What good deeds can be done? List of good deeds for elementary school children

Every parent wants their child to grow up as a worthy member of society and just a good man. Listing the desired character traits for her baby, any mother will name kindness among them. But this is such an abstract concept that it is very difficult to explain it to a first grader. Don't worry, they'll help workshops! Let's try to make a list of good things for children right now.

Doing good is appropriate in any situation

You should start with a conversation, it is very good if this topic is touched upon during " class hour» at school, but parents at home should pay attention to raising a child in this issue. It is important to convey to each child one simple thought: if each of us is kinder and more attentive to everything that surrounds him, the world will become a better place. You need to treat others the way you want them to treat you. Animals, nature and the entire surrounding space as a whole also need care. Remember that it is difficult for toddlers to think abstractly and extensively. It is for this reason that it makes sense to put together a list of good things to do for children. Having such a hint, the child will understand and remember exactly what is good, and will also be able to become better. What to write in such a list? Below we will give a variety of examples, for convenience it is useful to immediately have a large list of “significant” tasks that are performed from time to time, and a small one for every day. But be sure to make a rule - not a day without a good deed!

A smile will make everyone warmer!

It would seem that this is difficult - to smile at the first passerby you meet or the seller in the store? And now, comrades, adults, remember with what expression on your face you most often go out into the street. That's the same, but if everyone smiled at each other, life would become much more fun and enjoyable! Tell your child how much such kindness means and how important it is to always communicate positively with others. Let it be with the item “smile at strangers” that your list of good deeds for children will begin. But you can still say hello to housemates and sellers from stores that you regularly visit. Just try it and very soon everyone around will pick up this initiative. And then leaving the house you will find yourself not in a "foreign hostile world", but in the company of old friends.

Giving mood is easy

Many of us lack attention in relation to others. But it's very easy to make someone happy. You can compliment a teacher at school or even a stranger on the street. In fact, this is elementary politeness, but often we simply forget about it. So why not add the item “please others” to the list of good deeds that a child can do? And if for unfamiliar and unfamiliar people we choose only conversations, then a completely different attitude should be towards relatives. In no case should parents scold a first-grader for giving some of his small things to a school friend, sharing a pen and forgetting to pick it up, or deciding to treat a friend with sweets. On the contrary, encourage such actions, because, in fact, this is kindness.

Attention, we need help!

Most children are kind and sympathetic by nature. Already at the age of 4-5 years, the child considers himself quite independent and "adult" and is ready to carry out a variety of tasks and tasks. Remarkably, this is a completely disinterested urge; for his own help, the baby is ready to receive only praise. Invite the child to look around him from time to time and ask himself the question: “Who and how can I help?”. Even a first-grader can carry a stack of notebooks for the teacher, take on some of the homework, or take part in cleaning the school office. Help may be required and absolutely to a stranger- to move a pensioner across the road, tell the time or the way - all these "pioneer" examples can happen at any time in real life. And of course, no one should be left out if something extraordinary happens. Every child should know that if he witnesses a situation that he cannot solve on his own, he should immediately call for help from adults and tell everything he knows about the incident.

Caring for our little brothers

Child psychologists around the world say that it is very useful for the development of a child to have pet. The animal in the house teaches the baby responsibility, compassion and care. A first grader or older preschooler can take care of almost any caged pet, small to medium sized cat or dog, completely independently. But even if your family already has pet, taking care of animals in general should definitely be included in the list of good deeds for children. Feed birds on the street, a stray cat or dog with your child. For birds, you can also make a birdhouse or feeder. It is very good if the school also has a living corner in which children can not only watch animals, but also take care of them.

Nature also needs your participation

Think about how often you could do good deeds? A list for children on this topic must necessarily include concern for the environment and environment. Going on a hike or just for a picnic? Don't forget to take a garbage bag, or better yet, several. And before you start eating or starting to set up camp, invite your child to clean up in the chosen clearing. Often, garbage is lying under our feet, even in our own yard. No need to be ashamed to remove it, but then it will be nice to go for a walk in a clean place. Children can also, together with their parents, set up a small flower bed near the house or grow flowers at home, on the balcony in warm time of the year. The list of good deeds for children 7 years old may also include helping parents or grandmother in their summer cottage.

Learn to give and you will receive more

In any home there are things that are not used and are unlikely to be needed in the future. But someone at this time is in dire need of them and sometimes cannot afford to just take and buy. So why not do a general cleaning and get rid of everything superfluous. Of course, children should do such a good deed only with the approval and help of their parents. Adults, on the other hand, should teach the child to easily part with clothes that do not fit him, boring toys and other things that are no longer planned to be used. Where to put all this wealth? Clothes can be transferred to any charitable organization, try to attach personal items to friends and acquaintances. Remember a simple rule: the more you give, the more you receive - this is the law of the universe, which really works. Speaking of charity, usually at the age of 7-8 all children already have their own pocket money. Today in many shopping malls and public institutions there are boxes for donations, invite your child to drop at least a couple of coins into them from time to time, because, quite possibly, it is these funds that will save someone's life or improve its quality!

You can do good in your own home

Many parents are wondering if it is necessary to include in the list of good deeds for children elementary school various duties around the house and norms of communication between households? Think for yourself, help one of the relatives to fulfill homework- is it a good deed, or to please mom or dad with a cup of tea, a gift for no reason? The answer to both questions is definitely yes. And this means that even without leaving our own home, each of us can do good deeds. List for younger children school age can include not only help "with the housework" and taking care of pets, but also many other pleasant and useful little things. First-graders can help in the upbringing and care of younger children, if any, please relatives with gifts for no reason and offer to help in almost any business - from cleaning to going to the store.

Together we can do more!

mass positive emotions brings children and adults to participate in all kinds of charitable events. Interesting idea for the school, organize trips to nursing homes from time to time. During such meetings, students of educational institutions can simply communicate with grandparents, present hand-made gifts, and arrange small concerts. The organization of such an event is quite simple, and the effect of it is simply amazing. Lonely elderly people are very happy with any attention, and it is pleasant and interesting for children to feel significant. Isn't it for positive emotions doing good deeds? The list for children in grade 2 may also include organizing activities for first graders or even patronizing the younger ones. Who, if not experienced second-graders, is able to help those who have recently come to school in their studies and help solve any problems from untied shoelaces to personal relationships with peers?

From idea to implementation!

You've probably already written a long list of good things for kids at school and at home, but be sure to leave the last few lines blank. Encourage your child to think carefully and come up with their own options. Some of them may seem fantastic and unrealistic, while others may well be tried to translate into reality. Of course, the participation of the child in this work does not end with ideas alone. Think together how exactly you can implement your plan and be sure to involve the young thinker in the implementation. Even with the efforts of one family or school class, you can do a variety of good deeds, the list for children in grade 1 can always be supplemented. The most important thing is that all this be done from a pure heart and completely disinterestedly.

Kindness has always been highly valued, without being ignored and worthy awards. The Universe does not forget about a single good deed, therefore, for any such deed, it necessarily rewards those who help others disinterestedly and with pleasure. Some envy the lucky ones, but few people think that "gifts of fate" are not given just like that. After all, if a person has no desire to make the people living next to him at least a little happier, the world has nothing to thank him for.

What is the power of goodness and good deeds?

Many believe that good deeds must be done only for those who will certainly appreciate, remember and respond in kind. However, such an opinion is a common expression of selfishness. Therefore, being in some unpleasant situation, their attitude will be the same. Of course, this kind of goodness has the right to life, but true good deeds are done from the heart and without expecting any answer in the future.

An example is those people who help those in need incognito - they do not want to attract the attention of society, but are simply glad that they have the opportunity to help those in need. What motivates people to do good deeds? There are many answers to this question:

  1. The desire to calm the soul, because a good deed will help another person solve some problem. Basically, the “boomerang effect” is turned on, which means that a person after doing a good deed will receive much more good.
  2. The ability to imagine yourself difficult situation when you can’t resolve it yourself, and someone’s help is required. Therefore, you should treat others as you would like to be treated.
  3. When doing good deeds, a person feels happy.
  4. Unfortunately, there is a lot of evil on our planet. Its number could be significantly reduced if everyone did at least a few good deeds.
  5. When at a certain period of time a person feels himself unnecessary to anyone, he just needs to do some kind deed, and this feeling will disappear very quickly.
  6. The good that a person brought to people, even secretly, will surely correct his fate, and make him more successful and happy.

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How to learn to do good deeds?

Before starting any business, you should analyze the upcoming work and assess your own readiness for work. The essence of good deeds is that they go from the heart, and not according to the instructions of someone. Kindness should not be expected in return for such an attitude. A person's actions must be disinterested, otherwise he may be disappointed in people.

It is important to understand that good deeds include an attentive and polite attitude towards people. In order for relatives and others to make a good opinion about a person and consider him humane and decent, it is not necessary to perform feats every day. It is enough to take care of relatives and, if possible, help those in need.

Any, even the smallest and most insignificant good deed has great power. A person who received help during a difficult period of his life remembers this long years. However, the most valuable thing about goodness is its contagiousness. The more pleasant things, the better the mood of the surrounding people and the higher their desire to also do good deeds. About what else is needed in order to find female happiness, the fair sex can learn from the article on our website.

What good deeds can be done daily? There are a huge number of examples:

  • skip a person who is in a hurry, without a queue;
  • feed a homeless puppy or kitten;
  • give valuable advice to the person who needs it;
  • send a message to a friend warm words;
  • give someone a seat in the transport;
  • give your friend a small anonymous gift;
  • stand up for unfair offended person, even unfamiliar;
  • help an elderly person carry a heavy bag home;
  • leave an interesting newspaper or magazine you have already read in the train car;
  • help the old woman cross the road.

All these actions will not take much time or money, but will bring a lot of joy not only to those who receive help, but also to those who provide it.

Good deeds and indifference

Indifference and kindness are two opposite and incompatible concepts, unless, of course, we are talking about bright thoughts and actions that come from the heart, and are not performed for selfish purposes. What is evil? We are told about it daily on radio and TV, telling about the facts of committed hooligan, violent or military actions.

But evil people are not only rapists, robbers or murderers. One can also call evil a person who is indifferent and indifferent to the grief of his neighbor. People need to learn to respond in a timely manner to the manifestation of anger and try to resist it by all means. Whether a person will be able to ignore the one who stretches out his hand, asking for help, depends on what his channel of good deeds is - whether it is clogged with evil.

A kind person will certainly help the one who asks, realizing that perhaps this is the only way to his salvation, and the evil one will pass by indifferently. Moreover, all people have different views on good and evil, so not everyone understands that indifference is evil. By visiting our website, you can learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from evil and negativity, as well as learn interesting information about superstitions, reincarnation and much more.

Hurry up to do good deeds

This call does not mean that you need to be kind to everyone and try to please absolutely everyone. This refers to the spiritual kindness that comes from a pure heart and determines the quality of the human soul. In our time, there are more and more ambitious, tenacious, selfish people who strive for leadership and do not tolerate rivalry. All these traits are valued by teachers, employers and allies.

Developing them in oneself, a person involuntarily brings himself to a stressful state. Such consumer attitude to life leads to the fact that few people remember selflessness and goodness. But, having done a good deed, many understand how pleasant it is. In addition, no one has canceled the law of attraction, so what a person gives will definitely return to him doubly. After all, by doing good deeds, people attract the good forces of the Universe. Accordingly, the evil done to someone will return with destructive force. Everything is very simple:

  • give love - receive love;
  • give away banknotes- receive welfare;
  • give positive energy - receive healthy energy.

Good thoughts and deeds have a healing and life-giving effect on the human body. His face and voice become more noble, and his appearance is much more attractive. It is this miraculous power that good has. It is necessary to hasten to do good deeds in order to restore and strengthen your body. But anger and hatred have Negative influence on the body.

Each person can choose for himself the life he wants. But if you live in love for everything, for the world around you and people, then you can attract positive energy to yourself. And anger and hatred attract negative energy, which constantly creates difficult life situations. What is happening to a person now is a consequence of his thoughts and actions from the recent past. By doing good deeds, people become the creators of their destinies. And for the bearers of the light of love and grace, there are no obstacles!

Good is the highest moral and moral values, in relation to which other categories of concepts are equated with the number of secondary ones. It will characterize the benefit for a person of any thing. But what is good?

What is a good deed?

Talking about the moral attitude of kindness, then it can be the fulfillment of a person certain actions, the influence of which is directed directly to obtaining the highest good, not for oneself personally, but for others. A good deed is something that is done without pursuing a selfish goal or benefit. It should be aimed at overcoming misunderstanding with others and instilling in people philanthropy with humanism.

Since the time of the formation of the world, mankind has not ceased to consider what kindness can be capable of, thanks to which it becomes possible to achieve truly perfect relationships in society. There is a theory that it is more difficult for a kind person to live than an evil one, because in his actions he will never pursue selfish goals or try to ruin someone's life.

Good can be attributed to general concept, while virtue will be a subjective quality. It is it that determines whether a particular person has such qualities as mercy, generosity, thrift, generosity, courage and justice. Few people know, but the qualities of virtue require a person to have the right upbringing, because to be kind means to be able to find compromise solutions, to yield in something and always go to the aid of one's neighbor.

If we talk about the moral side, then exactly two parts will be inherent in goodness - this is internal, as well as external. In the first variant, the person himself is supposed to think about his actions and actions that belong to the category of virtue. It is the social side of the concept of good that will refer to the external side - what can be considered good, as well as what significance it has for humanity.

It is the external side of goodness that will regulate human relationships. This is an excellent basis for the development of friendship, as well as camaraderie. These relationships will include goodness as the basis of mutual understanding. Philosophy has been studying this concept in detail for many years.

What is the difference between good and evil?

Every day every person makes a large number of a variety of actions, while some may be planned, while others spontaneous. Often no attention is paid to this. Of course, some actions will be good and others bad, but in everyday life it can be very difficult to determine the thin line between evil and good.

A good deed is one that will benefit others, not just yourself. They should be performed not in order to benefit from this, but free of charge. Only a sincere and open person can do good.

The concepts of good and evil are considered simply distant forms of consciousness of society, which is why they can be interpreted as paired categories that relate to morality, ethics, and morality.

Good is different from evil, and they are not paired categories. These two concepts are considered the initial principles of the structure of the world, while from time immemorial they have been in opposition to each other.

Good and evil throughout the existence of the world are next to each other, but at the same time they are completely opposite. Quite often it happens when these two concepts are confused in the daily bustle. This is due to the fact that occasionally people are forced to do not the best deeds, trying to prevent even greater evil.

Good will always be where there is morality, while the souls of people must remain unspoiled and unspoiled. If every person at least tried to make someone happy, then people all over the planet could become really happy.

There are times when it is very difficult to do good deeds and this happens solely due to the fact that there is a negative experience. Unfortunately, life is arranged in such a way that doing good to someone in almost all cases will result in evil in return. Therefore, it is believed that these two concepts are interconnected and are always side by side.

Cycle of goodness (video)

The problem is not even that a person subconsciously wants to ruin your life, most likely, he, like many, expects some kind of reward for good deeds. If it is not there at all or seems insignificant, then the understanding comes that while remaining good, it will be very difficult in life.

As a rule, this opinion is only a delusion. In fact, if good is done, it returns sooner or later, but this may not happen immediately and completely from other people. It is best to do good deeds so that no one knows about it, and soon the world will pay back in the same coin, and the reward will be so great that you could not even dream of it.

From childhood, the child is taught certain rules social behavior. "Do good" is one of them. However, due to different reasons both children and their parents often do not comply with this rule, however, it has little effect on their lives. So is it worth it to do good to other people?

When you do good, you get joy from it.

People are not similar to each other in strength different type upbringing, social habits and outlook on life. The more you do good, the more happiness you get. Is it true? For some, it is a great joy to feed a hungry kitten, curled up on the threshold of the entrance, and someone will pass by and not even notice him. And the point here is not that someone is able to help, but someone is not. Basically, everyone can help, but it's only a matter of desire. Kindness fills the human soul with happiness, because there is nothing better than to see gratitude on the face of the person you helped. Having done good, a person feels the same pleasure as the person whom he was able to help. But not always.

Good is the basis of man, his core, aspiration and faith. If this quality is not in a person, he will not try to do good, because he does not understand what good it can bring specifically to him. Such people are selfish, and they, not doing good, turn into evil people. How to react to such people and should they be treated kindly?

Is it necessary to do good to evil people in order to kill evil?

On this account, wise people one answer: good people and evil people cannot be treated equally, kind people deserve good relations and the evil ones of the just. It is hard to disagree with this, since other behavior simply contradicts human nature - now it is quite rare to meet a person who, after being hit on the cheek, is ready to substitute another. People get used to the fact that they are forced to survive, which means they are forced to fight evil. At the same time, evil cannot be punished by evil; other peaceful ways should be sought.

Evil deeds inevitably poison the human soul. deal with evil people necessary according to justice. For example, if one person constantly offends another and does bad things to him. Neither words nor requests help, and even an indifferent attitude has no effect on the villain. If you answer him in the same way, this can be perceived as evil, and, in principle, if you act like an offender, you yourself differ little from him. What does fair mean? This means that since a person does not deserve good relationship, he should be treated with disdain and do him no good. In any case, the measures of justice are different for everyone, so everyone is free to choose for himself what fair revenge on evil means to him.

Good cannot be indifferent

Each person is watching how much evil is happening on our land - wars, murders, terrible diseases, accidental deaths. And many troubles, unfortunately, occur not only because someone does evil, but because good people do not want to resist him and silently watch what is happening. And this behavior has been equated with evil by many thinkers. It should be suppressed when it just begins to emerge, and with good deeds it is not worth waiting, since any expectation can bring more trouble than evil itself.

Is it possible to pass by a person who sincerely asks a passerby for help? Perhaps it depends on his participation whether the sufferer can survive or not. If his hand is pushed away, it will also be evil. Unfortunately, people do not always understand that they are doing evil, since the measures of this concept are different for everyone, and evil itself is never recognized as such by its nature. Therefore, every day you need to sow the seeds of good around you, and soon they will sprout. lush garden for those who sincerely did good deeds.

Goodness doesn't need to be counted like apples in the market

If you ask several people about the reasons why they do good, the answers will be different. Someone does it by the will of his soul out of good intentions, and someone does it for himself. And the point here is not a simple joy from the fact that a person has shared his kindness with someone, but that he will expect that he is now obliged to do good. On this account, folk wisdom one answer - goodness does not tolerate calculus and calendar entries. A person should not expect that because of good deeds all the stones in his path will be removed, he should accept all subsequent events humbly.

Do good and don't expect rewards. You should not live by the rule "you - to me, I - to you", because to human relations you can not apply the rules of trading in the market. If a person who has been helped is required to do something in return, it turns out that good can be bought and sold, but this is not so.

Taking away the love of good - you take away the charms of life

Kindness is smiles, laughter, joy and happiness both for the one to whom they did good, and for the one who acted kindly. Human nature is such that people feel the need to take care of someone and help someone. For some, helping themselves is the main task, and these are selfish people who will never know what real happiness is. For others, doing good is as much a necessity as breathing and eating. Without doing good, a person feels empty and useless. Therefore, if a person strives to do a good deed, one cannot dissuade him from this, since this is the meaning of his life.

Do good and you will avoid evil

Kindness is like a boomerang - it will definitely return to the person who did it. The same goes for evil. Any bad thoughts and deeds will be avenged, and good deeds will be rewarded with good. People who do good to others gradually drive out evil from the world, which means they reduce the possibility of its appearance. Today you will help the needy and save him from starvation, and tomorrow someone will donate money for an operation to a terminally ill person. Thus, good will spread and soon conquer the manifestations of evil.

Bad habits don't mix with good ones.

Whether it is possible to learn to do good is a moot point. In many ways, it depends on the person himself, and whether he is ready to give up his desires for the sake of a good deed. Already one desire to become kinder is worth a lot and is the basis for one's re-education. Kindness today is a rather scarce quality, but it depends on it whether this world can still exist or will die soon. According to aphorisms, evil character traits completely recede before good deeds. By doing good and seeing its consequences, a person will never again be able to do evil.

Goodness creates around a person small world in which reigns good mood, smiles, happiness and kindness. Is it possible to leave this world voluntarily? Only if a person has a natural attraction to evil. It is psychologically important for him to see the suffering and pain of other people, and most often such a need arose in a person because of a difficult childhood, which is why you should not allow a child to be unhappy and lonely, even if he is a stranger to you.

Doing good must be unconditional and immeasurable

Kindness is a thing that cannot end, and therefore they should be shared with everyone who needs it and who deserves it. There are so many unfortunate and desperate people around, for whom the kindness of others is salvation. You should not save on kindness, if you have the opportunity, help and do a good deed. It’s wonderful when you feel the strength to help, it means that you don’t live in vain on this earth. Do not make good conditional, because a good deed done by decree loses its power.

Aphorisms about good

There are a lot of arguments about the nature of goodness and the need to do good deeds, with the help of them the sages shared their wisdom, worldview and life experience. Aphorisms about good have a very deep meaning and help a person decide for himself whether to do good or not. One of the well-known aphorisms says that one who talks too much about doing good, loses the time allotted for doing good deeds.

The meaning of many aphorisms is that doing good is true joy, and that trying to take away the desire to do good is equated with trying to take away the charm of life. Also, there are often aphorisms that good is immortal, and good deeds must be paid only with good.

It's time to do good! Create it and be happy!

Every great thing starts with small steps. To practice virtue, one must begin to live it. To do this, try with tomorrow tell all your loved ones pleasant words and praise for what you have done. But do not overdo it so that your words do not seem like mere flattery to others. People are very sensitive to the line between sincerity and pretense.

In the movie "Route 60: Road Stories", which can already be called a cult movie, the hero Bob Cody advises: "Speak, think what you say." Follow this rule when you speak kind words others - do not lie, but do not offend what was said.

Who needs help?

Take a look around: there are many people who need help. Elderly people, disabled children, the poor are those who need help all the time. But this does not mean that you need to immediately pounce on the first passer-by grandmother to help bring her bag home.

Find out if your city has public organizations who do good deeds. Often organized joint trips to orphanages, fundraising for orphans, regular visits to veterans. Even if you become a donor, you will already help at least one person survive.

But don't forget other people too. Help is needed not only for the socially weak and limited, but also for a full-fledged person. You can help someone with an ordinary conversation. But never try to help everyone - it is impossible, and it is not necessary. Do good only to those who need it, and only when your desire is sincere.


If you have in cash, then your ability to help other people is certainly higher than that of others. You can invest not only in orphanages, but also in start-up projects. If you meet a truly talented person, you can help him achieve high altitudes and enrich the culture at the same time.

Does good come back?

Good deeds always return to those who do them selflessly. People will wonder for a long time why this is happening, but the fact remains. Perhaps it has to do with energy, the universe, and all that sort of thing.

But sometimes the help you give can hurt a person. If this happens in your life, do not scold yourself for it. You are not a prophet and do not know what to expect from tomorrow. The main thing is not what you do, but the intention with which you do good deeds.

Don't force your help on people who don't need it. If you really want to do a good deed, then fate will not keep you waiting long and will soon provide you with such an opportunity. The main thing is to listen to her signs.

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