Ivan Zhidkov: “Do I want a new family? Not sure. Ivan Zhidkov: “I’m no longer capable of love follies - you, like your hero, have ever been betrayed

More than a year passed since the dissolution of the marriage of Ivan and Tatyana. And if reporters stubbornly attribute an affair with Arntgolts to his colleague Grigory Antipenko, then Zhidkov admits that he is still alone. Recently, journalists tried to bring him together with actress Ekaterina Semenova, but Ivan denied this information. " I'm just friends with Katya, I don't meet anyone", - assured the publication OK! Zhidkov.


After the divorce, the actor continues to communicate with his ex-wife. "With Tanya, we stayed in good relations we often see each other common child. As for the reasons ... Masha, my daughter, recently asked me: "Dad, why did you and your mother part?" I say: "Mash, love has passed, the tomatoes have withered." And I think it's trite, but... it's true. Just apparently our relationship was programmed for a not very long period - six years", suggested Ivan.

According to Zhidkov, parting with Arntgolts was inevitable. “It seems to me that when something goes wrong, neither the child nor the stamp in the passport will hold. And better for the child live in a family where they do not quarrel, even if it is incomplete, than in one where mom and dad are formally together, but there is no mutual understanding, "Ivan reasoned.

Recall that the actors divorced at the beginning of last year. The initiator of the gap was Tatyana: it was she who filed for divorce. Prior to this, the couple was considered exemplary, so the message of their separation sounded like a thunder among clear sky. It turned out that the relationship ended six months before the court officially recognized it.

“We had something to share, but we agreed on everything in advance,” Ivan told StarHit. “Our shared apartment remained with Tanya, she lives there with her daughter Masha. The apartment where I live is not far, so I see my daughter every week. She stays with me if Tanya is on the set.".

Ivan Zhidkov is a talented actor who gained fame after the film Storm Gates. However, his personal life is not as successful as acting. Recently, in a microblog, he talked about his wives - former and current.

Tatyana Arntgolts and Ivan Zhidkov with their daughter Maria

Zhidkov's first wife was famous actress Tatyana Arntgolts. Together they lived for 6 years. In marriage, they had a daughter, Maria, whom, as Ivan notes, he idolizes.

Ivan's favorite daughter - Masha

The busy work schedule of both, Zhidkov's tough temper, scandals and quarrels forced the couple to disperse.

Photo: Instagram @tarntgoltsofficial

Ivan admits that he still has tender feelings for Tatyana.

"I am grateful to her for beautiful time, wonderful daughter. I continue to love Tanya, but already as a person, not a woman.

Zhidkov and Arntgolts maintained good friendly relations after the divorce. They raise their daughter together, meet at movie premieres and behave like good friends.

Ivan and his new wife Lilia Solovieva

The second wife of the famous artist was Lilia Solovieva. They met through social media. Young beautiful girl I immediately liked Ivan. Soon they got married, but their relationship is also far from ideal.

Lilia Solovieva gave birth to Ivan's son

Ivan Zhidkov notes that Lilia is a very emotional person. After the birth of their common son Stepan in October 2017, the girl fell into depression, and she still cannot get out of it. The actor is constantly busy, rarely at home. It doesn't improve either. psychological climate in family.

"Tension, chronic fatigue, Small child, which is often naughty, lead to huge bursts of energy. The Italians can only envy our quarrels, ”the famous artist joked on his Instagram.

Emotions run high in marriage sometimes

Followers wrote words of support to Ivan, and expressed the hope that his relationship with his wife would soon improve.

Ivan Alekseevich Zhidkov was born on August 28, 1983 in Sverdlovsk (later Ekaterinbuog). He was only child in the family, his parents went into business after the collapse of the USSR. Because of this, they moved to Kaliningrad for several years, but later returned to Yekaterinburg. Ivan did not study well at school, so the chances of entering the Ural Polytechnic Institute seemed low.

Zhikova in acting profession cited a case: a pretty teenager was invited to star in a commercial for a computer store. When it came time to prepare for admission to a university, Ivan's father, remembering his son's successful experience, advised him to try himself at the theater institute. Ivan went to training courses and soon realized that he could enter the acting department. Then he had the idea to leave his native city and conquer the capital.

After leaving school in 2000 Ivan Zhidkov moved to Moscow, where he entered the Moscow Art Theater School for a course Evgeny Kamenkovich.

The creative path of Ivan Zhidkov

Before graduating in 2004, young actor drew the attention of the legendary Oleg Tabakov. So Ivan Zhidkov ended up in the Snuffbox, where he made his debut on stage in the role of Peter in the play The Last. A little later, Tabakov invited him to the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater for the role of Dmitry in Yu. Until 2007, Ivan managed to play a missionary in the Tabakov Theater in Sunday Super, Kennessy in Biloxi Blues, Syracusers in Overstocked Barrel and Nikolka Turbin in The White Guard on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater.

In 2007, for the sake of filming, he left the theater. Since then, he began to periodically participate in non-repertory performances: “Don't Wake the Sleeping Dog”, “Five Evenings”, “Territory of Love”. However, he did not plan to return to the repertory theater.

On the big screen Ivan Zhidkov debuted back in 2003 in Pyotr Todorovsky's film " In the constellation Bull". In 2005, he starred in several popular TV series: “Soldiers-4”, “ Vanyukhin's children"," Lethal force 6 ". In 2006, he attracted attention in the military action movie " storm gate", and then got into the melodramatic series" Love is like love».

He played his first major role in Pavel Sanaev's drama Kilometer Zero. She was followed by title roles in the series about hackers " Network and comedy Smile of God, or Purely Odessa History". In 2009, he played prominent roles in the action movie The Rules of Hijacking and in the fantasy adventure Black Lightning.

Ivan Zhidkov about his character Max in Black Lightning: “He is just naive, stupid and sincerely believes that his values ​​are correct. But it turns out that these are the wrong values, and as a result, the girl still chooses another person, and Maxim is left with nothing. And it even seems to me that I feel sorry for him at the end.

In 2010, Ivan Zhidkov starred in the first Russian 3D film "Dark World", in which he got one of the main roles - a botanist student Kostya. In 2011, several series with the participation of Ivan went on air at once: “ In love and unarmed”,“ Made in the USSR ”,“ My dear daughter ”,“ Let them talk". In addition, he starred in the action movie by Valery Todorovsky " Return to A».

For his role in the film Storm Gates, Ivan Zhidkov was awarded a medal Ministry of Defense of Russia "For the unification of military commonwealth". The role of Turbine in the Moscow Art Theater brought him the Moscow Debuts award. In 2008, he received a prize for the best male supporting role at the festival "Constellation" ("Zero Kilometer") and a prize for the best male role at the festival in Gatchina ("Smile of God, or Pure Odessa Story").

In 2012, Ivan played the main role in the drama film with Natalia Rudova and Dmitry Shevchenko " night violet", The melodramatic series "Cornflowers" with Elena Shilova and Pyotr Barancheev, the projects "Swallow's Nests about" with Tatyana Arntgolts and Yuri Stoyanov, "Give me Sunday" with Ksenia Knyazeva and Yulia Rutberg, as well as the detective-criminal TV movie "Outdoor surveillance", where he played an outdoor police officer Lyamina. In 2013, Zhidkov, in addition to filming in a number of TV series, including "The Way to a Man's Heart", " cornflowers"," For the sake of you", Appeared in the image of Ivan Karasev in a comedy film Petra Gladilina with Elena Arosyeva, Kamil Larin, Tatyana Yakovenko and Ivan Kokorin "Packed". This film won the Audience Choice Award at the Humor Festival in Gabrov, Bulgaria.

In 2014, the artist's filmography grew again with several works. The audience saw the actor in the main cast of the melodramatic series “Gyulchatay. For love" - ​​continued feature film“Gyulchatay”, where he also played Sasha Solodovnikov, projects “Love Blooms in Spring” with Daria Egorova, “Brotherly Ties” with Lyubov Bakhankova, “Prince of Siberia” with Alina Lanina. After the demand for Zhidkov in the profession led him to film set melodrama with Margarita Adaeva "Second Marriage" (2015), a successful action-packed crime mini-series "Run! "(2016), projects" Remedy for separation "and" Sonata for Faith", a dramatic picture with Vladimir Epifantsev and Igor Mirkurbanov" My revolution "(2016), etc.

In 2016, Ivan Zhidkov, after a six-year break, returned to the theater stage, joining the entreprise production of The Wheel of Fortune, where he was busy with Stanislav Bondarenko and Glafira Tarkhanova.

In 2017, the premiere of the melodramatic tape "Heart Failure" with the participation of Zhidkov took place on the Russia 1 channel, he also appeared in the TV series "Someone else's happiness", "I never cry". Then he joined the cast of the detective drama Caspian 24 (2018) with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Leonid Agutin, received a role in a serial medical drama from the director of Fashion Models and Commissar Elena Nikolaeva- "Lancet".

Personal life of Ivan Zhidkov

In 2006, Ivan had an affair with an actress Ekaterina Semenova but after a year living together they separated.

March 2007 Ivan Zhidkov kept company with his friend, who met his good friend, actress Tatyana Arntgolts (“Furtseva. The Legend of Catherine”, “Marriage by will”, “Snipers: Love at gunpoint”), at the airport. The romance between Ivan and Tatyana developed rapidly, which was facilitated by the joint work in the series " Love is like love».

Ivan Zhidkov about meeting Tanya Arntgolts: “Three minutes after we met at the airport, I thought: “Oh! Why don't you marry, Vanya! .

In the 90s, Ivan and Tanya lived for seven years in Kaliningrad in neighboring houses, and later in Moscow - in neighboring hostels, had mutual friends, but met in person only 10 years later. A year later, Ivan and Tatiana got married. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in the Maldives when Tanya was already pregnant with their first child. On September 15, 2009, the young couple had a daughter, Maria. In the summer of 2013, the couple divorced, maintaining friendly communication.

Starting from 2016 Ivan Zhidkov stopped hiding his relationship with Lilia Solovieva. In the summer of 2017, it became known that the couple should have a child. On October 18, 2017, Ivan announced the good news on social networks: Lilia gave birth to his son, whom the couple decided to call Stepan.

Today, our hero is a famous theater and film actor (32). Handsome, successful, in Hollywood "correct", very disciplined and loving dad, and besides, single - the dream of any woman! We met with Ivan, and in exclusive interview he frankly told us what an ideal relationship should be, who inspires him and what she is - the girl of his dreams. Read our interview carefully and act!

ABOUT MYSELF I was born in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). After leaving school, he entered Moscow Art Theater School. Since 2004 he has been working in "Snuffbox" (Moscow theater-studio under the direction of Oleg Tabakov. - Approx. ed.) and in Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. I started acting in films in 2000. The first film with my participation - "In the constellation of the Bull"- filmed by Pyotr Todorovsky. Actually, to this day I continue to act in films. Undoubtedly, in the 15 years that I have been in this profession, there have been a lot of different things - interesting, difficult, funny, happy and sad. But these 15 years were very bright and memorable. In general, I consider myself lucky. ABOUT WORK Now I have almost finished filming for the Rossiya channel, and soon I will leave for Kyiv to shoot a four-episode romantic comedy in which I have the lead role. At the same time, I released a play and in this moment I'm starting to rehearse another one, going through a bunch of all sorts of tests. Actually, I have a lot of things to do right now.

IVAN'S DAY Most favorite time days for me is morning, because there are many pleasant moments here. I wake up at seven or eight in the morning. Then I drink a glass of water with honey on an empty stomach, do 25 push-ups, put on a tracksuit and run about three kilometers, then I take an ice shower, and after that I have yoga. Then they wait for me oatmeal on the water with pomegranate, honey and nuts and a cup of coffee. I like to spend my mornings this way. And then I go on different things. I usually go to bed early, around 10-11 pm. I understood this thing: in the evenings it is better to stay at home, make yourself some soothing tea, read, watch something and fall asleep quickly. HOBBIES I'm very boring.(Laughs.) Love sports. AT free time I can still watch a movie, but I can do nothing at all, but in recent times I don't like it because you just live in vain. I also read a lot. I'm reading the book right now Yongey Mingyure Rinpoche "The Buddha, the Brain and the Neurophysiology of Happiness".

FAVORITE FILM My priorities and tastes are nothing fancy. (Laughs.) I realized that many things that sink into your soul for the rest of your life are connected precisely with childhood. And for me, no matter how ridiculous it may sound, Terminator 2 remains my favorite movie. I watched it 12 times when I was a kid and I still love it Arnold Schwarzenegger. FAVORITE MUSIC Now, oddly enough, I began to listen to Adele. Before that, I had never listened to foreign performers. But she's brilliant! (Laughs.)

ADVANTAGES I am good because I want to be better - this is my main advantage. DISADVANTAGES I have many shortcomings. I am very changeable in my decisions, quick-tempered, emotional, my mood can jump. WHAT CAN TOUCH I can be terminated by some elementary things that many will not even notice, for example, some episode in the film. WHAT IS DEATH FEARED.

WHAT DREAMS OF I dream of harmony. In general, harmony is a very voluminous concept, it can be called happiness. About myself I can say that I have become more harmonious. WHAT I NEVER SPARE MONEY AND TIME I don’t feel sorry for money at all, I’m not greedy, and I don’t feel sorry for time for creation when I do something. It's a pity time only on the sofa. (Laughs.) MOTTO FOR LIFE "Never give up!"

WHO INSPIRES I am motivated by the desire to live. I love life very much. I have no idols, but there are people whom I respect a lot. These are hardworking people who constantly work on themselves. In general, examples are contagious, not only bad, but also positive. FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN What is friendship anyway? I really can't figure out what it is. In my opinion, friendship is a business: you to me - I to you. And friendship between a man and a woman… It is possible, most likely, if the man is a homosexual. PERSONAL LIFE I don't really like to talk about my personal life. Now I am a single guy. And three years ago he was married to an actress Tatyana Arntgolts. I have daughter Maria She is now six and a half years old.

DREAM GIRL I myself do not know exactly what kind of girls I like. Always different. But one thing I can say: I like beautiful, small, slender girls, and even with tattoos. I love it when a girl has taste, because clothes are internal state man and his sense of self. A woman should be dressed with taste, be neat and tidy. WHAT IS ANNOYING IN GIRLS Stupidity and vulgarity. But in order for the appearance to irritate, it must be tried. (Laughs) But it can be related to taste, because when a person has some idea of ​​beauty and he tries to find it, and he has problems with taste, it can be scary.

LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT I had love at first sight with my ex-wife and never had it again. But, as practice shows, love at first sight is not forever, although, probably, it is different for everyone. LOVE IS… Energy that spreads not only in the concept of relations between a man and a woman, but in relation to life. For example, you can cook Olivier salad with love, or you can without it. You can love a person without even having sexual relations. You can love your child, love your mother, just love people, the business you are doing. That's what love is. Love is a creative energy, and more love the more happiness and life.
Coat, jacket, UK Style; trousers, Trussardi; glasses, Ray Ban; boots, property of the hero

IDEAL RELATIONSHIPS This is when people complement each other, when they feel good together and are interested in each other. And still very important point- when people are like-minded and they have common goal and business. ATTITUDE TO CHANGE To betrayal, I'm bad. It happened that the girl deceived me and betrayed me. What did I do in such a situation? I drew conclusions for myself. THE PERFECT DATE It should be easy, comfortable, lively, with stupidity, surprises, and we should not know what will happen in five minutes.

HOROSCOPE OF COMPATIBILITY I'm a virgin. I think that there is truth in horoscopes, but I do not understand anything about it. I heard about the compatibility horoscope, but I don’t know what suits me. HOW TO MEET HIM ON SOCIAL NETWORKS (

Ivan Zhidkov is an example of a bright talent, outstanding abilities, perseverance and masculinity. Already throughout years, he shines on the stage and on the screen. I must say that, despite the fact that he does not act in Hollywood, he has no less fans throughout Russia. What makes this simple-looking young man so special? What is his talent and how did he manage to conquer the stage? We will tell in this article in order how the Russian guy was able to become an actor, thereby showing the world his outstanding talent.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ivan Zhidkov

Perhaps the most common question on the Web concerns the following request: height, weight, age. How old is Ivan Zhidkov? Although, of course, it is already clear that the guy is young, strong, handsome, and he still has everything ahead of him. And yet, today Ivan is 33 years old, his height is 180 centimeters, and his weight is 76 kilograms.

Always fit, in good shape, he does not forget that on the screen and on the stage you need to be on top. But it was not always so, because we all come into the world equal. So it was here, once he was the most ordinary boy, and he had absolutely no connections in the acting field. However, he initially did not seek to become a public figure. But let's take a look at how Ivan Zhidkov's career began.

Biography of Ivan Zhidkov

Ivan's life began simply, like millions of other children. Therefore, it seemed that the biography of Ivan Zhidkov would not be remarkable, but fate decreed otherwise. He was born in the city of Yekaterinburg, at that time the city of Sverdlovsk in 1983. The boy grew frail, sickly, thin, lagged behind in development from the rest of his peers. The actor even said that at the age of eleven he looked nine and it was very embarrassing for him. Other children constantly hurt and offended him, and the girls did not pay attention at all. But the boy studied well, he was responsible for his studies, he tried to keep up in all subjects, the school was simple, without any directions.

As usual, future actors are already in school years they assume that they will take this path, so already at school they begin to look for their path. But Ivan somehow did not think about it, in addition, there were no people nearby who would have inspired him to become an actor. Therefore, when he made such a decision for himself after school, he had to start from the very beginning. It should be noted that the competition for admission to the Moscow Art Theater was simply huge, but an ordinary guy not from the capital managed to go through all the tests, bypass competitors and go where he wanted to.

While studying at the Moscow Art Theater School, he felt himself in his own environment. He showed great promise, Oleg Tabakov really liked him, who from time to time was looking for someone for his Snuffbox. Which he did after a while. So Ivan got to famous actor for training and work. There, on the stage, he made his first debut, where he managed to reveal his bright and stellar potential.

Zhidkov came to a permanent job at Tabakerka when he graduated. After that, he managed to completely and completely surrender to his beloved work, to build acting career. He participated in many productions by Oleg Tabakov, who over and over again realized that he had made the right choice, noticed the young talent he needed. In parallel, the guy began to play on the second very popular stage of the Chekhov Theater. There he received his first award, won the Moscow Debuts festival.

Although the young man was doing well, he still felt that he had little success, that it was time for him to move on. And although, by that time, he had already managed to act in small roles, he realized that he could do more, that a career in cinema would be more preferable for him than a career as a theater actor. In addition, Ivan said in an interview that in order to be a true theatergoer, you need a special warehouse of character. And although he left both teams, he still had warm and friendly relations with all his colleagues, which he remembers with gratitude.

As for Oleg Tabakov, the guy had a particularly warm relationship with him, even now they communicate and are always ready to meet each other. Tabakov was not offended that Zhidkov left the theater, but he could not hide the fact that he was upset by such a decision. Zhidkov, before leaving, said that he could not say that cinema was more important to him than the theater, but he did not like the state way of the theater, which imposes certain duties on the artist. Like, all this is not for him, so the actor decided to start free swimming, where he would not depend on anyone.

By the way, by that time Ivan Zhidkov was already married. His wife was the actress Tatyana Arntgolts. Together they took part in many performances, where they played different roles.

Filmography: films starring Ivan Zhidkov

Ivan's film debut took place while he was a student, but it was not quite what he needed. But the role that allowed him to be noted as a professional actor was in a military melodrama. He played nice simple guy who lives in the city and, by the will of fate, fell in love with a village girl. But his fellow villager also fell in love with this girl. Love triangle is developing at a rapid pace, against the backdrop of the harsh war years. But in the end, a touching and rather unexpected ending comes, which unleashes everything properly.

Although the reviews of critics were positive, even enthusiastic somewhere, the picture did not gain much success, it was unfairly forgotten by the viewer. But for Ivan, it was still the first success, the experience that any actor needs to advance in creative way. And he was not going to stop there, realizing that he still had everything ahead.

In 2005, he agreed to play in the popular Russian TV series "Soldiers", first in the fourth and then in the fifth season. His role brought some kind of innovation, which was already beginning to be lacking in order to raise the rating. After the image fell in love with the viewer, the young man began to actively act in various series, where he played the most diverse roles, gave all his best, tried to make himself noticed by both the directors and the audience.

He also starred in the so-called " soap operas", The actor did not become a fan of such projects, but nevertheless, he still did not refuse offers in this direction.

The real recognition came to the actor somewhere in 2008, when he began to act in films that were significant for Russia. And today Ivan Zhidkov is a fairly popular and beloved actor by the audience. Currently, he continues to act in various films and TV shows, taking big steps towards pop Olympus.

Personal life of Ivan Zhidkov

Apart from creative career, the young man has a personal life. He is happy with his beloved wife and little daughter. The personal life of Ivan Zhidkov improved quite by accident, that is, it was simply a twist of fate that gave him what was missing.

The acquaintance happened at a party of friends, where they came at the same time. Tanya was already there popular actress, and Ivan is only still a rising star, he was very far from success. When the guy and the girl met and talked, it turned out that they lived for three years practically in the neighborhood, that is, in student dormitories. But then they, apparently, it was too early to know each other.

But from that moment on, a real feeling flared up between Ivan and Tatyana, which they did not even try to resist. After only a few months, young people got married, and without any glamor and pathos. It was a quiet, homely event where only close friends and relatives were invited. In 2009, Tatyana gave her husband a daughter, Maria.

The couple did not waste time, they managed to act in films, build a career, raise a daughter, and pay attention to each other. So, a simple guy from Yekaterinburg at birth drew a lucky card, that is, he managed to build a stellar career, find his love, and become the father of a charming girl who grows up and pleases dad every day with small achievements.

This happened until 2013, when the couple broke up for unknown reasons. As you can see, nothing lasts forever, and although young people loved each other, now they are no longer together.

At the same time, information appeared on the Web Ivan Zhidkov and Ekaterina Semenova again together photo. From here it surfaced that even before marriage, Zhidkov met with Semenova, whom he broke up with before meeting Tatyana. He did not grieve for a long time and married his new woman. But, allegedly, the marriage broke up due to the fact that he cheated on his wife with ex girlfriend with whom he reconnected. But no one knows for sure how it really happened.

Family of Ivan Zhidkov

Ivan Zhidkov's family has now broken up, but he still continues to keep a warm relationship with his wife, sees his daughter, teaches her good things, does not forget that she needs attention, care and warmth.

Although he did not manage to build a family the first time, Ivan is still glad that Tatyana was in his life. After all, it was she who taught him to appreciate family joys to know what it is to be a father and a husband. But still, while Zhidkov is in no hurry to marry again.

Children of Ivan Zhidkov

The children of Ivan Zhidkov are currently limited to one daughter, the actor has not yet shared his plans for the future in terms of replenishing the family.

But even being the father of his sweet daughter, he feels happy, always ready to give the girl time, buy her an expensive gift, play with her.

Daughter of Ivan Zhidkov - Maria

Ivan Zhidkov's daughter Maria was born in the joint marriage of Ivan Zhidkov and Tatyana Arntgolts. Born in 2009, she grows up healthy, strong and cheerful.

Daughter of Ivan Zhidkov - Maria photo

While she is still too small to decide on the future, but in any case, all the doors to the cinema or to the stage are open for her. But while Maria simply enjoys life, is proud of her parents, even if they are not together, she receives gifts.

The ex-wife of Ivan Zhidkov - Tatyana Arntgolts

Ex-wife Ivana Zhidkov Tatyana Arntgolts was a wife even before Ivan's talent was recognized. She was born in 1982, today she continues to act in films and achieve new successes. Participated in various popular, Russian shows, the last "Ice Age-2" was forced to leave, because she was already pregnant.

It is useless to look for a photo of Ivan Zhidkov before and after plastic surgery on the Web, if only because he has never done plastic surgery. There are several reasons for this, firstly, the man is still too young, and he is satisfied with his appearance, believing that he does not need to radically change something in himself in order to please others.

Secondly, does not particularly recognize miracles plastic surgery, because, in fact, this is a gross interference with natural data. Like it or not, but a strong change in the appearance of Ivan Zhidkov has not yet been noticed. Consequently, a young man does not need plastic surgery, his charm and good-looking image are enough.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ivan Zhidkov

Ivan Zhidkov has a sufficient number of fans and admirers who want to know more about their favorite actor than the Internet offers. For general facts, a Wikipedia page is provided (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhidkov,_Ivan_Alekseevich), but for those who want to receive facts, interesting news from Ivan Zhidkov himself, go to his Instagram page (https://www.instagram.com/ivancarevich1/?hl=ru) or Vkontakte, where the young actor posts his photos and shares life events.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ivan Zhidkov is always at the service of those who wish to get closer to their favorite actor.

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