Where do celebrity kids go each year? Where and what do the children of Russian stars study and how much does it cost. Sergey Mazaev, soloist of the Moral Code group, daughter Anna

The entrants-2017 began a hot time: the children of the stars spend all the holidays over their textbooks.

The end of the school year is less than five months away. And since May, school graduates and future applicants are waiting for important exams. Therefore, even on vacation, they do not part with books for 15-17 hours a day ... The Teleprogram magazine found out who the heirs of celebrities decided to become and what subjects they intensively study.

Daughter of Larisa Guzeeva - Lelya, 16 years old, art critic

The child studied at school perfectly well, except that mathematics let us down a little. After graduating from school in the summer of 2016, Lelya wrote an exam in Russian, mathematics and English. And I just forgot about the fact that in order to enter the School of Design at the Higher School of Economics, I also had to take literature. Therefore, at the family council, it was decided to complete the exam and enter in 2017. Now the girl attends courses in communication design and contemporary art.

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

- Lelya is absolutely a museum child. From childhood to shaking, she loves painting, -. - My daughter draws, her whole room and library are full of art books and albums. I gave Lele a trip to Austria, to the Albertina Museum, and on her birthday we went together to Paris, to the Louvre. This is her passion!

The daughter of the singer Slava - Sasha, 18 years old, actress

The schoolgirl graduated from the first half of the school year with A's. An excellent student goes to a gold medal and plans to enter a theater school, so since 2016 she has been attending acting classes. Slava says that she watched the series with interest, in which her daughter starred for a children's TV channel, and was surprised at how confidently and harmoniously Sasha kept in the frame. The singer, having learned that the eldest daughter decided to become an actress, began to call her friends asking for help. But Alexandra stopped her mother's attempts.

- Strictly said: “Mom, don’t, I myself,” Slava admits.

Photo: Mikhail FROLOV

The singer trusts her child so much that Dmitry. Slava met with his parents, after which they jointly rented an apartment for a young couple next to Alexandra's school. Prior to this, Sasha, who lived with her mother outside the city, had to get up at half past six in the morning in order to be in time for the first lesson. Now the girl has become independent: she cooks, cleans herself ... And she manages to study well.

Daughter of Dmitry Malikov - Stefania, 16 years old, journalist

A year ago, the only heiress of the musician Dmitry Malikov was going to become a doctor and studied chemistry. But Stesha (as friends and parents affectionately call the girl) figured out how many times she would have to visit the morgue during her medical studies, and changed her dream. Stefania realized that she would be interested in constantly learning something new, understanding different areas of life, so she chose the profession of a journalist. The girl is preparing to enter MGIMO - the faculty of international journalism.

Photo: instagram.com

“For the sake of admission, I study for 17 hours a day,” the girl says.

By the way, not so long ago, parents gave their daughter an apartment in Moscow, but for now, Stesha will live under the control of mom and dad.

Daughter of Ekaterina and Alexander Strizhenov - Alexandra, 16 years old, economist

Back in the summer, Alexandra studied at Columbia University in New York, where she studied economics and business. However, she nevertheless decided to enter the university in Russia. Now Sasha is studying in the economics and mathematics class. But she plans to enter Moscow State University, although the future economist intends to attend open days and other prestigious universities. The TV presenter notes that her youngest daughter has a sufficient number of qualities that will help her in the future: sociability, excellent memory and knowledge of the English language. Alexandra also shows abilities in mathematical disciplines. Parents do not check Sasha's lessons: the level of her preparation is so high that unprepared adults are simply not able to help their child.

Photo: Ivan VISLOV

Strizhenova Jr., to be more precise, graduated from theater courses and has already played the main roles in three performances. The girl manages to attend classes at Miguel's studio, and figure skating lessons at Anastasia Grebenkina's school. Be that as it may, the girl is not ready to devote her life to theatrical art. She says that her parents have long explained to her how important it is to get a fundamental education, and there are many surprises in the acting profession. And a great dependence on the taste and level of the director.

The son of Ekaterina Guseva - Alexei, 18 years old, mathematical physicist

The son of actress and businessman Vladimir Abashkin is additionally engaged in physics and mathematics. The eleventh-grader decided to enter the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, but he has not yet decided on the university. On the other hand, you can apply to several educational institutions at once. In the 9th, Alexei took exams in a specialized class.

Photo: instagram.com

“The son easily entered the economic class at the Higher School of Economics and the law class at the Law Faculty of Moscow State University,” says the actress. As a result, he decided, like most of his friends, to study economics. However, a month later, the teenager told his mother that this was not his specialty. Now he is preparing to become a physicist-mathematician.

Guseva's son starred with her in the film "A Walk in Paris", played the saxophone at her concerts. But interest in creativity in high school disappeared.

Some children of the stars of Russian culture and show business, as well as young actors, are entering higher educational institutions this year

Some children of the stars of Russian culture and show business, as well as young actors, are entering higher educational institutions this year. "Trud-7" found out who young people want to become in the future.

Ivan Yankovsky

The grandson of Oleg Yankovsky Ivan chose VGIK, the acting department. He made his first film appearance at the age of 10 in his grandfather's film Come See Me. And in 2008 he got the lead role in the film "Indigo". Last year, the son of Philip Yankovsky and Oksana Fandera graduated from the Moscow International Film School. "I'm going to connect my life with acting and I will enter the Moscow Art Theater School," Ivan said then. However, Yankovsky Jr. failed to get into this university. This summer, Vanya took the documents to VGIK. He even passed the missing one after graduating from the International Film School Unified State Examination in Literature.

Ivan Shakhnazarov

The son of director Karen Shakhnazarov, 16-year-old Ivan, after graduating from school, applied to VGIK for the faculty of directing feature films. He will study with Vladimir Khotinenko. “Vanya wants to be a director. But he is still quite young, I don’t know how his future will turn out,” Karen Georgievich told Trud-7. “My profession influences him: I don’t think that he is quite consciously moving in this direction. But , ultimately, let him try himself."

Dmitry Evtushenko

The youngest son of the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko Dima this summer entered the University of Oklahoma at the Faculty of Economics. 19-year-old Mitya followed in the footsteps of his brother Evgeny. "My children belong to the positive American youth, who swear to kiss only for love, not to use drugs and marry for a great feeling," the poet tells Trud-7. By the way, Yevtushenko has five sons.

They haven't decided yet

The daughter of director Andrei Konchalovsky and announcer Irina Martynova, 17-year-old Natalya, graduated with honors from a French school in Moscow. Now she is choosing between two prestigious universities in Paris and London, which invited her to continue her studies.

The eldest daughter of Stepan Mikhalkov, Sasha, graduated from school two years ago: she was going to go to the Cambridge College of Art & Science, but it didn’t work out. This summer, Sasha enters a Moscow university. True, where exactly, he no longer says - he is afraid to jinx it.

Dasha Melnikova

The actress of the series "Daddy's Daughters" has already been enrolled in the Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkin. Daria graduated from school last year as an external student. However, she did not succeed immediately. "I've been doing it for the second year now, I've been through so much," the young actress admitted to Trud-7. "I found out the results at night from Thursday to Friday." Dasha's studies will begin in September. In the meantime, she plans to relax with her family in Spain and is now applying for a visa.

Anna Shulgina

The daughter of Valeria and producer Alexander Shulgin Anya dreams of becoming an actress. This summer, she applied to the Shchukin Theater School. The girl does not want to follow in the footsteps of her mother, because she knows this cuisine well, and loves to sing less than to play on stage. Anya prepared for the exams at "Pike" for a long time, her mother helped her in this matter. As a result, the girl scored the required number of points and was enrolled in the course of Pavel Lyubimtsev.

Russian 11-graders are taking the USE with might and main. Star offspring have long decided where they will go ...

Daughter Tina Kandelaki, 17-year-old Melania Kondrakhina will apply to the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. The girl decided to become like her mother. Tina Kandelaki is the general producer of the Match TV channel, she mastered the basics of journalism at Tbilisi State University. At Moscow State University, the results of the Unified State Examination in a foreign language, literature, and the Russian language are important for admission to journalism. Melania will also take an additional exam - a creative test. The cost of full-time education at Moscow State University this year was 325,000 rubles. Prices for the new season have not yet been announced, but a significant increase in tuition fees is not expected.

17-year-old Grisha Vernik, son Igor Vernik, studies at the theater studio "Gogol Center" Kirill Serebrennikov. The young man dreams of serving in the theater like his father. Wernick Sr. studied at the Moscow Art Theater School, and his son attended preparatory courses for applicants at this educational institution. But the actor's son will apply to several leading theatrical universities in the country in order to insure himself in case of failure. At the Moscow Art Theater School, before the entrance exams, qualifying auditions were held. Grisha will take a creative test (reading by heart excerpts from several literary works), a professional test (checking voice and speech, musical and plastic data). The cost of a year of study at the Moscow Art Theater School at the Faculty of Acting is 286 thousand rubles.

Lelya, daughter Larisa Guzeeva. The heiress of the TV presenter will try to become a student at the School of Design at the Higher School of Economics. 17-year-old Lelya graduated from high school last year and successfully passed her exams in Russian, a foreign language and mathematics. But the girl lost sight of the fact that she needed the results of the exam in literature. This year, Lelya will correct the mistake. Also, the girl will hand over a creative task.

The cost of a year of study in the direction of "design" in the university chosen by the girl in this academic year is 350 thousand rubles.

Alexandra, singer's daughter Glory. 18-year-old Alexandra is going to the gold medal and has already studied at the preparatory courses at the Moscow Art Theater School together with the son of Igor Vernik. Slava's daughter decided to become an actress and enter one of the most prestigious theater universities in the country. The girl is graduating from the 11th grade of the famous Lomonosov school, successfully combining preparation for admission and success at school. Sasha learned to play the guitar and won the Competent Russian Language Olympiad.

Stephanie, daughter Dmitry Malikov. The goal of Stefania Malikova is the Faculty of International Journalism of MGIMO. The girl dreams of broadcasting about politics. Malikova loves the talk show "Evening with Vladimir Solovyov" - she watches every issue. Paid education at this university at the Faculty of International Journalism costs 450 thousand rubles a year.

17-year-old Denis, the son of Kristina Orbakaite, did not follow in the footsteps of his mother - despite the fact that he graduated from a music school in drums, the young man has a mathematical mindset. At one time, while everyone was resting from school, Denis entered courses at Oxford Study courses in England. In social networks, the young man said that he chose the place of further study for himself - Cambridge, because the OSC school is located in several cities.

Timur and Elena Kizyakov glad that the eldest daughter Elena followed in their footsteps. The eldest daughter of the host of the program “So far, everyone is at home” followed in the footsteps of her father - she is studying to be a journalist. She entered the journalism department of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

The singer's middle daughter Valeria Meladze, graduated from the Moscow gymnasium No. 1542 with only two fours - in algebra and geometry. Sofia is enrolled at the MGIMO University at the Faculty of International Relations of the Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy. The girl never dreamed of following in the footsteps of the famous dad and mastering a creative profession. For several years, Sonya was engaged in ballet, but in the order of a hobby.

Prokhor Dorenko, Faculty of Engineering. At Sergei Dorenko five children, but only one son. Prokhor graduated from the Lomonosov School and entered the Faculty of Engineering at the People's Friendship University of Russia with a degree in architecture. Sergey Dorenko is divorced from Prokhor's mother, but he is involved in raising his son.

Olya, daughter of Sergei Bodrov Jr. entered VGIK. The girl will master the specialty "actor of drama theater and cinema." The heiress of the director's dynasty entered the budget department, having passed a competition of almost a thousand people for a place. Only 4 girls were recruited for 12 budget places in this specialty, the rest of the places were for boys.

The singer's son Inna Malikova and Dmitry Malikov's nephew graduated from the Lomonosov School. Inna Malikova said that once her son cooked food for himself, then for his relatives: “So I realized that cooking is the business of his life.” Dmitry learned French and begins his studies in France at the Paul Bocuse Institute. This legendary "School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality" is located in Lyon.

And many graduates went on to study at universities. Recently it became known where the children of Russian celebrities entered.

So, Sasha Zhulina, the 18-year-old daughter of figure skaters Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin, became a student at the Faculty of International Economic Relations at MGIMO. “I entered where I planned: at MGIMO for the economy,” Sasha said.

Recall that in 2015 Tatyana Navka married the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Recently, Tatyana and Dmitry gathered all six common children on vacation in Spain.


The 17-year-old son of Olga Orlova also entered MGIMO on a budget. Artem Karmanov became a student at the Faculty of Management and Politics.

Recall that Artem graduated from high school with a red certificate and a gold medal. Orlova shared her son's success on Instagram, but the singer was reproached for buying a gold medal. Artem denied the rumors, saying that he achieved everything himself.


17-year-old Sasha Strizhenova, daughter of Ekaterina and Alexander Strizhenov, became a student at Moscow State University. “Finally, summer has begun for me. Now I can officially declare: this difficult examination period is over, I am a student of Moscow State University!!! and I'm extremely happy!" — shared girl on Instagram(Spelling and punctuation more. — Note. ed.).


Earlier, Sasha told Cosmos that she "ditched the idea of ​​entering the Faculty of Economics" and chose "a more humanitarian field."

Somehow, imperceptibly, spring ended, and with it, for many boys and girls, their last school year at school flew into the past!
Which of the celebrity children celebrated the last call this year, were their star parents on the solemn line and where do the graduates plan to study further.

Grigory Vernik
Gregory's father, Igor Vernik, could not come to the solemn line, but he was constantly in touch and warmly congratulated his son on the phone. Next to the guy was his mother Maria.

Grisha decided to follow in his parents' footsteps and also wants to become an actor. The young man said that he was going to enter the theater school.

Varvara Okhlobystin
The daughter of the odious Ivan Okhlobystin, apparently impressed by the Interns, decided to study as a doctor. I must say that this decision was not easy for the girl, because Varvara has a wonderful voice and she was predicted to have a brilliant career as a singer.

Dad fully supported the choice of his daughter. However, this is not at all surprising, because Ivan Okhlobystin's father was the head physician. Varya came to the last call in an original outfit: a black dress, an orange cape and long gloves.

Yana Mandrik
Yana Mandrik came to the last call celebration with her mother Natalia Gulkina and father Sergey Mandrik. The whole family was in a great mood. Mom and daughter constantly laughed, remembering the fun moments of school life.

Alexandra Morozova
The eldest daughter of the singer Slava - Alexandra - did not hide her tears at the last call. However, her mother also gave vent to feelings and burst into tears of happiness. Now Sasha is preparing to enter a theater university. She is very worried, because this year's competition is more than 200 people per place!

Katya Starshova
You didn't have time to look back, and the Button from "Daddy's Daughters" became quite an adult! Katya graduated from the 9th grade with honors and is now going to enter a prestigious lyceum.

Stefania Malikova
After the solemn line, Dmitry Malikov with his wife and daughter watched the video of the interview that Stefania gave in the first grade. And then the future journalist Stesha went to the tutors.

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