Congratulations on your wedding 50 years of marriage. Golden wedding (50 years of marriage) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, sms

50 years living together- a month of Sundays. For 5 decades of marriage, the spouses were able to live many joyful, as well as disturbing moments of life. But, despite all the hardships, their feelings remained strong and durable. Such relationships can only be compared with the properties of gold - a metal that does not rust at all. For this reason, the 50th anniversary of marriage is called the "golden wedding". If the spouses have lived in shame for 50 years, the golden wedding is celebrated magnificently and solemnly.

Ancient traditions and customs for 50 wedding years

The wedding anniversary of 50 years is traditionally celebrated with respect folk customs. We offer a list of rituals that are held during the celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary.

  • We sprinkle with golden objects. First of all, it is necessary to congratulate the anniversaries, shower the spouses who have lived together for half a century with golden objects. These are gold coins, but sequins will do as well as golden grains. All the guests of the event take part in the ceremony - except for the operators, who must capture this solemn moment on video.
  • We give you a scarf. The daughter of the spouses embroiders a handkerchief with gold thread, gives it to her mother, tying it on her head. If it is not possible to embroider a scarf, we advise you to give a ready-made one, embroidered with lurex.
  • We eat caravan. We cut the loaf in half, first the anniversaries, and then the guests try it. This custom will emphasize the unity of the family.
  • We light candles. Anniversaries light two golden candles prepared in advance, which will symbolize the next half century, which the spouses will live together.
  • Passing lit candles. By passing the lit candles into the hands of their grandchildren, the anniversaries symbolically pass on their wisdom and accumulated life experience to them. Attention: candles must be lit.
  • We give rings. On the wedding anniversary of 50 years, it is customary for the heroes of the occasion to give new wedding rings - for a long life together, the old ones have worn out.
  • We pass on old wedding rings to our grandchildren. There is a custom: old wedding rings, with which the spouses have lived for half a century, are transferred to young relatives. This custom will symbolize the continuity of generations, so that the young also celebrate their anniversary - a golden wedding.
  • Dance of the young. The guests of the event become a circle, take each other's hands, dance around the anniversaries, who dance, as during their marriage.
  • Throwing a bouquet. According to an old wedding tradition, anniversaries celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary throw a bouquet to the guests. Young girls who caught him will certainly live with their future spouse for half a century. This rite is the final one.
  • Tea drinking. After the guests disperse, the spouses should return to the table and drink tea. After that, the festive table is removed.

Golden wedding: how to celebrate an anniversary?

The 50th wedding anniversary is a rare holiday, few couples celebrate it. Therefore, most of the spouses who celebrate the golden wedding prefer to follow the traditions, celebrating the solemn event on a special scale. Anniversary celebrations are a good example for children, grandchildren and other guests of the event.

Choosing a venue for the celebration

It is customary to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary in the circle of really close people, so we recommend holding the event where there will be no prying eyes. There are several options for such places.

  • Houses. How old is the golden wedding? Exactly 50, half a century. It is easier for older people to celebrate such a holiday at home. Relatives should make sure that the elderly have an appropriate environment in the apartment - repairs have been made, comfort has been created.
  • In a restaurant, cafe. If the spouses wish to celebrate their anniversary outside their own home, we advise you to choose a place for the celebration so that those present feel cozy and comfortable during the rituals. So, it is better to choose a room (hall) that is closed from strangers.

What to wear for a golden wedding

Clothing options for the wife. If the event takes place at home, the hero of the occasion is supposed to wear an evening dress with golden details. If in a restaurant, we advise you to take care of accessories - a hat, gloves, veils. Since the wedding is gold, do not forget about gold jewelry. The name of the company that makes jewelry is not important.

Spouse clothing options. If the event takes place at home, we suggest wearing a shirt and trousers, but if the celebration takes place in a restaurant, it is advisable to wear a beautiful suit.

Who to invite

The celebration in honor of the golden wedding is a holiday for loved ones, we advise you to think carefully about the list of guests: there should be no extra ones. The first, main category is relatives: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, other relatives. The second is familiar people who were witnesses family life anniversaries who have gone through all the stages of their lives together with them.

Be sure to agree on the services of a photographer and a videographer - let high-quality video and photos remain in the memory of parents, children and all family members. If the family is large and there will be a lot of guests, we advise you to invite a host as well, who will not let those invited get bored.

What should be on the table for the 50th anniversary of the golden wedding

There are no special requirements for the menu, the choice of dishes is determined only by the desire of the heroes of the day. The only requirement is that a loaf cut in half must be present. This is a symbol of the fact that half of life has already been lived, and half is still ahead. We also advise you to take care of the cake: it should be decorated with the number "50". Alcoholic drinks are optional, but, in any case, one bottle of champagne will not be superfluous.

Take care of the decor holiday table. It is better to choose a beautiful white tablecloth embroidered with gold threads. The dishes should be chosen gilded and with gilding. Let them match the tone with accessories: vases, napkin holders. If the celebration takes place in a restaurant, inform the owners about the appropriate interior decoration for the event.

Celebration scenario

  1. At the beginning of the holiday, relatives and guests gather together. Anniversaries are in another room, then go to the guest room. Guests stock up coins and sparkles in advance, which they shower on incoming spouses. At the same time, they congratulate the spouses, present them with comic certificates and letters, in which the names of the anniversaries are mentioned. Everyone sits down at the table.
  2. Further, the scenario of the golden wedding implies the rite of eating the loaf. The loaf is cut in half, then the spouses try it, offering guests to taste the loaf. You can't refuse food.
  3. Parents light golden candles prepared in advance. These candles they pass on to their children.
  4. Children give gifts to their parents. The mother is given a handkerchief embroidered with gold threads.
  5. The guests present gifts to the anniversaries, once again wish them longevity, toasts sound in the same vein. A touching and memorable congratulation will sound in verses specially written for the event. There will be no need for modification famous song. If you can’t come up with a verse in any way, a wish for a long life in prose will do.
  6. Parents give old wedding rings to their child, children in return give their parents new rings.
  7. 50 years of what a wedding! This event is not complete without dancing. In the intervals between the meal, the guests become in a close circle, and the parents become inside. To the rhythms of old songs, the parents dance and kiss passionately, demonstrating mutual love and devotion.
  8. If the state of health of the heroes of the day allows, we recommend enlivening the event with various contests and fun.
  9. The final stage of the holiday will be the traditional wedding ritual "Bride's Bouquet". Anniversaries throw a bouquet of flowers, a young girl must catch it.
  10. After the guests disperse, the spouses should once again sit down at the table and drink tea together.

What to gift

50 years of a golden wedding is a respectable anniversary, so it is customary to give appropriate gifts to anniversaries. These are things made of gold, or having gilding in one form or another. These things include:

  • decorations;
  • objects of art and decor;
  • dishes.

Congratulations on your golden wedding

How long the event lasts, so many congratulations on the golden wedding to parents last. The best gift for people who have lived together for half a century - nice words and wishes for a long life. You can see a great example of congratulations in video format below.

Among the many congratulations at the wedding celebration, there are often wishes to live together until the golden wedding. A logical question often arises: what kind of event is this - a “golden” wedding, what is so special about it, why exactly this date becomes the key wish of a young couple on their wedding day.

A golden wedding is 50 years of living together. By this time, among the respectable spouses, their love and mutual respect had become so strong that they became like the most noble metal - gold, which cannot be spoiled by anything.

Husband and wife, who have lived together for half a century of long years, deserve universal respect and honor. Often, newlyweds are compared to sailors who go on a long voyage across the endless seas and oceans on a makeshift sailboat.

A sea voyage is not always cloudless and pleasant, on the way the family boat is very stormy, or there is complete calm, the sails helplessly sag, and it begins to seem that there will be no movement forward towards the cherished goal.

And only a strong and cohesive team is able to overcome all obstacles and pass their way with dignity. A married couple celebrating their half-century anniversary managed to navigate their sailboat without loss to the intended goal, to preserve and create strong family raise children and have grandchildren. Therefore, the celebration of the anniversary is usually held in the family circle in an atmosphere of love and warmth.

A golden wedding is an excellent proof of strong true love, and such a significant event brings the whole family together.

The holiday can be held:

  • in a familiar home environment. Given the venerable age of a married couple of anniversaries, adult children and grandchildren are usually involved in organizing and holding such a celebration. Elegant decoration of the room helps to create the appropriate festive mood. For the "golden" anniversary, golden and red shades are perfect. Window curtains, tablecloths, napkins in similar colors create a festive atmosphere. If it is not possible to replace existing window curtains, there is a great alternative solution - to decorate ordinary tulle curtains with gold and red satin ribbons. You can hang garlands from balloons decorate the room with fresh flowers. A home wall newspaper with congratulations from children and grandchildren, children's drawings, photographs of a married couple will remind you of family traditions and achievements. On the wall you can hang a festive poster about the date of the wedding anniversary - "50 years together";
  • in a cafe or restaurant. If you plan to invite numerous relatives and close friends for an anniversary, it is advisable to organize a celebration in a cozy banquet hall of a cafe or restaurant. In this case, there is no question of organizing a festive table and decorating the hall. For the celebration, it is best to invite a toastmaster who will prepare an appropriate scenario with fun contests and entertainment;
  • organization of a full wedding celebration. To do this, in the registry office, you can agree on a solemn painting in a comic form to the sound of the traditional Mendelssohn waltz and other rules for organizing the official part of the ceremony. To capture such a memorable event, the "golden newlyweds" go for a photo shoot in the most Beautiful places city ​​or nature. In continuation of the wedding, a festive feast with gifts and congratulations is organized. At the end of the holiday, guests are offered an obligatory sweet dessert - a wedding cake with the symbols of the anniversary - the numbers "50";
  • so that the anniversary holiday does not go boring and uninteresting, it is necessary to draw up a script for the celebration in advance. Depending on the wishes of the anniversaries and creativity of the younger generation: children and grandchildren of the heroes of the occasion - the holiday can turn out to be cheerful, solemn or romantic.

If the anniversaries have a good sense of humor, you can write a script with fun contests and comic tests.

For example:

  1. AT air balloons notes are inserted with invented joke questions from the history of the acquaintance and wedding of a married couple and are awarded to anniversaries. Husband and wife take turns bursting balloons and to the merry laughter, and applause they take out and read notes, answering funny questions.
  2. In the scenario of the holiday, you can include singing karaoke of your favorite songs of the heroes of the occasion. After that, arrange a musical tournament for the title of the best singer. Such entertainment will appeal not only to the "golden newlyweds", but also to all invited guests.
  3. An interesting option is the performance of funny ditties about the family life of anniversaries. The texts of ditties can be printed in advance and handed over to the participants of the holiday and thus play out a whole musical fun performance.
  4. A wonderful reminder of the wonderful times of bygone youth will be an amateur theatrical mini-delivery about the history of the acquaintance of a respectable couple or their wedding day.
  5. The holiday script can include watching a video with episodes of the family life of the anniversaries, their acquaintance, wedding day, first-born birth and other significant events.

Demonstration of home touching video chronicles sets guests in a romantic and even sentimental mood, and the “golden newlyweds” will have to wipe a tear from their eyes more than once, so after watching it is better to immediately go to the festive banquet and fun contests.

Gift Ideas for Husband and Wife

Even if the spouses have been married for a long 50 years, this does not mean that at this age it is not necessary to give gifts to each other. On the contrary, the cherished wishes and dreams of your halves have long been known, and so you want to please your faithful loved ones with an amazing gift for a long life together, real love and everyday care.

When choosing a gift, emphasis is placed on the symbol of the anniversary - gold, a noble and beautiful precious metal. great ideas There will be the following gifts:

  • traditional Jewelry. A husband can give his wife gold earrings, a ring, as in the photo, a chain with a pendant. The husband will be delighted with a gold ring or bracelet. You can organize the exchange of new wedding rings, and put your original ones in storage in order to later pass them on by inheritance;
  • You can give your wife a luxurious bouquet made up of your favorite flowers. As a decor, it is allowed to use golden pollen and satin ribbons of a golden hue. Interesting solution- an unusual bouquet of sweets in bright golden wrappers, any woman will be happy with such a gift, because everyone knows that the beautiful half of humanity loves chocolate confectionery goodies;
  • A man will definitely like a gift that matches his passion and tastes. A handy spinning rod for fishing, a homemade set of tools, a chic wristwatch, a newfangled tablet - such gifts are quite appropriate for a wife's wedding present for an anniversary celebration.

Joint life of fifty years often makes spouses a little similar friend on the other, the same habits appear, general views and interests. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose a gift for your halves.

Giving gifts and seeing how sincerely happy a person is is even much more pleasant than receiving presents.

How to congratulate spouses for children, grandchildren, relatives - tips

The event "golden wedding" is considered important not only for anniversaries, but also for their families: children, grandchildren, close friends and relatives. They prepare for the golden anniversary in advance and carefully choose gifts that can give joy to the “newlyweds”. It can be:

  1. Gold jewelry wedding rings. For 50 years from the date of marriage, age-related changes occur and the thickness of the fingers changes, and therefore often the rings become small and are not worn on the finger. New rings are presented to the anniversaries in a solemn atmosphere, and according to tradition, a married couple exchanges them and takes the words of the traditional wedding oath.
  2. A wonderful gift for a couple of anniversaries will be a comfortable trip on a cruise ship or a foreign tour to a quiet family hotel. An elderly couple will gladly go on vacation to a good sanatorium, where you can also improve your health.
  3. Relatives can give gifts made by themselves and with their own hands. Making a box with a homemade decor in the form of a golden painting of symbols married life: wedding rings, pairs of swans or doves - serves as a great idea for a wedding gift from the younger generation, grandson and granddaughter.
  4. Home shoes made of gold brocade in oriental style, decorated with embroidery and beads, will long remind the anniversaries of the wonderful family holiday of the golden wedding.

At a wedding family holiday, I would like to congratulate the anniversaries with warm, sincere words coming from the heart. Instead of poetry, you can compose a touching congratulation in prose, you can write it on a large poster and hang it in a conspicuous place in the room for celebrating the anniversary.


Exist traditional gifts anniversaries of the golden wedding:

Can be presented Family album or a photo book with the inscription on the title page "Our Golden Wedding" with congratulations from all participants in the celebration and family photographs of various periods in the life of a married couple.

Congratulations in prose, poetry

Congratulations on the golden wedding anniversary can be composed in poetic form. Let it be an unprofessional poem or a poetic ballad.

Kind and warm words of simple independent poems will delight married couple and will cause a well-deserved enthusiastic applause from all participants of the wedding. Another option is touching congratulations in prose:

The most important thing in congratulatory texts is sincerity, warmth and joy.

Original and practical gifts

The best gifts at a golden wedding will be items that help maintain health.

Various medical devices for home preventive and therapeutic procedures, modern blood pressure monitors, portable massagers, heating pads, ionizers and air humidifiers, orthopedic pillows and mattresses will help an elderly couple of venerable age stay cheerful and cheerful longer. Tea lovers can be presented with modern electric kettles or samovars.

A small plasma TV that can be placed in the kitchen or bedroom of the heroes of the day will please the heroes of the day good films and favorite TV shows.

As original gifts perfect for:

  1. Modern electronic audiobooks.
  2. T-shirts with prints of photos of anniversaries.
  3. Live butterflies.
  4. Personalized box of chocolates or chocolates.

Or you can make a video like this:

You can come up with a lot of original or vice versa practical gifts and presents that without fail like the "golden newlyweds". So which gift is better, practical or original?

Golden wedding - 50 years of marriage. Gold - one of the most expensive metals - is a symbol of significant, achieved by hard work. Therefore, a golden wedding is an indicator and the result of the hard work of spouses in building family relationships over 50 years of life. There are various congratulations on the golden wedding, but they all relate to love and family happiness - not only to the anniversaries, but to all family members. A new pair of rings must be bought for a golden wedding, as the hands of the spouses long years changed, the gold was worn out. As a rule, children or other close relatives buy rings. A gift for a golden wedding is unambiguous - everything that is made of gold or covered with gilding. However, you can donate whatever you want. Especially what will become a symbol of unity and a long life together of the heroes of the day.

You have traveled a long and difficult path,
However, they did not grow old in soul,
Since old age is only for those
Who was out of work in life.
May it be a long and pleasant part of the journey,
Which is left for you to go through.
Health, happiness to you for many years.
New successes, joy, victories!
And we hope that we still have time
Congratulations on your centenary!

The golden wedding has arrived!
How quickly the years have gone by!
Only devotion and tolerance
This date was helped to create.
It is not given to return to you the years gone by,
But today I want to wish:
You take the best of course
Time seems to turn back!

On this beautiful sunny day
A golden jubilee has knocked on your door,
50 years, not too many and not too few
The time has come to sum up.
We heartily congratulate you
We sincerely wish you happiness and kindness,
Let all sorrows and worries go around you,
May the road be bright and joyful.

From happiness you seem to be flying,
Together for more than a dozen years
Today is your golden wedding,
Gave you a golden dawn.
Live without knowing troubles, worries,
May happiness illuminate you every year,
Let life give you pleasure
Let everyone tell you that you are worthy of admiration.

Our golden anniversaries,
Do not spill water, they call you for a reason,
Half a century of life, like a sweet dream,
She is madly in love and he is head over heels in love.
You accept congratulations at this hour,
Let the anthem of love play for you
May all your wishes come true
May fate always smile at you.

The most beautiful words for you today
A lot of compliments for you today,
A little gray, but spring sings in my soul,
May there be only joy in life, and sorrow disappear.
Behind the back, lived 50 years,
And in the eyes of the same warm light,
Love, like a gift, carried through the years,
We wish you not to stop on the path of life.

The wedding is called golden not without reason,
You are called an exemplary couple,
50 years and winters you were together
You are called an honorary bride and groom.
You are the youngest soul in the world,
And nothing that turned white head
You are always responsible for each other,
May God give you happiness, joy, warmth.

50 happy years you gave to each other
You are worthy of the title of honor - husband and wife,
Your feelings have been tested for years,
You built happiness with your own hands.
You have a golden wedding, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you a fabulous life,
Let the whole friendly family appreciate you, respect you,
Good health to you, joy, kindness.

In your honor, let the salute thunder,
After all, a golden wedding is not a joke to you,
You have traveled a long and happy path,
And everything seems to have flown by in one minute.
Congratulations on your golden wedding
Let life give you only pleasure,
May the bird of happiness always fly to you,
Peace, joy and warmth to you.

Over the years, the family has grown so much,
That everyone at the table can hardly fit,
All the grandchildren were married, the time has come for the great-grandchildren,
And your soul is as young as before.
On the wedding day, golden, accept congratulations,
Let the mood be great
Live in happiness, loving each other,
May the Lord keep you always.

Golden wedding is the most solemn anniversary. It is celebrated after 50 years of married life. Not every couple is able to maintain an alliance for half a century. The past years were filled with various events. Sadness was replaced by joy, anxiety by happiness. Time went on as usual, children grew up, grandchildren were born.

Golden wedding is the most solemn anniversary. It is celebrated after 50 years of married life. Not every couple is able to maintain an alliance for half a century. The past years were filled with various events. Sadness was replaced by joy, anxiety by happiness. Time went on as usual, children grew up, grandchildren were born.

Everything seems to have worked out, settled down, but a slight sadness does not allow you to fully enjoy the holiday. Youth is far away, youth has flown by unnoticed, there is still so much I want to do! But, looking at the frolicking grandchildren, great-grandchildren, the spouse understands that life has not been lived in vain. Just they are the crown of this long love called "golden wedding".

Anniversary symbols

Gold has always been considered the most expensive, noble metal. It takes a lot of effort and time to get it. It is a symbol of wisdom, purity, immortality, immutability, constancy.

A 50 year wedding anniversary is a huge value. A happy marriage was formed by long hard work. Gold does not corrode, and marriage is also not subject to the influence of any factors.

Wedding traditions for 50 years of marriage

50 years of marriage is a significant milestone in marriage. They say that from this moment family life begins anew. Therefore, the traditions for the golden wedding are designed to bring happiness, well-being to the “newlyweds”.

  1. Rings. The most important rite of passage. For this anniversary, the couple should wear new wedding gold rings. Old jewelry is passed on to children or grandchildren, those who are planning a wedding in the near future. This is a very valuable gift. Since it is believed that the secret is transmitted along with the rings happy marriage.
  2. shedding. At the celebration of the heroes of the occasion, guests showered with gold coins, grain, sweets. This custom is designed to give the “new” family prosperity and well-being. During the ceremony, the spouses wish to live the next fifty years in the same love as the previous half century.
  3. Golden scarf. This is not only a tradition, but also a gift for the 50th wedding anniversary. The rite is performed by the eldest child in the family. For a celebration, a son or daughter should buy a yellow, shiny scarf to cover their mother's head. This is a manifestation of gratitude for love, care, guardianship.
  4. Candles. On the festive table, near each spouse, a yellow wedding candle is placed. "Newlyweds" should light them and with the wishes of a long, happy life pass on to the young. It is believed that in this way the wisdom of a happy marriage is transmitted.
  5. Pie. On the eve of the anniversary, the spouses bake a festive cake. At the celebration, the husband and wife cut it into pieces and distribute it to the guests with their own hands. In this way, they share with those present the secret of a successful marriage.
  6. Kalach. This is how the festive feast begins. Kalach is also prepared on the eve of the holiday. Only half of the pastries are served on the table. This is a sign that the golden wedding is only half the journey of life. Kalach is cut into pieces, the anniversaries present them to each guest along with a glass of vodka. This bread must be eaten whole. If even a piece remains, it promises trouble in later life anniversaries.

How to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary?

The golden wedding is a must. It is celebrated magnificently with many guests, gifts, congratulations. It is considered a good omen that all the relatives of the "newlyweds" be present at the celebration. Given the considerable age of the spouses, all preparations fall on the shoulders of children and grandchildren.

As a rule, the scenario of the holiday resembles the wedding day. With the exception of "bride price", "tests for the newlyweds." More young people participate in wedding competitions. Elderly spouses mainly play the role of arbitrators, advisers, and manage competitions. They decide who participates in what competitions, who makes a toast, who dances with whom.

As for the premises for the celebration, the best option would be a restaurant or a large banquet hall. Such a room is decorated in gold tones, fresh flowers are placed on the table. Delicacies predominate on the table, among the drinks there should be a 50-year-old white wine.

To make the holiday a success, it is better to invite a professional toastmaster. He will be able to make the event unforgettable. The culmination of the celebration can be a grandiose fireworks display. In general, the fiftieth anniversary is a unique anniversary, it is not worth saving on the holiday.

What to give for the 50th wedding anniversary?

What is given for a golden wedding should be memorable, like the anniversary itself. During this period, the husband and wife have a respectable age. Over the years, they have received many significant gifts, so surprise an expensive gift complicated. It is better to opt for a small, modest surprise that has a special meaning. The main thing is that the gift should be golden or gilded.

  1. Candlestick. Unusual gilded product for two candles with a gift inscription. This is a very symbolic gift of the hot feeling of two hearts.
  2. Photo collage. A large collage of several photos relating to different periods of the life of the spouses. Such a product must be placed in a gilded frame with an appropriate signature.
  3. Golden coins. Even if the spouses are not numismatists, such a gift for a golden wedding will come in handy for the 50th anniversary. You can find such gizmos in antique shops or order in a jewelry store.
  4. Jewelry egg. A very beautiful gift will be a product in the style of the famous Faberge. The original, unusual product will pleasantly surprise the “newlyweds”.
  5. Ingot. A gold bar with a corresponding certificate is a good contribution to the well-being of the whole family. You can present it in a velvet box with engraving.

A golden wedding is a celebration of faith, love, and hope. For half a century, the spouses remained close, supported each other, shared sorrows and joys. They know what is most precious in life and appreciate it. By this time, the anniversary had long ceased to be just two people. The fiftieth anniversary of marriage is a celebration of the whole family and its keepers.

Golden wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

May on this joyful day the anniversaries hear the warmest and most sincere wishes of happiness for many years to come. Guests can express their warm feelings by choosing an original poem or a sincere wish in prose.

Dear anniversaries! We are here today for your golden jubilee. You are proof that a long happy marriage is possible. Live long and remain for all of us a vivid example that everything in this life is surmountable, that with love everything is achievable and possible! And let them say that there is no eternal love and happy marriages are an exception, we can always say: “It’s not true, in our family there has always been, is and will be love and happiness that are inherited!”

For half a century, our anniversaries live in love and harmony! Of course, their path was not strewn with rose petals, but they were able to go through all the trials, all the difficulties that fate had prepared for them and were able to maintain mutual devotion and love, and raise worthy children. We congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary from the bottom of our hearts!

You have lived together for 50 years, and we are happy to congratulate you on your golden wedding! I wish you good health, so that you live as much in love and harmony, surrounded by the care of children and grandchildren!

It's always nice to see people who understand each other as much as you do! You are beautiful! An example for all the guests here! Live and enjoy every new day! Let the shadow of a smile never leave your faces, travel, fill your life with new impressions and emotions! Happiness to you, our dear anniversaries!

Only the chosen ones fall to live until the golden wedding, and it was not in vain that the great Providence chose the heroes of the occasion, the golden anniversaries, for this role! Let's ask ourselves: when do people live to see a golden wedding? In the case when they have a golden heart and a golden mind. These qualities determined their chosenness. We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary! May God grant you health for many years and a happy life surrounded by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Let our glasses clink cheerfully and amicably, and we will exclaim: Long live our dear "golden newlyweds"!

Congratulations on a big and round date for your family, on a golden wedding! You managed to live happily and cheerfully all these 50 years, you were able to show everyone around what loyalty and care means, you gave each other your fairy tale and tenderness. I wish you not to stop dreaming and love each other, I wish you to remain real gold for each other, I wish you complete family harmony and eternal comfort in your home and hearts!

A wonderful, unforgettable holiday has come to you, our dear anniversaries!

We sincerely congratulate you on your golden wedding! Having lived together for 50 years, you shared joy and sorrow, built a good family, and continue to be caring, wise mentors in the family, sincere for many friends, and ardent patriots of your country. 50 times you are bitter!

So the day has come when you celebrate your golden wedding! Not so long ago we walked the silver one. And here it is again fast birds flew another quarter of a century. Simple mathematics - you have been together for half a century, but beautiful and in love, as always. Nice to see smiles on your faces today. May every day be filled with only joyful moments for you! Let happiness flow like water, and children and grandchildren please with new achievements! Happy holiday, my dears!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on a wonderful event in your life, on your golden wedding, on the happy 50th anniversary of your family! May your house remain cozy and warm, may love be mutual and sincere to the end, may prosperity and prosperity reign in the house. I wish you to always remain real gold for each other!

Today is a vivid example of the fact that you can live happily with one person for fifty years! A golden wedding is a family holiday, and therefore I would like to wish you that we celebrate the golden anniversary of your children with the same composition. May each of your new days bring you many good emotions, may smiles never disappear from your faces! Happy holiday, dear anniversaries!

Our anniversaries are extremely wonderful people! Everything that their golden hands touch causes admiration and respect. And this is not surprising, because they are talented, hardworking, loving, with an attentive and sensitive heart, kind parents, caring grandfather and grandmother. From the bottom of our hearts, we wish the anniversaries to maintain a stubborn character in work and in life. May the Lord God generously give them health, bright joy, family blessings for many and good years! Bitterly!

Dear grandfather and grandmother!

Please accept my best congratulations!

I used to think that married life was just one honeymoon and a little more happiness when having children. Over time, my attitude towards this has changed. I saw from the example of mom and dad that it’s not just always getting along with each other, but it’s surprisingly nice to put up with each other. Family life is not war or struggle. I felt this later, when I fell in love with myself. Happy holiday to you!

Dear golden anniversaries! Congratulations on your glorious, such a costly anniversary! Let the gold be preserved for all subsequent years of your life, which means: the house is a full golden bowl; like the largest nuggets - your most great wealth- children; health is strong, like an ingot of gold; characters - only gold. We also wish you to catch goldfish that will make your wildest dreams come true! For anniversaries!

Congratulations on the great and bright holiday of the family, on the 50th anniversary of marriage, on a magnificent golden wedding! I wish you to live happily ever after, amicably and prosperously, I wish you great prosperity and strong feelings, understanding and home comfort, I wish you good health and great luck, a peaceful sky and happy holidays!

With all my heart I congratulate you on your golden wedding - on the 50th anniversary of a wonderful life together! May your bright memories and strong love warm your souls! May health, understanding and prosperity reign in the family! I wish you a golden time filled with happiness and prosperity in your life!

Your relationship has gone through a lot in fifty years. I don’t want to remember today how many troubles and hardships you met on the long road of life. But you defeated them and therefore you are together, and all the bad things are left behind. We admire the power of your love, which allowed you to stay together and not waste your tenderness! May every new day bring you new joys! May your children and grandchildren protect you from all sorts of problems and become your support on the long road of life - until the centenary wedding! Happy holiday, happy golden wedding anniversary!

Fifty years of happy family life is a great achievement that deserves the loudest applause. On this day, I want to wish you love and health, so that every day is filled with the warmth of relationships, comfort and children's laughter in the house, goodness and health! I sincerely dream that we all gather here for your diamond wedding! Happy holiday, dear anniversaries!

You have been together for so many years that it is already difficult for me to perceive you separately. They say something about one, I immediately remember the other, the other will do something, I immediately think about the first. May this touching unity continue for many, many more years, because it is truly wonderful!

To live life is not a field to cross. In family life, there are not only bright and joyful events, not only bright and sparkling colors, but also gray everyday life. Far behind was a noisy, cheerful wedding, a growing child that requires constant attention and time. We wish you to continue to walk hand in hand, go through difficult parts of your life together, support each other, take an equal part in family chores! Take care of each other!

Let's drink to our family's legacy! Not for rings, chains, earrings, but for our parents, our treasure! If we didn’t have all this wealth, we wouldn’t have such a large, close-knit family gathered today at this table. We drink to my mother's golden hands, who nursed us all, to the golden hands of our father, who built this house, to a pair of golden hearts that love us, to two golden souls, rooting for us, to golden wise words that help us live and not make mistakes! No bank has so much wealth, no one is immune from ruin like we are. Let's drink to the golden heritage of our family! For our parents!

A wonderful day and an even better holiday - the golden wedding anniversary - that's what brought us all together today! I am very glad to see you as happy and smiling as on your first anniversary. Over the years, your relationship has only gotten better and stronger. Your golden wedding is a phenomenal phenomenon: you have gained experience and wisdom, having managed to maintain tenderness and love! Happy holiday, my dears! Happy golden wedding! I wish that we all gather in the same unanimous way for your diamond anniversary!

Why is the wedding called golden? After all, you have silver on your temples, tears of joy sparkle in your eyes with diamonds, and the children's laughter of your great-grandchildren sounds like crystal bells. Your relationship is strong as steel and soft as silk. And only your rings are gold. Is it because of the rings? No, my dear anniversaries - today your hearts become golden, having managed to save love and tenderness for half a century. Happy holiday to you!

A golden wedding is a wonderful day in the life of every couple! It's nice to see that you're both as in love today as you were fifty years ago. The years have given you wisdom, but have not deprived you of the ability to protect each other. Happiness to you, love and health! May every day bring a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy and a huge number of pleasant moments! May your children and grandchildren bring only good news! Enjoy the little things and don't pay attention to trifles! Bitterly!

Surviving to a golden wedding falls only to the elect, in the case when the spouses have a golden heart and a golden mind! These qualities determined the chosenness of our dear anniversaries. We sincerely congratulate you! May God grant you health for many years and a happy life surrounded by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren! Let our glasses ring merrily and amicably, and we will say: long live our dear golden and beloved anniversaries! Live happily ever after, we love you!

You have lived amicably and happily together for 50 years, I congratulate you wholeheartedly on your golden wedding! I would like to wish you the same understanding and well-being, strong love and respect, good health and unquenchable energy, good mood and bright joy, prosperity and cheerful family celebrations!

You lived together for half a century, lived two lives with one destiny, keeping love and fidelity. They did not betray their oaths, did not break under the weight of cares and problems, but only became even closer to each other! You are a worthy role model, we are all proud of you and wish that the warmth of your love, as before, warmed our big family! Let your hearts beat in unison, your health will be strong, and there will always be attentive, caring children and grandchildren! And we promise to appreciate you even more, because you are now “golden” with us!

It is no coincidence that gold is considered a precious metal - after all, it does not fade with time, does not lose its qualities, so the family that lived together until the golden wedding not only did not lose the sincerity of feelings, but also acquired new ones - mutual understanding and friendship! Congratulations on your golden wedding!

On this beautiful day, I would like to congratulate our dear anniversaries on the fiftieth anniversary of marriage! This is a serious date and only a select few manage to celebrate it. Therefore, low bow to you from all of us! Love and health, happiness and more joyful moments in life! May every new day be filled with smiles and laughter of your grandchildren and - what can I say - great-grandchildren! Let life become calm and measured, and only good news disturb this peace! Happy holiday, dear anniversaries! Bitterly!

Congratulations on your family's half-century anniversary, on your golden wedding! I want to wish you peace and good health, bright blessings and strong love, great happiness and incredible joy in every day, warm meetings and memorable events!

Golden color - color autumn leaves, and autumn is the time to harvest the fruits of labor. Our parents worked hard, but the fruits are around the table: children from young to old. Let's drink to the fact that each of those sitting at the table could in the future reach the joyful time of the autumn of married life, when it will be possible to count their "chickens"! For the golden time of married life!

To live to see a golden wedding, the wife must have a golden character, and the husband must have iron restraint! Let's drink to your wonderful alloy, to the flourishing of domestic metallurgy!

A golden wedding is a half-century anniversary of a happy life together of two people who have found happiness in each other! Congratulations on your holiday! We wish your spiritual intimacy to be an example to follow. Happiness to you in every moment spent together, joy, health and pride in children and grandchildren! Love and take care of yourself!

Gold and silver by themselves mean nothing. It is necessary that the master had golden hands. So let's drink to the golden hands of the owners of this house!

Congratulations on a brave date, on a wonderful holiday of your marriage! Today you have crossed the threshold of the 50th anniversary of family life. And on your golden wedding, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you to sincerely appreciate all the years that have made your family strong and happy, openly trust each other and keep the bright comfort of your home!

Today your union is 50 years old! For half a century you managed to live together, keeping feelings and idyll. You have built not just a family, but created a whole world based on trust, patience, understanding and mutual support. Don't lose it! Never stop surprising each other and enjoy your feelings. You are amazing, and the golden anniversary is proof of that! After all, not every couple is able to keep all the most intimate for so many years. I sincerely wish you harmony, tranquility, happiness and enduring love! Half a century is certainly an achievement, but I think you will be able to live a whole century with one soul for two!

You've been together for 50 years! I so wish that the next 50 years will bring you more more joy and happiness than those left behind. You are our pride and joy! Happy holiday to you, our relatives. Love each other and delight us with your light and warmth!

Please accept our congratulations on this bright and important anniversary - the golden wedding! Let the joint life be filled only with happy moments and joyful memories, and peace and comfort reign in the house! This holiday celebrates how strong and durable your union is. Let the next years of a happy marriage surprise those around you with love, mutual understanding and stability, and let your children and grandchildren set you as an example. Take care of each other!

Congratulations on the long-awaited bright anniversary of love! This day has come thanks to your patience, understanding, sincerity and boundless devotion. We wish you to continue to enjoy bright colors life, smile more to each other and give sincere love and support! Let happiness bloom in the hearts, memories give only bright and bright moments, and the years lived together will look like a real fairy tale!

Sincere congratulations on the bright anniversary of your family! We wish stability in business, well-being in everyday life and peace in the soul. May this important and reverent day bring new strength and joint dreams! Appreciate happy moments and gain strength from tenderness and understanding for each other. Let the fire of love in the eyes not go out, the family supports you in difficult moments and new years bring only joy and positive moments!

When a marriage is concluded, God sends the guardian angel of the family to the newlyweds with a bouquet of roses, and there are as many roses in it as there will be wedding anniversaries. On every anniversary, an angel gives them a rose, and the hearts of husband and wife blossom. A year later, for a chintz wedding, he gives a chintz rose, after two - paper, after five - wooden, after ten - living red, after fifteen - crystal, after twenty - porcelain, after twenty-five - silver, after fifty - gold. Let's congratulate dear anniversaries with a golden rose and wish them happiness, health and prosperity!

Friends, Happy Golden Anniversary! We are happy for you, for coming to this date healthy and happy, minor troubles do not count. So many years together! You understand each other already from a half-look, and not just from a half-word. It is difficult to wish something new to spouses who have lived together for so many years. Therefore, we wish you continued warmth and understanding in relationships, daily good care for each other, for many more years to enjoy life together and be friends with us! Happy holiday, spouses!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on a golden wedding, on a wonderful date in honor of a joint half-century! I wish you the same amount of time to live happily together, carefully keeping your love and bright feelings, I wish you peace and prosperity, goodness and prosperity, good health and joy of the soul!

Our dear anniversaries, today we congratulate you on your anniversary - a golden wedding! Few are lucky enough to meet this anniversary date together. You are a true exception, you are a worthy continuation of each other! You side by side, hand in hand, walked these years, built your destiny together, created a family, equipped a cozy home. After 50 years, you are as happy and beautiful as on the first day. May your family idyll not end until the end of your days, and may love burn brighter and more fervently. Bitterly!

I congratulate you with all my heart on the 50th anniversary of family life, on the gold medal of joint achievements and success! I want to wish you to live in prosperity and happiness, inextinguishable love and health! May your home always remain cozy and warm, and may your family be friendly and the strongest!

Happy golden wedding day! Half a century ago, you swore to each other to be together forever and were true to your word. Ardent passion gave way to everyday bustle, life threw up surprises and trials - you divided everything in half, helped each other when your strength ran out and went forward again. Not only memories make you happy - looking at children and grandchildren, hearing their laughter, you seem to become younger yourself!

A golden wedding is a lifelong love! Everything happened along the way. But the trials only hardened you, helped you understand how dear you are to each other. I wish you health and patience, a beautiful and sedate life in the circle of relatives and friends. Pass on to the younger generation the wisdom accumulated over half a century, teach patience and forgiveness, which have helped you to keep awe in relationships for 50 years.

I want to congratulate you on this significant date and wish you not to forget how to rejoice in each other's victories, never lose the best that you managed to gain over the years of marriage, and every day, waking up in the morning, fall in love again!

The people say: “Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace”, “Love and advice - there is no need”. These words are about you, because only selected families live to see the golden wedding. May your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren please you for many years! Live happily ever after, be always healthy!

Dear spouses! On this day, you again look like newlyweds, whom we can observe on your old photographs. You have lived a long family life, raised wonderful children, nurse your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and by your example show an example of love and mutual respect. We congratulate you on your golden wedding and wish you many years of living together, which will give you joy and pleasure every minute!

Happy holiday, dear friends, happy golden anniversary! you lived together blooming spring full of hopes, great plans. You were together under the scorching rays of the hot summer sun which either warmed with the warmth of victories, or burned with the pain of disappointments. Now you have entered your beautiful, fertile autumn by the hands. Let the walk through the golden park of life be quiet, measured and happy!

For half a century now you have been holding each other's hands, for half a century you have been meeting sunrises and seeing off sunsets together. Days, weeks, months, years, decades change, only your love is unchanged. She is like an anchor not only for you, but also for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. You saw how each of you had gray hair, and new wrinkles appeared on your face, but this only gave rise to more tenderness in you for each other. You cried and laughed together, got sick and recovered, so now let your family life turn into a safe haven of your great love!

So much has changed during this time: manners, customs, fashion, power ... And only your family hearth is still unshakable! I congratulate you on the anniversary of this hearth! I want to wish that the fire in it never goes out, and always warms your hearts! Happy Anniversary!

You met half a century ago and realized how much you have in common. Now you have everything in common: home, children, grandchildren, memories. You were so wise that you multiplied the good by helping each other survive losses and setbacks. Your love has proved timeless. Now you become happier and younger, looking at children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, recognizing in them your eyes, smile, voice, yourself ... Happy anniversary to you!

Our dear anniversaries have come a long way in 50 years of living together not just like that, not vegetating and complaining, but with dignity, with honor, loving each other! Guys sometimes laugh: what kind of love can there be at 75? And I can tell you for sure that it is. It does not manifest itself as violently as at the age of 20, but it is expressed by tender, kind relationships, understanding of each other and understanding of what is happening around. On this exceptionally important day of the golden wedding anniversary, I give a gold ring to my grandmother and gold coins for my grandfather's collection. Happy anniversary to you!

Congratulations on a great date, on the celebration of a wonderful family, on the 50th anniversary of living together! On your golden wedding, I wish you a wonderful holiday of love and happiness, great luck and strong strength, confident good and warmth of your own hearts, bright joy and great hopes!

I am very happy for you, dear mom and dad! You are walking your life path together! I want to wish that your opportunities always coincide with your mutual desires! I wish you to be 50 times happier, 50 times wiser, 50 times more energetic and 50 times younger! Happy 50th birthday dear parents!

Dear our parents! Today is a special day for our entire family. We want to thank you for everything you have done and taught us. For us, you are an example of real, sincere feelings. Now, creating our own families, we will focus on you. In any joys and troubles, you were together. And now we are celebrating this special date together - the Golden Wedding! We want to sincerely wish you to continue to carry your torch of love and believe that real feelings are eternal!

Daddy and Mommy, today is your golden wedding day! Looking at you, I see that you are halves of one whole! I am very glad that in the hustle and bustle of random events, life gave a moment and your destinies intertwined into a sea knot, forever mooring the family ship to the shores of love, mutual understanding and optimism! And I want the rope that binds you to last another 50 years. Showing the younger generation what real love, trust and mutual understanding!

Daddy and Mommy! It's been 50 years since you met. I am sure that every year on your wedding day you remember that day, that young fuse that once lit the “pioneer fire” in your hearts. Which became the root cause on the way to the registry office. I want to wish your example of family life to last at least another hundred years and be full of joy, health and vigor. Happy golden wedding day, my family!

Father and mother! You've been together for fifty years now, and we know better than most what your life was like. I won’t say that it has always been easy that you didn’t get any trials, but that’s why now it’s doubly joyful that you are around. You endured everything and now, holding hands and looking into each other's eyes, you know for sure that half a century ago love helped you choose a life partner, and not a random companion. Be happy folks!

Our precious mommy and daddy! How happy we are - you have no idea! Not every child gets to see the golden parental wedding. Thanks for the priceless experience! Please be healthy, cheerful, happy. Give us the opportunity to take a walk on your next wedding anniversary. We wish, beloved anniversaries, the most joyful mood, the strongest health, we wish you to take a walk at the anniversary weddings of your grandchildren!

Congratulations on the precious anniversary - the golden day of the family! We wish you understanding in relationships, intimacy and happiness! Let disagreements and quarrels bypass you. Accept each other, appreciate, cherish and give an example of bright and harmonious relations to us. Let love reign in your home, life smiles every day, and all difficult moments are solved by love and support of loved ones in a warm family circle!

Today is a bright and colorful day, the day of your Golden wedding! We want to wish you good health and endless happiness! Your love, like the sun, has been warming us and all the people close to you for half a century! You are our pride, our parents!

Grandpa and Grandma! It seems to us that you have always been together, and it is impossible to even imagine that one day you could not meet or not understand that you were made for each other. We are proud of you and the fact that we are part of your beautiful love story half a century long. Looking at you, we begin to appreciate relationships, life, feelings - own example you teach us to be softer, more tolerant and kinder! Be happy, loved ones!

Congratulations, grandma-bride and grandpa-groom! What was this day 50 years ago, of course, we do not know. But we are sure that your eyes also sparkled with happiness, tenderness and love. You were able to carry this fire in your souls through the years and after half a century did not lose your quivering feelings. You are an example of fidelity, patience and all-forgiving love for us! Keep it up, dear ones! Give another 50 in the same spirit!

Our beloved grandparents! Today we want to congratulate you on the wonderful holiday of the golden wedding! You have been together for many years and have learned a lot during this time. We should take an example from you, learn patience, understanding, kindness and responsiveness! We respect you immensely, love you and want to wish you only bright days in the future!

Dear, kind, dear, congratulations on the golden holiday, on the anniversary wedding date! Our wisest grandparents, how great it is that you have been meeting and pampering us together for so many years. We love you! Our time has come to pamper you with attention and care! We wish them to always be a joy to you, that you live well for a long time, that they help us with good advice, that you are proud of your grandchildren and enjoy everyday life! Happy anniversary, darlings!

Dear parents, I bow to you and thank you so much for saying “yes” to each other 50 years ago. This oath gave rise to a beautiful and strong dynasty. Thank you for a happy childhood, a rich youth and a reliable shoulder in adulthood! Thank you for growing up in an atmosphere of love and understanding! For achievements in the field of marriage and family relations, take gold medal she is rightfully yours!

The happiest spouses, your golden family anniversary has come up! How you went to him, what difficulties you encountered along the way, only you know! We assume that there was more happiness in life than troubles. You know how to live 50 years with your loved one and not lose tender feelings. Let your feelings continue to live, help to cope with any problems, and problems, if they happen, are only trifling. May God celebrate your 100th wedding anniversary!

Today you are worthy of the highest praise and honor, today is your golden wedding! I sincerely congratulate you on the 50th anniversary of a strong and happy marriage! I wish to be for each other a faithful king and a magnificent queen! I wish good health to the whole family and wonderful holidays! I wish the spouse golden hands and brave skill, and the wife - a heart of gold and bright hopes!

Twenty-five years ago, at their silver wedding, the family crew of our "newlyweds" was awarded silver awards for successfully overcoming the twenty-five-year milestone on the marathon distance of family life! Today we have gathered here to congratulate the anniversaries who have risen to the highest step of the podium on the award of gold medals to them! To your health, dear anniversaries!

Congratulations on a wonderful anniversary - a golden wedding! Few can boast that they have reached this mark. And you lived half a century in love and harmony. Even though the path of life was not easy, even if you had to go through many difficulties, but domestic disorder, adversity and trials did not break you, did not kill your love and affection for each other! You managed to keep your feeling in all the trials, raised your children as worthy people, shared your life experience with others and helped those who asked for help. We wish you happiness and health for many years to come! May every day of your life be bright and joyful! Stay as loving as you are!

On this happy and significant day, we have gathered to celebrate a happy and rare anniversary - a golden wedding! Our golden anniversaries lived together in love and harmony for half a century. life path they were not strewn with roses and lilies, they went through all the trials and difficulties that befell the whole people, but they retained mutual love and devotion, raised worthy children. From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on this glorious anniversary! May every day of your life be as bright as this holiday! We sincerely wish you good health and many, many more happy years! I invite all those present to raise their glasses to the health of dear anniversaries and exclaim in unison: "Many years! Many years! Many years!"

Golden wedding. How to congratulate in verse?

sunbeam golden wedding

Opens the doors to your cozy home.

Silver covered locks of hair.

You had to know the bitterness of troubles and joy.

Let the light of love not go out in the eyes,

Happiness blooms like gardens in spring!

May life cherish you in the rays of goodness!

And the light years are not in a hurry!

With fun wedding Gold!

We are proud of your family!

Because you know how to love

Appreciate, care, be friends!

We wish you many many more years

Live without knowing the troubles at all,

To be only together at any hour,

Keep affection, love!

Golden wedding - you've been together for half a century!

Two different people became one whole,

Fifty years nearby, soul to soul

This is happiness, nothing else is needed.

Children congratulate, grandchildren congratulate,

Loving eyes shine with joy

With trepidation and tenderness in the hand of the hand.

We wish you happiness and many more years,

Let the hearth not smolder and there will be no trouble!

You found support in each other,

Hope, faith and love!

Half a century you are together today

Let the blood boil in your veins!

I congratulate you on your anniversary,

In your wedding golden flight!

Love is another year wiser

Let it only go forward!

Your golden wedding

Life together is holy

Eating together, drinking together

So fifty years have lived!

We heartily congratulate you

And we wish you health

Live together for twenty-five years

Give everything to each other!

With a golden wedding, dear ones!

Good luck and thanks for everything!

We wish you Siberian health,

So that everything is nothing to you!

Mother, father, let them keep you all the time

Your angels are quiet from heaven!

We wish you well and peace!

Let the sun warm you!

50 happy years

You gave to each other.

This world with your love

Miraculously lit up!

With a golden, wonderful wedding,

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Tenderness, affection to receive,

From each other I wish you!

molten gold

Hot feelings of yours

Here's a golden wedding

What a path!

And we congratulate you

family guardians,

May happiness be eternal

Beautiful, golden!

Hello golden family!

Your precious love

Will warm the edge of Siberia

And you won't even notice!

For you, this feeling is part of

Natural, right life!

You give each other pleasure

Warmth and a wave of optimism!

Golden Anniversary -

That means fifty!

We see a woman, a man,

And their eyes are on fire!

Happy for the family!

We are proud from the bottom of our hearts!

May happiness last forever

You are insanely good!

Today is a golden wedding

We congratulate mom and dad!

So many years together you have passed

And we found happiness together!

You are an example of a real family,

May the paths be blessed

Health to you, love and kindness,

Live in joy, always in harmony!

You have a golden wedding today,

It is like a symbol of fidelity, love!

And the big family congratulates you,

The basis for which is you!

And let your happiness not fade away

Keep believing and loving!

And let the grandchildren set you as an example -

How to live happily ever after!

Let them not part in love

Two loving hearts

In sweet fidelity grow together,

As the creator wanted.

With a close heart, with a sweet heart,

Everything in the world is within their power!

Golden wedding - a strong family!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

We wish from the bottom of our hearts, happiness is not melting,

So that sad wrinkles disappear from the face!

The fairy tale ends with a wedding feast,

And this is just the beginning for you!

Let all the best in life happen

So that your happiness crowns your fate!

May your love be

What shines over the years, not melting,

Walk the straight road

To the wedding with the name of gold!

My dear golden hearts!

I am ready to praise you all day, without end!

For half a century of married life

Do not frighten away good luck capricious!

Gray hair is no reason to grow old

If you can warm each other with love,

And let everything around every now and then

They envy you with white envy!

Golden wedding means together

You have been half a century, after all!

We wish you happiness and health!

The very best, the kindest blessings!

May this holiday be noble today

Will bring the whole family to the table!

Let today this day give

Have a wonderful spring in your soul!

Generations have changed, times have changed

And you still love each other!

And your life is rich and full

Holy feelings of two devoted spouses!

It is a holiday today! Exactly fifty

Happy years together.

From your eyes they are looking at us now

Young groom and young bride!

Let it be only half -

Today we celebrate the golden wedding day!

Throughout the years you were a happy couple,

For many, you have become an exemplary family.

May health never let you down

And loved ones bring only joy!

To raise their great-grandchildren,

Blessed be your old age!

Golden wedding is a miracle

Marriage exactly fifty,

Young as ever

All dressed up are sitting

Husband with his wife in an embrace,

Reminiscing about the past

This glorious picture

We will take note

Be always healthy

Let your eyes burn with happiness

Your marriage has become as if new,

Hearts beat with trepidation!

Your marriage is not so little

He is known to be retired.

How happy are you with each other,

This is a great example for all of us!

Everyone should imitate you!

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

And wish you all the best, no doubt

May the best be ahead!

Let you pass any adversity,

Let the years fly by without problems!

Well, at the moment of sadness and bad weather,

You will always have to warm each other!

You walked together for half a century,

Giving people labor and thought,

The best impulses of a man

Intertwined with your destiny!

Let the sun shine even brighter

On this day, on a happy anniversary.

Good, long, joyful life to you

Surrounded by family and friends!

Years fly and rush like an avalanche,

But is it worth it to grieve about the past.

Fifty together - only half,

We wish the couple to live to a hundred years!

Today's golden wedding

I knocked wonderfully at your house,

And we wish you the best

May a new beginning await you!

It's always nice to start

You love each other forever!

And incredibly happy

You be, and give love!

golden wedding today

Happened to the family

And the spouses in this pair,

Hopelessly in love

These two are one force!

Together we can handle everything!

There is a strong man in the house

And the wife is happy with everything

Happy anniversary, happy anniversary!

Be happy in everything!

Congratulations, as far as we can

And we drink wine for you!

Gold rings on fingers

And the wedding is golden too!

What are you with today, dear,

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you!

Lived together for half a century

And everyone is just as happy!

I wish you longevity

And I will shout: “Bitterly, young people!”

Golden wedding - a grand anniversary!

One day this happy day

Connected two loving people!

Congratulate you today

Our whole friendly family came!

And wish you love and happiness

Comfort in the house and warmth,

Hospitable family hearth!

A wedding of gold is an achievement

Creation of the most sincere feelings,

This is strength, family reward,

This is our pride, joy!

We wish everyone to live in understanding,

Respect, patience, attention!

Live in kindness, warmth and love,

Rejoice with grandchildren and children!

Yes, your union has become the highest standard,

Shines with gold and gives a bright shine!

And be ready for the same dozens of years

Give each other a wonderful burst of feelings!

Please accept our sincere admiration,

Live happily without worries.

And gentle soaring in the clouds

Let the whirlpool give you love!

We raise our glasses

We congratulate you -

We wish you happiness

At this happy hour!

Take care of each other,

Always take care

A golden wedding

I entered your doors!

Congratulations dear

With your golden wedding!

May the earthly paths continue

Will be a common path

Your feelings will not cool down

Respect won't go away

Do not hit trouble in the back,

And fate will not let you down!

Half a century is the path of great love,

We passed without any regrets.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

With such a great anniversary!

We wish this path

You continued for a long time!

And let sadness go around your house,

Lots of love and happiness!

We wish to live in love and in peace,

Separately, in my own apartment,

So that it sounds for everyone

Both yours and children's sonorous laughter!

Live long, very friendly,

Have everything you need in life

Keeping love holy fire

Until the wedding golden!

Everything is gold and everything shimmers!

This heavenly angels notify

That you have been together for half a century,

Two loving people!

Let life say more

The path to eternal love will show you.

Two hearts fit together like a puzzle

Since we fell in love with each other!

Not gray, but golden,

Your heads and hearts -

You are young, you are young

Dear to us always!

And hiding tears from happiness,

We hurry to tell you:

It's never too late to love

Above the ground, from love to fly!

Congratulations on your golden wedding,

We select toasts and words,

Undoubtedly, we respect you

And we are always proud of you!

We wish you golden laughter

To never subside -

So that your play does not end,

So that the hall opposite does not get bored!

My congratulations

Happy golden wedding!

I wish you happiness

Heart and soul!

You are love and loyalty

Carried in a year!

Live long, happily

After all, the whole family is there!

Together for five decades

After all, most of them never even dreamed of it!

Through copper pipes of all troubles

Love has passed and so it was kept!

Crazy joy is not melting,

We wish you only happiness.

Let it go to distant lands

Sadness, sickness, bad weather are leaving!

Golden wedding - gold foliage,

Golden years, full of joy!

They rushed and rushed, the years were evil for everyone -

Only two together, they're good!

Two, deserve a golden gleam,

Together they conjured their fate.

They are not afraid of years, let them fly,

Golden children, somewhere peacefully sleep!

The golden wedding has arrived!

How quickly the years have gone by!

Only devotion and tolerance

Helped create this date!

It is not given to return to you the years gone by,

But today I want to wish:

You take the best of course

Time seems to turn back!

For five decades have grown together with each other

And the heart beats for two - one!

Neighbors, grandchildren and girlfriends envy,

After all, there is no end to love - it is somewhere far away!

May the golden wedding be precious

Shine with rich, bright brilliance!

May the path that you two walk

You are only getting younger every year!

Half a century your happiness lasts

Weeks and years go by

We wish you to get rich

And always be loved!

Let there be golden grandchildren

For you more valuable than all wealth,

And only good news

You are visited every time!

Today is a golden wedding

Found a path, came -

Oh, how enviable you look

How happy, in hand, hand!

But, don't you sparkle today,

Blinding the sun with love?

Embroider with a carpet of hope,

You will be happy, life is drunk!

golden time machine

I brought you here today

Anniversary! Nobody will say

What years are behind her!

Congratulations on this day from the bottom of our hearts!

And with all the warmth we say:

Be happy a thousand times!

We love you and sincerely honor you!

Half a century nearby, hourly,

Family is the most important thing for you

May there be happiness in your house -

We wish only one!

After all, you saved forever

Like the most precious treasure

Those rings that lovingly gave

To each other many years ago!

Half a century together, a golden wedding,

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

There is eternal love, you proved

Today we shout “Bitter” to you again!

Heaven blessed your marriage

You have been inseparable for five decades!

And nothing that snow on the hair,

When there is a beautiful light in the soul of love!

Your feelings are definitely gold!

You've been together for fifty years!

You are good and young at heart,

And you probably know the secret

How to store what is very dear to the heart,

How to carry love through the years

How to be kind to each other

How to stay together forever!

Now all the years

Lived together, you instantly seem

One happy day!

Today the wedding is golden, and the bride

Dancing the waltz, as before, with the groom!

You already have adult children and grandchildren,

But being discouraged is not an option for you!

Our relatives, do not forget

Gold has a diamond successor!

We have a wedding anniversary today,

And the relationship became golden!

Let there be so many long days -

Through work we have earned happiness in life!

Fought for love and every day

We had a hard time reconciling

But this is happiness - together we are like a shadow,

And we will be together, no matter what happens!

Beautiful couple in love

As before, both he and she -

Love is a modest reflection,

And in the heart, the dawn burns!

The wedding is already spreading in gold,

Drops living fruit

While you two, time is spinning

So be happier!

Oh, how your wedding sang and danced

Exactly half a century ago!

A lot of water has flowed since then.

And today is your fiftieth anniversary!

Trembling love you carried through the years,

And the soul remained young!

Congratulations on your golden wedding!

Half a century together - now a miracle!

We invite you to tag everyone!

I'll be grateful for everything

We celebrate our wedding day again!

I will smooth the gray hair with my hand

And you tint your lips again ...

You "Bitterly" shout even

Let's raise our cups again with dew!

How quickly the years have flown by

We didn't see the time...

Your hand and in bad weather

Successfully led away!

We wish the couple a young

On the eve of their golden wedding

Health, light and warmth,

And so that love will continue to bloom!

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! We congratulate,

Happy 50th Anniversary! We wish

Long years of love and happiness to you,

Good health, so that bad weather away!

So that there were so many victories,

You lived together for hundreds of years!

So that grandchildren, children never forget

And always to you, dear, to help!

Congratulations on your wedding day

I'm here for the umpteenth time!

And this wedding is not easy,

She is completely golden!

I wish you good health

Be support for each other

Always loving and helping

Words of love only to speak!

You've been together for half a century

And again the bride and groom!

Only the wedding is not simple,

This wedding is golden!

We hasten to congratulate you on it!

We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!

Let love live, burn,

And how gold shines!

May you both have many years

And there were wrinkles on my face

And in the hair already shine,

Like snow, gray cobwebs.

But the years are not terrible for you,

You don't want another life!

So stay young always

Meeting the golden wedding!

Congratulations, dear ones, on your golden anniversary!

With the fact that your golden union is strong, durable, indestructible!

With the fact that you have amassed valuables more expensive than gold!

And a big family is growing - children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren!

We wish you heartily sadness and adversity not to know

May peace, tranquility and grace reign in your home!

In a vigorous body, with a strong spirit, you live happily ever after

And be sure to invite to the crown anniversary!

Twenty-five and twenty-five - golden wonder!

How nice to congratulate two happy people!

How pleasant it is to renew gold rings!

And, of course, repeat: Peace be with you, dear ones!

And, of course, warmth! And with might and main - health!

So that life is always full of love!

Half a century together, but the water does not flow away!

And so beautiful is the golden wedding,

She sums up the years!

And it seems to border them with gilding,

Both in joy and in sorrow you are together!

You are together, you and grief - it does not matter,

Let the years not mark time,

Love never gets old!

Fifty joint years

Fifty cold winters!

Here is the real answer:

The one who loves is loved!

congratulations now

With this golden wedding

Let her keep you warm

A new dream will reward!

May you walk with a smile

According to my memories.

Never forgetting

The tenderness of the first confession!

fifty happy years

Your marriage radiates light!

Here is the golden wedding!

I congratulate you on it!

cause admiration

golden relationship,

The love that binds you

And the family became the basis!

Half a century happy together

We congratulate you on this day!

Let the gold make you happy

And gently shine at this hour!

We wish you great joy

Love is like sweets!

And tender feelings from all sides,

Let the accordion sound today!

Up to the cherished number 50

You lived honestly and in love!

Golden example for grandchildren

Your feelings have become inspired!

And today our whole family

Sings at the family table

The way you lived, appreciating love!

After all, today is a golden wedding!

Was there ever a boy

Very timidly said: “I love!” -

And a girl with a flirtatious haircut

Did you give him your hand?

And now they've been together for half a century

They share shelter and raise offspring,

And there is no happier person

These two inseparable guys!

You have traveled a long and difficult path,

However, they did not grow old in soul,

Since old age is only for those

Who was out of work in life.

May it be a long and pleasant part of the journey,

Which is left for you to go through.

Health, happiness to you for many years!

New successes, joy, victories!

And we hope that we still have time

Congratulations on your centenary!

You lived together for half a century,

Everything happened in these years

Let the great-grandchildren meet with songs,

And your kids will always appreciate you!

Accept gold as a gift

Live another hundred years

Let youth ring in the soul

Let no one offend

And be like two doves

On the field of life, long,

Divide everything equally, as before,

May your family be strong!

Golden wedding anniversary today -

You have been together for half a century, inseparable!

In marriage, your days are prosperous!

With each new day we wish to be friends,

Let adversity bypass

Together to sail through life and love stronger,

Let all dreams lead you to a fairy tale!

Lived many different days

Days of bitter, joyful, happy!

And now your anniversary has come -

One of the most beautiful days!

And congratulating you, we ask:

There is no reason to give up for years,

After all, fifty is not yet autumn,

And only the velvet season!

Today is a golden wedding.

Though the hair is in silver,

But the youngest is the most beautiful -

Today you have no equal.

After all, only a few can.

Half a century of feelings to carry

Share one road together

Be able to listen, understand, forgive!

Do not rush, man, speak passionately:

“You can’t live for a whole century for two!”

Look better yourself to the anniversaries in the face:

Let us learn from these young people!

And now, as then, fifty years ago,

And the wife - at least where, and the husband pleases the eye.

And good luck ringing you with golden rain ...

Keep it up in the future, and "Hurrah" - to the young!

Fifty kopecks are not often celebrated,

And with him - health, vivacity, kindness!

On your wedding day golden

We wish you love and peace

Soul forever young!

You all become whiter

But age makes a man!

A huge anniversary is coming:

You have been married for half a century!

Forget about cheating pharmacies,

In lovemaking, become angrier:

Not half after all, but a century

From the wedding - the date is rounder!

Live for many more years

(Our bow before you!)

Bringing comfort, peace and light

Through time and generations!!!

Five decades, half a century

Everywhere together, everywhere near

Two wonderful people.

And a well-deserved reward

For love, patience,

For family long term

To be together without a doubt

Destined by fate!

There will be more anniversaries

Let the couple have "golden"!

Sometimes it's hard to get gold

And don't measure the value of long years in money!

Everyone wants a Golden Wedding

I wish you to open the door to the world of happiness!

And let your children help you with this!

The family is big - you are its creators!

And be together for many years!

And if there are grievances - forgive everything!

Shine of gold in the declining years

Our gaze is not very occupied,

And loses the price

The ringing of bright gold coins!

Over the years, obviously becoming smarter,

We appreciate a different kind of gold:

Family life anniversary -

This is the golden date!

Joyfully, sincerely and very cordially

We congratulate you on your anniversary!

May love be tender and eternal

After all, she became precious gold!

You did not change the gold of love for coppers,

Walked a long road holding hands

And for so many years they are not tired of life,

Your children and grandchildren are happy and healthy!

What can you wish for this couple?

Together to win both rain and blizzard!

We all dream of love

And we dream of languid nights

To live your years

With warmth and caress behind the shoulders.

You got it all

You found happiness in each other!

I wish it last forever

Your love story!

May your golden wedding

Hearts will be wrapped in warmth!

And let only with good news

Fate is looking into the house!

Golden wedding -

Great anniversary

In love, health, happiness,

Live many days!

Sometimes life shook

But it doesn't matter!

Faith in each other

Saved all the years!

Live, prosper

Keeping your love

You always smile

And please me!

We can't hide feelings or high words,

Let them shine gently, like a light,

The most cherished lines -

To you, mother and father!

Ringing severely, many-stringed

In an ingot of happiness, grief and anxiety,

Between a wedding, golden and young,

Your joint path is not easy.

We are for our paternal strong family!

And about your golden wedding

Let all the people hear today!

Under the shining arch of smiles,

Under the shackles of gentle embrace

This world is so devastatingly unsteady,

From love to mutual curses.

He is dangerous with his temptation,

Reveals all his secrets.

And today with my congratulations

We wish you eternal love!

Golden wedding - a big day,

Tears suddenly welled up in my eyes.

There is no picture more beautiful than a husband and wife

With silver threads in your hair!

Mom and dad for half a century together!

Your house has always been open, hospitable!

You are a shining example of kindness and love!

Keep your wonderful feelings!

Let the sunshine always be bright

Health to you, strength and love for many years!

We are grateful to you, we are proud of you!

Good luck, joy, happiness, spring!

You lived together for half a century,

Always in harmony and love

Let them sing songs to you for up to a hundred years

Crazy nightingales in spring!

And on this day, warmed by the warmth of friends,

We wish you all earthly blessings!

And, of course, many summers!

Let your family flag fly proudly!

Yes ... the years do not even run - they fly!

How long has it been since the groom gave flowers to the bride?

And now it's not twenty - fifty

Godkov one family live together!

We wish you no frills

To share another hundred years salt, honey and a bed,

And so that grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children

Love and life combined too!

We are all gathered today

To admire you!

For a couple that's in love all their lives

We've come to enjoy!

Hand in hand together

Half a century how are you going!

And all eyes are on fire

And happiness, so that without an end!

In health, in joy you live!

Ah, the golden wedding!

Along the paths of the native land,

Cities and villages

Many decades have passed

These two are together!

Everything was in fate

But love shines

The Lord answered the prayer

Adding strength!

Dear, happiness to you,

peace and health,

To make your life a temple

He gave everyone love!

I can not believe that together - fifty,

Like it or not, but it's half a century!

I wish you happiness for many years in a row,

And each other eternal success!

Stay healthy always together

Help each other in all matters,

Good luck for many years!

Do not know both joys and sorrows!

Golden years spent together

And now you are again - the bride and groom!

And around all the children, great-grandchildren and grandchildren,

Yes, with such a team you will not die of boredom!

We congratulate you on a golden wedding,

And we wish you a lot of happiness, just like now!

May you always be healthy and cheerful,

Let grief and trouble not knock on you!

You made a vow to each other

Live together in peace and harmony!

And fifty wonderful years

Your joint hearth does not go out!

He prepares food for you:

From caloric to spiritual.

I wish the hearth of love

Burned forever and did not go out!

So that you are always warm

There were firewood in reserve,

And no matter how many years pass

By the hearth you were warming together!

Everything is clear here.

I'm for my dear friend

I'll take the clip out of my ear,

To with a gold clip

Remembered me alone

Our wedding is golden

It will rightfully become golden

So that I always remember -

This clip is gold!

Dates like this don't happen often.

But since it's time to meet this day,

We sincerely wish you a lot of happiness,

And with him - health, vivacity, kindness!

So be henceforth kept by fate!

On your wedding day golden

We wish you love and happiness,

Yes, and souls - of course, young!

You are our happiness today -

In these anniversary days -

More fun, wiser and more beautiful

You are the only one in the world!

And, a short summary

(After all, envious people hang!):

You have become younger than all of us

At fifty years old!

Even your gray hair paints you ...

For gray hair today we drink to the bottom!

Half a century always walked together

And love helped you in everything.

Like a guiding star

Equal in big

And in the smallest.

Happy day

So happy

With such a wonderful date!

With rare and doubly beautiful

A real golden wedding!

You spent half a century together

On the steep roads of life,

Everyone shared: joy and sorrow,

Heat and cold, pain and spring smoke.

May for all the remaining years

Your cozy home will be warm!

Happiness to you

Love of high shoots,

Long life, sunny in everything!

All the best to you in life and health,

Wealth, peace and warmth!

A family warmed by love

Always reliable and strong!

So that your union is only a joy,

So that the children are near you,

To you, young people, we will simply say:

Live together, have a good time!

How much does it mean

This day is for you and me!

Sunny family holiday

Our golden wedding!

We are with you my love

One whole for a century!

Happy golden wedding, dear!

Golden my man!

Silence is golden, he thinks

Our talkative people.

But how to be silent when it comes,

Is the golden wedding walking?

And of course I won't shut up

Silver words ringing with passion:

Think how happy

Half a century of bright, warm feelings!

About this every person

Dream high with your soul!

Walk, golden wedding!

Half a century is just one of the milestones!

You live without crawling - flying,

We've been together for more than a decade.

No wonder they call that wedding golden!

She is a sunny dawn over the world!

Illuminating your children and grandchildren

Warmth and light, drinking life to the bottom,

You don't need another fate at all!

Let it repeat three times again - one!

Live without knowing troubles, without getting sick,

Love yourself and everyone dearly

Until the centenary wedding anniversary...

And there: more-more-more-more!

Precious years spent together

Turned into a golden, wonderful anniversary!

Remember how once, the groom promised the bride,

Love and respect, make life happier!

You are no longer just a couple, but a stable family,

We've been through a lot together, hand in hand, loving!

Your life is like a fairy tale

Long you, joint years!

Let the eyes shine with happiness

Meet more than one sunrise!

They flew like a flock of birds

Strings of fast-winged days!

You have a golden wedding today!

Anniversary of the highest standard!

And let them fade during this time

On the ring fingers 2 rings,

But only, not for a moment aged

Over the years, your souls and hearts!

Please accept our sincere congratulations!

Half a century you lived together!

And may heaven bless

It will rain down on you!

Congratulations today couple

With a golden brilliant wedding!

Appreciate the beauty of love

Together so much lived not in vain!

Learned to accept myself

With flaws and mood.

Together we managed to create so much

But it's not just luck!

We congratulate you today

From the heart, accept gifts!

May your marriage stay like this

Cheerful, bright and bright!

Half a century together is a real feat,

Role model and pride!

We wish that for the upcoming wedding

You had enough will for 75 years!

We also wish you happiness and patience,

Smiles, tenderness, mutual understanding,

Let inspiration come every day

And finally, wishes come true!

Fifty years is half a century

And such a path can go

Only two relatives!

But this is only the middle of the road!

Health to you and longevity

Today I wish for a reason

If you have lived half a century, -

Live together and up to a hundred!

We love you, honor and respect you,

Why don't we openly say

What we sincerely and ardently wish

Take a walk at the centenary wedding!

Survive to the golden wedding

The action is very difficult!

Mind may not be enough

And you've come all this way

And you didn't want to turn around.

All the thorns were able to pass

Find your love star.

We wish you to live in happiness,

Sincerely love each other!

May there be grandchildren and children

Support and reliable roof!

You have lived in the world for many years,

Don't get discouraged by problems.

You always loved each other

Everyone helped each other!

Forgiving small mistakes

And the nerves were very guarded.

Giving warm smiles

Love is such a wonderful gift!

For this trembling hope

Nobody gets too old!

Hearts turned golden

The soul sparkles with gold

May love never end

Let be Life is going leisurely!

Gold rings shine

Feelings play golden

May there be no barriers to happiness

Let the sun light the way!

Our golden words

Gold in the soul lie down!

Let there be rumors about you

That you know the secrets of happiness!

The golden years are with us somewhere

Not to be found, no lines, no minutes

Let our worries sink into oblivion

And worries will bypass our house!

I don't recognize you today

Maybe to love more

This wedding is ours, golden,

And it's time to stop the clock!

Only how, the universe does not know

She has no answer again.

Look into my eyes, dear

And then you will see the answer in them!

Illuminated the anniversary today dawn

Golden valleys of your lived years.

Where on the steep slopes happiness blooms magnificently,

And love for two weaves its web.

Let happiness intoxicate you with a fragrant aroma,

And in the golden nets we wish to swing!

The wedding with a woven plaid is now covering.

Even the thread has become golden in it for half a century!

We wish you an anniversary

More sunshine in the family!

And never get cold in winter

And think about love in a dream!

Don't forget your years

That they lived together and in love!

In any weather, rejoice

Cherish your feelings!

We want to think about the good

We wish you not to know about the bad!

And it gets better every year

Celebrate this holiday!

Today's wedding is pure gold

It shines brightly with a clear flame,

I congratulate you on the most beautiful date,

Health, love and happiness to you!

I wish your house only warmth,

So that you live in it for half a century,

So that love does not fade away, but blooms,

Showing the world a miracle of longevity!

So that your anniversary is not easy,

Everyone remembers your tenderness,

You lived to see the golden wedding,

Live even better, even more beautiful!

Years have flown by... Golden anniversary

He stood at the door as an unexpected guest.

So many years have already passed away,

Flew off without sadness, without anger ...

The two of you today! You are in the palm of your hand

Meet your holiday today!

You are together forever! You are night and day

Protect your relatives from bad weather!

Do not grow old to you all of the year in spite of!

You are a support for both children and grandchildren!

And may diseases be far from you,

Let your hands be tightly intertwined!

Golden wedding whiskey silvered

You are young at heart

Beautiful in wisdom!

Your children, grandchildren,

The whole family is big

This is your happiness

Golden joy!

gold you yourself

The highest standard!

So many years you go

You are one way!

Fifty years - neither more nor less

Your love lives on!

Reliability and fidelity, tenderness and glory -

That's why your feeling blossoms!

You do not swear, do not part,

Happy together every day!

You always keep your feelings

Heal your soul with feelings!

We congratulate you, wish you happiness,

We also wish you not to get sick.

And every time in any weather

Feelings to warm the heart of another!

Half a century with you we lived happily

We raised great kids in marriage!

Golden wedding - big anniversary!

We invite only true friends to our home!

These years are filled with joy,

And we love each other like little children!

Take these flowers from me

They only deserve your beauty!

We exchanged rings a long time ago

We are destined for many years of joy!

Luck is the only happiness given to us!

On the way of great love - a significant milestone,

They came to the golden wedding after walking half a century!

We wish you more happiness

Doubly good health

We wish you the simplest -

Live longer on earth!

Plenty of sunshine

Guests for festive table!

Let your life be warm

Love, joy, warmth!

Fifty years you lived together

However, each other has always valued!

I wish you health and happiness

My dears, I adore you!

They gave birth to beautiful good children,

And you valued your friends as well.

I still want to live a whole century,

Never grieve about the years of love!

Beautiful couple - it's about you!

Good luck and joy - a wish from us!

Quickly, beautifully half a century has passed,

There was everything in family life!

But your loyalty and your love,

Made your marriage stronger again and again!

We congratulate you on a wonderful date,

Live calmly and interestingly!

May your grandchildren and great-grandchildren respect you,

Caring, loving and understanding!

Tell your secret

How did you live so many years!

In the luxury of love and happiness,

Pushing away all bad weather.

Being together is the most important thing

There is nothing better!

This is the main wealth -

You can name now

genuine gold,

Happiness in hardship cast!

We have a solemn moment in the family,

After all, mom and dad are again the bride and groom!

Parents, please accept:

You are simply gods! So many years you've been together!

The wedding is called golden for a reason!

After all, this is a treasure, and there are no options!

And your fifty lived together

More expensive than gold and better than diamonds!

I wish my parents happiness

You've been together for 50 years!

With your true love

You said - there are no obstacles,

When two loving hearts

Unite into one!

We wish you to warm up in love,

To keep your heart warm!

Mom and dad, I hasten to congratulate

You, dear ones, have a wonderful day!

And congratulations soon deliver

On the holiday of love, that you are together, together!

Celebrate with the same sincerity

As we met in the past,

May everything be magical for you,

Tomorrow, today and just always!

And on your wedding anniversary I will say:

Be happy, my dear ones!

Meet your golden wedding

In joy, peace, kindness and love!

Mommy, daddy, you are my relatives!

You have a golden wedding today!

You have lived for fifty years in love.

And on this very bright, tender holiday!

I wish you a lot of good!

To keep understanding between you,

So that happiness is, so that a dream comes true!

You are our role model

Big love to you, my dears,

Live peacefully in marriage for another hundred years,

After all, you are already engaged forever!

You are our dear parents,

Accept congratulations from us!

Today you are so beautiful

As, however, every day and every hour!

Let fifty be a special number,

Let the good times come!

Happiness awaits you around the corner!

Father, my dear, beloved,

And my dear mother!

I congratulate you today!

I wish you happiness, good!

You are on your golden anniversary

Keep love and warmth!

So be happy, darlings!

Let everything in life be light!

Golden wedding came to you -

You've been together for fifty years!

All the same, grandfather needs a grandmother,

Like the bride in her time to the groom.

Already children, grandchildren have grown up for a long time.

And even great-grandchildren were born!

Today we drink sparkling wine,

May you be loved for decades!

Here is a couple! Together for so many years

You went through life holding hands!

You are wonderful! Light comes from you!

Your grandchildren want to look up to you!

Grandma is cute! Grandpa native!

Please accept congratulations!

You lived to see the golden wedding,

And this is truly admirable!

Golden wedding is celebrated

Our lovely grandma and grandpa!

We are glad to congratulate them today,

Their feelings are a reward and a victory!

Together they spent half a century,

Survived troubles and bad weather,

We wish them good health

Joy, good luck, a lot of happiness!

Grandmother and grandfather! You are young!

We are celebrating our golden wedding!

Let earthly sorrows not touch you,

May our care protect you!

You have worked all your life, you did not know laziness,

You tried to protect children from troubles.

We love you very much! We respect you

Because there are no better people in the world!

Never let health fail you

Thunderclouds fly by...

Let happiness find the paths to you more often!

May the road be light and easy!

Your golden wedding

What a joy for the grandchildren!

Congratulations to grandfather and grandmother

We wish you a long life!

We kiss you, dear ones,

You are our great friends,

We love visiting you.

With grandfather - to catch a fish,

Eat pies to your heart's content,

Every grandchild is always ready!

We love and miss you

We will not dare to offend you!

Grandparents, with a golden wedding!

We congratulate you - peace and kindness!

We wish you happiness and good health!

Let a tear roll from happiness!

You are the heads of the family, we cannot live without you!

We love, honor, remember you always!

May the angels and the earth itself protect you!

Happy holiday, dear ones, happiness and kindness!

Favorite Grandma and Grandpa

Their feelings, kindness, care

For life, a real victory!

You have walked together for half a century,

And you are not afraid of storms and bad weather,

Your hearts are full of love and light,

And we wish you only happiness!

Congratulations on your golden wedding!

May heaven keep your home and peace!

You are the best and dearest,

Grandpa and grandma are golden!

With your love we saw the light

And better than a couple not in the world!

Live happily ever after

Love each other tenderly and strongly!

With a golden wedding, dear grandfather!

Congratulations, dear, with all my heart!

You have been the head of the family for half a century!

Happiness and health! God bless you!

Let sadness not touch your kind eyes!

Smile, I ask, for me now!

Do not be sad, dear, live happily!

Grandma confess you're in love again!

Accept congratulations from your grandchildren,

We are happy to dizziness -

And today we will congratulate you,

Wishing you only good health!

After all, you deserve such happiness!

We only want the best for you

We love you very much - we want to say!

Anniversary of a woman with a grandfather wedding -

There is no kinder, warmer and whiter ...

You, too, old ones, would be called

At least for my centenary!

Do not rush to live - lie down,

Let's do what needs to be done.

You yourself will live to a hundred years

To the joy of our young grandchildren!

Look at great-grandchildren without getting sick,

And suddenly you will understand in a moment

golden jubilee weddings,

How you are in love to death with them!

You are our most beloved, dear

You are our grandparents golden!

There is no better couple in the world

You give love to us light!

And let the years fly like a moment

There is no better and kinder in the world than you!

Your love is always alive!

Golden wedding! This is class!

Grandma and Grandpa - cheers!

Young, slim, and next to you

With a squeal, the kids are growing up.

The knot of affairs, as before, is untouched,

And from restlessness - grace:

Feed all the granddaughters and grandchildren,

Give them a big start in life!

Master, walk, sing with us, grandfather ...

If during your lifetime you went to heaven,

There is no end to love and happiness!

Dear mother-in-law, dear father-in-law,

For fifty years you have been called a family.

So few examples of such beautiful

We wish you sincere, golden feelings!

Union your path shimmers with colors,

Let the cherished dream come true

And I'm grateful that you're just there,

And there is no need for greater happiness in life!

You have a golden wedding today,

And in life a comma is put again.

You just became family to me,

Father-in-law and mother-in-law, you justified this.

I am pleased to communicate with you,

And I shower you with red flowers!

You deserve our respect

Let's see you more often!

Fifty years you live together

May you live another 100 years in that place!

You are golden and my favorite,

Today is the anniversary of a special day for us!

Half a century ago we became a family

And I'm still sick of you!

I want to give you joy every day

Carry it on your hands, talk about love!

Our family is an example of bright love,

After all, we saved our feelings with you!

They gave us golden rings

So that you and I will never be sad.

I hasten to congratulate you, my husband,

And I want to talk about my love.

You are the strongest and bravest

And the most tender and beautiful.

Lived with you for fifty years

And we never really got bored.

Congratulations on your golden wedding

And I will hug you tightly and lovingly!

We sealed our union with gold,

And the strength of marriage bonds is so important to us,

Thank you for being with me, my husband

My friend, beloved, gentle, dear!

I want to confess my love to you

And every day I fly like a butterfly

To the light that gives feelings of warmth ...

Let's save it with you!

Golden wedding walks -

Amazing, no matter how you twist it!

After all, such love inspires,

Putting all troubles out of the way.

You inspire us by example

We wanted to equal you.

To be happier together

So that only love grows every hour!

Congratulations, we wish you success

In every case, and do not know grief.

And of course all anniversaries

It's good to celebrate every year!

You've been together for fifty years

Your house is always filled with warmth,

Mother-in-law and father-in-law, you are a role model,

Sincere feelings, respect, attention!

Fall in love every day

Stay as happy

Strength to you, good luck and dreams of fulfillment,

Sea joy, goodness, pleasure!

Fifty years of your marriage -

This is not a joke, but a big holiday!

Together you lived for eternity,

How satisfied you are with your fate!

There were sometimes disagreements in love,

But you are not afraid of them in life.

You knew so much wonderful happiness!

How we envy this!

A strong couple is a huge rarity.

We wish you good health.

Don't be sad and don't be sad

The best is yet to come!

Golden anniversary in your life today -

Congratulations on your solemn day!

Sincerely wish you health,

Many joyful days and good luck in everything!

You lived half a century in harmony, understanding,

Protected your union day after day,

Not sparing care, love, understanding,

We could become a support for each other in everything!

We wish you to live in prosperity always

And many more bright holidays to meet

Let the days and years be filled with happiness,

To celebrate the centenary of the wedding together!

50 is not just a date.

It's a whole anniversary!

Were young once

And today - all the wiser!

Your golden wedding

Great example

How to build a life where the piles are

This is happiness without chimeras!

May children, grandchildren love you,

And good friends

They will not let you sour out of boredom.

With fifty of you, family!

Until the cherished number "fifty"

The two of you made it confidently and honestly!

You have become an example for grandchildren

And it is appropriate to be proud of you here!

On the road slowly and surely.

'Cause you have so much ahead of you

And gifts are being prepared for the Universe!

For half a century you have been husband and wife,

You have only one way of life!

Thank you dear son-in-law

That daughter is happy next to you!

That they raised children, built a house,

For the fact that you are comfortable together,

May heaven keep your family

For your love honor and praise!

Fifty years for a son you are a wife!

Everything is also loved, desired, needed.

My daughter-in-law, thank you, dear,

That you love and respect your son.

I'm proud of you and your children!

Let there be more happy families

That they love so sincerely, strongly and tenderly,

They always live in peace, easily, serenely!

May none of you break that oath,

What wedding rings remember two rings,

Let your souls become inseparable

And happy hearts beat in harmony!

May your days be blessed

To build happiness firmly, and not “steal”,

And thoughts are pure and frank:

Get together - forever, and love - so relish!

Welcoming bonds of heart,

Find a shorter and more weighty words:

"Parental blessing to you

For life for all - advice to you and love!

Golden wedding day


And we wish you well

Health and love!

May happiness and peace

Do not leave your house!

Here are the grandchildren growing up -

You are alive in the descendants!

And the years gone by

Take a good look:

Indeed, in joy and sorrow -

You were always there!

Walking so boldly into the distance

Beyond the Millennium

With hope and perseverance

Live to a century!

Half a century you are together

Half your life you are near!

Bride and groom -

Just like it should!

you again, as before,

Beautiful and young!

We congratulate you!

Your marriage is amazing!

Let life without bad weather

Full of light!

We wish you happiness

And eternal summer!

Flipping through the pages of your life

You are reading the best of books!

The head is called - Golden Wedding,

It is about you, two golden people!

The most serious anniversary today -

50 years together, inseparable.

You are an example for grandchildren and children in everything,

Always and everything is safe for you!

Every day we wish you to be friends,

Let all troubles bypass you,

Live together and love stronger every day,

No wonder you are always cited as an example!

We can't be at your wedding

But congratulations!

On your golden wedding day

We wish the couple a young

Live without regrets and troubles

And rarely hear the word "no"!

Let children and grandchildren help

And they never disappoint!

You still live half a century,

Like two people in love.

Drain your glasses for us

And shout "bitterly" three times!

Shines pure gold

Your true love!

wedding, golden wedding,

A scattering of happiness and flowers!

50 years hand in hand

You have walked through life.

All that was meant in fate

Favorably accepted.

May today be fully

Grace is coming to you!

King and queen

You have quite succeeded!

It's often hard to remember

What happened half a century ago.

But we do not need to strain the memory,

Today is your fiftieth birthday!

And that means that a long, long time ago,

We had fun at a happy wedding,

But you guys are the same.

Cheerful and friendly couple beautiful!

I remember well that beautiful day

Connecting loving people

And now I raise my glass for happiness,

And your grand golden anniversary!

This golden wedding

Warmed by the warmth of the soul,

And love and attention

And everlasting understanding!

You have no patience,

To you for that - praise and honor!

You, relatives, do not get sick,

And stay healthy all the time!

God will always keep you on the path

The heart will be like a magnet

What attracts happiness

Drives away bad weather!

Drop by drop the years go by

People fly like fluff.

Fish are not caught here without difficulty,

The stove does not move by itself.

Only love and only work

Gold is mined here

Where with kisses, where with a fist,

Where hydraulic hammer.

You draw a circle for half a century

As in parallel movement.

I want to express standing and out loud

An honest tribute!

Your wedding is golden

I'm jealous guys.

Anniversaries are not easy.

What a wonderful date!

I wish you love

Gently, devotedly to each other,

Worship every day

Despite the rain and blizzard!

Your home is warm

And the health of organisms,

For joy to bloom

And I didn't know about cynicism!

Today is a golden wedding!

The march of love is playing for you

50 lived together!

And love will still come

So that you are proud of yourself!

With a bright golden wedding!

Golden wedding: days, weeks, years,

All worries are together, side by side, on an equal footing.

How many rocks to choose

To become sweet again "Bitter!" in this day!

There is no more wonderful celebration in life:

Congratulations again, rings and veil.

Let the groom not a boy, older young, -

The thirst for happiness is the same, and love is still the same.

Happiness to you, health and love - advice,

All relatives of wealth, so full - full!

With a golden radiance, the heart is warmed again!

But for some reason, the wine is so bitter!

We've traveled the hard way together

Faith, truth and patience,

It just squeezes the chest

This true love manifestation.

The Golden Jubilee 50

Let your eyes grow old

But they still burn with delight,

And in the soul nightingale trills.

Happiness and health luggage

On this day, children wish you

Let the entourage of love not fade.

The sun gently shines in life!

Fifty years later

you got married

Dissolve into each other

Don't be afraid!

And ordered today

A restaurant for you!

Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren,

All in place!

Congratulations please

And a flurry of gifts!

Live long!

This is not the final!

Into one fate-road reduced

Half a century of life, where you are together and side by side.

Not only you - husband and wife,

And mom and dad, grandpa and grandma!

And the earth will not have enough gold,

To appreciate all your assets:

The love that carried through the years

And the tree of life is a new creation.

So let your golden anniversary

Fate will present priceless gifts:

Strength, vigor, health for a hundred years,

And endless moments of happiness!

Today is the most tender, important holiday -

Today your union is fifty!

Today is your golden wedding.

How fast the years fly by!

Grandpa, my grandma,

I am golden with this anniversary

I hasten to congratulate you and understand:

Forever you are married to fate!

Still of course you, relatives, happiness!

So that trouble does not touch you at all,

So that all bad weather remains in the past,

So that you are always together!

Fifty years grandma and grandpa celebrate!

They live soul to soul and help others!

Live in love, kindness and understanding,

In motion, respect, creation!

Let your union be an example for everyone,

To love, to give kindness and to be needed is necessary!

All this is holy, unshakable!

Envy is a bad helper,

But on today's anniversary

Your wedding is golden

I envy without regret.

Tears are not needed in life

But I cry only from happiness!

Be in love too

Let bad weather pass you by.

Let the family hearth burn,

And his fire does not go out!

Your couple's anniversary

I wish only happiness!

Golden wedding suits!

And, years, carefully leafing through,

Do you remember what happened

That illuminated and attracted.

And it doesn't bother you at all

Snow gray hairs and a flock of grandchildren.

And the old feeling caresses

And again, the soul is light.

God bless you!

Save, cherish.

And that distant alley

And youth, which is even sweeter

Through the past years.

Let it be a song

And consolation

And the best reward

In which your life is true

May she be forever young!

Golden wedding - very touching,

Great-grandchildren and grandchildren, sons and daughters,

Together for half a century they lived for glory,

You look great, very youthful!

I wish you, newlyweds, happiness,

And I'll be honest - I love you

I respect and appreciate immensely,

For me, you will always be an example!

I wish wisdom and love to last,

Pray to God for your health

May he bless you to live up to a hundred years,

Happiness is only knowing and not knowing troubles!

With pride you reached this event,

Love, like a jewel, you carefully conveyed,

Huge happiness in marriage is a consequence,

You were able to create a worthy family!

Let your eyes shine like gold

And all the days to come will be filled with joy,

And may each day be better than yesterday,

Everyone should be equal to the covenant of your love!

This is a wedding, so much a wedding,

All our weddings standard!

And how I want to scream in front of everyone,

How proud I am of you, inspired by you!

You have lived together for 50 years!

And everyone knew: both joy and sadness,

We shared trouble and happiness for two,

And now you do not feel sorry for the years gone by!

They have passed, but much awaits in the future,

A new day will come, where again you are together!

Let the reality of a blooming paradise turn around,

And today we will pour you a sparkling wine!

We will stand in front of the guests,

We will meet them together with you,

After all, they did not part with each other

We are golden before the wedding.

We have seen a lot

Rain and sun like everyone else

Everything happened in life

Somewhere tears, somewhere laughter.

I will tell the guests a secret,

How to live better than us:

How many quarreled with you

So many reconciled times!

Covered with gilding of the jubilee

All fifty years of marriage.

And we don't regret a bit

That in youth a wedge of white light

Matched so well with each other

For you and me, my love!

That all my friends, your girlfriends

We were congratulated, joy is not melting.

At the festive table for a few

Today we can collect from them.

But the departed will pray before God,

To send down his grace to us!

Those who came, congratulating together,

Brighten up this day in a festive way!

After all, we are celebrating today

Fiftieth Anniversary!

This wedding is not easy.

And shining gold!

Fifty kopeck flew smoothly

The years have passed - and it's glorious!

And today I congratulate you

Glorify the date with toasts

The whole family will gather

The floor will probably rub off.

And friends won't forget

For a long time they will glorify the date!

Your glorious patience

And love to keep the ability!

And wish you much happiness

So as not to be touched by bad weather

For you to be happy

And don't forget about the wedding!

Who has a holiday today?

Whose eyes are on fire?

These are our young

Congratulations are accepted!

Embraced with bright joy

Our couple is young!

After all, they have not just a date,

This is a golden wedding!

This holiday is the most important

For you and your loved ones!

Congratulations on a glorious date!

Well done! Bow to you low!

You have been together for half a century -

It's a miracle, and nothing more!

You have another two hundred years to live!

Happy golden wedding! Bitterly!

Today is the day to change rings

And gold shines with newness!

Don't hide your faces, the sun will shine on them

And at night the young month will dance.

Half a century nearby, let wrinkles come,

They are witnesses of great love!

Are you crying? - No no! Mote in the eye.

Can't believe they've gone through this!

We wish you a golden wedding

Sorrows, troubles have taken away from you!

After all, the alphabet of fate is quite simple -

Live for each other and love always!

Praise to the years, thanks to fate

For five decades of glorious years!

For what you were able to experience

Days of grief and victory.

Praise be to noble gray hair,

Crowning your anniversary.

Family and friends - everyone today

Gathered at the table guests.

Love hot campfire.

For kindness, for patience

You deserve this holiday!

And your "golden" birthday

We are celebrating for the first time!

We wish the groom, the bride:

Live - do not grieve and do not get sick,

To still meet you together

At least... twice fifty!

Fifty years is a very long date.

You've been together all your life.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts today

So that every day was like a new surprise.

You do not swear and do not scandal,

Live together for a long time.

And accept your shortcomings -

There is nothing scary about them anymore.

And be happy for a hundred years

This is such a rarity now!

And celebrate your holiday in a year,

So that we congratulate you together!

Let beautiful toasts today

And words of congratulations sound.

It's very hard to be happy

But you are happy for 50 years!

You are bound by magic threads

And you have become a beautiful couple.

And now congratulations,

Once the wedding day came golden.

Two beautiful, dear people,

The mouth repeats to you all day long:

You have only lived half a century,

Live now to a hundred years!

Two people devoted to each other

You have traveled a difficult path through life.

You have done a lot in half a century

And now we have reached the golden wedding.

Sometimes life led you stubbornly uphill,

Well, sometimes it “rocked” you a little.

You were each other's support in everything

And they walked hand in hand through life.

Of course, life is not a smooth alley,

But you managed to get around the hills.

We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

The bird of happiness brought

Good news to your house,

What is the time to do

Golden wedding.

Half a century has passed

You are near in life

But you remained true

Feelings like awards!

Your fire of love is not extinguished

Even in misfortune

Because in your family

Happiness settled.

You sometimes love could

Replace the taste of bread -

And saved me from hunger

It's like he wasn't.

Gave me more strength

Survive adversity.

And the hearth of the family did not freeze

And in bad years.

On the path of great love -

Significant milestone.

They came to the golden wedding,

Walking half a century!

Your hands are golden

Heart made of gold

Golden children, grandchildren,

Your golden date.

Adversity did not break you,

All endured, all demolished,

And love through the years

You carried each other.

We heartily congratulate you

With this wedding golden.

May your marriage last forever

The soul will be young!

Half a century you are hand in hand

Looking into the distance is directed to accomplishments.

Walk lightly through life

Forget about fear and doubt.

So honor and love children, grandchildren,

Minutes of meetings are more important than separation.

Together at the table today

They will raise it loudly, the clink of glasses.

And gold will fill the house

Nice fanfare music.

Spin in the dance, as then

During the first date

Retreat away, away from the year,

Love is stronger than the universe!

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