The device of cartridges, types of bullets, their purpose, characteristics and distinctive color. Purpose, composition and action of auxiliary charge elements. Purpose and arrangement of cartridge cases Ammunition handling

Charge - a certain amount of explosive (gunpowder, solid propellant, nuclear fuel), usually equipped with an explosion initiator or igniter. Charges are expelling, propelling, subversive, explosive, rocket solid propellant and nuclear.

Charge- a certain weight of gunpowder used for firing guns and rifles, and the gunpowder is placed either in a metal sleeve or in a bag (cap). For charging caps, either silk (preferably) or woolen fabrics are used, as they do not smolder when fired; smoldering chunks could have caused premature firing when the next charge was inserted. Charge weights, depending on the type of gunpowder and the caliber of the guns, currently range from 12 pounds to several fractions per shot; the first limit corresponds to 16-inch guns, and the second to revolvers. - With a significant weight of the powder charge, in the form of ease of carrying and loading, it is divided into several parts, each of which is placed in a special cap. The charge of smokeless powder is from ½ to ⅓ by weight of the charge of nitrate-sulfur powder. If a charge of smokeless powder is ignited by an ordinary exhaust pipe, then several spools of ordinary black powder (igniter) are placed at the bottom of it to increase the strength of the flame; otherwise, long shots may be obtained. The largest charge value for a given projectile weight is determined by the condition that the pressures developed by the gases during firing do not exceed ⅔ of the strong (elastic) resistance of the gun. Depending on the above condition, a full or combat charge is established. In peacetime, for training shooting in the form of saving large-caliber guns, a reduced charge is used, called a practical charge. Finally, for salutes and for some exercises, firing is carried out without a projectile, the so-called blank charges, and the amount of gunpowder in them is not large and is considered only with the proper sound effect. - Ready charges in order to avoid damage to gunpowder (mainly dampness) are stored in special sealed boxes; in field artillery, each charge is placed in a tin case with a lid, and the connection between the lid and the case is smeared with oil fat.

Explosive charge:

1) an explosive calculated in advance according to the mass and form of placement, placed in the charging cavity and equipped with an explosion initiator.

2) powder propelling charge - a certain amount of gunpowder necessary to tell the projectile (mine, bullet) movement in the bore of a firearm and throw it at a given speed.
Powder charges are placed in cartridge cases or in separate bags (caps) and can be constant or variable. A variable charge consists of several pre-weighted separate parts, which makes it possible, by separating a certain part of it, to change the mass of the charge, and so on. change the initial velocity of the projectile, the nature of the trajectory and the firing range. Powder charges are divided into combat, special, designed for experimental firing during testing of military equipment and weapons, for special types of training firing and solving other problems, and blank, designed to reproduce the sound of firing.

3) Expelling charge - a certain amount of gunpowder placed in a projectile, mine or cartridge case and designed to eject damaging, incendiary and lighting elements from the ammunition body.


Gunpowder- explosive compounds or mixtures, the main form of explosive transformation of which is layered explosive combustion. There are gunpowders based on individual explosive compounds, such as cellulose nitrates, and mixed gunpowders, consisting of an oxidizer and fuel. The latter include black powder and solid propellants.

Gunpowder, solid (condensed) compacted mixtures of explosives, capable of occurring in a narrow zone of self-propagating exothermic reactions with the formation of mainly gaseous products.

The combustion of gunpowder occurs in parallel layers in a direction perpendicular to the combustion surface, and is due to the transfer of heat from layer to layer. Unlike other explosives, the combustion of gunpowder (due to the exclusion of the possibility of penetration of combustion products into the substance) is stable in a wide range of external pressures (0.1 - 1000 MN/m2). Combustion in parallel layers allows you to control the total rate of gas formation over time by the size and shape of the powder elements (as a rule, tubes of various lengths or diameters with one or more channels). The burning rate of gunpowder depends on the composition, initial temperature and pressure.

There are two types of gunpowder:

plasticized systems based on nitrocellulose (smokeless powders), which are divided into pyroxylin powders, cordites and ballistites;

heterogeneous systems consisting of fuel and oxidizer (mixed gunpowder), including black powder.
Gunpowder is used in firearms to give the projectile the required speed.

The first to be used was black powder, the place and time of its invention are not exactly established. It is most likely that he appeared in China, and then became known to the Arabs. Smoke powder began to be used in Europe (including Russia) in the 13th century; until the middle of the 19th century. it remained the only explosive for mining until the end of the 19th century. - propellant. At the end of the 19th century in connection with the invention of the so-called smokeless powders, black powder lost its significance. Pyroxylin gunpowder was first obtained in France by P. Viel in 1884, and in Russia in 1890 by D. I. Mendeleev (pyrocollodic gunpowder) and a group of engineers from the Okhten powder factory (pyroxylin gunpowder) in 1890-1891. Cordite gunpowder was first obtained in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century; ballistic powder was proposed in 1888 in Sweden by A. Nobel. Charges from ballistic powders for rocket projectiles were first developed in the USSR in the 30s. and was successfully used by the Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (Guards mortars "Katyusha"). Mixed gunpowder of a new composition and charges from them for jet engines were created in the 2nd half of the 40s. first in the US and then in other countries.

Smoke powder (black powder), a granular mechanical mixture of potassium nitrate, sulfur and charcoal. The heat of combustion is 32.3 MJ/kg. Sensitive to impact, friction and fire.

Smokeless powders are made on the basis of cellulose nitrates with various plasticizers. The first smokeless powder was invented in 1884 by the French engineer P. Viel. There are nitroglycerin (ballistites) and pyroxylin smokeless powders. The heat of combustion is 2.9-5.0 MJ/kg. They are used in firearms and as rocket fuel.

The combat charge of the cartridge consists of smokeless powder. Modern smokeless powders are colloidal mixtures of pyroxylin (cellulose nitrate) with various types of solvents - volatile (ethereal alcohol with sulfuric ether, acetone) and non-volatile (nitroglycerin).

Pyroxylin smokeless powder, in addition to pyroxylin and a volatile solvent, contains a stabilizer. The flash point of smokeless powder is 185-200 degrees, the gaseous products of its combustion contain carbon dioxide, water vapor, carbon monoxide, methane, free hydrogen, nitrogen and ammonia. Gunpowder is produced in the form of grains, the size, shape and chemical composition of which depend on the intended purpose - gun, rifle, revolver.

Nitroglycerin powders also have various purposes - rifle, pistol, etc. In terms of gas-evolving ability, they are slightly superior to pyroxylin ones (820-970 initial volumes during combustion versus 720-920), and in terms of calorie release and heating of combustion products - 1.5 times. This leads to faster barrel wear, but at equal pressures, nitroglycerin powders provide a higher muzzle velocity.

With short-barreled weapons, gunpowder with a small grain size is selected to ensure complete combustion of the charge during the movement of the bullet along the bore. The loading density (the ratio of the weight of the charge to the volume of the charging chamber) is determined by the size of the sleeve, the allowable pressure in the bore, and is usually small for pistol cartridges.

The ratio of the mass of the bullet to the mass of the powder charge in pistol and revolver cartridges is large - from 10 to 45. For comparison, in intermediate and rifle cartridges, the mass of the bullet exceeds the mass of the charge only 2-4 times.

To ensure long-term storage, stabilizers can be introduced into the powder composition, and the entire cartridge is sealed and varnished. Nevertheless, after long-term storage, some grades of gunpowder, such as domestic VP and P / 45, show a tendency to detonate (instead of even burning), which makes the recoil more abrupt, and sometimes dangerous for the pistol mechanism.

The range of pistol powders is very diverse: for example, in the USA, only for home equipment of pistol cartridges, about 50 brands of gunpowders from various manufacturers are offered.
Smoky (black) powder, which is a mechanical mixture of saltpeter, charcoal and sulfur, is used only in hunting cartridges.

The advantages of smokeless powder, or nitro powder, over smoky ones for military weapons are undeniable.

Smokelessness is an invaluable quality of nitropowder in war: the shooter does not reveal himself to the enemy from afar, and after the shot, the smoke does not block the visibility of the target, which is especially noticeable with smoke powder in damp, calm weather.

Significant contamination of the bore with powder soot after several shots with black powder noticeably worsens the accuracy of the battle. This is not the case with nitropowders, because the latter leave barely noticeable traces of soot in the barrel after a shot, such slight contamination does not soon affect the weapon's combat.

Smokeless powders give less recoil when fired and a weaker shot sound; they are not afraid of dampness, damp (even being in water) and dried, they almost completely restore their qualities. Smoke powder, although slightly damp, irreparably loses its original qualities. Smokeless powders are not crushed by prolonged shaking during transportation.

A charge of nitropowder of the same energy as smoky powder is almost half as light as the latter, which somewhat lightens the weight of the cartridge. At the same muzzle velocity, nitropowder develops less pressure than black powder.

All these advantages of nitro powders (various varieties) were the main reasons for the widespread use of these powders for military weapons.

Smokeless powders, when burned, give a large amount of gases and at the same time a small amount of transparent, quickly vanishing smoke. Smoke powders, when burned, give 35% of gases and 65% of solid residues, which are ejected from the barrel in the form of fine dust, which gives smoke mixed with water vapor. Good smokeless powders, strictly speaking, should not leave solid residues. Smokeless powders are ignited at a heating temperature of 162-178 ° C (smoky - about 300 ° C). The ignition of these powders by means of a primer is more difficult than smoky ones, which is explained by the nature of the surface of the powder grain.

Of the shortcomings of smokeless powders, we note that they require a special strong primer and a monotonous but forceful action; the soot of smokeless powders is unable to neutralize the harmful soot of the primer, which oxidizes the bore after firing much more strongly than the soot of smokeless powder, requiring careful and repeated cleaning; smokeless powders are sensitive to compression; compressed charge can significantly increase the pressure.

Modern pyroxylin powder consists of gelatinized pyroxylin. Pyroxylin is obtained by treating wood fiber or cotton with a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids.

Russian black powders, hunting and fighting, were famous for their good qualities and in Western Europe were considered better than English gunpowders. In Russia, black powder was produced at three state-owned powder factories: Okhta (founded in 1715), Shostensky (founded in 1765) and Kazan (founded in 1788). Smokeless powder for military weapons began to be produced in 1890, later for hunting.

Smoke powder currently continues to be used for equipping gun shrapnel (visibility of a gap is necessary), for strengthening the igniter with large charges of smokeless powder, partly for hunting rifles, revolver cartridges, fireworks, etc.

With the advent of smokeless powders, it became possible to significantly reduce the caliber of military rifles and at the same time obtain weapons with better ballistic properties than it was with black powders. Vigorous experiments in this direction (the search for the best caliber and rifle system) were hastily carried out in almost all states.

By the end of the 19th century, magazine rifles of new systems and reduced calibers (8-6.5 mm) were almost universally adopted by the troops, firing smokeless powder, having much better ballistic properties and allowing faster and more accurate shooting than rifles of previous systems. Smokeless powder made it possible to quickly improve automatic weapons - machine guns, pistols, hunting rifles and combat rifles. The invention of smokeless powder opened a new era in the history of firearms.

The value of the powder charge is determined by its density.

Charge density is the ratio of the weight of the charge to the volume of the charging chamber.

where mco is the weight of the charge, g; w is the volume of the charging chamber, dm3.

It should be borne in mind that as the charge density increases, the initial velocity decreases.
The weight is selected in such a way as to obtain the required muzzle velocity at minimum pressure. So for pistol cartridges, the charge value is 0.5 g, for rifle cartridges - 3.25 g, for large-caliber cartridges - 1 8 g.

For the powder charge, pyroxylin powder with lamellar, tubular single-channel or seven-channel grains is used.

For personal weapons, grains are taken in small sizes so that they have time to burn out before the bullet leaves the barrel.

General arrangement and operation of parts and mechanisms. The pistol is simple in design and handling, small in size, comfortable to carry and always ready for action. A pistol is a self-loading weapon, since it is automatically reloaded during firing. The operation of the automatic pistol is based on the principle of using the recoil of a free shutter . The shutter with the barrel has no clutch. The reliability of locking the bore during firing is achieved by a large mass of the bolt and the force of the return spring. Due to the presence in the pistol of a self-cocking trigger mechanism of the trigger type, it is possible to quickly open fire by directly pressing the tail of the trigger without first cocking the trigger.

The safety of handling the gun is ensured by a reliable safety lock. The pistol has a safety located on the left side of the slide. In addition, the trigger automatically becomes safety cocked under the action of the mainspring after the trigger is released (the "hang up" trigger) and when the trigger is released.

After the trigger is released, the trigger rod under the action of a narrow feather of the mainspring will move to the rear extreme position. The cocking lever and the sear will go down, the sear will press against the trigger under the action of its spring, and the trigger will automatically engage the safety cock.

To fire a shot, you must press the trigger with your index finger. The trigger at the same time strikes the drummer, which breaks the primer of the cartridge. As a result of this, the powder charge ignites and a large amount of powder gases is formed. Bullet pressure of powder gases is ejected from the bore. The shutter under the pressure of gases transmitted through the bottom of the sleeve moves back, holding the sleeve with the ejector and compressing the return spring. The sleeve, upon meeting with the reflector, is thrown out through the shutter window, and the trigger becomes cocked.

Moving back to failure, the shutter under the action of the return spring returns forward. When moving forward, the bolt sends a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber. The bore is locked by a blowback; the gun is ready to fire again.

To fire the next shot, you must release the trigger, and then press it again. So the shooting will be carried out until the cartridges in the store are completely used up.

When all the cartridges from the magazine are used up, the shutter becomes on the shutter delay and remains in the rear position.

The main parts of the PM and their purpose

PM consists of the following main parts and mechanisms:

  1. frame with barrel and trigger guard;
  2. bolt with striker, ejector and fuse;
  3. return spring;
  4. trigger mechanism (a trigger, a sear with a spring, a trigger, a trigger rod with a cocking lever, a mainspring and a mainspring valve);
  5. screw handle;
  6. shutter delay;
  7. score.

Frame serves to connect all parts of the gun.

Trunk serves to direct the flight of the bullet.

trigger guard serves to protect the tail of the trigger from inadvertent pressing.

Drummer serves to break the capsule.

Fuse serves to ensure safe handling of the pistol.

The shop serves to hold eight rounds.

The shop consists of:

  1. Store cases (connects all parts of the store).
  2. Submitter (used to supply cartridges).
  3. Feeder springs (serves to feed up the feeder with cartridges).
  4. Magazine covers (Closes the store.)

Trigger pull with cocking lever serves to release the trigger from the cocking and cock the trigger when the trigger is pressed on the tail.

Action spring serves to actuate the trigger, cocking lever and trigger pull.

Disassembly and assembly of small arms and grenade launchers.

Disassembly may be incomplete or complete. Partial disassembly is carried out for cleaning, lubricating and inspecting weapons, complete - for cleaning when weapons are heavily soiled, after being exposed to rain or snow, when switching to a new lubricant, as well as during repairs.

Frequent complete disassembly of weapons is not allowed, as it accelerates the wear of parts and mechanisms.

When disassembling and assembling weapons, the following rules must be observed:

  1. disassembly and assembly should be carried out on a table or bench, and in the field - on a clean bedding;
  2. put parts and mechanisms in the order of disassembly, handle them carefully, avoid excessive efforts and sharp blows;
  3. when assembling, pay attention to the numbering of parts so as not to confuse them with parts of other weapons.

The order of incomplete disassembly of the PM:

  1. Remove the magazine from the base of the handle.
  2. Put the shutter on the shutter delay and check the presence of a cartridge in the chamber.
  3. Separate the shutter from the frame.
  4. Remove the return spring from the barrel.

Reassemble the gun after incomplete disassembly in reverse order.

Check the correct assembly of the pistol after incomplete disassembly.

Turn off the fuse (lower the flag down). Move the shutter to the rear position and release it. The shutter, having moved forward a little, becomes on the shutter delay and remains in the rear position. By pressing the thumb of your right hand on the shutter delay, release the shutter. The shutter under the action of the return spring should vigorously return to the forward position, and the trigger should be cocked. Turn on the fuse (raise the flag up). The trigger should break off the combat platoon and block.

Full disassembly procedure:

  1. Perform partial disassembly.
  2. Disassemble frame:
    • separate the sear and slide delay from the frame.
    • separate the handle from the base of the handle and the mainspring from the frame.
    • separate the trigger from the frame.
    • separate the trigger rod with the cocking lever from the frame.
    • separate the trigger from the frame.
  3. Disassemble shutter:
    • separate the fuse from the shutter;
    • separate the drummer from the bolt;
    • separate the ejector from the shutter.
  4. Dismantle shop:
  • remove the magazine cover;
  • remove the feeder spring;
  • take out the dispenser.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

Check the correct operation of parts and mechanisms after assembly.

Delays when firing from PM

Delays Reasons for delays Ways to eliminate delays
The shutter is in the extreme forward position, the trigger is released, but the shot did not occur
  1. The cartridge primer is defective.
  2. Thickening of the lubricant or contamination of the channel under the striker.
  3. Small exit of the drummer or nicks on the striker
  1. Reload the pistol and continue shooting.
  2. Disassemble and clean the pistol.
  3. Take the gun to the workshop
The shutter stopped before reaching the extreme forward position, the trigger cannot be released
  1. Contamination of the chamber, the grooves of the frame and the shutter cup.
  2. Difficult movement of the ejector due to contamination of the ejector spring or yoke
  1. Send the bolt forward with a hand push and continue firing.
  2. Check and clean the gun
The shutter is in the extreme forward position, but there is no cartridge in the chamber, the shutter has stopped in the middle position along with the cartridge, without sending it into the chamber
  1. Contamination of the magazine and moving parts of the pistol.
  2. Curvature of the upper edges of the magazine housing
  1. Reload the pistol and continue shooting, clean the pistol and the magazine.
  2. Replace faulty magazine
The sleeve was not thrown out through the window in the bolt and wedged between the bolt and the breech section of the barrel
  1. Contamination of the moving parts of the gun.
  2. Malfunction of the ejector, its spring or reflector
  1. Throw away the stuck shell and continue firing.
  1. Condensation of lubricant or contamination of parts of the firing mechanism.
  2. Depreciation of the combat cocking of the trigger or whispered nose.
  3. Weakening or wear of the sear spring.
  4. Touching the shelf of the ledge of the fuse of the sear tooth
  1. Inspect and clean the gun.
  2. Send the gun to the workshop

The inventions relate to the field of powder charges. According to the first option, the powder charge contains two types of gunpowder and a cartridge case. The sleeve is made in the form of a solid cylinder with a notch on the front end or has an explosive or shaped charge on the front end from the inside or outside, capable of penetrating the sleeve. According to the second option, the powder charge contains two types of gunpowder and does not contain a cartridge case. Behind, relative to the direction of the shot, is the usual pyroxylin gunpowder, and in front - another gunpowder, with one or both gunpowder in a cap bag. According to the third option, the powder charge contains two types of gunpowder and a sleeve or does not contain a sleeve, while containing two types of powder: behind, relative to the direction of the shot, there is ordinary pyroxylin powder, and in front - another powder, and they are separated by a piston with holes sealed with pyroxylin film, or with non-return valves pointing forward. Increased projectile speed. 3 n. and 3 z.p. f-ly.

The invention relates to military powder charges. The invention is applicable in artillery and small arms.

Powder charges are known in cartridge cases, capped, in combustible cartridge cases, in the form of solid square checkers (like a German machine gun), see, for example, "Infantry weapons", Harvest, 1999, p. 479. The invention is aimed at increasing the initial speed of bullets and projectiles (thrown bodies).

The speed of the thrown bodies depends on the speed of sound in the compressed gas, which is formed in the volume occupied by the propellant explosive, in particular, gunpowder (hereinafter referred to as MBB). In the mixture of gases that is formed after the combustion of most of the MVB, and at that temperature and pressure, the speed of sound usually does not exceed 2400 m / s. And it falls rapidly as the adiabatic expansion of the propellant gases. The speed of projectiles and bullets, of course, is even less.

Meanwhile, the speed of sound in hydrogen, even at normal temperature and pressure, is 1330 m/sec. And if you also slightly increase the temperature of hydrogen, then the speed of sound in it will increase sharply. For example, hydrogen with a temperature of only 650 degrees C (this is below its ignition temperature) will have a speed of sound of 2360 m / s, and will be able to accelerate projectiles to a speed of 2100 m / s. That is, a “cold shot” will be obtained, as a result of which, due to adiabatic expansion, the gas after the shot can have approximately the ambient temperature.

This is the basis of the idea of ​​the present invention. The purpose of the invention is to increase the speed of projectiles, as well as to reduce (if hydrogen has a temperature lower than the ignition temperature at the muzzle) unmasking infrared radiation by using Staroverov's gunpowders (a series of simultaneously filed applications for inventions).

OPTION 1. This option is for gaseous (or supercritical), or liquid, or combined (solid plus liquid or gaseous) Staroverov powder.

The powder charge is characterized in that the sleeve is made in the form of a solid cylinder with circular and / or radial notches on the front end, or has an explosive or shaped charge on the front end from the inside or outside, capable of penetrating the sleeve. The directions of the linear shaped charges can also be located along the ring and/or along the end radii. In this case, the sleeve may or may not have a capsule in the back (if there is an explosive charge, then the gunpowder is ignited from it).

The sleeve can be made of metal or composite material.

Since such a sleeve is quite expensive, therefore it can be reusable. To do this, the front end of the sleeve is removable and attached with a detachable fastener (soldering, threading, bayonet, bolts), and the sleeve also has a sealed charging fitting (its diameter can be less than a millimeter). In order for the fitting to withstand the pressure of the shot, it can be in the form of a bolt with a conical thread. Such a fitting can be located anywhere in the sleeve. The fitting must be wrapped with glue, and when opened for recharging, the fitting heats up and the glue softens or decomposes.

If the powder is two-phase, for example, powder and compressed gas, then in order to evenly distribute the powder in the volume of the sleeve, it must be applied to some kind of reinforcement. For example, the powder can be glued onto a thread or cloth made of pyroxylin, or explosives, or a heat-resistant material such as quartz glass fiber. And the thread itself can be evenly stuffed into a sleeve (such as felt). The fabric can be corrugated and arranged in a longitudinal roll or may be arranged in transverse discs.

Example 1. Sleeve in the form of a steel cylinder with a replaceable membrane made of composite material, fastened with adhesive and a threaded union nut. From the inside, linear cumulative charges are located on the membrane in the form of 6 rays (charges located from the inside of the membrane can be of the most minimal power. Since the internal pressure itself tends to break the membrane, a slight violation of the integrity of the membrane is enough, and then it breaks itself).

The charge works like this: the shaped charge ignites (by capsule, electricity, laser), breaks through the membrane and ignites the gunpowder. There is a shot.

OPTION 2. At the initial stage of projectile acceleration (up to about 800 m / s), it is not necessary to use Staroverov's gunpowder. Therefore, this charge option contains two types of gunpowder: behind (relative to the direction of the shot) - ordinary pyroxylin gunpowder, and in front - Staroverov's gunpowder, with one or both gunpowder being in a cap bag. In this case, the charge may have a sleeve (preferably a caliber one) or may be placed directly into the gun barrel.

The charge works like this: first, the rear pyroxylin powder is ignited and the projectile begins to accelerate. Then, from the heat of this gunpowder, Staroverov's gunpowder ignites and accelerates the projectile to a high initial speed.

OPTION 3. In the previous version, a slight mixing of powder gases from two types of gunpowder can occur, especially if the charging chamber and, accordingly, the sleeve are over-caliber (longitudinal gas flows occur in the bore).

This version of the charge contains Staroverov's gunpowder and a caliber sleeve, or does not contain a sleeve and differs in that it contains two types of gunpowder: behind (relative to the direction of the shot) - ordinary pyroxylin powder, and in front - Staroverov's powder, and they are separated by a piston with holes sealed with pyroxylin film, or with non-return valves pointing forward.

When the rear charge is ignited, part of the pyroxylin gases will penetrate through the piston into the front cavity and are displaced with gases from Staroverov's gunpowder. To reduce this phenomenon, the two mentioned types of powder can also be in the back cavity, with one or both of the powders in the cap bag, and the pyroxylin powder is at the back.

The charge works like this: first, pyroxylin powder is ignited, then a small amount of Staroverov’s gunpowder, located in the back of the charge, ignites from it, then powder gases through holes or check valves in the piston penetrate into the front of the charge and set fire to Staroverov’s gunpowder.

Options 2 and 3 do not provide infrared masking of the shot, but they are simpler and cheaper. They have a strong unmasking flame due to the burning of hydrogen in air.

1. A powder charge containing two types of gunpowder and a sleeve, characterized in that the sleeve is made in the form of a solid cylinder with a notch on the front end or has an explosive or shaped charge on the front end inside or outside, capable of penetrating the sleeve.

2. The charge according to claim 1, characterized in that, for the purpose of reusable use, the front end of the sleeve is removable and attached with a detachable fastener (soldering, threading, bayonet, bolts), and the sleeve also has a sealed fitting, for example, in the form of a bolt with a conical thread .

3. The charge according to claim 1, characterized in that if the charge contains a powder component, then the powder is glued to a thread or cloth made of pyroxylin, or an explosive, or a heat-resistant material, such as quartz glass fiber.

4. A powder charge containing two types of gunpowder and not containing a sleeve, characterized in that behind (relative to the direction of the shot) there is ordinary pyroxylin gunpowder, and in front - another gunpowder, with one or both gunpowder being in a cap bag.

5. A powder charge containing two types of gunpowder and a cartridge case or not containing a cartridge case, characterized in that it contains two types of gunpowder: behind (relative to the direction of the shot) there is ordinary pyroxylin powder, and in front - another gunpowder, and they are separated by a piston with holes sealed pyroxylin film, or with check valves pointing forward.

6. The charge according to claim 5, characterized in that the two mentioned types of gunpowder are also in the rear cavity, with one or both gunpowder being in the cap bag, and the pyroxylin gunpowder is at the back.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to defense technology, more specifically to tank ammunition. .

The study of the issue should be carried out in the sequence indicated in the training materials. In the course of the study, use the overall weight models of artillery shots. At the end of the study of the material of the question, by a survey of 1-2 students, check the degree of assimilation of the material. Draw a conclusion about the issue.

Auxiliary elements in addition to gunpowder may be included in combat charges to fulfill a number of tactical, technical and operational requirements. These include: an igniter, a decopper, a phlegmatizer, a flame arrester and a sealing (obturating) device. The presence in the combat charge of all the listed auxiliary elements is not necessary

Decopper. When firing shells with copper leading belts, copper plating (deposition of copper on the rifling) of the barrel bore occurs, reducing its diametrical dimensions, which can lead to a change in the ballistics of the projectile and even to the barrel bloat. To eliminate the copper plating of the bore in the charges, decopperizers are used. The decopper is a coil of wire made of lead or an alloy of lead and tin. When fired, lead under the action of the high temperature of the powder gases melts and combines with copper, forming a fusible alloy. This alloy is mechanically carried out by the flow of powder gases and by the leading band of the projectile during the next shot. The decopper is placed, as a rule, on top of the warhead, and in some cases it is tied in the middle of it. The weight of the decopper is about one percent of the weight of gunpowder.

The phlegmatizer is used mainly in shots with a full warhead for firing from cannons and is intended to reduce wear (heat) of the bore. In shots with a reduced combat charge, the phlegmatizer is not used. The phlegmatizer is a sheet of paper coated on both sides with a layer of high molecular weight organic substances ( ceresin, paraffin, petrolatum or their alloys). According to the device, the phlegmatizer is of the sheet type and corrugated. The sheet-type phlegmatizer consists of one or two sheets and is used in combat charges from granulated pyroxylin powder when firing from small and medium-caliber guns. A corrugated phlegmatizer is used in combat charges made from ballistic-type gunpowder for artillery pieces with a caliber of 100 mm or more. For more effective action, the phlegmatizer is located around the upper part of the warhead near the walls of the sleeve.

The action of the phlegmatizer when fired is reduced to the fact that during the combustion of the combat charge, part of the heat is spent on the sublimation of the organic substances of the phlegmatizer, and therefore the temperature of the gases in the bore decreases somewhat. In addition, when the phlegmatizer is activated, organic vapors with high viscosity and low thermal conductivity envelop powder gases, forming a kind of protective layer that makes it difficult to transfer heat from gases to the walls of the barrel. This made it possible to increase the survivability of the barrels of medium-caliber guns by about two times, and for small-caliber guns - by more than five times. However, the use of a phlegmatizer increases carbon deposits in the barrel and impairs the extraction of cartridge cases due to clogging of the charging chamber.

Flame arresters. At the time of the shot, when the powder gases exit the barrel bore, a flame is formed in front of the gun, reaching a significant size. It unmasks the weapon, especially at night. Sometimes, at a high rate of fire from guns of medium and large caliber, in addition to the muzzle flame, a so-called reverse flame is formed, which appears when the shutter is opened, from which the crew can get burned. Backfire is especially dangerous when firing from tank and self-propelled guns.

One of the reasons for the formation of a flame is the combination of hot powder gases containing CO, H 2 , CH 4 and other flammable products with atmospheric oxygen.

There are two ways to eliminate the flame of a shot:

- lowering the temperature of powder gases by lowering the calorific value of gunpowder, which is achieved by introducing so-called cooling additives into its composition. However, this path may not always be acceptable, since it inevitably leads to a decrease in the ballistics of the combat charge;

- an increase in the ignition temperature of combustible gases when mixed with atmospheric oxygen, which is ensured by the use of flameless powders or flame arresters.

Flame arresters are a sample of flame retardant salt or flame retardant gunpowder placed in an annular cap.

Potassium sulphate (K2SO4), potassium chloride (KCl) or a mixture thereof are used as flame retardant salts in powder form. The latter are used only when firing at night, since when fired during the day they give a cloud of smoke that unmasks the gun.

Flame-extinguishing powders are called gunpowder containing potassium salts (K2SO4, KC1) or organochlorine compounds (extinguishers such as X-10, X-20, D-25).

Flame-retardant powders containing organochlorine compounds are the most effective. They do not form smoke, act as a conventional cooling additive in the charge, and are mainly used to extinguish backfire in both cartridge and case-loaded shots.

The effect of extinguishers of the X-10, X-20 and D-25 types is that organochlorine compounds located in the lower part of the charge around the igniter, during joint combustion, form a salt KS1, which is an anti-catalyst for the ignition of powder gases when they exit the barrel bore.

The weight of the flame arrester is 0.5-1% of the weight of gunpowder warhead.

The sealing (obturating) device is a cardboard element of the combat charge. It serves to prevent the movement of the warhead in the sleeve during the transportation and operation of shots, as well as to eliminate the breakthrough of powder gases until the leading belt of the projectile is completely cut into the rifling of the barrel.

The sealing device for cartridge loading shots consists of a circle placed directly on the powder, a cylinder and an obturator. Depending on the design of the combat charge and the degree of filling of the sleeve with it, the sealing device may be absent, have all three elements, one obturator or a circle and a cylinder. In the case when the projectile is equipped with a tracer, a hole is made in the mug and obturator.

The sealing device in the separate cartridge case loading shots consists of two cardboard covers. The bottom cover, equipped with a loop of braid, is called normal. It serves as a shutter when fired and eliminates the loss and displacement of charge beams during loading. The top cover with braid is called reinforced and is designed to secure and seal the warhead in the sleeve. Loop and band serve for the convenience of removing covers from the sleeve. For more reliable sealing of the combat charge, the entire surface of the reinforced cover is filled with a layer of lubricant PP-95/5 (95% petrolatum and 5% paraffin).


The sleeve is part of an artillery round of cartridge and separate cartridge case loading and is intended to contain a combat charge, auxiliary elements to it and means of ignition in it; protection of the combat charge from the influence of the external environment and mechanical damage in the conditions of service; obturation of powder gases when fired; connection of a combat charge with a projectile in cartridge-loading shots

In the sleeve for the cartridge loading shot (Fig. 75, a), the following elements are distinguished: muzzle 1, slope 2, body 3, flange 4, bottom 5, point 6.

The dulce is intended to connect the cartridge case to the projectile.

The slope is a transitional element from the muzzle to the body.

The case of a sleeve of a conic form. The diametrical dimensions of the sleeve body are somewhat smaller (0.3-0.7 mm) of the charging chamber. The taper of the case body and the gap facilitate its extraction after the shot. The wall thickness of the hull is variable and increases towards the bottom.

The bottom of the sleeve has an annular protrusion (flange) on the outside, and a bulge (nipple) on the inside. The flange in most gun cases serves to abut against the annular bore of the bolt seat of the barrel in order to fix the position of the cartridge case in the charging chamber, as well as to capture the ejector with the legs during their extraction. At the bottom of the sleeve there is a socket with a thread (point) for an igniter.

In the cases of separate loading shots, most artillery systems do not have a muzzle and a ramp.

The action of the cartridge case when fired is associated with the occurrence of elastic and residual deformations in its material under the pressure of powder gases. At the moment of firing under the pressure of powder gases, the muzzle, slope and part of the case body are deformed within the limits of elastic and partially plastic deformations and fit snugly against the walls of the charging chamber, excluding the breakthrough of powder gases towards the bolt. Only a small section of the body near the flange, which has the greatest rigidity, does not adhere to the walls of the chamber. After the pressure drop, the diametrical size of the sleeve decreases somewhat due to elastic deformations, thereby achieving ease of its extraction.

Thus, reliable obturation of powder gases by a sleeve depends on a metal with elastic-plastic properties, the correct determination of the wall thickness and the gap between the walls of the sleeve and the gun chamber.

Classification of sleeves and requirements for them.

Sleeves are classified according to the method of loading, the method of emphasis in the chamber, material and design.

By way of loading they are divided into cartridge cases for cartridge and separate cartridge case loading.

According to the method of emphasis in the chamber- on sleeves with an emphasis on the flange, with an emphasis on the slope and with an emphasis on a special ledge on the body.

Sleeves with an emphasis on the flange are most common in artillery of all calibers. Sleeves with an emphasis on the slope were used in small-caliber shots for firing from automatic guns. They have a flange diameter equal to the diameter of the body, and allow for a more dense stacking of shots in the magazine, and also exclude the possibility of dispersal of shots during automatic chambering.

Sleeves with an emphasis on a special ledge on the body of the distribution did not receive.

By material sleeves are subdivided into metal and sleeves with a burning body. Metal sleeves are made of brass or mild steel. Brass cases are the most common and have the best properties both in terms of their combat use and their production. To reduce the phenomenon of spontaneous cracking of the sleeves, silicon can be added to the brass. However, the consumption of scarce non-ferrous metals forces the use of low-carbon steel for the manufacture of sleeves in wartime and in peacetime.

By design, metal sleeves are divided into seamless and prefabricated. Seamless sleeves are one piece and are produced by drawing on presses from one blank. Prefabricated sleeves consist of several individual parts. They can be solid and rolled.

The following basic requirements are imposed on the sleeves:

Reliability of obturation of powder gases during firing;

ease of loading and extraction after firing;

the strength necessary to protect the cartridge case and charge from damage in service conditions;

Reliability of fastening of the projectile in cartridge-loading shots;

multi-shot, i.e., the possibility of repeated use of the sleeve after appropriate repair and renewal;

Long term storage stability.

The first two requirements are the most important, since the normal combat operation of artillery systems as a whole depends on them. Unsatisfactory obturation of powder gases during firing leads to their breakthrough through the bolt seat, and, consequently, to loss of energy and to possible burns of the gun crew. Delays in the extraction of cartridge cases reduce the rate of fire of the guns and make it completely impossible to fire from automatic guns.

Ensuring the requirement for multiple use of cartridge cases for firing is of great economic importance. The best in terms of multi-shot are brass sleeves.

The requirement for the resistance of cartridge cases is aimed at maintaining their combat qualities during long-term storage. To protect sleeves from corrosion, anti-corrosion coatings are used: for brass sleeves - passivation, and for steel - phosphating, brassing, bluing, galvanizing or varnishing. The use of metal shells for firing from tanks and self-propelled artillery mounts causes gas pollution and cluttering up the fighting compartment of vehicles with spent cartridges. The gas content is the result of the large volume of the cartridge case chamber, in which, after extraction from the charging chamber, a significant amount of propellant gases remains. These shortcomings are largely eliminated by the use of shells with a combustible body. A number of foreign armies are developing such cartridges. A sleeve with a combustible body consists of a brass pallet, to the inner surface of which a combustible body is glued.

The burning body is an integral part of the charge of gunpowder.

The use of shells with a burning body will reduce the gas contamination of tanks and reduce the consumption of brass. In addition, the use of these shells significantly reduces the amount of work to collect them on the battlefield and evacuate to the rear.

Classification of means of ignition and requirements for them.

Means of ignition are the elements of the shot, designed to ignite the warhead.

According to the method of actuation, the means of ignition are divided into shock, electric and galvanic shock.

Percussion means of ignition are driven by the impact of the striker of the percussion mechanism and come in the form of primer bushings and shock tubes. The former are used in case-loading shots, and the latter in separate cap-loading shots.

Electric means of ignition, acting from an electrical impulse, are used in rocket, coastal and naval artillery ammunition.

At present, in the shots of tank and self-propelled artillery, galvanic-impact ignition means have been used, combining electric and impact methods of action in one sample.

The following basic requirements are imposed on the means of ignition: safe handling and sufficient sensitivity to the impulse that initiates the action; sufficient flammability, which would ensure proper ignition of the powder charge and the creation of the necessary ballistic conditions; uniformity of action; reliable obturation when fired; long-term storage stability.

Currently, capsule bushings KV-4, KV-2, KV-13, KV-13U, KV-5 and shock tube UT-36 are used.

The capsule sleeve KV-4 (Fig. 78) is used in shots for guns in the barrel of which the pressure of powder gases does not exceed 3100 kg / cm 2. It consists of a brass or steel body and parts of an igniter device assembled inside it: an igniter capsule 2, clamping sleeve 3, anvil 4 and an obturating copper cone 5, and also adding smoke powder 7, two powder firecrackers 8 and safety mugs of parchment 9 and brass 10.

The housing on the outside has a thread for screwing the sleeve into the sleeve point.

The bottom of the case is solid, on its outer surface there are three turnkey grooves.

On the inner side of the bottom of the housing there is a nipple with slot 1 for placing the parts of the ignition device. To secure powder firecrackers and mugs, the muzzle of the body is rolled up. The brass circle and the seaming place are covered with varnish-mastic or enamel for tightness.

Capsule action. When the striker hits the bottom of the primer sleeve, a dent is formed, which presses the primer-igniter to the anvil, as a result of which the percussion composition of the primer-igniter is ignited. The gases formed during the combustion of the impact composition, passing through the anvil channel, raise the copper obturating cone and, flowing around it, ignite the powder firecrackers, and the latter ignite the gunpowder of the combat charge. With increasing pressure in the charging chamber of the gun, the powder gases move the obturating cone in the opposite direction, pressing it against the walls of the anvil socket, which ensures obturation, i.e., the possibility of a breakthrough of powder gases through the thin part of the bottom of the sleeve at the impact site is excluded.


Bullets of live ammunition are divided into ordinary and special: armor-piercing, tracer, incendiary, sighting (explosive). Special bullets can be double and triple action (armor-piercing incendiary, armor-piercing tracer, armor-piercing incendiary tracer, etc.).

Ordinary bullets with a steel core are used for machine guns, light machine guns and heavy machine guns. They consist of a steel core and a tombac coated steel shell; there is a lead jacket between the sheath and the core.

The thickness of the shells of modern bullets is 0.06--0.08 bullet caliber. As a material for the shell of the bullet, mild steel clad with tombac (bimetal) is used. Tompac is an alloy of copper (about 90%) and zinc (about 10%). This composition gives good penetration of the bullet into the rifling and low barrel wear.

The core for ordinary bullets is made of mild steel, and in pistol cartridges it is made of lead with the addition of 1-2% antimony to increase the hardness of the alloy.

In the external outline of the bullet, the head, leading and tail parts are distinguished.

The head of the bullet is made taking into account the speed of its flight. The greater the speed of the bullet, the longer its head should be, since in this case the force of air resistance will be less. In modern bullets, the length of the head is taken in the range of 2.5 - 3.5 calibers.

The leading part of the bullet is cylindrical, it is intended to give it direction and rotational movement, as well as to fill the bottom and corners of the rifling of the bore and thereby eliminate the possibility of a breakthrough of powder gases.

For a better direction of movement of the bullet in the bore, it is advantageous to have a large length of the leading part, but with an increase in the length of the leading part, the force required to cut the bullet into the rifling increases. This increases bore wear. In addition, an excessive increase in the leading part of the bullet can lead to a transverse rupture of the shell when cutting into the rifling. Optimal for modern bullets is the length of the leading part from 1 to 1.5 caliber.

Bullet diameter is usually between 1.02 and 1.04 caliber weapons. In modern bullets, the tail has a length of 0.5 to 1 caliber and a cone angle of 6--9 °. The tail section in the form of a truncated cone gives the bullet a more streamlined shape, thereby reducing the area of ​​rarefied space and air turbulence behind the bottom of the flying bullet.

The total length of the bullet is limited by the conditions of its stability in flight. With the existing steepness of the rifling, the length of the bullet, as a rule, does not exceed 5 calibers.

Sleeves are divided by shape into two types: cylindrical and bottle.

The cylindrical sleeve is simple in design and facilitates the construction of a box magazine; it is used in low power cartridges (pistol cartridges).

The bottle sleeve allows you to have a larger powder charge.

The operating conditions of the cartridge case, especially in automatic weapons, place high demands on its material. The best material for making cases is brass, but in order to save money, cases are more often made from tombac-clad mild steel. The tompak layer is 4--6% of the thickness of the main layer. Tompac protects the sleeve from corrosion and reduces the coefficient of friction, helping to improve the extraction of the sleeve. In addition, sleeves are also made of cold-rolled or hot-rolled steel with subsequent varnishing.

The powder (combat) charge in small arms cartridges consists of smokeless pyroxylin powder, and in 5.45 mm caliber live cartridges - nitroglycerin.

Powder charge grains are lamellar, tubular with one channel and tubular with seven channels; the size of the grains in this case should ensure the complete combustion of gunpowder during the movement of the bullet along the bore. In pistol cartridges, gunpowder has a lamellar shape; in rifle cartridges, gunpowder grains are tubular with one channel, in large-caliber cartridges they are tubular with seven channels. The greater the power of the cartridge, the larger the grains and the more progressive their shape.

All primers for small arms cartridges have a similar device. The primer consists of a cap, an impact composition and a foil circle superimposed on top of the impact composition.

The cap, which serves to assemble the elements of the primer, is inserted into the capsule socket with some tightness to eliminate the breakthrough of gases between its walls and the walls of the capsule socket. The bottom of the cap is made strong, taking into account that it does not break through the striker's striker and does not break through from the pressure of powder gases. Caps of all capsules are made of brass.

The impact composition ensures trouble-free ignition of the powder charge. Mercury fulminate (16%), potassium chlorate (55.5%) and antimonium (28.5%) are used to prepare the shock composition.

The foil circle protects the primer composition from destruction during shaking of the cartridges and from moisture ingress.

The device of bullets for special purposes

Special bullets have a special effect and are intended mainly for firing at enemy military equipment, as well as for correcting fire,

For automatic and rifle cartridges, special bullets are used - tracer and armor-piercing incendiary.

Tracer bullets are designed for target designation and fire correction at ranges up to 800 m (automatic bullets) and 1000 m (rifle bullets), as well as to destroy enemy manpower. A lead core is placed in the shell of the tracer bullet in the head part, and a cup with a pressed tracer composition is placed in the bottom part. During the shot, the flame from the powder charge ignites the tracer composition, which, when the bullet flies, gives a bright luminous trail.

The tracer compositions used are mechanical mixtures of a combustible substance (aluminum, magnesium and their alloys) and an oxidizing agent (barium peroxide, calcium or other oxygen-containing substances), and a mixture of tracer is added with flame retardants (phlegmatizers) and substances for coloring the flame.

In order to ensure uniform combustion of the tracer composition in parallel layers, it is pressed into a steel cup in several stages with high pressure. A feature of tracer bullets is the change in mass and the movement of the center of gravity of the bullet as the tracer composition burns out. However, the flight path of tracer bullets practically coincides with the trajectory of other bullets used for firing - this is a necessary condition for their combat use.

Armor-piercing incendiary bullets are designed to ignite combustible substances and to destroy enemy manpower located behind light armor covers at ranges up to 300 m (automatic bullets) and up to 500 m (rifle bullets). An armor-piercing incendiary bullet consists of a shell, a steel core, a lead jacket and an incendiary composition. When hitting the armor, the incendiary composition ignites and, getting inside, ignites combustible substances; the incendiary composition according to the recipe is similar to the tracer composition; it contains about 50% combustible substance (an alloy of magnesium with aluminum), and the rest is an oxidizing agent. The armor-piercing action of the bullets is ensured by the presence of an armor-piercing core of high strength and hardness.

In large-caliber cartridges there is a wide variety of special bullets: armor-piercing incendiary, armor-piercing - incendiary - tracer, incendiary.

Armor-piercing incendiary bullets of large-caliber cartridges are similar in design and action to armor-piercing incendiary bullets of automatic and rifle cartridges and differ from them only in the material of the core. B-32 bullets use a hardened steel core, and BS-41 bullets use a cermet core.

Armor-piercing incendiary tracer bullets provide, in addition to the actions considered, also a tracer.

The listed bullets are intended to destroy lightly armored ground targets at ranges up to 1000 m; unarmored targets, enemy fire weapons and group targets - up to 2000 m, as well as air targets at altitudes up to 1500 m. The BST bullet tracing range is at least 1500 m, and the BZT is at least 2000 m.

The ZP incendiary bullet of 14.5 mm caliber is designed to destroy open ground targets, ignite wooden structures, fuel in tanks not protected by armor and other flammable objects at ranges up to 1500 m. The ZP bullet has a percussion mechanism assembled in a glass. The percussion mechanism consists of a primer sleeve with an igniter primer, a striker with a sting and an incoming cap that acts as a fuse against premature firing of the bullet. The impact mechanism is cocked when fired, when the bullet receives a significant acceleration: the oncoming cap settles by inertia on the drummer, the sting of which pierces the bottom of the cap. When meeting with the target, the drummer moves forward and pierces the primer - the incendiary composition ignites, the shell of the bullet breaks and the burning incendiary composition hits the target.

In addition to the considered special bullets, sighting (explosive) bullets are used in rifle and large-caliber cartridges. The action of these bullets is achieved upon impact at the moment of meeting with the target (impact bullets). Explosive bullets of caliber 7.62 mm are used mainly as sighting bullets, and large-caliber bullets are used for firing at air targets. These bullets also contain an incendiary composition. For example, a 14.5 mm MDZ bullet, having a fragmentation and incendiary effect, is intended to destroy air targets at ranges up to 2000 m.

All special bullets for one type of weapon must provide a good enough pairing with the trajectory of the main regular bullet in order to have one sight scale for firing all types of bullets. Different bullets have, as a rule, unequal mass and shape, and it is almost impossible to achieve complete identity of their flight trajectories. For the accepted types of bullets, a certain divergence of aiming angles is allowed when firing at the same range, but so that it does not exceed 1/3 - 1/4 of the sight division at the main ranges of actual fire.

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