Stopping is prohibited as long as you can stand. Ambiguous traffic situations that require detailed explanation. Penalties for non-compliance with the rules

According to the rules traffic, in clause 3.27 of which there is a mark “Stopping is prohibited”. He is depicted as blue circle, which is on a red background, and is also crossed out with two lines crosswise. This sign says that you can not stop under it, no matter what transport you are driving.

An exception may be only passenger route transport, which has the ability to make a stop for boarding or disembarking passengers, while adhering to the route. Also, in the field of action of this sign there may be markings.

No stop sign

Such parking may be prohibited for a certain period of time (from 20.00 to 07.00). However, this information is also visible in the table under the sign, if there is none, then there is no time limit. The sign also indicates the permission for the official to stop there.

To avoid confusion, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between two different concepts - parking and temporary parking. Temporary parking says that you can stop for no more than 5 minutes. Parking is a longer stop of transport.

There is also an exception in this case: when you stop for a while to load or unload products, or to board or disembark passengers, and in time it is much more than 5 minutes, it will still turn out to be only a temporary stop. The work zone of the specified restriction also applies to parking in such a place.

How does the No Stop sign work?

The territory where such a sign is valid is the zone behind it. That is, a car that is stopped in front of the sign does not violate the rules. According to the traffic rules, "Stopping is prohibited" refers only to the transport that is located on the side of the movement of cars where it hangs. And therefore, if the car is located on the other side of the road, it does not violate, provided that such a sign does not hang there. The distance of this sign in different situations various:

  1. to the first closest turn;
  2. to the sign that indicates the beginning or end of the settlement;
  3. to the sign that has the name "End of the zone of all restrictions."

In other conditions, the radius of action of the indicated sign may be written in the plate below it. This indicates that stopping is not permitted over this distance.

The signs may indicate the types of transport that are allowed to stop there as an exception. When there is no such designation, then you can only stop by a fixed-route taxi.

Exceptions to the rules

No Stopping Sign: On the Road

The biggest exception is the emergency stop permission for shuttle buses. It can be either a bus, trolleybus or minibus. Taxis have the opportunity to stop with the appropriate designation, as well as with the meter already running.

Transport that unloads the goods does not violate the rules when there is no other way to drive to the destination. Postal vehicles, disabled drivers, act as exceptions to existing rules. In the event that there is a plate with permission for this transport.

A plate with a picture of a man wheelchair, says that a driver who is a disabled person of 1 or 2 groups can stop the vehicle here. It also applies to cars that transport people with disabilities or disabled children. When given sign is missing, parking will also be prohibited for these persons.

Penalties for non-compliance with the rules

The punishment for breaking a rule varies. In this case, it is considered which rule was not followed and what it entailed for other persons. Quite often, cars that violate are already transported on a tow truck to a penalty parking lot. But there are times when a fine is the only punishment.

  1. The fine for violating this rule is usually 1,500 rubles, in accordance with the norm of Article 12.16, paragraph 4-5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.
  2. When the car is temporarily stopped, but is still long time under the sign, then the fine will be equal to 3,000 - 5,000 rubles.
  3. When the car is standing in the place where the stop of public transport is indicated, then in this case the fine will be equal to 1,000 rubles.
  4. When the driver stopped his car under such a sign, and immediately a traffic jam appeared on the road, it will be equal to 2,000 rubles.


No Stopping Sign: With Plaques

The driver suddenly became ill, which was expressed either in sharp pain, or in nausea, or in another. He was forced to stop under such a sign, while turning on the emergency alarm. After some time, the driver felt better and decided to continue his journey, but the traffic police officers who arrived at this place immediately issued a fine of 1,500 rubles.

It becomes clear that the driver simply did not take into account that it is also necessary to put up an emergency stop sign. At the exit from the residential yard hangs a sign "Stopping is prohibited." Minibuses often stop behind him to drop people off. In this case, those drivers who leave the yard do not see the situation on the road, since the view is closed. However, in an accident, the blame for violating the rules will fall on the driver, regardless of whether he saw the road well or not.

The young man is working. The building in which it is located workplace enclosed by a fence. After it is a piece of land about 5 meters. And then only a sidewalk with a width of about 2 m. On the road, before reaching the building 200 m, such a sign hangs. He parks the car between the fence as well as the sidewalk. As a result, he receives a fine of 3,000 rubles.

Of course, such a driver is against a fine. However, according to the rules, the fine is legal. Since, the action of the indicated sign extends to that part of the road where the car is standing. The concept of a road also includes the carriageway itself, the sidewalk, and the roadside.

Video lesson for students of driving schools and all drivers:

It grows and grows. Naturally, this becomes a big problem. After all, roads, and many of them were built in the Soviet Union, are not designed for such a number of cars, then personal transport was a rarity. It may seem absurd, but not only movement as such becomes a problem, but even stopping. And it doesn’t matter if you stopped to land, the “iron horse” failed, or there is some other reason. If the sign "Stopping is prohibited" hangs, then it is impossible.

By the way, even when there is no sign, stopping on a whim is also fraught with danger. It is strictly forbidden to stop driving on:

  • tram rails;
  • railway crossing;
  • pedestrian crossing.

In principle, everything is correct. By interrupting traffic there, the driver not only creates obstacles for other road users, but often risks his life.

Description of the sign

But back to the No Stopping sign. Let's take a look at what it looks like. On a blue background there is a red circle with intersecting lines in the form of an St. Andrew's cross of the same color. In the zone of its action, it is impossible to stop the car in any way, there can be no exceptions.

Sign coverage area

In order not to get into trouble, it is necessary to clearly imagine on what segment of our roads this sign generally operates. So, the zone of action of the sign "Stop is prohibited" begins directly from the place where it is installed. The driver has the right (without conflict with the traffic rules) to interrupt the movement no earlier than the intersection passes. The driver will be able to breathe a sigh of relief after the sign “End of all restrictions”, the name of which speaks for itself, and at the end of the territory of the settlement.

Be careful! If you see, then the action of the sign will differ from the standard version, when a sign is attached below. This plate is designed to clarify the coverage area. Let's tell in more detail. If you see an arrow pointing to the ground, then the sign itself serves as a travel limiter. If you come across a sign with two arrows (one up, the other down), then know that you are now on the segment where there is a parking ban.

What if you see a number on the plate? It's even easier to understand here. The number just sets the zone of action of the sign. If there is 2 km, then the coverage area is two kilometers. It's not hard to remember at all. By the way, if the distance is specified in advance, then the “End of all restrictions” may not be. Indeed, why put it when everything is clear anyway.

There is a variant with a right (well, or left) arrow. There is nothing complicated here either. Where the arrow goes, there are restrictions.

Let's say a few words about road markings. According to the traffic rules, the sign “Stopping is prohibited” without arrows supplementing it implies markings. It should look like a uniform line yellow color. The end of the markup also means the end of the sign. An important nuance - on which side "Stop is prohibited", then it works.

Penalties for violators

None of us are perfect. And you may have a stop under the sign "Stop is prohibited." And what will you do? Big trouble. We look at 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses: for this offense there was only 500 rubles. However, not so long ago the sanctions were tightened. Now, even in the easiest case, cook at least 1,500 rubles. Plus, there are several aggravating circumstances. For example, under the sign “Stopping is prohibited”, if you interfere with other drivers during an illegal stop, it will already be two thousand rubles, or you will look for your car in a penalty parking lot.

Sanctions began to be differentiated depending on the place of the offense. And what does this mean? If you ignore the No Stopping sign while in the province, you may be subject to a minimal fine. In the capital or St. Petersburg - three thousand. Such a small disparity.

What if there was a force majeure? For example, breakdown. Well. If you prove it, you will get off with a suggestion. But even in this case, it will be necessary to pull over to the side of the road as soon as possible.

Controversial cases

Sometimes there are ambiguous situations. Here is a simple example. There is a sign prohibiting stopping, and public transport stops nearby. That is, on the one hand, it is impossible to slow down at all, on the other hand, this is allowed, however, only for the purpose of disembarking (landing) fellow travelers. This is reflected in . Our advice is to play it safe. To disembark passengers, stop in front of the No Stopping sign. This will save your nerves and your wallet.

Well, our story about what the “No Stopping” sign means is over. We hope that it will help you not to fall into unpleasant situation when you find yourself in the role of an intruder. Observe, in particular, the rules of stopping, be polite with other drivers. And then the situation on the roads in our country will become even a little, but easier and safer.

How does the norm work? The issue of the duration of the prohibition signs is controlled by Appendix No. 1 of the SDA and GOST R of 2004 (Rules for the operation of road signs). These legislative norms regulate the area of ​​validity of the No Parking sign, as well as the fact that a nearby intersection, the end or beginning of a populated area, a special sign next to it and arrows specifying the length of the prohibitions can be taken as restrictions.

However, laws are a complex mechanism, where each item has its own nuances and subtleties in the interpretation of the rules.

"Parking prohibited" - coverage area

According to the norms, the sign "Parking is prohibited" (3.27) can be mounted in places where it is not allowed to stop or leave the car in the parking lot.

The prohibition zone is determined in order of priority, based on the presence of signs or a traffic pattern on the sides of the sign.

Down arrow sign

When the usual prohibition symbol is followed by a similar one, but already marked 8.2.3 (with an arrow down), it indicates that it is impossible to stop on the section of the road until the next sign.

Distance on the sign

It is assumed that the first sign is already marked 8.2.2 (up arrow), and the distance (footage or mileage) is written under everything. This means that the forbidden zone diverges exactly as much as it is indicated there. Moreover, no one cares how the driver should measure this distance. Often after the above combination there is a similar sign with an arrow down. This means that it indicates the end of the ban, and stopping on a further section of the route is allowed (unless other rules or paragraphs of the Rules indicate otherwise).

Arrows up and down

Other than that, if road sign“Parking is prohibited” is mounted in combination with plate 8.24 (double arrow pointing up and down at the same time), then the prohibition is entered simultaneously before and after the sign.

IMPORTANT! A similar solution has been introduced for sections of the road where the length of the ban is too long. The plate should remind the driver of the presence of restrictions.

Sign and markings

Such a sign can be placed in conjunction with the marking of the carriageway - a line (1.4 - an analogue of a solid line at the edge, with a difference in shade - it is yellow).

In situations where 3.27 is mounted, and after it there is marking on the site, then the strength of the sign extends to the end of the entire line.

No prohibition sign

It is possible that behind the sign “Parking is prohibited” with an arrow, a sign can be mounted to cancel all previously announced prohibitions. Accordingly, it will abolish the prohibitive 3.27) restrictions on stopping).

Nearest intersection or point

When this sign is used without any accompanying plate, this, of course, does not indicate the perpetuity of the restriction. According to the Rules, in the current year, in such a situation, the force of the ban diverges to the first oncoming intersection, to the end / beginning of the populated area (depending on whether the driver is inside or outside the point). The earlier moment cancels the sign.

IMPORTANT! The boundaries of the settlement are separated not by any inaccurate norms (for example, residential areas, fields, lakes, rivers, etc.), but by specific legal plates. Thus, you can stop only before the name is indicated on an empty background or the depicted black houses. The end of the paragraph will be indicated by a similar, but crossed out sign.

Also be careful that immediately after the beginning / end of the inhabited area, a prohibition sign is re-affected, which imposes restrictions on parking.

According to statistics, more often the sign 3.27 is “neutralized” by the intersection. Moreover, in the Appendix to the Rules, an exact commentary is given regarding this point. It turns out that the strength of signs is not limited by exits from adjacent territories, which, in fact, are not considered intersections, as well as such sections where country roads, field roads (as a rule, on country roads) and other non-primary roads without proper designations of the main road join the road. roads.

On the video about the action of the sign

Penalties for violation

How long can you stand? The sign completely prohibits parking. When a driver breaks a rule, he needs to be prepared to pay a fine.

For stopping in the wrong place, under sign 3.27, a fine of 1,500 rubles is due if the violation is registered in the regions of the Russian Federation, and 3,000 if in the territory of Moscow or St. Petersburg.

All monetary penalties are regulated in parts 4 and 5 of Art. 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Stopping is allowed only in a forced situation, when this was required by the condition of the car or other factors. In this case, the driver should try to take the car away from traffic as much as possible.

In accordance with the rules of the road described in clause 3.27, the mark “Stopping is prohibited” looks like a blue circle on a red background and is crossed out crosswise with red lines. It means that no vehicles can stop in the specified zone. The only exceptions are passenger route transport, which can stop according to its route for boarding and disembarking passengers.

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In addition, special markup can also be used with this sign. So, to indicate the zone of its action, a yellow stripe can be drawn on the road or curb, or, more precisely, markings, 1.4. Also, other marks are often set that indicate the type of transport that cannot stop there or is allowed to do so.

The plates that can be located under "Stopping is prohibited" are described in paragraphs 8.4.1-8.4.8, 8.18, 8.2.3 and 8.2.4 of the traffic rules.

Temporary parking may be prohibited for a certain period of time, for example, from 20.00 to 07.00. But this should be indicated on the plate under the sign, if there is no such explanation, then the restriction is valid around the clock. The plate may be marked permission to stop the official transport.

In order not to confuse the effect of this violation, which imposes a ban on temporary parking, with another prohibition of parking, one must understand the difference in parking and temporary parking.

Temporary parking of a vehicle involves an action that cannot last more than 5 minutes. Parking is considered temporary parking for 5 or more minutes.

There is also an exception here: if the car temporarily stood up for loading or unloading goods, as well as for boarding or disembarking passengers, and in time it takes more than 5 minutes, then this will also be considered temporary parking.

The area of ​​validity of the restriction established by this marking also applies to parking in the same place.

Validity zone, stop under the sign "Stopping prohibited"

The zone covered by the violation of this sign begins immediately after it. Thus, the car that stands directly in front of him will not violate the rules of the road.

In accordance with the RRP, “Stopping is prohibited” applies only on the side of the traffic where it is standing, i.e. to the right lane. Parking on the opposite side of the road is not prohibited unless there is a similar sign. The distance at which it acts can be completely different:

  • to the first nearest intersection;
  • to a sign indicating the beginning or end of the nearest settlement, or where this prescriptive sign is installed;
  • to the sign, which is called "End of the zone of all restrictions."

Also, the coverage area can be indicated directly in meters on a plate under the sign itself. Then the stop will be prohibited exactly for the entire length of this distance.

On the plates, those types of transport can also be drawn, which, as an exception, can temporarily stand in the area of ​​the violation.

If there are no such exceptions, then no one, except for shuttle cars that get up for disembarking / disembarking people, can make a stop.

What are the exceptions to the rules

One of the most important exceptions to this restrictive regulation is the permission to stop or involuntary parking for route vehicles. Vehicle. These include buses, trolleybuses, minibuses.

Taxis can also stop under it, however, they must be properly marked and the meter must already be on while waiting for the customer.

The transport that drove up to the organization for loading or unloading goods and stopped in the prohibited zone did not violate traffic rules if there is no other detour.

Transport post offices, disabled drivers, are exceptions to the rule. If under the main mark there is a special permit plate indicating the type of transport. A sign on which a person in a wheelchair is drawn means that a car can stop under it, driven by a disabled driver of group 1 or 2.

It also applies to cars that carry such disabled people and disabled children. If there is no such sign, then temporary parking will be prohibited for them.

Penalties for violation

Penalties for breaking the rules can vary. It all depends on whether a specific rule is simply not observed, and whether this has consequences for other car drivers.

Very often, violators' cars are simply taken away on a tow truck to a car impound.

But sometimes traffic police inspectors are limited only to a fine.

  1. The fine for stopping a vehicle in the area of ​​the sign, according to Article 12.16, paragraph 4-5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, is 1500 rubles. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, this amount will already be 3,000 rubles.
  2. If the car is temporarily stopped and for a long time in a place where only cars of disabled drivers can stand, then the fine for this will be from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.
  3. If the car stopped at the place of a possible stop of public transport, then the fine will be 1,000 rubles.
  4. If the driver parked the car behind a prohibition sign and also organized a traffic jam because of this, then he can be fined 2,000 rubles.


  1. The driver suddenly became ill, dizzy, stomach ache. He slowed down and stopped at the curb just in the place where the No Stopping is in effect. The driver turned on the alarm. Feeling better after a couple of minutes, and the driver was going to go further. But the traffic police officers, who arrived at that moment anyway, issued a fine of 1,500 rubles to the owner of the car.
    It turns out that the driver did not know that in this case, in addition to the included alarm, he also had to set an emergency stop sign.
  2. At the exit from the courtyard of a residential building, a sign "Stopping is prohibited" is installed. Behind him, drivers of buses and minibuses very often stop for boarding and disembarking people. For car drivers who often leave this yard, city transport stopping at the same time greatly closes the view on oncoming lane. But in case of an accident at the exit from the yard, the driver of the vehicle will be to blame, even if the cause was poor visibility.
  3. The man works in the office. The building where he works is surrounded by a fence. After the fence there is a plot of land with a length of 5 meters. Further, there is a sidewalk 2 m wide. On the road 200 m before the building there is a sign “Stopping is prohibited”. The man parked his car on a piece of land between the fence and the sidewalk. As a result, he was fined 3,000 rubles.

The driver disagrees. But in accordance with the PAP, the fine was issued correctly. Since, the action applies to that part of the road where it is installed. And the concept of "road" includes the carriageway, sidewalk and roadside.

No one can argue with the idea that movement is life. By the way, a moving car is no exception to this law of existence. But there are situations when the movement has to be interrupted. In the SDA, this process is called “parking” or “stopping”. In a modern metropolis, by the way, the problem of stopping, and even more so parking, is sometimes much more serious than the movement itself. Still would! Cities are filled to overflowing with cars, and more and more often it turns out that the driver does not stop where it is possible, but where he can perch. And sometimes such tricks, such as parking under the sign "Parking is prohibited", end in fines, and in the worst case, sending the car to a car impound.

Description of the no parking sign

First of all, you should consider what the “No Parking” sign looks like. It has a round shape and is approximately 0.25 m in diameter. In places where there are no settlements, its diameter should be at least 0.6 m. It has a blue background with a red border and slanted stripes.

About parking next to the "No Parking" sign

Violations can lead to very serious consequences for motorists who are inattentive and careless about road signs and markings. Every year the amount of fines for non-compliance with these regulations is growing. So, for example, in the code on published in 2014, for ignoring the requirement "Parking is prohibited" (sign), a fine is due in the amount of 1,500 rubles in any locality, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg it rises to 3000 rubles. By the way, depending on the situation, the detention of the vehicle is also provided.

Therefore, in order to avoid this, you need to clearly understand how and in what territory this sign operates, and take into account all the subtleties prescribed in the traffic rules on the road.

What is the difference between "stop" and "stop"

For many road users, the concepts of "stop" and "parking" cause difficulties, and it is necessary to distinguish between them in order not to fall under the action of fines or, even worse, in an accident.

Speaking as simply as possible, these concepts differ in the duration of the process. A stop is the cessation of movement on short term, and parking implies a longer period of time.

In the rules, a stop is explained as no more than a five-minute deliberate braking, and a stop is a cessation of further movement for a long time, which is also not related to the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers, as well as the unloading or loading of luggage.

How does a stop sign work?

Since, of course, it cannot allow parking either, we will call it like this: the sign "Stopping and parking is prohibited."

It is installed on a variety of sections of roads and, if there are no other signs that interrupt the operation of the described one, then its ban is extended to the first intersection. Please note that exits from yards or any sections do not equate to an intersection! If there are no intersections in the settlement where this sign is installed, then the ban is extended to the border of this settlement.

Most often, the mentioned sign is placed on bridges, where the driver will find it difficult to determine the boundaries of the structure on the move.

The restriction of its action has the same rules as for the No Parking sign. We will consider them below.

The effect of the sign "Stop, parking is prohibited"

Let's figure out what exactly and to whom this sign prohibits. The main thing to remember is that it does not allow stopping, disembarking, embarking passengers from any mode of transport, except for public transport and taxis.

The sign is located on the right side of the road or above it. True, its action is limited only to the side where it is installed. By the way, please note that the presence of this sign implies a prohibition of stopping on sites built for public transport, as well as in the so-called "pockets".

Roadsides and sidewalks are part of the highway, and, accordingly, are also subject to the described sign.

Is it possible to stop under the sign "Parking prohibited"

Now let's move on to a more "democratic" "No Parking" sign. Drivers, especially those who have recently been behind the wheel, forget that it does not only allow parking, and stopping in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bit is possible. If yours is under the sign for no more than five minutes, as well as in cases where traffic is stopped in order to drop off or pick up a passenger (equivalently, in order to unload or take on cargo), then the requirements of the rules will not be violated. In these cases, a stop is made that is not regulated by the named sign.

Limits of the ban

It is very important to clearly understand the boundaries within which the “No Parking” sign operates. They start directly from the place where it is installed and stretch to the sections of the road that will be listed:

  • this may be the nearest intersection in the direction of your movement;
  • the zone can last up to the edge of the settlement;
  • the border of action can also continue to the place where the sign "End of the zone of all restrictions" is installed.

As soon as you cross the named sections of the highway, parking of vehicles is again allowed (you should immediately make a reservation that only if there are no other prohibiting mechanisms prescribed in section No. 12 of the SDA). But the action of the described sign is not interrupted in places where there is an exit from areas adjacent to the road (for example, yards or residential areas), as well as at intersections with unpaved roads, if there is no road in front of them. By the way, please note that these rules apply equally to the described sign, and to the sign "Stopping and parking is prohibited", which was mentioned above.

What information is provided by additional signs on the signs "Parking is prohibited"

Their area of ​​\u200b\u200baction happens and is more specifically indicated using additional information on plaques or signs affixed next to them.

So, for example, a plate with an arrow pointing up and a distance designation (822), combined with our sign, will indicate the distance to which the prohibition applies. As soon as you pass it, the ban ends and you can stop.

The plate in the form of an arrow pointing down (823) regulates the prohibition as follows: the prohibition zone ends, and the sign extends to the part of the road that is located in front of the place where the road sign “No Parking” and this plate are located.

A sign in the form of a two-way arrow (up and down) once again makes it clear to the driver that he continues to be in the prohibition zone (824). That is, the mode that was set by the previous sign of the same type has not yet been canceled.

Plates in the form of arrows pointing left and right (825 or 826) are used to limit parking along the facade of any buildings. Parking under the "No Parking" sign is not allowed from the place where the sign is installed and in the direction of the arrows (or one of them). But the prohibition applies only to the distance indicated on the plate.

What do one or two stripes mean

In some cases, the "No Parking" sign may also include one or two vertical stripes. They indicate that parking in the no-go zone is only allowed on odd (one bar) or even (two bars) days of each month.

It is also possible that there is an alternation other than daily. In such cases, the stripes on the sign are replaced by dates that indicate the rotation period. For example, from the 1st to the 15th and from the 16th to the 31st, alternating from the 1st to the 16th, every month.

When is it possible to park in the restricted area?

By the way, the action of the sign "Parking is prohibited" is also reduced with the help of the sign "Parking" (64). But it should be noted that this sign must in this case be combined with a plate indicating the distance to which the zone of this prohibition extends (821).

Along with the “No Parking” sign, in some cases, you can also see the markings on the asphalt, in the form of a yellow dashed line, which is applied over the curb, along the edge of the sidewalk or the roadway. It is easier to say that if the marking ends, then the restriction is also terminated, and parking is allowed again.

By the way, you must remember that the sign described in our article prohibits parking only on the side of the road where it is located.

Who is allowed to stop under a prohibition sign

Road users should remember that on legal grounds, the described sign can be ignored by drivers who are disabled people of groups I and II, or transport that transports such people of any age (including children), provided that this means of transportation is marked with the sign "Disabled". Stop under the sign "Parking is prohibited" is also allowed for taxi cars, if they include a taximeter, as well as cars that are the property of the federal postal service of the Russian Federation. The specified behavior is also allowed for vehicles that serve organizations, outlets etc., if there are no workarounds for them in the area of ​​the ban.

Conflict situations

Now, after reading the material provided to your attention, it may become easier for you to figure out exactly how the “Parking is prohibited” sign and its more “strict colleague” - “Stopping is prohibited” operate.

Unfortunately, quite often situations arise when a driver is punished for parking where it is prohibited, but at the same time, stopping is allowed. In these cases, the inspector who draws up the report must provide evidence that the traffic was stopped for a period of more than 5 minutes and was not related to loading and unloading. Remember this! But do not violate the established rules yourself, since only such behavior will help establish order on the roads, which means that the way to work or home will not be associated with a lot of unpleasant situations for you.

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