Cow fistula - huge holes in the belly of a cow. Treatment and prevention

What is a Bear?
The bear is a rare forest animal with a smooth, copper-pink body and a long, warm tail. Usually the bear lives in a specially an adapted pit, also called a "lair", since it is usually decorated with the horns of various animals that the Bear ate. These horns often turn white in the sun, hence the name.

Why fuck Bear?
The body of the Bear, soft and pleasant to the touch, also has a number of unique properties. Among others, it is known that sexual intercourse with the Bear strengthens the muscles of the penis and the gonads - the testicles. The general physical condition of the copulating person improves significantly, and in some cases para-psychological abilities are manifested, such as: telepathy, poltergeist, meditation. Actually, this is exactly what honey fuckers have been looking for from time immemorial, but recent studies have shown that just the supernatural influence of the Bear is not always obvious, but the health benefits are undeniable. In addition, most honey fuckers admit that fuck bear much more pleasant than sexual intercourse with a person.



As already mentioned, the Bear lives in a den. Of course, you can just try to find the Bear in the forest, but, unfortunately, the Bear population is small, the chance to stumble just so miserable. In this regard, it is recommended to look for the belrog. The lair, as you may have guessed, can be identified by the white horns rising above it. The lair itself is invisible, because it is located underground. Once upon a time, the horns scared away unwanted guests, but now, unfortunately, they serve the Bears in a bad way, opening the location of the den to the ubiquitous honey fuckers.
At the same time, finding a lair is not so easy already due to the fact that there are few of them. Often, having already found the lair, you can stumble upon another bear guarding the Bear. In this regard, it is advisable to use the services of berlozhniks who are engaged in the search for Belrogs. The labor union coordinates their efforts, and all found lairs are entered into a secret database, access to which is protected no worse than a presidential suitcase with a red button. True, two years ago, a group of criminal honey fuckers managed to secretly steal one of the maps with the location of more than 10 lairs. The thieves abused their semi-scientific knowledge, and, not having sufficient experience in honey-fucking, rushed to fuck everyone at once. About a couple of months later, a group of bears feeding the Bears in the area came across human horns erected over several dens.
The services of the bearers, of course, cost a lot of money, but nowadays only experienced and old honey fuckers are able to find a den on their own, moreover, not registered by the bearers, who zealously protect all their objects.



Having found a lair - or having bought data about its location from the lairs, you should settle next to it in order to lull the Bear's attention with your constant presence at the lair. At first, the Bear begins to worry, but here it is important to show your complete disinterest in the den and also in the Bear himself. If this does not help and the Bear is nervous or rushes at you, you should disguise yourself as some kind of animal, for example, a raccoon or a giant hamster. The chosen animal should be as peaceful as possible in order for the Bear to calm down. At the same time, bearish logic must be taken into account: for example, one bear-fuck decided to portray (obviously under the influence of Kafka) a giant mole, which, accordingly, was expressed in peaceful digging of the soil - however, the Bear decided that, apparently, they were digging under his, the Bear, dwelling, and react accordingly.

The next step is the proper preparation of the penis and testicles. As already mentioned, honey-fucking is performed exclusively onally - for all known reasons. By the way, it should be mentioned that honey-fucking is quite safe from a medical point of view. People and Bears have almost no identical diseases, and the few that exist are not transmitted onally. Bear feces, like any other feces, are sterile by nature - until they come out.
Therefore, the so-called "barbarian custom"
make an incision on the penis is completely harmless from the point of view of infection and only strengthens the genitals. The incisions provide full contact with the Bear, the entry of healing feces and onal mucus into the blood, which, in turn, not only heals the bear and his immune system, but also contributes to the rapid healing of incisions. Bear's onal mucus is the strongest regenerative secret produced in the Bear's onal in order to heal possible perforations of the rectum. Until today, doctors have not revealed the secret of its action, but recent studies say that the mucus extracted from the Bear's onal loses all its properties. Therefore, it is so important to properly incise a member.
There are at least two main schools: deep (old) and shallow (new). An old cut is one or at most two large cuts, usually along. Incision up to 3 mm deep. make a well-sharpened and calcined knife from the head of the penis to the testicles, along the upper part of the penis. Sometimes not a straight line, but a serpentine incision is made, which increases its total length. The old school is bad because the penis is scarred. and also the general morbidity is much higher than in the New School. That's why everyone recommends small appliances, which is more appropriately called "notch". When notched, many small incisions and scratches are made on all parts of the genital organs. There are many different patterns, but in any case they disappear within a few weeks. As an example, we will look at the classic Graveworm pattern here. A cruciform incision is made on the head of the penis with two transverse diagonal notches, as in Orthodox cross, the trunk is covered with scratches in the form of rings encircling its diameter, with a distance of about 1 cm between the rings. The scrotum is decorated with a mesh of scratches with injection points in the center of each cell of the mesh. All cuts and scratches are made with a sharp needle, previously calcined. The depth is no more than half a millimeter, but you need to make sure that blood comes out at the incision site, otherwise the incision is not functional.
The incision is made just before the bear-fuck, on an erect member, so it must be done very quickly. It is recommended to practice at home on a pig.
Previously, it was also customary to cover the genitals with various ointments, honey ointment was especially popular, but it was officially banned after an incident in 1978, when one Bear ate a member smeared in this way.


Caloe-baking positions

After waiting for the Bear to finally get used to your presence, you can move right on to the bear fight.
Caloe-bathing - this is what med-baking is usually called because of its specific nature - it requires serious preparation, moral and physical. Usually honey fuckers attend special courses, but there are still quite a few charlatans in our country who recruit groups of gullible dummies without having the permission of the trade union of barbers. In view of the review nature of this treatise, it is not possible to dwell in detail on the exercises recommended for honey fuckers. For the time being, we can recommend to all those interested the wonderful book by Professor R. Bronfman "Proper Medical Fucking and Preparation for It" (Moscow, 1985, ed. "Health").
Usually calorie is done in the following way:
After waiting for the Bear to defecate, they quietly sneak up behind so that the Bear does not see, and quickly prepare the penis. To do this, it is advisable to have a lighter or matches to ignite the needle or knife before incising. At the moment of defecation, they bring the penis to the Bear Onal and, as soon as the last portion of feces falls out, introduce it inside, carefully moving the tail to the side. The entire penis is introduced at once, with one push (which is why it is so important to prepare it in advance). At first, the bear thinks that this is another portion of feces, and the whole calculation is actually based on this. This is the most critical part of the procedure, because if, say, a member is not instantly in the Bear's onal, then he can get worried and cripple the bear fucker. Also, if the honey fucker lingers, he may miss the favorable moment, and the onal will close. Some readers have already asked - how can you instantly enter a member, and even in onal? The answer lies in the fact that, firstly, onal at this moment is abundantly lubricated with feces, and the penis enters smoothly. Secondly, at the time of the introduction of the member, the Bear is pushing, which accordingly opens the onal towards the member.
As soon as the member of the bear-fuck is in the anal, the Bear begins to grunt and worry, but after a few reciprocating movements, he usually becomes pleasant and does not attack.
Positions in bear-fuck are dictated by the posture of the Bear. Often the Bear remains in the "kako" position, then it is advisable to put the tail on his shoulder, sit on his knees. In this position, reciprocating movement is somewhat difficult, but there are methods that allow, nevertheless, to continue a full-fledged act of mediocrity. For example, it is recommended to bend back, while standing on tiptoe, strongly press the buttocks. In this position, also called "Bow," it is important that the pelvic area is raised high, absorbing the movement of the bearish onal.
Another way in the "kako" position is called "Picasso". In this position, you should lie on your chest, resting your forehead on the ground (or grass), bending strongly, grab your feet with your hands, thus forming a ring. This position is symmetrical, the Bear's tail passes between the knees of the bear and goes down the back. Reciprocating movements are carried out by arching the back along with the movement of the groin. Some cons are that if the Bear has already defecated enough a large number of feces, that is, the danger of lying face down in it, which can distract from the process of honey-fucking and break an erection. Therefore, if there is a lot of feces under the Bear, it is not recommended to use "Picasso".
The above methods are suitable for "Kako" when the Bear does not come out of the defecation position. At the same time, the Bear often changes its position, moves and even runs. There are many positions for this, called "couplings". These positions allow you to firmly gain a foothold on the Bear until the end of the medical war. We will focus only on the most popular of them.
"Frog" (with emphasis on the first syllable):
Medvobeshchy holds on to the legs of the Bear, hanging head down. The legs wrap around the Bear's torso, converging to the navel (if the Bear's volume allows). Movements are carried out mainly with the help of flexion - extension of the legs, but in general the position is motionless, and frictions occur due to the movement of the Bear. It is important not to hurt the head if the Bear suddenly changes seats or runs over rocks or other obstacles.
"Scissors": again, as in "The Frog", the bear hangs upside down. One leg is bent to the knee around the tail, the other is straightened and directed upwards, pressing the Bear's stomach. from the opposite side. Hands clasp the lower legs of the Bear. The penis is directed straight up, which is the main inconvenience, since its angle with the body is approximately 180 degrees, instead of the prescribed 80-90.
"Bouncer" is a comfortable but dangerous pose. The honeybear hangs on the tail from below, wrapping its arms and legs around it. It is recommended to stay as close to the base of the tail as possible so that the amplitude of its waving is minimal.
During the honeyfight, you need to make sure that the Bear does not lose his balance and does not crush the honeyfucker with his backside.
The methods described are the most common, but there are other, less well-known methods that we may talk about next time.



When moving a member in the Bear Onal, they are guided by several principles.
-Firstly, it is not advisable to "plug" the onal if the feces continue to come out. You should move to circular movements, spiraling the feces outward.
-The large intestine of the Bear is covered from the inside with large fatty rings, between which there are especially sensitive zones. Having felt the head of the member of the ring, it is necessary to get into the gap between them, push the rings apart and make several circular movements, outlining the diameter of the onal. This calms the Bear and irritates his erogenous zone.
-It is very important not to remove the penis until the end of the medbaiting, because at the end of the bowel movement, the bear's onal closes with the help of a special circular muscle located at the end of the colon.
- The fatty rings mentioned above are also responsible for the production of onal mucus, so it is very important to rub the penis against the rings, causing additional bleeding from the incisions and mucus into the blood.
Anal orgasm in Bears is very dangerous - the Bear makes erratic movements, growls and bites, so the task of the bear future is to reach orgasm first and run away. On the one hand, it's easy, but a honeyfuck who has spent so much energy and money to wait for this moment is not always ready to finish the honeyfight in a couple of minutes. Therefore, honey-fucking must be done very carefully, without losing your head. At the first sign of an approaching orgasm, the Bear needs to ejaculate and run. The bear usually does not chase the bear, but falls into a short trance. If the Bear nevertheless experienced an anal orgasm, then after one day he discards his old tail, and the new one begins to grow only after five to seven months. At one time, it was believed that it was necessary to bring the Bear to orgasm, and then pick up the tail. All sorts of drugs and ointments were prepared from the tail, supposedly helping with various ailments. modern science convincingly proved that no one, except perhaps the Bear himself, needs a Bear orgasm, and the tail is a useless piece of meat. In addition, there is a theory stating that orgasm harms the Bear, as it leads to a temporary loss of the tail. However, the tail loss mechanism is still poorly understood, so the aforementioned theory is not yet supported by scientific evidence.



As you know, repeated honey-fighting is impossible for several reasons. Firstly, after sexual intercourse, a special secret begins to be produced in the Bear's onal, which is the immune reaction of the Bear's body to human semen. This secret is extremely corrosive and is able to corrode human skin. Secondly, after the honey-fighting, the clubfoot becomes extremely cautious, and it is almost impossible to approach him. Based on the foregoing, repeated honey-fighting is absolutely impossible. Everyone, of course, heard stories about Nikita Krivokhuy, who allegedly fucked the same Bear twice, but this is nothing more than a beautiful legend. There are far more sad tales of crippled adventurers decapitated by caustic Bear onals or simply torn apart by a ferocious forest beast.


Fucking a Bear is hard and dangerous business. Bearfucks, who have more than three Bears on their account, enjoy well-deserved respect and authority. The pleasure is insignificant compared to all the difficulties that lie in the way, but it is worth it. My advice as a professional is to take honey-fucking seriously. This is not entertainment, and if you wanted to have a good time, then it is better to refuse immediately. As the bear fuckers say - "Bear onal didn't fuck everyone."

Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on earth. Some of its Chinese varieties can grow as much as a meter in a day. Some historians believe that the deadly bamboo torture was used not only by the ancient Chinese, but also by the Japanese military during World War II.
How it works?
1) Live bamboo sprouts are sharpened with a knife to make sharp “spears”;
2) The victim is suspended horizontally, back or belly over a bed of young pointed bamboo;
3) Bamboo grows rapidly in height, pierce into the skin of the martyr and sprout through his abdominal cavity, the person dies very long and painfully.
2. Iron Maiden

Like torture with bamboo, many researchers consider the "iron maiden" a terrible legend. Perhaps these metal sarcophagi with sharp spikes inside only frightened the defendants, after which they confessed to anything. The "iron maiden" was invented at the end of the 18th century, i.e. already at the end of the Catholic Inquisition.
How it works?
1) The victim is stuffed into the sarcophagus and the door is closed;
2) The spikes driven into the inner walls of the "iron maiden" are rather short and do not pierce the victim through, but only cause pain. The investigator, as a rule, in a matter of minutes receives a confession, which the arrested person only has to sign;
3) If the prisoner shows fortitude and continues to be silent, long nails, knives and rapiers are pushed through special holes in the sarcophagus. The pain becomes simply unbearable;
4) The victim never confesses to his deed, then she was locked in a sarcophagus for long time where she died from blood loss;
5) In some models of the “iron maiden”, spikes were provided at eye level in order to quickly poke them out.
3. Skafism
The name of this torture comes from the Greek "skafium", which means "trough". Skafism was popular in ancient Persia. During the torture, the victim, most often a prisoner of war, was devoured alive by various insects and their larvae that were not indifferent to human flesh and blood.
How it works?
1) The prisoner is placed in a shallow trough and wrapped in chains.
2) He is force fed large quantities milk and honey, from which the victim begins a profuse diarrhea that attracts insects.
3) A prisoner, shabby, smeared with honey, is allowed to swim in a trough in a swamp, where there are many hungry creatures.
4) Insects immediately start the meal, as the main dish - the living flesh of the martyr.
4. Terrible pear

“There is a pear - you can’t eat it,” it is said about the medieval European tool for “educating” blasphemers, liars, women who gave birth out of wedlock, and men gay. Depending on the crime, the tormentor put the pear into the sinner's mouth, anus or vagina.
How it works?
1) The tool, consisting of pointed pear-shaped leaf-shaped segments, is thrust into the client's desired hole in the body;
2) The executioner slowly turns the screw on the top of the pear, while the “leaves”-segments bloom inside the martyr, causing hellish pain;
3) After the pear is opened, the completely guilty person receives internal injuries incompatible with life and dies in terrible agony, if he had not already fallen into unconsciousness.
5. Copper bull

The design of this death unit was developed by the ancient Greeks, or to be more precise, the coppersmith Perill, who sold his terrible bull to the Sicilian tyrant Falaris, who simply adored torturing and killing people in unusual ways.
Inside the copper statue, through a special door, they pushed a living person.
What next
Falaris first tested the unit on its creator, the greedy Perilla. Subsequently, Falaris himself was roasted in a bull.
How it works?
1) The victim is closed in a hollow copper statue of a bull;
2) A fire is kindled under the belly of the bull;
3) The victim is roasted alive, like a ham in a frying pan;
4) The structure of the bull is such that the cries of the martyr come from the mouth of the statue, like a bull's roar;
5) Jewelry and amulets were made from the bones of the executed, which were sold in the bazaars and were in great demand ..
6. Torture by rats

Rat torture was very popular in ancient China. However, we will look at the rat punishment technique developed by the leader of the 16th century Dutch Revolution, Didrik Sonoy.
How it works?
1) The naked martyr is laid on a table and tied;
2) Large, heavy cages with hungry rats are placed on the prisoner's stomach and chest. The bottom of the cells is opened with a special valve;
3) Hot coals are placed on top of the cages to stir up the rats;
4) Trying to escape from the heat of hot coals, rats gnaw their way through the flesh of the victim.
7. Cradle of Judas

The Cradle of Judas was one of the most painful torture machines in the arsenal of the Suprema - the Spanish Inquisition. The victims usually died from the infection, due to the fact that the peaked seat of the torture machine was never disinfected. The cradle of Judas, as an instrument of torture, was considered "loyal", because it did not break bones and did not tear ligaments.
How it works?
1) The victim, whose hands and feet are tied, is seated on the top of a pointed pyramid;
2) The top of the pyramid pierces the anus or vagina;
3) With the help of ropes, the victim is gradually lowered lower and lower;
4) Torture continues for several hours or even days, until the victim dies from powerlessness and pain, or from blood loss due to rupture of soft tissues.
8. Elephant trampling

For several centuries, this execution was practiced in India and Indochina. The elephant is very easy to train and to teach him to trample the guilty victim with his huge feet is a matter of several days.
How it works?
1. The victim is tied to the floor;
2. A trained elephant is brought into the hall to crush the head of the martyr;
3. Sometimes before the "control in the head" animals squeeze the victims' arms and legs in order to amuse the audience.
9. Rack

Probably the most famous, and unsurpassed in its kind, death machine called "rack". It was first experienced around 300 AD. on the Christian martyr Vincent of Zaragoza.
Anyone who survived the rack could no longer use their muscles and turned into a helpless vegetable.
How it works?
1. This instrument of torture is a special bed with rollers at both ends, on which ropes were wound, holding the wrists and ankles of the victim. When the rollers rotated, the ropes stretched in opposite directions, stretching the body;
2. Ligaments in the hands and feet of the victim are stretched and torn, bones pop out of the joints.
3. Another version of the rack was also used, called strappado: it consisted of 2 pillars dug into the ground and connected by a crossbar. The interrogated person was tied with his hands behind his back and lifted by the rope tied to his hands. Sometimes a log or other weights were attached to his bound legs. At the same time, the hands of a person raised on a rack twisted back and often came out of their joints, so that the convict had to hang on twisted arms. They were on the rack from several minutes to an hour or more. This type of rack was used most often in Western Europe.
4. In Russia, a suspect raised on a rack was beaten with a whip on the back, and “applied to the fire”, that is, they drove burning brooms over the body.
5. In some cases, the executioner broke the ribs of a person hanging on a rack with red-hot tongs.
10. Paraffin in the bladder
A savage form of torture, the actual use of which has not been established.
How it works?
1. Candle paraffin was rolled out by hand into a thin sausage, which through urethra introduced inside;
2. Paraffin slipped into bladder, where the precipitation of solid salts and other nasty things began on it.
3. The victim soon developed kidney problems and died of acute kidney failure. On average, death occurred in 3-4 days.
11. Shiri (camel cap)
A monstrous fate awaited those whom the Zhuanzhuans (the union of nomadic Turkic-speaking peoples) took into their slavery. They destroyed the memory of the slave with a terrible torture - by putting Shiri on the head of the victim. Usually this fate befell young guys captured in battles.
How it works?
1. First, the slaves shaved their heads, carefully scraping out every hair under the root.
2. The executioners slaughtered the camel and skinned its carcass, first of all, separating its heaviest, densest part.
3. Having divided the neck into pieces, it was immediately pulled in pairs over the shaved heads of the prisoners. These pieces, like a plaster, stuck around the heads of slaves. This meant putting on wide.
4. After putting on the width, the neck of the doomed was shackled in a special wooden block so that the subject could not touch his head to the ground. In this form, they were taken away from crowded places so that no one would hear their heartbreaking cries, and they were thrown there in an open field, with hands and feet tied, in the sun, without water and without food.
5. The torture lasted 5 days.
6. Only a few remained alive, and the rest died not from hunger or even from thirst, but from unbearable, inhuman torments caused by drying out, shrinking rawhide camel skin on the head. Inexorably shrinking under the rays of the scorching sun, the width squeezed, squeezing the shaved head of a slave like an iron hoop. Already on the second day, the shaved hair of the martyrs began to sprout. Coarse and straight Asian hair sometimes grew into rawhide, in most cases, finding no way out, the hair bent and again went into the scalp with its ends, causing even greater suffering. A day later, the man lost his mind. Only on the fifth day did the Zhuanzhuans come to check whether any of the prisoners had survived. If at least one of the tortured was caught alive, it was believed that the goal was achieved. .
7. The one who was subjected to such a procedure either died, unable to withstand the torture, or lost his memory for life, turned into a mankurt - a slave who does not remember his past.
8. The skin of one camel was enough for five or six widths.
12. Implantation of metals
A very strange means of torture-execution was used in the Middle Ages.
How it works?
1. A deep incision was made on a person’s legs, where a piece of metal (iron, lead, etc.) was placed, after which the wound was sutured.
2. Over time, the metal oxidized, poisoning the body and causing terrible pain.
3. Most often, the poor fellows tore the skin in the place where the metal was sewn up and died from blood loss.
13. Dividing a person into two parts
This terrible execution originated in Thailand. The most hardened criminals were subjected to it - mostly murderers.
How it works?
1. The accused is placed in a hoodie woven from lianas, and he is stabbed with sharp objects;
2. After that, his body is quickly cut into two parts, the upper half is immediately placed on a red-hot copper grate; this operation stops the blood and prolongs the life of the upper part of the person.
A small addition: This torture is described in the book of the Marquis de Sade "Justine, or the successes of vice." This is a small excerpt from a large piece of text where de Sade allegedly describes the torture of the peoples of the world. But why supposedly? According to many critics, the Marquis was very fond of lying. He had an extraordinary imagination and a couple of manias, so this torture, like some others, could be a figment of his imagination. But the field of this is not worth referring to Donatien Alphonse as Baron Munchausen. This torture, in my opinion, if it did not exist before, is quite realistic. If, of course, a person is drugged with painkillers before this (opiates, alcohol, etc.), so that he does not die before his body touches the bars.
14. Inflation with air through the anus
A terrible torture in which a person is pumped with air through the anus.
There is evidence that in Russia even Peter the Great himself sinned with this.
Most often, thieves were executed in this way.
How it works?
1. The victim was tied hand and foot.
2. Then they took cotton and stuffed the ears, nose and mouth of the poor fellow with it.
3. Bellows were inserted into his anus, with the help of which a huge amount of air was pumped into a person, as a result of which he became like a balloon.
3. After that, I plugged his anus with a piece of cotton.
4. Then they opened two veins above his eyebrows, from which all the blood flowed under great pressure.
5. Sometimes connected person they put him naked on the roof of the palace and shot him with arrows until he died.
6. Prior to 1970, this method was often used in Jordanian prisons.
15. Polledro
The Neapolitan executioners lovingly called this torture "polledro" - "colt" (polledro) and were proud that it was first used in their native city. Although history did not preserve the name of its inventor, they said that he was an expert in horse breeding and came up with an unusual device to pacify his horses.
Only a few decades later, lovers of mocking people turned the horse breeder's device into a real torture machine for people.
The machine was a wooden frame, similar to a ladder, the crossbeams of which were very sharp corners so that when a person is put on their back, they crash into the body from the back of the head to the heels. The staircase ended with a huge wooden spoon, in which, like a cap, they put their heads.
How it works?
1. Holes were drilled on both sides of the frame and in the “bonnet”, ropes were threaded into each of them. The first of them was tightened on the forehead of the tortured, the last tied the big toes. As a rule, there were thirteen ropes, but for especially stubborn ones, the number was increased.
2. With special devices, the ropes were pulled tighter and tighter - it seemed to the victims that, having crushed the muscles, they dug into the bones.
16. Dead man's bed (modern China)

The "dead man's bed" torture is used by the Chinese Communist Party mainly on those prisoners who try to protest their illegal imprisonment through a hunger strike. In most cases, these are prisoners of conscience who went to prison for their beliefs.
How it works?
1. The hands and feet of a naked prisoner are tied to the corners of the bed, on which, instead of a mattress, there is a wooden board with a hole cut out. A bucket for excrement is placed under the hole. Often, ropes are tightly tied to the bed and the body of a person so that he cannot move at all. In this position, a person is continuously from several days to weeks.
2. In some prisons, such as Shenyang City No. 2 Prison and Jilin City Prison, the police still place a hard object under the victim's back to increase the suffering.
3. It also happens that the bed is placed vertically and for 3-4 days a person hangs, stretched by the limbs.
4. Force-feeding is added to these torments, which is carried out with the help of a tube inserted through the nose into the esophagus, into which liquid food is poured.
5. This procedure is done mainly by prisoners on the orders of the guards, and not by health workers. They do it very rudely and not professionally, often causing more serious damage to the internal organs of a person.
6. Those who have gone through this torture say that it causes displacement of the vertebrae, joints of the arms and legs, as well as numbness and blackening of the limbs, which often leads to disability.
17. Collar (Modern China)

One of the medieval tortures used in modern Chinese prisons is the wearing of a wooden collar. It is put on a prisoner, which is why he cannot walk or stand normally.
The collar is a board from 50 to 80 cm long, from 30 to 50 cm wide and 10 - 15 cm thick. There are two holes for the legs in the middle of the collar.
The shackled victim is difficult to move, must crawl into the bed, and usually must sit or lie down, as the upright position causes pain and injury to the legs. Without assistance, a person with a collar cannot go to eat or go to the toilet. When a person gets out of bed, the collar not only presses on the legs and heels, causing pain, but its edge clings to the bed and prevents the person from returning to it. At night, the prisoner is not able to turn around, and in winter, a short blanket does not cover his legs.
An even worse form of this torture is called "crawling with a wooden collar." The guards put a collar on the man and order him to crawl on the concrete floor. If he stops, he is hit on the back with a police baton. An hour later, fingers, toenails and knees bleed profusely, while the back is covered with wounds from blows.
18. Impaling

Terrible wild execution that came from the East.
The essence of this execution was that a person was placed on his stomach, one sat on him to prevent him from moving, the other held him by the neck. A person was inserted into the anus with a stake, which was then driven in with a mallet; then they drove a stake into the ground. The weight of the body forced the stake to go deeper and deeper, and finally it came out under the armpit or between the ribs.
19. Spanish water torture

In order to the best way to perform the procedure of this torture, the accused was placed on one of the varieties of the rack or on a special large table with a rising middle part. After the victim's hands and feet were tied to the edges of the table, the executioner went to work in one of several ways. One of these methods was that the victim was forced to swallow a large amount of water with a funnel, then beaten on the inflated and arched stomach. Another form involved placing a rag tube down the victim's throat, through which water was slowly poured in, causing the victim to bloat and suffocate. If that wasn't enough, the tube was pulled out, causing internal damage, and then reinserted and the process repeated. Sometimes they used torture cold water. In this case, the accused lay naked on the table for hours under a jet of icy water. It is interesting to note that this kind of torture was regarded as light, and confessions obtained in this way were accepted by the court as voluntary and given to the defendants without the use of torture. Most often, these tortures were used by the Spanish Inquisition in order to knock out confessions from heretics and witches.
20. Chinese water torture
The person was seated in a very cold room, they tied him so that he could not move his head, and in complete darkness cold water was very slowly dripping on his forehead. After a few days, the person froze or went crazy.
21. Spanish chair

This instrument of torture was widely used by the executioners of the Spanish Inquisition and was a chair made of iron, on which the prisoner was seated, and his legs were enclosed in stocks attached to the legs of the chair. When he was in such a completely helpless position, a brazier was placed under his feet; with hot coals, so that the legs began to slowly roast, and in order to prolong the suffering of the poor fellow, the legs were poured with oil from time to time.
Another version of the Spanish chair was also often used, which was a metal throne, to which the victim was tied and a fire was made under the seat, roasting the buttocks. The well-known poisoner La Voisin was tortured on such an armchair during the famous Poisoning Case in France.
22. GRIDIRON (Grate for torture by fire)

Torture of Saint Lawrence on the gridiron.
This type of torture is often mentioned in the lives of saints - real and fictional, but there is no evidence that the gridiron "survived" until the Middle Ages and had at least little circulation in Europe. It is usually described as a simple metal grate 6 feet long and two and a half feet wide, set horizontally on legs to allow a fire to be built underneath.
Sometimes the gridiron was made in the form of a rack in order to be able to resort to combined torture.
Saint Lawrence was martyred on a similar grid.
This torture was rarely resorted to. Firstly, it was easy enough to kill the interrogated person, and secondly, there were a lot of simpler, but no less cruel tortures.
23. Pectoral

Pectoral in ancient times was called a breast adornment for women in the form of a pair of carved gold or silver bowls, often strewn with precious stones. It was worn like a modern bra and fastened with chains.
By a mocking analogy with this decoration, the savage instrument of torture used by the Venetian Inquisition was named.
In 1985, the pectoral was red-hot and, taking it with tongs, put it on the chest of the tortured woman and held until she confessed. If the accused persisted, the executioners heated up the pectoral, cooled by the living body again, and continued the interrogation.
Very often, after this barbaric torture, charred, torn holes remained in place of the woman's breasts.
24. Tickle Torture

This seemingly harmless influence was a terrible torture. With prolonged tickling, a person’s nerve conduction increased so much that even the lightest touch caused at first twitching, laughter, and then turned into terrible pain. If such torture was continued for a long time, then after a while spasms of the respiratory muscles arose and, in the end, the tortured person died from suffocation.
In the simplest version of torture, sensitive places were tickled by the interrogated either simply with hands or with hairbrushes and brushes. Rigid bird feathers were popular. Usually tickled under the armpits, heels, nipples, inguinal folds, genitals, women also under the breasts.
In addition, torture was often used with the use of animals that licked some tasty substance from the heels of the interrogated. A goat was often used, because its very hard tongue, adapted for eating herbs, caused very strong irritation.
There was also a form of beetle tickling, most common in India. With her, a small bug was planted on the head of the penis of a man or on the nipple of a woman and covered with half a nut shell. After some time, the tickling caused by the movement of the legs of an insect over a living body became so unbearable that the interrogated person confessed to anything.
25. Crocodile

These tubular metal tongs "Crocodile" were red-hot and used to tear the penis of the tortured. At first, with a few caressing movements (often performed by women), or with a tight bandage, they achieved a stable hard erection and then the torture began.
26. Serrated crusher

These serrated iron tongs slowly crushed the testicles of the interrogated.
Something similar was widely used in Stalinist and fascist prisons.
27. A terrible tradition.

Actually, this is not torture, but an African rite, but, in my opinion, it is very cruel. Girls from 3-6 years old without anesthesia were simply scraped out the external genitalia.
Thus, the girl did not lose the ability to have children, but was forever deprived of the opportunity to experience sexual desire and pleasure. This rite is done “for the good” of women so that they will never be tempted to cheat on their husband
28. Blood Eagle

One of the most ancient tortures, during which the victim was tied face down and his back was opened, the ribs were broken off at the spine and spread apart like wings. In Scandinavian legends, it is stated that during such an execution, salt was sprinkled on the wounds of the victim.
Many historians claim that this torture was used by pagans against Christians, others are sure that spouses convicted of treason were punished in this way, and still others claim that the bloody eagle is just a terrible legend.

A tragic and shocking story: in order to protect herself from torment, a she-bear kills her cub and herself with tears. Photos and videos are not for the faint of heart!

That night, when I visited a friend who asked me to take care of the bear farm in his absence, I could not sleep. The mountain wind brought strange animal voices to me, more like bitter crying. Suddenly I heard someone pushing the door. I asked: "Who's there?" But they didn't answer me. I got worried and started looking for something to protect myself with. There was nothing more suitable than a broom. With a broom in my hand, I went to the door and abruptly opened it. I gasped in surprise: at my feet near the door lay a small fluffy bear cub.
He looked at me, and in his eyes there was fear and fear. "Come to me!" - I opened my arms, the bear, slowly swaying, came up to me, put his paws on my shoulders, and licked me with a gentle, warm tongue.

At this time, several workers ran into the house. Hearing the noise, the bear cub quickly hid under my bed. The workers asked me: "A little bear ran away from us, did you see it?" "Yes, he's here," I pointed towards the bed. They quickly caught the little bear cub, roughly dragged it out, hung it by its feet from a stick, and carried it away. Looking at the bear cub, I saw his sad eyes.

When it was already dawn, the old foreman Zhang took me to show the "bear manor". In one spacious hall there were 6 iron cages, each with a bear. I found it odd that every bear had a stainless steel iron girdle.

Seeing that I didn't understand anything, Zhang told me, "This is for taking bile from a bear. Now bile costs 300 yuan (about 1,300 rubles) per gram." We approached one cage, Zhang gestured to me: "Now the bile intake begins." Then I saw how two strong workers began to pull the thick ropes coming from the belly, which gradually squeezed the bear's stomach tighter and tighter, from which the bear roared loudly and strongly. More precisely, his roar resembled a sob. From pain, the bear's eyes widened so much that it seemed that they were about to burst, and four thick paws fought and scratched the ground. At that moment, a green liquid began to drip from a tube inserted directly into the gallbladder.

The Chinese workers gradually loosened the ropes, but immediately continued the execution by pulling the ropes again. Again there was a sharp and loud roar of a bear. I saw the bear begin to shed tears of pain, but he had no choice but to endure endless torment. How cruel! I couldn't look any further and got out of there. Only later did I understand where those strange voices of animals in the night came from.

When Zhang followed me outside, I asked him in a trembling voice, "Do you still have any humanity left? They are living beings!" Zhang answered blankly: "We have no other choice, this is the work, there is an order!"

Having calmed down a little, I asked him how often bile is taken in China? He replied that it all depends on the circumstances, for some - twice a day, at least once every two days. From each bear, you can collect 2000 grams of bile powder per year for 10 years. "My heart ached with pain. Twice a day for 10 years! That is, if such hellish torture is endured 2 times a day, every day, and every day day after year, year after year, it turns out - 7200 times!!!My mind refused to understand.

I said that I wanted to leave, to which Zhang replied that the bear cub would need an operation soon, and at such a crucial moment I could not leave, director Liu left me in charge.

I was forced to return to the bears' quarters. Four workers dragged a bear cub, he roared in fear. When he saw me, he immediately recognized me, and hope appeared in his eyes. I couldn't hold back my tears. Suddenly the bear cub fell and got on all fours in front of me, begging for mercy. Zhang waved his hand and the operation began. In order to save money, anesthesia is not used during the operation.

The bear cub was lying, looking at the ceiling, and began to sob loudly. It was so tragic that it caused my heart to ache, and it seemed to me that he was calling for help from my mother.

At this time, the big bear growled angrily, slowly parted the bars with her paws and crawled out of the cage. The workers were so frightened that they fled in all directions. And then, out of shock, I couldn’t even take a step, not to mention running away or hiding somewhere, my legs turned to stone. But the she-bear didn't even look at me, she quickly approached the cub, trying to untie the thick ropes with her clumsy paws, but to no avail. She only held, hugging the bear cub and licking his tears and blood. The little bear was crying as if he was asking his mother to save him.

Suddenly she roared, began to choke the teddy bear with her strong paws. Strangled through tears and roars. When the bear cub died, she tore her own skin, and ended up ripping off and pulling out the iron tube along with the gallbladder. It happened in China in 2011

In order to save these poor bears, several foreign nationals, animal advocates, set up the "Animal Animal Welfare Fund (Animalsasia)" in 1998, according to Chinese media. Main office The fund is located in Hong Kong, with a branch registered in Chengdu. Since October 2000, animal advocates of this foundation have managed to save 280 black bears, but, unfortunately, many of them had to be euthanized due to serious illnesses. According to statistics from the Animalsasia Foundation, there are still thousands of such bears in China, which are also treated cruelly for bile sampling. On the website of this foundation ( there is an action to save bears from such torment

According to experts, bear bile is not a rare and unique medicine in Chinese medicine, it can be replaced with herbal or chemical elements. But many, in pursuit of super profits, do not want to give up this cruel way to get a free product.

Banana sandwiches, milkshake fries, peanut butter pickles... Some people have unusual eating habits and eating habits. However, after reading this article, you will find these small deviations completely acceptable. Check out these strange objects that have been found in the human intestines (that will probably make even the most experienced surgeons cringe).

25. Bottle

The man went to a Chinese hospital complaining of abdominal pain. What the doctors found was shocking and quite embarrassing for the poor fellow. It turned out that the cause of the abdominal pain was the bottle, which was removed surgically.

24. Cutlery

Margaret Daalman from the Netherlands was hospitalized with stomach pains. Surgeons at the Rotterdam Hospital sent her in for an x-ray and were shocked when the image showed 78 various items cutlery in the stomach of a 52-year-old woman. Luckily, she only ate spoons and forks, not knives.

23. Batteries

Every year, there are several cases of children eating batteries. For example, in December 2013, a 13-month-old boy from Leicester, England, died of internal bleeding after swallowing a battery he found in his kindergarten.

22. Live frogs

Yang Dingcai, from southeast China, says his 40-year habit of ingesting live frogs and rats helped him avoid bowel problems and made him strong.

21. Nail

Chinese carpenter Li Xiangyang was holding a nail between his teeth when he suddenly coughed and swallowed it. He was taken to the hospital, where doctors took an x-ray and found a nail in his right lung. Professor Hu Ke attempted to remove him with a bronchoscope through his throat. However, just as he was about to pull out the nail, Li coughed again and sucked it back in. This time the nail was in his left lung. Hu tried again, but at the last minute, Li involuntarily swallowed and the nail disappeared again. Eventually, the doctors found the nail and were finally able to remove it with a gastroscopic clamp.

20. Hand grenade

X-ray revealed hand grenade in the stomach of a terrorist. Apparently he didn't think his plan through well enough because he didn't have the option to actually detonate the grenade.

19. Spoon

A 33-year-old woman tried to use a spoon to remove a fish bone that had fallen into her larynx. She accidentally swallowed a spoon and had to be taken straight to the operating room to have the spoon surgically removed.

18. Bullet

A four-year-old girl from Thane, India, swallowed a bullet in the Lokmanya Nagar area. The girl was playing in the neighborhood when she found a bullet lying on the ground. Assuming it was chocolate, she took it and put it in her mouth. The girl was taken to the hospital, where doctors were able to successfully remove the lead without surgery.

17. Drugs

Nigerian caught in International airport Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) in Malaysia, was taken to the hospital, where an x-ray showed the presence of a foreign object in his stomach. The subject, as it turned out later, was 54 capsules of methamphetamine.

16. Live eel

A man in China went to the hospital after he reportedly had a live eel stuck in him. The man inserted a 50 cm Asian rice eel into his anus after seeing how it was done in porn. So he had to endure an operation that lasted all night to extract this eel. Members of the medical team reportedly said the eel, which was "just trying to find a way out," was alive when it was pulled out, but died shortly thereafter.

15. Wedding ring

Kaitlin Whipple swallowed wedding ring that her boyfriend Reed Harris put in her ice cream. After Caitlin swallowed it, she was incredulous about her boyfriend's assurances that he had put the ring in her ice cream. Reed had to take her for an x-ray to prove it.

14. Scissors

Kong Lin, 27, used a 10 cm pair of nail scissors as a toothpick after eating. However, when one of his friends told a joke, Kong laughed and quickly swallowed the scissors.

13. Plane

Michel Lotito was a French entertainer known as the man who could eat the inedible. He was also known as Monsieur Mangetout. During his performance, Lotito consumed metal, glass, rubber, and other materials from objects such as bicycles, televisions, or even an airplane (a Cessna 150 to be exact). The plane crash took him about two years. Lotito did not often suffer ill effects due to his diet, even though he ate materials that are generally considered poisonous. He apparently possessed a stomach and intestines whose walls were double the thickness, and his digestive acids were supposedly unusually powerful.

12. Mobile phone

This amazing x-ray from a prison in San Salvador shows just how far people can go to stay connected.

11. Coins

A 62-year-old man with a history of psychiatric problems went to the emergency room in 2002 suffering from abdominal pain. Doctors were shocked when they discovered the cause of the patient's pain - there were approximately 350 coins (totaling $650) in his stomach along with various necklaces and needles. The whole thing was so heavy that his stomach sagged between his thighs.

10. Handle

A 76-year-old woman visited a gastroenterologist due to gastric related problems, including weight loss and diarrhea. The x-ray showed a pen stuck in the woman's stomach. After the pen was removed from the intestines, where it had been for 24 years, it turned out that it was still in working order.

9. Bed springs

X-rays from the Central Jail in Raleigh, North Carolina, showed items such as bed springs that inmates were swallowing to travel to an outside hospital.

8. Human fetus

Sanju Bhagat from India has been constantly ridiculed for his excessive big belly. One night he was taken to the hospital due to shortness of breath and severe pain. When doctors tried to remove what they thought was a tumor, they were shocked to see a partially formed human fetus.

7. Key

An 18-year-old computer design student swallowed a 5cm key at a party to prevent his friends from taking him home after they thought he had had enough to drink. The doctors sent him home, telling him to let nature take its course, and the key appeared 31 hours later.

6. Large pebbles

In 2006, a girl from Foshan, China, swallowed over 20 pebble stones in a moment of anger after a big fight with her boyfriend. Initially, she thought the stones would come out on their own but unfortunately they didn't and remained in her body for the next few days.

5. Magnets

When 8-year-old student Haley Lents of Huntingburg, Indiana, found shiny metal objects scattered around her house, she naturally assumed they were candy. Soon her intestines were filled with magnets and she had to be taken to the hospital to prevent them from holding together inside her intestines.

4. Light bulb

When doctors in Pakistan removed a light bulb from a prisoner's colon, he had no explanation for this highly unusual find and seemed as dumbfounded as everyone else.

3. Surgical forceps

57-year-old Daryush Mazarei experienced severe pain after major surgery. Despite chronic discomfort and pain, Mazareus was repeatedly told that everything was fine with him physically. When the Mazarean doctors finally performed a CT scan on him, they saw a large foreign object that was in his stomach. After reopening abdominal cavity patient, surgeons found a pair of medical tweezers that were accidentally left inside the man during the last operation.

2. Hairball

An unidentified 18-year-old woman from New England, USA, was admitted to the hospital with stomach pains and weight loss. In her stomach, doctors found a huge ball of hair that occupied almost her entire stomach. The patient said that she had a habit of eating her own hair. She had to undergo conventional surgery to make sure the entire hairball was removed.

1. Fork

40-year-old Lee Gardner (Lee Gardner), accidentally swallowed a fork 22 centimeters long. Doctors told him that the fork would quickly pass through the body, but it turned out not to be so. After 10 years, he began to vomit blood and suffer from terrible stomach cramps. He underwent surgery to remove the plug in Barnsley, England and made a full recovery.

Trichinosis is an invasive disease of humans and various animals.

This type of helminthiasis affects wild omnivores and carnivores:

  1. the Bears;
  2. nutria;
  3. wild boars;
  4. hares;
  5. badgers;
  6. foxes;
  7. wolves;
  8. various rodents.

Of domestic animals, trichinosis has been found in dogs, cats, and pigs. In addition, the non-capsular pathogen (Trichinella pseudospiralis) can be carried by birds.

Any of the above invasive animals is a source of infection for humans. Trichinella larvae live in the muscles of the host, and sexually mature individuals live in the intestines.

Most often, trichinosis is diagnosed in Canada and the United States. Also, this disease is common in Belarus, in some regions of Ukraine, Poland and Russia.

Pathogenesis and causes

The larvae leave their capsules in the small intestine, penetrating into the submucosal layers. After 6-8 days, they become heterosexual individuals. The body length of the male reaches 1.2 mm, and that of the female, 2.2 mm.

Dead larvae petrify or dissolve. And the cycle remains continuous only when the capsules with larvae are swallowed by other carnivores.

  • natural;
  • synanthropic.

In synanthropic foci, helminths circulate among domestic dogs, cats, pigs and rodents. You can also become infected with trichinosis through hunting trophies made from skins. wild bears or boars.

There is a direct and inverse relationship between synanthropic and natural foci. From natural foci, the infection is transferred to synanthropic foci by a person who hunts wild animals infected with Trichinella and eats their meat or feeds it to pets.

The second way of infection is wild synanthropic rodents migrating in spring to natural foci. As a result, mixed synanthropic-natural foci are formed.

In addition, the spread of trichinosis occurs due to birds of prey and birds that feed on the carrion of an invasive animal, through their own carcass when they die, or through infected droppings.

The route of infection with trichinosis for humans is oral. So, in order to catch this disease, it is enough to eat 10 g of infected bear meat, which was poorly thermally processed.


Trichinosis, as in the case of other species, manifests itself depending on the general condition of the patient's body, the speed, degree of development of the disease and the number of trichinella that have penetrated.

The incubation period (the time interval from invasion to the onset of symptoms) and the severity of the disease are related. With trichinosis, IP lasts from 7 to 30 days. Accordingly, the later the symptoms occur, the easier the disease will proceed.

Depending on the development of the infection, there are three stages of the disease:

  1. intestinal - lasts 2-7 days;
  2. muscular - 5 weeks or more.
  3. recovery stage or latency stage - Trichinella cysts can live in the host's muscle tissue for about 30 years.

Each stage has its own characteristic symptoms. As a rule, at the first stage, lasting up to 1 week, there are no manifestations of the disease. After infection with single individuals of helminths, the signs of the disease are mild, so they may not be noticed for some time.

In the case of multiple lesions, trichinosis is accompanied by intense symptoms from the first days. At the initial stage of invasion, when a mature individual lays larvae in the intestines, vomiting, hoarseness, chills, gastrointestinal upset and fever occur, which manifests itself in the evening and at night.

At the second stage of the disease, when the larvae enter the blood, 8 days after infection, the following manifestations develop:

  • chills;
  • myalgia (muscle pain);
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • swelling of the face and eyelids (as shown in the photo);
  • headache;
  • dry cough;
  • photosensitivity;
  • dysphagia;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • bad dream.

In addition, trichinosis at the second stage of its development is manifested by excessive sweating, malaise, a sharp increase in temperature, and sometimes delirium. Occasionally appear allergic reactions, such as maculopapular rashes or urticaria, as they appear in the photo. Also, the disease causes the proliferation of eosinophils in the blood.

The stage of migrating larvae lasts 7-14 (sometimes 5 weeks, which is related to the life span of females) days. This phase is the most dangerous.

At this stage, signs appear that can lead to death. These include convulsive, psychotic and coma, myocarditis, heart rhythm disturbances, adrenal and cardiovascular insufficiency, encephalitis, sepsis and bronchopneumonia.

At the third stage of the development of trichinosis, such a symptom as muscle pain, which is similar to rheumatic pain, predominates. Substances (inflammatory infiltrates) accumulate around the larvae, which subsequently grow into a fibrous membrane, that is, a capsule.

Treatment and prevention

To diagnose trichinosis, the following studies are carried out:

  1. general blood analysis;
  2. biopsy of muscle tissue;
  3. determination of the level of eosinophils;
  4. serological blood test for antibodies;
  5. determination of the concentration of creatine kinase (an enzyme found in muscle cells).

The most effective and accurate method to detect trichinosis is immunological diagnosis. It is based on the study of antibodies, if their indicators do not correspond to the norm, then this indicates the presence of trichinella in the body. In this case, the error is minimal, since the sensitivity of the apparatus is very high.

To monitor the effectiveness of therapy, each analysis for trichinosis must be carried out several times.

Treatment of the disease takes a lot of time. Its prerequisite is that the patient must constantly remain in a horizontal position, that is, observe bed rest.

The initial stage of the disease is treated quite simply. During this period, the patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The average duration of antihelminthic therapy depends on the form of the disease, as a rule, it takes 14 days. However, it is worth remembering that most anthelmintic drugs have a lot of side effects.

Drug treatment of trichinosis can be supplemented with alternative therapy. For this purpose, recipes based on stirrup, cloves, wormwood, tansy, dandelion, mistletoe and onions are used. However, before doing alternative treatment you need to consult a doctor.

The main goal of preventing trichinosis is a thorough heat treatment of bear meat (not lower than 71 ° C) or freezing (not less than -17 degrees) for 3 weeks or 6 days at a temperature of -30 ° C. It is worth noting that salting, smoking or cooking meat in a microwave oven does not completely destroy Trichinella larvae.

Also an important preventive measure is the prevention of the introduction of invasion from natural foci. Therefore, the corpses of inedible birds and animals, together with the remains of predatory edible wild animals and dead domestic pigs, dogs and cats from helminthiasis, must be buried 1 meter deep after treatment with kerosene.

If even one trichinella is found in bear meat, it is sent for technical disposal or incineration. At the same time, the outer fat is melted for about 20 minutes (100 degrees), and the inner layer is allowed to be used without processing.

Extensive sanitary and educational work should be carried out in existing outbreaks. It consists in familiarizing the population with the methods of invasion, the danger of the disease, the principles of personal and general prevention.

It is worth remembering that eating bear meat can lead to infection. Therefore, the feces of an invasive person and animals must be disinfected with boiling water or quicklime.

You should not buy meat in spontaneous markets or from the hands of unknown people. After all, there is no guarantee that it is not infected. Often, an animal caught by poachers is not checked for the presence of trichinella.

It is also necessary to check pieces of the gastrocnemius, chewing, intercostal muscles and tongue. Samples are taken in areas where muscle tissue connects to tendons (as shown in the photo).

Small sections are made on each piece: 24 sections from domestic animals, 72 sections from wild animals. Then the samples are placed on the lower glass of the compressorium and closed with the upper glass using crush screws. After the samples are examined on a trichinoscope or under a microscope (small magnification).

In the process of research, oval or round capsules are looked for in meat; there are triangular capsules on their periphery body fat. A larva may be visible in the middle of the capsules.

Capsules can be confused with:

  1. sarcocysts (elongated shape, internal mesh structure);
  2. air bubbles (they have a different size and a characteristic black border);
  3. concretions (have different form and sizes, which is specified after the influence of HCl);
  4. immature Finns (oval shape, large size).

Also used today is another laboratory method definition of invasive meat. This is the dissolution of the muscle tissues of a bear in artificial gastric juice.

If even one larva is found, the carcass, head and esophagus are disposed of. The internal fat and organs of the animal can be used.

Thus, it is quite difficult to check the meat of wild animals for the presence of trichinella, even with the help of special equipment. For these reasons, research should be carried out in a laboratory that has all the necessary conditions.

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