Orc language. Learn Orc language World of Warcraft? Easily! What does lok tar ogar mean?

Just like the draenei.

  • "Dranosh" = "Heart of Draenor"
  • "Gar" poppy " = "Longing"
  • "Gol" Kosh " = "On my own", "with my own hands" (literally "from my ax")
  • "Grombolar" = "Guts of a giant" (expletive)
  • "Kag!" = "Run!" /
  • "Lak" knock " = "Defeat"
  • "Lo" Gosh" = "Ghost wolf"
  • "Lon"goron" = "Hero's Reward"
  • "Lok-Narash" = "Defend"
  • "Lok-Regar" = "Ready to Run"
  • "Lok-tar!" = "Victory!" (Battle cry. Also a salute in battle.)
  • "Lok-tar ogar" = "Victory or death" (war cry)
  • "Lok'amon" = A traditional Orcish song about starting a new family.
  • "Lok'tra" = Traditional Orc war song.
  • "Lok" vadnod " = A traditional orcish song about the life of a hero.
  • "Mage" har "= "Uncorrupted", brown-skinned orcs living in Garadar in Nagrand.
  • "Mok" natal" = "Sons of Nat" (Nat is an honorary title)
  • "Shwobu" = "As you command"
  • "Trom-Ka" = "Nice to meet you" (greeting.)
  • "Trk"hsk" = "Death in battle" (Some orcs in Durnholde use this word to mean "Sacrifice to the earth" for a good crop harvest.)
  • "Zag-zag" or "Zag zag" = Confirmation and consent; close in meaning to the word "good".
  • Orc names

    This section contains content that is exclusive to Warcraft RPG and is not considered canon.

    Most Orcish names are derived from some word in their language. As a rule - the name of a favorite thing, occupation or relative. Surnames do not exist among the orcs, although especially distinguished heroes or leaders are assigned a second name in honor of merit. Occasionally, the descendants of an orc take his battle nickname, which shows that they will not disgrace the honor of their ancestor. Orcs also have quite common nicknames, which in some cases displace the name of the orc. The concept of honor exists at every level of life in orc society, even in naming. At birth, a name will be given, often derived from the name of a relative or a great clan hero. The tribe gives the orc a nickname when it reaches maturity. This practice leads to the origin of such nicknames as Doom Hammer, Skull Crusher, etc. The nickname can be changed if a new one is more appropriate.

    • Male names: Thunder, Thrum, Drog, Gorrum, Kharg, Torg, Karg.
    • Female names: Groma, Kharga, Igrim, Agra, Dragga, Grima.
    • Nicknames: Doomhammer, Deadeye, Elf Slayer, Skull Cracker, Furyfang, Crushing Fist.

    Orc phrases not translated

    • Ek-grandam-tuk- Drek "tar
    • Gore-duk- Warcraft II (phonetic spelling)
    • Gor "gas- a fel orc camp in Hellfire Peninsula.
    • Grungol "var is a Dark Council village in Terokkar Forest.
    • Thunder "goal- Horde camp in Stranglethorn. Possibly meaning "Giant's Axe" or "Giant Axe."
    • Kor "crown- Thrall's elite guard.
    • Kosh "harg- orc holiday.
    • Lok-narosh- Thrall in Warcraft III (phonetic spelling). May be related to Lok-Narash.
    • Lok-regar ogul- Thrall in Warcraft III (phonetic spelling)
    • poppy mountain- a challenge for the leaders of the Horde (and possibly individual clans). Under Thrall's leadership, this was usually a non-death match, but by old tradition, duelists fought to the death. Garrosh Hellscream challenged Thrall to a duel and later, Kern Bloodhoof, challenged Garrosh to a duel.
    • Mok-ra- Orc NPC greeting in World of Warcraft (spelling taken from patch 5.4 sound files).
    • Mok-torin ka!- says Commander Kolurg
    • Mor "shan- the base camp of the Warsong clan in the Barrens.
    • Un-daboo- Wind Riders in Warcraft III (phonetic spelling)
    • Om "riggor- Orc coming of age rite.
    • Valormoc- Orc camp in Azshara.
    • Zet "Gor- The fel orc camp in Hellfire Peninsula.
    • Zet chickens- a former port city.
    • Zoram "gar- Orc port in the west of Ashenvale. It could also be Zandali.

    Note that many Orcish geographic locations are named after prominent Orcs, such as Bladefist's Bay, Durotar, Garadar, Grommash Hold, Kargath, Kargathia Hold, Orgrimmar, Ordamar, and Thrallmar. In addition, it may be noted that -ar or -mar appear to be place suffixes.

    Orc-general dictionary

    • BUR - Aggressive mating call.
    • How can I help? - They sell beer here.
    • Hi - A threatening battle cry, often accompanied by a bow or nod.
    • How are you? - Is it true that your mother is a female crocodile?
    • It's the king's honor, my friend! - I'm starving!

    Example words or phrases (guess)

    This list of words is created by the game client's language parser for the Orcish language, and is included in the list of languages ​​number one (range 1-100) in the text file Language.

    Note: The language algorithm used by the "translator" replaces words to make them similar to Orochy. In fact, it does not translate words. Therefore, the translated speech in the game is not an Orcish language.

    Number of letters in a word Word list
    One letter words A, N, G, O, L
    Two letter words Ha, Ko, No, Mu, Ag, Ka, Gi, Il
    Three letter words Lok, Tar, Kaz, Ruk, Kek, Mog, Zug, Gul, Nuk, Aaz, Kil, Ogg
    four letter words Rega, Nogu, Tago, Uruk, Kagg, Zaga, Grom, Ogar, Gesh, Thok, Dogg, Maka, Maza
    Five letter words Regas, Nogah, Kazum, Magan, No "bu, Golar, Throm, Zugas, Re" ka, No "ku, Ro" th
    Six letter words Thrakk, Revash, Nakazz, Moguna, No "gor, Goth" a, Raznos, Ogerin, Gezzno, Thukad, Makogg, Aaz "no
    seven letter words Lok "Tar, Gul" rok, Kazreth, Tov "osh, Zil" Nok, Rath "is, Kil" azi
    Eight letter words Throm "ka, Osh" Kava, Gul "nath, Kog" zela, Ragath "a, Zuggossh, Moth" aga
    Nine letter words Tov "nokaz, Osh" kazil, No "throma, Gesh" nuka, Lok "mogul, Lok" bolar, Ruk "ka" ha
    ten letter words Regasnogah, Kazum "nobu, Throm" bola, Gesh "zugas, Maza" rotha, Ogerin "naz
    Eleven letter words Thrakk "reva, Kaz" goth "no, No" gor "goth, Kil" azi "aga, Zug-zug" ama, Maza "thrakk
    twelve letter words Lokando "nash, Ul" gammahar, Golgonnashar, Dalggo "mazah
    thirteen letter words Khaz"rogg"ahn, Moth"kazoroth

    Word list (guess)

    • Thunder "goal- Horde camp in Stranglethorn Vale. - Thunder as a homage to Grom Hellscream (also in Ork "giant"), and Gol probably (based on certain terms) means "Axe", tentative translations: "Giant's Axe", "Giant Axe", "Mayhem" and others .
    • "Hall" - Used in the greeting "Thrall Hall!", probably means "honor" or something similar. Speculation #2: Doesn't have a specific definition in the Orkish language, and is used as an ambiguous word for the glory of the Horde/leader.
    • Kek \u003d Laugh out loud or Lol (from English laughing out loud)

    When a Horde player says "lol" in Orcish, the Alliance player sees the word as "kek". The acronym "lol" is used quite often in the game, so the translation has become widely known among the players and many have adopted the word "kek" as the official translation of the word "lol" into Orcish. However, there are many other three-letter word combinations that produce the translation "kek", and in any case, the word "lol" does not exist in the English language. The origin of the word "kek" comes from the Starcraft online service. The original version of the game did not support the full Korean language, so a word that a Korean player could write close in meaning to "Hahaha" in Korean would be "Kekeke".

    • Grommash's name is officially translated as Giant's Heart. Thunderbolar is officially translated as Giant Guts. From this we can conclude that Thunder means giant, Mash means heart, and Bolar means intestines, offal:
      • "Bolar" = "Gut(s)"
      • "Thunder" = "Giant"
      • "Mash" = "Heart"

    A few more orc phrases (guess)

    While no official translations have been released for them, here are a few more Orcish phrases and their approximate meanings based on unit actions in the RTS:

    • "Lok-Regar Ogall, On-Dabu." = "Ready to run."
    • "Mog Osh" kazil gal "rok il mol Ro" t zaga maza TOV "OSH" = "Undercity belongs to the Horde again! LOK" TAR!"


    Orc nicknames are usually derived from great deeds or ancestral merit, but some orcs have earned their own nicknames (Kilrogg Deadeye, Kargath Bladefist), many prefer to use their father's names (Thrall, son of Durotan). Only the head of the family can have a nickname (For example, there can only be one Doomhammer or Deadeye), and the rest of the clan identifies themselves through their birthline.

    Orcs seem to have two types of name formation: two syllables separated by an apostrophe, and a simple name shortened from a longer one. Two syllables found in names: Gul "dan, Drak" Tul, Dal "Rend - perhaps originally given only to spellcasters, but later spread to others (Gar" Tok was Colonel Rubak). The second type is very privileged; only the strongest fighters, such as Shamans and Chieftains, or religious leaders. For example, Brox's full name was Broxigar, Grom Hellscream, whose full name was Grommash. This is highly inconsistent, however, most of the well-known orc names (such as Durotan, Orgrim, Nazgrel, Kargath) were never mentioned in short form.

    Warcraft 2

    In the Warcraft II cinematic, orcs spontaneously call out words in Orcish, such as: "Moka", "titu", "glod". These words, however, were never used again in other Blizzard games and have not been translated.


    "Orc" as a term defining language, has an apparent connection to DnD derived generic languages, which apparently can be found in DnD rule books.

    To a degree, phoenetically some of the words resemble Tolkien's Black Speech, which makes sense, since that language was presumably the foundational influence for the sound of this one. It is, however, generally somewhat less guttural and (to use Tolkien" s own adjective for the Black Speech) uncouth.

    It also doesn't seem to really be an actual language as such; Blizzard apparently originally invented a few words with an "Orcish" sound to use as acknowledgment phrases when units were clicked on in the earlier Warcraft games, and thus to create consistency, these words were brought over to WoW. The vocabulary translated however is not large, and there is no real formal grammar. The "Orcish" that can be seen apparently being spoken by players in-game is the result of a hash table created by Blizzard , (as mentioned above) and the words produced by it are intentionally meaningless gibberish.

    The examples of Orcish we "ve seen indicate what the phonetic inventory of the language might include, but we have nearly no evidence of the structure of the syntax or grammar. It may be possible to assume that adjectives come before nouns, as in English and other Germanic languages.As seen in the primer above, "Grommash" translates to "giant"s heart". Thus we might say that "grom"(giant"s) is an adjective modifiying "mash" (heart). The word "Grombolar," meaning "bowels of the giant", seems to follow this pattern as well. Of course, if this is actually a possessive clause, or a compound word, then the speculation that Orcish follows an adjective-noun word order could be erroneous.


    1. ^ Benny, Scott; Richard Fariss, Bob Fitch. Horde Game Guide. .
    2. ^ Arthouse. Lands of Conflict. .
    3. ^ Golden, Christie. Rise of the Horde. .
    4. Golden, Christy. Rise of the Horde. .
    5. ^ Golden, Christie. clan lord. .
    6. Golden, Christy. Rise of the Horde. .
    7. https://twitter.com/MickyNeilson/status/387633246508285952
    8. Blizzard Entertainment. Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness Guide.
    9. Written on Thunder Hellscream's monument in Ashenvale; also mentioned at the Harvest Festival in the quest "Honoring a Hero"
    10. Lon "goron, Goremychny's bow
    11. https://twitter.com/Loreology/status/426434111880695809
    12. Battle for the Undercity (Alliance), "Orcs have a battle cry: LOK" TAR OGAR! It means "victory or death."
    13. ^ De Candido, Keith R.A. . Circle of hate. .
    14. Hellscream
    15. Rosenberg, Aaron; Christy Golden. Beyond the Dark Portal. .
    16. Benny, Scott; Richard Farris, Bob Fitch. Horde Game Guide. .
    17. ^ Arthouse. World of Warcraft: RPG. .
    18. arthaus. Warcraft: RPG. .
    19. Scourge Invasion of Orgrimmar
    20. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/misc/wccomic/issue-19-sneakpeek.html
    21. Sundering: Prelude to Cataclysm

    How to translate: "Lok Tar Ogar!" ? and got the best answer

    Answer from Nick[guru]
    Trom-Ka - Hello.
    Aka-Magosh - Bless you and your loved ones.
    Dabu - I obey.
    Kag - Run!
    Lok-Narosh - Arm yourself!
    Lok-Tar - Victory! Battle cry, or salute in battle.
    Lok-Tar Ogar - Victory or death! Battle cry.
    Freedom - As you command.
    Zag-Zag - close in meaning to "ok".
    Mok-Natal - Sons of Nat. Nath is the Ogre god of war.
    Higher intelligence
    Lok-Narad - closest to the word "legendary"

    Answer from Maxim Ilyushin[guru]
    Victory or death! Battle cry
    Hello VoVeram))

    Answer from Yevaldin Vova[expert]
    Victory or death!

    Answer from *** MIXON ***[newbie]
    I choose to win ku ku haesira

    Answer from Heckfy linnikov[active]

    Answer from Albert gab[newbie]
    trom ka war

    Answer from Egor Spiders[active]
    Aka'Magosh: Bless you and your family.
    Bin mog g'tazag cha: I will protect you.
    Dabu: I obey.
    Dae'Mon: Corrupted soul, twisted soul.
    Dranosh: Heart of Dranor.
    Gar'mak: Pain, suffering.
    Gol'Kosh: On my own, with my own hands (literally "from my axe")
    Thunderbolar: Giant's Guts (expletive)
    Grommash: Heart of a giant.
    Kagh!: Run!
    Lak'Tuk: Surrender, defeat.
    Lo'Gosh: Ghost wolf.
    Lochn'goron: The hero's temporary home.
    Lok-Narash: Defend yourself, arm yourself.
    Loch-Regar: Ready for orders.
    Lok'tar!: Victory! (battle cry, also a greeting in battle)
    Lok'tar Ogar!: Victory or Death! (battle cry)
    Lok'amon: A traditional Orcish wedding song.
    Lok'tra: A traditional Orcish war song.
    Lok'vadnod: A traditional Orc song about the life of a hero.
    Mag'har: Uncorrupted.
    Mok'Nathal: Sons of Nat (Nath is a noble title)
    Nagrand: Land of the Winds.
    Oshu'Gan: Mountains of spirits.
    Free: As you wish.
    Trom-ka: Nice to meet you (greeting)
    Trk'hsk: Death in battle. (Some orcs in Durnholde use this word to mean "Sacrifice to the earth" for a good crop harvest)
    Zag-zag: Close in meaning to "ok".

    Already next week, the cinemas of Minsk will be flooded with crowds of fans of the cult Warcraft strategy - it will be held in the capital. And in order not to get into trouble in a random conversation about a game or a movie, and in general to understand what is happening and why everyone around is crazy about orcs, the site answered the most stupid questions about the game universe.

    What is the Warcraft universe?

    The Warcraft universe consists of many worlds, of which Azeroth is the key. Several continents, the world's oceans with a huge whirlpool in the center and the most diverse landscapes: green meadows give way to scorched steppes, which, in turn, flow into steep mountains, icy wastelands and coastal deserts. And, as the name implies, wars do not cease in Azeroth.

    Who is fighting with whom?

    One of the main confrontations of the universe is the peoples of Azeroth against the Burning Legion of demons, led by the former titan (one of the creators of the worlds) Sargeras, who seeks to destroy the entire universe and return Chaos. And the rest of the time, peoples amuse themselves with bloody wars for territory and power between each other, everything is like on our Earth. And sometimes the absolute evil of the local level appears, like the army of the undead - the Scourge.

    The first film, like the first part of the strategy, will focus on the war between the orcs fleeing their dying world of Draenor and the people who inhabit Azeroth. And, despite the fact that both factions have wise and peaceful leaders, this war will be repeated in the future.

    Who lives in the world of "Warcraft", except for people and orcs?

    The peoples of Azeroth are divided into factions. The Horde itself includes orcs, trolls (not the ones you saw in The Lord of the Rings, but thin and fanged), peaceful tauren (a kind of minotaur) and a new undead - Forsaken (they are not subject to the Lich King, have their own consciousness and personality) . From the side of the Alliance - people, dwarves (reminiscent of Gimli from the same "Lord of the Rings", famous blacksmiths and gunsmiths), gnomes (miniature men, brilliant inventors and alchemists) and night elves (eared and forest ones, you understand).

    In addition to them, blood elves (addicted to magic and strength), draenei (natives of Draenor, the same world as the orcs), worgen (wolf people), goblins (small and cunning green-skinned merchants) and many other natives appear in the future. like the famous half-fish-half-frog murlocs, ogre thugs or humanoid jackals - gnolls.

    And then there are dragons. Clever dragons that stand guard over Azeroth and can turn into people.

    Who are orcs? They are bad? And in general, who is good, who is bad?

    The world of Warcraft is not the classic Sir Tolkien-style binary fantasy with good and evil. Of course, the presence of absolute evil is necessary, and the same Burning Legion, the undead and the Old Gods (drawn from the works of Howard Lovecraft) cope with this.

    And the orcs, like people, are just one of the peoples inhabiting Azeroth, warlike, but quite wise and unconventional. There are enough sins for some and for others. Each of the parties to the conflict can be understood, which is why the film suggests taking the position of either orcs or humans.

    Who are the main characters? And what kind of heroes are there?

    There are so many main characters in the Warcraft universe that it is difficult to single them out. Let's go through the main stars of the upcoming film.

    Durotan is one of the leaders of the Horde, the leader of the Frostwolf clan, wise and peaceful. It is he who will seek a solution to the conflict without war and will make a deal with people.

    Anduin Lothar is the protagonist of the Alliance, a great warrior and veteran who is also ready to save his people at any cost. Military leader and living legend.

    Medivh is one of the greatest mages of humans, whose powers left him vulnerable to the Burning Legion and subsequently subdued by demons.

    King Llane Ryn is the leader of the Alliance, not so much on the battlefield as on the throne. Unlike his son Varian, who in the future will become a formidable warrior, a cruel but fair and determined leader of the faction.

    Orgrim Doomhammer, Blackhand the Destroyer, and Grommash Hellscream are the warlords of the orcs who have entered the war for Azeroth. Each represents a distinct clan with their own traditions and styles of warfare.

    Gul'Dan is an Orc warlock and head of the Shadow Council, a cult subordinate to the Burning Legion.

    Of those heroes who will not appear in the film, it is perhaps worth highlighting one of the most popular characters in the universe - Prince Arthas, heir to the throne of Lordaeron, who one day will cross the line of morality in order to save his people from the Scourge and doom himself to the future of its leader - the King Lich.

    Who is the scariest villain?

    The top of the hierarchy of "bad guys" in the world of "Warcraft" is the head of the Burning Legion, the demon Sargeras. By the time the game is already deceased, but planning to return to the world of the living, the demon lord and the former titan cannot be stopped so easily.

    The head of the Scourge is the Lich King Ner'zhul, who served the Burning Legion and was physically destroyed after his betrayal, and then chained in the glacier of Northrend, the continent of Azeroth. Nevertheless, this does not prevent him from controlling the undead and preparing the world for the next invasion of demons.

    Arthas Menethil is a former prince of Lordaeron, the human kingdom, and one of the halves of the last Lich King.

    In addition to them, one can recall the numerous bosses of the online world or the classic military leaders of the Horde, but perhaps the aforementioned trinity will suffice for now.

    Is there magic there, like everywhere else in fantasy?

    Yes, what else. Everything is much bigger and blockbuster than in classic fantasy. Portals to other worlds, fire showers, summoning demons, resurrecting the dead, healing and turning into animals - there is enough entertainment for the most sophisticated taste.

    What is the purpose of the original game?

    The cult strategy offers to go through story campaigns for various heroes representing different nations. As a rule, the gameplay is based on the creation of troops, the development of fortifications and cities - this is the main tool of the game, but at the same time, one cannot but note the really high importance of the plot and the most interesting stories. Warcraft has absorbed the brightest details of classic fantasy, current world history and literature - this is how a unique universe was born, loved by millions.

    When will the game end?

    Each campaign is a certain completed (or open-ended) story, not always connected to others. Accordingly, each part of the game simply offers a set of such plots through which players follow their favorite heroes and the history of Azeroth. In total, the strategy has three parts, the fourth is constantly on the developers' desk, but there have been no serious talks about its production for a long time.

    How is World of Warcraft different from Warcraft?

    World of Warcraft is an online role-playing game where the user controls just one character, not an entire army, and interacts with others in multiplayer mode. She replaced the strategy and significantly deepened, reworked and developed the plot of the universe. If you translate all the information that an online game gives the characters, you can get a dozen hefty fantasy books. World of Warcraft paid attention to absolutely all races and cultures, stories of the present and the past, introduced new heroes and new storylines.

    At the moment, World of Warcraft has five main additions with a solid plot and the main antagonist, the sixth is planned to be released closer to the autumn. And in many ways it is because of the online game that the strategy will never see the light of day.

    Why is the Warcraft universe so popular?

    This is one of the first real-time strategy games that later brought success to the genre. As we have already said, the players were captivated by a fascinating story and an interesting game world, as well as non-standard gameplay. And the online game World of Warcraft soon after its release became one of the most popular multiplayer games in history thanks to excellent mechanics and the same juicy universe.

    Three phrases that can be said to seem "in the subject" when they talk about "Warcraft" in front of me

    “I think it was worth starting with the movie based on the third part – the story of Arthas is known to more people, and in general it is more interesting and more relevant.”

    "Need more gold!" (Famous undead minion phrase from strategy).

    "Lok" Tar Ogar! (The battle cry of the orcs, translated as "Victory or death!").

    Why is the Warcraft movie worth seeing?

    Because this is a fantasy that no one has filmed yet. Not classic binary, not fairy-tale adventure and not historical, like The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit or Game of Thrones. Warcraft is a visually beautiful world, a blockbuster approach to combat, especially magic, and a story rich in characters and events. It is difficult to say whether the film will be successful and whether it will receive a sequel - there is an opinion that it comes out at the wrong time. But you can be sure that the world has never seen such a fantasy.

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    Which is used in the Horde as a common language known to all members of the faction. The letter is a combination of runes and the Common Language alphabet.

    A much more rough and guttural language than Common. Words lack the subtlety of pronunciation, and many have difficulty mastering it. Orcs rely on context, repetition, and loudness of pronunciation in their language. Tribes often divided among themselves began to create dialects, for example, orcs freed from reservations had some difficulty understanding each other for some time. After the formation of the New Horde, a common Orcish vernacular was created and understanding was established.

    Word examples

    • "Aka" Magosh" = "May the spirits be with you"
    • "Bin mog g"tazag cha!" = "I will protect you!"
    • "Dabu" = "I obey."
    • "Dae" Mon = "Double soul"
    • "Gar" Vak" = "Flour"
    • "Gol'kosh!" = "With my axe!"
    • "Kah!" = "Run!"
    • "Lok Narash!" = "Protect yourself!"
    • "Lok Regar" = "Ready to perform"
    • "Lok" Tar!" = "Victory"
    • "Lok'tar ogar!" = "Victory or death!"
    • "Freedom" = "As you command."
    • "Trom-Ka" = "Greetings"
    • "Zag Zag" = "Good."

    Orc names

    Most Orcish names are derived from some word in their language. As a rule - the name of a favorite thing, occupation or relative. Surnames do not exist among the orcs, although especially distinguished heroes or leaders are assigned a second name in honor of merit. Occasionally, the descendants of an orc take his battle nickname, which shows that they will not disgrace the honor of their ancestor. Orcs also have quite common nicknames, which in some cases displace the name of the orc.

    • Male Names: Ragmash, Manrok, Groktash, Nurrog, Thurg.
    • Female Names: Groma, Hargu, Igrim, Agra, Dragga, Grima.
    • Nicknames: Doomhammer, Deadeye, Forebinder, Elfkiller, Skullsplitter, Axeripper, Tearshorn, Fistcrusher.
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