Interesting places of Donbass. Donbass. Beautiful places. National Natural Park "Holy Mountains"

Donbass Arena is a modern football stadium in Donetsk. This is the first sports ground in Ukraine and Eastern Europe designed and built in accordance with UEFA standards in the Elite category.

The stadium was built in 2009 by the Turkish company Enka for the Shakhtar football club, and is designed for 52,187 spectators. The overall design of the facility is reminiscent of a "flying saucer", with the roof sloped from north to south, which improves natural light and helps ventilate the football field. Also, the Donbass Arena, among other famous European stadiums, is distinguished by an oval shape and a completely glass facade.

The football field of the Arena was created according to the most modern technologies, the lawn was grown in Slovakia and is one of the best in the world. Armchairs are designed and manufactured by the famous "Camatic" (Australia).

The stadium has 53 fast food cafes, a fan cafe, 4 bars, 3 restaurants, a media cafe and a lounge bar. These establishments can accommodate 1,830 visitors together. Near the stadium there are more than 1,000 parking spaces (of which 245 are in the underground parking).

Coordinates: 48.02096000,37.81007100

Glade of fairy tales

In the 80s, in the park of the Lenin Komsomol, a fabulous town called "Glade of Fairy Tales" was opened. It is a small platform hidden in the crowns of trees, on which there are figures of fairy-tale heroes cast from concrete. Individual figures were decorated with mosaic tiles.

Over time, due to lack of proper care, the clearing turned into an overgrown area with gray monsters. And on August 22, 2012, the updated, restored Glade of Fairy Tales was opened. The reconstruction of the glade was carried out by the leadership of the Donbass railway. A huge number of architects, builders, and designers worked on the appearance of the site.

On the opening day of the glade - the park was completely filled with children who were entertained by fairy-tale characters: wizards, fairies, Indians, pirates and even clowns. Of particular interest, both in children and adults, is the fountain. He dances merrily, releases cool steam and envelops those around him with a bluish cloud.

On the "Glade of fairy tales" you can get acquainted with such fairy-tale characters as: the Frog Princess, the Bear, the Old Man and the golden fish. Pleasing to the eye are the updated mosaics, preserved from Soviet times.

Coordinates: 48.02167800,37.81236600

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On May 8, 2012, on the eve of the Victory Day on May 9, in Donetsk, in the park named after Lenin Komsomol at the memorial “To Your Liberators, Donbass”, the Museum of the Great Patriotic War was opened. The exposition area of ​​the museum is 927 square meters.

The museum consists of two levels. In the lower level of the museum there are exhibition halls, a newsreel hall, as well as an armory hall, a military uniform hall. The weapons in the museum are from a private collection. The halls of the upper level are decorated with thematic panels and dioramas. The museum presents an audio tour in Russian, Ukrainian and English.

A large number of military photographs, posters, newspapers, just things from the time of the Great Patriotic War - all this can be seen in the museum's expositions. For some expositions of the museum, sound design is offered, which gives the completeness of the impression for visitors.

Coordinates: 48.02127600,37.81253100

Another asset of the Donetsk Park named after. Lenin Komsomol is a museum of the Great Patriotic War. The museum is quite young, it was opened in 2012. The museum is located in the memorial complex "To the Liberators of Donbass". The museum has two entrances: one is made of glass and is located near the "eternal flame", and the second leads to the exhibition hall where exhibitions are held. The administrative block and a cafe "adjacent" to the museum.

The exposition of the museum is located on two levels, connected by a staircase in the form of a spiral. The banners of the divisions that liberated the Donbass are also posted there. The lower level includes a common hall, a newsreel hall, a hall with a collection of military uniforms, weapons of participants. The main, final element is the “Victory Hall”.

In the upper level there are inclined galleries with photographic materials and panels. The museum's collections include more than 300 exhibits, placed in chronological order: from the beginning of the war to its victorious end. The museum shows documentaries about the beginning of the war, occupation, liberation.

Special emotions are caused by expositions, which are accompanied by musical accompaniment. This moment greatly enhances the impression. Visitors, foreign guests are provided with audio accompaniment in English.

Coordinates: 48.02322800,37.81185200

Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Donetsk was opened on May 8, 2012. It was built with money donated by the city and local entrepreneurs.

The area of ​​the museum is nine hundred twenty-seven square meters. Its exposition is located on two levels. On the lower floor there is the main exposition hall, the "Victory Hall", the hall of military newsreels. There is also an exhibition of collectible weapons of the Great Patriotic War and military uniforms. There are several galleries on the second floor. In this place you can see themed photo panels, expositions and dioramas.

The Museum of the Great Patriotic War has more than two hundred documentary photographs, over one hundred and fifty wartime posters, newspapers and leaflets. There are other items that have a military past. By the way, in order for foreign tourists to learn about the exhibitions, the museum has a special sound accompaniment for excursions in English.

Coordinates: 48.02062700,37.81370200

Museum of Nature

The Museum of Nature is located in the small town of Konstantinovka, in the Donetsk region. This is one of the most interesting and most informative museums in the entire region. The museum was opened in 2003 with the direct participation of local authorities, residents, educational institutions of the district, business leaders, as well as with the help of the Toretsk Regional Environmental Inspectorate.

Nowadays, the museum has about 1000 exhibits dedicated to wildlife and inanimate nature. Here you can look at a variety of carcasses and stuffed animals of the region, remains and fossils, eggs of various birds, samples of minerals and rocks, a small collection of meteorites, various casts and dummies.

The museum is a real treasury and natural heritage of the entire Donetsk region,

Coordinates: 48.54062000,37.69861600

city ​​garden

The city garden of Donetsk began its existence at the end of the 19th century, when the city administration decided to set up a park near the former industrial pond in the Yuzovka area.

Once in the park there was a main fountain, around which all local entertainments were concentrated: a restaurant, a dance floor, an open-air concert hall.

The city garden was especially popular in the Soviet years. In those days, the park was surrounded by a massive lattice of artistic forging. However, soon, for unknown reasons, the fence was removed. In spring and summer, a huge flower exhibition was held in the park.

Today, the square has almost lost its popularity, but even now you can meet young mothers with strollers peacefully strolling along the paths in the shade of trees or playing with children on playgrounds.

Coordinates: 47.99263000,37.79565000

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Electric Transport Museum

The Museum of Electric Transport is a new ideological development of the team of trolleybus depot No. 2 in Donetsk. The museum consists of two parts, the first is the so-called museum on wheels, put into operation in 2010 and during this time has gathered a wide audience of those who wish.

The old, already decommissioned, trolleybus was restored, the running gear was completely repaired, the seats were replaced and the lighting was redone. Resembling a retro tram inside, decorated with bright posters with history and beautiful views of the city, a festively decorated trolleybus runs along a pre-selected route and tells people the story of the appearance of electric transport.

The second part is a stationary exhibition, where Soviet books about trolleybuses, photographs and uniforms of drivers from different periods are located. Considering that today the staff of the trolleybus depot No. 2 of the city of Donetsk is 180 drivers and 160 conductors, we can assume that the foundation of such a museum is a pattern for those people who are proud of their profession

Coordinates: 48.02700200,37.86401200

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More sights of Donetsk

Which we will tell about.

Probably, I was not the only one who for a long time had the opinion that in the Donetsk region, the industrial region of Ukraine, there are almost no interesting sights. However, this is not so: here, in the steppe region, there are several unique natural attractions, which we will talk about.

Chalk rock in Belokuzminovka

The rocky outcrop of chalk rocks and the surrounding forest-steppe area (0.35 ha) is part of the regional landscape park "Kramatorsk", which also includes the Pchelkinsky Petrified Trees site (here, on an area of ​​more than 15 hectares, there are petrified araucaria), Belenkoye and Kamyshevakha.

Belokuzminovka is a small village. Despite the fact that it belongs to the Konstantinovsky district, the easiest way to get to it is from the Kramatorsk bus station (located in the Old Town, not far from the railway station), by bus number 29. Literally 20 minutes of country roads - and here we are already in place. Coming out at the final stop, we immediately see “chalk cliffs” unusual for the surrounding steppe landscape (there are only 500-600 meters from the stop).

The first thing that strikes after the city is an extraordinary silence, not absolutely soundless, but filled with the singing of birds, the sounds of insects, the rustle of leaves. A beautiful forest-steppe, a stream, geese walking on the edge of the village - this is already enough to say “we didn’t come here in vain!”. Having made a short stop on the bank of the stream (a great place for a small picnic!), we move further uphill.

Climbing to the foot of the "mountain" is not difficult. But it will also be interesting for young people to climb to the very top. This is not difficult, you just need to take your time and be very careful, because. the chalk slips under your feet (we do not recommend trying to climb up if the chalk is wet!). But if you succeed, you definitely won't regret it. Above, at a height of 25 meters, unusually beautiful views open up. Winds are blowing, swifts are flying very close, and - silence!

Here is the information we found on this site. The white chalk cliffs that rise above the steppe were formed during the Mesozoic period from the loose marine sediments of the ancient sea. The denudation of the Cretaceous rock rises to a height of more than 25 meters. Mount Mech stands on the eastern outskirts of the exposure. The age of the chalk mountain is about 90 million years! At the foot of the mountain there are many other smaller rocks, potholes, large and small caves.

The largest system of rocks is located 500 m from the center of the village of Belokuzminovka. The rocks are composed of vertical chalk layers and horizontal siliceous veins. Some rocks are shaped like fingers or sails. Flint fragments are clearly of living origin. Probably, these are the remains of corals of the ancient Tethys Ocean.

On the outskirts Belokuzminovka, not far from the chalk outcrop, archaeologists discovered a site of primitive man and a flint processing workshop.

Regional landscape park "Kleban-Byk"

The landscape park (created in 2000) is located on the territory of the Konstantinovsky district (to the north of Belokuzminovka). The territory of the park (and this is more than 2 thousand hectares) is a picturesque, mountainous area on both banks of the Kleban-Byksky reservoir, at the mouth of the Bychok River (a tributary of the Krivoy Torets River). The creation of the park is also a tribute to the historical past. This area is closely connected with the history of the Zaporozhye Host and its state - the glorious Zaporizhzhya Sich. Almost since 1500, in the royal letters issued to the Zaporizhian Army on the boundaries of the Cossack liberties, the name “Tract of the Bychok River” is found, since 1600 - “Klebina”, and since 1720 - “Kleban-Bull”. Not far from the confluence of the rivers Bychok and Krivoy Torets stood the Cossack outpost "Iron", the name of which in our time is a small village near the city of Dzerzhinsk.

The natural landscape of the park is characterized by erosional dissections, exposure of bedrock, which protrude to the surface in continuous ridges. This indicates that this territory was covered by a shallow warm sea during the Carboniferous period. Traces of the extraordinary flourishing of the living component of the ancient landscape have come down to us in the form of fossilized remains of plants, mollusks, and corals.

The vegetation of the park is unique. It is characterized by very dry ravine forests and rock-loving dry-resistant vegetation. Of particular value are places where medicinal herbs and species grow, which are protected in the region, and are also listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

Due to the presence of natural spawning grounds, the reservoir is of great importance as a place for the recreation of native ichthyofauna from freshwater fish species: pike, roach, crucian carp, rudd, pike perch, catfish, bream and others. The fauna of the park is richest in birds, more than 100 species have been found here.

Traditionally, the Kleban-Byk reservoir, whose water surface area is 630 hectares, is used for industrial breeding and fishing. Amateur fishing is also allowed in the reservoir in accordance with the established procedure, which increases the importance of the facility for organizing recreation for the population.

The territory of the park includes hunting grounds (hares, wild boars, roe deer, foxes are hunted here). In autumn it is also allowed to hunt game (gyrfalcon, teal, gray duck). The common pheasant is acclimatized in the lands and successfully reproduces in natural conditions.

Currently, work is underway in the park to identify functional zones with different modes of use, which will make it possible to ensure the operation of the most valuable natural complexes and objects, create a network of ecological routes and trails for different groups of visitors, and organize environmental education activities.

Kleban-Byk outcrop

From the descent to the bridge across the small meandering river Bychok, a beautiful panorama opens up. On the left slope of the river, running down to it with seven ledges and deep ravines, there is a geological monument of nature. The main attraction of the Kleban-Byk outcrop is the outcrop of very ancient rocks formed in the coastal areas of the ancient Perm Sea. The limestones of the Kleban-Byk outcrop contain the remains of a fauna of marine invertebrates; corals, sea urchins. The vegetation of the Kleban-Bykovsky outcrop is also peculiar. The upper parts of the slopes are covered with various types of wormwood, as well as thyme. Nearby, on the soles of the ledges, meadow vegetation is well developed: coltsfoot, meadow clover, meadow geranium, goose cinquefoil. And even further down the slope to the very shore edge of the reservoir - green ribbons of forest plantations created by man.

National Natural Park "Holy Mountains"

There is another beautiful place in the Donetsk region, called the pearl of Donbass. Not far from the city Svyatogorsk along the left bank of the Seversky Donets River, a national natural Reserve "Holy Mountains".

The basis of the complex of monuments of the reserve is - Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra(founded in the XIII - XVI centuries), located on the rocky right bank of the Seversky Donets. The complex of historical monuments also includes the monumental sculpture of Artyom works of I. P. Kavaleridze. Next to the monument is Memorial of the Great Patriotic War.

The composition of the National Natural Park "Holy Mountains" includes 13 specially protected natural areas of the Donetsk region - landscape, forest, botanical reserves and natural monuments. The vegetation of the National Natural Park "Holy Mountains" is of great scientific value. Half of the species of higher plants that have ever been recorded in the South-East of Ukraine grow on an area of ​​40.5 thousand hectares - 943 species, including 27 species - trees, 63 - shrubs and 853 - herbaceous plants. 48 plant species are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, 20 species grow only in this territory. For example, Cretaceous pine is currently preserved in Ukraine only in the park "Holy Mountains" and the reserve "Cretaceous flora".

Very interesting animal world of the park– 256 species of animals live on the territory of the “Holy Mountains”. The fauna includes 43 species of mammals, 10 reptiles, 9 amphibians, 40 fish. There are weasels, forest polecats, American minks, pine martens and stone martens - common inhabitants of the typical biotopes of the national park. There are also ermine, badger and otter listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Several groups of wolves constantly live in the park. Ungulates are represented by roe deer, wild boar and even elk native to the region.

In 2008, the chalk mountains in the national natural park "Holy Mountains" got into the Top-100 of the all-Ukrainian competition "Seven Natural Wonders of Ukraine".

Photos of the regional park "Kleban Bull" provided by the Donetsk Regional State Administration, the authors G. Molodan, A. Monastyrny., P. Kokhanovsky, A. Butko.

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Presentation - The amazing world of nature in Donbass

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The amazing world of nature in Donbass

Reserves, sanctuaries, botanical gardens help to preserve rare and endangered species of plants and animals. In our region there are places that reflect the flora and fauna of the entire Donbass - these are national parks, nature reserves, landscape parks.

The name of the park "Donetsk Ridge" was given in honor of the main hill of the region. For the first time the name "Donetsk Ridge" appeared in 1827, when the summary work of E.P. Kovalevsky "Experience of geognostic research in the Donetsk mountain range".

Geographical position of the park Donetsk Ridge (Donetsk Upland) is a geomorphological region bounded in the north by the Donets terraced plain, in the south by the Azov Upland, extreme outcrops of crystalline rocks of the Azov massif. The Donetsk ridge is elevated above the adjacent valley and serves as a watershed between the Dnieper and the Don. The territory of the ridge is located within the boundaries of three administrative regions - Donetsk (central and eastern regions), Lugansk (southern regions) and Rostov (western regions). A prominent representative of the Donetsk Ridge in the Donetsk region has become a regional landscape park with the same name "Donetsk Ridge". The territory of the park is located on the southern slope of the Donetsk Ridge, its northern edge rises with cone-shaped hills above the slopes going south, revealing a picturesque ravine-beam forest-steppe landscape. In the south and south-west, the boundaries of the park pass near the valley of the Krynka river, from north to south the territory of the park is crossed by two small rivers Sevostyanovka and Kamyshevakha - tributaries of the Krynka river.

Ash Mountain is a remnant of the Donetsk Ridge near the village of Seyatel of the Blagodatnovsky village council. It is a natural monument of local importance, which is a site of a well-preserved ancient forest of Donbass. Its name indicates the presence of a large number of ash here, unlike other tree species. The river Krynka flows at the foot of the Ash Mountain.

Krynka is a river, the main water artery of the Amvrosievsky district. It originates on the southern spurs of the Donetsk Ridge near the city of Debaltsevo, and flows into the Mius near the village of Alekseevka, Rostov Region. According to the "Catalogue of rivers of Ukraine" (K., 1957), its length is 180 km, and the catchment area is 2634 sq. km. On the territory of the park, tributaries flow into the Krynka: Malaya Shishovka, Kamyshevakha and Sevastyanovka.

The National Park "Holy Mountains" is located on the territory of the Slavyansky and Krasnolimansky regions. Created to preserve the landscapes of the Donetsk Ridge with its unique natural complexes. Since time immemorial, this land has been called Holy by the people. Here, according to legend, the powerful Svyatogor, how to find peace under the shroud of chalk cliffs, bequeathed his strength to Ilya Muromets.

One of the oldest in our state, the DPR, the Svyatogorsky Monastery is located here. People come to him from all over. Some - for a bow, others - for a cure. Picturesque chalk mountains with numerous caves. Even in multi-degree frosts, these caves maintain a normal positive temperature, so the monks used them as cells. Here you can find amazing plants: lungwort obscure, spring adonis, lily of the valley, burning bush, skumpia.

Oaks and chalky pine are of great value. It was preserved in the mountains of Artem. The oaks are 200-300 years old, giant oaks have a diameter of 81 cm and a height of 25 m. Many of them need protection. Diverse fauna: wild boars, goats, spotted deer, elks, squirrels, woodpeckers, nightingales, cuckoos, thrushes, nightjars.

Khomutovskaya steppe - a unique reserve located in the Novoazovsky district near the village of Khomutovo. Its area is 1030 hectares. This is the first reserve in the Donbass and the most significant in terms of area. The reserve is of great scientific importance. It became a standard for studying soils, vegetation, and the animal world of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. There are 560 plant species here, 50 of which are rare, and 15 are listed in the Red Book. Here grow: Lessing's feather grass, Ural capitate, Schrenk's tulip, elm (dereza), goose onion, cattail, reed, water mannik, raven.

The steppe expanse is given unusualness by stone women. There are more than 20 of them on the territory of the reserve. There is also a museum, created in 1957. People's artist and director Sergei Bondarchuk shot here a wonderful film based on the work of A.P. Chekhov "The Steppe".
Stone Graves

Stone graves are located on the territory of the Volodarsky district and continue in the Zaporozhye region. Its area is 311 hectares in our region and 100 hectares in the Zaporozhye region. Huge blocks of 75 - 100 m rise above the Donetsk steppe. Where did these granite giants in the steppe come from? Scientists believe that about 2 billion years ago, this unique corner arose as a result of volcanic activity on the territory of the present Azov region. Since 1947 it has become a state reserve.

The regional park "Meotida"-nurse" was founded on June 30, 2000. Under protection are 13 thousand hectares of the territory of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and 13 thousand hectares of the Azov Sea. This reserve is accepted into the international organization EVROPARK. Meotida - so the ancient Greeks called the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. In translation, "meotida" means "nurse". Indeed, the Sea of ​​Azov was the breadwinner for the peoples living on its coast, who caught sea fish and hunted birds living on the coast. There are about 60 archeological monuments here.

Typical and unique plant groups of the coastal strip of the Sea of ​​Azov are protected on the territory of the park. The flora includes 640 species, of which more than 40 are endemic. 15 species of flora are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. There are 47 species of mammals in the park, 7 species of reptiles, and about 1,500 species of insects. The fauna of the park is rich, but birds have no equal in terms of species diversity. About 250 species of birds live in the park. In May-June, areas suitable for nesting are covered with a continuous carpet of waders, martyns, and mallards. Among the nesting species, there are those listed in the Red Book: sea sandpiper, black-headed osvyanka and others. But this is only a small part of the multi-million army of migratory birds. During migrations, here you can see bustards, black storks, vultures, and in winter - snowy owls. In the waters of "Meotida" you can find all 79 species of fish, thanks to which not so long ago the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov was known as the most productive in the world. Very rarely, but still come across Azov dolphins.
"Meotida" - national landscape park

sand bars
Curve braid
Dalmatian Pelicans and Great Cormorants
Sarmatian Kendyr
Solonchaks of Belosarayskaya Spit

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The reproduction of natural resources requires a scientific study of the patterns of natural processes in natural conditions.

In the reserves, direct economic activity is prohibited, comprehensive scientific research is carried out all year round, on the basis of which recommendations are developed for the rational use of natural resources. In addition, reserves are places of restoration and increase in the number of animals, birds, fish, plants, including relic ones, valuable in scientific and economic terms.

Our conservation business is developing successfully. On January 28, 1972, the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR approved a new classification of nature reserves and other territories protected by the state. Five main forms have been identified: a state reserve, a state reserve, a state natural park, a natural monument, a monument of gardening art.

State Reserve- an area of ​​special scientific and cultural value. It is organized for the conservation of typical natural sites, the restoration of valuable animals and plants. Economic activity is limited here, except for scientific research carried out in the practical interests of the national economy.

In the Donets Basin and adjacent territories (within the borders of the Voroshilovgrad and Donetsk regions of the Ukrainian SSR) there is one state (Lugansk) reserve and two branches of the Ukrainian steppe reserve - Khomutovskaya steppe and Kamennye Mohyly.

Luhansk State Reserve with an area of ​​1575.5 hectares, it was organized in November 1968 by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR and consists of three branches: Streltsovskaya steppe (baybakov), Stanichno-Lugansky (desman) and Provalyeka steppe.

Streltsovskaya steppe- a virgin steppe area of ​​494 hectares, located on the territory of the Melovsky district, 10 kilometers from the village of Melovoye. It belongs to a rare example of a virgin landscape - the northern version of the forb-fescue-feather grass steppe. In creating a herbage, cereals are of the greatest importance - fescue, feather grass, thyrsa; from herbs - sage, Volga adonis, forget-me-not and many others.

There are more than 360 species of flowering plants, 30 species of animals, 160 species of birds in the protected area and the adjacent protection zone.

The Streltsovskaya steppe is a reserve for the conservation of the relic animal of the bobak, a large rodent of the steppe fauna, and is distinguished by its unique landscape. This is a scientific laboratory in nature, where a lot of research work is carried out by specialists, scientists, student interns.

Stanichno-Lugansk branch of the Lugansk State Reserve(494 hectares) is located 25 kilometers north of Voroshilovgrad, formed from part of the territory of the Kondrashevsky forestry. Here are the floodplain lakes Rog and Peschanoe, where the fluffy relict animal muskrat lives, which is a zoological natural monument of the Voroshilovgrad region. The muskrat is a valuable endemic of the most ancient fauna of Europe. It is essentially a living "fossil". In Ukraine, the muskrat lives only in the floodplain lakes of the Seversky Donets basin. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was on the verge of complete destruction due to merciless shooting. In 1920, V. I. Lenin signed a decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the complete prohibition of the extraction of muskrat. This saved him from destruction.

In 1928, in pursuance of Lenin's decree, the Kremensky desman reserve was established. The livestock of the animal already in the early forties reached several thousand. The transformation in 1954 of the muskrat reserve into a hunting ascribed economy, the resumption of year-round fishing in the lakes had a negative impact on the living conditions of the muskrat, led to a sharp reduction in the number of a rare animal.

Newly organized in the vast floodplain of the Seversky Donets, rich in lakes, tree, meadow and marsh vegetation, the Stanichno-Lugansk branch of the Lugansk State Reserve will play an important role in the conservation and reproduction of the muskrat in Ukraine.

Provalskaya steppe(587.5 hectares). It is located on the northern slope of the Donetsk Ridge, at an altitude of 210-325 meters above sea level, in the Sverdlovsk district of the Voroshilovgrad region. It is a virgin area of ​​humid steppe, formed on loess, sandstones and shales, among which the river Provalye flows.

The protected Provalskaya steppe, the surface of which is indented by deep beams with access to the day surface of stony rocks - sandstones and shales, is characterized by rich and diverse vegetation: over 650 species. Among them, 100 species are relict and endemic. The most common representatives of herbaceous vegetation are: feather grass, fescue, wheatgrass, thin-legged, bluegrass, sage, kermek, katran, raven and others. Along the beams there are ravine forests of oak, ash, maple.

The diverse vegetation cover is characterized by a combination of groups of forb-fescue-feather grass and stony steppe with meadow and forest vegetation; ferns are common in shady places (there are eight known species here). The flora includes 464 species of higher plants, among which there are rare endemics - naked yarrow, pseudo-pale-scaled cornflower.

Of the animals, the characteristic inhabitants of the Provalskaya steppe are ground squirrels, hares, hamsters, jerboas, snakes, ferrets, stone martens, weasels, eared hedgehogs, field mice; from birds - larks, gray partridges, wheatears, bee-eaters.

Khomutovskaya steppe located near the village of Khomutovo, Novoazovsky district, Donetsk region, 15 kilometers from the Sea of ​​Azov, on an area of ​​1028 hectares. It is a southern version of the forb-fescue-feather grass virgin steppe, a vivid example of vegetation that once covered the entire Donetsk steppe before its economic development.

There are about 550 species of plants, among which the most common are: fescue, feather grass, couch grass, bonfire, bluegrass, sage, Tatar katran and many others. Of the endemic and relict species, the Azov serpentine and Azov earflaps are known.

Stone Graves(456 hectares) - a unique geological monument, located on the territory of the Volodarsky district of the Donetsk region, within the ancient Azov crystalline massif. It is a chaotic heap of stony rocks-granites in the form of two ridges, rising above the surrounding area up to 150 meters; in the valley between them, sections of the virgin steppe have been preserved. Peculiar relief forms create the appearance of an original mountain landscape, a miniature "mountainous country".

State reserve- a territory where not the entire natural complex is subject to special protection, but its individual representatives: valuable plant and animal species, typical landscapes, geological and paleontological objects. In the reserve, not every, but only certain economic activity that can cause damage to protected objects is limited.

Mountains of Artem- a landscape reserve with an area of ​​about 1000 hectares. It is located on the right slope of the Seversky Donets river valley in the Slavyansky district of the Donetsk region. Here is a beautiful picturesque monument of nature - a chalk forest. In addition to the Cretaceous pine - a relic of the pre-glacial period, there are shrubs - etheronos, orchid, skumpia.

Great Anadol Forest- an artificially created forest in the open steppe on an area of ​​2550 hectares, laid by the forester V. E. Graff in 1843. It is located in the Volnovakha district of the Donetsk region and is the most valuable monument of the transformation of nature in the southern steppe. This is the oldest forestry in our country; serves as a vivid example of the unlimited possibilities of mass steppe afforestation.

In 1892, V.V. Dokuchaev founded an experimental plot in the steppe and laid out experimental forest shelter belts, which are of great scientific and practical importance.

State Natural Park- a picturesque, landscaped area intended for tourism and recreation of workers.

Monuments of nature- objects of scientific, cultural or historical significance (memorial trees, tracts, rocks, springs, lakes, etc.) with an area of ​​no more than 100 hectares. According to their content, natural monuments are divided into the following types:

  • complex- outstanding in beauty and typical for the republic and its individual geographical zones, typical landscapes and landscapes;
  • botanical- outstanding objects of landscape gardening culture (gardens, parks, arboretums), forest areas with valuable tree species, individual age-old or rare species of trees and shrubs, areas of the territory with relict or especially valuable vegetation, certain types of relict and endangered plants of the local flora;
  • hydrological- water sources, lakes, swamps, estuaries and river deltas;
  • geological- original forms of geological relief, geological outcrops, karst depressions;
  • zoological- separate areas of the territory that play an exceptional role for the conservation and reproduction of the fauna, as well as areas where relict or rare animals have been preserved.

Botanical monuments of nature include:

Dokuchaev forest belts, which are located on the watershed of the Derkula and Kamyshnaya rivers, near the village of Gorodishche, Belovodsky district. They are artificial plantations in the form of wide forest belts and forest plantations, created in the steppe according to the plan of the outstanding Russian scientist V.V. Dokuchaev. The Derkul forest area is of great scientific interest. It is an example of steppe afforestation to protect fields from black storms and dry winds and to obtain high and stable crop yields.

Forest belts consist mainly of oak (reaches a height of 20 meters) with an admixture of maple and ash, in the undergrowth - shrubs (yellow acacia, honeysuckle and others). In the dendrological section of the forest, there are such valuable species as Amur velvet, spruce, pine, walnut and many others.

Chekhov oak. It is located on the western outskirts of the village of Nizhny Nagolchik, Antratsitovsky District, in the floodplain of the Nagolchik River. This mighty oak is about 300 years old. The circumference of its trunk at a height of one meter is 4.5 meters, the diameter of the crown is 23 meters.

A.P. Chekhov once admired the peculiar beauty of the nature of the surrounding area. In his letters, he wrote: “Recently I have lived in Don Switzerland, in the center of the so-called Donetsk Ridge: mountains, beams, forests, streams and steppe, steppe, steppe ...”.

On February 4, 1969, the executive committee of the Voroshilovgrad Regional Council of Workers' Deputies approved the Chekhov Oak as a natural monument of local importance. It was transferred under the security obligation of the section of the society for the protection of nature of the Nizhne-Nagolchanskaya secondary school. In this wonderful corner of the region there is a mining sanatorium named after the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol.

« Grabovo» - a forest area in the Torez forestry, the central part of the Donetsk Upland. Here, in the ravine forest, there is a hornbeam, reaching the extreme southeastern limits of its distribution.

Belyaevskoe lake refers to hydrological monuments of nature. It is located on the territory of the Slavyanoserbsky region, in the floodplain of the Seversky Donets. By its origin, the lake is the oxbow lake of the Seversky Donets, it has the shape of a complex bend with a water surface of more than 28 hectares. Its length is about 4 kilometers, width is 15-18 meters, maximum depth is 3.7 meters. The shores are mostly low, swampy, often swampy, overgrown with sedge, reeds, cattail. The decoration of the lake are islands of white water lily. From almost all sides, the reservoir is surrounded by forests, consisting mainly of oak, maple, poplar, birch bark, aspen, and willow.

The lake is rich in fish (tench, perch, crucian carp, carp, pike, rudd), and the floodplain forests are rich in animals (elk, roe deer, wild boar, hare, fox) and birds (ducks, snipes, woodcocks). The picturesque nature of Belyaevsky Lake and its environs attracts many nature lovers, tourists and vacationers.

Hydrological monuments of the Donetsk region are salty Repnoye and Slepnoye lakes in the city of Slavyansk.

Barrow Sharp Grave located on the southeastern outskirts of the city of Voroshilovgrad. In addition to historical and revolutionary significance, it is a valuable geological monument of nature, a rare witness of the geological past of the Donetsk region as a remnant of the Neogene Sea.

In the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region (near Alekseev-Druzhkovka), a geological monument of nature was declared a unique sandstone outcrop containing petrified tree trunks on an area of ​​1 hectare.

The park is a monument of gardening art. These include academic parks, botanical gardens, arboretums, forest parks of historical and cultural significance. This is Seleznevsky park in the village of Seleznevka, Perevalsky district, Voroshilovgrad region. The area is 22 hectares. It was founded around 1850 at the confluence of the Belaya River with its tributaries the Selezny and the Utka. It is not only of historical value (there are buildings of 1904-1905, made in the Gothic style of coal sandstone), but is also a natural monument of garden and park architecture, a place of rest and recreation for workers.

Up to 80 individual specimens of trees (pine, spruce, oak, maple and others), two alleys of poplars 25-30 meters high, 100 years old, have survived. There is an orchard (5 hectares). The park is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR.

The Donetsk steppe has changed beyond recognition with its forests, reservoirs, ponds and canals enriched with fauna. Here, in the Donbass, the foundations of the future nature of the region are already being laid, scientifically based systems of nature management are being developed, and forecasts are being made for the transformation of nature.

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I want to dispel the myth that Donbass is only mines and factories, that there is absolutely nothing to see there. In fact, there are stunningly beautiful places there, comparable to the Crimea, Ternopil, Poltava, Cherkasy.
Beautiful chalk mountains, steppes, flowering meadows, unique natural monuments.
Four such places located in the vicinity of the city of Kramatorsk are briefly described below.
1) Seversky Donets River
2) Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. Stone trees. (Konstantinovsko-Druzhkovskaya anticline)
3) Regional Landscape Park Kleban-Byk
4) Chalk rocks in the village of Belokuzminovka

Seversky Donets River

Seversky Donets (Ukrainian Siversky Donets, ancient Greek according to Ptolemy Tanaid, Tanais, Italian Tan, Old Russian Great Don, Donel, Don) is a river in the south of the East European Plain, flowing through the Belgorod and Rostov regions of Russia, as well as Kharkov, Donetsk and Lugansk region of Ukraine, the right (largest) tributary of the Don. The fourth largest river in Ukraine and the most important source of fresh water in the east of this country. Sometimes also called the Northern Donets, in the XVII-XVIII centuries - the Northern Donets. Wikipedia

The Seversky Donets is an amazingly beautiful river, in some places it reminded me of Psel and Ros. Not a very fast current, picturesque shores, many egg-pods, white lilies are found in places. An excellent place for kayaking trips and parking on the shore. The only thing is that near large cities all the coasts are occupied by recreation centers and private properties.

Seversky Donets

White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) and tourist camps on the banks

Typical Donbass landscape with waste heaps.

Alekseev-Druzhkovka. Stone trees.

Here, in a former quarry for the extraction of refractory clay, there are the remains of petrified trees, araucaria, which are about 250 million years old. At present, similar trees have been preserved in South America, in Australia and on the islands of New Caledonia.
There are very beautiful meadows around the quarry.
We saw only one tree, the rest were smaller pieces, the locals took them away for souvenirs and for decorating fireplaces.

The rather flat terrain in this area is cut by several ravines - former clay quarries.

The slopes of the quarry gradually overgrow

Around the steppe and meadows not yet scorched at this time of the year

Stone exits on the slopes

Exactly what makes it worth going there. Fossilized Aurucaria

This giant can only be dragged with a crane, so he remained on the slope of the quarry.

Sandy-clay slopes

Great place to play Indians. Surprisingly, the surroundings are quite clean, the absence of garbage pleases

More quarry slopes

View of the quarry from above

surrounding meadows

More forbs

Some kind of tansy and cornflower (genus Centaurea), which I have never seen before

The glades of these cornflowers look very beautiful, they are already blooming at the top, and a little lower - more buds

Veronica spiked (Veronica spicata) and thuringian hatma (DOG ROSE) (Lavatera thuringiaca)

Common bruise (Blush blue) (Echium vulgare) and common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.)

Fields of tansy

Mullein (Verbascum) and Sage (Salvia)

Scabiosa (Scabiosa) and changeable blister (Mylabris variabilis) devouring the yellow flowers of the ragwort (Senecio)

Field consolida (Royal Delphinium) (Consolida regalis) and prickly thorn (Iron ore) (Phlomis pungens Willd.)

thickets of zopnik

Podalirius (Iphiclides podalirius L.)
Of the interesting creatures, I also saw crested larks (Galerida cristata), in Kyiv they appear only in January-February.

Kleban Bull

The regional landscape park "Kleban-Byk" is located on the territory of the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region, the total area of ​​the park is 2142 hectares. The territory of the park is a picturesque mountainous area on both banks of the Kleban-Byksky reservoir, which is at the mouth of the Bychok River (a tributary of the Krivoy Torets River).
This area is closely connected with the history of the Zaporozhye Host and its state - the glorious Zaporizhzhya Sich. Almost since 1500, in the royal letters issued to the Zaporizhzhya Army on the boundaries of Cossack liberties, the name “Tract of the Bychok River” is found, since 1600 - “Klebina”, and since 1720 - “Kleban-Bull”.
Anyone who believes that the name of the reserve and the tributary of the river is somehow connected with the bulls, which were allegedly bred in this area, is mistaken. In fact, the combination of the words kleban-bull means approximately the same as "the bottom of the pit." The fact is that the entire territory of this park 200 million years ago was the bottom of the Perm Sea, as evidenced by the imprints of mollusks and shell rock on sandy stones.

A very picturesque place, you can see parking lots with tents on the other side

Below the village of Kleban-Byk, fields and meadows



Geological natural monument of local importance. It is located in the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region near the village of Belokuzminovka. The status of a natural monument was assigned by the decision of the regional executive committee No. 310 on June 21, 1972. Area - 0.35 ha.
The age of the chalk mountain is 90 million years. The mountain consists of sediments from the last period of the Mesozoic era, which formed in clear warm sea waters from small marine organisms with a calcareous skeleton. Vertical white-gray rocks stand out in the rock, the eastern edge of the mountain breaks off with white-gray rocks. At the foot of the mountain there are multiple niches, potholes, large and small caves. Among the chalk gravel, flint is often found.
The chalk outcrop rises to a height of more than 25 meters. Mount Mech stands alone on the eastern edge of the outcrop.
The outcrop and rocks are completely devoid of vegetation. Vegetation consisting of meadow and dry-loving plants is only on the edge of the scree, here grow: buttercups, clover, meadow geranium. In crevices and niches near the tops of the rocks nests of swifts are found.
Not far from the rocky outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous, a site of primitive man with a workshop for processing flint mined in this mountain was discovered.
Since 2004, the rock-like outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous has been part of the Kramatorsky Regional Landscape Park.

View of the rocks from Belokuzminovka

Near the rocks there is a small lake and chalk hills.

Official plate and slightly less official

Blooming meadows, cows and generally idyll all around


Once again meadows, cows and hills

Nonea (Nonea) (possibly N. Russian (russica), but maybe and dark brown (N. pulla DC), some believe that this is the same thing) and oregano (mother) (Origanum vulgare)

Common flaxseed (Linaria vulgaris) and Tatar kermek (Tatar narrow-stem) (Goniolimon tataricum)

Chalk block and more rocks

There are many inclusions of silicon in the rocks

These silicon fragments are strewn all around

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