New revelations of Princess Diana: "Four months pregnant, I threw myself down the stairs, trying to attract the attention of my husband." "Diana was still pregnant!" - the father of her deceased lover told the AiF special correspondent Diana's car was knocked off course by a white Fiat

On the eve of the 10th anniversary of the death of the popular princess, the AiF columnist met in London with people from her entourage who believe that the car accident was not an accident at all ...

Her death is the signature style of intelligence

On August 31, 1997, 36-year-old Diana, ex-wife of the heir to the British throne, Charles, died in a car accident in Paris. Together with her, her 42-year-old lover Dodi al-Fayed, as well as the chauffeur Henri Paul, died. It is well known that people of this level do not die just like that. And if they die, then no one believes in the official explanation of their death. The story of the mystical death of a popular princess still excites society. During my stay in London, I heard a lot of talk on this topic - in cafes, underground and just under traffic lights, waiting to cross the street. Everyone agrees on one thing - there was a conspiracy. And if someone hints: they say, maybe Prince Charles is not to blame at all, they look at him like a clinical idiot.

The main ideologist of the "conspiracy theory" is the father of Diana's lover, billionaire Mohammed al-Fayed. It was he who insisted on a state investigation into the car accident, which has been going on for five years. Getting to talk to him is out of the realm of fantasy: every day, al-Fayed receives ten (!) requests for an interview. I was immediately warned: only a couple of questions.

On December 14, 2006, the first findings of the Commission of Inquiry into Diana's death were announced. It is established that she died "as a result of an accident", and DNA analysis showed that the princess was not pregnant. Previously, you stated that it was the news of her pregnancy that served as the basis for the assassination attempt, the royal family feared that the future king of Britain might have a Muslim half-brother.

At first, the authorities refused to do the test, and when they did it under pressure, 10 years passed! During this time, traces can simply be lost. The day before his death, Dodi and Diana were visiting a villa in Paris that I had bought for them. They chose a room for their child there, overlooking the garden.

The latest data showed that the princess's chauffeur was drunk, his blood turned out to be three times more alcohol than the driving norm allows.

There are CCTV footage from the Ritz Hotel showing Henri Paul's gait is normal, although in theory he should just be crawling. In his body, doctors found a wild amount of antidepressant. Most likely, this person was poisoned. In addition, I have documents that he worked for the British intelligence services. Later they found his secret bank accounts, to which 200 thousand dollars were transferred. The origin of this money is unclear.

So does Paul Burrell, Diana's former butler, who has already earned half a million pounds from publishing intimate letters of the princess, and at the same time told a lot of details about Diana: how she (while still the wife of Prince Charles) went by taxi to the Pakistani doctor, her then lover, in a fur coat worn over a naked body. One of Diana's letters, which she wrote 10 months before her death, reads: "My life is in danger. My ex-husband is planning an accident. My car's brakes will fail, there will be a car accident. My husband needs to get rid of me in order to marry his mistress.". The tragedy that happened in Paris repeats the scenario described in this message.

The publication of this letter caused a scandal, Paul Burrell explains to me. - The royal family did not find anything better than to say that I had no right to give it to the newspapers. But, sorry, this proves that Diana was seriously afraid for her life and had information about the impending assassination attempt on her. Her death turned out to be brilliantly organized - corporate English style. Our intelligence always "removed" people not with the help of poison or a sniper, but in such a way that it looked like an accident.

Killed according to the "Milosevic plan"?

A SIMILAR opinion is shared by the secret services themselves, for example, the infamous ex-MI6 officer Richard Tomlinson. He was arrested twice for revealing state secrets in his books on British intelligence, left Britain and now lives in France. Tomlinson openly stated that Diana was killed by MI6 agents under the "mirror" plan of "accidental car accident", which was prepared 15 years ago for Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic. After that, he called for declassifying the recordings of telephone conversations of special services in Paris on August 31, 1997. Of course, no one began to declassify the records, but the French police arrested Tomlinson himself, as well as his entire archive of documents and computers. Now the officer is being interrogated by investigators from London as "a witness in the case of the death of the Princess of Wales." Until the end of the interrogations, Richard refused to give me any comments.

... At the very end of the trip, I found the only surviving participant in a car accident in Paris, the bodyguard of Dodi and Diana Trevor Rees-Jones. He, unlike the driver and passengers, survived because he fastened his seat belt. The crushed bones in his body are held together with 150 (!) titanium plates, he underwent ten surgeries. Trevor now lives in a town in the northwest of England, where he has a family business - a sportswear store.

Henri Paul was not drunk that evening, he says. - He did not smell of alcohol, he communicated and walked normally. I didn't drink anything at the table. I don't know where the alcohol came from in his blood after his death. Unfortunately, I cannot explain why I was wearing seat belts in the car, but Diana and Dodi were not. My brain is damaged, I suffer from partial memory loss. My memories end when we left the Ritz Hotel...

Diana's death has become a trademark. Films are made about this event in Hollywood, her lovers write books for which they receive huge fees, servants sell interviews to tabloids for big money. If the newspaper publishes the revelations of Diana's lover, the circulation increases by a MILLION a day - the interest in "Lady Dee" is huge. A visit to her palace costs $25 for a tourist, a cup with the face of the late princess can be bought for $10, and so on - postcards, saucers, even dolls. In total, souvenirs with images of Diana are sold every year for half a billion dollars (!). As one of the merchants in Oxford Street cynically told me, "It's a pity they didn't kill her sooner." The anniversary of the death of the most popular princess will further fuel interest in her life. Discussions in cafes will intensify, even more souvenirs will be sold, newspapers will increase circulation. But the circumstances of Diana's death will remain unclear ...


Princess Diana was pregnant at the time of her death. This sensational statement was made on Sunday by the British newspaper Independent on Sunday, citing a high-ranking source in the French police.

"I can tell you for sure that she was pregnant," a police officer who took part in the investigation into the death of the princess and her friend Dodi al-Fayed told the newspaper.

"The fact of pregnancy was not mentioned in the official documents of the investigation as unrelated to the causes of the accident or Diana's death," a police spokesman explained.

However, the father of the deceased friend of Diana, the owner of the largest London department store Harrods Mohammed al-Fayed has repeatedly claimed that Diana was pregnant. This circumstance was one of the reasons why the billionaire has repeatedly called on the British justice authorities to conduct a new public investigation into the death of his son Dodi and Princess Diana.

Mohammed al-Fayed continues to claim that his son and the Princess of Wales were deliberately killed, and the full facts about the circumstances of their death, according to him, continue to be hidden.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, Michael Burgess, a forensic expert for the British royal family, announced his intention to conduct an investigation in the UK into the deaths of Princess Diana and her friend Dodi al-Fayed.

According to him, investigations into the death of two celebrities will be conducted separately, at the place of their last residence.

Hearings on the death of Diana will open on January 6 at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Center in London, and on the death of Dodi al-Fayed on the same day in Reigate (Surrey), RIA Novosti reports.

Burgess also said that he had planned to open an investigation as early as October, but the settlement of all issues with the relatives of the victims took longer than expected.

"I will be briefing the public shortly on what aspects of the proceedings will affect and the purpose of the proceedings, as well as the nature and extent of the evidence and witness statements that I expect to receive," Burgess said.

Princess Diana, 36, and Dodi al-Fayed, 42, died in a car accident in Paris on August 31, 1997, when their car crashed into the 13th column of the tunnel under the Alma Bridge.

A protracted police investigation into the incident in France resulted in a six thousand page report that was never made public.

As a result of the investigation, the driver Henri Paul was declared the main culprit of the accident, in whose blood a three-fold excess of the maximum permissible concentration of alcohol was found.

New shocking details of his personal life and Prince Charles are sorted out on the net for quotes. Of course, already now, knowing the history of the relationship of the couple, one can judge the reasons for the disagreement, but still it becomes uncomfortable from what a deeply unhappy woman the idol of millions, Princess Diana, was.


Recall that the famous writer Andrew Morton published the confessions of the ex-wife of the heir to the British throne, which she asked not to be published during her lifetime. Now, audio recordings of fears and hopes, feelings of unrequited love for Prince Charles, are attracting increased attention.

It has been 20 years since the book about Princess Diana was published, but only now archival audio recordings have been made public. Previously, the world learned that, but also called their marriage. Now it became known that Prince Charles totally ignored his wife, because of which she went to shocking measures: she cut herself with a penknife or threw herself down the stairs to attract the attention of an indifferent husband.

When I was four months pregnant, I threw myself down the stairs, trying to get my husband's attention to listen to me.

But Prince Charles paid no attention to all this. I had to go through hardships myself. In solitude, she comprehended new duties at the royal court. Due to the indifference, cheating and nitpicking of her husband, Diana had bulimia, due to which she could dramatically lose weight.

We walked for four hours, we didn't have food, and apparently I didn't eat for several days. When I say this, I mean that the food would remain in the stomach. During the walk, I felt terrible, but I was afraid to talk about it. At some point, I put my hand on my husband's shoulder and said: "Honey, I think I'm about to fall" - and slid down him. Then the royal assistants took me to the room ... Charles continued to work on the exhibition. He left me alone, I went back to the hotel and cried my eyes out.

But this problem of the mother of the royal heirs did not find a response in the heart of Prince Charles, and constant worries about a rival only aggravated the situation.

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