Russia's near abroad countries: a list and a brief description. What states are part of the CIS? Capitals of neighboring countries

Editorial response

Ukraine changed its mind about leaving the CIS. On October 13, Kyiv announced that the question of leaving the Commonwealth was no longer on the table. As reported Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Sergei Grinevetsky, it is inexpedient for the republic to leave the CIS from the point of view of economic interests.

Earlier, the Parliament of Ukraine registered a bill "On the suspension of the agreement on the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States". His . tells what the CIS organization is now.

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a regional international organization, designed to regulate the relations of cooperation between the states that were previously part of the USSR.

The organization was founded on December 8, 1991, when heads of the RSFSR (Boris Yeltsin), Belarus (Stanislav Shushkevich) and Ukraine (Leonid Kravchuk) signed in Viskuli (Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Belarus) the “Agreement on the Establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States” (known in the media as the Belovezhskaya Agreement).

The document, which consisted of Preambles and 14 articles, stated that the USSR ceased to exist as a subject international law and geopolitical reality. However, based on the historical community of peoples, ties between them, taking into account bilateral agreements, the desire for a democratic rule of law, the intention to develop their relations on the basis of mutual recognition and respect for state sovereignty, the parties agreed to form the Commonwealth of Independent States.

On December 13, 1991, in the city of Ashgabat (Turkmenistan), a meeting was held between the presidents of five Central Asian states that were part of the USSR: Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The outcome of the meeting was a Statement in which the countries agreed to join the organization, but subject to ensuring equal participation of the subjects former Union and recognition of all CIS states as founders.

On December 21, 1991, the heads of 11 former Soviet republics: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine signed the Alma-Ata Declaration, which set out the goals and principles of the CIS. A protocol to the agreement on the creation of the CIS was also signed.

The last state to ratify the agreement on the creation of the CIS was Moldova (April 8, 1994), which had previously been an associate member of the organization.

At the first meeting of the heads of state of the Commonwealth, which took place on December 30, 1991 in Minsk, the Interim Agreement on the Council of Heads of State and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States was signed, according to which the supreme body of the organization, the Council of Heads of State, was established. In it, each state has one vote, and decisions are made by consensus. In addition, the "Agreement of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States on Armed Forces and Border Troops”, according to which the participating states confirmed their legal right to create their own armed forces.

The organizational stage ended in 1993, when on January 22 in Minsk the “Charter of the Commonwealth of Independent States” was adopted, founding document organizations.

On October 18, 2011, eight member states of the Commonwealth - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Tajikistan - signed an agreement on a free trade zone, which replaced more than a hundred bilateral agreements regulating the free trade regime in the Commonwealth.

Countries - members of the CIS:

Observer countries:

  • Mongolia
  • Afghanistan

CIS principles:

  • interaction between the members of the organization is carried out on the principle of equality through coordinating institutions formed on a parity basis and acting in the manner determined by agreements between the members of the Commonwealth, which is neither a state nor a supranational entity;
  • unified command of the military-strategic forces and unified control over nuclear weapons;
  • respect of the parties for the desire to achieve the status of a nuclear-free and (or) neutral state;
  • commitment to cooperation in the formation and development of a common economic space.

CIS goals:

The goals of the organization are:

  • cooperation in the political, economic, environmental, humanitarian, cultural and other fields;
  • comprehensive development member states within the framework of the common economic space, interstate cooperation and integration;
  • ensuring human rights and freedoms;
  • cooperation in providing international peace and security, achieving general and complete disarmament;
  • mutual legal assistance;
  • peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts between member states of the organization.

To spheres joint activities participating States include:

  • ensuring human rights and fundamental freedoms;
  • coordination of foreign policy activities;
  • cooperation in the formation and development of a common economic space, customs policy;
  • cooperation in the development of transport and communications systems;
  • health and environment;
  • issues of social and migration policy;
  • combating organized crime;
  • cooperation in the field of defense policy and protection of external borders.

Statutory bodies of the CIS:

Bodies of branch cooperation of the CIS:

CIS budget

The approved budget of the CIS bodies for 2014 is 817 million rubles. The largest contribution to the budget falls on the share of the Russian Federation - 521 million rubles. The contribution of Ukraine is 84 million rubles, Kazakhstan - 63, Belarus - 37.

As reported by Director of the Institute of CIS Countries Konstantin Zatulin, the principle of forming the budget of the CIS bodies corresponds to the "specific weight of the economies of the Commonwealth countries."

What is CIS? What are the goals of this international organization? And how close is cooperation in the "Russia - CIS countries" system? This will be discussed in this article.

History of the organization

The CIS is a voluntary international organization in Eurasia, created to enhance cooperation between states. The abbreviation stands for "Commonwealth of Independent States". Which states are members of the CIS? Countries that were once part of former USSR formed the backbone of this international organization.

The leaders of three countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus took part in the creation of the organization. The corresponding agreement was signed by them in Belovezhskaya Pushcha in December 1991. By the same step, it was recognized that the Soviet Union, as public education, ceased to exist. And so the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was born.

Countries were part of this organization on the principle common history, common roots and closeness of cultures. And the main goal of the future organization was declared to be the desire to develop and deepen relations between young sovereign countries.

Five days after the meeting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, the intention to join the Commonwealth on equal rights the heads of five states Central Asia. The main postulates of the organization's activities were declared by its members on December 21, 1991 in Alma-Ata. The last to join the organization were Georgia (in 1993) and Moldova (in 1994). And in January 1993, the Charter, the main document of this Eurasian organization, was approved in Minsk.

An important date in the development of cooperation between members of the organization was October 18, 2011. It was on this day that eight members of the organization created a single free trade zone within the Commonwealth.

CIS countries: list

On the this moment The organization has 9 members. What countries are included in the CIS today?

According to the Charter of the organization, only those countries that have ratified the agreement on its creation are considered members of the CIS. It is worth noting that some of the participating countries (in particular, Russia and Ukraine) have not carried out this formality. Therefore, purely legally (according to papers), they cannot be considered members of the CIS.

The member countries of the organization are listed below. All of them, to a greater or lesser extent, contributed to the development of this structure. So, the CIS countries (list):

  1. Russia.
  2. Belarus.
  3. Armenia.
  4. Azerbaijan.
  5. Moldova.
  6. Kazakhstan.
  7. Kyrgyzstan.
  8. Tajikistan.
  9. Uzbekistan.

Two more states (these are Turkmenistan and Ukraine) have the status of "observers" in this organization.

In 2009, in connection with the conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia Georgia leaves the Commonwealth. In the fall of 2014, the process of withdrawing from the CIS was also initiated in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Among other things, the desire to join the organization was expressed by those states that had nothing to do with the USSR. In particular, we are talking about Mongolia and Afghanistan. Today these countries are observers in separate bodies of the Commonwealth.

The structure and main goals of the CIS

The modern structure of the Commonwealth is represented by several dozen different bodies. All important decisions are discussed and adopted at the Council of the Heads of the CIS countries. To date, the head this Council is Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The activity of an international organization is based on the principle of equality of its members. To overriding goals The activities of the CIS include the following:

  • close economic, political and cultural interaction between countries;
  • monitoring the observance of human rights in all states;
  • providing mutual legal assistance;
  • promoting the peaceful settlement of all conflicts and disputes between the CIS member states.

Russia has been closely cooperating with the Commonwealth since the very first year of the organization's existence. Moreover, she is one of the three founders of the CIS.

Cooperation in the Russia-CIS system is carried out in the following areas:

  • industry;
  • building complex;
  • transport system and communications;
  • science and higher education;
  • trade and finance;
  • military defense complex;
  • security issues and the fight against terrorism.

Russia has introduced a visa-free regime with all CIS countries. Russia's annual trade turnover with the Commonwealth states is approximately $50 billion. As part of the activities of the organization, close cultural ties between its members are also maintained, which have developed over many years of a common history.


The Commonwealth of Independent States is an international organization of a regional scale. Members of the CIS are countries that were previously part of the USSR. This international organization was established in December 1991 in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, immediately after the collapse of a powerful superpower.

- Azerbaijan;
- Armenia;
- Belarus;
- Kazakhstan;
- Moldova;
- Russia;
- Tajikistan;
- Turkmenistan (but in a special status);
- Uzbekistan.

Other states formerly part of the USSR have the following relations with the Commonwealth:
- at the summit on August 26, 2005, Turkmenistan announced its participation in the CIS...

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What is CIS? What are the goals of this international organization? And how close is cooperation in the "Russia - CIS countries" system? This will be discussed in this article.

History of the organization

The CIS is a voluntary international organization in Eurasia, created to enhance cooperation between states. The abbreviation stands for "Commonwealth of Independent States". Which states are members of the CIS? The countries that were once part of the former USSR formed the backbone of this international organization.

The leaders of three countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus took part in the creation of the organization. The corresponding agreement was signed by them in Belovezhskaya Pushcha in December 1991. By the same step, it was recognized that the Soviet Union, as a state entity, ceased to exist. And so the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was born.

Countries were part of this organization on the principle of a common ...

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Question: what countries are included in the CIS and their capitals?

CIS stands for Commonwealth of Independent States. All states that are members of the CIS are independent entities. Goals: cooperation in various fields - political, economic, etc.

List of CIS countries (CIS countries and their capitals)

Belarus - the capital city of Minsk

Kazakhstan - the capital is Astana

Moldova - the capital of Chisinau

Russia - capital Moscow

Uzbekistan is the capital of Tashkent

Ukraine is the capital Kyiv

What else is known:

The CIS includes: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Uzbekistan and Ukraine. In August 2005, Turkmenistan withdrew from the full members of the CIS and received the status of an associate observer member....

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What countries are included in the CIS?

The CIS includes most of the countries that were part of the USSR. For 2014, the CIS includes the following countries:
Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Ukraine is a de facto member of the CIS, but has not signed the CIS Charter. On May 26, 2014, Ukraine announced that it was starting the procedure for withdrawing from the CIS.

Turkmenistan also did not sign the CIS Charter, but announced its participation in the CIS structures as an "associate member".

Georgia left the CIS in 2009 after the war with Russia. Thus, from the countries that were part of the USSR, the CIS did not include: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Georgia.

The Commonwealth of Independent States was founded in Minsk in 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, and was intended to consolidate the principles of economic and political cooperation between the countries that were part of the Union. The Baltic countries did not take part in the creation of the CIS. The current state of the CIS is ambiguous, and the prospects for the development of the CIS...

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The reason for the appearance of this organization in the international legal field is the collapse of the USSR and the formation of 15 new sovereign states in its space, intimately connected in the political, economic, humanitarian spheres, due to the existence of centuries within the same country. The deep integration of the republics predetermined the objective interest of new subjects of international law in cooperation in various areas of the economy, politics, culture on the basis of equal cooperation and respect for each other's sovereignty. The CIS was founded on December 8, 1991, when the heads of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus signed the so-called. "Belovezhskaya agreement", in the text of which the abolition of Soviet Union and education based on it new form interstate cooperation of the former Soviet republics. This document was called the "Agreement on the Establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States", and by 1994 it was ratified and entered the CIS...

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How many countries are included in the CIS?

The CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) includes 12 countries. Among them:

1. Azerbaijan
2. Armenia
3. Belarus
4. Georgia
5. Kazakhstan
6. Kyrgyzstan
7. Moldova
8. Russia
9. Tajikistan
10. Turkmenistan
11. Uzbekistan
12. Ukraine

Ukraine is not de jure a member state of the CIS, since it has not ratified the charter of the organization, although it belongs to the states-founders and states-participants of the Commonwealth.

At the moment, Turkmenistan participates in the organization as an “associate member”

Mongolia participates as an observer in some structures of the CIS.

In the future, the composition of the CIS members may change:
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili announced his desire to withdraw from the CIS
In 2008, he announced his desire to join the CIS ...

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The international organization of the CIS, created in 1991 by the three former republics of the USSR, still regulates relations between neighboring states. This community of states was created on a voluntary basis and serves as a supranational entity. If at creation the CIS included only 3 countries, namely: the RSFSR, Ukraine and Belarus, now the number of states entering the commonwealth has increased significantly. This year marks 22 years since the signing of the agreement by the heads of allied states. The countries included in the CIS have their own structural economic and political units, but they are still members of the commonwealth, which originates from Belovezhskaya Pushcha (it was there that the significant signing of the document by the three countries took place).

CIS member countries

The former Soviet republics, of which there were 15 during the Soviet Union, still maintain ties within the CIS. They do not include the Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia), which were once also included ...

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Unfortunately, today, when twenty years have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union, not everyone knows which countries are included in the CIS. This applies in particular to modern youth, to those who were born and studied in post-Soviet Russia. For them, the USSR is a state from the pages of the history textbooks of the twentieth century, an unreal state of the past, with which nothing connects them.

Meanwhile, the former Soviet republics now support political and economic relations within the framework of the CIS - the Commonwealth of Independent States. Today, the composition of the CIS is all the countries that were previously part of the USSR, with the exception of three states the Baltics. Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania now focus exclusively on western model socio-economic and state-political development, and therefore they chose not to join the Commonwealth.

So, which countries are part of the CIS today? Firstly, these are the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, which founded this organization in...

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Created on December 8, 1991, the Commonwealth of Independent States, or CIS, according to its charter, is a regional international organization. Within the framework of this friendly association, relations are regulated and cooperation between the states that were part of the USSR takes place.

Which states are part of the CIS

According to the information from the current charter of the organization, its members are the founding countries that signed and ratified the Agreement on the establishment of the CIS of December 8, 1991 and the Protocol to it (December 21 of the same year) by the time the charter was signed. And the current members of the organization are those countries that later assumed the obligations prescribed in this charter.

Each new membership in the CIS must be approved by all other states that are already part of the organization.

Currently, 10 states are members of the Commonwealth:
- Azerbaijan-
- Armenia-
- Belarus -

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Related article

Ukraine changed its mind about leaving the CIS. On October 13, Kyiv announced that the question of leaving the Commonwealth was no longer on the table. According to Verkhovna Rada deputy Sergei Grinevetsky, it is inexpedient for the republic to withdraw from the CIS from the point of view of economic interests.

Earlier, the Parliament of Ukraine registered a draft law "On the suspension of the agreement on the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States." Its initiators were Svoboda deputies Alexei Kaida and Alexander Mirny. tells what the CIS organization is now.

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a regional international organization designed to regulate relations of cooperation between states that were previously part of the USSR.

The organization was founded on December 8, 1991, when the heads of the RSFSR (Boris Yeltsin), Belarus (Stanislav Shushkevich) and Ukraine (Leonid Kravchuk) signed in...

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This year, the list of countries where you can go to Europe and neighboring countries without a visa has changed a bit, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the detailed list and conditions for entry into the territory of visa-free European states and neighboring countries for citizens of Russia, terms of stay and required documents and fees, special conditions for visiting.

Visa-free European countries for Russians in 2016, updated and expanded list.

One of the popular European country for entry into which a visa is not required and there is a sea, the citizens of Russia are rightfully considered Montenegro, a country with common cultural roots and traditions. To enter the country you need a passport with valid period at least three months after crossing the borders of the republic. The period of stay in the territory is up to 30 days, upon return, it should be borne in mind that a fee is charged at the airport.

The next country on the list of European countries with visa-free entry on a passport is Serbia, the most ...

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CIS countries and their capitals on the map. Full list- countries that are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States and a map of borders, their locations in the world, in English

Presentation on the topic: capitals of 9 CIS countries - for children and adults. The ability to sort the table alphabetically, select the desired region and its capital, go to city maps in Russian, show border areas on a satellite map, panorama and street photos

CIS countries - alphabetical list + capital:

  1. Armenia, Yerevan
  2. Azerbaijan, Baku
  3. Belarus, Minsk
  4. Kazakhstan, Astana
  5. Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek
  6. Moldova, Kishinev
  7. Russia Moscow
  8. Tajikistan, Dushanbe
  9. Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Ukraine and Turkmenistan are states that have not signed the Charter of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). In August 2009, Georgia withdrew from the membership:

  1. Georgia, Tbilisi
  2. Turkmenistan, Ashgabat
  3. Ukraine, Kyiv

List: CIS countries in English:

CIS countries - map + capitals

Alphabetical table, it contains all the countries included in the CIS (list 2019), which are united by a single territory of the former USSR, and are connected by common borders

Administrative centers are located in 3 cities: Moscow, Minsk, St. Petersburg

Monetary unit of the Union of Independent States: each country has its own national currency:

  1. Armenia, Dram
  2. Azerbaijan, Manat
  3. Belarus, Belarusian ruble
  4. Kazakhstan, Tenge
  5. Kyrgyzstan, Som
  6. Moldova, Lei
  7. Russia, Ruble
  8. Tajikistan, Somoni
  9. Uzbekistan, Sumy

According to the list of 9 countries in Europe and Asia - a map of their location in the world. For clarification, switch to the type of presentation "MAP" or "SATELLITE". It is easy to find the city of Moscow and its center, the nearest countries with territories around: southern, northern, western, eastern. Here

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) - interstate regional organization, uniting 11 independent, sovereign states.

On December 8, 1991, the leaders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine signed a bilateral Agreement on the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States. On December 21, 1991, in Alma-Ata, most of the Commonwealth states joined these countries.

The CIS includes the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan; Ukraine and Turkmenistan on the rights of associate membership.

Georgia withdrew from the CIS in August 2009.

A member of the Commonwealth can also become a state that shares the goals and principles of the Commonwealth and assumes the obligations contained in the Charter of the CIS, by joining it with the consent of all member states of the Commonwealth.

One of the fundamental legal acts regulating the activities of the Commonwealth of Independent States is the Charter of the CIS, adopted by the Council of CIS Heads of State on January 22, 1993. This document defines the goals and objectives of the Commonwealth. The CIS is not a state and does not have supranational powers. The most important task is a comprehensive and balanced economic and social development states within the common economic space, as well as interstate cooperation and integration.

The need for cooperation in ensuring international peace and security, the implementation of effective measures to reduce armaments and military spending, the elimination of weapons of mass destruction, and the achievement of general and complete disarmament were especially emphasized.

The main legal basis for interstate relations within the CIS are multilateral international treaties in various areas of relations between the member states of the Commonwealth.

The statutory bodies of the Commonwealth of Independent States include the Council of CIS Heads of State, the Council of CIS Heads of Government, the Council of Foreign Ministers, the Council of CIS Defense Ministers, the Council of Commanders of the CIS Border Troops, Interparliamentary Assembly member states of the CIS, the Economic Court of the CIS, the Executive Committee of the CIS, sectoral cooperation bodies.

Statutory and other bodies of the CIS

Council of Heads of State, Council of Heads of Government - the highest bodies of the Commonwealth of Independent States

The agreement on coordinating institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, signed by the heads of state on December 21, 1991, determines that the supreme bodies of the CIS are the Council of CIS Heads of State and the Council of CIS Heads of Government. This provision is also enshrined in the CIS Charter.

The Council of CIS Heads of State is the supreme body of the Commonwealth, in which all member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States are represented at the level of heads of state. It discusses and resolves fundamental issues related to the activities of states in the sphere of their common interests. According to the CIS Charter, the areas of joint activity of the Commonwealth member states, implemented on an equal basis through common coordinating institutions, include:

  • ensuring human rights and fundamental freedoms;
  • coordination of foreign policy activities;
  • cooperation in the formation and development of a common economic space, common European and Eurasian markets, customs policy;
  • cooperation in the development of transport and communication systems;
  • health and environmental protection;
  • issues of social and migration policy;
  • combating organized crime;
  • cooperation in the field of defense policy and protection of external borders.

Issues that determine the strategic directions of the development of the Commonwealth in political, economic and military cooperation are submitted for consideration at the meetings of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS.

The Council of Heads of State meets, as a rule, twice a year. At the initiative of one of the CIS member states, extraordinary meetings of the Council may be convened.

In the CIS Council of Heads of Government, all member states are represented by prime ministers. The Council coordinates the cooperation of executive authorities in economic, social and other areas of common interest and meets, as a rule, twice a year. Extraordinary meetings of the Council may be convened at the initiative of the government of one of the states.

Decisions of the Council of CIS Heads of State and the Council of CIS Heads of Government are taken by common consent - consensus, while any state can declare its disinterest in a particular issue, which should not be considered as an obstacle to making a decision. Joint meetings of the Council of CIS Heads of State and the Council of CIS Heads of Government may be held.

Activity supreme bodies The Commonwealth is governed by the Agreement Establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States of December 8, 1991, the Charter of the Commonwealth (approved on January 22, 1993), documents adopted in their development, as well as the Rules of Procedure of the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Heads of Government, the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Economic Council of the CIS, approved on October 7, 2002

According to the Rules of Procedure, the Heads of State of the CIS and Heads of Government of the CIS preside in turn in the order of the Russian alphabet of the names of the participating States, respectively, in the Council of Heads of State of the CIS and the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS. The term of chairmanship is determined at twelve months, unless otherwise established by the decision of the Council of CIS Heads of State.

The Council of CIS Heads of State and the Council of CIS Heads of Government carry out their activities on the basis of mutual recognition and respect for state sovereignty, the principles of equality and non-interference in internal affairs, renunciation of the use of force and threat of force, territorial integrity and inviolability of existing borders, peaceful settlement of disputes, respect for the rights and human freedoms, including the rights of national minorities, conscientious fulfillment of obligations and other generally recognized principles and norms of international law.

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