Things to know in life. Dmitry Mikhailov - everything you need to know about life. A black stripe is always followed by a white stripe

If you think that the Sun stops shining for a person when he is going through difficult periods of his life, then in reality everything is not so. The irony is that the reality around us - the light of the Sun, the singing of birds - is more durable than our fragile feelings. Unless you were born 5.5 billion years later. At this point, the Sun, like another star, like a giant thermonuclear reactor, will exhaust all the hydrogen in its core and begin to burn hydrogen in the surrounding layers.

This will be the beginning of the end of the Sun - the core will shrink and the outer layers will expand, and the star will become a red giant. In the final flare, the Sun will fry the solar system with a burst of heat that will turn even the cool neighborhoods of Pluto and the Kuiper belt into a celestial sauna. The inner planets, including Earth, will be sucked in by the dying giant or reduced to ashes.

However, if people do not colonize the solar system or other stars, no one will know about this final hell. The sun, which has already outlived half of its life span, is gradually warming up, and after a billion years it will be 10% larger. The increase in solar radiation will be enough to evaporate all the earth's oceans, leaving us without water and other pleasures of life.

How do magnets work?

For a long time, magnets were considered something of a miracle. And this is sad, because to understand the principle of their work is quite simple. A magnet is any object or material that has a magnetic field. That is, a bunch of electrons in it float in one direction. they like to form pairs, and in iron, for example, there are many unpaired electrons, which are easy to tie up to some kind of party. Therefore, objects made of solid iron, or in general with a large amount of iron, will be attracted to a sufficiently powerful magnet. Substances and objects attracted to magnets are called ferromagnets.

People have known about magnetism since time immemorial. Magnets are found in nature, and medieval travelers learned to magnetize steel compass needles, that is, they created their own magnetic fields. Such magnets were not particularly strong, but in the 20th century, scientists developed new materials and chargers that led to powerful permanent magnets. You can create an electromagnet from a piece of iron by wrapping it with electrical wire and attaching its ends to the poles of a large battery.

What causes a rainbow?

There is something special about this atmospheric phenomenon that has been awe-inspiring since ancient times. According to the Book of Genesis, the Lord put a rainbow in the sky after the Great Flood and told Noah that this was "a sign of an agreement between Me and the earth." The ancient Greeks went further and decided that the rainbow is the goddess Irida. True, her figure was sinister - she heralded war and retribution. For centuries, great minds, from Aristotle to Descartes, have tried to figure out what process produces the multicolored rainbow.

Now, of course, scientists know this well. Rainbows are caused by water droplets that remain suspended in the atmosphere after a good rainstorm. The density of the droplets is different from the density of the surrounding air, because when sunlight hits them, they act like tiny prisms, breaking the light into its component wavelengths and then reflecting them back. An arc is born with bands of color in the visible spectrum, which we see. Since the drops must reflect light back to us, in order to see a rainbow, you need to be with your back to the sun. You also need to look from the ground at an angle of about 40 degrees - this is the angle of deflection of the rainbow, that is, the angle at which it refracts sunlight. It is also interesting that, being in an airplane, you can see a rainbow in the form of a disk, not an arc.

What is the theory of relativity?

When someone mentions the "theory of relativity", they usually mean two theories at once, the special and the general, developed by the physicist Albert Einstein in the early 1900s. Regardless of the degree of our reverence for Einstein, people far from science have little understanding of his theories. Einstein himself came up with a good way of explaining: “When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems to him that a minute has passed. But let him sit on the hot stove for a minute, and it will seem to him for more than an hour. Everything is relative".

Everything seems to be clear, although the details, of course, are more complicated. Before Einstein, everyone pretty much believed that space and time are fixed and monotonous, never changing from whatever point on Earth you look at them. But Einstein used mathematics to prove that an absolute view of things is an illusion. In fact, space and time change: space can shrink, expand, bend, and time flows at different speeds depending on the speed of the object or the strength of the gravitational field.

In addition, the manifestation of space and time may depend on the point of view of a person. Imagine, for example, that you are looking at an old ticking clock. Now place this clock in Earth's orbit so that it moves at a tremendous speed compared to your position on Earth. Clocks in orbit will tick slower.

Clocks run slower due to the phenomenon of "time dilation". Space and time are actually parts of one whole space-time, which can be distorted by gravity and acceleration. Therefore, if an object is moving very fast or is subjected to a very powerful gravitational field, time for that object will go slower compared to an object that is not subjected to the same effect. Mathematical calculations can be used to predict how time will slow down for fast moving objects.

It probably sounds weird. But it's true. GPS satellites, which depend on accurate time measurements to map the Earth, are a good example. Satellites fly around the planet at a speed of about 14,000 kilometers per hour, and if engineers had not corrected the clocks for relativity, then in a day Google maps would be wrong by almost 10 kilometers during positioning.

Why are bubbles round?

Yes, bubbles aren't always perfectly round, as you must have noticed if they've been blown at least once. But bubbles tend to be spherical, and it can be seen that even the longest of them tend to become round. The fact is that bubbles are essentially thin layers of liquid, the molecules of which are held together by a phenomenon called cohesion. This creates surface tension, a barrier that prevents objects from penetrating through it. But this is not the only force that acts on this layer. Outside, air molecules press. The most efficient way for the fluid layer to resist these forces is to take on the most compact form, which is a sphere if the ratio of volume to area is calculated.

Remarkably, scientists long ago learned how to make non-circular bubbles - cubic, rectangular (stretching a thin layer of liquid on a wire frame), whatever.

What are clouds made of?

We hope that we will not disappoint anyone, but the clouds are actually not a mixture of ice cream and angel feathers. Clouds are the visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals, or a mixture of both, that are suspended above the Earth's surface. Clouds form when moist, warm air rises. As it rises higher and reaches colder zones, the warm air cools and the water vapor condenses into tiny water droplets or ice crystals, depending on the temperature. These drops and crystals stay stuck together thanks to the principle of cohesion, which we talked about a little earlier. This is how a cloud is born. Some clouds are thicker than others because they have a higher density of water droplets.

Clouds are a key part of our planet's hydrological cycle, during which water is constantly moving between the surface and the atmosphere, changing between liquid, solid and gaseous states. If not for this cycle, life on our planet might not exist.

In 1803, meteorologist Luke Howard identified four main classifications of clouds, which today have Russian and Latin names. Cumulus, or cumulus clouds, are piled up lumpy clouds that we often see in the sky. Cirrus, cirrus clouds, which means "hair" in Latin, are light feathers at a height, as thin as strands of hair. Flat and inconspicuous clouds are stratus stratus, which means "layer" in Latin. There are also nimbus clouds, low and gray rain clouds. However, there are slightly more subspecies and varieties of clouds, as well as their mixtures.

Why does water evaporate at room temperature?

We humans tend to think of reality as a nice stable place where things stay in their place unless we want to move them. But the reality is different. If you look at water at the molecular level, the molecules look like a pack of puppies vying for the best position on their mother's belly. When a lot of water vapor collects in the air, the molecules bump into and stick to surfaces, causing condensation to form on the outside of a cold drink on a humid day.

Conversely, when the air is dry, the water molecules in your cup can stick to other molecules floating in the air. This process is called evaporation. If the air is dry enough, more molecules will move from the cup to the air than fall out of the air into the cup. Over time, the water will lose more and more molecules, and you will end up with an empty cup.

The ability of molecules from a liquid state to jump into the air and stick to it is called vapor pressure, because jumping molecules exert force, just like a gas or solid that presses on something. Different liquids have different vapor pressures. In acetone, for example, this indicator is high, that is, it evaporates easily. Olive oil, on the other hand, has a low vapor pressure and is unlikely to vaporize at room temperature.

Middle-aged people are sensitive to global problems. They often think about the future of their children, the increased price of gasoline and the lack of legal action. After all, 40 years is the time when men and women become aware of the presence of chronic diseases.

In fact, not everything is so hopeless, and the midlife crisis can be overcome with minimal losses. Here are 40 life reminders that will help you succeed.

You can choose your worries

Life presents you with so many worries that you can choose the most important ones. You can get rid of stress if you prioritize correctly. Don't think about the end of the world and nuclear war, just help the kids do their homework.

You live in a unique era

Some things may seem bleak, but you live in an age of scientific and technological progress and important discoveries. Also remember that you have been given the opportunity to exist in the most peaceful time in human history.

Fake news can be real

A black stripe is always followed by a white stripe

Even the worst event cannot last forever. When you feel like the whole world is conspiring against you, no one can take away your right to happiness. Always tell yourself that behind the black line there is always a white line.

You can still change

At 40, it may seem like you have nothing more to strive for. However, there will always be a new goal, if there is a desire. You can always find new hobbies, new friends and new opportunities.

Let go of old grudges

There is too much stress around you, so do not create problems from scratch. Release old grudges by lightening your heart.

Lack of haters means no success

Elbert Hubbart wrote: "The way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, do nothing, and be empty." Therefore, all your ill-wishers are part of life.

Don't Forget About Breathing Practice

If you can counteract stress with deep breathing, you can avoid many health problems and improve your sleep. Relaxation in the form of yoga or mini-meditation will help normalize blood pressure.

Don't complain about your age

At 40, you can feel how life is rapidly passing you by. You can suddenly get sick, get new wrinkles and gain weight. However, those around them admiringly accept those who age beautifully, and do not complain about fate.

Relationship Priorities

It's easy to get caught up in career goals or all-consuming virtual communication. Remember that there are people around you who are waiting for your attention.

Put spirituality above material values

New things come and go, but there are truly priceless riches. Whenever you have a choice between material wealth and spiritual development, choose the latter.


The facial expression of a person has the ability not only to reflect the mood, but also to influence others. Smiling can be contagious.

Age is just a number on a passport

When you were 20 years old, 40 year old people looked like ancient dinosaurs to you. Now you understand how wrong these judgments were.

Strive for Simplification

If life is full of difficulties and obligations, it is not satisfying. Therefore, strive for simplification, refuse annoying friends, and also delegate authority. Children can clean the house, and you will go in for sports at this time.

Physical activity

Exercise is the cure for all diseases. Even if sport has never been a part of your life, make it a priority now.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

A good balanced breakfast will boost your metabolism and keep you from overeating later in the day. Vitamins and minerals will boost your performance, while healthy fats will lower your blood cholesterol levels.

Think before you get angry

When you can control your emotions, you can hold on to the threads of control of your own life.

Punctuality is a virtue

Your conscientiousness cannot go unnoticed by other people. If you are respectful of other people's time and arrive on time for appointments and gatherings, you earn bonus points towards your reputation.

Don't Forget Patience

Give yourself a chance to make a mistake. Any brilliant ideas, as a rule, are the result of a long series of failures.

Be patient with others

Let other people make mistakes. High expectations lead to disappointment.

Rekindle old hobbies

When you were younger, you enjoyed playing basketball or snowboarding. Now daily worries push favorite hobbies into the background. But who said you can't pick up the ball again and head to the backyard basketball court?

Social media will not replace real life

Therefore, do not waste precious minutes on likes and reposts.

Focus on the important things

Work is not the only thing that can bring satisfaction.

Learn to enjoy the little things

The past is irretrievably gone, and tomorrow may never come. Keep this in mind every time things take you into their endless maelstrom. Stop for a moment and feel happy as you watch the sunset.

Friendship grows stronger over time

40-year-olds are busy working and taking care of children and elderly parents. In order not to lose old friends, you need to shift the focus on the quality of meetings, and not on their quantity.

Think first, then speak

An offensive word, especially if it is thrown in the hearts, leaves a deep wound on the heart of another person. Always think before you say something.

It's never too late to learn

Smart people prefer to study all their lives. Therefore, strive to update your skills and improve your skills.

Make the most of your senses

On your way to work, look for things that have changed since yesterday, or spot different smells. This will help keep the brain active.

Clothing according to age

Having reached the fifth decade, many of us are desperately trying to look younger by wearing ripped jeans and T-shirts. But if you dress according to your status and age, you will look irresistible.

Become your own worst critic

40 years is the age when someone else's opinion ceases to excite you.

Be the person the world needs

If the world lacks activists or fighters for the rights of the disadvantaged, fill this niche.

Allow yourself the right to be wrong

Wasting precious energy on self-flagellation is inappropriate. People make mistakes, and mistakes are part of personal growth.

Stand up for your rights

Instead of leaving angry comments under posts on social networks, stand up for your rights under the law.

Clothing is part of your success

People around you form an opinion about you based on how you look.

Cheering for your success is not forbidden

Not everyone around will wish you success. Do not look for fans on the side, become your own fan.

Little things add up to big things

Accept routine things as an important component of global success.

Not everything that you dreamed about in 20 years will come true

If you do not have a six-figure salary and have not purchased a country mansion, this does not detract from your merits as a person.

It's time to think about the future

Think about how to properly invest your savings to ensure a comfortable old age.

Don't despair if you're broke

If you are in financial trouble, don't despair. There is still time for everyone to find a new source of income.

Think about your heritage

In fact, you are at the equator of your life path. Think about the things you will leave behind for posterity.

Our life is our own, we all go our own way and sometimes need guidance to help us. What are the main life tips that can help us in our journey through life?

These nine vital things, which were formulated by former police officer Justin Freeman, can change your life:

1. Remember that no one cares about you or your success.

Raised wages? Nobody cares. Bought a new car? For a couple of days, close acquaintances will be curious. And then your car will become another shiny drop in one long traffic jam on Sadovoe. Others are just as interested in your new car as you are interested in all these shiny drops. In general, it is impossible that your happiness depended on the opinions of others. Because no one cares.

2. There are those who break the first rule.

Sometimes a person may appear in our life who really will not give a damn about you. True, he (or she) will still not care about your car. But if he appreciates you, he will appreciate both what you do and what you say.

3. Spend the rest of your life with those who break the first rule.

Marry them. Make friends with them. Work with them. Travel and relax with them. No matter how hard you try, you can never make someone worry about you, so if you do meet such a person, try not to lose him.

4. Money is too cheap

In the sense that there are too many of them on the planet - something like forty thousand billion dollars floating around the world, mostly in the form of paper, the value of which we have overestimated. Don't waste your life trying to get some of that paper. I knew a man who set himself the goal of collecting a six-figure figure in his bank account. He worked all his life and in the end he achieved it. However, almost immediately died of cancer. I am sure that his wife's new husband appreciated his diligence.

5. Money is too expensive

This paragraph is about debts and loans. You should never borrow money to satisfy your vanity (see rule number one). Living in debt has become the norm today, but the more loans you have, the less control you have over your life. The only case when it is worth taking out a loan is a loan for education.

True, such a loan is not always necessary, for example, my wife and I graduated ten years of college together without debts to the bank. I don't understand people who borrow tens of thousands of dollars from the bank to get some sort of "BA" degree without understanding what they want out of life.

Here's a free tip for you: if you're going to spend a ton of money on education just because you can't think of anything better, just take a trip to Europe for a few months. I guarantee you will spend less and learn more.

6. Learn to speak

I mean the ancient art of rhetoric. The elements of rhetoric, in all their manifestations, are what makes the world move, because it is the power of persuasion that makes people make decisions. If you understand the rhetorical techniques, understand how they work, you will not only get immunity from all advertising, marketing tricks, hucksters and brainwashers, you will be able to influence people yourself.

When you understand how to speak, to change someone else's mind, to give someone confidence in their own abilities, to calm the fears of a child, you will fully feel the power of the word. Keep in mind, however, that you can use this power only if your opponent in any discussion is not another person, but his ignorance.

7. There are many people before to which you are responsible, but the only person per which you are responsible is yourself

We are all responsible to others, even if it's just a simple act of humanity. However, you should often go beyond this principle and help others, especially those who are more difficult than you. On the other hand, only you yourself are responsible for yourself and no one is obliged to help you.

8. Learn to look at things systematically

When you understand that the world around you is an endless network in which all events are interconnected, everything becomes much less mysterious. At the same time, it is important to remember about unpredictable events with significant consequences (“The Black Swan Theory”): sometimes chaos can disrupt even the most accurate plans. Take risks, but always have a backup plan with you.

9. Always do a little more than is required of you.

It's not about you having to do something for free. But you must admit, because few people expect that someone is able to do more than he is asked. By doing a little more than what is required of you, you will look much better in the eyes of others, gain respect and win over yourself. And these are the factors that are often so difficult to give.

EVERYTHING you need to know about life

Dmitry Mikhailov

Cover designer Tatyana Sadykova

© Dmitry Mikhailov, 2017

© Tatyana Sadykova, cover design, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-2477-6

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero


I want to sincerely thank everyone who met in my life, each of you became my teacher.

Thanks to the wonderful artist Tatyana Sadykova for creating the cover.

Thanks to my friend and like-minded Oleinik Anton for inspiration and help in creating the book.

I thank Evgeny Fedorenko from the bottom of my heart for the site and access to a huge library of wisdom.

Special thanks to my dear wife for her patience and understanding.

Instead of a preface

There are three types of people who walk the spiritual path. The former are called "seekers", the latter are called "disciples", and the third are called "devotees".

Seekers are the worst of the three because they never stop looking. While in satsang, they think about who they are going to see tomorrow. They never stop, they run from one place to another, they go to India in search of a teacher, they go to Hawaii to meet another teacher, they go to St. Louis if they hear about another guru. They are seekers, which is good in the sense that it is better than those who do nothing and think that I am a person and nothing more. But you can be a seeker of a thousand lifetimes and there will be no end to it. If you are a seeker who is truly sincere, with a great heart desire to awaken, then the time will come when you will become a disciple.

The student finds a teacher and tries to learn from him everything that is possible. But he is still not sure, he still has doubts. He asks: “What will I get out of this? What can be here for me? From time to time he goes to another teacher, while remaining a devotee of one guru. The disciple becomes the disciple of that guru, but they do not have a close relationship. If he hears of another teacher coming to town, he goes to meet him. And of course, the consciousness of such a student is in disorder. But then guru and disciple become closer. If a disciple is really sincere in his heart, if he actually has love, compassion and good feelings for everyone, then he will eventually become a devotee.

The devotee becomes the consciousness of the teacher. He completely forgets about himself. He may be in satsang, and everyone is nervous, throwing paper balls at each other, but the devotee sees only the teacher. When a devotee comes to satsang, he does not notice anything that is going on in the classroom. He shows only love and good feelings for everyone, is interested in the well-being of the teacher, and eventually becomes enlightened. Thus, the devotees are those who awaken the fastest.

Think about yourself, what category are you in? Be honest with yourself, it is better to have five devotees around you than ten thousand people who are seekers.

Robert Adams. Confessions of a Jnani.


Don't claim

Do not deny


Think for a second. Why did you pick up this book? Did someone give it to you? I?

But why did she fall into the hands of you?

For myself, I have developed several rules for reading books, watching movies, in a word, getting new information.

The first is to test in practice, discuss, reason, and not take on faith everything that is written, no matter how authoritative the author or text has. After all, the higher the level of the text, the more difficult it is to perceive. Try giving a student a textbook on physical field theory, theoretical mechanics, or higher mathematics. It is foolish to rely only on your perception. After all, while reading, you can simply misunderstand what is written, and then start broadcasting it as the truth, misleading other people. And then as in the experiment with monkeys.

Cell. It has 5 monkeys. A bunch of bananas is tied to the ceiling. Below them is a staircase. Hungry, one of the monkeys approached the stairs with the obvious intention of getting a banana. As soon as she touches the stairs, the faucet opens and ALL the monkeys are doused with very cold water.

A little time passes, and another monkey tries to eat a banana. Same ice water. The third monkey, stupefied with hunger, tries to get a banana, but the others grab it, not wanting a cold shower.

Now take one monkey out of the cage and replace it with a new monkey. She immediately, noticing the bananas, tries to get them. To her horror, she sees the angry faces of the other monkeys attacking her. After the third attempt, she realized that she would not be able to get a banana.

Now remove one more of the original five monkeys from the cage and put in a new one. As soon as she tried to get a banana, all the monkeys attacked her in unison, and the one that was replaced first (and even with enthusiasm).

And so, gradually replacing all the monkeys, you will come to a situation where there are 5 monkeys in the cage, which were not watered at all, but which will not allow anyone to get a banana.

I expect the same from you, dear reader. Do not take on faith what is written here, check, think, because the purpose of this book is to start thinking, to direct.

The second is not to deny, not to hide from what is written, no matter how nonsense it may seem at first glance. By denying, you can miss the really worthwhile things. Remember that we once denied the ideas of Galileo Galilei, Copernicus, Kepler, Vesalius and other experimenters, and today they have become the foundation of science. These ideas can change your life. Most of the writers I know put their heart and soul into every line. Everything written is read a hundred times by himself and by people from his close circle. And if the author wrote something, then he has a reason for it. If you come across a controversial statement in the text, think about why the author wrote it, what he provokes you to.

I want to describe so much in this book, about everything, about karma, about yoga, about religion, I want to present all my spiritual experience, to put all the accumulated goodness into every line. But this is not necessary, this book, like all the others, is just food for thought, entertainment, an occasion to reflect and discuss. - this is not a path to enlightenment, this is wandering in the labyrinths of the mind, bright, magical, but this is just a labyrinth. Only by calming your mind, only by finding the source of your self, only by dissolving your ego, will you become enlightened, the rest is just rattles. Only by putting into practice everything written, one can approach enlightenment.

In this book, the reader will find many questions, try to give each a minute, as if a long-awaited guest in your mind.

Enjoy reading!

Chapter 1. Enlightenment. Why do you want to achieve enlightenment?

Are you trying to entertain yourself this way?

Or is this another attempt to become someone you are not?

Just be calm and quiet and everything will come.

If you understand the full depth of this phrase, then go straight to chapter 11. If you understand what is written there, then you do not need this book, you are one step away from enlightenment.

Chapter 2 Or why the network pyramids are still standing

If you feel like you need to change something.

You don't think so.

Dear reader, what are you living for?

A person is born, he is sent to kindergarten, then to school and university, after which he gets a job. He has ambitions, dreams and desires. Apartment, car, new phone. What is all this for? To retire at the end of your life and not work?

Why do you go to work, university and school? What is the meaning of this for you?

One day, a businessman stood on a pier in a small village and watched a fisherman sitting in a flimsy boat as he caught a huge tuna. The businessman congratulated the fisherman on his luck and asked how long it takes to catch such a fish.

“A couple of hours, no more,” replied the fisherman.

“Why didn’t you stay at sea longer and catch a few more of these fish?” the businessman was surprised.

“One fish is enough for my family to live tomorrow,” he replied.

“But what do you do the rest of the day?” - the businessman did not let up.

anna base

Man is an exceptional creature. It is not news that the human body is a complex and intricate system, right? The parts of the body and the daily functions hold amazing facts. The human body has not been fully studied. Consider 15 interesting facts about a person, his body and organs.

What do we know about our body?

human brain- the most complex and not fully explored part of the anatomy. The brain uses the same amount of energy as a 10W light bulb. This internal organ never rests and works more actively at night than during the day. The human brain consumes 20% of the oxygen present in the blood. At a speed of 170 miles per hour, nerve impulses travel from and to the brain. 80% of the human brain is water, so when you feel like you're dehydrated, drink water to keep your brain healthy. Scientists have noted that there is a connection between the brain and body weight: women have 22 g of brain for every kg of body, and men have 20 g. Women have 10 times more white matter in the brain of the head than men. In men, the gray matter is 6.5 times larger than in the fairer sex.

Why is biological knowledge and terms, the basics of geography, historical facts, dates and events, including those in Russia, useful to know for a modern literate person? - precisely for the development and maintenance of the brain in working condition for many years.
They are non-living parts of the body, but people watch them carefully and for a long time. Every day a person loses from 60 to 100 strands of hair. It depends on various factors: time of year, pregnancy, age, diseases. A woman's hair is about half the diameter of a man's hair in thickness. This is necessary to know for general development: the blondes sung by various stories and anecdotes have more hair, and their hair is very thin and thick. Sparse and thick hair - in red people, the "golden mean" are brown-haired and brunettes. On average, the lifespan of a human hair is between 3 and 7 years. In brown-haired men, the beard grows more slowly than in men with blond hair.

The fastest growing nail is the nail on the middle finger. Interesting, isn't it? Compared to fingernails, toenails grow four times slower. Everyone noticed that in warm weather, nails grow much faster. Do not torture yourself with different diets - they will lead to the fact that the growth of nails will stop, and they will become brittle and thin.

The largest organ of the body is the skin. In an adult, its area is 2 m2. The health of a person is judged by the condition of the skin. So, acne on the chin speaks of a failure of hormones in the body, acne on the forehead - about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system. The skin performs respiratory, tactile, heat exchange, regenerating and cleansing functions. The thinnest skin layer (0.5 mm) is located on the eardrums and eyelids, and the thickest is on the soles of the feet (0.5 cm). During the day, the skin releases approximately 1 liter of sweat and 20 g of sebum, creating a protective film on the skin.

How fast do we sneeze? That's right, 100 mph. For this reason when sneezing, it is impossible to keep your eyes open. But, if you support the eyelids with your hands, then this can happen. This is an excuse to cover your mouth when you sneeze.
Having a hearty snack, it is not recommended to go to a music concert. Why? Yes, for one obvious reason. Solid food affects the ear, and it becomes less perfect.

Men smell worse than women. From birth, women have much better receptors than men. Therefore, the representatives of the weaker sex remain the best tasters of smell until the end of their lives. According to research, women are able to identify the smell more correctly. So, they more clearly define coffee, citrus, vanilla, cinnamon smells. Newborns recognize their mother's scent. Humans are also able to identify the smell of familiar people. Part of the smell depends on food, environment, various hygiene products and genetics.

A person will go without food more time than without sleep. Up to 60 days a person will live without food if there is water. It also depends on some factors, such as the amount of fat in the body. But if a person does not sleep, after sleepless nights there will be changes in his psychology. A person can go 11 days without sleep is the longest time that the experimenter experienced. After this time, he could not speak normally, had hallucinations and forgot about his actions.

Surprising things about pregnancy and newborns

You know…? Below are listed almost everything that absolutely all novice mothers need to know - so, the mandatory list of facts about the baby in the womb and the newly born crumbs:

Fingerprints in a newborn appear during pregnancy in the third month of life. They are imprinted for life.
Your long-awaited baby may cry while in the womb.
Talk to your baby during pregnancy. Studies by British scientists have shown that children with whom mothers talked on adult topics were distinguished by a high level of intelligence. Talk, consult with them, and ask questions in silence.
To facilitate childbirth, you need to sing. Since the hormone of happiness, endorphin, is released during singing, hearing the mother's singing, the child calms down. So, by singing, reduce the pain during contractions.
Does your baby need noise to fall asleep? Do not wonder. In the womb, the baby adapts to the noise of the body.
Scientists have refuted the hypothesis that in newborns things are mixed into one point and the world is perceived in an altered form. According to the research, it was found that the child sees the mother's face clearly.
Up to seven months, the child breathes and swallows. All this is done at the same time. Adults cannot do this. Newborns breathe only through their nose.
When a human being is born, at that moment there are 14 billion cells in the brain that do not increase and after 25 years they shrink by 100,000 a day.
300 bones are contained in the body of a newborn, while an adult has 206.

Unusual facts about sleep

Sleep is an extraordinary human state. People spend 1/3 of their lives sleeping. This is the time when the brain processes and decides what to forget and what to remember from the retrieved information of the day.

Get a good sleep before something important

how you learned the tickets and go to bed quickly before memorizing. According to psychologists, the character of a person can be judged by the way he sleeps. People sleeping in a ball, fenced off from the outside world. The longest dream was recorded by D. Powell in 1994 - its duration was 3 hours 8 minutes, the man was examined in the American city of Seattle.
The essence of prophetic dreams is also extremely interesting. Scientists have long found that the cerebral cortex becomes less active when a person falls asleep. While he does not know about his illness, in the affected blood cells this news already exists. It is reproduced in the form of dreams and images. According to doctors, it is possible to predict the flu, a cold, 1 or 2 days before the onset of its signs, and an ulcer - 2 to 3 weeks before. During research on dreams, British professionals found that For a positive attitude, people need to sleep 7 hours a day.

The table of chemical elements that Mendeleev dreamed of is one of the most famous dream phenomena in science.

Professionals believe that this comes true when a person persistently solves a problem.

Psychological facts

Concentrated attention you hold for ten minutes. So, being present at some meeting, you will listen to a topic that the speaker tells very well and informatively. You maintain attention for up to 10 minutes, after which it decreases. Take a break for further retention.

We are failed predictors of the future. We overestimate our responses to future actions, whether positive or negative. The professionals found out an interesting thing: people think that positive events, such as getting married or getting a job, will make them better than they really were. By the same analogy, it seems to us that negative events will cause more despondency, discouragement than it really is.
Many people think that they can do several things at the same time. Scientists have proven that it is impossible. Why? The answer is simple. So, while walking with a girlfriend and talking with her, the brain at this time focuses on one main function. It says that we are not able to think about two different things.

People feel much happier when they are busy

Imagine you are at the airport where you have to collect your luggage. You need 10 minutes to get to this place. At the end of the term, you reach and take the suitcase. Please tell me how unrestrained you seem to yourself? Now imagine that you reach this place in 3 minutes and wait 7 minutes to pick it up. On two occasions spent 10 minutes, but were in all likelihood impatient and unhappy the second time around. Thus, if a person believes that he does not need to be active, he is inactive. Although energy is conserved, when we do nothing, we feel more unhappy. So get to work and keep busy.

There are an unusually large number of interesting and surprising facts about a person, since the human body and mind are an unusually complex, truly unique biological machine in which everything is interconnected and, with a healthy body, works smoothly, clearly, and balanced. Every minute, every hour, every day opens the world to man, and to the world of man - we still have a lot to learn about ourselves.


Interested in interesting and surprising factors? Then positively tune in to life, take everything positive from it, take care and keep your health. Study yourself and study this limitless world, develop constantly and daily- make, for example, your own list: the meanings of incomprehensible words, clever articles, classical and modern poems, interesting facts from history and elementary things that every educated person should know. Choose an area of ​​interest to you and work on it—for example, formulate questions about politics that every erudite person should answer, and try to give detailed, well-founded answers to them. Or 100 questions about animals / birds / fish that any intelligent person should answer - anything, as long as life is interesting, diverse, attractive at 20, 50, and 80 years old.

Good luck, good mood and positive attitude!

February 9, 2014, 09:11
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