World Whale and Dolphin Day. July Holidays and Events Dolphin Birthday: So Special

World Whale and Dolphin Day is celebrated every year on July 23rd. And he is called to save marine mammals from extermination. The holiday began in 1986, when the International Whaling Commission implemented a ban on whale fishing. And it happened on July 23rd.

On this important and necessary holiday, environmental organizations, through various events, draw the attention of society to the problem of the declining number of a certain kind sea ​​animals. After all, protection is needed not only for beautiful whales and cute dolphins, but also for several dozen species of seals and other mammals that live in the seas. Notably, many countries have established their own own days whales. For example, America celebrates such a holiday on June 21st. And in Australia, National Whale Day is celebrated on the first Saturday of June.

Boundless oceans,
Mysterious abysses
Towards a man
Swimming whales, dolphins.

Trusting like children
sea ​​giants,
A gift to mankind
They are from the oceans.

We are the whole planet to them
Let's dedicate this day
Dolphins and whales
We will protect everything together.

Happy whale and dolphin day!
Let them live in freedom
Many days surprisingly clear
In the vast ocean they are waiting!

Well, if we go to the sea,
We will see a beautiful fin,
What walks easily in the open
In the waters of clean and warm sea!

Today is not an easy holiday.
We celebrate with the whole world.
We praise all whales,
Dedicated to dolphins.

Let them not disturb their peace,
Not a poacher, not a whaler.
And let the whole sea space
Their enthusiasm will spread.

In the depths of the seas and oceans
Under the surface of the water,
Living beautiful and majestic
Dolphins and, of course, whales.

But they are mercilessly exterminated
For fun, for your own profit,
Scary monsters are insidious,
Which, unfortunately, came out of the people.

But I believe in the best, of course,
What the children of descendants will shout:
"Look, the whale swims and the dolphins!"
And they will answer them with sprays.

Happy Dolphin and Whale Day,
These sweet creatures!
Who leads the whale trapping,
There will be no excuses!

Let them live in the sea
To not disappear at all
And flicker here and there
Let in the beautiful sea abyss!

Protecting all dolphins and whales
Deserves our attention!
Any of them may be alive and well,
After all, many are on the verge of extinction!

Is this delicacy really necessary?
If, for example, yesterday
There was a humpback whale, but it disappeared?
And maybe that time has come!

Consider why destroy
Something that suddenly disappears forever!
We all need to respect nature
Using all the benefits carefully!

World day of whales, dolphins
Today we will celebrate.
Protect them fervently, relentlessly
I want to wish today.

Let them become more in the waters
After all, they are friends to all people,
Be more merciful
I wish you a special day.

On the day of dolphins and whales
We wish: let it be healthy,
May he always be happy
Save the whales for people.
And save nature.
He will save all the dolphins
From misfortunes, poachers.
He will be an example for everyone
An unparalleled example.
We'll keep the beauty
the surrounding land.
For children to grow up in.

In the waves of beautiful oceans
Dolphins and whales live.
May their life be flawless
Let the waters around them be pure.

We need to take care of them together
Nature must be protected together.
Dolphins should not be exterminated
We need to protect all whales.

I congratulate you on the Day of Dolphins and Whales,
May he fill you with positivity
Be ready to swim across the sea of ​​life
Like a whale, go slowly towards your dream.

And like a dolphin, be cheerful and playful,
And be devoted to love you, endlessly,
In the fight against evil you be invincible,
And enjoy your friends and new meetings.

Congratulations: 17 in verse.

The depths of the sea attract not only children, but also adults. Today, of course, we have the opportunity to get even a step closer to its beauties with the help of man-made water museums and various dolphinariums and oceanariums, but many questions remain mysteries.

A man has created many cartoons in which a dolphin or a whale helps a drowning child to escape, and therefore most of us have the impression that these animals are very kind and affectionate. In fact, the way it is, because they do not harm other living beings.

History reference

July 23 is World Whale and Dolphin Day around the world. This holiday appeared not only because people love these mammals very much, but to a greater extent because it was necessary to put an end to the terrible and extremely cruel fishery - the killing of whales. For at least two centuries, and perhaps even longer, whales and dolphins were for fishermen nothing more than simple prey on fishing, which paid well on land. Of course, this significantly affected the number of these mammals, and even more, they were already on the verge of extinction. This state of affairs could not but attract attention, so in 1986, the International Whaling Commission on February 19 introduced a ban on the destruction of live-bearing inhabitants of the ocean. Naturally, any kind of trade in whale meat also fell under the ban.

Some countries have gone further than celebrating the day of whales and dolphins and on February 19 they remember all the mammals that simply cannot stand in deadly fight with a man holding a weapon. Such events, of course, draw public attention to this problem and leave no one indifferent. Also, employees of environmental services hold explanatory and thematic meetings on such days, where they tell everyone in detail about those types of mammals that, through the fault of man, are on the verge of destruction.

Law breakers

To a very great regret, there are those in the world who treat their own benefit with more attention than the disappearance of whales. So negative example Japan has become for the whole world. This country, with centuries-old traditions and a wonderful culture, still practices whale catching and selling their meat to famous restaurants in order to satisfy the needs of rich people. Unfortunately, the whole cynicism of such a situation is that all this is happening under the guise of the fact that whales are caught for scientific experiments and research. A few years ago, the Prime Minister of Australia tried to understand such a flagrant injustice by bringing official charges against Tokyo, but the world community did not see the results. Probably, satisfying the tastes of rich gourmets is more important for them than the preservation of beautiful animals. This is a clear example of how breaking the law can thrive on highest level states and no sanctions can cope with them, because enrichment is more important.

A little about whales

Whales are giants that inhabit sea ​​depths. They somehow combine seemingly completely opposite things. They have some features that are completely characteristic of fish, but internal organization organism is more like a warm-blooded creature. There is the ability to bear a calf, and only whales can boast of having lungs. One gets the impression that nature created whales for a very long time and took into account literally every little thing. All whales are divided into two types:
1. Mustachioed. This type of whale is characterized by the absence of teeth, in the cavity of their mouth there is a whalebone. Such whales feed mainly on plankton, medium-sized fish can serve as an additive. Most famous representatives of this species are blue and humpback whales.
2. Toothed. Unlike baleen whales, they feed only on fish, predominantly large size and other seafood. According to some experts, precisely because these whales can be called predators, hunting for them was not as widespread as for representatives of the baleen. Sperm whales, killer whales, dolphins, porpoises just belong to the category of toothed whales.
Seabed Angel.

Without attention, of course, it is simply impossible to leave yourself bright representative a detachment of whales, in which all children and many adults on the planet are in love - a dolphin. Residents and guests of the Black Sea coast can afford to admire the most famous dolphin in the world - the common dolphin that lives there, but passengers of Pacific liners become witnesses of the competition of striped dolphins and ships. Bottlenose dolphins deserve special attention - a person can meet this dolphin almost everywhere, of course, except for the waters of cold zones. This dolphin contacts with a person with great pleasure, and if it gets into a dolphinarium, it instantly becomes a favorite of the public, because it remembers all the figures well and can be easily trained.

For whales and dolphins, the holiday is divided into two parts, but activists always hold actions and seminars on July 23 and February 19, inviting all those who are not indifferent to join them.

How to spend a holiday of dolphins and whales?

The celebration of such amazing animals, of course, should be spent in their company. If possible, it is best to visit the oceanarium, where, although not in a natural environment, but as close as possible to it, you can simply admire how these giants swim, watch them, consider them. Another option is to go to a country where there are whales and dolphins and go on a boat trip to see them in their natural environment. In this case, of course, no one gives guarantees that whales and dolphins can definitely meet during a walk, and the weather can deteriorate, but at least it’s worth a try.

For those who do not have the opportunity to admire the whales, but have a desire to see dolphins, the option remains to visit the dolphinarium, today there are more of them than oceanariums, so this is quite possible. Children and adults will definitely enjoy the performance, and after it you can communicate with such beautiful animals. Today, in many complexes there are also rehabilitation groups, where it is dolphins that help children recover from some kind of serious illness or injury. This therapy shows amazing results. And this is another indicator that the destruction of dolphins is just a crime against all nature.

AT holidays the whole family should definitely visit the dolphinarium, as a rule, the proceeds from the performance will be donated to charity, if there is an opportunity to help financially, or ask what kind of help is needed. Such a small contribution of each family will be simply invaluable for such an important cause. We need to save whales and dolphins from extinction. You can take part in charity events, become an information consultant, each person's contribution to this matter is very significant.

Be sure to say thanks to those who rescue dolphins and whales, who nurse them after poaching raids and injuries, and help return them to their habitat, for these people they become real children, in whom they put their heart and soul.

World Whale and Dolphin Day is a holiday that, unfortunately, many do not even know about, so any work of every person is important simply to inform the population and convey to them the importance of saving these beautiful mammals. It is impossible to remain indifferent, the future of the world depends on each of us.

Today, July 23, is World Whale and Dolphin Day. The holiday was established in 1986, when the International Whaling Commission, after 200 years of merciless extermination of marine animals, introduced a ban on whale fishing and the trade in whale meat.

As the site writes, annually on this day, conservation groups come up with actions to protect whales and other marine mammals.

For Russia, this day is also of particular importance, given that several dozen species of whales, dolphins and seals live in the domestic seas. Many of them are endangered and listed in the Red Book.

Meanwhile, the ban on whaling has already played a positive role in increasing the number of whales. Mikhail Maminov, Leading Engineer of the Laboratory of Marine Mammals of the Pacific Research Fisheries Center, told RIA Novosti about this.

"According to the reports of specialists, the number of whales in last years albeit gradually, but began to grow. There is hope that in the coming years the population of fin whales and sperm whales will almost completely recover, now their number reaches 10 and 20 thousand individuals, respectively," Maminov said.

According to him, the number of minke whales is also growing, their number has reached 27 thousand individuals. At the same time, the growth of humpback whales, gray and Japanese whales is slow. Today there are only a few hundred of them.

The most beloved representatives of cetaceans in humans are, of course, dolphins. Their affectionate, playful nature and kindness are already legendary. Meanwhile, alas, some of their representatives are also on the verge of extinction. One example is the New Zealand subspecies of Hector's dolphin known as the Maui dolphin.

Interesting facts about dolphins

1. Dolphins have not only a friendly disposition, so attractive to people, but also a very developed brain. According to scientists, the behavior of animals indicates a high degree their mental development. Curiously, the average brain adult weighs about 1700 grams, and in humans - 1400. Moreover, the dolphin has twice as many convolutions in the cerebral cortex as in humans.

Scientists are so amazed by the intelligence of these animals that many of them are ready to equate a dolphin with a person. Thus, at the meeting held in Vancouver, authoritative international experts called on the authorities of the countries to adopt a declaration on the rights of cetaceans, according to which the keeping of dolphins and whales in captivity is recognized as illegal, and the killing of these animals provides for the same responsibility as for killing a person.

“Dolphins are also individuals, only in non-human form. Personality means an individual. And if so, then the deliberate deliberate killing of such individuals is ethically tantamount to the deliberate killing of people,” the American scientist Thomas White said at the time.

2. Dolphins have their own language for communication, and quite developed. The researchers found that dolphins are like people - with words. It is believed that dolphins have " vocabulary"up to 14,000 sound signals. Moreover, a person simply does not hear many signals, since dolphins emit sounds at very high, ultrasonic frequencies that are inaccessible to human hearing.

Dolphins also have a "social consciousness", which is expressed in sociability, sympathy for relatives and a willingness to help newborns and the sick, pushing them to the surface of the water.

3. Dolphins are not fish, but marine mammals. Therefore, they would have to be very tight in the water during sleep, if nature did not take care of a unique mechanism that allows them to be awake and sleep in the water at the same time. When it’s time for a dolphin to lie down on its side, one half of their brain turns off, while the other remains awake and in control of the situation. Thanks to this, the dolphin does not forget to rise to the surface and take a sip of air.

Rushing through green waters
symbolizing joy,
You jump from the depths
To touch the sky
scattering splashes,
Like a handful of jewels.
excerpt from a poem by Horace Dobbs

There is no day of foxes, no day of wolves or ostriches, but there is a World day of whales and dolphins. And it was not established at all in vain, besides the fact that these animals are as magnificent as all the others, but they have been in danger of extermination for many years. It was in order to draw attention to this acute problem that this holiday was established in 1986 by the International Whale Commission.

This day is of particular importance for Russia, since several dozen species of whales and dolphins live in the seas of our country. Many of them are endangered and listed in the Red Book. Russian Federation and International Union nature conservation.

July 23 in the calendar of environmental and environmental organizations marked in red and is called World Whale Day, or World Whale Day. It appeared in 1986 thanks to the efforts of the International Whaling Commission, which for many years had tried to ban whaling.

Then, almost 30 years ago, on this day, an international resolution was adopted banning the capture of whales and the trade in whale meat. The ban did not fully apply to small northern peoples who from time immemorial lived hunting for these sea ​​giants- special quotas for fishing were allocated for them.

Whale, "kitos" - a sea monster, as the ancient Greeks called it - in such sizes this is the most accurate name! However, despite the fear of him, a person entered into single combat with him and often won. The ancient Vikings lived by whaling, northern peoples still live by hunting whales and processing prey.
Whale trapping has been especially active in the last two hundred years: whale blubber was used as a fuel and food product, sausages were made from meat in the last century, whalebone was familiar to many fashionistas who wore corsets, and all other "parts" of whale carcass - it's practically non-waste production goods necessary for man! This has led to a catastrophic reduction in the number of these marine mammals.
The ban helped save from complete disappearance some species of cetaceans, as well as restore the number of " sea ​​monsters". Although the name of the date refers only to whales, July 23 is considered the day for the protection of all types of marine mammals: dolphins, seals, walruses, etc.

Interestingly, millions of years ago, cetaceans were land animals from the order of artiodactyls, they walked on land, fed on grass. Their modern closest relative is the hippopotamus.
If whales, because of their size, were the personification of horror for humans, then small and nimble dolphins were perceived quite friendly. Their incredible mental abilities have been known for a very long time. AT ancient world there was even a cult of dolphin worship - it was not without reason that the ancient Greeks gave him a place among the stars. The constellation Dolphin is clearly visible in summer months on Russian territory. By the way, Keith found a place in the starry sky!

Who cares how this happened - look into the ancient Greek myths, I'm sure you will like these stories!
The fact that many cetaceans, especially dolphins, lend themselves well to training can be seen by visiting any water park where performances are held with the participation of these animals. It is amazing to see with what ease they fulfill all the requests of the trainer - it seems that mental contact has been established between a person and a dolphin: as soon as a person thinks about something, the dolphin immediately fulfills it. Although in fact, this is hard training and personal mutual affection on both sides.
Something connects dolphins and us humans. This is reminiscent of something either dog's love and devotion, or a different mind. A huge number of stories testify to how dolphins saved people who found themselves on the high seas - they offered them their "shoulder" of help and helped them get to the shore. It still remains a mystery how they understand that a person needs not to go to the open sea, but to land. There were no cases of error on the part of the dolphins - all the victims were safely "transported" to the saving land.
Elian Claudius, a Roman writer of the 2nd century, spoke in his treatise "On the Nature of Animals" interesting story about dolphins: fishermen went out to fish at night, while lighting fires. Schools of fish, seeing the light, rushed straight into the fishing nets. It is interesting that dolphins always followed the fish, drove them straight to the people, blocking the way in the other direction from the fishing boats. It is clear that on such a day the fishermen were always with a rich catch. In those days, people always shared part of the booty with their volunteer helpers.
Another funny incident witnessed by cetacean researchers occurred in one of the aquariums in California. Two bottlenose dolphins unsuccessfully tried to pull out a moray eel that had hid in a rocky crack. One dolphin decided to take her by cunning: he killed a scorpionfish, a fish with poisonous spines, and thrust its carcass into the shelter of an impregnable moray eel. Only after being pricked with a poisonous thorn, the fish swam out of the crevice, but was immediately captured by a cunning dolphin.
Long time(and still continues) the topic of the intelligence of these mammals was actively discussed. Everything spoke in favor of this: high intelligence, learning ability, strange sounds, very similar to a peculiar dolphin language, behavior in a flock and next to a person. There was even a version that this is another intelligent civilization Earth, which, unlike humanity, has chosen a natural biological path of development. Why these versions appear is understandable - a person desperately does not want to be alone in the vast expanses of the Universe, therefore he is so persistently looking for brothers in mind. And why shouldn't they be very close, on their native Earth.
In general, it doesn't really matter how smart they are. The main thing is that they always remain close to us, and here we cannot do without our human attention and care for these neighbors on the planet.

Interesting Whale Facts:

  • When a whale dives into the water column, its heart rate slows down to 10 beats per minute. Blood feeds only the heart and brain.
  • Distinctive feature any whale is its tail. Each of them is unique and not similar to the others. Everything is different: from incisions and furrows to the unique pattern left by scars.
  • Due to the fact that whales, like dolphins, simply need to occasionally rise to the surface to breathe, only half of their brains can sleep at any given time.
  • Whales are capable of not sleeping for three months, not eating for eight months, not breathing for up to two hours.
  • The blue whale is the largest of all whales and is also considered the largest animal ever to have lived in the world. Adult blue whale sometimes reaches up to 108 feet (33 meters) in length and can weigh about 200 tons.
  • There is a theory that in ancient times, whales gave birth on land. And all thanks to the discovery in the mountains of Pakistan. Fossils were found there in the form of the remains of a male and his pregnant female.
  • Sperm whales are able to dive up to 3.5 kilometers underwater. Their bodies have unique physiological properties to adapt to enable them to survive in the cold and endure high pressure water. They limit the functioning of the brain and other vital organs. For example, the lungs are compressed chest to resist water pressure.
  • A whale can eat up to 1 ton of crustacean (krill) per day. This corresponds to a million calories.
  • whales don't drink sea ​​water instead, they extract water from food by metabolizing fats.
  • reproductive organ blue whale is 3 m in length, the diameter is 1/3 m. Although the females themselves are much longer than the males.
  • Scientists still don't know why whales sometimes jump out of the water. Ancient whalers thought they were teasing the fishermen in this way, but biologists have suggested that this is just a demonstration of endurance and strength in front of other whales.
  • The only singing mammal in the world is the whale, well, after a man, of course. Their song can last from 6 minutes to 30 minutes. The most interesting thing is that they do not have vocal cords.
  • A whale's pregnancy lasts 11 months. Cubs are born 7.5 m in length and 2-3 tons in weight. Every day the kitten drinks 380 liters of milk, and so for 7 months.
  • Blue whales produce sounds at 188 decibels. Such indicators are 48 decibels higher than the sounds emitted by a jet engine. Whales are able to communicate over a thousand miles.
  • Due to the fact that hearing is the main way for whales to navigate underwater, they have small eyes in proportion to their overall size body.
  • Gray whales were once known as " sea ​​Devils”, due to the cruelty with which the female protected her cubs. Sometimes whalers managed to kill small whales, and often in retaliation, their mother turned the boats over.
  • Whales are secondary. Initially, the ancestors in the process of evolution came out of the water, then returned there again.
  • A blue whale cub gains 80-100 kg in weight per day, and by the age of one and a half years it grows up to 20 meters and 45-50 tons!
  • The female blue whale is always larger than the male.
  • About 50 people can fit in the blue whale tongue.
  • Having risen to the surface, the first thing the whale does is spewing exhaust air through its nostrils with noise. As a result of this, a "fountain" appears, which all children draw in pictures about whales.
  • On the upper sky of the whale, hundreds of horny plates grow, forming a kind of sieve. They are called whalebone. Using this sieve, a whale with its mouth wide open quickly swims through a cluster of small mollusks, shrimps or fish, collecting its dinner.

Killer whales, the famous sea killers, do not touch a person, and are easy to train.
Males are usually larger than females, they are easy to distinguish from each other by the fin - the male has dorsal higher.

..Lords of the waters. Dolphins..

Dolphins (Delphinclassae) are marine mammal an animal that belongs to the suborder of toothed whales. They are found in the seas and oceans, as well as rivers that have access to the sea. They feed, as a rule, on crustaceans, mollusks, fish, and some do not disdain sea ​​turtles and birds. There are more than thirty species of dolphins in the world. Sea dolphins are very sociable animals, easily making contact and quite friendly.
Their tail is located in a horizontal position, and not in a vertical position, as in all fish. This helps them jump out of the water. It is said that a dolphin, like a cat, beats the water with its tail if it is annoyed or preparing to attack. Them pectoral fins are used to control the movement through the water, as well as to stroke each other, which increases the social bond between them. Sea dolphin friends can swim together, away from everyone, hugging and stroking each other with their fins.

Their teeth represent rows of conical "stakes" suitable for catching slippery fish. AT wild environment The dolphin's open mouth is a sign of aggression, especially when combined with snapping jaws. Dolphins breathe through a nostril located at the top of their head. Periodically, they are forced to surface to inhale air, a complex of nerve endings around the nose allows you to measure pressure so that the dolphin can know when to take a breath.
dolphin eyes covered with a special secret that protects the eyes from foreign objects and friction against water. For sleep, the dolphin relaxes only half of the brain, while the second monitors the timely breathing and movement of the animal.

Absolutely smooth skin allows dolphins to move easily in the water and also reduce heat loss. Sea dolphins often cut their skin with their teeth during mating or fights, these marks change color.
Dolphins carry offspring, like human women, in the womb, their pregnancy continues, depending on the specific species, from 12 to 16 months. Baby comes out tail first, and will stay with her mother until she is 4 years old.
live sea ​​dolphins flocks, females usually stay "at home" while males hunt. Each flock has its own home, territory for hunting and walking, etc. Flocks often unite and live together. If the dolphin is injured and cannot float, the pod members will help it by lifting it out of the water and allowing it to breathe.

Most Sea dolphins spend the day looking for food, hunting either alone or in flocks. They use echolocation system to find the fish.
Dolphins communicate together whistling. There is still debate about whether this whistle represents harmonious speech.
Sounds enough dolphins varied, thanks to a well-thought-out system in the body, they can emit very wide range sounds. In fact, the frequency range is ten times greater than the level that is available for human hearing. This is called an "echolocation" system, or "Sonar", similar to the one used in submarines for free movement under the water.

Dolphin sounds that turn into speech are so complex that at different types there are even language barriers, and different species of dolphins cannot communicate with each other. There were also attempts by dolphins from different species to establish contact with each other, "memorizing" someone else's speech. It is said that some people were able to understand the sounds of dolphins, and even communicated with them in their language.

Dolphin brain often exceeds the human one both in size and in the number of convolutions.
Dolphins are very weak organs of smell. Their organs of vision function equally well in the aquatic or air environment. Hearing is highly sensitive.

If a reflect dolphin in the mirror, he understands that he sees himself, he can also understand speech - individual sentences, and learn, understanding what he is doing and what is required of him.
The acquired skills animals can pass both to each other and to their descendants.

They are often used for military operations; it is possible to train dolphins to search for lost and sunken things, to escort and patrol, etc.
Dolphins have 1 fused nostril, which successfully supplies oxygen to the entire body.

If a dolphin met a person who is on land, then he will not recognize the same person in the water. And vice versa, having met a person in the water, the dolphin does not recognize him on land.

Dolphins are considered royal fish".
In England, to this day, there is a law according to which sturgeons, whales and dolphins are considered "royal fish". Therefore, if they are caught within a three-mile radius of the British coast, or washed ashore, dead or alive, the Crown can lay claim to them. As a rule, the fishermen, returning to the port, sell the sturgeon in the usual way, and the buyer, as a show of loyalty to the throne, asks the queen to honor him and accept his modest reward.

bottlenose dolphin able to learn the trick in just one show. True, if the trick is not rewarded, the bottlenose dolphin quickly forgets about it. The reward doesn't have to be food. If a dolphin, receiving a fish, hears the trainer's whistle or his raised hand, then the whistle or raised hand may be associated with encouragement. And the next time he will execute the command on the whistle or on another sign, convenient for the coach.

It takes about one year, sometimes a year and a half, to prepare a dolphin for participation in the whole performance. But known amazing case at the aquarium in Miami. Several dolphins were brought to this aquarium for training. Already trained dolphins swam next to the beginners. Throughout the night, the conversation did not stop between them. The next morning, all the beginners were already doing all the tricks without a single intervention from the coach.
And also dolphins love to play. They often prefer play over food. The coach easily turns this hobby of theirs into exciting tricks with the ball, hoop, and crossbars. But the main principle of animal training is its encouragement. Punishment must be excluded. If a person tries to apply punishment, he will get a sluggish performance of the trick and aggressive behavior.

Often dolphins manage to heal people who have various nervous diseases or deep depression. How they do it is still unknown. Scientists believe that it's all about the special ultrasonic radiation that comes from the animal.
When a dolphin communicates with a healthy person, it emits a calm click; if the animal feels that the person is sick, it begins to rumble. After such "sessions" the dolphin is very tired and tries to be alone in order to gain strength.

If the dolphin does something bad, such as dousing the trainer with water or hitting the trainer with his head or teeth, the trainer can turn his back on him, take the bucket of fish and leave for one minute. This will be enough for the dolphin to give up this way of behavior. But this technique must be used very carefully, as it brings suffering to the animals.

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