connected with it, which is the subject of the plan; but it also means news, a message in writing, as well as an obstacle, anxiety, anxiety, involvement in a quarrel .
Reversed: Forced gaiety, feigned joy, literal meaning, handwriting, composition, exchange of letters.
Ace - A hand emerging from the earth holds a pentacle.
- Meaning for divination: absolute contentment, happiness, ecstasy; also agile mind, gold.
- Reversed: The negative sides of wealth, a bad mind, also very great wealth.

Tarot cards are one of the ways to look into the future and predict your destiny. Since ancient times, many magicians have used them. And today there are many decks. Each of them chooses its own owner and faithfully serves him. Even if you are new to this business, you will still be able to find out the information you are interested in by spreading the deck. But, without details - it will take practice to reveal the full picture of events. To clearly formulated questions, you will receive a concise answer. If you want to know more, then you better contact a specialist who can interpret the images that have fallen on the cards.

The Mirror of Destiny tarot is of German origin.

Mirror of fate - what is hidden in itself

Tarot cards Mirror of Fate appeared relatively recently, their drawing is based on the German vision of what the image should be. The Mirror of Fate is a Russified version of these cards. There are 78 cards in total and 2 additional, empty cards make it clear that fortune telling is impossible at the moment. The images in the deck are simple and unambiguous. Such a deck is very suitable for beginners - it is understandable, does not have Kabbalistic and astrological symbols. The cards give answers to key areas of life: love, friendship, work. They help you navigate your daily worries and problems. This deck does not give accurate predictions, but shows the likely development of events, if it does not suit a person, he can change him. They belong to the element of fire and have four suits:

Tarot Mirror of Fate belong to the elements of fire

Fortune telling techniques - how to use it correctly

Each person who practices Tarot card divination chooses the technique that he likes best. There are enough of them and therefore there is plenty to choose from. Put the room in order, light candles, lay a plain and dim tablecloth on the table. Create an intimate atmosphere and twilight. The room should be quiet and nothing more. Take the cards in your hands, you don’t need to shuffle, just lay them out on the table and mix by rotating your left hand counterclockwise. Ask a question and draw one card at a time with your right hand. Layout mirror. Place the first card in the center, the second to the left of it, the third to the right. Fourth and fifth, respectively, from bottom to top. The sixth under the fourth, the seventh to the left of the fourth, the eighth to the right. Ninth to the right of the fifth, tenth to the left. What the cards show:

  • personality characteristics, present person, current affairs;
  • past, root cause;
  • probable future;
  • skills and foundations;
  • ideals and moral strength;
  • financial situation;
  • karma;
  • self-realization;
  • the essence of the problem;
  • solution.

Basically, this deck does not require special layouts and absolutely any of the ones you choose will do. You can even just ask questions and pull out answers to them - you will immediately understand the meaning of the card that you pull out.

Tarot Mirror of Fate is not shuffled before divination

The meaning of the cards and their correct decoding

Consider the meaning of the major arcana of the Mirror of Fate tarot, the gallery has 22 major and 56 minor ones.

  1. Mag. Upright: loss, self-confidence, diplomacy. Reversed: Danger, healing. Jester. Direct: stupidity, madness, in an inverted meaning - poverty, depression, carelessness.
  2. High Priestess: intuition, intelligence, wisdom, and in the opposite sense - pride, pride, superficiality. Empress: ignorance, activity, fruitfulness. Emperor: luck, protection, prudence, lust for power, in reverse - failure, inexperience.
  3. High priest. Direct: quarrels, fights, enthusiasm, generosity. Reversed: Understanding, weakness, unanimity. Lovers means willpower, sensuality, elegance, and in the form from head to toe - madness, folly. If you have a chariot, it will mean anxiety, triumph, gain, war or loss, rebellion.
  4. Strength card - dominance, courage, hope, decision making. In the opposite sense, it is disclosure, despotism. The hermit is to fraud, setup, cold calculation, horror, fear, excessive caution.
  5. Have you seen the wheel of fate? This is luck, success - everything is good even with excess. Justice usually falls to equality, justice, otherwise it is cruelty, madness.
  6. Hanged. Direct: discovery beyond abilities, sacrifice for the benefit of something good, wisdom, in the opposite sense, egocentrism, narcissism. Death & comes & to damage, chaos, disruption of the normal course of life, fatigue, stupor. Moderation is a card of self-control, agreements and deals, in the opposite sense it can be fanaticism, belief in otherworldly forces, sectarianism.
  7. The devil speaks of emptiness, the inability to find a place in life - something evil, emotional instability, nervous breakdowns will surround you. The tower means a riddle, suspense, sudden changes, shock, which can bring such difficult moments as pain, resentment, annoyance. A star to hope for something, deprivation, vanity, pride are also possible.
  8. Moon - fear, deceit, misdeeds, mistakes, instability. The sun, on the other hand, to material security, well-being, a good life partner - some small joy is not excluded. The judgment will testify to rebirth, the beginning of something new, or cowardice if the card is turned over.
  9. The world is an unequivocal change of scenery, abrupt changes that can lead to routine, immobility.

The meaning of tarot cards The mirror of fate of the minor arcana complements the basic information given by the elders. Each suit has its own direction of interpretation. The swords describe the enemies, circumstances, and challenges you will face and fight. How to deal with them, who is replaced in this from your environment, primary sources and culprits. Be careful and expect trouble. The suit of swords will tell you about all this.

Cups, or as they are also called - bowls, indicate those who care about you, who are not indifferent to you. You should turn to these people for help, they will not refuse in any situation, regardless of its outcome - they are your patrons.

And also this suit means all events and ways to solve the problem. These are favorable trends and emotions. Pentacles speak of the financial situation of a person, wealth, the possible outcome of a business that will bring money. Any events related to the material component: wealth or poverty, failure or success, because this suit came from the class of Merchants. Trade and finance are the areas that the pentacles speak of. The Wands will tell you that success awaits you. The path can be easy and thorny, but still you should rely on loved ones, they will help.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards is absolutely not a complicated ritual, so feel free to ask the cards any questions.

Tarot Mirror of Fate is different from the classic interpretation of Rider White. The authors focused on personal relationships, which is shown in the plots of the cards . The deck turned out to be interesting and colorful. Consider its features, interpretations and gallery.

deck structure

The mirror of fate tarot includes 78 cards, just like the classic tarot deck. It has 22 major arcana and 56 minor ones. Four suits of 14 cards each . The images are slightly different from the classic version, but remain clear. Each card has several key symbols that make it easier to interpret. The Mirror of Fate includes the following suits:

  • wands;
  • bowls;
  • swords;
  • coins.

We will talk about the meaning of each suit and its characteristics further.

Major Arcana

Interpretation of the Major Arcana of the deck

Arcana name positive key Negative Key
Jester The beginning of a new stage. Feeling of lightness. Windiness, state of poverty.
Mage Diplomacy, self-confidence. Anxiety, can show a person working as a healer.
Priestess Logic, intuition, knowledge Feelings of attraction, superficial relationships.
empress Fertility, harmony. Impermanence.
Emperor Authority, wisdom. Lack of experience.
Dad Religiosity, wisdom. Weakness.
lovers Passion, love. choice situation.
Chariot Movement, change. Loss of control.
Force Power and fearlessness Despotism.
Hermit The desire for knowledge Loneliness.
Wheel of Fortune luck, success Events got out of control.
Justice honesty Cruelty
Hanged Sacrifice. Helplessness.
Death Transformation, the beginning of a new. End of relationship, breakup, pain.
Moderation The ability to find a compromise. Excessive religiosity, fanaticism.
Devil The state of emptiness Relationship addiction. Alcoholism and other addictions.
Tower The destruction of the usual course of things. End of relationship, pain, emptiness.
Star Inspiration, dream plans. Illusions.
Moon Clairvoyance, extrasensory abilities. Alcohol addiction, fears, doubts.
The sun Clarification of the situation, truce, happiness, harmony. Softens negative cards, delayed result.
Court Peace, resurrection. Cowardice.
World Joy, harmony, happiness, purpose, moving. Stagnation period.


Brief description of the suit of wands:

  1. The season is summer.
  2. The time of day is evening.
  3. Conditions - open nature, forest.
  4. Characteristics of a person - playfulness, activity, courage, attractiveness.


Characteristics of the suit of cups:

  1. The season is spring.
  2. Time of day - dawn, morning.
  3. Conditions - the area near the water, the resort.
  4. A portrait of a person - innocence, openness, immediacy. The suit symbolizes creativity and hope, youth, joy, lightness.


Characteristics of the suit of Swords:

  1. The season is winter.
  2. Time of day - night, twilight, cloudy weather.
  3. Conditions - city, metropolis.
  4. Portrait of a person - practicality, closeness, severity, coldness, restraint.


Characteristics of the suit of coins:

  1. The season is autumn.
  2. Conditions - countryside, life.
  3. The time of day is the day.
  4. The characteristic of a person is simplicity, rationality, pragmatism, perseverance.

Minor arcana. Aces

Aces of all four suits are fully consistent with the interpretation of Rider White. They symbolize a new beginning, the energy of life and the elements. There will be a small chance to start something new, and then it all depends on the person.


The images of deuces are somewhat changed compared to the classic deck. Wands and swords show activity, while Cups and Coins show passivity:

  1. The Two of Wands shows the plot when a man wants to leave a woman in order to conquer the peak, to achieve success, as the mountains speak about. But she forces him to choose between goals and the desire to be with his beloved.
  2. The Deuce of Cups of the Mirror of Destiny deck shows a classic plot: two people hold cups and are completely satisfied with everything.
  3. The Two of Swords shows a man who wants to get out of the castle, the dungeon, and the woman is quite belligerent, she has a sword in her hands and she does not let him leave. By characterizing the symbols, one can understand that the image illustrates a situation when a partner wants to leave, sort out his life and thoughts that prevent him from living a full life. But a woman tries to keep him near her for various reasons.
  4. The Arcane Two of Coins in life symbolizes a couple who are doing well, and no one is going to go anywhere. Together they try for the common good and purpose, the card symbolizes partnership, tranquility. A woman in deuces is an opportunity or an obstacle.


The meaning of the arcana shows a love triangle:

  1. The Three of Wands symbolizes two men who want to please a woman. She responds favorably to each of them.
  2. The Three of Swords is a cold woman, restrained, their emotions are not interesting to her.
  3. The Three of Cups is similar to the standard plot, but women attract the attention of men.
  4. The Three of Pentacles shows the performance of a man, what he can do, make money, and perceives women as spectators of exploits.


Fours mean the following:

  1. Wands are a partnership of two people.
  2. The Four of Cups shows that a man is bored with a measured life with a woman and this upsets her.
  3. The Four of Swords continues the plot with a cold woman who keeps a man in a dungeon. She is above him. That is, a man considers himself not too strong, weaker than his chosen one, and keeps himself in the prison of his mind, fears, doubts, passivity.
  4. The four of coins shows a woman who is financially secure and a man who helps her in this. Mercantile interest rules in these relations.


Five can be described as follows:

  1. Five of Wands - the image shows a small fight, the plot is similar to the classics - competition, strength, but within reasonable limits.
  2. Five of Cups - parting, as in the classic story.
  3. Five of Swords - obstacle, humiliation, defeat
  4. Five of Coins - loss of money, property.


The characteristics of the sixes are as follows:

  1. Six of Wands - expectation of patronage, support for help.
  2. Six of Cups - a feast, a company, a pleasant time, a long-awaited meeting.
  3. Six of Swords - expectation of prospects for a new undertaking.
  4. Six of Coins - charity, gift.


Sevens are interpreted as follows:

  1. Wands - struggle, competition, overcoming obstacles.
  2. Cups - illusions, desires.
  3. Swords - the goal is visible, but you need to think about the way to it.
  4. Pentacles - preservation of property, expectation of results.


Eights are often characterized as follows:

  1. Wands - competition, decisive action, travel are needed.
  2. Cups - a couple goes into the night from a joyful company. Choosing something new to get emotions and other results.
  3. Swords - fears, doubts.
  4. Coins - results, achievement of the goal.


Nines are interpreted as follows:

  1. Wands - tension, heaviness, sadness.
  2. Cups - peace, happiness, pleasure.
  3. Swords - fears, doubts, parting.
  4. Coins - a woman from a noble family in the palace. Welfare, prosperity, material wealth, partner.


The value of the lasso tens is characterized as follows:

  • Wands - fatigue, heaviness after loss.
  • Cups - wedding, engagement, joyful meeting.
  • Swords - destruction, rupture, loss.
  • Coins - wealth, happiness, abundance of results.


Pages have the following characteristics

  1. Wands - meeting, news.
  2. Cups - warning, doubts, fears.
  3. Swords - manipulation, disease.
  4. Coins - the mind, excellent performance of duties.


Arcana knights can be described as follows:

  1. Wands - moving, business trip, registration of permanent residence.
  2. Cups - favorable news, delayed reward.
  3. Swords - aggression, competition, conditions of struggle.
  4. Coins - responsibility, decency.


Queens are characterized in this way:

  1. Wands - a faithful woman, buying up money, jealous.
  2. Cups - wisdom, happiness.
  3. Swords - the card symbolizes a widow, or a woman who cannot have children.
  4. Coins - wealth, luxury.


Kings have the following characteristics:

  1. Wands are a friendly but demanding man.
  2. Cups - a person working in the field of the clergy or education.
  3. Swords is a man with an authoritarian and tough character.
  4. Cups - a wise, reasonable man.


Fortune telling on the tarot mirror of fate can be different. You can use three-card spreads, or those that you use in everyday practice. But it is best used to understand people's feelings and to view relationships.


Gallery of tarot cards Mirror of Fate:

The meanings of the mirror of fate tarot cards have much in common with the classical interpretation, and it can be used by both beginners and professionals. The major arcana have a completely similar interpretation, while the younger ones differ only in drawing and some details in the interpretation, regarding the specifics of the deck.

There are a huge number of different decks of Tarot cards in the world. All of them differ from each other in design and, of course, energy. There is no standard deck that suits everyone without exception. For each person, the choice can be completely different. In this article, we will look at the Mirror of Fate Tarot deck (Arcus Arcanum Tarot), find out its history, the meanings of the cards and the most popular alignment that can be performed.

Building a deck

It is believed that the Mirror of Fate Tarot was created during the Renaissance (approximately in the 14-15th century). The authors of the deck, Günter Hager (tarot reader) and Hansrudi Vascher (artist), departed from the classical attributes and created unique and at the same time simple fortune-telling cards. This allows them to be used by both beginners and experienced esotericists. Many professional tarologists claim that they started learning the art of divination with the Mirror of Fate Tarot.

The authors of the deck have created unique cards that are not oversaturated with Kabbalistic and astrological symbols, which are not always easy to interpret. Instead, a whole story can be seen on each map. This helps to create a continuous connection with the deck, to feel its energy. Tarot "Mirror of Fate" is a whole gallery in which all the meanings necessary for interpretation are collected.

Deck structure

Arcus Arcanum Tarot are classic cards made up of Major and Minor Arcana. But there are also some changes. In the Russian version of the deck (minor Arcana), in each suit, the Knight's card is called the Horseman, and the name "Jack" was replaced with "Herald". All other card names in the Mirror of Fate Tarot do not differ from the standard Aleister Crowley deck.

Major Arcana

So, in this deck there are 22 Major Arcana. Each of them has its own unique meaning. These are important cards that are involved in any layout. In addition, there are divinations that must be performed only by the Major Arcana. This is especially true for complex situations where a clear and unambiguous answer is needed. Every day in the morning you can take out one card and ask: “What awaits me today?” - personal horoscope is ready. The meanings of the Major Arcana are very important, and you can understand them by what is depicted on them.


The first tarot card is "Jester", has a value of "0". It denotes carelessness, stupidity, tomfoolery. In the image you can see a cheerful boy. Near it below is a black cat, and this is a symbol of trouble. In addition, there is a cliff and a waterfall ahead. The boy is too cheerful and inattentive to notice it. The Jester Tarot card personifies that stage of life when a person blindly walks along the road and does not know what may await him ahead. She warns that you should be more careful and careful. Perhaps it makes sense to think about your life goals and plans.

Major Arcana (1-10)

The first ten cards are the most important. It reveals a wide range of feelings and events in a person's life. If card data falls out in fortune-telling, they should be interpreted first.

  1. The next tarot lasso is "The Magician". Looking at the map, you can see a strong and strong man. This is a card of determination and perseverance. On the man's table are the symbols of all the minor arcana (wand, coin, sword and goblet). This means that the person is in complete control of the situation and knows exactly what is happening.
  2. "High Priestess" - the card depicts a stately and beautiful woman sitting on a throne with her eyes closed. She has a scroll in her hand. She seems to be trying to feel what is in it. So it is, because it is a card of intuition, self-knowledge. As a characteristic of a person, the card shows that a person is constantly learning something.
  3. The "Empress" personifies power and femininity. She is a mother, a calm and self-confident woman. The card is also interpreted as great creativity, good luck in all endeavors.
  4. "Emperor" symbolizes power, might, strong personality, authority.
  5. The "High Priest" personifies trust, an important person in the life of a fortuneteller, support and support. Next to the cards of Pentacles - receiving financial assistance.
  6. "Lovers" means choice. In this Mirror of Destiny tarot card, the couple can be seen approaching a crossroads. Many roads open before them. Where will they go? Everything will depend on the adjacent cards.
  7. The "chariot" symbolizes important events in a person's life. It also indicates the environment of a person, sometimes revenge, anxiety, quarrels.
  8. "Strength" personifies infinity, honesty, victory. In other Tarot decks, the value is "11".
  9. "Hermit" means caution, detachment, prudence. On this card of the Major Arcana in the Mirror of Fate Tarot, an aged man is depicted. He has a staff in one hand and a lantern in the other. In general, this indicates the seriousness of his intentions.
  10. The Wheel of Fate is one of the most complex and controversial cards in all Tarot decks. On the one hand, it personifies good luck, fortune, good events in a person's life. On the other hand, helplessness, because the wheel of fate is spinning with such force that it is simply impossible to stop it. The card symbolizes events that will definitely happen and it is almost impossible to change them.

Major Arcana (11-22)

The second part of the cards is also important. The meaning of the Major Arcana is not difficult to understand if you carefully look at what is depicted on them. Let's learn more about them.

  1. "Justice" symbolizes justice. If in the past a situation arose where a person was slandered or undeservedly offended, then soon everything will fall into place.
  2. The Hanged Man is the only card in the entire Mirror of Fate Tarot deck where the character is upside down. It means a victim, the inability to influence the situation. Man is forced to submit to fate.
  3. "Death" - the end of all affairs, illness, damage. A rather negative card that can relate to any area of ​​human life. Everything will depend on what is being planned.
  4. "Moderation" - saving, thrift. Time to moderate ambitions, the need to find a compromise.
  5. "Devil" - violence, coercion. The card shows the emotions and feelings that a person experiences, but not the very cause of evil.
  6. "Tower" - disaster, deceit. A very negative card, warning of terrible events and failures.
  7. "Star" - prospects and hopes.
  8. "Moon" - loneliness, daydreaming and error.
  9. "Sun" - children, a successful marriage, joy and fun.
  10. "Court" - a sudden change of events, surprise.
  11. "Peace" - a journey, good luck in business and love.

From the interpretation of these cards, we can conclude that their interpretation practically does not differ from standard Tarot cards, and the images give a more complete picture and help in the interpretation of the cards.

Minor Arcana

The remaining 56 cards do not have such an important interpretation, but at the same time they give a more complete picture when divining on the Mirror of Fate Tarot. There are 4 suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles, and each has 14 cards.

So, Aces are the strongest cards in every suit. In Wands it represents beginnings, in Cups - action, in Pentacles - receiving money, Swords - struggle. The following, respectively:

  • "2" - victory, fear, abundance, blow.
  • "3" - business, luck, influence, conflict.
  • "4" - longing, agreement, joy, loneliness.
  • "5" - wedding, girlfriend, financial luck, sadness.
  • "6" - the past, hopes for the future, sudden acquisitions, a long journey.
  • "7" - success, insight, money, striving for a goal.
  • "8" - a hard way, association, honesty, lies.
  • "9" - peace, achievement, accuracy, blow
  • "10" - protection, influence, home, tragedy.
  • "Messenger" - good news, a sober mind, a young brunette, directness.
  • "Horseman" - separation, end of the road, deceit, past.
  • "Queen" - greed, luck, generosity, a lonely woman.
  • "King" - knowledge, kindness, courage and courage, pressure.


With the help of this deck of cards, you can perform a variety of layouts, since the cards practically do not differ from the simplest Tarot. They are used both by practicing magicians for a long time, performing complex fortune-telling, and by complete beginners who are just learning. The only advantage is that the Mirror of Fate Tarot layouts are much easier to interpret than a standard deck. In addition, many note that the beautiful design of the cards inspires and empowers. For beginners, the following fortune-telling is perfect.

Divination is performed as follows. The deck must be shuffled well and divided into three piles. From each it is necessary to draw out two cards: one from below, the other from above. So, you get 6 positions.

  • The first and fourth means the past, events and experiences.
  • The second and fifth are the present.
  • The third and sixth are the future.

Before proceeding to fortune-telling, you should carefully study the alignment. The predominance of Cups and Wands suggests that most likely the situation under consideration is related to the working area.

So, in the past, the fortuneteller faced a choice of what he should do. At the same time, 4 of Cups indicates that a person has chosen luxury and missed something very important. If the alignment concerns the working area - perhaps the querent made a mistake with the place of work or took what he could not afford.

Despite mistakes in the past, good prospects await a person in the present. So, 5 of Wands indicate that competition awaits a person, and 3 of Wands - that he has great potential, everything will work out. The suit of the Wand itself indicates that certain difficulties await a person. Looking at the image of the cards, one can understand that now he is having a struggle, perhaps with colleagues at work.

In the future, the fortuneteller is waiting for the beginning of a new successful business. If fortune-telling about relationships - this combination indicates a new love. The Ace of Cups and the "Sun" can mean a new job or a successful deal. In any case, everything will end well enough.

The layouts on the Mirror of Fate Tarot deck are easy to interpret. In this case, you should carefully look at what is depicted on them. Each symbol, each traced movement carries a hidden meaning, it remains only to unravel it.

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