How long was the longest match? The longest football match in history. Salvation in the last seconds

1. Which goalkeeper has scored over 100 goals?

Rogerio Muke Seni is a Brazilian goalkeeper. World champion in 2002 as part of the Brazilian national team. He has been playing since 1992 for the Sao Paulo club. Officially recognized as the goalkeeper who scored the most goals in history (116 goals).

2. Which judge removed himself?

Referee Andy Wayne sent himself off the field in the 63rd minute, presenting himself with a red card.

This event, unique in the history of world football, was preceded by the following sequence of events. In the 63rd minute, the Royal Mail scored a goal against Peterborough goalkeeper Richard McGuffin, thus leading the score 2-1. However, McGuffin, believing that the ball was scored in violation of the rules, lashed out at the referee.

Wayne was not in debt. The 39-year-old referee ran up to McGuffin and, using profanity profusely, advised him to shut up. Then, as if coming to his senses, the referee took out a red card, but presented it not to the goalkeeper, but to himself, after which he blew the whistle for the end of the game and walked off the field.

3. Which club won 149:0?

In the football championship of Madagascar, the "Adem Club" beat the "Olympic" with a score of 149:0!

Olimpik, who was playing away, did not agree with one of the decisions of the referee of the match, in protest began to score balls into his own net. Managed to score - 149!

4. In which match did 36 players get sent off?

In the match of the Paraguayan junior league "Teniente Farina" - "Libertad" the referee sent off all 36 players of both teams for a fight.

5. The longest match in football history?

The longest match lasted - 36 hours! It was held on April 11-12, 2009 in England, two English teams played: Leeds Badgers and the Bristol Football Academy team.

6. In which match was 540 scored?

For the entire period of the above football match, 540 goals were scored! And the match itself ended with a score of 255-285.

7. Who scored 75 goals in one match?

In the same match, Adam McPhee, who plays for the Leeds Badgers, scored 75 goals.

8. Who is the "Barefoot Football Player"?

There are several answers to this question. First, there is an expression in Portuguese that means "barefoot footballer", derived from this expression is the word PELE.

Also in the history of football, there was a case when a football player scored barefoot in the World Cup. It was Leonidas. In one of the matches, his boots fell into disrepair, and he had to play barefoot for extra time.

9. Who scored 3 own goals in one match?

Belgian football player Stan van den Byes scored 3 own goals at once in the national championship match between Germinal Eckeren and Anderlecht in the 1995-96 season, which is a record. Anderlecht won 3-2 without scoring on their own.

10. How did the referee score 2 goals in one match?

It happens! The referee scored two goals in one match. In the first case, the ball flew into the goal after a rebound from his leg, in the second - from the head. Fortunately, both teams suffered from the judge, and therefore he didn’t get nuts. Moreover, the meeting of the Spanish clubs of the fourth division ended in a draw

Football is not only the world's most popular sport, but also a constant source of sporting achievement. With enviable regularity, teams and players set records in terms of the number of victories and trophies, the range and speed of goals scored, the scale and duration of games ... History also knows many record-breaking matches. About one of them - the longest one - read on.

When did the longest match in history take place?

The longest match in the history of football was conducted and recorded in May 2016 in the British city of Worthing on the territory of Lansing College. This achievement was officially confirmed and included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Important! The longest duration of a football game is contested annually in various countries. Multi-day marathons are specially held in an attempt to surpass the achieved result. For example, in the same 2016, a successful attempt was made in Chile to hold a 120-hour match, but this fact was not accepted at the international level.

How long did it take?

Members of the "Heartbeat United FC" society were previously divided into two teams of 18 people: "Team Heartbeat" and "Team United". They play football spent 5 days on the field (from May 26 to May 30, 2016), which amounted to a total of 108 hours and 2 minutes.

Tournament features

This tournament is different from professional matches and has a number of key features:

  • it was attended not by players of football clubs, but by amateurs, for whom such a long game is a real test of endurance;
  • the teams differed from the standard ones in terms of composition and number of participants (34 men and 2 women were involved in the Heartbeat United FC game);
  • the tournament was held specifically to establish a new world achievement with the invitation of representatives of the Guinness Book of Records;
  • was organized with collected donations and personal savings;
  • An additional purpose of the event was to raise funds for charitable purposes. All funds raised during the 108-hour friendly match were transferred to the British Heart Fund and the collection fund for the memorial to the three dead players of the West Sussex Worthing United club.

What was the score?

In total, the teams hit each other's goal 1881 times. The meeting ended with a victory with a significant margin of the Team Heartbeat team. "Team United" lost to opponents with final score

Many football fans think that 90 minutes of a match is too little. The most desperate fans can play football even more than a day. So, to date, the longest football match is the match that took place on April 11-12, 2009 in Great Britain between the team of the Bristol Football Academy and Leeds Badgers. This match lasted 36 hours and ended with the victory of Leeds with a score of 285-255. The Leeds striker, Adam McPhee, was especially distinguished - he scored 75 goals.

Each team had 18 players, each of whom played approximately 18 hours. It is estimated that the players ran an average of 70 kilometers during this match. At the same time, even during breaks, players were not allowed to leave the field.

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Kala Kaiwi, a Hawaiian tattoo and body modification master, recently set a Guinness World Record for non-surgical earlobe rings. These body modifications are also known as "tunnels", and in this case, the diameter of the ring inserted into the earlobe reaches 10.5 cm. Through such a ring you can freely stick your hand.

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Many football fans think that 90 minutes of a match is too little. The most desperate fans can play football even more than a day. So, to date, the longest football match is the match that took place on April 11-12, 2009 in Great Britain between the team of the Bristol Football Academy and Leeds Badgers. This match lasted 36 hours and ended with the victory of Leeds with a score of 285-255. The Leeds striker, Adam McPhee, was especially distinguished - he scored 75 goals.

Each team had 18 players, each of whom played approximately 18 hours. It is estimated that the players ran an average of 70 kilometers during this match. At the same time, even during breaks, players were not allowed to leave the field.

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You can put your hand through the world's largest "tunnel" in the ear

Kala Kaiwi, a Hawaiian tattoo and body modification master, recently set a Guinness World Record for non-surgical earlobe rings. These body modifications are also known as "tunnels", and in this case, the diameter of the ring inserted into the earlobe reaches 10.5 cm. Through such a ring you can freely stick your hand.

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The best matches in the history of football are still being watched by connoisseurs and fans of this most popular sport on the planet. When great teams and players are on the field, they are capable of doing real miracles: scoring an incredible number of goals, making crazy comebacks, achieving victories when no one else believes in them.

Most Incredible Comeback

Let's start talking about the best matches in the history of football with relatively recent events. In the decisive match for the right to be called the strongest club in Europe met the Italian "Milan" and the English "Liverpool". The 2005 Champions League final will be remembered by many for a long time.

Milan confidently went the whole distance, losing once in the group stage. In the playoff stage, problems arose only in the semi-finals, when, after a confident home victory over the Dutch "PSV" 2:0, the Italians lost with the same score away. In extra time, the teams exchanged goals, "Milan" reached the final due to a goal scored away.

Liverpool's path was not so easy. The team came out of the group, only bypassing the Greek Olympiakos in additional indicators. And in the semi-finals, she overtook Chelsea, thanks to the only goal in two matches, which was scored by

So, the final "Liverpool" - "Milan". The Italians, who were considered favorites, open the scoring already at 1 minute, this makes the British equalize the game, but they cannot equalize, and in the end of the first half, the Argentine legionnaire Hernan Crespo draws up a double. As a result: "Liverpool" - "Milan" 0:3.

Many fans were ready to despair, but not the players and coaches of the English club, the second half passed under their dictation. From 54 to 60 minutes, the Merseysiders turn the game upside down – Gerrard, Spitzer and Alonso each score a goal – 3:3. There is still half an hour before the end of normal time, but no one else can print the gate. The fate of the 2005 Champions League Cup is decided in a penalty shoot-out.

Liverpool get off to a perfect start as Serginho shoots over the net and Hamann opens the scoring despite a broken toe. Further, the English goalkeeper parries Pirlo's shot, and Cisse doubles the advantage. Only on the third attempt, Milan manages to convert a penalty, and the Italian goalkeeper deflects Riise's shot. It seems all is not lost. In the fourth round, both teams are accurate - 3:2. At Milan, the fifth blow is taken by Ukrainian forward Andriy Shevchenko, who fails to beat Dudek. Liverpool are winning.

The most scandalous ending

The 2006 final was remembered by all fans for incredible tension and scandal. The tournament was held in Germany, but the hosts lost to the Italians in the semi-finals in extra time. Italy and France met in the decisive match. 2006 was the last year in the career of the great Zinedine Zidane. With this game, he ended his career, he became both a hero and the main anti-hero of the confrontation.

The French start aggressively and already in the first minutes they earn a penalty, which is just realized by Zidane. But the Italians quickly recoup, on 19 minutes Materazzi equalizes the score. The fate of the winner of the 2006 World Cup is decided in a penalty shoot-out.

But the most famous episode occurred at 109 minutes - it was a conflict between Zidane and Materazzi. The Frenchman, as a result of a short verbal skirmish, hit his opponent's chest with his head. Chief referee Horacio Elizondo from Argentina did not see the episode, after talking with an assistant, he sent off the best penalty taker of the French team. The series was won by Italy 5:3.

Many believe that it was this removal that predicted the outcome of the match Italy - France in 2006. Later, Zidane explained his behavior as follows:

I asked him to stop grabbing my jersey, explaining that after the end of the match I could give it to him anyway. After that, he uttered insults to my mother and sister several times. I tried not to react, but words can sometimes be more hurtful than actions. His words deeply offended me, and I could not restrain myself, everything happened very quickly.

Materazzi refused to explain what happened for a long time, even published the book "What I really said to Zidane", in which he cited 250 versions of varying degrees of wit. It is possible that he deliberately tried to provoke the Frenchman.

longest football match

Of course, the longest football match took place outside of official competition. Such friendly matches are often held in different countries of the world, teams play for more than a day, the lineups are constantly changing, the main thing in such confrontations, of course, is not the result, but love and devotion to football.

The record was set in 2015 in England. The match at St. Mary's Stadium in Southampton was included in the Guinness Book of Records, as it lasted 102 hours non-stop. The teams were divided into "white" and "red", each team included 18 people. The Reds eventually won with a score of 910:725. The game lasted over four days, with teams scoring an average of 320 goals per day, approximately one goal every 5 minutes.

Salvation in the last seconds

Among the best matches in the history of football, there are many fights in which everything is decided by goals scored in the last seconds. For example, just such a meeting was held in 2000 in the semi-finals of the Euro. The teams of Portugal and France met in it. Prior to that, the French reached the playoffs from second place in the group, losing only to the Dutch (2:3), and beat Spain (2:1) in the 1/4 finals. The Portuguese team won three victories in the group, beating the British, Romanians and Germans, the latter with a score of 3:0. And in the quarterfinals, they confidently took over Turkey (2:0).

The semi-final confrontation was not easy. The Portuguese opened the scoring in the 19th minute, Nuno Gomes did it. France were able to bounce back early in the second half with the help of Henry. The main time of the match did not reveal the winner, the case was heading towards a showdown in the penalty shoot-out.

A tragic denouement for the Portuguese came in the 117th minute, when the chief referee of the match, the Austrian Gunther Benke, recorded a violation in their penalty area. Zinedine Zidane's penalty shot was flawless, burying the hopes of the Portuguese. Thus ended the match France - Portugal at the 2000 European Championship. By the way, in the final, the French outplayed the Italians in extra time, becoming the best on the continent for the second time.

The Ferguson Miracle

Remembering the best matches in the history of football, everyone immediately starts talking about the Champions League final in 1999. For the title of the best club on the continent, the German "Bavaria" and the English "Manchester United" fought. Interestingly, both teams ended up in the same group at the preliminary stage. Then the match in Munich ended in a draw 2:2, and in Manchester the teams played 1:1. Both were able to get into the playoffs, ahead of the Spanish “Barcelona” and the Danish “Brøndby”.

The final confrontation began with the Munich attacks, which were crowned with success. Midfielder Mario Basler opened the scoring in the 6th minute. The British approached the gates of the great Oliver Kahn more than once, but they could not even the score. It is believed that the fate of the fight was decided by Manchester United head coach Alex Ferguson, who in the second half replaced two attackers - Englishman Teddy Sheringham and Norwegian Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

On the first added minute to the main time of the match, "Manchester" earns a corner. Even the Danish English goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel comes running into the penalty area to help his team. David Beckham crosses into the penalty area, Schmeichel corrects the ball in the air, Yorke sends it into the thick of the players. Fink manages to knock out a projectile, but Ryan Giggs is the first on the rebound, who hits in the direction of the goal, and Sheringham sends him into the bottom corner. "Manchester" translates the game into extra time!

So everyone thought, except the Norwegian Solskjaer. About half a minute after the game has resumed, the English are entitled to another corner. Beckham crosses again, Sheringham throws the ball to Solskjaer, who drives it right under the crossbar. On the scoreboard, the time froze 92:17 and the score was 2:1 in favor of Manchester.

The Germans were so shocked after conceding two goals in stoppage time that they didn't even want to end the game. It was not without difficulty that Italian chief referee Collina managed to persuade them to finish the remaining one and a half minutes. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most spectacular football matches in history.

The main thing is the result

The most productive football match in history was recorded in 1979 in Macedonia. Perhaps he was not the most interesting, but he nevertheless entered history. True, in those days the teams of this country played in the championship of Yugoslavia.

Club "Ilinden 1903" from the village of Velgoshti met with the team "Mladost" from the village of Vapila. The first was to win with as many scores as possible. In a parallel meeting, "Gradinar" from the village of Dolno Lakocherei played against "Debarets" from Belchishta, who needed to get ahead of "Ilinden" on goal difference.

The management of "Ilinden" agreed with the opponents to play a fixed meeting, in which they will score as much as they want. The same thing happened in the parallel match, only "Debarca" also cheated, due to bureaucratic delays, they started the game 22 minutes late in order to know with what score their rivals win.

As a result, when at the beginning of the second half "Ilinden" won 20:0, "Debarca" was already leading with a score of 40:0. After that, two field players of "Mladost", together with the goalkeeper, were constantly on duty at the gate so that none of the forwards of the opposing team got offside, helping them in every possible way to score if the Ilinden players themselves did not succeed.

By the 89th minute "Debartsa" was winning 57:0, but "Ilinden" was already ahead of them. The referee added about 20 minutes to the main time, "Debartsa" won with a score of 88:0, but it did not help, "Ilinden" won 134:1. The best forward of this amazing match was Naum Szapkaroski, who scored 58 goals, while after the game he claimed that in the official protocol another 18 goals were not taken into account for him.

"Let's kill as much as we want"

The most interesting football matches include the confrontation between the teams of Brazil and Poland at the 1938 World Cup, which was held in France. The Brazilians at that time preached adventurous and spectacular football, paid little attention to defense, but scored phenomenal goals, and in large numbers.

In those days, there was no group stage at the world championship, and all participants began the tournament immediately from the 1/8 final stage, playing for elimination. The Brazilians got to compete with the skilful Polish team. It was one of the best football matches, an example of a bright game with an abundance of goals.

Already in the 18th minute, the Brazilian striker Leonidas opens the scoring. After 5 minutes, Frederic Scherfke restores the balance from the penalty spot, but then the Brazilians again take the lead, this time forward Romeu is different. Before the break, Peracio scored one more goal, the South Americans lead 3:1.

But the Poles do not even think of giving up. In the second half, left striker Ernest Vilimovsky takes over. By 60 minutes, he draws up a double, comparing the score. But in the 71st minute, Peracio scores again, 4:3, ahead of Brazil. The opponents do not give up, and in the 89th minute Vilimovsky makes a hat-trick, the referee appoints extra time.

In these half an hour, the scoring extravaganza continues. At 93 and 104 minutes, Leonidas scored two more goals, making the score 6:4. The indefatigable Vilimovsky scores his fourth goal against the Brazilians in the 118th minute, but this is not enough, they win 6:5.

The tactics of the Brazilians worked brilliantly against the Poles. But with such an adventurous game, the Brazilians failed to reach the final. One step away from the decisive match, they lost to the Italians (1:2), who won the World Cup for the second time in a row.

Triumph of the Russian team

The Russian national football team played one of its brightest matches in modern history in 2008 at the European Championship in Austria and Switzerland. The team successfully passed the group stage, having managed to defeat the national teams of Greece and Sweden, in the 1/4 finals it was opposed by the Dutch.

The Netherlands national team entered the playoffs from the 1st place in the group, leaving no chance of success for the Italians, Romanians and French. Full-time confrontation turned out to be stubborn. At the beginning of the second half, Roman Pavlyuchenko opened the scoring. However, 5 minutes before the final whistle, Van Niesterlooy equalized and sent the game into overtime.

It was an outstanding half hour for the Russian team. On the 112th minute, Torbinsky literally from a meter brought the ball into the opponents' goal, and on the 116th minute, Andrei Arshavin powerfully and accurately shot from the corner of the goalkeeper's area. For the first time in modern history, the Russian national team reached the semifinals of the European Championship, where they lost to Spain 0:3.

"Malaga" at the zenith of glory

For the modest Spanish “Malaga” the beginning of 2012 turned out to be just outstanding. The team finished in 4th place in the Example, leaving behind Atlético Madrid, and received the right to participate in the Champions League.

At the group stage, the club did not suffer a single defeat, in the 1/8 finals they overcame the obstacle in the form of Porto (0:1, 2:0). And in the quarterfinals at home he played in a goalless draw with Borussia Dortmund. The return match has entered the history of football.

In the middle of the first half, Joaquin put the Spaniards ahead, but before the break, Lewandowski equalized the score. The climax seemed to come in the 82nd minute when Elizeu made it 2-1 to Malaga, Borussia had to score two goals to advance.

In the first added minute, Royce takes advantage of the rebound and equalizes the score. And on 3 minutes Santana literally brings the ball into the gates of the Spaniards.

The feat of Barcelona

The participant of one of the most matches was "Barcelona", which many today consider the strongest club. In 2017, in the Champions League, the team created a real feat. In the 1/8 finals, the "blue garnet" met with the French PSG. The first match was a failure for the Catalans. In Paris, they lost 0:4, if it were not Barcelona, ​​no one would have believed in the success of the team that lost with such a score.

The second leg at the Camp Nou began with a quick goal by Suarez in the 3rd minute, and just before the break, Kurzawa scored an own goal - 2:0. At the beginning of the second half, Messi converts a penalty, it seems that what seemed impossible can come true. But Cavani breaks all plans in the 62nd minute, he scores against Barcelona, ​​the score becomes 3:1, she now needs to score three more goals to reach the next stage.

The miracle is happening. At the 88th minute, Neymar scored the fourth goal, and three minutes later he also converted a penalty. The decisive ball in the 5th added minute is hammered into the gates of the Parisians by Roberto. The Catalans win 6:1.

True, this did not allow them to advance much in the tournament grid. Already in the next round, Barcelona lost away to Juventus 0:3, and failed to repeat their feat. The return match ended with zeros on the scoreboard. "Blue Garnet" left the race. Juventus lost 1-4 to Real Madrid in the final.

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