New revelations of Princess Diana: "Four months pregnant, I threw myself down the stairs, trying to attract the attention of my husband." French journalist: "Princess Diana was pregnant, but not from Dodi" The driver of the "Mercedes" was poisoned by special services

Princess Diana was pregnant at the time of her death. This sensational statement was made on Sunday by the British newspaper Independent on Sunday, citing a high-ranking source in the French police.

"I can tell you for sure that she was pregnant," a police officer who took part in the investigation into the death of the princess and her friend Dodi al-Fayed told the newspaper.

"The fact of pregnancy was not mentioned in the official documents of the investigation as unrelated to the causes of the accident or Diana's death," a police spokesman explained.

However, the father of the deceased friend of Diana, the owner of the largest London department store Harrods, Mohammed al-Fayed, has repeatedly claimed that Diana was pregnant. This circumstance was one of the reasons why the billionaire has repeatedly called on the British justice authorities to conduct a new public investigation into the death of his son Dodi and Princess Diana.

Mohammed al-Fayed continues to claim that his son and the Princess of Wales were deliberately killed, and the full facts about the circumstances of their death, according to him, continue to be hidden.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, Michael Burgess, a forensic expert for the British royal family, announced his intention to conduct an investigation in the UK into the deaths of Princess Diana and her friend Dodi al-Fayed.

According to him, investigations into the death of two celebrities will be conducted separately, at the place of their last residence.

Hearings on the death of Diana will open on January 6 at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Center in London, and on the death of Dodi al-Fayed on the same day in Reigate (Surrey), RIA Novosti reports.

Burgess also said that he had planned to open an investigation as early as October, but the settlement of all issues with the relatives of the victims took longer than expected.

"I will be briefing the public shortly on what aspects of the proceedings will affect and the purpose of the proceedings, as well as the nature and extent of the evidence and witness statements that I expect to receive," Burgess said.

Princess Diana, 36, and Dodi al-Fayed, 42, died in a car accident in Paris on August 31, 1997, when their car crashed into the 13th column of the tunnel under the Alma Bridge.

A protracted police investigation into the incident in France resulted in a six thousand page report that was never released to the public.

As a result of the investigation, the driver Henri Paul was declared the main culprit of the accident, in whose blood a three-fold excess of the maximum permissible concentration of alcohol was found.

Almost twenty years have passed since the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. But conspiracy theorists and devoted fans of the princess still cannot calm down. They put forward many versions of the death of Diana, which are radically different from the official one. Many of them indeed seem more logical than the conclusions of the official police investigation. What do you think?

According to supporters of this theory, Diana of Wales and her lover Dodi Al Ayed staged their death. They understood that while they were alive in the eyes of people, they would not be allowed to be together, and decided to disappear in order to start a new happy life somewhere on distant sunny islands. Well, at least it's romantic.

Mohammed Al-Fayed, Dodi's father and owner of the famous London department store Harrod's, advocated this version from the very beginning. In his opinion, the royal family is to blame for the death of Diana and Dodi. According to Mohammed, the queen was so shocked by the affair of the ex-wife of the heir to the throne with a Muslim that she ordered British intelligence agents to destroy the scandalous couple. And, I must say, Mohammed Al-Fayed is far from the only supporter of this theory.

For those who do not believe that the old queen is capable of cruelty towards her son's ex-wife solely for the sake of tribal prejudice, a harsher version of the previous theory has been put forward. According to her, Diana was pregnant by Dodi. And the British royal family definitely could not allow the half-brothers and sisters of the heirs to the throne to be Muslims! So the British intelligence agents MI6 had to intervene in the novel of the former princess.

Proponents of this theory believe that the Queen has nothing to do with it, and that the British secret services themselves decided to eliminate the "People's Princess". This was stated by the former agent of the M-16 service, Richard Tomlinson, who stated that, firstly, he personally monitored Diana at the direction of the leadership, and secondly, that the scenario for the death of Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed exactly coincided with the scenario, which was composed in the bowels of the secret services for the assassination of the President of Serbia in 1992. True, Tomlinson never provided evidence of his words, and most importantly, did not explain why the knights of the cloak and dagger needed to eliminate Diana. But many people believe him.

Indeed, Prince Charles had reason to wish his ex-wife dead. After the divorce of Charles and Diana, the prince turned out to be a traitor and scoundrel in the eyes of the public, who destroyed the marriage with his affair with Camilla Parker-Bowles, and Diana was an innocent sheep who suffered from a dissolute spouse. At the same time, de facto after the breakup, everything was exactly the opposite: Diana enjoyed an affair with an eccentric Egyptian who loves her, and Charles himself could not even hope to marry his youthful love - at least while his ex-wife and mother of his children were in sight . It is not surprising that conspiracy theorists blame her ex-husband for the death of Diana - the prince clearly had reasons to remove her from the stage!

Diana's car was knocked off course by a white Fiat

According to the official version, the cause of the accident in the Paris tunnel was the paparazzi car, which allowed a dangerous approach to Diana and Dodi's Mercedes. However, many witnesses claim that the fault lies with the other car. It was a modest little white Fiat Uno. According to eyewitnesses, he pursued the princess's Mercedes for a long time and drove into the tunnel with it. However, for some reason, they did not begin to investigate the guilt of the driver of the Fiat. Strange, right?

According to Paul Burrell, Diana's former butler, the princess, while still married, sent him a letter that read: "My husband plans to organize an" accident "by breaking the brakes in my car, so that later, explaining that I received a serious head injury, he will marry on Tiggy. Camille is just a decoy, he's using us in the worst possible way." The butler claimed that they had a sincere friendship with the princess, and even published a memoir about her, including a snapshot of the letter. However, most agree that Burrell only forged Diana's handwriting to make the book scandalous. Well, what if it's true?

The princess's Mercedes was damaged

It is known that before the last trip in her life, the princess had to replace the car - "Mercedes", in which she drove all day, by the evening it suddenly turned out to be faulty. Was this failure accidental? And was the replacement car really serviceable, or did agents of the special services manage to conjure over it? Proponents of this theory believe that the car in which Diana was driving had faulty seat belts. It was because of this that Diana, who was always disciplined to buckle up in a car, this time was not buckled up. The only passenger in the Mercedes wearing a seatbelt was the security guard of the princess from the special services. And this leads to strange thoughts.

Another witness, Lord Michon, Diana's lawyer, stated back in October 1995 that the princess feared for her life. According to Lord Michon, the princess feared the same thing as her butler testified: that, at the direction of the Queen and Prince Charles, her car would be put into disrepair, and, most likely, the brakes would be broken. If she doesn't die in the accident, she will still suffer injuries that will result in her being declared incapacitated. However, for some reason, this evidence was not taken into account by the investigators.

Supporters of this theory argue that Diana suffered because she decided to publicize some facts about the royal family. It is claimed that she made a number of audio recordings in which she literally told all the dark secrets of Buckingham Palace - from Charles' affair with a young servant to the details of his relationship with Camilla Parker-Bowles. According to rumors, the murder of Diana was organized by the secret services so that the recordings would not be made public. But Diana still managed to pass them on to her friends - so in the very near future we can learn a lot about the British royal family! If, of course, records exist.

This theory does not have many supporters - the alleged conspiracy turned out to be too unsuccessful. According to her supporters, the culprit of the accident was the driver of Diana, Henri Paul, who was bribed by the British intelligence services to end the princess. Here's just one problem - Henri Paul died with the princess. It is unlikely that a reasonable person would agree to such a risk for any money!

The culprit is a mysterious stranger

Many witnesses to the fatal accident confirmed that a crowd of people with cameras immediately ran to the wrecked car. And only one witness, Sarah Culpepper, stated that she saw how, immediately after the accident, a man in his forties in a dark suit slowly left the scene of the tragedy. He spoke calmly on the phone and did not seem at all shocked by the incident. Now conspiracy theorists believe that the man was the customer of the murder. Was he connected to the secret services? Or with Prince Charles? It is unknown, as they could not find it.

Several witnesses reported that seconds before the accident, a bright flash of light illuminated the tunnel through which Diana's Mercedes was passing. According to Richard Tomlinson, this is a traditional intelligence trick to blind the driver. But, surprisingly, it is not possible to confirm this fact: none of the 17 cameras located along the Mercedes route, including in the tunnel, worked on the day of the tragedy! Suspicious, isn't it?

The driver of the Mercedes was poisoned by special services

According to a medical examination, in the blood of the deceased driver Henri Paul, an alcohol level was recorded that was three times higher than the permitted norms. This is very strange, given that Paul was a disciplined driver, and Diana and Dodi would hardly have gotten into a car driven by a drunk. These facts led conspiracy theorists to claim that Henri Paul was poisoned by the special services, adding something to his food or drink, in the hope that the drunk driver would definitely not be able to cope with the controls.

James Andanson was one of the paparazzi who followed Princess Diana on the day of her death. It is believed that Andanson was the driver of the same white Fiat that collided with the princess's Mercedes. True, he himself denied it with all his might. However, neither he nor his family could provide any credible information about where he was on the evening of the tragedy. But it is known for sure that six hours after the disaster, he was already sitting on a plane flying to Corsica. After some time, Andanson returned to France ... and soon his burnt body was found in a car in the French outback. The most striking thing is that the police officers who discovered the charred corpse very quickly issued a verdict of "suicide". So was Andanson stalking Princess Diana? And did he work for the secret services, as conspiracy theorists claim? Now there are no answers to these questions.

Scott McLeod, the Paris-based Middle East correspondent for American Time magazine, was returning on the night of August 30 with his family from vacation. In the Alma Tunnel he was blinded by police flashing lights. I thought dejectedly: "Accident ... Another one ..."

At home, McLeod turned on the TV and realized: no, not another accident. This accident will go down in history. Princess Diana crashed...

No more journalists have ever been born faster than Americans. Scott McLeod and his friend Thomas Sankton, chief of the Paris bureau of the Times, spent 5 months investigating the tragedy.

The result was the book Death of a Princess: An Investigation. Actually, not a book, but pure dynamite. A sort of anatomy of the death of Diana, where every page is a fresh look at things, if not a sensation. The book itself, however, is not yet on the shelves. But the London "Times" began, as is customary here, to pull out tastier pieces from there and throw them into the mouths of readers: maybe they will peck at the whole volume of 120 thousand words.

Of course they bite. For the British, the transformation of a princess from a living great martyr into a dead icon is an unhealed wound. Just the other day, Britain was jostling in lines for Diana postage stamps. Just recently, tens of thousands of phone calls jammed all the lines that accept requests for excursions to her family estate. There, on an island in the middle of the lake, now surrounded by a two-meter dark blue fence made of steel rods, the "people's princess" found what seemed to be eternal peace.

But here is this book! And it claims something amazing: even after the Mercedes kissed the 13th concrete pillar in the Alma tunnel, Diana could be saved! If only doctors were more competent. If these Frenchies weren't fixated on their national philosophy of emergency medical care, the essence of which is to treat to the fullest right at the scene of an accident. That is, if they immediately sent her to the hospital.

As you know, the official cause of Diana's death was internal bleeding as a result of extensive chest trauma and rupture of the vein of the left lung. An investigation by McLeod and Sankton uncovered an incredible waste of precious time. It turned out that the princess was taken to the operating room only after ... 1 hour 45 minutes (!) After the accident, and she was still alive there for at least 15 minutes. Total 2 hours of flickering, but still life. Mountains could be moved.

According to the leading medical authorities interviewed by the authors of the book, this means that the rupture of the vein was either minor, or the damage was blocked by a thrombus or a fragment of a rib. In any case, Diana could have been saved if she had undergone emergency surgery. The lengthy attempts by French doctors to stabilize the condition of the princess in the Alma tunnel, instead of immediately transporting her to a hospital, were a gross mistake.

“Diana didn’t bleed because there were blood clots at the site of the rupture,” Professor John Auchener, a luminary of American cardiovascular surgery and owner of a famous clinic in New Orleans, told the authors. “Or maybe because the pressure there was negligible. But in general, it's a pretty simple rule: if you can get these patients to the hospital and connect them to the heart-lung machine fast enough, they can be saved. they would save her..."

But the French doctors spent all this time mainly on external massage of the chest. It is impossible to understand this with the head, Professor Ochener believes. "When you start beating on the chest, the pressure in all the ventricles of the heart simultaneously jumps. It was hard to think of anything worse for her ..." Another American authority in surgery, Dr. David Wasserman, generally told the authors of the book: USA, doctors would not avoid a lawsuit. But, in my opinion, something else happened: in the book "Death of a Princess", the entire healthcare system of France was put on trial.

And not only because of their incompetence, but also depressing secrecy. The authors of the book bang their heads against this blank wall of mystery when they try to answer the most important, from their point of view, question: was Princess Diana pregnant at the time of her death? A lot depends on this. If she really was pregnant by the Egyptian Dodi al-Fayed, then over the British monarchy, over Britain's relations with the entire Arab world, over 1.5 million Muslims living in the British Isles, looms the ghost of a brother or sister of the heir to the throne, who were Anglo-Saxons would be only 50 percent. A half-breed at Buckingham Palace? It's too much...

All "for" seem to be indirect. The rumors began with a famous photograph taken by a television set on the island of St. Tropez, where Diana's noticeable tummy is visible. But pregnancy is noticeable only at 3-4 months. However, the princess and Dodi met in mid-July, so the fetus could not be more than 6 weeks old. The tummy of a 36-year-old woman is not such a piece of evidence.

McLeod and Sankton found something else: the doctors of France and the French police must have irrefutable evidence that one of the most famous women in the world was pregnant. Diana repeatedly did blood tests. They were required to include the so-called Wei-NOS - a pregnancy test. She also had an ultrasound sonogram.

Where are these tests? McLeod and Sankton conducted dozens of interviews on this topic, including with doctors at the hospital where the dying princess was taken. McLeod and Sankton's sensational discovery is that the test results HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM DIANA'S ILLNESS HISTORY. They are not there. But they are in the safes of the French Ministry of Health and Police, the authors are convinced. And the content of these documents is extremely explosive. Otherwise, Dr. Dominique Leconte, the pathologist of the hospital, would not have been banned from the usual procedure in such cases - an autopsy of the princess's body and taking a blood test before issuing the coffin to the British. Who banned? "Instructions have been received," Leconte replied.

From all this, the authors of the book "Death of a Princess" draw a firm conclusion: today it is not known whether Diana was pregnant. But exhaustive documentary evidence of this exists. And until they come out into the light, "yes" outweighs "no" on the scales.

McLeod and Sankton also took a closer look at other characters in the tragedy. Say, to Henri Paul, deputy director of the security service of the Ritz Hotel in Paris, who was driving during that black hour. And they also stumbled upon some highly suspicious riddles.

It turned out, for example, that not only traces of alcohol and "recreational" drugs were found in Paul's blood. An unusually high level of ... carbon monoxide, that is, carbon monoxide, was also found there. This usually happens when engine exhaust seeps into the passenger cabin.

I have strong suspicions about sabotage. Someone could have been tricky with the car, Sankton said in an interview with which the London Times precedes the publication of excerpts from The Death of a Princess.

The newspaper is now snapped up every morning, like we have hot whites in winter. But on the subject of Princess Diana in Britain now you can’t sit a monopoly for a long time. The Daily Mirror is already on the tail of The Times.

She found another Diana - 36-year-old Diana Holliday, who allegedly has a child from the same Dodi al-Fayed, the princess's beloved. Dodi allegedly demanded an abortion, and she, a noble, humane woman, gave birth. Dodi didn't know that. Diana No. 2 called him and said: "And I gave birth!" And this dramatic conversation took place exactly on the eve of a car accident. Do you understand?

The Daily Mirror also reports that millionaire Mohammed al-Fayed, Dodi's father, rashly gave his granddaughter's mother £5,000 ($8,000). And then he changed his mind and sued her for extortion.

Apparently, the release of the book "Diana-2": I was also pregnant by Dodi" should be expected somewhere in the very near future.

Princess of Gaul to become soap opera heroine

Just a few months after their tragic death, Diana and Dodi al-Fayed will be resurrected on television in a controversial British series. Thus, for the first time, the ban on the commercial use of the princess's name will be violated.

Despite threats of legal action from the princess's family, the producers from London said they were ready to start filming and start airing the television series by mid-April.

Both actors, Amy Sekcombe and George Jackson, still unknown to anyone, were chosen solely on the principle of external resemblance to the tragic couple. The series will reflect the last years of Diana's life - from the moment of her divorce from Prince Charles to meeting with the son of the richest owner of Harrods stores and tragic death in Paris. "The film will tell about her search for personal happiness," - explained the representatives of the film crew.

The project provoked the fury of the Diana Foundation, created to support charitable actions and dispose of her image. "No one even asked our permission ... The production of such a film literally immediately after the death of the princess and Dodi al-Fayed is absolutely unacceptable and shameless," the Foundation's lawyer protested.

(According to the materials of the Russian and foreign press).

Princess Diana has not been in this world for more than six years, but the press will not leave her alone, continuing to amaze the world with new details related to her death. british Independent on Sunday published a sensational article stating that at the time of her death in Paris on August 31, 1997, Diana was pregnant. The publication received such information from a representative of the French police, who had access to all the materials of the investigation. Information about the princess's pregnancy is contained in medical documents attached to the case, but not previously published, since they are not directly related to the investigation.

The father of Diana's unborn child was her friend, the son of the Egyptian billionaire Dodi al-Fayed. His father, Mohammed al-Fayed, had previously put forward a version of the princess's pregnancy, but his words were not taken into account.

Mohammed al-Fayed continues to insist that his son and his girlfriend were the victims of an assassination attempt that was disguised as an ordinary car accident. However, the source Independent on Sunday, who announced Diana's pregnancy, called this version untenable.

The representative of Mohammed al-Fayed, Richard Keane, argues that there are several circumstances in the death of Diana and Dodi, which cast doubt on the official version of what happened. As if there is evidence that for several months before the accident, Diana and her friend were being monitored by British and American intelligence agencies. In addition, the accident in Paris brings to mind the scenario of the assassination attempt on former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, which was prepared by the British intelligence services. The third factor that raises questions is that at the time of the accident, for some reason, not a single road surveillance camera was working in the tunnel. Richard Keene believes that Henry Paul - the driver of Diana's Mercedes - could be an informant for MI6.

According to some doctors, the doctors had a chance to save Diana. The world-famous South African cardiac surgeon Christian Barnard writes in his book that, after reading the autopsy materials, he came to the conclusion that Diana died of internal bleeding. And if she had not been treated on the spot, but taken to the clinic within 10 minutes, then the lethal outcome could have been avoided. Another doctor, Frederic Melle, who witnessed the accident, claims that Diana was in even better condition than her bodyguard Trevor Reese-Jones, who managed to survive after a car accident.

A special hearing on Diana's death will be held on January 6 at the Queen Elizabeth II Convention Center in London. Similar hearings regarding the death of Dodi al-Fayed will be held on the same day in Reigate (Surrey). This was announced by the forensic expert of the Royal family of Great Britain Michael Burgess.

Five years after the tragedy that broke out in the Alma tunnel in Paris, doctors, servants of Themis, and intelligence agents begin to speak. And they say that Princess Diana of Wales died along with her ... unborn child.

Talking on the phone, Lady Dee could shout into the phone: “Guys, change the tape - this one, in my opinion, has already ended!”

In early 1997, Princess Diana accepted the invitation of the Egyptian billionaire Mohammed Al-Fayed and, together with her sons, went to rest on his yacht, and then to his estate on the Cote d'Azur. Soon the son of the millionaire Dodi appeared there. Photojournalists, as always, followed every step of the princess.

You will be surprised at what I will do in the near future, - Diana told reporters and on July 20 accepted Dodi's invitation to go on a boat trip with him without her father. She was already in love with Dodi, and he reciprocated her.

At that time, the princess developed a warm relationship with Franco Gelli, the vicar of the Anglican Church, located near Kensington Palace, where she lived with her sons. Diana often came to the service, talked for a long time with Franco, and once asked him how Muslims treat their wives. After some time, the princess admitted that she met an extraordinary person who surrounded her with love and care, which she had never had before. In addition, he gets along well with William and Harry, which was especially important for Diana. “Diana was so happy, so in love,” says Franco Gelli. “When she talked about her lover, a warm smile appeared on her face.”

Once, while saying goodbye to the vicar, Diana asked if two people of different faiths could marry. And then she asked if he could marry them if she wanted to get married ... Then the vicar took her words as a joke.

A few days later, already on board the yacht, Lady Dee called her confessor.

Diana said she had great news, Gelli recalls, and asked me to come to Kensington Palace as soon as she returned to England.

Alas, the vicar did not have a chance to find out what the princess wanted to tell him about so important ... A week later, Diana had a car accident and died in a Paris clinic.

Lady Di knew that British intelligence agents were watching her, and her phone was constantly tapped. Sometimes, talking on the phone with a friend, she could scream into the phone: “Hey guys, change the cassette, otherwise this one seems to be over!”.

However, the princess did not even suspect that, in addition to the British, American intelligence was also interested in her. Only after the death of Diana did it become known that records of her telephone conversations were in the overseas archives. She was followed by the CIA and the NSA (National Secret Agency). Bugs were placed everywhere, including in her computer and bed. Diana's every step, her every word was recorded. After the August tragedy, Dodi's father, Mohammed Al-Fayed, sought to have these documents declassified. But he was refused, citing the fact that this could threaten the security of the United States. Somewhat later, the reputable British newspaper The Guardian joined the NSA with a request to allow journalists to the “Princess Diana case”. But she was also refused. Did the archives really contain explosive material?

Scientists say that no study will show whether Diana was expecting a baby

According to British reporter, writer and intelligence specialist Gordon Thomas, the secret services have a recording of the conversation between Diana and Dodi, made on their last night, as well as Dodi's conversation with his father, during which he admitted that Diana was expecting a baby.

Thomas received confirmation of the existence of these records from one of the NSA agencies in June 2002 and published information about this in the British Sunday Express. According to him, the records contain indisputable evidence that in July 1997, Princess Diana was pregnant.

Mohammed Al-Fayed spoke about this immediately after the death of his son and Lady Dee. But no one took his words seriously. Only a few tried to get to the bottom of the truth. One of them was American reporter James Keith. He followed in the footsteps of an article published on September 8, 1997 in Time magazine, which quoted the words of a French emergency doctor who spoke to a journalist a few hours after Diana's death. Before he began to save the princess, one of his colleagues told him that Diana had regained consciousness for a moment, and the moment he touched her belly, she whispered, "I'm pregnant."

After the publication of this text, the doctor refused to communicate with any of the journalists, saying that he would only talk with Diana's family. James Keith got hold of evidence supporting that conversation in the Paris hospital. “In 1998, I was able to get in touch with a man who was friends with Dodi Al-Fayed's personal physician,” Keith wrote. “The doctor admitted that he examined Princess Diana and found that she was pregnant.” The reporter was able to collect other data regarding the tragic death of Diana on August 31, 1997. But he did not have time to publish them - on September 7, 1999, he died during an operation ... on his knee joint.

I have a feeling I won't get out of here,” he told his friend Ken Thomas before the operation. And I wasn't wrong.

And a few hours after the journalist's death, all information related to the death of Princess Diana disappeared from his computer.

In the near future, the investigation into the death of Lady Dee will be resumed. However, scientists argue that the autopsy will not give anything, since Diana's body was hastily embalmed, and therefore it is impossible to conduct reliable research. No testing will show if the princess was actually pregnant.

Despite this, neither Dodi's father nor the journalists stop seeking the truth. J. Steinberg, a correspondent for the Executive Intelligence Review, however, doubts that the results of the studies carried out immediately after the tragedy in Paris will ever see the light of day. And yet, he managed to get to some documents.

“In April 2000, the lawyers of Mohammed Al-Fayed,” writes Jeffrey Steinberg, “came into the hands of two French pathologists working on behalf of Judge Stephen and collaborating with him from the British. This note said that the British authorities were pressuring them to withhold some of the results of the autopsy.

In turn, Scott Maclid and Thomas Sancton from Time Magazine claim that some of the documents have disappeared, including those that could confirm Diana's pregnancy, writes the Polish weekly Gala. Evidence can only be found in the archives of the CIA and the NSA. However, neither the American nor the British intelligence agencies respond to any requests. The royal family is also silent. And only Diana's mother asks that her daughter be finally left alone.

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