Anti-aircraft missile system poplar m. The most powerful nuclear missiles. Who are you Mr Topol M

5:07 / 30.04.16
Strategic Missile Forces: missile system RT-2PM2 "Topol-M" (15P165 - mine and 15P155 - mobile) with missiles 15Zh65 - for mine-based and 15Zh55 - for mobile-based

RT-2PM2 "Topol-M" (URV Index of the Strategic Missile Forces - 15P165 (mine) and 15P155 (mobile), under the START Treaty - RS-12M2, according to NATO classification - SS-27 Sickle B, translated - Sickle) - Russian missile system strategic purpose c ICBM 15Zh65 (15Zh55 - PGRK), developed in the late 1980s - early 1990s on the basis of the RT-2PM Topol complex.

APU PGRK 15P155 "Topol-M" / Photo:

Rocket 15Zh65 (15Zh55) three-stage, solid propellant. The maximum range is 11,000 km. Carries one thermonuclear warhead with a capacity of 550 kt.

In the mine-based variant, it was put into service in 2000. In the next decade, "Topol-M" was to become the basis of weapons Missile troops strategic purpose.

In 2011, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation abandoned further purchases of Topol-M missile systems in favor of the further deployment of the RS-24 Yars ICBM with MIRV, although the Topol-M silo launchers of the last, sixth regiment of 60- th missile division was planned to be completed in 2012.

Modernized missile system "Topol-M"- the first missile system, created only by Russian enterprises, is the core of the entire grouping of the Strategic Missile Forces.

It is on him that great hopes are pinned in preserving and maintaining the nuclear potential at the required level for guaranteed preservation of the country's security. The missile system is unique and is approximately 1.5 times superior to the previous generation complex in terms of combat readiness, maneuverability and survivability (in the mobile version), the effectiveness of hitting various targets, including in the conditions of missile defense deployment. The energy capabilities of the new rocket make it possible to increase the throw weight, significantly reduce the height of the active part of the trajectory, and increase the efficiency of overcoming promising funds missile defense.

APU PGRK 15P155 "Topol-M" overcomes the ford / Photo:

The Topol-M complex has absorbed the existing domestic scientific and technical groundwork and the achievements of domestic rocket science. Experts say: everything that relates to the process of its development, testing, to its tactical and technical characteristics, is defined by the word "for the first time." For the first time, a fully unified missile is being created for a highly protected silo and for mobile soil-based.

For the first time, a new experimental testing system has been introduced, in which high-standard operating modes of systems and assemblies of the missile system are applied during ground and flight tests. This made it possible to drastically reduce the traditional scope of testing, reduce costs without losing reliability.

Topol-M "is the result of further modification of the Topol complex and is equipped with a more advanced RS-2PM2 missile (15Zh65 for silos and 15Zh55 for PGRK).

From "Universal" to "Topol-M"

In the first half of the 1980s, the United States began to develop a promising layered missile defense system with space-based elements. On the other hand, by the beginning of the 1990s, the service life limit of hundreds of fixed-based liquid monoblock ICBMs UR-100K was expiring. In this regard, it became necessary to develop a new monoblock ICBM with increased capabilities to overcome a promising missile defense system.

Relevant work was carried out within the framework of the Topol-M theme at MIT in the direction of upgrading the Topol mobile complex while maintaining the general layout scheme of the previously created ICBM. At the same time, in the CYU under the name "Dnepr", to replace the UR-100K, a new rocket of a stationary complex was being developed, successive to a number of constructive RT-23s, but with a lower launch weight.

At an early stage of work, the CBY was independently developed design materials according to the version of the rocket with the use of a ramjet engine at the second stage, due to which it was supposed to reduce the launch mass of the rocket to 20 tons. The variant with a ramjet engine did not receive further development due to the extreme complexity of developing such an engine and its inoperability under the conditions of the rocket passing through the dusty ground formations of a nuclear explosion.

But times have changed and the new leadership of the Soviet Union was not inclined to reproduce the practice of the Brezhnev era, when several new combat systems of a similar purpose, including intercontinental missiles, were simultaneously developed and then put into service.

Taking into account the emerging trend towards limiting funding for defense programs in the fall of 1988, the leadership of the MIT and the CYU considered it expedient to combine the efforts of their teams to create a single promising ICBM, universal in terms of basing types. () Therefore, cooperation between MIT and Yuzhnoye Design Bureau has become an objectively necessary condition for the survival of these two organizations, especially since the third missile "company" - the Reutov NPO Mashinostroeniya, which acted as with his project to create a strategic weapons system of a fundamentally new type.

The development of the Albatross missile system was assigned to NPO Mashinostroeniya by Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 173-45 of February 9, 1987 as part of the program of the asymmetric response of the Soviet Union to the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program in the United States with access to the LKI in 1991 . The task prescribed the creation of a combat missile system in three basing options, capable of overcoming the promising multi-layered US missile defense system, the creation of which was announced by the administration of President R. Reagan.

The Albatross three-stage solid-propellant rocket was supposed to be equipped with a nuclear-capable glider capable of flying up to targets at a sufficiently low altitude and maneuvering at the target. All elements of the missile, as well as the launcher, had to have increased protection against PFYAV and laser weapons in order to ensure a guaranteed retaliatory strike against any opposition from a potential enemy.

As Yuzhnoye Design Bureau experts note: “It was surprising that the creation of such a complex missile system was entrusted to an organization with practically no experience in the development of solid-propellant missiles and mobile missile systems. In addition, the development of a planning winged unit that makes an intercontinental flight in the atmosphere with high speed, in fact, was a qualitatively new task that did not correspond to NPOmash's experience in creating tactical cruise missiles.

At the beginning of 1989, it became quite clear that the creation of the Albatross RK, both in terms of technical indicators and in terms of its implementation, was in danger of failure. In addition, since the second half of the 1980s, intensive negotiations were held between the USSR and the United States on the limitation and reduction of strategic weapons, which ended on July 31, 1991, with the signing of the Treaty on the Reduction of Offensive Arms (START-1) in Moscow.

In it, the American side insisted not only on the quantitative reduction of Soviet heavy ICBMs, but also on a ban on their modernization and the creation of new types of such missiles for any type of basing. With regard to new strategic developments, the START-1 Treaty allowed only the modernization and only one type of light-class solid-propellant missile, provided that it was equipped with only one warhead.

As a result, there is a need to correct general direction developments and, as a result, the replacement of the lead developer of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Ultimately, plans for the creation of new technology were revised, the leading role was transferred to the MIT and the CYU, more precisely, to their joint development of the Universal rocket.

The decision of the military-industrial complex No. 323 of September 9, 1989 (MOM order No. 222 of September 22, 1989) prescribed the creation of two new RKs instead of the Albatross RK: a mobile ground and a stationary mine based on a three-stage solid-propellant rocket RT-2PM universal for both complexes. The theme was named "Universal", and the rocket - index RT-2PM2 (15ZH65).

The development of a mobile ground-based missile launcher with the RT-2PM2 missile was entrusted to MIT (general designer B.N. Lagutin), and a stationary mine - to Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (general designer V.F. Utkin).

Boris Lagutin / Photo:

Vladimir Utkin / Photo:

MIT was entrusted with the development of missile blocks and connecting compartments of the second and third stages, an unguided warhead, a sealed instrument compartment, a platform for placing a warhead and a missile defense penetration system (SP), interstage communications. Yuzhnoye Design Bureau was supposed to develop the first-stage rocket block, the SP PRO, and the head aerodynamic fairing for the NBB. The design work on the rocket and the development of its elements were carried out by the teams of MIT and the CYU in close cooperation with full mutual understanding.

Given the more stringent restrictions on the part of the mobile complex, the layout of the new missile largely corresponded to the Topol ICBM. The development of the missile control system was entrusted to NPO AP.

At the end of 1989, a preliminary design was developed for a rocket and a mine complex, in the middle of 1990 - for a mobile soil. The 15Zh65 universal missile was supposed to become a "mass" Soviet ICBM, like the American Minuteman-2 and Minuteman-3. The RT-2PM2 "Universal" missile system in mine and mobile versions was supposed to become the basis for the grouping of the future appearance of the Strategic Missile Forces. The development of the silo and the technical complex 15P365 for the "Universal" was carried out by KBSM (chief designer A.F. Utkin), in 1991 they issued working drawings for the silo 15P765, consisting of: protective device - 15U178, equipment PU - 15U179, equipment compartment 13M33, equipment special 15U180.

In addition, by this time, ground bench tests of the rocket were carried out. For the mobile complex in SKB MAZ in 1990, experimental samples of eight-axle wheeled chassis "7922" and "7923" were created.

Rocket chassis MAZ-7922 "Zubr" (16x16) with a 780-horsepower V12 diesel engine at a military show in 1992 / Photo:

Missile chassis MAZ-7923 "Bizon" with a 1000-horsepower gas turbine engine and electric transmission. 1990 / Photo:

In December 1991, the first 15Zh65 missile was manufactured for the LKI mine version, the first launch of ICBMs was to take place on February 15, 1992, but due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia was forced to modernize the Topol complex on its own, taking into account the developments in the RK "Universal" , all work on the universal ICBM was transferred to Russia. In April 1992, by decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the CIS and the Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation, Yuzhnoye Design Bureau and PO YuMZ were released from the functions of the lead developer and manufacturer of the RT-2PM2 (15Zh65) universal rocket with their transfer to Russian organizations.

In connection with the signing of the SALT-2 Treaty, work on the "Universal" was suspended. Work on the RK RT-2PM2 with a single universal rocket of stationary mine and mobile ground missile systems was continued by MIT under the code "Topol-M", then it was decided to place the monoblock rocket "Topol-M" in the mines of the complexes UR-100N and R- 36M (15A18). In 1994, at the Plesetsk test site, a model of the Universal rocket was demonstrated to Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

With the adoption by Ukraine of the status of a nuclear-free state, with the permission of its government, the first flight missile RT-2PM, manufactured by YuMZ, was transferred to the Russian Federation on January 14, 1995.

"Topol-M" for mines

Since the beginning of the 1990s, in Russia, only one missile system has been developed for the Strategic Missile Forces - Topol-M with mine launchers of the OS type and mobile ground launchers. After 1991, the technical appearance of the rocket was refined, only Russian organizations and enterprises. The Perm NPO Iskra joined the development of the first stage of the ICBM.

In 1992, MIT issued an addition to the draft design, reflecting the changed appearance of the rocket and the complex as a whole. In 1993, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, MIT was tasked with creating a unified ICBM by forces Russian enterprises.

Almost the same requirements were imposed on the Topol-M missile as on fourth-generation missiles. Today we can say that the Topol-M ICBM is characterized by a high degree of continuity from the previously created Topol complex.

The possibilities for improving the Topol-M missile, in relation to the existing Topol missile, were determined by the START-1 Treaty, according to which a missile was considered new if it differed from the existing one in at least one of certain signs.

Weight and size characteristics and some principles of the design of the Topol-M ICBM were limited by this agreement.

The layout of the ICBM RK "Topol - M" / Image:

Nevertheless, the Topol-M rocket was significantly changed compared to its predecessor. The conditions for modernization are defined by the START-1 Treaty, according to which a missile is considered new if it differs from the existing one (analogue) in one of the following signs: number of steps; type of fuel of any stage; starting weight by more than 10%; the length of either the assembled rocket without the warhead, or along the length of the first stage of the rocket, by more than 10%; diameter of the first stage by more than 5%; casting weight by more than 21% in combination with a change in first stage length of 5% or more.

15P785-18E. Experimental launcher for the 15Zh65 rocket / Image:

In accordance with the START-2 treaty, it is allowed to re-equip 90 silo launchers of 15A18 missiles for the Topol-M missile, while guaranteeing the impossibility of installing heavy ICBMs into such a converted launcher. The finalization of these silos includes pouring a 5m layer of concrete at the bottom of the mine, as well as installing a special restrictive ring at the top of the launcher. The internal dimensions of the heavy missile shaft are excessive to accommodate the Topol-M missile, even taking into account the pouring of the lower part of the launcher with concrete.

Launch position RK 15P165 with silo for rocket 15Zh65 / Photo:

The mass of the Topol-M rocket, its outer diameter and length are less than the mass-geometric dimensions of the 15A18M rocket, respectively, by about 5, 1.5 and 1.5 times. In order to preserve and apply heavy silo units and systems during re-equipment, it was necessary to conduct a number of comprehensive studies of the silo loading scheme during nuclear explosions and launch, the service system, the impact on the gas dynamics of the launch of a large internal free volume of the mine, the restrictive ring and the massive and large-sized roof, and the issues of loading the TPK with a missile in a launcher, etc. At the same time, TPK with a missile must be unified for both types of silos.

Protective roof of the silo for the rocket 15Zh65 / Photo:

Resource-saving technology in the creation of serial launchers provides for the preservation of a protective roof, barbette, drum, mine shaft with a bottom directly at the facility and reuse most of the equipment PU 718 - protective roof drives, depreciation systems, elevators and other equipment - after their dismantling, shipment to manufacturing plants, RVR at plants with tests on stands.

The problem of implementing resource-saving technology is closely related to the establishment of new warranty periods for reusable equipment, including mine shafts.

Placement of 15Zh65 missiles in the modified silo / Photo:

Placement of Topol-M missiles in the existing silos modified in this way makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of developing and deploying the complex.

The transport and installation unit of the 15T414 complex, created at the Motor Design Bureau, combines the functions of an installer and a transport and handling machine.

15T414 - transport and installation unit for transportation, temporary storage and installation in the silo of the ICBM RT-2PM2 (15ZH65) "Topol-M" / Photo:

Successful flight tests allowed the State Commission to recommend the adoption of the silo, converted from silos of heavy missiles, into service as part of the missile system, and in the summer of 2000 such a complex was put into service by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

In the process of combat duty, the Topol-M missile is located in the transport and launch container.

TPK missiles 15Zh65 (it houses ground preparation and launch equipment) / Photo:

TPK missiles 15Zh55 / Photo:

The new rocket used the most advanced scientific and technical solutions Key words: materials, constructions, solid propellants The Topol-M missile is made according to the scheme with three marching and combat stages. The march stages use high-density mixed fuel of increased energy developed by NPO Soyuz.

The rocket uses controls of high efficiency and speed. The warhead is equipped with a powerful thermonuclear charge, meets the most stringent requirements for nuclear explosion safety and has a particularly high resistance to nuclear and other weapons.

The developers of the Topol-M missile system successfully solved the problems of effective counteraction to advanced advanced missile defense systems with space-based means.

In accordance with the main development tasks, the Topol-M missile has high capabilities to overcome a promising missile defense system with space-based elements and can be used in conditions of a massive nuclear missile strike on the positional area of ​​​​basing of the Strategic Missile Forces complexes.

The rocket has no protruding parts, including aerodynamic rudders. Thus, along with the use of appropriate construction materials and coatings provides increased resistance to dust and ground formations and other damaging factors nuclear explosion of laser and other beam weapons.

Rocket propulsion systems are characterized by a reduced duration of operation. As a result, most of the active part of the trajectory is within the atmosphere, which prevents the use of space-based missile defense systems and reduces the intensity of the effect of radiation weapons on the missile.

According to experts, the Topol-M missile system is the first purely Russian-made missile system, which, in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics, will significantly exceed the complexes that are in operation.

Since March 1997, work on the Topol-M complex has been headed by the director and general designer of MIT, Yuri Solomonov.

Yuri Solomonov / Photo: MIT press service

Recalling the work on the mine version of the Topol-M complex, he says: “When designing the Topol-M rocket, we needed to create a design that, for the first time in domestic and world practice, would allow us to solve a number of complex tasks. It was required to develop a universal missile in relation to the types of basing, which would have: equally high combat qualities both as part of a stationary mine complex and as part of a mobile soil complex based on a self-propelled launcher; the highest accuracy of shooting and the possibility of long-term combat duty in various combat readiness; high level resistance to the effects of damaging factors of a nuclear explosion in flight; adaptability to the deployment of anti-missile defense systems of various composition by a possible adversary. …We managed to significantly improve one of the main indicators military weapons- accuracy of firing, reduce the vulnerability of the missile when exposed to missile defense, increase the resistance of the missile in flight to the effects of damaging factors of various types of weapons, including nuclear weapons, and ensure increased nuclear explosion safety. The warranty period of storage of the new rocket is longer than that of the previously created ones. Another important task was solved: the complex, from development and manufacture to delivery to the troops, was created by Russian cooperation.

The cooperation of subcontractors of MIT for the RK "Topol-M" included the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NPTs AP im. Academician N.A. Pilyugin, FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF, FSUE FPDT Soyuz, NPO Iskra, FSUE Votkinsky Zavod, FSUE OKB Vympel, JSC KBSM and other enterprises.

The mine-based type of silo with high resistance assumed minimal deployment costs, so it began to be developed in the first place. One of the main advantages of the structure of missile regiments with RK "Topol-M" was the use of resource-saving technologies. The need to change the diameter or depth of the old “glasses” of mine launchers has disappeared - only the system for attaching the container to the rocket is changing.

The development of the mine complex, given the fact that at the site two mine launchers - Yuzhnaya-1 and Yuzhnaya-2 - were then being prepared for the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau missiles, began to be carried out for the Topol-M missile. It was necessary to convert these silos under new rocket, which was done in enough short time. The first launch of the Topol-M rocket was made from a re-equipped Yuzhnaya-1 silo developed by the Vympel Design Bureau.

Initially, for the Topol-M ICBM, it was proposed to use OS-type silos developed by OKB Vympel for medium-class missiles UR-100NUTTH (15A35). During the development process, certain problems emerged. If for the mobile ground version of the Topol-M complex such a problem was the choice of chassis for the launcher - seven or eight axles, then for the stationary version the use of previously built mines became a "critical moment". At the same time, their protective devices with opening drives, the instrument compartment, the barrel, the entrance hatch and the input devices remained without modifications. With minimal modifications, a depreciation system is used during re-examination.

15P785-18. Silo for rocket 15ZH65 / Image:

The command post for the Republic of Kazakhstan was created at TsKBTM under the leadership of Alexander Leontenkov. He is further development KP mine type and has some differences from its predecessors. The CP uses equipment and other means of a new generation with increased protection against the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion and improved characteristics of information channels.

Alexander Leontenkov / Photo:

All components of the KP are manufactured by Russian enterprises, before that up to a quarter of the equipment was produced in Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, etc. The main equipment for the stationary KP RK Topol-M was designed and manufactured at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Obukhovsky Plant (General Director A.F. .Vashchenko, chief designer N.F. Ilyushikhin).

Command post layout missile regiment. The two lower compartments are inhabited: the 12th, household; and 11th, from where the control is carried out / Photo:

Fire tests of the Topol-M ICBM marching solid propellant rocket engines were carried out at the Central Research Institute Geodesy. Its flight tests of the missile began with a successful launch from a silo launcher at the Plesetsk test site on December 20, 1994. In the future, until September 26, 2000, 10 more test launches of the Topol-M missiles of the stationary complex were carried out. The second launch was made in September 1995, the third - on July 25, 1996. The fourth launch of the upgraded Topol-M ICBM was successfully completed on July 8, 1997 from the Plesetsk training ground.

Only the fifth launch, performed on October 22, 1998, turned out to be an emergency due to the erroneous operation of an emergency detonation system not installed on a combat missile, which interrupted the flight of a completely serviceable missile. All test launches were made from the Yuzhnaya launch pad from the silo.

For further testing, a second launch pad, Svetlaya, was built to accommodate the silo launcher of the Topol-M complex. Chairman of the State Commission, Deputy of the Civil Code of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel-General V.A. Nikitin. On December 8, 1998, the sixth test launch of the Topol-M rocket was made from the Plesetsk test site, during which the high reliability of the equipment was shown. The seventh launch took place on June 3, 1999, it was successful. On September 3, 1999, the eighth launch of the ICBM was carried out, during which the warhead reached the Kura test site in Kamchatka in 23 minutes, then on December 14, 1999.

Rocket launch 15ZH65 from PU 15P765-18E (February 2000) / Photo:

In 1999, under the KBSM project, the creation of an experimental combat launch position 15P765-18E was completed at the Yubileinaya site of the Plesetsk cosmodrome using equipment dismantled in accordance with the START-2 Treaty from the R-36M ICBM silo. On February 9 and August 26, 2000 (on a target in the Kamchatka region), two successful launches of the Topol-M rocket took place from this silo. Successfully carried out regular test launches of "Topol-M" confirmed the main flight performance of the rocket.

Even before the end of the tests of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on December 24, 1997, in the Taman missile division near Tatishchevo (Saratov region), two silos with Topol-M missiles (one of them is training) took up combat duty, and on December 27, 1998, on combat duty the head 104th missile regiment (commander Yu. Petrovsky) was delivered with 10 Topol-M ICBMs in converted high-security silo launchers removed from duty by UR-100N ICBMs.

The entire modernization of the missile infrastructure for the new complex is carried out using resource-saving technology and is much cheaper than if it were necessary to rebuild missile silos, command posts and control systems.

The launchers cost a minimum of construction and installation work, since neither the depth nor the diameter of the mines changed. At the command post, only the container itself with the equipment, manufactured at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Obukhovsky Plant, was replaced.

All this, according to the head of the operational department of the Main Staff of the Strategic Missile Forces, Major General S. Ponomarev, made it possible to save 18.5 million rubles on each missile silo, and the complete re-equipment of the silos for a new missile will bring savings of 3.38 billion, stretched for several years.

In addition to missile silos and stationary command posts, access roads were modernized in the regiment, new cable networks for power supply and communications were laid, and the control system was modernized. Built residential and educational complexes for duty combat shifts. During 1999, several combat training launches of Topol-M ICBMs were successfully carried out by combat crews of the Strategic Missile Forces from these silo launchers from the Plesetsk training ground.

These launches were carried out in order to accumulate statistical data on performance characteristics, the operation of all ICBM systems in flight and the accuracy of the implementation of specified programs.

Successful launches of flight tests of the 15Zh65 rocket / Photo:

Successful launches allowed the State Commission for Flight Tests of the Topol-M missile to recommend on April 25, 2000 the adoption of a new stationary-based missile system, and on July 13, 2000, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1314, the Topol-M complex in the mine variant was adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces.

This Decree opened the way for a new stage in the development of the Strategic Missile Forces. On December 26, 2000, the third regiment of the Topol-M complex, mine-based, took up combat duty. According to the initial plans, the rate of commissioning of new complexes after 2000 could amount to 40-50 launchers (4-5 missile regiments) per year.

But according to the adjusted plans and the real allocated funds, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation every year should have put into service one regiment - ten missiles, however, due to financial problems, they were able to purchase no more than six vehicles a year. And in 2001-2002 there were no such purchases at all.

As General Designer Yuri Solomonov stated: “For 2004, the volume of state investments for the manufacture of our Topol-M was almost halved without any discussion and agreement with us, although it was us who were entrusted with this work by the President of Russia”.

In 2005, instead of six Topol-M missiles, only four were put into service. From 1997 until the end of 2006, the Strategic Missile Forces received 42 Topol-M complexes. According to the approved state armaments program for 2007-2015. 50 Topol-M strategic missile systems will be purchased for the Strategic Missile Forces. The creation of the Topol-M ICBM from the preliminary design to the first pilot launch cost 142.8 billion rubles (in 1992 prices).

At the beginning of 2010, 5 missile regiments of the division were re-equipped with the fifth-generation Topol-M missile system of a stationary (mine) base - in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003 and 2005.

Since 2010, the Tatishchevo missile formation has been working on re-equipping the next, sixth missile regiment with the Topol-M missile system. Until the end of 2012, this regiment was brought to full staff. After the re-equipment of this regiment was completed, the program for equipping the Strategic Missile Forces with the Topol-M missile system was completed.

As has been repeatedly noted in the Russian media, when the US withdraws from the ABM Treaty, within the framework of the state defense order, plans are being discussed to install three individually targetable warheads at the Topol-M complex. So far, this is prohibited by the START-1 treaty, but on December 5, 2009, this document expires, which opens up the possibility for Moscow to equip Topol-M with multiply charged warheads.

Mobile soil complex "Topol-M" 15P155 with ICBM 15ZH55

Overcoming difficulties of an economic, organizational and personnel nature, in parallel with the creation of the fixed-based Topol-M complex, the MIT team continued hard work on creating a mobile version of this complex.

As Director and General Designer of MIT Yuri Solomonov recently noted “It is fundamental that the rocket for stationary and mobile systems is 100% unified. This was achieved by solving the most complex scientific, engineering and technological problems. In addition, for the developer and the Ministry of Defense, this gave a significant economic effect. ”

According to him, due to the 100% unification of the rocket, during its development, savings of about 12-15 billion rubles were achieved.

PGRK "Topol-M" 15P155 with ICBM 15ZH55 / Photo:

As already noted, military equipment The Topol-M ICBM has been adapted to advanced missile defense systems, the characteristics of mobility and protection against technical means enemy reconnaissance. Several dozen auxiliary engines and control equipment provide a flight that is unpredictable for the enemy. The developers of Topol-M claim that it is completely immune to the effects of an electromagnetic pulse. The efficiency of hitting a target is 1.6-4 times higher than previous missiles.

In addition to ICBMs, the Topol-M mobile soil complex includes command posts, autonomous launchers, as well as means for ensuring the operation and combat use of the complex. The new ICBM necessitated the creation of a new launcher. The SPU was developed by the Volgograd Federal State Unitary Enterprise TsKB Titan (General Director and General Designer V.A. Shurygin) on the basis of an eight-axle wheeled all-wheel drive chassis 79221 with a central microprocessor control system of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant.

Victor Shurygin / Photo:

The technical characteristics of the MZKT-79221 are exceptionally high, having no analogues in the world in terms of the combination of carrying capacity and maneuverability. Separate SPU units are manufactured at the Barricades Production Association, Volgograd. Fundamentally new technical solutions were used when creating systems and assemblies of the autonomous launcher (APU) of the Topol-M complex.

Significantly expanded the possibilities of using SPL when launching missiles from launch positions with weakly bearing soil. Thus, the partial hanging system makes it possible to deploy the Topol-M APU even on soft soils.

Improved patency and maneuverability of the installation, which increases its survivability. Chassis systems provide monitoring, diagnostics, on-board troubleshooting, operating recommendations, and automatic control.

When developing the SPU, the main attention was paid to the introduction of new design solutions that increase the operational reliability of the unit, the maneuverability, maneuverability and autonomy of the SPU were increased.

C-4 Projection of Topol-M 15P155 PGRK with 15Zh55 ICBM / Image:

Other vehicles providing the operation of the complex are located on the MZKT-793013 chassis, including the MOBD combat duty support vehicle.

The machine has a single three-seater cabin and two Russian-made diesel generators. A potential enemy is unable to track the mobile Topol-M. As soon as the launcher of the complex goes into the endless Russian forests, its trace is practically lost.

Combat duty support vehicle (MOBD) of the Topol-M complex on the MAZ-543M chassis / Photo:

Shoot "Topol-M" can from any point of the route. At the same time, a retaliatory nuclear strike in the event of aggression is guaranteed. However, the adoption and commissioning of the mobile component of the group of the Rocket Forces of the mobile version of the Topol-M will undoubtedly entail a change in the theory and practice of the troops.

The characteristics of the Topol-M missile system make it possible to significantly increase the readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces to perform assigned combat missions in any conditions, to ensure maneuverability, stealth actions and survivability of units, subunits and individual launchers, as well as reliable control and autonomous operation for a long time (without replenishment inventories).

The first launch of the Topol-M rocket from a mobile launcher took place on September 25, 2000 from the Plesetsk test site and was successful. On April 20, 2004, the second launch was carried out from a mobile launcher to the maximum range (about 11,000 - 11,500 km), which turned out to be very difficult from an organizational and technical point of view.

This was due, first of all, to the fact that the point of impact was outside the territory of the Russian Federation, in the Pacific Ocean, which required the presence of special measuring instruments in this area to record the results of the launch. The ship "Marshal Krylov" of the Pacific Fleet was used as such a means.

This kind of work has not been carried out since 1988. Such launches have not been carried out for about 20 years. The successful launch confirmed the combat readiness of a whole batch of serial missiles manufactured in two years for silo launchers. At the same time, the performance characteristics of this unified missile for mobile and silo-based systems were protected. This procedure alone managed to save about a billion rubles.

Sergey Ivanov, then head of the Ministry of Defense, personally informed Russian President Vladimir Putin about this launch, then he said: “One more launch is coming, after which it will be possible to make a decision on putting this complex into service. The test launch was carried out at a maximum range of 11.5 thousand kilometers, the task was to confirm the operability of the systems of the complex and evaluate the flight performance of the rocket. Everything went well.”

Vladimir Putin, in turn, noted that the tests of the Topol-M mobile-based ballistic missile, “this is an important event in the Armed Forces, in a sense, even milestone.

In November, a successful test launch of the Topol-M rocket with a new warhead was carried out from the Kapustin Yar test site in the Astrakhan region. This launch was already the sixth as part of a test of a system created to overcome the American missile defense system. Answering a question from the President, the Minister of Defense confirmed that the launch was similar to the one held last winter in Plesetsk, when the President was shown a superweapon - a hypersonic aircraft (HLA): the latest warhead for Topol-M missiles.

Its flight is carried out according to the “non-classical scheme”: the GLA is capable of flying not only along a ballistic trajectory at hypersonic speed, but also in the atmosphere, arbitrarily changing the flight path. This allows him to overcome any missile defense systems. For example, neither the modern nor the prospective US NMD system (today Germany, France and Japan are also creating their own missile defense systems) is not able to track the Topol-M flight.

The second division, armed with the Topol-M mobile ground-based missile system (PGRK), will take up combat duty in the Ivanovo region in December 2007. The rocket division of the Topol-M PGRK has three launchers. The deployment program for the Topol-M mobile complex was synchronized in time with the gradual withdrawal of its predecessor, the Topol missile system, from the Strategic Missile Forces.

In 2008, the Strategic Missile Forces put on combat duty 11 launchers (PU) of the Topol-M missile system of stationary and mobile basing, said the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces "The rate of commissioning of the new Topol-M missile system, both stationary and and mobile-based, will increase, - said the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces. - In 2008, 11 launchers will be put on combat duty - two silos and nine mobile ones.

In 2009, the re-equipment of the second regiment of the Teykov missile formation with the Topol-M mobile ground-based missile system was completed. In the Tatishchevskoye formation, preparatory work was continued to re-equip the next, sixth, missile regiment with the Topol-M missile system.

As of the beginning of 2009, the Strategic Missile Forces had 50 silo-based and 12 mobile-based launchers of the Topol-M missile system.

On combat duty in the Vladimir Missile Association are missile systems with mobile-based ICBM RS-12M Topol, stationary-based RS-18, mobile and stationary-based RS-12M2 Topol-M. On December 14, 2010, the sixth regiment of the Tatishchevskaya missile division in the Saratov region, armed with the mine-based Topol-M complex, took up combat duty. At the end of November 2010, the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Lieutenant General Sergei Karakaev, announced that the missile troops would be gradually re-equipped from the RS-12M2 Topol-M mobile missile systems to the new RS-24 Yars mobile missile systems.

According to him, the new complex, along with the Topols already put into service, will form "the basis of the strike force of the Strategic Missile Forces for the foreseeable future, until 2020." In 2012, the rearmament of the Teikovsky missile formation was completed ( Ivanovo region) on the latest mobile ground missile systems (PGRK) of the fifth generation Topol-M and Yars. The Teykovskaya missile division became the first formation in the Strategic Missile Forces to be completely re-equipped with fifth-generation PGRKs.

In 2012, work began on re-equipping the Novosibirsk and Kozelsky (Kaluga Region) missile formations with the Yars missile system. President Vladimir Putin said that the Topol-M complex is a significant contribution to increasing the combat capability of Russia.

The President noted that Topol-M is the latest mobile complex, which has special qualities of increased survivability, launch speed and other parameters. Vladimir Putin has repeatedly named Topol-M among "developments that do not exist and will not be available in other nuclear states in the coming years."

“These missile systems are not a response to the missile defense system, but they don’t care if it exists or not,” Putin emphasized, assessing the missile’s combat equipment. “These systems operate on hypersonics, change their trajectory along the course and in height, and missile defense is designed for ballistic trajectories.”

The Strategic Missile Forces will receive up to six Topol-M ICBMs per year, the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces said. According to him, in addition to the three Topol-M missiles that arrived on December 10 in the Teykovskoye formation, this year the Strategic Missile Forces received two Topol-M silo-based ICBMs, which were put on combat duty in Tatishchevo.

At present, five regiments have been re-equipped with silo-based Topol M missiles in the Tatishchevo formation, the total number of missiles on combat duty has been increased to 44 units. The new mobile systems should replace the old Topols, which have been in service since the late 1980s and have already reached their extended service life.

It is planned that Topol-M mobile and stationary systems will become the basis of the combat strength of the Strategic Missile Forces after the Topol, UR-100N UTTKh and R-36M2 Voevoda missile systems that have served their established and extended service life are removed from combat duty.

In accordance with the State Armaments Program (SAP), in 2007-2015, the Strategic Nuclear Forces will receive 69 Topol-M ICBM launchers in silo and mobile versions. “In the near future, we will begin to replace monoblocks on Topol-M intercontinental missiles with multiple reentry vehicles,” said the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces.

PGRK "Topol-M" is distinguished by increased operational characteristics, in particular, the warranty period of operation has been increased by 1.5 times and nuclear safety has been improved due to the introduction of new technical solutions and the implementation of fire protection measures for APU equipment. When creating the Topol-M PGRK, a set of measures was implemented that provided significant savings financial resources, including through the use of the same missile as for the silo-based complex.

This made it possible to apply a system of experimental testing with a 3-4-fold reduction in the volume of tests.

Besides, high degree the use of the existing infrastructure of the positional areas of the Strategic Missile Forces and compatibility with the existing system of combat control and communications made it possible to reduce the cost of introducing the complex into the Strategic Missile Forces grouping by about 2 times.

As MIT Director and General Designer Yuri Solomonov recently put it: “In 2005-2006, a rigorous assessment of the possibilities of cooperation from more than 600 enterprises involved in the Russian nuclear missile industry was carried out. It can be said with confidence that the task of rearming the domestic nuclear missile shield is feasible.»

According to Yu. Solomonov, the development of strategic nuclear forces is funded by the state in full, which allows us to hope that by 2015-2020 the land and sea grouping of the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation will be completely updated.

Characteristics - "Topol-M"

Maximum firing range, km 11000
Number of steps 3
Starting weight, t 47.1 (47.2)
Thrown mass, t 1,2
Missile length without warhead, m 17.5 (17.9)
Rocket length, m 22.7
Maximum hull diameter, m 1,86
head type monoblock, nuclear
Warhead equivalent, mt 0.55
Circular probable deviation, m 200
TPK diameter (without protruding parts), m 1.95 (for 15P165 - 2.05)
MZKT-79221 (MAZ-7922)
Wheel formula 16x16
Turning radius, m 18
Ground clearance, mm 475
Weight in curb condition (without combat equipment), t 40
Carrying capacity, t 80
Maximum speed, km/h

MRK SN (strategic intercontinental missile system) "Topol-M" (SS-X-27, "Sickle" according to NATO classification) with the RS-12M2 missile (RT-2PM2, 15Zh65) is the result of further modernization of the Topol missile system ( SS-25). This complex was completely created by Russian enterprises.

Work on the creation of a new missile system began in the mid-1980s. The Decree of the Military-Industrial Commission dated 09/09/1989 ordered the creation of two missile systems (mobile and stationary), as well as a universal three-stage solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile. This development work was given the name "Universal", and the developed complex - the designation RT-2PM2. The complex was jointly developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering and Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk).

The missile was supposed to be unified for both complexes, however, in the original project, a difference was assumed in the breeding system of the warhead. For a silo-based missile, the combat stage was to be equipped with a liquid-propellant jet engine using the promising PRONIT monopropellant. For the mobile complex, MIT developed a solid-fuel propulsion system. There were also differences in the transport and launch container (TPK). In the mobile version, the TPK was to be made of fiberglass, in the stationary version - of metal, with a number of ground equipment systems mounted on it. Therefore, the rocket for the mobile complex was assigned the index 15ZH55, for the stationary one - 15ZH65.

In March 1992, it was decided to develop the Topol-M complex on the basis of Universal (Design Bureau Yuzhnoye ceased participation in work on this complex in April). On February 27, 1993, the President of the Russian Federation signed a corresponding decree (this date is considered the start of work on Topol-M). By this decree, MIT was appointed as the head enterprise for the development of Topol-M, and financing of the work was guaranteed.

In fact, it was necessary to develop a universal missile for the types of basing. At the same time, both in the mine and in the mobile versions, the rocket had to have high combat capabilities, high accuracy of fire and be able to carry out long combat duty in different degrees of readiness. In addition, she had to have high resistance to the effects of damaging factors during the flight and overcome the missile defense of a potential enemy.

APU of the RT-2PM2 / RS-12M2 "Topol-M" complex with a TPK ICBM "Yars" during a parade rehearsal in Moscow, 04/26/2011. It was previously believed that this was the APU "Yars" (photo - Vitaly Kuzmin, http:/ /

The rocket for RTOs SN "Topol-M" was created as a modernization of the intercontinental ballistic missile RS-12M. The conditions for modernization were determined by the START-1 Treaty. According to this document, a rocket can be considered new if it differs from its analogue in one of the following signs:
- number of steps;
- type of fuel for any of the stages;
- starting weight differs by more than 10 percent;
- the length of the assembled rocket without warhead (warhead), or the length of the first stage of the rocket differs by more than 10 percent;
- the diameter of the first stage differs by more than 5 percent;
- more than 21 percent throw weight combined with a first stage length change of 5 percent or more.

Due to these limitations, the performance characteristics of the Topol-M MRK missile could not undergo significant changes, and the main differences from its analogue (RT-2PM) are in the flight features and stability when penetrating through enemy missile defense systems. The head part was developed from the very beginning, taking into account the possibility of rapid modernization in the event of the appearance operating systems missile defense of a potential adversary. It is possible to install warheads with multiple warheads with individual guidance.

The Topol-M missile system is unique in many respects and is approximately 1.5 times superior to the previous generation missile system in terms of combat readiness, survivability and maneuverability (in the mobile version), the effectiveness of hitting various objects, even under the condition of opposition from the enemy. The energy capabilities of the rocket ensure an increase in the throw-in weight, a significant decrease in the height of the active section of the flight trajectory, as well as an effective overcoming of a promising missile defense system.

When developing RTOs SN "Topol-M", the latest achievements of domestic rocket science and science were used. For the first time, a new system of experimental testing was used during tests with high standard operating modes of units and systems of the missile complex. This has drastically reduced the traditional scope of testing and reduced costs without sacrificing reliability.

The complex is a monoblock three-stage solid-propellant rocket placed in a transport and launch container. The term of the rocket in it is at least 15 years, while the total service life is at least 20 years. Among the features of the complex:
- the possibility of using existing silo launchers without significant costs (only the system for attaching the container to the missile changes). Silo launchers are used, which are exempt from missiles being decommissioned, and launchers in accordance with the START-2 treaty;
- increased, in comparison with the "Topol", firing accuracy, vulnerability of missiles during flight from the effects of air defense (including nuclear) and readiness for launch;
- the ability of missiles to maneuver during flight;
- immunity to electromagnetic impulses;
- compatibility with existing control, communication and support systems.

Rocket 15Zh65 (RT-2PM2) has 3 sustainer stages with powerful solid propellant power plants. The rocket's marching stages have a one-piece "cocoon" body made of composite material. The 15ZH65, unlike the Topol, has no lattice stabilizers and rudders. Flight control is carried out by the central partially recessed rotary nozzle of the main rocket engines of three stages. Propulsion engine nozzles are made of carbon-carbon material. For nozzle liners, a three-dimensionally reinforced oriented carbon-carbon matrix was used.

The launch weight of the rocket is more than 47 tons. The total length of the rocket is 22.7 meters, and without the warhead, the length is 17.5 meters. The maximum diameter of the rocket body (first stage) is 1.86 meters. The mass of the head part is 1.2 tons. The length of the first stage is 8.04 meters, the weight of the fully equipped stage is 28.6 tons, the operating time is 60 seconds. The thrust of the solid propellant rocket engine of the first stage at sea level is 890 kN. The diameter of the second and third steps is 1.61 and 1.58 meters, respectively. The operating time of the steps is 64 and 56 seconds, respectively. Three solid propellant propulsion engines provide a quick increase in speed, reducing the missile's vulnerability in the boost phase, and modern control systems and dozens of auxiliary engines provide maneuvers in flight, making the trajectory difficult to predict for the enemy.

A monoblock thermonuclear detachable warhead with a thermonuclear 550-kiloton warhead, unlike strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles of another type, can be replaced in a short time by a warhead with individually targetable multiple reentry vehicles with a capacity of 150 kilotons. In addition, the rocket of the Topol-M complex can be equipped with a maneuvering warhead. The new nuclear warhead, according to media reports, can overcome the US missile defense system, which is confirmed by the test results of the complex (November 21, 2005) with a new warhead. The probability of overcoming American missile defense systems is currently 60-65 percent, in the future - more than 80.

It should be noted that when creating the warhead of the ICBM, the technologies and developments obtained during the creation of the warhead for the Topol were used to the maximum, which made it possible to reduce the cost and reduce the development time. The new warhead, despite such unification, is much more resistant to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion and the action of weapons based on new physical principles, compared to its predecessor, has a lower specific gravity, and also has more advanced security mechanisms during transportation, storage and being on combat duty. The warhead has an increased coefficient beneficial use fissile materials. This warhead was created without testing components and parts during full-scale explosions (for the first time for the domestic military industry).

The 15Zh65 missile is equipped with a set of anti-missile defense breakthrough tools (KSP PRO), which include passive and active decoys, as well as means of distorting the characteristics of the warhead. False targets from warheads are indistinguishable in all ranges of electromagnetic radiation (laser, optical, radar, infrared). They make it possible to imitate the characteristics of warheads in almost all selective characteristics in all sections of the descending branch of their flight trajectory, are resistant to PFYAV, etc. These decoys are the first that can withstand radar stations with super resolution. The means of distorting the characteristics of the warhead consist of a radio absorbing coating, aerosol sources of infrared radiation, active radio interference generators, and so on.

The 15Zh65 missile can be operated as part of a stationary (15P065) or mobile (15P165) DBK. At the same time, for the stationary version, silo missile launchers are used, which are removed from service or destroyed in accordance with START-2. A stationary group is created by re-equipping mine launchers 15P735 and 15P718.

The 15P065 combat stationary silo missile system includes 10 15Zh65 missiles in 15P765-35 launchers, as well as one unified 15V222 high-security CP (located in the silo on a suspension using special depreciation). Work on the re-equipment of the silo 15P735 for the placement of Topol-M missiles was carried out under the leadership of Dmitry Dragun at the Vympel Design Bureau.

Rocket 15Zh65 in the process of combat duty is placed in a metal TPK. The transport and launch container is unified for various types of silos and combines the functions of a transport and handling machine and an installer. The transport and installation unit was developed at the design bureau "Motor".

Mobile-based Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missiles are deployed as part of the 15P165 complex. The mobile-based missile is placed in a high-strength fiberglass transport and launch container on an MZKT-79221 (MAZ-7922) all-terrain chassis with eight axles of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. Structurally, the TPK practically does not differ from the mine version. The launcher and its adaptation to the tractor was carried out by the Central Design Bureau "Titan". Mass production launchers is carried out at the Volgograd production association "Barrikada". The mass of the launcher is 120 tons, width - 3.4 meters, length - 22 meters. Six of the eight pairs of wheels are swivel (the first and last three axles), which provides exceptional maneuverability for such dimensions (the turning radius, for example, is only 18 meters) and cross-country ability. The ground pressure is half that of a conventional truck. The launcher engine is a 12-cylinder V-shaped 800-horsepower YaMZ-847 turbocharged diesel engine. The depth of the ford to be overcome is 1.1 meters. When creating units and systems 15P165, several fundamentally new technical equipment was used. solutions. So, for example, the partial suspension system allows you to deploy the Topol-M launcher on soft soils. Improved maneuverability and maneuverability of the installation, increasing its survivability. "Topol-M" can launch missiles from anywhere in the position area and has improved means of camouflage against optical and other reconnaissance means.

The characteristics of the Topol-M missile system make it possible to significantly increase the readiness of strategic missile forces to perform combat missions in various conditions, to ensure stealth, maneuverability and survivability of individual launchers, subunits and units, as well as autonomous operation and reliability of control during long time (without replenishment of inventories). The aiming accuracy has been increased by almost two times, the accuracy of determining geodetic data has been increased by one and a half times, the preparation time for launch has been reduced by half.

The re-equipment of units of the strategic missile forces is carried out using the existing infrastructure. Stationary and mobile versions are fully compatible with existing communication and command and control systems.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the rocket 15Zh65:
The maximum firing range is 11,000 km;
Number of steps - 3;
Starting weight - 47.1 tons (47.2 tons);
Thrown mass - 1.2 tons;
The length of the rocket without the warhead is 17.5 m (17.9 m);
Rocket length - 22.7 m;
The maximum hull diameter is 1.86 m;
Warhead type - nuclear, monoblock;
Warhead equivalent - 0.55 Mt;
Circular probable deviation - 200 m;
TPK diameter (without protruding parts) - 1.95 m (for 15P165 - 2.05 m).

Tactical and technical characteristics of MZKT-79221 (MAZ-7922):
Wheel formula - 16x16;
Turning radius - 18 m;
Ground clearance - 475 mm;
Curb weight - 40 tons (without combat equipment);
Carrying capacity - 80 tons;
Maximum speed - 45 km / h;
Power reserve - 500 km.

Prepared from:

Having overcome 11 thousand kilometers, the rocket fired from Plesetsk accurately hit the target

April 20, 2004 at 21:30 Moscow time historical event in the life of the "impaired in their rights" in the 90s of the Strategic Missile Forces. For the first time in 15 years, a test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile was carried out from the Plesetsk cosmodrome to the area of ​​the Hawaiian Islands at a maximum range exceeding 11,000 kilometers. Until that moment, all launches were "home". The missile that flew to distant lands was 15Zh65 Topol-M mobile-based.

Evolution of ICBMs

Since the end of the 1960s, Soviet and American designers of national nuclear missile shields have taken different paths. The Americans calmed down by creating Minuteman solid-propellant ballistic missiles in 1970 and burying them in the ground. That is, the missiles were placed in the mines once and for all. And until now, it is they, put into service in the distant 1970, that represent the ground segment of the US nuclear forces.

Soviet rocket builders, on the other hand, constantly not only modernized existing liquid-fuel rockets, but also created new types. This applied not only to the design, but also to their basing. Initially, ICBMs were openly located at the launch pads of the Kapustin Yar test site. Then ICBMs began to be placed in mines. And it was also not the best way in terms of missile survivability. Pretty soon, the coordinates of the mines were marked on US strategic maps and entered into the computers of missiles aimed at the USSR.

And in the early 70s, the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering made a revolution in rocket science. And if the name of S.P. Korolev, who made a huge contribution to the creation of space rocket technology, is well known to everyone, then few people know about Alexander Davidovich Nadiradze (1914 - 1987), a former general designer of MIT for a long time (formerly it was called NII-1 Ministry of Defense Industry). It was thanks to him that a unique class of missiles appeared in the country.

Rockets roam the country

In the mid-1970s, the Strategic Missile Forces began to receive Temp-2S (SS-16) mobile ground-based missile systems developed by MIT. These ICBMs, mounted on a MAZ chassis, had an impressive range of 10,500 km and a powerful 1.6 Mt warhead. "Temp-2S" had two fundamental advantages that Soviet launch systems did not have before.

First, they constantly moved, changing their location. In this connection, they were inaccessible to preemptive missile attacks of the enemy. American land-based ICBMs still do not have this advantage.

Secondly, the rockets used were solid propellant. They are simpler and safer to operate than liquid-fueled ICBMs. They have increased reliability, as well as reduced preparation time for launch.

The last "Soviet" product of MIT, created in conditions of economic and organizational stability, was the Topol mobile strategic missile system with a three-stage solid-propellant rocket 15Zh58. It was put into service in 1988.

On the basis of Topol, a more advanced complex RT-2PM2 Topol-M was created. It is unique both in terms of its tactical and technical capabilities, and in terms of the conditions in which the development took place. The RT-2PM2 was put into service in 2000, becoming the first ICBM in history created in "inhuman conditions". The complex began to be developed in the late 80s, when funding was sharply reduced in the industry, and was brought to trials when the industry was practically in ruins. The situation was aggravated by the collapse of the USSR. So, for example, the most important participant in the project - the Dnepropetrovsk design bureau "Yuzhnoye" - dropped out of the game in the early 90s.

"Topol-M" has two modifications - mine-based and mobile. It turned out to be easier to install the rocket in the mine - this stage of design and subsequent testing was completed in 1997. Three years later, a mobile launcher was also ready. And its official operation in parts of the RSVN began in 2005, a year after the rocket flew to the Hawaiian Islands.

Tests of the rocket demonstrated its highest reliability, which exceeded the results of tests of other types of rockets. From December 1994 to November 2014, 16 test launches were carried out, both from mine installations and from mobile ones. Only one of them was unsuccessful. At the same time, the rocket did not explode, but deviated from the target in flight and was eliminated.

Cunning modernization

The designers had to show maximum ingenuity in order to bypass the slingshots placed by the START-2 Treaty. MIT did not have the right to create a new missile, "Topol-M" was declared as a modernization of "Topol". The upgraded ICBM was not supposed to differ from the original in any of the following ways:

the number of steps;

Type of fuel for each stage;

Starting weight (no more than 10 percent deviation);

Rocket length (no more than 10% deviation);

Diameter of the first stage (no more than 5% deviation);

Thrown weight (no more than 5 percent deviation).

In this connection, the performance characteristics of the Topol-M complex could not undergo significant changes relative to the Topol complex. And the designers concentrated their main efforts on creating a rocket with unique abilities overcoming the enemy's missile defense system.

At the same time, due to the use in a rocket the latest technologies designers managed to significantly increase its energy capabilities. Thus, the bodies of all three stages are made by winding a "cocoon" from a composite material. This made the rocket lighter and made it possible to throw more warhead payload.

This had a beneficial effect on the dynamics of the flight. The operating time of the marching engines of three stages is 3 minutes. Due speed dial speed reduces the vulnerability of the missile on the active part of the trajectory. An efficient control system for several auxiliary engines and rudders provides maneuverability in flight, making the trajectory unpredictable for the enemy.

Fight against missile defense

The Topol-M is equipped with a new type of maneuvering warhead with a capacity of 550 kt. At the stage of factory testing, it was able to overcome US missile defense with a probability of up to 60% - 65%. Now this figure has been increased to 80%.

The new warhead is more resistant to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion and to the effects of weapons based on new physical principles. It should be noted that it was completely simulated on a supercomputer and was created for the first time in domestic practice without testing components and parts during full-scale explosions.

The missile is equipped with a set of missile defense breakthrough means, which include passive and active decoys, as well as means of distorting the characteristics of the warhead. False targets are indistinguishable from warheads in all ranges of electromagnetic radiation: optical, radar, infrared. They mimic the characteristics of the HF on the downstream portion of the flight path so faithfully that they are able to withstand super-resolution radars. The means of distorting the characteristics of the warhead include a radio absorbing coating, infrared radiation simulators, and radio interference generators.

The launcher weighing 120 tons is placed on an eight-axle chassis of high cross-country ability of wheeled tractors of the Minsk plant. The missile is in a fiberglass transport and launch container. Start - mortar type: with the engine off, the rocket is pushed out of the container by powder gases to a height of several meters. In the air, it is deflected using a powder accelerator. And after that, the main engine is turned on in order to avoid damage to the launcher by the gas jet of the main engine of the first stage.

The number of Topol-M complexes on combat duty in the RSVN increases by 5-6 units annually. Now there are 60 mine-based complexes and 18 mobile ones. At the same time, a new, more advanced Yars complex has already entered the army, the missile of which is equipped with three warheads with individual guidance. In it, it was possible to further reduce the time of the active part of the trajectory, increase the accuracy of fire and the likelihood of overcoming missile defense.

TTX complexes "Topol-M", "Yars" and "Minuteman-3"

Number of steps: 3 - 3 - 3
Engine type: RDTT - RDTT - RDTT
Basing: mobile, mine - mobile, mine - mine

Length: 22.5 m - 22.5 m - 18.2 m
Diameter: 1.86 m - 1.86 m - 1.67 m
Weight: 46500 kg - 47200 kg - 35400 kg

Cast weight: 1200 kg - 1250 kg - 1150 kg
Charge power: 550 kt - 4x150-300 kt or 10x150 kt - 3x0.3 Mt

Range: 11,000 km - 12,000 km - 13,000 km
Maximum deviation from the target: 200 m - 150 m - 280 m
Time of the active part of the trajectory: 3 min - 2.5 - n/a
Trajectory: flat - flat - high

Year of adoption: 2000 - 2009 - 1970.

On August 6th, 1945, the first nuclear weapon was used against the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later, the city of Nagasaki was subjected to a second blow, and now the last in the history of mankind. These bombings were tried to be justified by the fact that they ended the war with Japan and prevented the further loss of millions of lives. In total, the two bombs killed approximately 240,000 people and ushered in a new, atomic age. From 1945 until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the world suffered cold war and the constant expectation of a possible nuclear strike between the United States and the Soviet Union. During this time, the parties built thousands of nuclear weapons, from small bombs and cruise missiles, to large intercontinental ballistic warheads (ICBMs) and Seaborne Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs). Britain, France and China have added their own nuclear arsenals to this stockpile. Today, the fear of nuclear annihilation is much less than it was in the 1970s, but several countries still possess a large arsenal of these destructive weapons.

Despite agreements aimed at limiting the number of missiles, the nuclear powers continue to develop and improve their stockpiles and delivery methods. Advances in the development of missile defense systems have led some countries to increase the development of new and more effective missiles. There is a threat of a new arms race between world superpowers. This list contains ten of the most destructive nuclear missile systems currently in service in the world. Accuracy, range, number of warheads, warhead yield and mobility are the factors that make these systems so destructive and dangerous. This list is presented in no particular order because these nuclear missiles do not always share the same mission or purpose. One missile may be designed to destroy a city, while another type may be designed to destroy enemy missile silos. Also, this list does not include missiles currently being tested or not officially deployed. Thus, the Agni-V missile systems in India and the JL-2 missile systems in China, being tested step by step and ready for operation this year, are not included. Jericho III of Israel is also not taken into account, since little is known about this missile at all. It is important to keep in mind when reading this list that the size of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were equivalent to 16 kilotons (x1000) and 21 kilotons of TNT respectively.

M51, France

After the United States and Russia, France deploys the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world. In addition to nuclear bombs and cruise missiles, France relies on its SLBMs as its primary nuclear deterrent. The M51 missile is the most modern component. It entered service in 2010 and is currently installed on the Triomphant class of submarines. The missile has a range of approximately 10,000 km and is capable of carrying 6 to 10 warheads per 100 kt. The circular error probable (CEP) of the missile is between 150 and 200 meters. This means that the warhead has a 50% chance of hitting within 150-200 meters of the target. The M51 is equipped with a variety of systems that greatly complicate attempts to intercept warheads.

DF-31/31A, China

The Dong Feng 31 is a road-mobile and bunker ICBM series deployed by China since 2006. The original model of this missile carried a large 1 megaton warhead and had a range of 8,000 km. The probable missile deflection is 300 m. The improved 31 A has three 150 kt warheads and is capable of covering a distance of 11,000 km, with a probable deflection of 150 m. The additional fact that these missiles can be moved and launched from a mobile launch vehicle, which makes them even more dangerous.

Topol-M, Russia

Known as the SS-27 by NATO, the Topol-M was put into use by Russia in 1997. intercontinental missile based in bunkers, but a few Poplars are also mobile. The missile is currently armed with a single 800 kt warhead, but can be equipped with a maximum of six warheads and decoys. With a maximum speed of 7.3 km/s, a relatively flat flight path and a probable deflection of approximately 200 m, the Topol-M is a highly effective nuclear missile that is difficult to stop in flight. The difficulty of tracking mobile units makes it a more effective weapon system worthy of this list.

RS-24 Yars, Russia

The Bush Administration's plans to develop a missile defense network in Eastern Europe have angered leaders in the Kremlin. Despite claiming that the impact shield was not intended against Russia, Russian leaders saw it as a threat to their own security and decided to develop a new ballistic missile. The result was the development of the RS-24 Yars. This missile is closely related to the Topol-M, but delivers four warheads at 150-300 kilotons and has a 50m deflection. With many of the features of the Topol, the Yars can also change direction in flight and carry decoys, making it extremely difficult to intercept by a missile defense system. .

LGM-30G Minuteman III, USA

It is the only land-based ICBM deployed by the United States. First deployed in 1970, the LGM-30G Minuteman III was to be replaced by the MX Peacekeeper. That program was canceled and the Pentagon instead spent $7 billion to upgrade and upgrade the existing 450 LGM-30G Active Systems over the past decade. With a speed of almost 8 km / s and a deviation of less than 200 m (the exact number is strictly classified), the old Minuteman remains formidable. nuclear weapons. This missile originally delivered three small warheads. Today, a single warhead of 300-475 kt is used.

PCM 56 Bulava, Russia

The RSM 56 Bulava naval ballistic missile is in service with Russia. From the point of view of naval missiles Soviet Union and Russia lagged somewhat behind the United States in performance and capability. To correct this shortcoming, the Mace was created, a more recent addition to the Russian submarine arsenal. The missile was designed for the new Borei-class submarine. After numerous setbacks during the testing phase, Russia accepted the missile into service in 2013. The Bulava is currently armed with six 150 kt warheads, although reports say it can carry as many as 10. Like most modern ballistic missiles, the RSM 56 carries several decoys to increase survivability in the face of a missile defense system. The range is approximately 8,000 km at full load, with an approximate deviation probability of 300-350 meters.

R-29RMU2 Liner, Russia

The latest development in Russian service, the Liner has been in service since 2014. The missile is effectively an updated version of the previous Russian SLBM (Sineva R-29RMU2) designed to make up for the Bulava's problems and some shortcomings. The liner has a range of 11,000 km and can carry a maximum of twelve warheads of 100 kt each. Warhead payload can be reduced and replaced with decoys to improve survivability. The deflection of the warhead is kept secret, but is probably similar to 350 meters of Mace.

UGM-133 Trident II, USA

The current SLBM of the American and British submarine forces is the Trident II. The missile has been in service since 1990 and has been updated and upgraded since then. Fully equipped, the Trident can carry 14 warheads on board. This number was later reduced and the missile currently delivers 4-5 warheads at 475 kt. The maximum range depends on the load of warheads and varies between 7800 and 11,000 km. The US Navy required a deflection probability of no more than 120 meters for the missile to be accepted into service. Numerous reports and military journals often state that the Trident deflection actually exceeded this requirement by a fairly significant amount.

DF-5/5A, China

Compared to other missiles on this list, the Chinese DF-5/5A can be considered a gray workhorse. The rocket does not stand out either in appearance or complexity, but at the same time it is able to perform any task. The DF-5 entered service in 1981 as a message to any potential enemies that China was not planning preemptive strikes, but would punish anyone who dared to attack it. This ICBM can carry a huge 5 mt warhead and has a range of over 12,000 km. The DF-5 has a deviation of approximately 1 km, which means that the missile has one goal - to destroy cities. Warhead size, deflection, and the fact that it full training it only takes an hour to launch, all of which means the DF-5 is a punitive weapon designed to punish any would-be attackers. The 5A version has increased range, improved 300m deflection, and the ability to carry multiple warheads.

R-36M2 "Voevoda"

The R-36M2 "Voevoda" is a missile that in the West is called nothing more than Satan, and there are good reasons for this. First deployed in 1974, the Dnepropetrovsk-designed R-36 complex has gone through many changes since then, including the relocation of the warhead. The latest modification of this missile, the R-36M2, can carry ten 750 kt warheads and has a range of approximately 11,000 km. With a top speed of nearly 8 km/s and a probable deflection of 220 m, Satan is a weapon that has caused great concern to US military planners. There would be much more anxiety if the Soviet planners were given green light to deploy one version of this missile, which was to have 38 warheads at 250 kt. Russia plans to retire all of these missiles by 2019.

To continue, visit a selection of the most powerful weapons in history, which contains not only missiles.


Missile complex "Topol-M": fifteen years in the service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The upgraded missile system "Topol-M" is the first missile system created only by Russian enterprises. It was developed in the late 1980s.
The act on the adoption of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) was approved by the state commission on April 28, 2000.
The first launch of the Topol-M missile from an autonomous launcher (APU) was carried out on September 20, 2000;
Currently, according to media reports, two divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with Topol-M complexes.


On January 16, 2017, a joint combat crew of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Aerospace Forces launched a silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Topol-M from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.
The training warhead of the rocket hit a mock target with high accuracy at a training ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
The purpose of this launch was to confirm the stability of the flight performance of ICBMs of this type.
Department of Information and mass communications Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


Since the beginning of the 1990s, in Russia, only one missile system has been developed for the Strategic Missile Forces - Topol-M with mine launchers of the OS type and mobile ground launchers. After 1991, the technical appearance of the rocket was refined, only Russian organizations and enterprises remained in cooperation. The Perm NPO Iskra joined the development of the first stage of the ICBM. In 1992, MIT issued an addition to the draft design, reflecting the changed appearance of the rocket and the complex as a whole. In 1993, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, MIT was given the task of creating a unified ICBM by the forces of Russian enterprises. Almost the same requirements were imposed on the Topol-M missile as on fourth-generation missiles. Today we can say that the Topol-M ICBM is characterized by a high degree of continuity from the previously created Topol complex.
Opportunities for improving the Topol-M missile, in relation to the existing Topol missile, were determined by the START-1 Treaty, according to which a missile was considered new if it differed from the existing one in at least one of certain signs. Weight and size characteristics and some principles of the design of the Topol-M ICBM were limited by this agreement. Nevertheless, the Topol-M rocket was significantly changed in comparison with its predecessor. The conditions for modernization are defined by the START-1 Treaty, according to which a missile is considered new if it differs from the existing one (analogue) in one of the following ways: the number of stages; type of fuel of any stage; starting weight by more than 10%; the length of either the assembled rocket without the warhead, or along the length of the first stage of the rocket, by more than 10%; diameter of the first stage by more than 5%; casting weight by more than 21% in combination with a change in first stage length of 5% or more.

The most advanced scientific and technical solutions were applied in the new rocket: materials, structures, solid propellants. The Topol-M rocket was made according to the scheme with three marching and combat stages. The march stages use high-density mixed fuel of increased energy developed by NPO Soyuz. The rocket uses controls of high efficiency and speed. The warhead is equipped with a powerful thermonuclear charge, meets the most stringent requirements for nuclear explosion safety and has a particularly high resistance to nuclear and other weapons.
The developers of the Topol-M missile system successfully solved the problems of effective counteraction to advanced advanced missile defense systems with space-based means. In accordance with the main development tasks, the Topol-M missile has high capabilities to overcome a promising missile defense system with space-based elements and can be used in conditions of a massive nuclear missile strike on the positional area of ​​​​basing of the Strategic Missile Forces complexes. The rocket has no protruding parts, including aerodynamic rudders. Thus, along with the use of appropriate structural materials and coatings, increased resistance to dust and ground formations and other damaging factors of a nuclear explosion of laser and other beam weapons is provided.
Rocket propulsion systems are characterized by a reduced duration of operation. As a result, most of the active part of the trajectory is within the atmosphere, which prevents the use of space-based missile defense systems and reduces the intensity of the effect of radiation weapons on the missile. According to experts, the Topol-M missile system is the first purely Russian-made missile system, which, in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics, will significantly exceed the complexes that are in operation.

Since March 1997, the work on the Topol-M complex was headed by the director and general designer of MIT Yu.S. Solomonov. Recalling the work on the mine version of the Topol-M complex, he says: “When designing the Topol-M rocket, we needed to create a design that, for the first time in domestic and world practice, would allow us to solve a number of complex tasks. It was required to develop a universal missile in relation to the types of basing, which would have: equally high combat qualities both as part of a stationary mine complex and as part of a mobile soil complex based on a self-propelled launcher; the highest accuracy of shooting and the possibility of long-term combat duty in various combat readiness; high level of resistance to the impact of damaging factors of a nuclear explosion in flight; adaptability to the deployment of anti-missile defense systems of various composition by a possible adversary.
... It was possible to significantly improve one of the main indicators of military weapons - firing accuracy, reduce the degree of vulnerability of a missile when exposed to missile defense, increase the resistance of a missile in flight to the effects of various types of weapons, including nuclear weapons, and ensure increased nuclear explosion safety. The warranty period of storage of the new rocket is longer than that of the previously created ones. Another important task was solved: the complex, from development and manufacture to delivery to the troops, was created by Russian cooperation.
The cooperation of subcontractors of MIT for the RK "Topol-M" included the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NPTs AP im. Academician N.A. Pilyugin (general director EL. Mezhiritsky), FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF (director R.I. Ilkaev, chief designer Yu.I. Faikov), FSUE FPDT Soyuz (general director Yu.M. Milekhin) , NPO Iskra (general director and general designer M.I. Sokolovsky), FSUE Votkinsky Zavod (general director V.G. Tolmachev), FSUE OKB Vympel (general director and general designer D .K. Dragun), OJSC KBSM (general director and general designer N.A. Trofimov) and other enterprises.
The mine-based type of silo with high resistance assumed minimal deployment costs, so it began to be developed in the first place. One of the main advantages of the structure of missile regiments with the Topol-M missile system was the use of resource-saving technologies. The need to change the diameter or depth of the old "glasses" of mine launchers has disappeared - only the system for attaching the container to the rocket is changing.
The development of the mine complex, given the fact that at the site two mine launchers - Yuzhnaya-1 and Yuzhnaya-2 - were then being prepared for the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau missiles, began to be carried out for the Topol-M missile. It was necessary to re-equip these silos for a new missile, which was done in a fairly short time. The first launch of the Topol-M rocket was carried out from the re-equipped Yuzhnaya-1 silo, developed by the Vympel Design Bureau (chief designer O.S. Baskakov).

Initially, for the Topol-M ICBM, it was proposed to use OS-type silos developed by OKB Vympel for medium-class missiles UR-100NUTTH (15A35). In the process of study, certain problems were revealed. If for the mobile soil version of the Topol-M complex such a problem was the choice of chassis for the launcher - seven- or eight-axle, then for the stationary version, the use of previously built mines became the "critical moment". At the same time, their protective devices with opening drives, the instrument compartment, the barrel, the entrance hatch and the input devices remained without modifications. With minimal modifications, a depreciation system is used during re-examination.

Later, in accordance with the joint decision of the MIT, GURVO MO and KBSM of August 21, 1992 on the conversion work, design materials were developed that determined the main areas of work for the conversion of silo launchers of R-36M UTTKh heavy missiles to the Topol- M. Since January 1993, in accordance with the signed START-2 Treaty, it was allowed to re-equip 90 silos for heavy missiles under the Topol-M missile. This important decision opened up the possibility of maintaining a silo grouping of the Strategic Missile Forces based on launchers for heavy missiles of the R-36M UTTKh type (according to START - RS-20) to accommodate Topol-M missiles in them in the future.

The command post for the Republic of Kazakhstan was created at TsKBTM under the leadership of A. Leontenkov. It is a further development of the mine-type gearbox and has some differences from its predecessors. The CP uses equipment and other means of a new generation with increased protection against the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion and improved characteristics of information channels. All components of the KP are manufactured by Russian enterprises, before that up to a quarter of the equipment was produced in Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, etc. The main equipment for the stationary KP RK Topol-M was designed and manufactured at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Obukhovsky Plant (General Director A.F. .Vashchenko, chief designer N.F. Ilyushikhin).

Fire tests of the Topol-M ICBM marching solid propellant rocket engines were carried out at the Central Research Institute Geodesy. Its flight tests of the missile began with a successful launch from a silo launcher at the Plesetsk test site on December 20, 1994. In the future, until September 26, 2000, 10 more test launches of the Topol-M missiles of the stationary complex were carried out. The second launch was made in September 1995, the third - on July 25, 1996. The fourth launch of the upgraded Topol-M ICBM was successfully completed on July 8, 1997 from the Plesetsk training ground. Only the fifth launch, performed on October 22, 1998, turned out to be an emergency due to the erroneous operation of an emergency detonation system not installed on a combat missile, which interrupted the flight of a completely serviceable missile. All test launches were made from the Yuzhnaya launch pad from the silo. For further testing, a second launch pad, Svetlaya, was built to accommodate the silo launcher of the Topol-M complex. Chairman of the State Commission, Deputy of the Civil Code of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel-General V.A. Nikitin. On December 8, 1998, the sixth test launch of the Topol-M rocket was made from the Plesetsk test site, during which the high reliability of the equipment was shown. The seventh launch took place on June 3, 1999, it was successful. On September 3, 1999, the eighth launch of the ICBM was carried out, during which the warhead reached the Kura test site in Kamchatka in 23 minutes, then on December 14, 1999.
In 1999, according to the KBSM project (Chief Designer V.D. Guskov), the creation of an experimental combat launch position 15P765-18E was completed at the Yubileinaya site of the Plesetsk cosmodrome using equipment dismantled in accordance with the START-2 Treaty from ICBM silos R-36M. On February 9 and August 26, 2000 (on a target in the Kamchatka region), two successful launches of the Topol-M rocket took place from this silo. Successfully carried out regular test launches of Topol-M confirmed the basic flight performance of the rocket.

Even before the end of the tests of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on December 24, 1997, in the Taman missile division near Tatishchevo (Saratov region), two silos with Topol-M missiles (one of them was training) took up combat duty, and on December 27, 1998 The head 104th missile regiment (commander Yu. Petrovsky) was put on combat duty with 10 Topol-M ICBMs in re-equipped high-security mine launchers removed from duty by UR-100N ICBMs. The entire modernization of the missile infrastructure for the new complex is carried out using resource-saving technology and is much cheaper than if it were necessary to rebuild missile silos, command posts and control systems. The launchers cost a minimum of construction and installation work, since neither the depth nor the diameter of the mines changed. At the command post, only the container itself with the equipment, manufactured at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Obukhovsky Plant, was replaced. All this, according to the head of the operational department of the Main Staff of the Strategic Missile Forces, Major General S. Ponomarev, made it possible to save 18.5 million rubles on each missile silo, and the complete re-equipment of the silos for a new missile will bring savings of 3.38 billion, stretched for several years. In addition to missile silos and stationary command posts, access roads were modernized in the regiment, new cable networks for power supply and communications were laid, and the control system was modernized. Residential and educational complexes for duty combat shifts were built.

During 1999, several combat training launches of the Topol-M ICBMs were successfully carried out by combat crews of the Strategic Missile Forces from these silo launchers from the Plesetsk training ground. These launches were carried out with the aim of accumulating statistical data on the performance characteristics, the operation of all ICBM systems in flight, and the accuracy of fulfilling the given programs. Successful launches allowed the State Commission for Flight Testing of the Topol-M missile to recommend on April 25, 2000 the adoption of a new stationary-based missile system, and on July 13, 2000, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1314 the Topol-M complex in the mine version was adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces. This Decree opened the way for a new stage in the development of the Strategic Missile Forces. On December 26, 2000, the third regiment of the Topol-M complex, mine-based, took up combat duty.
According to the initial plans, the rate of commissioning of new complexes after 2000 could amount to 40-50 launchers (4-5 missile regiments) per year. But according to the adjusted plans and real allocated funds, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was supposed to put into service one regiment - ten missiles every year, however, due to financial problems, they were able to purchase no more than six vehicles a year. And in 2001-2002 there were no such purchases at all. As General Designer Yu.S. Solomonov stated: “In 2004, the volume of state investments for the manufacture of our Topol-M was almost halved without any discussion and agreement with us, although it was us who were entrusted with this work by the President of Russia. » In 2005, instead of six Topol-M missiles, only four were put into service. From 1997 until the end of 2006, the Strategic Missile Forces received 42 Topol-M complexes. According to the approved state armaments program for 2007-2015. 50 Topol-M strategic missile systems will be purchased for the Strategic Missile Forces. The creation of the Topol-M ICBM from the preliminary design to the first pilot launch cost 142.8 billion rubles (in 1992 prices).

At the beginning of 2010, 5 missile regiments of the division were re-equipped with the fifth-generation Topol-M missile system of a stationary (mine) base - in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003 and 2005.
Since 2010, the Tatishchevo missile formation has been working on re-equipping the next, sixth missile regiment with the Topol-M missile system. Until the end of 2012, this regiment was brought to full staff. After the re-equipment of this regiment was completed, the program for equipping the Strategic Missile Forces with the Topol-M missile system was completed.
As has been repeatedly noted in the Russian media, when the US withdraws from the ABM Treaty, within the framework of the state defense order, plans are being discussed to install three individually targetable warheads at the Topol-M complex. So far, this is prohibited by the START-1 treaty, but on December 5, 2009, this document expires, which opens up the possibility for Moscow to equip Topol-M with multiply charged warheads.


MIT developer
Gene. designer B.N. Lagutin, Yu.S. Solomonov
Missile manufacturer Votkinsk MZ
NATO code SS-X-29
Name according to START-1 RS-12M2
(RS-12M variant 2)
START-1 classification assembled by ICBMs in a launch canister (Class A)
Type of strategic complex with silo type OS with solid-propellant ICBM, fifth generation
The first test launch of a missile from a silo took place on December 20, 1994.
The ICBM entered service in December 1997, adopted by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2000
Rocket RT-2PM210 ("Topol-M")
Far arrows intercontinental
head part:
- monoblock type
— developer VNIIEF
- ch. designer G. Dmitriev
— weight, kg 1200
INS control system with onboard computer
— developer NPO AP

Steering gears:
— developer of TsNII AG
- ch. designer V.Solunin
Aiming system:
- ground type
— developer NPO AP
- ch. designer V.L. Lapygin, Y. Trunov
- manufacturer of control equipment Izhevsk plant "Aksion"
Type of start from TPK due to PAD
Number of rocket stages 33, 7
Rocket length, m:
- full missiles in TPK 22.7
— without head part 17.5
Max. case diameter, m 1.86-1.95
Starting weight, t: 47.2-47.21
Fuel type mixed solid
Guarantee. rocket storage life, years 15
First stage:
Dimensions, m:
- diameter 1.95
Single-chamber solid propellant engine

Second step:
Single-chamber solid propellant engine
— charge developer NPO Soyuz
- ch. charge designer Z.P. Pak, Yu.M. Milekhin
- frame:
one-piece type "cocoon" type made of organoplastic
developer of TsNIISM
ch. designer V.A.Barynin
manufacturer TSNIISM
Third step:
Single-chamber solid propellant engine
— charge developer NPO Soyuz
- ch. charge designer Z.P. Pak, Yu.M. Milekhin
Transport and launch container:
thermostat type
Housing material composite
Developer TsNII spetsmash
Development manager V.A.Barynin
Dimensions, m:
- diameter 2.0
- length 22.7
Launcher (option 1):
Mine type type OS re-equipped silo MBR UR-100N
Developer GNIP OKB "Vympel"
Ch. designer O.S. Bakakov, D.K. Dragun
Type PU shaft type OS
Protective device against silo ICBM UR-100NU11
Shaft dimensions, m:
— inner diameter 4.6
- height 29.8
— inner diameter of the roof 7.6
The degree of security is high
Number of missiles in silos 1
The number of silos in the complex (shelf) 10
Launcher (option 2):
Mine type OS type re-equipped silo MBR R-36M
Developer KBSM
Ch. designer V.D. Guskov
Protective device against silo ICBM R-36M
Shaft dimensions, m:
— inner diameter 5.9
- the height corresponds to the R-36 ICBM silo with concrete poured 5 meters above the old mine bottom
- flow area of ​​the restrictive ring, m 2.9
The degree of protection is high
Number of missiles in silos 1
The number of silos in the complex is up to 10
Command post:
Type container mine
type 15V222
Developer TsKB TM
Ch. designer A.A.Leontenkov
Developer and manufacturer of the main equipment Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Obukhovsky Plant"
The degree of protection is high
Number of control points in complex 1
Combat control system:
Developer NPO "Impulse"
Ch. designer B.Mikhailov

A.V. Karpenko, VTS "BASTION" + add.


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12. Trembach E.I., Esin K.P., Ryabets A.F., Belikov B.N. "Titan" on the Volga. From artillery to space launches, Volgograd: Stanitsa-2, 2000
13. "Minsk plant of wheel tractors 1959-1999" - "Military Parade", 1999
14. “The first step of the military reform has strengthened the nuclear missile shield of Russia” V. Litovkin - Izvestia No. 219 of November 19, 1997
15. Missile Forecast - Forecast International / DMS, 1996
16. "Military secret" V. Litovkin - "Izvestia" of December 24, 1997
17. "Star Wars-2" A. Protsenko - "Labor" of February 3, 1998
18. V. Litovkin "... and yet we make rockets!" - "Izvestia"
19. “In the world there is no equal to the Russian Topol-M missile system - the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation” - Interfax, December 24, 1997
20. M. Tarasenko “35 years of the Vympel Design Bureau” - “Cosmonautics News” No. 8 (175) - 1998
21. "Missile systems - on alert" - "Commonwealth", 199
22. Newspapers Izvestia, Trud, Krasnaya Zvezda, VPK, NVO, Obshchaya Gazeta, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Sodruzhestvo, magazines Army Collection, Army, Aerospace courier”, “Military Parade”, “Russian Maritime Policy”, “National Defense”, “Cosmonautics News”, RIA Novosti, ITAR-TASS,,

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