The hawk is the fastest bird. The peregrine falcon is a cunning and dangerous predator. place. Black swift

Today, many people keep exotic animals at home, so it is becoming commonplace to breed not only fish, but also domestic newts in an aquarium. Being representatives of amphibians, newts live on land and in water, which means that they need to create special conditions for maintenance and care.

Being representatives of amphibians, newts live on land and in water.

Description and aquarium species

Despite the fact that newts are common in many parts of the world, it is quite difficult to see them in the natural environment, since they are nocturnal. These animals can have different colors depending on the species. The length of their body is from 7 to 30 cm, with half of the entire length falling on the tail. Between the toes on the paws there are membranes that allow the newt to move easily in the water.

During spawning, females change color, becoming brighter. Males of some species develop a spectacular dorsal crest that runs from head to tail.

These amphibians have a keen sense of smell, but their eyesight is rather poor - they only see moving objects. Their body temperature is 10-15 °C. Sexual maturity is reached by 3 years. Life expectancy at home with proper care - up to 20 years.

The length of the body of newts is from 7 to 30 cm, with half of the entire length falling on the tail.

The aquariums contain more than 10 species of animals. The most common of them are:

  • ordinary;
  • comb;
  • needle (ribbed);
  • red-bellied.

The common species, as a rule, grows up to 9-11 cm. It has a beautiful color: the back is brown-green with yellow spots, the abdomen is yellow, there are dark longitudinal lines on the head. The skin is smooth. Males have a dorsal ridge.

Comb varieties of amphibians have a dark brown or black back and an orange belly. The color of males is brighter than that of females. They grow in length up to 18 cm. During spawning, males have 2 crests each - on the back and tail. Keep this species at home with extreme caution, since crested newts can secrete a poisonous substance in their skin glands for self-defense.

During spawning, female newts change color, becoming brighter.

Spiny or ribbed got its name because of the tips of the ribs sticking out on the sides of the abdomen. While the amphibian is calm, these ribs are hidden in the skin bumps, but as soon as she gets excited, the protective mechanism works, and the ribs turn into real needles. This species reaches a length of 30 cm. The back of the animal is dark green in color with dark spots, and the abdomen is light yellow.

The red-bellied is one of the smallest newts. Caring for him is quite simple, since the red-bellied is unpretentious to the temperature regime and water hardness. It has an ashen or black back and an orange or red belly with dark speckles.

Content Features

The required volume of water for one individual is 15 liters. If the aquarium will be shared by several pets at once, the required volume must be calculated with a margin, since these amphibians love space. The water in the aquarium should correspond to a hardness of 10-12 dGH, acidity not higher than 8 ph and a temperature of 21-22 °C. Overheating should be avoided in summer. You can use ice cubes for this. To maintain cleanliness, a quarter of the volume of water in the tank should be replaced once a week.

The required volume of water for one individual of newts is at least 15 liters

To breed newts, live algae should be placed in the aquarium. In them, females can lay eggs. In addition, living plants will provide the necessary shade. In order for the algae to receive a sufficient amount of light, it is necessary to arrange artificial lighting. Since it is very important for amphibians that the water does not overheat, only ultraviolet or fluorescent lamps can be used as light sources.

You can lay soil on the bottom of the aquarium. But care should be taken that it is large enough, otherwise the newt may swallow it. In addition, the pebbles should be smooth and rounded. A mandatory attribute that you need to take care of in advance is a lid on the aquariumso that the pet cannot get out.

It should be borne in mind that newts may have a dormant period. It starts in late October - early November and lasts about two weeks. The amphibian finds a suitable place for itself and remains inactive all the time of its wintering. During this period, the water temperature in the aquarium should be reduced to +15 °C.

Food and diet

The newt belongs to predators and in its natural environment it eats almost everything that moves. This determines how to feed the newt in the aquarium. The basis of his menu should be protein. Suitable tadpoles, shrimp, small fish, worms, bloodworms, tubules, slugs.

If there is no live food, you can offer your pet frozen bloodworms, minced fish, dry food for amphibians. But if newts eat live food on their own, then they need to be given another with tweezers, moving it quickly, since many types of newts react only to movement.

The diet of amphibians should be varied. Suitable for them is a special food for amphibians, enriched with vitamins and minerals. Young individuals should be fed 1 time per day, older ones - 1 time in 2 days. Once a month, it is desirable to arrange for newts 3-4 unloading days without food at all.

If other inhabitants live in the aquarium besides newts, they should be fed separately (at different times).

Possible neighborhood

Newts can be kept alone or in small groups of the same species. But the rule should be observed - there should be 2-3 females per male, otherwise the males may conflict with each other. You can also keep other peaceful pets with newts, but they should all be about the same size.

  • different conditions of detention (temperature and volume of water);
  • general diseases;
  • small fish can be perceived by newts as food;
  • large predatory fish can harm amphibians;
  • some species of newts can release toxic substances.

And yet, if you wish, you can keep amphibians along with small unpretentious fish (guppies, corridors, neons, platies). Also, other inhabitants can be placed in the aquarium - large snails, hymenochirus frogs, cherry shrimp.

Breeding rules

As a rule, the reproduction of newts occurs without difficulty. The spawning period occurs most often in the spring. During this period, you need to lower the water temperature to + 6-18 ° C. A pregnant female should be transferred to a separate aquarium, where she will lay her eggs in clusters on algae leaves.

The larvae will hatch in 20-30 days. In the aquarium where they are, there should be a lot of living plants that create shade. Keep the water temperature at +18 °C. After about 3 months, the cubs will begin to look like adults.

The size of adult newts can reach from 10 to 20 cm in length. The spindle-shaped body is connected to a rather large flat head through a short neck and ends with a tail that is laterally compressed and equal in length to the body. The four limbs are well developed and have the same length. There are 3-4 fingers on the front ones, and up to 5 on the back ones. Tritons swim well and run briskly along the bottom of the reservoir under the water column, but on land they are rather clumsy.

Newt breathing occurs as follows: larvae receive oxygen with the help of gills, and adults breathe through the skin and lungs, into which they transform newt gills. The amphibian has a special leathery trim on the tail, with the help of which oxygen is extracted from the water. If the newts move to an almost complete terrestrial lifestyle, it will atrophy.

The skin of the newt, covering the body of the animal, can be either bumpy or smooth; on the stomach, it is always without a pronounced relief. The color of the newt is affected not only by the species, but also by the habitat. The shape and size of the dorsal crest of the male newt that appears during the mating season depend on the same parameters.

The weak eyesight of newts is compensated by a good sense of smell: some individuals “recognize” by smell the location of their prey already 200-300 meters away. The conical teeth of the newt are in the sky in the form of two parallel rows, sometimes diverging at a slight angle, so this structure of the oral cavity allows the amphibian to capture and securely hold the prey.

Where does the newt live?

The area of ​​distribution of newts covers almost the entire globe, with the exception of Antarctica, Australia and Africa. Tritons live in North and South America, Europe and Asia, they are found even beyond the Arctic Circle.

The amphibian newt lives in places rich in vegetation. After leaving the reservoir, he waits out hot hours in shelter, which can be fallen tree bark, piles of stones, rotten stumps and abandoned holes of small rodents. In winter, the animal newt goes into hibernation (lasting almost 8 months), hiding in a secluded place: for example, under a pile of deadwood, buried in the ground or in fallen leaves.

What do newts eat?

The main food of newts are invertebrates. During the period of habitat in water bodies, these can be small crustaceans, larvae and mayflies. Newts eat slugs, earthworms, and larvae of various terrestrial insects when they land. Amphibians are active at night.

Triton breeding

With the onset of spring, the male and female newts return to the reservoir where they were born. After the male performs the mating dance, internal fertilization occurs. The male newt releases his spermatophores into the water, which the female newt picks up with her cloaca. Caviar is attached to underwater vegetation. After 20 days, newt larvae with gills appear. During the summer, they undergo metamorphoses, and by autumn, newts up to 4 cm long come ashore with well-formed lungs.

Types of newts, names and photos

Of the many types of newts, the following representatives can be distinguished:

  • (Lissotriton vulgaris)

is the most common type of these amphibians. The length of the body, together with the tail, does not exceed 11 cm. The newt's skin can be either smooth or covered with small pimples. The top of the head, back and tail are usually olive-brown in color, and dark spots are visible on the lower part, painted in yellowish tones. While living in water, common newts feed on mosquito larvae and small crustaceans. On land, the diet is based on insects and earthworms. The distribution area of ​​this species of newts includes the countries of Western, Central and Northern Europe and most of the territory of Russia. Inhabits forests with predominantly deciduous trees, parks and bushy ravines.

  • (Triturus cristatus)

can reach 18 cm in length. The coloration of the upper part of the tail and body is black or black-brown. Black spots are clearly visible on the orange abdomen. The crest that grows in male newts during the mating season has a jagged appearance. It lives, like an ordinary newt, in most European countries. However, it does not occur in the Pyrenees and the north of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In Russia, the distribution area reaches the south of the Sverdlovsk region. The habitat of this species is mixed and deciduous groves, as well as cultivated forest plantations.

  • (Ichthyosaura alpestris)

is the most beautiful representative of tailed amphibians. The smooth skin on the back of males is colored brown with a gray tint, on the sides and limbs there are dark blue spots of an abstract shape. The color of the abdomen is orange-red, the upper part of the tail is gray with a blue tint, and the lower one with an olive tint. The size of an adult individual can reach 13 cm. The Alpine newt is widespread in the mountainous and foothill regions of Greece, Spain, Italy and Denmark. Representatives of this species are not found on the territory of Russia.

  • (Triturus marmoratus)

It lives in Spain, France and Portugal, has a light green color with black spots of an indefinite shape, giving the skin a marbled texture. White spots are arranged in a chaotic manner on the black abdomen. A distinctive feature of females is a thin strip of orange or red, running along the body. The length of adult newts does not exceed 17 cm. Amphibians live near reservoirs with stagnant water or rivers with a calm and slow flow. The lifestyle is in many ways reminiscent of the common newt.

  • spiny newt(ribbed newt) (Pleurodeles waltl)

has a brown color with spots of an indefinite shape of orange-red color. The belly is yellow-brown with small black spots. A distinctive feature of this species is the absence of a dorsal crest in males during the mating season and the ribs protruding outward through holes in the skin and containing a poisonous substance. An adult individual can reach a length of 23 cm. Unlike most relatives, adult spiny newts are able to lead both terrestrial and aquatic lifestyles and feel great in natural and artificial reservoirs, as well as in wet ditches. The habitat includes Morocco, Spain and Portugal.

  • (Ommatotriton vittatus , synonym Triturus vittatus )

can reach a length of 14 cm. Distributed in Turkey, Iraq, the Krasnodar Territory, Abkhazia, Israel and Georgia. During the breeding season, the skin of males has a bright bronze-olive color with small black spots and silvery stripes along the body. The high serrated mating crest is located only on the back and does not pass to the tail. This species of newts lives in flowing reservoirs, mixed and deciduous forests. Its diet includes aquatic mollusks, insect larvae, worms and arachnids. It uses a long tongue to catch food.

  • Triton Karelina (Triturus karelinii)

has an average body length of 13 cm, but some species reach a size of 18 cm. For this reason, Karelina is considered the largest in the genus of newts. Body color brown or gray with dark spots. The belly and throat are yellow or orange with small black spots. It lives in forest and mountainous areas in Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Serbia, in the Crimea and on the Black Sea coast of Russia.

  • (Ussuri salamander) ( Onychodactylus fischeri)

this is a fairly large species of newts. The body length without a tail is 58-90 mm, the total length with the tail reaches 12.5-18.5 cm. The tail is usually longer than the body. It lives in mixed and coniferous forests in Korea, in the east of China, in the south of the Russian Far East. Usually lives in cold streams, where the water temperature does not exceed 10-12 degrees. Feeds on insects and mollusks. Basically, this species of newts is constantly in the water, as it does not tolerate drying of the skin. Tritons overwinter in groups in pits, cracks in the ground, or in the trunk of a half-decayed tree.

  • (Taricha granulosa)

has a length of 13 to 22 cm. The skin of these amphibians is granular, the back is brown or brown-black, the belly is yellow or orange. Some species have spots on the sides. It lives on the west coast of Canada and the USA. Like many other newts, the yellow-bellied newt secretes a strong poison - tetrodotoxin.

  • (Taricha torosa)

can reach a length of 20 cm. The color of the amphibian can be dark and light brown. This species of newts lives in the southwestern United States: in the Sierra Nevada mountains and on the California coast. This species of newts feeds on insects, worms, slugs, and small invertebrates.

When purchasing newts, the first thing to think about is where they will live. The ideal option is to purchase or make an aquaterrarium, or make an ideal dwelling for newts from an existing aquarium: construct land areas protruding above the water surface, small islands right in it. It can be the tops of snags sticking out of the water, some kind of embankments, stones, rafts. Land is not required for all types of newts, but it is better to do it. In any case, these amphibians come out of the water to take a breath of air.

On an aquarium, it is desirable to have a good tight-fitting lid, as newts can easily leave the home pond.

Compatibility of newts with fish

It is problematic to keep them with fish, since most of the aquarium fish are tropical and they live at a water temperature of +25℃ and higher, while for newts the upper limit is +22℃ (preferably a little lower). If you still intend to keep them with fish, then choose such medium-sized species as guppies, zebrafish, neons, cardinals. True, especially frisky amphibians can eat their medium-sized neighbors. Many aquarists keep amphibians with which they will not offend and will not crawl into their mouths.

Hobbyists often ask the question: "How to cool the water in an aquarium with newts when the temperature in the room is much higher than 22 ° C?" You can lower the water temperature by periodically placing ice bottles in the aquarium.

It is better to put the soil in the aquaterrarium rounded and rather large so that the newt cannot swallow it or get hurt by it. All decorations and shelters must also be without sharp edges. Live plants can be planted in the ground, or artificial ones can be used for decoration. Plants are highly desirable, as newts wrap their eggs in leaves when breeding.

The issue of lighting will be acute if the plants in the aquarium are alive, otherwise you can not put lamps at all. If you still need lamps, then put fluorescent ones, as they do not heat the water.

Newt feeding

Best of all, they eat live food: bloodworms, tubifex, earthworms, snails, small aquarium shrimps, snails. Also finely chopped pieces of beef liver, shrimp, squid are suitable for feeding. When keeping newts with fish, it is necessary to ensure that the fish do not overeat, as they have time to eat both their food and the “newt”. You can, however, put food with tweezers right under the amphibian's nose. By the way, newts see only moving food, they find another with the help of smell. They feed small individuals a couple of times a day, adults - every other day.

These amphibians reach sexual maturity in the third year of life.

At the end of the mating season, newts molt several times. They rub their faces against rocks or shells, and when the skin breaks, they grab their tail and pull it off completely. Tritons eat their own skin.

Types of newts

Cynops orientalis Chinese red-bellied body length up to 9 cm

Cynops pyrrhogaster fire-bellied body length 9-12 cm

Notophthalmus viridescens East American up to 12 cm

Neurergus kaiseri Iranian length up to 18 cm

Pachytriton labiatus short-legged red-bellied length up to 19 cm

Paramesotriton chinensis warty Chinese length 14-16 cm

Pleurodeles waltl spiny or Spanish length up to 20 cm

Triton cristatus comb length up to 18 cm

Triturus vulgaris ordinary length up to 9 cm

Tylototriton verrucosus crocodile length up to 17 cm

Triturus vittatus Asia Minor length up to 17 cm

In the article, I will consider the conditions for keeping and breeding newts as pets. There are many breeds of pets, up to species protected by the Red Book.

I will list the features of the varieties: spiny, comb, East American, Iranian, warty, crocodile and Asia Minor. I will consider what other aquarium inhabitants it is compatible with, and with which it is better not to be neighbors. I will tell you how to properly breed and what to feed these animals.

Description of the aquarium newt

The name "Triton" has ancient Greek roots.

This name belonged to the sea deity of the Greek pantheon. From a biological point of view, amphibians with a tail from the salamander family are called newts.

The home newt is a small lizard, up to twenty centimeters long. Half of the body length is occupied by the tail. The limbs are well developed, have three to four fingers. Hind legs five. In the water element, they are excellent swimmers and runners, but in the air they become sharply clumsy.

The breathing of an animal depends on the stage of development. In the larval stage, oxygen enters through the gill slits. When growing up, instead of the gills, the pulmonary system is formed. The back is covered with bumps, while the stomach is flat. Coloration depends on the species, habitat and state of maturity.

Vision is weakened, but is fully compensated by a magnificent sense of smell. This predatory amphibian has cone-shaped teeth.

When choosing an animal for an aquarium, this should be taken into account. Small fish and fry can be eaten by them.

The habitats of the "sea deity" are the entire planet, except for icy areas. Wherever there is fresh water and plants, newts can be found.

Types for home content

In a calm state, the skin is with tubercles, a dark brown hue. On the sides are spots of red or orange. In these spots, in case of danger, “needles” appear. In fact, the needles are the protruding part of the ribs.

The belly is light green. The head is frog type, the legs are short. The tail is rounded, the crest is absent.

In food, the spiny newt is not picky

There are no distinguishing features between males and females. The size of a sexually mature individual reaches twenty-three centimeters. With the right maintenance and eating properly, the Spanish representative of the species can live up to twenty years.

Color brown-black, spotted. Sidewalls of a lighter shade, in small white dots. The belly is yellow or orange. The comb is interrupted. On the body and tail it differs in shape and height.

The height of the bodily scallop reaches one and a half centimeters. On the tail up to one centimeter. The body length of sexually mature males is up to eighteen centimeters, females - up to fifteen.

The dorsal crest is present only in sexually mature males. In the most expanded state, it happens only in case of danger. The females do not have a comb.

The color is green with a red or orange transition. On the back there are spots of red or orange color with a dark rim. In length grow from nine to twelve centimeters. The tail has a sharp shape.

In case of danger, a poisonous mucous substance is released on the surface of the skin.

One of the rare species of newt, available only at a high price from collectors.

The color is very unusual: anthracite-milky spots, a slight tint to orange on the paws. Individuals grow from ten to seventeen centimeters long.

In captivity, they require especially careful care. High mortality upon purchase due to a weakened state of health.

The physique is dense, large. They grow up to sixteen centimeters in length. Rows of tubercles along the ridge and on the sides. Brown in color with reddish or orange spots on the belly. There is a red stripe along the bottom of the tail.

Males are hardly distinguishable from females. Females have a sharper back, closer in shape to a cone.

A bright contrast in coloring attracts attention. The main body color is brown. Yellow-orange or reddish stripes along the ridge and along the sides of the head. On the sides of the same shade of the tubercle. The tail and paws are also bright in color. They reach twenty centimeters in length.

The outgrowths on the head resemble a crown. Thanks to them and the color of crocodile newts, they are called "imperial".

One of the rarest, protected by the "Red Book" and the most beautiful newts.

In length, this species reaches sixteen centimeters. The color is olive, with yellowish streaks and a white stripe along the sides. The high crest on the back is striped and the tail crest is spotted.

The tail crest is bilateral. The maximum height of such crests reaches five centimeters.

It is best to keep in an aquaterrarium. However, it is possible to transform a conventional aquarium.

  • Vital for newts is land area. It can be a mound of stones, a large plant or special decorations.
  • The volume of water in the aquarium should not be less than fifteen liters. Tritons need room to maneuver.
  • The soil in the aquarium should be larger than the animal can swallow it.
  • The aquarium must have plants. They are a refuge for amphibians, as well as a place to lay eggs.

The aquarium must be covered with a lid. Tritons at any time can go on a journey beyond the walls of the aquarium, resulting in inevitable injury and death of the animal.

Neighborhood with aquarium fish

Telescopes will also be ideal neighbors. They calmly side by side with each other. Because they follow different food chains.

Smaller fish species are more likely to be attacked by amphibians.

Aggressive large fish are also not the best match for newts. For example, they will actively conflict with amphibians.

What to feed your pet

Tritons are originally predatory animals, so the food for them must be appropriate. They eat various types of worms, tadpoles and slugs and make excellent diets. Nevertheless, newts will eat and calmly digest pieces of chicken meat, liver and defrosted fish.

Nowadays, there are many different ones that have long become pets, and modern people do not consider them something surprising. So the newt can often be found recently as an aquarium inhabitant, so let's consider what this amphibian is and discuss the rules for keeping and caring for it.

Description and photo

These amphibians are related to salamanders, they are also similar in habitats.

Surprisingly, it is quite difficult to meet them in nature, even almost unrealistic, since these amphibians are nocturnal inhabitants and are in the water almost all the time.

Did you know? The word "triton" is of Greek origin. He is associated with the ancient sea god, who was the son of Poseidon.

The population of these amphibians decreases more and more every year under natural conditions, so you won’t grow real aquatic newts at home, since it’s impossible to buy them, but aquarium species are very common and are freely available for purchase.

Consider what a newt looks like, which is kept at home.

The length of an ordinary amphibian is within 11 cm. Pets are loved due to their unusual appearance and beautiful color. A feature of female newts is that during spawning they change their color, become very bright, and in the male you can observe the crest, which is located on the back and is temporary.

Amphibians live with proper care up to 30 years.

aquarium species

Ten species of newts are common on the Eurasian continent, but only three species are distinguished for keeping at home:

  • alpine;
  • spiny;
  • comb.
The most prominent representative is considered alpine amphibian species. They have an olive color with a greenish tint, the belly is yellow and has many bright patches. The newt's head is strewn with longitudinal dark stripes.
Comb variety is medium in size and can reach 20 cm in length, the alpine variety does not grow more than 15 cm. Crested newts are brown or black in color, with orange patches on the belly. This species is poisonous, since the glands on the skin are able to secrete substances that have poisonous properties.
needle variety more popular for keeping in home aquaria. They have convex formations on the body that are similar to needles, which is why they are called needle-like. The belly of the amphibian has a yellowish tint, while the other parts are colored brown-green, which is diluted with small black blotches.
The spiny variety can injure a person if you inadvertently or too sharply squeeze the amphibian in your hands - the newt will release sharp needles hidden under the skin pocket. This amphibian is considered the largest domestic inhabitant, its length can reach 30 cm.

Did you know? Scientists note the amazing ability of newts to regenerate. For a long period, scientists have been haunted by the fact that the wounds that form on the body of a newt heal very quickly, the same applies to damage to the internal organs of an amphibian.

conditions in the aquarium

In order to keep amphibians at home in an aquarium, it is necessary to understand the appropriate conditions and try to provide the amphibian with everything necessary for its normal development and existence.

Dimensions and arrangement

In order for the newts not to feel a lack of free space, it is necessary to provide them with a sufficiently large, at least 15 liter aquarium per individual.
The aquarium must have a lid that closes, otherwise the animal will crawl away and may die. For filling the dwelling for amphibians, large and smooth stones, without sharp corners, are suitable so that they do not get hurt or accidentally swallow them.

A prerequisite for growing is the presence in the aquarium, since during spawning they will hide eggs in them. The main problem of the neighborhood of newts is that amphibians do not tolerate high temperatures, and algae need good lighting. In this case, your choice should take into account these factors, it is recommended to purchase a fluorescent ultraviolet lamp that will turn on for 12 hours.

A desirable, but optional condition for keeping a newt is an island where the amphibian can dry off and take a break from being constantly in the water. This may be a small raft, where the amphibian will arrange a resting place for itself and will feel on land.

Water Requirements

As mentioned above, these amphibians do not like high water temperatures, so amphibians should provide a habitat temperature of no higher than 21 degrees. An increase in temperature for amphibians will not only worsen the well-being of the newt, but can also provoke overheating.
In order for the animals to feel comfortable in the summer, it is necessary to cool the water by dropping bottles filled with ice into it.

Water quality is also of particular importance. It should be changed regularly every week. It is recommended to install that will monitor the quality of the water and help prevent the development of infectious diseases in animals.

To fill the aquarium, a suitable option would be to use ordinary settled water. Change the water should not be all at once, but gradually over a couple of approaches.

Is soil needed?

If you plan to place soil in the aquarium, or rather decorative elements that replace the soil, you must consider the size of the granules of this decor. If it is smaller than the head of a pet, then you should refrain from using such elements. It is worth choosing only large granular elements that the newt could not swallow with all its desire.

Important! During the absorption of food, the newt can accidentally eat the granules, which can provoke intestinal obstruction and the death of the amphibian.

What to feed pet newts

Consider how and what to feed the newt in the aquarium so that the animal receives all the necessary nutrients.

These amphibians give preference in food to live food. They feed on earthworms, bloodworms, tubifex, small worms, snails.

You can also use beef liver, cut into small pieces, squid and shrimp for feeding. An adult should have one meal every day, and young individuals should arrange feeding 2 times a day.

If someone else other than amphibians lives in the aquarium, then feeding should be done with tweezers, because they may not have enough food for fast voracious ones.
Newts are considered unpretentious in food and will eat everything you offer, even fish food, but due to the fact that their rhythm of life and conditions have changed in the aquarium, the maintenance of amphibians requires a more careful selection of the diet, which should contain a large amount of protein , therefore, it is absolutely impossible to neglect the recommendations for feeding an amphibian with live food.

Neighborhood rules

Triton is a fairly sociable amphibian, but let's talk about how to keep an amphibian along with fish, which must be foreseen and remembered.

If you plan to keep a newt in the company of fish, then you need to choose larger fish so that amphibians do not take them for food. It is also not recommended to start very large fish with an amphibian, as they can do harm. If the fish are too active and fast, then the amphibian will get tired of it very quickly, so take care in this case of shelters where the amphibian will rest from the company of fish.

The biggest difficulty in keeping this amphibian along with tropical fish species is that they have different comfortable temperatures. If the amphibian is good in cool water, then the fish prefer warmer water, from 22 degrees.
When you nevertheless decide to add fish to the newts, it is recommended to choose either fish of the carp family. If you grow them together from childhood, then soon they will get used to each other and get along normally.

Reproduction features

Newts can breed after 3 years, when full puberty occurs. If you decide to plant a male with a female, then you need to wait for the autumn period, winter and spring are also suitable.

In order for everything to go well, it is necessary to ensure the water temperature at 18 degrees during the spawning period. After fertilization has occurred, the female lays eggs on the back of the algae leaves. After 15 days, larvae will appear from the eggs, which are prone to independent existence.

Newts can eat the hatched larvae, so it is better to settle them in different aquariums. For larvae, a comfortable habitat temperature is 23 degrees.

Possible diseases

Amphibians are very sensitive to changes in habitat or conditions.

If you bought a new individual, then you can’t plant it in an aquarium with already adapted inhabitants, you should adhere to quarantine for a while.

Newts can be affected by a variety of diseases. They can be divided into intestinal, fungal and infectious diseases.

Infections that can also affect amphibians are more likely to present as "red leg" or sepsis. The development of this disease can occur under the influence of toxins or microbes that have entered the newt's blood. Dropsy- also not uncommon in the inhabitant of the aquarium. This nuisance occurs due to the fact that fluid accumulates in the body, this can be caused by an improper diet and conditions for keeping the newt.

Important! If you find any signs of the disease, you should immediately contact your veterinarian to examine the amphibian and treat it further.

Thus, it will not be difficult to keep such amphibians as a newt at home, the main thing is to take into account the recommendations for caring for amphibians and monitor their health.

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