Thank you for teaching us wisely. Words of gratitude to the teacher from the students, student, student. A poem about a physical education teacher

The memory of the fun school years warms and inspires us throughout our lives. We remember noisy classmates, fun activities, and the faces of our favorite teachers with special warmth and mixed feelings of joy and sadness. Many events and characters are erased from memory over time. But it is impossible to find a person who has forgotten the name of his first school teacher, the important foundations of goodness and justice, the first lessons of humanity received within the walls of his beloved educational institution.

At the graduation party, you need to set aside a little time to say beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher in verse. Beautiful and a little sad, and maybe even funny. The main thing is to pay a little attention to the first adviser, friend and mentor of the child.

Once again, teacher
You hear speech addressed to you,
That you need to worry less
That the heart should be protected.

That diseases will not pass by
When it suddenly gets tired,
That everything in the world is replaceable,
And your heart is one.

But your heart is like a bird
Strives for children here and there,
To hidden in the chest
The same beating hearts!

How fast kids grow up.
Having become stronger, in spite of all the winds,
Will leave, forever preserving
Your warm heart!

You are our first teacher for centuries,
And we will never forget you!
How anxiously they taught us to write,
Read, mushrooms and apples count.
Thank you for giving kindness with warmth,
That they found their own language and approach to us!
Days, weeks and years are flying inexorably,
We will never forget your work!

They opened the basics for us,
Invested in us invaluable work,
You were not afraid to take us at the very beginning,
Now we do not wish that we once met you!
You are our first beloved teacher,
We want to say for your work and for your diligence,
You have helped us a lot in life,
You did everything you could for us!
Now thank you for your attention
For kindness, patience, understanding,
Please accept our warm words
We will love you, respect you always!

Not just to express our respect to you,
For giving us teaching,
For not sparing attention to us,
They always gave us kindness and understanding.
It's hard for us to convey our love in words,
And tell us how proud we are of you!
You know that your efforts are not in vain,
We got love and education
You have found the best approach to us,
For this you honor and our low bow!

Today we receive our certificates,
We have become wiser, prettier and smarter.
We will walk more confidently with them,
For us, our school is kindred to everyone in the world!
We solved problems and equations,
Learned tables, poems by heart,
We wrote literate essays,
Today we feel a warm sadness.
The school gave us everything we need,
For this we would like to thank you!
She gave us science and friendship,
She taught me to humble myself, to believe, to love.
Thank you teachers and family
You have done so much for us.
For us, you are the most precious
We will love you endlessly!

What to say to the first teacher at graduation in prose

Step by step, day after day and year after year, the first teacher became a wise adviser for children, an invaluable assistant and a real discoverer of the distant world of school sciences. The mission of the teacher is more important than it seems at first glance. After all, it is not difficult to teach literacy and arithmetic, it is much more difficult to make responsible, thoughtful and purposeful people out of little fools. Do not be afraid of beautiful words, express gratitude to the first teacher in verse or in prose for his remarkable work and wide open heart.

Our beloved teacher! You devoted many days of your life to an amazing school family. All those who came to study with you were sincerely called their children. Every day, entering the classroom, you filled it with sunshine, love and care, and our days with dreams and discoveries, small successes and big victories. They helped us grow and respond not only to the lessons at the blackboard, but also to be responsible for our actions in life.

Our gratitude is immeasurable! After all, there is no measure of goodness, love and wisdom, which you bestowed on us.

Golden autumn will come again, you will again open the door to the wonderful world of knowledge in front of timid first-graders, and your spring will repeat again! May there be more joyful and happy days in your life, smart and talented students and less grief and sleepless nights. Thank you teacher!

Dear (name of teacher)! Thank you for being the very first person who taught us not to be afraid of life and to be self-confident. It is only thanks to you that we have become the people that our class teacher and the entire teaching staff of the school recognized us as. Your work is invaluable and noble. We wish you spiritual and spiritual youth, so that for many more years you will happily raise children and know that you do not live in vain! We remember and love you!

Our beloved (name of teacher)! We want to thank you so much for being able to spend a lot of your strength, your love and patience on our upbringing. We are grateful to you for teaching us to read, write and be good people. Without you it is difficult to imagine our path in this school. Know that you work and live not in vain. For us, you are the first school mother and a person whom we will respect for the rest of our lives!

Sincere words of gratitude from the students to the primary school teacher

Preparing for a graduation speech in 4th grade is not easy. Sincere words of gratitude from the students to the primary school teacher should come from the heart and convey real feelings. Drawing a line under a certain life stage, it’s not scary to seem overly sentimental, especially at such an emotional age. If you cannot compose sincere thanksgiving lines for the teacher on your own, you can simply continue the template phrases with your thoughts. The resulting text will be the best spiritual recognition.

  • I saw you for the first time when I was...
  • This meeting will forever be remembered ...
  • At the time, I expected...
  • But it turned out….
  • Thank you very much for…
  • Today I understand that...
  • I am sure you will always remember us, just as we remember you!

An example of a thank you speech for a primary school teacher from graduates

Time flies - you can't keep up with it,

This is how life on earth is designed.

And we have to part

No matter how it hurts in the soul.

We came to you as a child,

Haven't been able to do anything yet.

And today, we will reveal a secret to you,

We will achieve everything.

We are like your little owlets,

Learned everything with interest.

Now the guys have grown up,

But we press an owl to our chest ...

You gave us knowledge and affection,

I don't feel sorry for myself.

At the blackboard explained with a pointer

And they looked, loving so tenderly.

Our first steps in life

On whitish notebook sheets,

Where we put sticks, dots,

Impeccably listening to you.

You were always there

If suddenly there was a question.

And praised, scolded with a look,

As a virtuoso should be able to.

We also read books

Marking everything in diaries,

For you to know - girls, boys

Constantly in business now.

You have always helped the weak

Who is not very strong in studies.

So that 4 "A" class becomes equal,

Among all, he is the best.

Also, do you keep your work?

What did we do to you then

And then distribute the beauty

Through our school years.

We are for our calm childhood,

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

For caring and kind heart,

For the love that was given to us.

You created crafts with us -

Each time carefully, with soul.

We always rushed to you from recess,

Fascinated by such a kid ...

We will remember you all our years,

Come in or just call

Share with you happiness, adversity

Keep your names in my heart...

The best words of gratitude to the primary school teacher from parents

There are many many reasons for expressing gratitude to primary school teachers: Birthday, March 8, Teacher's Day. But the most important among them is graduation in the 4th grade. On this solemn day, parents should choose the most necessary words of gratitude for the first teacher of their children in order to emphasize his professional merits, a competent approach to each child, the ability to create a small miracle every day in the classroom walls of his native school.

The best words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents should not be too formal or overly pretentious. It is better to write a couple of sincere prose lines "on your own" or use ready-made ideas.

An example of real words of gratitude from parents to primary school teachers

Dear and wonderful teacher of our children, a wonderful and kind person, we sincerely thank you for helping our mischievous people take the first steps into the country of great knowledge and bright science, thank you for your patience and hard work. We wish you inexhaustible strength, strong nerves, excellent health, personal happiness and good, sincere respect and constant optimism of the soul.

Dear our first teacher, you are a faithful and kind mentor to our children, you are a wonderful and wonderful person, you are an excellent specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents, we want to thank you very much for never leaving any of the children alone with fear and doubt, thank you for your understanding and loyalty, thank you for your hard, but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish you always to achieve success in your work and happiness in life.

Our dear teacher! Thank you very much for the knowledge that you skillfully and talentedly pass on to our children, because primary school is the basis of all knowledge and further education of our children. We are very grateful to you for your care, kindness and faith in every child. Special thanks to you for your gentle nature, patience and wisdom. We wish you, our dear and beloved teacher, good health, professional growth and development, optimism and positive.

Cool words of gratitude from students of grade 9 to teachers at graduation

Graduation in the 9th grade is an important event for every student: both for diligent excellent students and for those who cannot be called shy quiet ones. And for some, it will even be the last school holiday in their lives. It is the graduates, sadly "sailing" into the new world of students, who should be given the opportunity to say cool words of gratitude from the 9th grade students to the teachers at the graduation. But even matured and emboldened children find it difficult to find the right phrases so as not to succumb to a storm of seething emotions. After all, parting is always a little depressing, even if new horizons are visible ahead.

What words to say to teachers at graduation in grade 9

Cool words of gratitude to the teacher at the graduation from the 9th grade students should take no longer than 3-5 minutes. Otherwise, the speech will be too long and lose all logic. You should not use an abundance of complex terminology, outdated words and jargon in the text. They are completely irrelevant in this case. Parting words of gratitude should not be dedicated to individual teachers, losing sight of all the others who have made an effort to develop and educate children. It is better to prepare a generalized speech about everyone at once.

Schematically, the structure of the thank you text at the 9th grade graduation for teachers may look like this:

  • Introduction;
  • The main part about the class teacher, specialized teachers and school staff;
  • Lyrical (or cool) conclusion with warm words of gratitude.

Unusual words of gratitude to teachers from parents for graduation grade 9

Parents of 9th grade graduates, reading their words of thanks to teachers, should not forget about the class teacher who replaced the second mother for their children, about the methodologists who make up the best programs for learning, about the director who manages the whole mechanism, about the school staff, who creates clean, well-fed and comfortable conditions for each student. Unusual words of gratitude to teachers from parents for graduation 9th grade should be pronounced clearly, quickly and emotionally. And during the speech, it is better to abandon violent gestures and too sad tone.

Examples of original gratitude from parents to teachers of grade 9 at graduation

Our dear children, dear teachers and guests! Today, on this joyful and at the same time sad day, I want to say a lot: to congratulate our high school students on the end of the 9th grade, for some this day will be the last day of school, others will continue their studies until the 11th grade; to say kind words to moms, dads, grandparents, for their hard parental work. And, of course, to express our deep gratitude to our teachers, who all these 9 years helped us raise our children, taught them, praised and scolded, endured their pranks and rejoiced at their successes.

Once, many years ago, I refused to become a teacher, afraid of this colossal responsibility for children's souls. Now I have my own children and I perfectly understand our teachers, each of whom, in addition to his family, also has a school family - his many students.

In conclusion, I would like to read Andrei Dementiev's poems dedicated to teachers. Perhaps these words will seem a bit harsh to you guys, but they make you think about our attitude to the teacher, to his hard work, listen to them, please:

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

They care about us and remember.

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

Waiting for our return and news.

They miss these infrequent meetings.

And no matter how many years have passed,

Teacher Happiness Happens

From our student victories.

And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:

On New Year's Eve we do not send them congratulations.

And in the bustle or simply out of laziness

We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.

They are waiting for us. They are watching us

And rejoice every time for those

Who again passed the exam somewhere

For courage, for honesty, for success.

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

May life be worthy of their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers.

The disciples bring glory to her.

Don't you dare forget the teachers!

Last words of gratitude from students of grade 11 to teachers at graduation

The final words of thanks from 11th grade graduates to their teachers do not have to be spoken or read from a paper postcard. Warm farewell congratulations and wishes can be sung by the whole class in a lyrical song, beaten in a beautiful scene, even danced in a luxurious waltz. A carefully selected and neatly decorated room (flash mob, video recording, slide show) will be an even greater revelation for the excited guests and the heroes of the occasion themselves. But even simple sincere last words of gratitude from 11th grade students to teachers at graduation will bring great pleasure.

Our dear and dear teachers, faithful mentors and our good companions, on our graduation we sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding, for your care and love. We wish you great success and undoubted good luck, brave work and sincere respect. We will always remember you and come to our school now as guests, and we wish you to remain here as indispensable people and wonderful teachers.

Dear and dear teachers, on our graduation party, farewell party with school life, we want to thank you for your love and understanding, sensitivity and help, good advice and true knowledge. We wish you to continue to successfully teach and teach children, diluting gray everyday life with cheerful and bright colors, interesting ideas and happy emotions.

How to choose words of gratitude to teachers from parents for graduation grade 11

It is really not easy to pick up words of gratitude to teachers from parents for graduation 11th grade. Surging emotions make it difficult to think calmly, think soberly and assess the situation. There is a lump in my throat, and tears in my eyes. In order to brighten up the graduation ball with a solemn speech, please the teachers present and leave a good impression of the graduating class, it is better to write words of gratitude in advance, distribute partially to several active parents and learn “by heart”!

A farewell gift in gratitude to teachers from parents and graduates of grade 11

As a parting gift, parents of 11th grade graduates can prepare a medley dance, act out a small play, or compose a thank-you letter to teachers. The latter option is the most popular and is valued by teachers above other gifts. After all, a beautifully designed letter will remain a memory for life about another released generation of good people.

Therefore, if you don’t know how to choose words of gratitude to teachers from parents for graduation grade 11, use our templates and arrange them in the form of a beautiful memorial letter.

Dear Elizabeth Petrovna!

Please accept my sincere gratitude for the education and upbringing of our children. Thanks to your pedagogical talent and sensitive attitude towards each of the students, our children received solid knowledge, were able to reveal their abilities and talents. I bow to you for your diligence, patience, readiness to provide all kinds of support.

We wish you the best of health, optimism, well-being and success in your difficult, but such an important matter!

parent team of class 11-A GBOU secondary school No. 791

Dear Olga Ivanovna!

Please accept my gratitude for your high professionalism, competence, pedagogical talent and devotion to your noble cause for many years. I express my sincere gratitude for your responsibility, kindness, enthusiasm and individual approach to each student.

I wish you good health, happiness and good luck in your business!

Words of gratitude to the teacher from students and parents are an essential attribute of the prom. They create a suitable atmosphere and give the celebration a special lyrical backdrop. And about what kind of words in poetry and prose to say to your first teacher or class teacher of grades 9 and 11, we have already described in detail in our article.

It is not surprising that the first teacher as a person who became one of the most significant personalities in the most difficult period of the life cycle of each person is remembered forever. It is he who contributes to the successful adaptation of the former preschooler in a frighteningly unknown school environment, helps to master many truths and, of course, teaches to read and count. The very fact that the words of gratitude to the first teacher are always sincere, sincere and filled with a slight sadness is objectively determined.

The child, reading poetry, involuntarily imbued with their meaning, and perhaps it is at this moment that he suddenly feels most acutely that another important step has been passed in his life, and the unknown awaits ahead again.

How hard it is to say goodbye to you
My first teacher!
Impossible to put into words
The sadness that I feel!

I will never forget
Your wise, kind look,
I will remember our lessons -
They can't be brought back.

A sincere understanding that it was the first teacher who taught invaluable life lessons makes it possible to thank her from the bottom of my heart.

You not only taught us how to write,
Solve serious problems.
You taught us to dream -
And that means more to life!

You loved every student
Found a special approach to us
You were often an older friend,
You went on a hike with us.

Gone are the beginning of school years
You fruitfully with us.
Thanks for the lessons, for the advice,
For the soul you gave!

Knowledge of school granite
Together we were able to master.
Gratitude keeps the heart
For helping us.

In the atmosphere of parting with a significant and dear person, all words of gratitude to the first teacher sound especially capacious and rich. No one pays attention to their literary perfection, the emotional coloring becomes dominant. Parents are also ready, holding back tears, to read verses and bow to the Teacher.

Who was given custody of the children?
Thank you now!
Who gave the soul to children
And paved the way to accomplishments.

Who opened the way to the unknown,
Who taught the basics of knowledge.
Who brought the essence of knowledge to children
And surrounded by care and attention.

We speak to the teacher first
Words of recognition and love.
We love you, we adore you
May your days be long.

Prose in Parents' Thank You Speech it may sound a bit with a pathetic note, but this is only from a sincere desire to express in words a sea of ​​​​emotions and experiences.

Today, in the presence of your colleagues, children and parents, I sincerely and openly want to express respect for your kindness, wise and competent education of our children. Words are powerless to convey gratitude for your experiences with childhood failures and constant help and support to them, students whom we entrusted to the best teacher in the world. For great work, for professionalism, diligence and sincerity, our low parental bow, to you - Teacher!

An excellent finale will sound a variant of congratulations - integration, when one child pronounces the beginning of a poetic line, and the ending sounds in chorus. Parents and the whole room can join. Then the thunderous "thank you!" will become unforgettable. It will sound like another result in the difficult and noble cause of educating children for the first teacher who sends his students away with good parting words and sincere love.

Accept from a first grader
You are gratitude, my teacher!
My very first, most important,
You are wise, kind and brave,
Thank you for your understanding,
I'll do my best
And I will study well
So that you can be proud of me!


Even though I'm in first grade
But now I can say:
You are the best teacher
And they can't be found
thank you today
For your care and your work,
I wish you health
Many happy moments!


So my first academic year has flown by, and I want to say “thank you very much” to my wonderful teacher, who will always support you under everything, give good advice, teach you everything and cheer you up when you are sad. Thank you for your strength and efforts, I wish you rays of goodness and happiness, great success and perfect health.


Dear teacher, thank you very much for helping the first grade to immediately understand what is what, thank you for your interest in each lesson and capture on each page. Let every day give you a ray of happiness and good luck, smiles of loved ones and children.


Myself I'm a first grader
I proudly call
At school, the first letters
And I study numbers.

Mom praised
What began to write beautifully,
For this you, teacher,
Thank you so much.

Thank you for your patience,
For good science
Me through the world of knowledge
You lead by the hand.

Words of gratitude to the primary school teacher from the student


Thank you, teacher
For your kind eyes
For kindness, for a bunch of knowledge,
For always being there for you.

You are in the first class my adviser,
Father, good friend,
I wish you happiness, inspiration
And let there be strength for two.

Thank you for your support,
For the skill of counting and writing,
Because I already know the letters
For exercises for the mind.


Playful I came to you as a boy
With a knapsack and notebooks under my arm,
I became calm and love to study,
Now adults can be proud of me.

And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this,
Thank you for all the knowledge and strength,
Wishing you success, happiness, light,
So that all students are obedient.


Accept from a first grader
You are words of gratitude
Thank you for everything teacher
I respect you very much
I attend your lessons
I am always happy
And the knowledge that you give
I will never forget!


I'm still a first grader
But I'm growing up
School is very good
I'm smart at school!

I say thank you
My dear teacher
I will ask you very much:
"Always teach us!"


To you, my first teacher,
I want to say thank you
For teaching me
Read and write well.

School first grade
Can't compare with others
Thank you for your patience
Enough to teach us.


Thank you, my teacher,
In first grade you are my friend
With you I am always calm
And everything around is clear.

You are always by my side,
I became much smarter
Thank you for the science
The best among teachers.


I'm just at the beginning of the school path,
While I'm a stupid first grader,
And it's so easy to move forward with you,
You are gifted with the talent to teach.

I am very, very grateful to you
I want everyone to be proud of me
I listen to your words
I want to be like you, I will not hide!


Thank you for all your efforts
After all, we joyfully came to the first class,
And in the lessons they got their knowledge,
Thanks for teaching us everything!

And so much with you we still learn
You are ready to open the whole world for us!
We love and respect you very much,
And we will appreciate you like a diamond!


I'm only in first grade
By school standards, I'm a baby
Thank you teacher
The strong man came to express.

I want to say thank you
For patience and care
For science, understanding,
your glorious work.

With you I'm not afraid at all
In the world of letters and strange numbers,
It's much easier with you.
This cipher has become special.


I wish you inspiration
So that only joy brings you work!
Let only pleasant moments
The kids will bring it to school!


Thank you, my teacher,
There is definitely no better place in the world
You put me in first grade
They gave light to knowledge.

Thank you for your tenderness
Your caress, kindness,
For love and understanding
For patience, warmth.

Beautiful and sincere words of gratitude are certainly pleasant and desirable for every person. But it is especially important for a teacher to understand that his lessons were not in vain, that a worthy and happy person will grow up on the foundation laid by him. Therefore, the words of gratitude addressed to teachers both on their professional holiday and on the day of farewell to the school, the last bell, are especially solemn, joyful and bright. The melodies sounding in the soul should be filled with sincere gratitude, hope and love, with only a few notes of regret and sadness.

What do students thank teachers for?

The memory of the school warms us all our lives. With special warmth and an amazing feeling of sadness and joy at the same time, we remember our cheerful and energetic classmates, favorite and not so favorite lessons and, of course, the faces of our dear teachers. Much is erased from our memory, but it is difficult to find a person who would not remember the name of the first beloved teacher, who could forget the lessons of kindness and justice received within the walls of the school, those who, years later, would not appreciate the merits of their teachers.

Step by step, day after day, year after year, the teacher becomes an invaluable assistant, adviser and friend for us. After all, his task is not only to teach literacy and arithmetic, but to make thoughtful, responsible, kind and purposeful people out of little stupid people. And in this it is difficult to overestimate the role of the profession, in which people with a big heart and an open soul go.

Sample text of gratitude from students in prose

Our beloved teacher! You devoted many days of your life to an amazing school family. All those who came to study with you were sincerely called their children. Every day, entering the classroom, you filled it with sunshine, love and care, and our days - with dreams and discoveries, small successes and big victories. They helped us grow and respond not only to the lessons at the blackboard, but also to be responsible for our actions in life.

Our gratitude is immeasurable! After all, there is no measure of goodness, love and wisdom, which you bestowed on us.

Golden autumn will come again, you will again open the door to the wonderful world of knowledge in front of timid first-graders, and your spring will repeat again! May there be more joyful and happy days in your life, smart and talented students and less grief and sleepless nights. Thank you teacher!

Thanks to the teacher in verse

Once again, teacher
You hear speech addressed to you,
That you need to worry less
That the heart should be protected.

That diseases will not pass by
When it suddenly gets tired,
That everything in the world is replaceable,
And your heart is one.

But your heart is like a bird
Strives for children here and there,
To hidden in the chest
The same beating hearts!

How fast kids grow up.
Having become stronger, in spite of all the winds,
Will leave, forever preserving
Your warm heart!

Good day! Before graduation, an urgent question arises: what to wish your first teacher. After all, there is no way to do without congratulations.

Congratulations from studentsshould definitely soundimportant for both teachers andthe graduates themselves. We offera selection of congratulations firstteacher at graduation in verseand prose, which are undoubtedlymake this person happy.

Beautiful poems to the first teacher from graduates

We remember where we started.

Our first day of school and you!

You gently smiled at us all -

In return, we gave flowers.

This class is now mature.

The last bell rings us.

The answers were found to the questions

But we remember our first lesson.

dear teacher,

We wish you patience and strength.

Teach us, without scolding.

No one taught us like you!

When we came to the first class,

You taught us everything
Many years have passed
But we have not forgotten you
Teacher first, you now
We wish you a lot of happiness
Our last bell rings
Don't cry, for God's sake
We will come to you more than once,
We honestly promise
Well, today, on this day,
We hug you tightly!

Our beloved first teacher,

Today we can't hold back the tears
You showed us a lot
We were taught to count and write.

All your words and orders
They will remain in our hearts.
May children give you joy
Coming back to first grade.

Funny poems for the first teacher

They took us as children,

Literacy was taught.
And school calls
We were always in a hurry.

Taught us the basics
diplomas, sciences,
And in the dining room we are always
They washed their hands together.

We wish you now
smart kids,
Those who go to school in first grade
They'll come running.

Second mother, first teacher!

You taught the primary truths,
You have opened the threshold of life for us,
The unknown has been made familiar.

Thank you for everything, we are at your feet.
Thank you for finding us
For the fact that the school experience helped us -
We would not have found our way without you!

My first teacher, you are the dearest.
I remember the alphabet, I mastered it with you,
Learned to write and count
He worked hard as a child.

Congratulations, I've grown up already
On an adult, at the school line, I stand,
And you, as always, with the kids,
Yesterday, she was only with us.

The first teacher showed us all
School, and classes, and an assembly hall,
Helped me get used to school life.
Gave the most important lesson in the world -
Work hard, learn, make friends and don't lie!
For this we would like to thank you!
And believe me, the last call is not the end!
He is just the beginning for our hearts!

There is no more honorable work in the world,

Than teachers work restless.

We will never forget you

And we will be worthy of your love.

Leafing through famous volumes,

We have learned to speak beautifully

Solve examples, sing and compose.

Thank you first teacher!

We will stay with you forever

Although we have matured a step.

We wish you for many years -

We happiness and success in learning.

We remember the smile and eyes.

And remember the smooth movements of the hands.

For so many years of work at school

It's not your first graduation!

There were already a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdisciples,

But each issue is native!

Alas, it's time to say goodbye

With elementary school and for us.

Though it's hard to part

We pass on our class to others.

Toothless guys will come

Those first-graders are kids,

What will gnaw at the granite of science,

Both pens and pencils.

Like us, they will run around the school

And forget things in class.

What is left for all of us to do?

Just come and help!

We wish you optimism

May the new class be the best!

But on the wave of patriotism

You still don't leave us!

Understand everything in your own way,

When we fall into disgrace.

And it will be necessary, intercede,

And we will not be lost with you!

Heartfelt words to the first teacher in verse

Second mother to children.

And the caress of these hands.

When we don't understand something

Tears glitter in the eyes -

Hugs, will explain

Will tell by pictures.

When they are guilty, they scold

No anger or passion.

And, like a mother, forgive us,

Forget all the "bad weather".

When we are smart, she

I'm glad for everyone,

As proud of my own children,

Fives are her reward.

The first teacher is an adult friend,

Second mother to children.

Warms us all with the warmth of two hands

And the caress of these hands.

We dedicate the first to the teacher
Today we are heartfelt words.
After all, today we only understand
How tired is your head

From our eternal cries in the classroom,
From dullness, fuss,
And incomprehensible squiggles in the lines,
When we learned to write dreams!

Only now that we've grown up
It became clear how much strength is needed,
You gave so that we could
Worthy to meet this adult world.

Now we understand that at night,
Our notebooks looking instead of dreams,
Could you cry that we can't ourselves,
For now, we link pairs of words.

How did you try to reconcile us in quarrels,
Taught to understand and give in,
Behave decently in conversations
Accept your mistakes...

Many years have passed since the beginning
Here we celebrate graduation together,
Our teacher turned gray
For us, remaining the same - young!

Thank you, our second mother,
Today we say with all our hearts
We wish you a happy life,
Good students, no problem!

We give you flowers in recognition,
Great sincere of your beauty!
Let the moment we parting today,

You will stay forever with us!

Congratulations in prose to the first teacher to tears

Our second mother is the first teacher, let me congratulate you! All your disciples bowed their heads in gratitude for the years spent with us! May everything in your life be good! May your window always be illuminated with gentle sunlight, may there be no reason to lose heart and be sad! Always shine with personal happiness and love of devoted students!

Dear, kind teacher! You are the first guide of our life, you helped the kids to open their eyes wide to the big world! You helped to deal with good and evil, friendship and betrayal, love and hate. We sincerely thank you for the bright childhood and the first, important knowledge! We wish you prosperity and continued successful activity! May fate give you the opportunity to help and educate many children for many years!

We dedicate today to our first teacher! With sincere love and respect, we thank you very much for the right path to which you have directed us. For selfless help and kind attitude, for the unknown world that they stubbornly opened to their little students! Thank you for your tender love and strict care. We wish you good luck in everything for many years, blooming health and unlimited patience!

Thank you texts in your own words from graduates to the first teacher

I used to think that studying is boring, but when you first put me at my desk and opened the door to the world of knowledge, I realized that I had many discoveries ahead of me. It turned out that I know absolutely nothing about the world in which I live! And you were the first to show me the door to the world of knowledge — the Book. I used to read fairy tales, stories, poems, I really liked to follow the adventures of my favorite heroes, but now I can do it on my own, without the help of mom and dad, grandparents, and it's so great! It all started with printed letters, it turned out that they can be vowels and consonants, hard and soft, stressed and unstressed! And you taught me to understand them. Thank you for that. But these were not all discoveries, the letters somehow began to take shape by themselves into syllables and words. And most of all, you rejoiced at our successes. Now I could invent my own intonation for the heroes of the books I read, make them timid or brave, kind or not very good, because you taught us not just to read, but to understand what we read, to empathize with the characters or get angry with them. You have taught us to distinguish between good and bad. But not only did we learn to read during this time, our circles and sticks gradually turned into capital letters, it was difficult at first to draw them in even beautiful lines, but gradually I learned to write more confidently. It may not always work out for me on the top five, but I try. And in the most difficult moments, you, my teacher, were always next to me! It cost you a little to correct my hand and the letter became more beautiful. Of course, I still have a lot of study ahead, but now I can write a short story that I come up with myself, I can sign postcards to my beloved mom and dad, grandparents or friends. A little time will pass and I will be able to thank you, dear Marina Valentinovna, for a lot of different knowledge and skills, and now I want to tell you: thank you, my first teacher, for your patience, for caring, for interesting lessons, for the fact that I I can read and write, for being able to write these kind words for you with the help of mom and dad! I want you to be joyful from my confessions and your eyes shone with happiness! Thank you!

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