Program for viewing Internet television. Free tv players

TV player will allow you to watch any TV channel on your computer for free. You do not need to install additional devices, connect any antennas or something else. All you need is a computer and the internet. To start watching TV right now, just select one of the programs below, install and watch.

Glaz TV - Free TV Player

Eye TV is an easy, convenient and wonderful program for watching TV. Installed literally in 1 click, works without interruption, does not require anything.

Everything seems to be great, but this player has 1 significant drawback. As mentioned above, “TV player allows you to watch any channel”, but this is not about him. Glaz.TV contains about 50 TV channels and if that's enough for you, then you can download it from this link:


Now I propose to install something really fit and professional, where only your imagination can become a limitation. Much has been written about this player in this very blog, and I will not repeat it again. In short, you need to download and install it (link below):


Painfully familiar to everyone, the player that was in every pirated build of Windows. Yes, you can imagine, in it you can watch TV for free. To do this, you need to download the player:

After that, as in the case of VLC, you need to select a playlist. Recommend my free channel list:

Now, open the downloaded playlist with KMPlayer. Everything is ready, we watch TV in a convenient player.

OTT Player

Perhaps one of the most popular programs for watching TV. This TV player mainly gained its audience on Smart TV. There he works flawlessly. The OTT player has millions of competitors, of which only 2 are worthy, but ... It is too heavy for Windows, and the previous options will be much better for inexperienced users.

If you still want to download OTT Player and try it out for yourself, you can do it from the link:

This page contains a list of all operating systems supported by the player. Choose yours, install and enjoy watching.

Other programs

Also in this article I wanted to mention about:

  • IP-TV Player (borpas)
  • Crystal TV
  • TV Player Classic
  • songbird
  • Real Player

In fact, there are a lot of TV players on the network, but unfortunately there is nothing more to write about. The rest have some bugs, they do not work stably, they are not clear, and there are also players that were abandoned by their developers.

TV online

12:00 SashaTanya (episode 121) (16+)


Tanya tells Sasha that she is coming to Moscow cousin Katya for admission to the institute. Tanya informs Sasha that her cousin Katya is coming to Moscow to enter the institute. Until Katya settles down, she will live with them. Eva accidentally sees Sasha and Katya together, thinks that Sasha has taken a young mistress. Dad, Eva and Gena are going to "save" the marriage of Sasha and Tanya.

Subject: About everything

Country: Russia

TNT is the best free entertainment TV channel in Russia, which has been popular for a number of recent years competes with Channel One. Founded in 1998, it was the property of Media-Most media holding. The name of the channel was deciphered as "Your New Television".

12:15 Perfect repair (Yuri Chernov. Surprise for wife) (6+)


Professional designer Natasha Barbier, together with a team of experts, comes to the apartments of our favorite "stars" - actors Professional designer Natasha Barbier, together with a team of experts, comes to the apartments of our favorite "stars" - theater and film actors, TV presenters, pop artists, show business stars.

Subject: About everything Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

Country: Russia

Channel One is the recognized leader of the domestic airwaves. Created in April 1995 under the name ORT (Public Russian Television), from the first days of its existence, the channel has chosen information and analytical programs as the main concept of broadcasting.

11:30 How to lose a guy in 10 days (16+)


Journalist Andy Anderson gets a rather unusual editorial assignment that needs to be done very quickly. Journalist Andy Anderson gets a rather unusual editorial assignment that needs to be done very quickly. She needs to write an article about what women invent to get rid of a man when they no longer want to see him around. She only has 10 days for everything.

Subject: About everything Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

Country: Russia

STS is a federal television channel founded in December 1996. This is the first network television channel in Russia, the development concept of which was initially based on the principle of partnership with regional television stations.

11:05 Artistic gymnastics. World Cup. Finals in separate types. Live broadcast from Azerbaijan


The final competitions at the Artistic Gymnastics World Cup on air "Match TV". The final competitions at the Artistic Gymnastics World Cup on air "Match TV". Traditionally, these starts make specialists discover new names in world gymnastics. Indeed, every year young athletes complicate their programs, which increases the level of rivalry to prohibitive heights. And on separate shells, not only recognized favorites claim victory, but also "dark horses" who have relied on one single type in the program.

Subject: Sports Country: Russia

Subject: Sport

Country: Russia

Match TV is a Russian sports channel that began broadcasting on November 1, 2015. He replaced "Russia-2", occupying its frequency. The terrestrial version of "Match TV" in the high definition standard (HD) is available on the NTV-Plus platform. Internet broadcasting is carried out on the official website of "Match TV" and on this website.

11:15 "Military secret" with Igor Prokopenko (16+)


The Military Secret program with Igor Prokopenko has been one of the most popular programs on the Internet for many years. The program "Military Secret" with Igor Prokopenko has been one of the most popular programs on domestic television for many years. Viewers appreciate her for sensational facts and interesting presentation of information. Military secrets do not become less over time, sometimes they acquire an increasingly complex, intricate, sinister character. Only true professionals can reveal such secrets.

Subject: About everything Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

Country: Russia

Ren TV is a popular Russian federal television channel that began broadcasting in the winter of 1997. Then it was called "REN-TV-NVS". In September 1998, it was decided to shorten the name of the channel to "REN-TV", and only after 8 years the channel began to be called "Ren TV". However, these were not the last adventures with his name.

12:00 Housing issue (0+)


"Housing Problem" - a program about everything related to home improvement and the creation of a comfortable and beautiful interior. "Housing Problem" - a program about everything related to home improvement and the creation of a comfortable and beautiful interior. Right before the eyes of viewers, the apartments of ordinary citizens take on a new look. Renowned designers and decorators are transforming not-so-cozy rooms into stylish and comfortable spaces, or simply creating a new living environment.

Subject: About everything Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

Country: Russia

NTV is a channel of all-Russian importance, first aired in 1993. Initially, its concept was mainly informational broadcasting, and the first programs of the channel were the well-known projects Itogi, The Other Day, Today.

11:40 Love that never happened (12+)


Anna and Nikolai live in love and harmony. She works as a traumatologist, her husband is developing his auto repair business. Anna and Nikolai live in love and harmony. She works as a traumatologist, her husband is developing his auto repair business. If there was more money in the family, their life would be easier. However, they are still happy with what they have. After all, the main thing in the family is love, the rest will follow. Everything would have gone on as usual if Boris had not invaded their lives - the man whom Nikolai saved from robbers, and Anna cured. In gratitude for his salvation, Boris surrounds the couple with care, gives gifts and helps in their problems. Anna and Nikolai do not have time to look back, as their strong marriage has already been destroyed ...

Subject: About everything Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

Country: Russia

Rossiya is one of the pioneers of Russian television broadcasting. Founded in 1991, today this nationwide channel is part of the VGTRK media holding, being one of two Russian TV channels that cover almost the entire vast territory of the country with their broadcasts.

10:00 Awesome video (16+)


The videos that were included in the program were recorded by street surveillance cameras, filmed by random eyewitnesses on The videos included in the program were recorded by street surveillance cameras, filmed by random eyewitnesses on mobile phones or by any other technical means that have the REC function.

Subject: Entertainment

Country: Russia

The name of the new TV channel "Che" reflects the main content of its concept: "Che" is, first of all, a HUMAN and HONESTY! We are launching a real, understandable and honest channel about real life, real people, about kind and strong men for whom family values ​​are important.

12:00 Street (Episode 39) (16+)


Andrey and Lyuba quarrel, Nikita issues an ultimatum to Lyuba. Marat's ex-girlfriend comes to Irka. Andrey and Lyuba quarrel, Nikita issues an ultimatum to Lyuba. Marat's ex-girlfriend comes to Irka. Valera likes the new pharmacist, he wants to give her a present. Julia reads the correspondence between Vitali and Vakhrusheva. Stas is trying to figure out the author of the anonymous letter.

Subject: Entertainment Country: Russia

Subject: Entertainment

Country: Russia

Comedy TV, most likely, does not need our introduction. But we will try - suddenly, who does not know him? This is a channel that started broadcasting in 2008. Of course, he is cheerful, but ... can harm the health and psyche of a person ... It's a joke, comrades!


11:30 am in broad daylight (16+)


Will Shaw is going to Spain, he, an employee of a small firm and his family decide to spend a long-awaited vacation in this Will Shaw is going to Spain, he, an employee of a small firm and his family decide to spend a long-awaited vacation in this wonderful country. Vacation starts great. On board a snow-white yacht, even relatives are not particularly annoying. Until ...... Until they are held hostage by unknown criminals. Unwittingly, Will is drawn into a maelstrom of political intrigue and mystery. And now he has to save not only his family, but also the country.

Subject: Movie

Country: Russia

TV3 is a federal TV channel, the concept of which is based on the demonstration of serials, documentaries and feature films.

12:00 RIC "Russia 24"


On the air are world news and news from the regions of Russia, economic analytics and interviews with influential people. On the air are world news and news from the regions of Russia, economic analytics and interviews with influential people. The channel pays special attention to live broadcasts of the most important world events - economic forums, high-level meetings, spacecraft launches.

Topic: News Country: Russia

Subject: News

Country: Russia

Rossiya 24 is a Russian news channel, the brainchild of RIK Vesti, which began broadcasting in 2006. For 24 hours, the channel acquaints the viewer with the main news of world importance, providing the most reliable and up-to-date information about the life of the regions of Russia and the rest of the world.

12:00 Big break


A new teacher, Nestor Petrovich Severov, comes to the evening school: a young, inexperienced, but very sincere person. A new teacher, Nestor Petrovich Severov, comes to the evening school: a young, inexperienced, but very sincere person. His students are extremely peculiar: a married couple, a father and daughter, a lonely romantic, a hooligan, a Komsomol activist. In this wonderful class, Nestor makes his first teaching progress.

Subject: Cinema Country: Russia

Subject: Movie

Country: Russia

The House of Cinema is like a real kingdom for storing Russian and Soviet films. Classics and modernity are united together and alternately appear before the audience.

12:05 Secret folder (Ahnenerbe in the Crimea. What was Hitler looking for?) (12+)


Few people know, but when in 1941-42 there were battles for Sevastopol, another battle unfolded on the territory of Crimea. Few people know, but when in 1941-42 there were battles for Sevastopol, another battle unfolded on the territory of Crimea. The Nazis were hunting for a rare artifact from the Museum of Antiquities - a golden diadem. Finding this diadem at any cost has become a task no less important than the defeat of the Black Sea Fleet and the capture of Sevastopol. According to the leadership of the Third Reich, this diadem allegedly belonged to the Gothic queen Fedea, who ruled in ancient times on the territory of Crimea. And although the Nazis did not find evidence confirming this fact, they used the diadem as a weighty argument to justify the seizure of foreign territories. Did the Nazis manage to find her? Why did the three assaults on Sevastopol fail? Why did Hitler use the resources of the Ahnenerbe, the most secret organization of the Third Reich, in Crimea? Details are in our program.

Subject: About everything Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

Country: Russia

Zvezda is a nationwide Russian TV channel that began broadcasting in 2005. Almost from the first months of going on the air, the channel managed to occupy its own niche among many competitors, offering the Russian viewer a completely new and high-quality product.

10:10 The fifth element (12+)


Every five thousand years, gates open between parallel dimensions, and the forces of evil seek to disrupt the existing Every five thousand years, gates open between parallel dimensions, and the forces of evil seek to break the existing harmony. Our planet needs a hero who will take the risk of averting disaster. It is to him that the messenger of the higher mind will come to the rescue. When the fatal hour strikes, love will save the world...

Subject: Cinema Country: Russia

Subject: Movie

Country: Russia

Comedy TV is a channel that improves your mood many times over. Recommended for viewing by those who are not calm due to inter-seasonal depression, winter blues and summer boredom. In general, watch Comedy TV all year round!

11:45 Next (All inclusive) (16+)


In the parking lot of a roadside cafe, the body of Lolita Golovko is found. In the parking lot of a roadside cafe, the body of Lolita Golovko is found. More recently, Lolita led a carefree life as the wife of the owner of a travel agency. And now someone not only wrote her a ticket "to the next world," but also cynically wished "a good journey."

Subject: About everything Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

Country: Russia

Channel Five is a St. Petersburg federal television channel that has a rich history. The birthday of Leningrad television is 1938, when the first production went on the air, from which regular broadcasting began.

12:00 Humorous concert "Women's things" (12+)


At all humorous concerts, the majority of those sitting in the hall are women, and they joke for them on stage, mostly At all humorous concerts, the majority of those sitting in the hall are women, and it is mostly men who joke for them on stage. Participants: Gennady Khazanov, Roman Kartsev, Semyon Altov, Gennady Vetrov, Yuri Galtsev, Elena Stepanenko, Klara Novikova, Elena Vorobey.

Subject: About everything Country: Russia

Subject: About everything

Country: Russia

TV Center (TVC) is a modern federal channel, the main part of whose viewers are Muscovites. Most of them are run by the authorities of the capital. They aim to show the audience how government programs are being carried out in Moscow.

11:20 Another world (18+)


For centuries, a merciless war has been waged between vampires and werewolves. For centuries, a merciless war has been waged between vampires and werewolves. Fearless Selene, a vampire warrior, exterminates werewolves every night, obsessed with an unquenchable thirst for revenge. Her clan is sure that the vampires managed to defeat their sworn enemies, but Selena suspects that the werewolves have a secret plan that promises the death of her family...

Subject: Cinema Country: Russia

Subject: Movie

Country: Russia

12:20 Amethyst earring (16+)


Events unfold in the family of the spouses Victor and Eugenia. Events unfold in the family of the spouses Victor and Eugenia. A man works in the field of finance, a woman works in a maternity hospital, as an obstetrician. Everything was fine in the family until Victor met Anna. Unable to resist her, he began to cheat on his wife. More and more often, Victor went to the left, but Evgenia did not notice or did not want to notice his strange behavior ... One day, the unfaithful husband learned two news: Evgenia was expecting a child, her lover was also in a position. It was necessary to decide something right now, because the children will not wait. Victor broke his head, but stayed with his wife. Soon Evgenia gave birth to a boy, he was named Konstantin. Anna, on the other hand, lost her baby and suffered greatly from grief. Time passed, and Victor stopped going to his mistress. Anna, in turn, realized that she made mistakes, getting into someone else's family, and decided to leave for another place. And so she did. Some more time passed. Kostya was growing up, but his parents simply put up with each other for the sake of their son's happiness. One unfortunate evening, Evgenia found someone else's earring in the apartment...

Subject: Entertainment Country: Russia

Subject: Entertainment

Country: Russia

Domashny is one of the most popular Russian TV channels, covering more than 460 cities in the country. Created in 2005, the channel almost immediately found its audience. Initially, it was a female audience of 25-60 years old, who found a lot of useful information here.

* Broadcasting from other sites

Russian cinema is one of the best online film projects in Russia.

Subject: Cinema Country: Russia

Subject: Movie

Country: Russia

Subject: Cinema Country: Russia

- this is exactly the Android application that you need if you cannot imagine your life without watching television programs. With this application, you won't have to give up walking in the parks, trips to the country or outings into nature. It is enough to download the Online TV application on your Android and you will get access to online broadcasts of 50 Russian and other European TV channels.

Screenshots of Online TV →

Features of the Online TV application

  • Extensive list online broadcasts TV channels - not only Russian, but also many Ukrainian, American, Turkish and other channels are available.
  • Simple and user-friendly interface - even a child can use the application.
  • The ability to watch TV shows in various image formats, including full screen.
  • No need to search and install additional codecs.
  • Stable connection for most channels.
  • Good video quality.
  • The application can be transferred to an SD card.
  • Regular addition of new TV channels.

A simple interface does not contain any unnecessary settings - just select the desired TV channel from the list. You can use the application for free, however, you will have to put up with the display of ads. With Online TV you can enjoy your favorite TV shows anywhere you have internet access. For this your mobile device must have Android version 2.2 or higher and at least 12 MB of free memory after installation. To download Online TV for Android, follow the link below in this article.

Thanks to the rapid development of modern communication technologies, the so-called Internet TV is becoming more and more popular.

The high data rate ensures the continuity of the video signal, and the abundance of all kinds of programs for watching online television relieves users of the need to find their favorite channels by tedious surfing the net.

There are a lot of such programs and they have their own characteristics, but they have one goal - to provide the most convenient access to more TV channels. Some of these programs are designed to work with satellite TV, some with a TV tuner. Some of them are commercial, others are completely free.

So which one should be preferred? And is it even possible to say that this one exists? Hardly. However, we made an attempt to find out. Based on the numerous reviews of network users, we have identified five, if I may say so, the best programs to watch TV.

combo player

ComboPlayer is one of clear examples quality tool for watching TV on your computer.

This program is distributed completely free of charge, has a simple Russian-language interface, as well as a wide range of features.

To start watching TV channels, the user will need to register on the service page, after which the system will open free access to a library consisting of 20 popular TV channels. Of course, this list can be expanded (up to 139 channels in the high quality), but already on a paid subscription.

Among the additional features of the program, it should be noted the function of listening to the radio, watching movies and TV shows online, accessing your personal media library on different devices, playing streaming video, and much more. Actually, this tool fully justifies its name, successfully combining several programs at once.

TV Viewer -Turbo TV

Simple, easy and free program to watch streaming TV and listen to online radio. Currently, Turbo TV supports 45 free Russian and foreign channels and 23 radio stations.

Full screen viewing is supported. But the main advantage of this program is the ability to record video and audio signals and save the file for later viewing offline.

But it also has a serious drawback - if your provider is not on its list, the correct operation of the program is not guaranteed. Another inconvenience is related to the fact that on Windows 7 Turbo TV needs to be run with administrator rights.

IP TV Player

Free, handy program for viewing IP-television. IP-TV Player supports a huge number of providers, viewing open streams, filming, working with TV tuners (partially), JTV format, stream recording to a file, background recording, individual channel settings. There is a built-in task scheduler, a channel update module, an OSD information window.

During installation, by default, downloads and installs . The advantages of the program are a wide range of settings, good picture quality.

The disadvantages include the lack of support for DRM, CAS channels, the complexity of individual settings, and most importantly, the need for mandatory support for IPTV by your provider. If your provider does not provide IPTV service, IP-TV Player will be of no use, You will not be able to view channels.

RusTV Player

RusTV Player is a simple and convenient Internet TV viewer. The application is completely free, has a light Russian-language interface with support for themes, does not require any advanced settings. All you need is an Internet connection. RusTV Player works with more than 300 Russian and foreign TV channels and 33 radio stations.

It supports recording video to a file, choosing the quality of the video stream, viewing announcements, creating a library of favorite channels, there is a simple built-in scheduler.

It is possible to view programs in full screen mode, there is sorting by genre. Advantages - a huge selection of channels, a well-thought-out interface structure, changing skins. The disadvantage (this is for someone like) is the presence of adult channels. True, access to this section in RusTV Player can be password protected.

Super Internet TV

If you prefer foreign channels to domestic channels, then the Super Internet TV program is for you. The list of supported includes 1800 channels of the most different countries. There is the possibility of filtering by country and genre.

The program also supports viewing videos in their original size, receiving additional information about video, working with favorites, auto-updating the list of channels and radio stations, changing themes. Some TV channels may require RealPlayer to be installed. The interface language is English.

Pluses - an unprecedented large selection of TV channels, low weight. Cons - poor picture quality, foreign broadcasts, few Russian-language channels, sometimes for some reason the video is not loaded.

The program is available in two editions: Free and Premium. The free version has functional limitations.

TV Player Classic

A very good program for viewing and listening to streaming video and audio. In terms of the number of supported channels, TV Player Classic is not inferior to Super Internet TV. Moreover, among them there are both paid (more than 400) and free (more than 1200) TV channels.

The features of TV Player Classic include viewing video received through a TV tuner, camcorder, outputting a copy of the image to a TV or a second monitor, manual setting stream speed, proxy support, view mode selected area of ​​the monitor.

It is possible to record to a file, as well as play a video file already on the computer.

For the convenience of the user, the settings are placed in a separate window, the so-called remote control.

Here you can select a country, genre category, adjust the volume, switch to full screen mode, add a channel to favorites, etc.

The disadvantages of the program include perhaps not very convenient multi-window interface.

Exists a large number of applications for watching TV on Android. But many of them are unstable or refuse to function at all. In this collection, we will look at best apps such that you can enjoy a high-quality picture and good sound.

Television is dense in our lives. In the 90s, they could not imagine their apartment without at least one TV. But now some people are trying to abandon such a bulky device. They motivate this by saying that TV takes up too much free time without bringing anything in return. However, sometimes the need to watch some kind of TV channel is still present. For example, for the sake of football match or an important news report. At such moments, this or that program for watching TV on Android comes to the rescue. Further, we will talk about such utilities.

Price: Free

One of the most popular services. Began its existence at the dawn of formation operating system Android. Over the past time, the program has acquired a very wide functionality. Now it not only allows you to watch Russian and some foreign TV channels on Android, but also broadcast the picture on Chromecast, Miracast or WiDi. Also, one cannot fail to note the presence of the “Picture in Picture” function here, which greatly simplifies the use of a smartphone.

Like many other TV apps for Android, SPB TV provides a detailed program guide. In the same section, you can create a notification so as not to miss the show you are interested in. Equally important is the fact that the utility functions stably even in networks with low throughput. The downside is that the bitrate is selected automatically by the program - the user cannot influence this in any way.


  • Possibility to download for free;
  • Works even in networks with low bandwidth;
  • Support for Chromecast and other modern technologies;
  • Easy-to-learn interface;
  • The presence of the "Picture in Picture" function;
  • Set reminders for upcoming TV shows.


  • Almost complete absence of foreign TV channels;
  • Unstable operation on some devices;
  • Lack of manual bitrate selection;
  • Some channels are included in paid packages.


Price: Free

If SPB TV does not always want to display high quality picture, you can't say the same about ViNTERA.TV. This program contains a rich catalog of TV channels. They are taken, including from IPTV - local networks providers. Both cinephiles and football fans should fall in love with the app. This is explained by the fact that many channels here are divided into separate packages. And among them there are such collections as Sport TV and Cinema TV.

The creators of ViNTERA.TV try to earn money on the show advertising banners. But you need to understand that the maintenance of servers cannot be recouped by this business. Therefore, there is a paid subscription. It is due to her that the broadcast is implemented here not only in HD quality, but also in 3D!

As already mentioned, the catalog of this Android application contains a huge number of channels. They could easily get confused. But the developers have provided for this by introducing filters by genre, language and country. Another important feature utility is support for UDProxy - this technology allows you to display a picture on another device, even if your tablet or smartphone does not know how!


  • A huge number of TV channels;
  • Support for HD broadcast and 3D broadcast;
  • Easy adjustment of the aspect ratio of the screen;
  • Convenient multicast broadcasting;
  • Properly implemented filter system;
  • Thematic packages;
  • You can download the program for free.


  • Paid subscription to eliminate ads.


Price: Free

Television gradually ceased to be free. It remains as such only within PeersTV and some other similar applications. This utility has a simple interface that even a beginner who first started using a smartphone will understand. Most The screen here is occupied by the catalog of TV channels. From here, you can quickly go to the program guide to see what exactly the selected channel will broadcast in the near future.

The service is different in that it stores broadcast recordings for a couple of weeks. In this regard, it is not difficult to watch some show, the live broadcast of which you missed. As for the number of TV channels available here, it is about five dozen. However, not all are free. For example, Amedia 1, Eurocinema, Nickelodeon and some others require a paid subscription. However, it costs about 60 rubles a month - this is nothing compared to competitors.


  • Ability to watch a missed TV show;
  • Easy-to-learn interface;
  • News based on the stories of different TV companies;
  • Ability to download PeersTV for free;
  • The ability to manually add a channel by specifying a link to an IPTV playlist.


  • There are no foreign channels;
  • Availability of a paid subscription.


Price: Free

Another way to watch TV on Android. It is more suitable for advanced users than for beginners. The fact is that IPTV is just a shell of VLC, which is designed to display any channels from xspf and m3u playlists. By default, it contains only those TV channels that are not against such utilities. However, advanced people will immediately find links to playlists of paid channels on the Internet, immediately adding them to this utility. But keep in mind that it would be illegal to do so.

The application has a familiar interface, where different sections are in separate tabs. The creators of this program for the Android operating system earn money by displaying ads. If you want to turn it off, you will have to buy the PRO version of IPTV, which is priced at 79 rubles. By the way, this makes comfortable viewing of IPTV channels very profitable against the background of all the competitors discussed above.


  • Simple interface;
  • Ability to use for free;
  • Highly good quality Pictures;
  • UDP proxy support;
  • Adding your links to playlists of paid channels.

If you are only interested in free Russian-language channels, then you can install the Nashe TV application. The catalog available here contains about a hundred TV channels. Almost all of them are accompanied by a program guide. But this is where the list of advantages of the utility ends. She has many more flaws.

Let's start with the fact that here you can not select the quality of the stream. Often you will see a depressing picture, and there is nothing you can do about it. But the most annoying thing is regular disconnections. There is an unstable operation of the servers of the application developers. And this despite the fact that they provided their creation with intrusive advertising, on which they seem to be trying to make money. In a word, Nashe TV is not the most worthy product. There is a high probability that after getting to know him, you will be disappointed in watching TV from the smartphone screen.


  • Almost all popular Russian-language channels are present;
  • Distributed for free.


  • Not a very pretty interface;
  • Frequent disconnections;
  • Some labels are empty;
  • Intrusive advertising cannot be eliminated;
  • Lack of advanced features.


In our selection, not all worthy utilities for watching TV on a smartphone or tablet are mentioned. But the rest of the applications are highly specialized. For example, VGTRK distributes through Google Play your application "Russia. Television and radio». As you might guess, it contains a few channels and radio stations included in this holding. Telecom operators also have their own programs, providing access to the 4G standard and special television packages. One of these products is MegaFon.TV.

Perhaps, best tv app for android is ViNTERA.TV. It was developed relatively recently, but in terms of functionality it has already bypassed many competitors. You can also check out SPB TV. But here a subscription to some channels will cost significantly. big money. And the so-called advanced users should pay attention to IPTV. But using this service there will be great difficulties, because you yourself will have to monitor whether the added links to playlists are still working.

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