Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier: A Love Story. BBC Russian Service - Information Services Monaco rainier iii

What girl does not dream of meeting her prince one day! The beautiful actress Grace Kelly managed to meet her love in the face of the 33-year-old Prince of Monaco and build with him strong family. The union was considered ideal, but Grace was married like herself happy woman at the beginning, so miserable, like a bird imprisoned in golden cage, at the end of life.

On the anniversary of the wedding, which took place on April 19, 1956, HELLO.RU recalls the love story of one of the most beautiful couples of the last century - Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier.

Click on the photo to view the gallery She is like a volcano under the snow. Behind her coldness lies an unimaginable heat of passion. Grace Kelly was born in 1929 in a wealthy American family. Her father was engaged in construction, and her mother, from whom she inherited a beautiful appearance, was a fashion model. The future princess, living in a luxurious mansion in one of the most prestigious areas of Philadelphia, was eager to be free. She wanted creativity, fame and a little bit of madness.

Little Grace Kelly

Grace Kelly first appeared on stage while studying at a religious college, where she received a strict, even for those times, education. After graduation, Grace moved to New York. It seemed to her that one day the whole world would lie at her feet. And so it happened, but not immediately. At first there were hundreds of trials, failures and falls. Grace did not lose heart, worked as a fashion model and at the same time learned the basics of theater at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.

Grace had a truly amazing appearance: porcelain skin, high cheekbones, big eyes, chiseled nose, sensual lips and slim figure. She skillfully emphasized her appearance with the help of exquisite outfits. Later, Tommy Hilfiger will say about her:

Grace Kelly is the only Hollywood actress to wear white gloves so naturally and gracefully. Even at home, alone with herself, she remained invariably glamorous and elegant. She dressed elegantly and feminine, and loved pastel-colored clothes and wide-brimmed hats.

At 20, Grace got her first role on Broadway. And two years later - the coveted role on television. Two more years have passed, and she has already become an Oscar nominee for her work in the film "Mogambo". She did not receive the award then. But still, in her small but bright acting career, one Oscar appeared - for the painting "Country Girl" in 1954.

Even the father of the actress Jack Kelly could not believe in such a quick and unexpected success:

I just can't believe Grace won an Oscar. Of all my four children, she is the one from whom I least expected help in my old age.

Grace Kelly, 1952

The most striking, and subsequently used in many films, was the image of an adventurer girl. First" gold mine"And Grace's talent for working in a similar genre was felt by Alfred Hitchcock.

Grace Kelly and Alfred Hitchcock with wife Alma Reville, 1954 Grace's accelerating career could have brought her many gold statuettes and prestigious awards, but it could and will end along with the extinction of youth and beauty, so important in the acting world.

Grace herself was afraid of age, repeating:
Forty years is torture and the end for a woman. Be that as it may, she met Rainier in the prime of her life and at the peak of her career - at 27 years old. Brilliantly educated, intelligent and gallant - his manners betrayed in him the aristocrat that he was. Already at the age of 26, he ascended the throne of Monaco. After the death of Louis II, Rainier's mother, who was formally the heiress, abdicated in favor of her young son.

Grace Kelly and Rainier III

Rainier and Grace met at the Cannes Film Festival in 1955 during a visit by a delegation of actors to the Prince of Monaco.

As the spouses themselves later recalled, that day both had Bad mood. Grace seemed to get up on the wrong foot, and on the way to the meeting she even got into a small car accident. Renier also had minor problems since the morning. But meeting Grace "lighted up his day," in the words of Renier himself.

Grace Kelly, 1955

Their romance did not start immediately, it was preceded by a long and interesting correspondence. Grace was very pleasant courtship and romantic letters, she noted that Renier writes letters alive and easy language. He told her about the life of the monarch, told her about his castle and garden, describing everything, down to the scent of flowers.

But it was probably not only the romance of the young prince. Of course, he was fascinated by Grace, but as the sole ruler, he understood the importance and necessity of marriage. And the beautiful and fragile Grace seemed to him the best candidate.

A few months later, Rainier packed up and came to Philadelphia, where Grace's parents lived, to make an official proposal to his beloved.

I found my princess
Rainier said that day.

Grace and Rainier's engagement at the Kelly family home in Philadelphia

Grace agreed without hesitation, and soon stepped aboard the inter-Atlantic liner, which delivered her, along with her beloved poodle, close friends and personal hairdresser, straight to the dwarf state.

The actress's parents did not immediately accept her decision, believing that marriage to the prince of such a small state is a step back in her career. And her potential suitors were richer, for example, a few years before that, she asked for her hand arab sheikh with great wealth.

Be that as it may, a week after Grace's arrival in Monaco - on April 19, 1956 - a magnificent wedding took place, after which new life in which there was no longer a place for Hollywood. Grace Kelly became the Princess of Monaco.

Grace and Rainier's wedding, 1956

Rainier and Grace managed to achieve the often unattainable dream of other monarchs - to become truly loving. married couple. Although there were those who doubted the sincerity of their feelings, saying that Grace does not love Rainier, but only tries and learns to love him. There were also those who believed that the heart of the beauty belongs former lover- fashion designer Oleg Cassini.

Be that as it may, Grace did everything to make their family look perfect. The subjects of Monaco immediately accepted the new princess, who was so perfectly able to smooth sharp corners in the negotiations of her husband, and also had the ability to win over anyone.

The birth of children, in 1957, the daughter of Carolina, and in 1958, the son of Albert, increased the camp of her fans. The citizens of Monaco idolized their princess: she was young, beautiful, and during her outings to the people, any person from the crowd could shake her hand.

Grace Kelly and Renier with Albert and Caroline, 1958 After the birth of her youngest daughter - Stephanie - Grace was again offered to act, and her favorite director Alfred Hitchcock did it. But the princess could not decide on such a serious step without consulting her new family- residents of Monaco. The public did not support the idea, calling it a terrible frivolity. Of course, Grace had to give up the role, because her image, so carefully built over the years, could collapse at once.

Kelly justified all the hopes placed on her by her subjects, becoming Rainier perfect wife. Grace was actively involved in charity, patronized the arts and gave birth to heirs, and her world fame and American spontaneity led to a manifold increase in the popularity of Monaco. Grace Kelly was very fond of, she was considered the standard of style and feminine charm.

Grace Kelly, Rainier III, Albert and CarolineGrace Kelly with Caroline and Albert

Life went on as usual, but it was no longer possible to call the relationship between Grace and Renier impeccable over time. Over the years, the prince became withdrawn, practically refused secular exits and most spent time in the castle with his beloved pets.

Grace, being a sociable person, really wanted to share her thoughts and ideas with people, she constantly held meetings, communicated with others. And Renier was jealous, believing that the inhabitants of Monaco love his wife more than himself.

At the age of 40, Grace had a depression - as she once assumed, the crisis associated with the fading of beauty did not pass her. By this time, the children had already grown up, and the spouses increasingly began to experience public scandals, which greatly upset Grace, who loves the ideal in everything.

Grace Kelly with her husband and daughters - Stephanie and Carolina Carolina had a high-profile and scandalous marriage behind her, Albert, who was the future heir, was not interested in anything but sports and girls, and youngest daughter Stefania grew up as a "tomboy" - she rode a motorcycle and despised feminine clothes. The image of an impeccable family that Grace had built so diligently was crumbling. She no longer considered her life fabulous, but her family ideal, although she tried not to show her disappointment to the public.

Grace Kelly, Rainier III and Stephanie

Shortly before the disaster that claimed her life, Grace, according to contemporaries, took a lover in Paris and practically moved to live with him. In the end life path she dreamed of only one thing - to resume acting career. Her violent and restless nature, which for so long hid behind the facade of an impregnable " snow queen' burst out.

On a clear autumn day on September 13, 1980, Grace and her daughter Stephanie had an accident. The princess, who had used the services of a driver all her life, decided to drive the car herself that day - under the pretext of a serious conversation with her daughter. On the way, Grace had a stroke and lost control.

Prince Rainier III with his daughter Caroline Celebrities and monarchs from America and Europe came to the funeral of the princess, locals they sobbed right on the streets, and Renier walked arm in arm with his daughter and did not hide his tears.
Lord, I don't ask you why you took her from me, but I thank you for giving her to us. - these words were uttered at Grace's grave by her husband, Prince Rainier III of Monaco.

Rainier outlived his wife by a quarter of a century, having died in April 2005.

Grace would have turned 85 this year and Rainier would have turned 91. And their fabulous, but not perfect marriage would be 58 years old.

Rainier Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand Grimaldi, Count of Polignac, was born on May 31, 1923 in Monaco. His ancestral line included French, Mexicans, Spaniards, Germans, Scots, English, Danes and Italians. The only son Charlotte of Monaco and Prince Pierre de Polignac first went to study at Summerfields School in England, and then to the prestigious English public school in Buckinghamshire. The noble offspring then ended up at the Institut Le Rosey in Rolle and Gstaad in Switzerland before moving on to the University of Montpellier in France, where he received a bachelor's degree, and finally graduated from the Paris Institute of Political Studies.

On May 9, 1949, Rainier became Prince of Monaco after the death of his grandfather, Prince Louis II, when the formal heir to the title, Charlotte of Monaco, abdicated in favor of her son in 1944.

In the 1940s and 1950s, the prince lived openly with the French movie star Gisele Pascal. The couple reportedly broke up when her doctor announced she was infertile. In fact, the actress later got married and had a child. After a year of wooing an Oscar winner, American actress Grace Kelly, Rainier III married her in April 1956. The couple had three children - Princess Carolina Louise Margarita (born 1957), crown prince Albert (b. 1958) and Princess Stephanie Maria Elisabeth (b. 1965).

Kelly tragically died in car accident in 1982, and her daughter Stefania, who, according to one version, was driving and was responsible for the death of her mother, was seriously injured. The widower began an affair with Princess Ira von Furstenberg, who left the film industry to become a jewelry designer.

After sitting on the throne, when the treasury of Monaco was practically empty, Renier worked to restore the former financial splendor of the principality, and in 1966 he bought a stake in the Society of Sea Bathing from the Greek multimillionaire Aristotle Onassis. By becoming the majority shareholder, he increased his control over Monaco's gaming business.

Thanks to the efforts of Rainier, the Principality, for a long time which had a reputation as a "tax haven", was struck off the "black lists" of countries that did not properly cooperate with International group financial action of the FATF in the fight against money laundering.

In 1962, he became the author of a new constitution for the principality, which significantly reduced the power of the sovereign. Renier was nicknamed "prince-builder", as he paid much attention to the development of transport networks and housing construction, including building new station and reconstructed the port.

Back in the 1990s, Renier underwent coronary artery bypass surgery, and he also had part of his lung removed. The prince's health deteriorated from year to year. On March 7, 2005, he was hospitalized with a lung infection, and on March 23, it was announced that Rainier III had been put on a ventilator, suffering from kidney and heart failure.

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She consciously made a choice in favor of the family, sacrificing her career.

He was ready to correspond with her in order to finally understand that he loves her.

They were considered one of the most beautiful couples XX century...

She is…

She grew up in the family of a prominent industrialist and former Olympic champion in academic rowing. Her first role was as the Virgin Mary in a Christmas pageant at Rainshill Religious College. Grace was only 6 at the time.

She dreamed of becoming an actress, but instead of roles on Broadway, she was bombarded with contracts for shooting in advertising (from cigarettes to vacuum cleaners). But 1949 turned the tide...

Despite the small number of films with her participation, Grace has one Oscar and two Golden Globes.

Initially, she wanted to link her fate with fashion designer Oleg Cassini, but the latter's age and numerous divorces forced her parents to convince her daughter of the opposite. In addition, Grace has always been picky about suitors and once even refused the Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.

But she had long dreamed of becoming a wife and mother ...


His full name given at baptism, Louis-Henri-Maxence-Bertrand Grimaldi.

He ascended the throne thanks to his mother, who, after the death of Prince Louis II, renounced the title at the first opportunity in favor of her son.

He graduated higher school political sciences in Paris, simultaneously receiving an excellent education in the universities of Great Britain and Switzerland.

Before taking office, the future prince was in the service of the French army and took part in the military campaign against Nazi Germany in Alsace.

They are…

They met on the set of Alfred Hitchcock's film To Catch a Thief, which was set on the French Riviera.

Their meeting cannot be called a long romance. Rather, a pen pal romance: after a photo shoot organized by the Paris Match magazine of the actress and the European monarch, their relationship continued in a long correspondence ... Which lasted six months. After that, Rainier went to Philadelphia to ask for the hand of Grace.

She said "Yes!", despite the fact that it meant the end of her film career.

Their wedding, the civil ceremony of which took place on April 18, 1956, and the solemn wedding on April 19, is still considered one of the most luxurious social events of the 20th century. They say that almost 20 thousand fans of Grace's talent gathered on the streets of Monaco that day.

Among the 600 guests of honor, of course, were Hollywood stars of that time: Ava Gardner, Gloria Swenson, Conrad Hilton ... Interesting fact: British Queen Elizabeth II, embarrassed "too large quantity movie stars", was forced to politely refuse to participate in the celebration ...

Love not only moves mountains, but also revives entire countries. Prince of Monaco and Hollywood actress own example proved that the union of two lovers and strong hearts can change the world.

In 1955, an acquaintance took place that changed the fate of the whole state. Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, who had been looking for a worthy wife for a long time, saw Hollywood actress and the beautiful Grace Kelly, and immediately realized who was destined to share the royal throne with him. An aristocrat not by title, but by spirit, the daughter of a successful millionaire entrepreneur and the sex symbol of Hollywood in the 60s, became a real princess. The titled couple went down in history as one of the happiest ruling couples, their union revived the fading state of Monaco, turning it into one of the richest countries in the world, and Grace remained in the hearts of local residents as a pure angel and the personification of kindness itself.

Frame from the film "Country Girl", 1954

Fateful meeting

By the age of 26, Grace Kelly managed to become Hollywood star, Hitchcock's favorite, to receive a marriage proposal from the Shah of Iran and refuse it. Behind her deceptive Nordic appearance and obedient behavior was an amorous and passionate nature, full of ambition and creative impulses. She attracted dozens of fans, but ambitious parents from childhood prepared the girl for a special future and rejected one gentleman after another. The father believed that the hand of his talented and brilliant daughter should belong to the most worthy of all men. It didn’t take long to wait; in 1955, a real prince appeared on Grace’s life horizon.

Frame from the film "To Catch a Thief", 1955

Prince Rainier of Monaco ruled his tiny country in splendid isolation, trying his best to raise the standard of living in the state. A talented and intelligent politician, he understood the need to marry and present an heir to his people, but at the same time he wished for the almost impossible for a royal person - to marry for love. He paid attention to Hollywood beauties, who come every year to the festival in Cannes, but did not find among them one that would really interest him and become a respected ruler of an entire state.

With Marlon Brando at the Oscars, 1955

Grace Kelly appeared in the prince's house thanks to the mission assigned to her by the Paris Match magazine. The actress led the American delegation at the Cannes Film Festival and for a spectacular cover she needed a meeting with Rainier. Under dozens of camera flashes, their first acquaintance took place. Both immediately felt mutual sympathy, but the surrounding fuss and haste did not allow them to communicate with each other longer. Grace went back to America, and long thoughts and the beginnings of love settled in the soul of the enchanted Rainier. A prominent and elegant girl was ideally suited for the role of his wife, and the feelings that flared up indicated that she was also a lady of the heart. Rainier sends the beauty a letter thanking her for the visit and is desperately waiting for an answer - after all, he will decide further fate country and its prince.

All can be kings!

The secret correspondence between Grace and the prince lasted for six months. During this time, both were convinced that they were halves of the whole and were ready to unite their destinies. On New Year's Eve, 1956, Rainier flies to America and proposes to the girl. Grace's parents blessed the future union, and even the need to collect two million dollars as a dowry for the bride did not overshadow their joy. In April 1956, one of the most magnificent weddings of the 20th century took place. The pearl of the ceremony was, of course, the bride. For Grace, a luxurious and feminine dress made of antique lace was sewn to order - the prince's wife was supposed to personify new round in the history of Monaco and give the people hope for better times.

The most amazing thing is that Rainier and Grace seem to have managed to fulfill the unattainable dream of many princes and kings - to become a truly happy and loving couple. Together they formed a harmonious duet. Kelly had the ability to win over any person and often smoothed out sharp corners when communicating with visitors with a straightforward Rainier. But she received the unconditional love of the people with the birth of the heir Albert and two daughters, Carolina and Stephanie. The country idolized its new princess, because in addition to the heir, Grace gave Monaco new financial opportunities. Along with it, a stream of tourists and financial investments poured into the local market.

The prince competently disposed of new prospects and methodically built a new luxurious image of his state. The country finally gained independence and became a major financial center, the center of the largest cosmetic companies, car racing and gambling. And his wife is not only his inspirer, but also an active participant in the formation of new traditions. She was involved in charity: ordered to hold Christmas trees for children every year, opened a hospital, Kindergarten and led the activities of the Red Cross in Monaco, helping the victims of military conflicts. She sincerely believed that her wealth should be shared with those less fortunate.

Cult of Grace Kelly

For the sake of the role of Princess Grace, I had to sacrifice future film roles. After the wedding, she abandoned her career as a film actress, although offers from famous directors continued to come from year to year. Once the thirst to play in the cinema made itself felt, and Grace agreed to play in the Hitchcock film, the prince did not interfere with the desire of his wife and was ready to let her go to America with her children, but then the inhabitants of Monaco rebelled. Monarchs were bombarded with indignant letters and requests not to let the princess into Hollywood. “Our princess cannot and should not be filmed!” Petitions and threats poured in. Under pressure from the people, Rainier was forced to refuse Grace, after which the princess did not leave her room for a week ... For her, this was a real tragedy.

By their silver wedding, the couple turned into just good friends, Grace spent more and more time in Paris, away from her husband. A year later, the princess was gone. On September 13, 1982, her car flew off the serpentine road leading to Monaco, straight into the abyss. In the car, besides Grace, was her youngest daughter Stephanie, who miraculously survived. Grace's injuries were incompatible with life. The official conclusion showed that the princess had a stroke on the road, and she lost control, but until now, some reporters consider Kelly's death an unsolved mystery. Celebrities from America and Europe came to the funeral of the princess, local residents sobbed right on the streets, and the gray-haired and aged Rainier walked arm in arm with his daughter and did not hide his tears. “With the death of the princess, emptiness entered my life,” the prince admitted.

Rainier never married a second time, until his death he remained faithful to his princess and did not stop fighting for the prosperity of the principality.

Photo: Interfoto/PHOTAS,

Rainier III(fr. Rainier III, full name - Rainier Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand Grimaldi; May 31, 1923 - April 6, 2005) - the twelfth Prince of Monaco, who ruled from 1949-2005.


Before accession to the throne

Born May 31, 1923 and at baptism was named Louis-Henri-Maxens-Bertrand Grimaldi. Parents Charlotte of Monaco, Duchess Valentinois and Prince Pierre de Polignac.

The future ruler of the principality received education in Great Britain, Switzerland ( private school Institut Le Rosey) and France, where he graduated, in particular, from the prestigious Ciance Po - the Higher School of Political Sciences in Paris.

In September 1944, Prince Rainier entered the service of the French army as an officer and took part in the military campaign against Nazi Germany in Alsace.

Reign and family

He ascended the princely throne after his grandfather, Prince Louis II, died on May 9, 1949. Formally, Rainier's mother, Princess Charlotte, was the heir to the title, but she renounced the throne in favor of her son.

In 1956, Prince Rainier married Hollywood actress Grace Kelly. In 1982, the prince's wife died in a car accident.

The couple had three children: Princess Caroline, born in 1957, Crown Prince Albert (1958) and Princess Stephanie (1965).

In 1982, as a result of a car accident, Princess Stephanie, who was in a car with her dead mother, was seriously injured. As the tabloid press wrote then, it was Stefania who was driving and became the culprit of the disaster, but this version was never officially confirmed.

At present, Karolina and Stefania, whose turbulent personal lives have been the subject of constant attention from the side of paparazzi photographers, married, and Stefania - for the fourth time. The daughters gave the prince seven grandchildren and granddaughters.

Crown Prince Albert II was previously considered one of the most enviable suitors in Europe. On March 31, 2005, due to his father's illness, he was entrusted with the functions of regent, and on April 6, after the death of Rainier III, he became reigning prince. On July 1, 2011, Albert married Charlene Lynette Wittstock.

Contribution to philately

Prince Rainier III was a world famous philatelist. During the years of his reign, he was personally involved in certain aspects related to the preparation of drawings and the release of the final philatelic products of Monaco. Since 1948, when he assumed the Monegasque throne, the importance of the philatelic issues of this microstate has increased significantly. The prince is considered the author of the statement that postage stamps are " best ambassador countries". The philatelic collection of Rainier III formed the basis of the Museum of Postage Stamps and Coins of Monaco ( Musee des Timbres et des Monnaies de Monaco). The portrait of Rainier III has repeatedly appeared on the postage stamps of Monaco.

In 1996, the Prince was awarded the "Grand Prix 1996" by the World Association of Publishers of Philatelic Catalogues, Albums and Magazines (ASCAT). Since November 1997 he has been an honorary member of the European Academy of Philately; he received this title during the International Philatelic Exhibition held in Monaco.

In February 1999, under the auspices of the prince, the Monte Carlo Club was formed ( Club de Monte-Carlo; full title - Club de Monte-Carlo de l'Elite de la Philatelie) is a worldwide philatelic elite club with more than a hundred members.

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