What interesting things can be studied to tell. How to tell stories so everyone is interested

Speech is one of the simplest communication tools. Trite? No, because it is one of the most difficult communication tools. And if you can speak beautifully and interestingly, this is +1000 points to your charisma. It is expressive speech that leads people and transforms ordinary person into a leader. In fact, in order to understand how to learn how to tell in an interesting way, neither public speaking training nor acting courses are needed. We make ourselves.


Oddly enough, but for learning beautiful speech we need more reading and writing. Who, no matter how the classics, will teach you how interesting it is to tell stories. If Dostoevsky and Tolstoy seem boring to you, then look for a good contemporary literature. The main thing is that it is written good language. Good press and interesting blogs will also help you, especially since many talented writers of our time are actively involved in them.

Pay attention to specialized literature. So you expand your horizons, and vocabulary too. Read classic works on eloquence (and modern ones too), memorize new words and phrases, and if you liked some expression overheard on the street, don't be afraid to use it.

Practice writing skills

They will also learn how to tell stories in an interesting way. You may not become a classic, but a journal will do you good, as will a personal blog. Convey emotions, write down all the most interesting things that happened to you during the day. Keeping diaries, by the way, does not allow the brain to grow old, so dementia will definitely not threaten you.

We build sentences correctly

To do this, you do not need to return to school and learn Russian. Enough of the above useful reading and diaries. It’s good if in the diary you write down not short phrases, but lengthy stories with all the details and dialogues. If you are going to perform in public, you can start by recording interesting words and phrases related to the topic of the speech. You can listen to people who can tell interesting stories and learn from their mannerisms, try to understand how they make stories interesting.

We increase vocabulary

To help us, again, reading a wide variety of literature, as well as communicating with people of different specialties and hobbies from which you are far away. Try to immediately learn the meaning of a new word.

Look for difficult books, try to make them understandable to yourself.

We highlight the main

Perhaps you are personally interested in a story with a lot of details, especially if it evokes pleasant memories. But believe me, most listeners are very tiring. Just imagine that you are reading a detective story with interesting plot and intrigue, but written with an overwhelming amount of detail and description. He will quickly bore you. In your stories, highlight the main thing and sweep away all the small and not especially the right details otherwise the story will be very boring.

To do this, you only need a voice recorder. And also - a pen to write down all your "this is the same", "for example", "as if" and other rubbish. Getting rid of them is not easy, but try.

  • Learn to speak and tell not only to your friends and family, but also in a large crowd of people.
  • Self-confidence will allow you to keep your speech under control.
  • Practice in front of a mirror, work on facial expressions and gestures. Image school, acting courses, etc. will also help with this. But the mirror is more reliable.
  • We also train diction. Here again to help theatre studio and puzzle phrases.
  • If you can find a few interesting stories or moments, then even dry, boring facts can be told in an exciting way.
  • Stories can be told in different ways. For example, you can gather several interesting stories around the main plot. They may intertwine with each other, but be connected to the central story.
  • You can start the story from the middle, from the very climax. This way you will intrigue people and force yourself to listen.


Start training with the company good friend or someone at home. Sitting in a room, choose any of the objects that are in it, even a piece of furniture, even a fork that happened to be in the bedroom. Start your story about this subject and keep it constructive and coherent, as well as interesting. Also decide on the period of time during which you will speak.

We start with five minutes, then you can increase your time. Let the listener evaluate your story about the fork: whether it was interesting, coherent, informative. By the way, lectures in a five-minute lecture about the fork are not as easy as you might think. Especially if there are no repetitions, interjections or digressions in the lecture. It is important that the listener is always the same and that he can observe your progress.

Feeling the ground under your feet, start telling stories in companies or strangers.

Over time, it will become easier and the stories more and more exciting.

Whether you're telling a joke, a fairy tale, or a story, getting it right is a very important skill. For some, the gift of the storyteller manifests itself by nature, while others have to learn this. Never be afraid. You can learn how to tell better and more engaging stories, and wikiHow can help! Just start with step 1 below.


Part 1

Learning the basics of storytelling
  1. Engage your audience. Start the story by capturing the attention of the audience or engaging them in the story. Ask questions, even if rhetorical, related to a conclusion, plot twist, or story context. Alternatively, you can say some catchy phrase to grab attention (hook the audience like big headlines do). This way you will intrigue the listeners, and they will want to hear the continuation.

    • Fairy tale example: "Have you ever wondered why a moth flies into a flame?"
    • Example for funny story: "I have a story from my university days that will outshine all others. It has to do with the toilet."
  2. Build an action scene. Throughout the story, you must create an immersive effect. The audience should perceive the story as if they themselves are participating in it. Start with a preface. Build the story by adding details that convey atmosphere, emotion, and action. Choose your expressions very carefully: use words with a strong emotional connotation.

    • An example of a fairy tale: "A long time ago, in the old world, where magic did not cease to exist, and animals could speak..."
    • Example of a funny story: "I'm pretty quiet and homely, like a cat, right? But my roommate in the hostel was still a party animal."
  3. Build up and release tension. Of course, the main storyline will become more and more tense, reaching a climax, after which the action will tend to end. However, you should also ease the tension between the strongest moments. Otherwise, the story will seem crumpled or too sketchy. AT real life there are moments that fill in the gaps between events. The same goes for stories. Such a digression can be a description of the scene, small digressions to add details or a joke to add a twist to the story.

    • An example of a fairy tale: "The moth flew up to a tall white candle, where the Flame blazed in all its glory. The moth felt a blow somewhere in the stomach area and love awakened in it. Of course, heroes do not save princesses in one day, and the Moth spent many delightful nights falling more and more in love with the Flame."
    • An example of a funny story: "It has come New Year and we moved to new district cute and… unsafe. So I lived almost all the time in the mode state of emergency. By the way, it's good for raising blood pressure."
  4. Concentrate on the essentials. When telling a story, it's important to include details in the story to create an immersive experience. However, the story should not turn out to be incoherent and drawn out. Therefore, it is very important to focus on the main thing. Omit minor details and leave out those that spice up the story or make it clearer.

    • Try not to get ahead of yourself and slow down on the spot, add details if necessary to see the public's response. If they get bored, speed up and move on to the main thing.
  5. The story must flow logically. It is here that it is very important not only to know history, but also to teach it correctly. You have probably met people who constantly interrupt their story with the words: “Oh, I forgot (a) to say ...”. Yes, you don't have to be that person. Don't stop to go back. This distracts the attention of the listeners and confuses them. The story should flow smoothly and logically.

    • If you forgot to mention something, pour the detail into the story without interrupting the main line. For example: “Now the Pied Piper was after the city's money for a reason. After all, a deal was made with him before.
  6. The story must have a clear ending. It is very embarrassing when the listeners are not sure whether you have finished the story or not. So the ending in your story should be pronounced. There are several completion options, for example:

    • Ask a question and answer it. “Isn't this crazy? So I'm not going to do it again."
    • Bring out the moral. "This, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of why you shouldn't take your cat to work."
    • Choose your tone and style of speech carefully. Try to speak louder and faster, heating up the atmosphere, and then lower your voice and slow down, indicating that you have come to the end.

    Part 2

    Use of voice and body
    1. Create characters. Let the characters in your story sound different. If you get used to different roles, you will avoid dull and annoying empty narrative. You can also make the story more real. Play with accents, speech, people's voices. You can add comic relief by parodying silly or stereotyped voices.

      • For example, convey your father's voice with an overly deep and husky sound, adding a special twist to the dialogue: “[Important part of the story] ... Also, I'm going to the garage to build a platform. Or part of the platform. Or maybe I'll watch a TV show where platforms are being built."
    2. Make your story "big" or "small". Choose the sound of the voice so that it is appropriate in one part or another of the story. Change the intonation, tone, volume to make the story sound calm or exciting, depending on the plot. Speed ​​up and speak a little louder towards the end. Slow down at the very end.

      • You should also experiment with dramatic pauses. A short silence and facial expressions can make a story much more interesting.
    3. Control your facial expression. If you want to be a truly great storyteller, you must master the ability to create and change facial expressions as the story unfolds. In fact, the whole story should unfold on your face. If you really want to learn how to do this, watch a video on Youtube, type in a search engine: John Stewart or Martin Freeman.

      • Remember, facial expression has more than 3 shades. You can create truly vivid emotions with very specific facial expressions.
    4. Speak with your hands. The ability to sign can turn you from a really dull and boring storyteller to the person who grabs all the attention in the room. Hands convey emotions. Hands grab the attention of the audience. Hands create a sense of action. If you're not using your whole body, at the very least use your hands as you speak.

      • Of course, you shouldn't overdo it. No need to hit someone or knock over your drink. Or splash it in your face.
    5. Play history. If possible, move your whole body during the story. It is not necessary to reproduce every movement, but at key moments it is worth using the whole body in order to capture the listener's full attention. It also adds to the comedic effect.

      • Look at the behavior famous people and their facial expressions and gestures. For example, enter in the search engine: Groucho Marx, Rodney Dangerfield, Conan O "Brien and Robin Williams.

You go to a friend's party and you immediately see beautiful woman. You are good-looking your body- This is Arnie best years. You are well dressed, radiate an atmosphere of complete success. But the woman does not pay attention to you, like all the people around - everyone is attentively looking at the frail guy, who seems to be a complete loser, but he seems to hypnotize each of those present. This "loser" is the main advantage of the whole party, because he knows how to tell stories. Do you also want to learn this art? If yes, what do you need to know? what exactly does good story good. This is a whole science that begins with the personality of the narrator.

Narrator's personality

A good storyteller is always interesting person. The storyteller does not have to be a great person with limitless talents, but he must have a character that is based on the following qualities:

- the ability to formulate thoughts;
- sense of humor;
- passion;
- communication skills;
- erudition;
- the ability to be creative.

The storyteller has a relationship with the audience and must interact with them as they would with their clients. He "sells" a story that should be interesting to listeners. The reaction occurs not only on the psychological, but also on the physiological level. This happens because of the hormone oxytocin, which enhances the feeling of empathy and increases a person's ability to experience various emotions. To put it simply, the action of oxytocin creates a bond between the speaker and the listener—a bond that is, in a sense, chemical.

But a good story doesn't always work perfectly. The reason is simple - every situation requires a certain approach. The same story goes well with friends, but shocks colleagues. To understand this, you have to understand the types of storytelling. Conventionally, they can be divided into three: social type, professional type and emotional type.

social history

Social history contains a huge layer of storytellers. Usually, we are talking about comedians, actors, showmen, pop stars. They all fall into this category. The essence of the social storyteller is simple - to poison jokes and entertain the audience. Social history works best with friends or people who can't be "offended." To tell a good social story, you need to know a few simple truths:

History should entertain. Try to tell something that will cause pleasant emotions - do not poison topical tales, people do not want to hear them at parties.
- Be open. You need to be "your boyfriend". Don't move away from the crowd, make her think you're her very own true friend.
- Ingenuity. You will have to work with the audience to capture their attention. Try to extract material from the listeners to use it in the story.
- Short and to the point. If your story is too long, then you will lose focus - speak to the point.

Professional history

This type of story is in demand by religious leaders, CEOs, leaders and various trainers who teach life. Great for people who want to tell a good story from the height of their authority. The rules of this story are slightly more complicated than the previous one, but not by much.

Manage conflict. This is important when you need to show the confrontation, the point of disagreement, which can be a great fuel for the perception of the story.
- Provide history with a context of the past and a forecast of the future - this must be done so that listeners see history in volume, and not in fragments.
- Describe difficult situations in simple terms. Your audience must understand you. A good storyteller should not use highly specialized vocabulary.

emotional story

Suitable for women's ears, which perceive the world much more sensually than we do. Also great for small talk. An emotional story is the perfect choice when you're talking to someone face-to-face. This story has a number of distinguishing features:

Fear. Use this feeling to thicken the colors.
- Excitement. Keep the ending vague so that the listener waits with bated breath for the ending.
- Disappointment. You can talk about the issues that concern you.
- Compassion and love. These feelings are still strong on this planet - use them for a story.
- Vulnerability. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. Thanks to this feeling, the listener takes the side of the narrator.

To tell an emotional story well, you have to use body language, eye contact. You must also understand the importance of the intonation of the voice, its tone. You should not evoke pity, but should evoke sympathy, pain, fear or any other strong emotion. If you master even one type of storytelling, then you will be able to become the soul of your company - we know this for sure.

Perhaps all storytellers can be divided into two unequal parts: people who know how to tell interesting stories, and everyone else. Unfortunately, people who belong to the category of everyone else often like to tell various stories no less, that's just their listeners in this case, you can only regret. Indeed, the unfortunate one who is forced to listen to such a narrator for one reason or another, as a rule, thinks about anything, but not about what he is told, and only dreams of being somewhere far away from the annoying interlocutor, who, as they say, “rides on his ears," without the slightest interest in the story.

It is quite another thing if you come across a person who really knows how to tell interesting things. You cannot tear yourself away from your interlocutor, listen to him with bated breath, fully imagining the described pictures and events, unconditionally empathizing with their participants.

So what is it - the ability to tell interesting stories, and can it be learned? It must be said that this question is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Of course, an interesting storyteller, this is a talent from God, he intuitively understands how to capture the interlocutor so that he listens to him with his mouth open, this is how famous writers and actors are born.

But, on the other hand, it is quite possible that such a talent is only dormant inside you, it needs to be awakened and slightly polished, removing all unnecessary. In this case, it is enough just to know what to pay attention to and you will turn out to be a masterful storyteller. Well, however, even if you just learn how to tell stories in a way that is interesting to others, that's not bad.

What is "extra" and how to remove it

Add emotion to your story

Another enemy of a good storyteller is the monotony and melancholy of the story. Gradually, the listener loses interest in such a narrative, and if he has the opportunity, he tries to quickly escape somewhere. A talented and interesting storyteller will certainly give his story more emotionality and drive with the help of verbs, especially in imperative mood For example, use the expressions “imagine”, “imagine” more often so that the audience can draw the picture you describe in their imagination. In order to draw attention to your story, make small pauses in especially important places. This will help you emphasize what is being said.

Don't make the beginning too long

One of the main mistakes that inexperienced storytellers make is to abuse the patience of their listeners by providing their story with a long backstory. Try to get straight to the point after two or three opening remarks. In other words, in order to tell about the sorceress, it is not necessary to first tell the whole history of her family. It is better to immediately give an intriguing plot and go directly to the heart of the matter.

And finally, the final tip

To learn how to tell interesting things, remember: brevity is the sister of talent.

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