Where should icons be hung? Correct placement of icons. Where can images be placed?


When an icon appears in a house, people very often have the question of how to properly position it. This is not just a picture that can be hung wherever your heart desires. Otherwise, one can simply violate the sacred Orthodox traditions. Prayer is a sacrament, and one must adhere to strict canons in it. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right location for the icon.

The icon is an important element in Orthodoxy

Its main functions include:

narration of the events of the sacred history;
expression of the main principles of Christianity;
the embodiment of catholicity, the spiritual unity of man and God.

Where to hang an icon in the apartment

By tradition, icons are hung in the so-called red corner. It houses an iconostasis, a cross, candles, lamps and spiritual literature. The red corner has a certain location in the house, it is located opposite the main entrance. And it has a clear explanation. People crossing the threshold of a dwelling can immediately bow to the images and not wander around the house in search of icons. The space near the iconostasis should be accessible and free, so that, if desired, not only family members, but also guests could gather near it.

As usual, the altar is located on the east side. Icons are also arranged so that the one reading the prayer near them looks to the East. If it is not possible to place the icon in this way in your house, you can hang it in another place. The main thing is that it be spacious and bright, and not a deaf, inaccessible corner. By hanging the icon in a sunny place, the room will become even brighter and more festive.

The correct location of the icon

The icon can either be hung on a simple nail or placed on special shelf along with others. If there are a large number of icons, a so-called iconostasis is made for them. But icons should not become an object for simple collecting, they have a completely different purpose. And their number, in the end, may not be related to the piety of the inhabitants of the house.

There is no place for icons on the shelves with books. They should not be placed among bottles of cosmetics, souvenirs or photographs of friends and relatives. Icons should not hang next to the toilet or interspersed with various paintings and works of art. An icon is not an element of decor or an ordinary beautiful image. It preserves faith and reverence, serves as protection and patronage. Do not be afraid to place the icon in the bedroom, there is nothing reprehensible and sinful in this, as many may think.

Icon "Weeping Savior" The image is depicted on canvas 13 inches wide and 16 inches high (approximately 57.2 cm by 70.4 cm), the image is half-length, the writing style is probably Italian. The image is very different...

Icon of the Mother of God "Eletskaya" Day of celebration - February 6, old style. / 18 February n.st. The appearance of the ancient miraculous Yelets Icon of the Mother of God occurred on February 6, 1060, during the reign of the grandson of St.

A house is not a temple in which everything is strictly regulated and where it cannot be otherwise. Here you can give free rein to fantasy - naturally, within the framework of traditions and canons. The canonical opinion is that the icon should be in every, with rare exception, room of the house.

The most important rule in this case is that there should be enough space in front of the image. This is necessary so that the believer can pray in front of the icon without inconvenience, because this is what it is intended for. Everything else - again with rare exceptions - is advisory in nature.

So, it is worth considering the placement of icons in the premises.

Be sure to hang the image above the dining table (in the dining room or in the kitchen). Pray before eating. As a rule, this place is occupied by the icon of the Savior or the Last Supper.

· In the nursery, the image of a guardian angel is very often placed. Best at the head of the bed.

· A common misconception is that there should not be icons in the bedroom. But it's not. You just need to know how to hang the icon in the bedroom. If spouses sleep in it, it's okay, because intercourse in marriage is not considered a sin. It is advisable to hang at the head of a properly set bed.

It is important that, if possible, the image hangs on east side, due to the tradition of turning to face the east for prayer. But if that's not possible, what can you do? It is also recommended to take into account the hierarchy when placing - that is, you cannot hang the images of the Mother of God or the Savior below all the others.

Where should icons be hung?

There are places where you should absolutely not hang icons in the house. There are also some prohibition traditions.

It is important to remember: in which corner the icons are hung, there should not be other photographs, posters or drawings. Only canonical images and nothing more. The same applies to walls. For you can only pray on them, but not on a poster, for example, of Michael Jackson or a portrait of a great-grandmother.

Often the question is which icon is hung over front door. The answer is don't do it. Typically, there is Orthodox cross or his sticker. You can also hang a horseshoe. Although, if you wish, you can place a “Goalkeeper” above the door or Mother of God"Seven-shooter".

And of course, in no case should you place an image in the toilet. This is blasphemous. Also, do not hang it on window frames. Only on the walls, in the corners, you can put on the shelves. But not behind some things - only on a free shelf.

Some revered holy faces can be seen both in churches, monasteries, and in Christian dwellings. These include the miraculous Seven-Arrow Icon: where is the best place to hang the image of the Most Pure Theotokos in the house, read on.

Icons depicting the Savior, the Mother of God, Christian saints are not an item for interior decoration and not ordinary amulets. Orthodox images are real shrines through which believers turn to God. They occupy a special place in the heart of a person, in his house, they are carefully stored and passed on from grandfathers, fathers to children. Traditionally, iconostases were created in Christian homes, which were made up of the most revered, strong and important images for a particular family. Icons were placed in a prominent place of honor.

Seven-shooter Icon of the Blessed Mother of God

An ignorant person, looking at the face of the Mother of God of the Seven-shooter image, may be surprised. The Virgin Mary appears alone in the image, her gaze expresses restrained grief, her head is slightly inclined to the side. Most striking is the image of seven arrows, which are directed directly into the heart of the Virgin. Three arrows (or swords) are written on the left side, and four on the right (although the opposite arrangement is also possible).

There is also an icon on which there are three arrows on the right and left, the seventh one is below. The last option is a different icon, known by several names "Softening evil hearts"or" Simeon's prophecy. The images have almost identical meaning and prayer power.

Prophecy of Elder Simeon

To understand the meaning of the Seven-shot image, one should turn to the gospel narrative. The holy elder Simeon the God-Receiver, who was engaged in the translation of sacred texts, was destined to die only after he saw the Messiah. The old man has been waiting for this hour for almost 270 years. And then the Holy Spirit appeared to Simeon with the message that the covenant day had come and he should go to the Temple of the city of Jerusalem.

On the fortieth day after the birth of the Christ Child, the Blessed Virgin Mary, together with her husband, the righteous Joseph the Betrothed, brought him to the Jerusalem Temple for consecration, as required by tradition. Old Testament. On the threshold of the Holy Family with the Messiah, expected by all the people of Judea, Simeon met. He took Jesus in his arms and blessed him. Then, turning to Mary, the prophet uttered the words that thanks to this Baby, some will ascend, others will fall, and the very same sharp weapon will pierce the soul of the Mother of God.

The last words about weapons, like many other moments in the life of Jesus Christ, have many meanings. First of all, this is an allegorical description of the severe hardships, suffering, sorrow that the Blessed Virgin Mary had to endure, seeing the crucifixion of the Savior Christ. The very number seven in the Christian tradition denotes the fullness, the fullness of something. Icons depicting a story with seven arrows (swords) piercing the heart of the Mother of God are illustrations of this prophecy, but carry a broader meaning applied to the human race. Seven sharp arrows are an allegorical image of the seven deadly human sins that cause suffering and pain to the merciful heart of the Holy Intercessor.

Finding a miraculous image

Today, no one can accurately determine when the image of the Seven-Arrowed Mother of God appeared, and also who exactly was the author of the icon. The first time the image appeared to people in the 15th century, this event was not without Divine Providence.

Not far from the city of Vologda (Kadnikovsky district) lived a peasant who had already for a long time suffered from incurable lameness and painful weakness. He tirelessly turned to God with a request for healing, since other tried methods did not help. Once in a dream, the Most Pure Mother of God appeared to him. She ordered the peasant to find Her miraculous image in the bell tower at the church of St. John the Theologian, pray with great faith before him, and healing would be granted.

Not daring to disobey and believing in the power of the Mother of God image, the peasant twice went to the specified temple. But they did not want to let him in, simply not believing the story. And only on the third time they were allowed to go to the bell tower. The icon with the Mother of God, pierced by seven arrows, was found very quickly, it was located face down at the turn of the stairs. The monks and bell-ringers felt dismay, because, unknowingly, they stepped on the icon many times. The seven-shot image was cleaned of contamination. They brought to the temple, served a prayer service. The peasant, with faith, knelt down and prayed to the Mother of God for healing, intercession - and the illnesses were gone.

This was the first miraculous healing, the fame of which quickly spread for many kilometers from Vologda. Other cases followed. 1830 in the villages Vologda region sudden outbreaks of cholera. The epidemic spread rapidly, then people began to earnestly pray to the Seven-shot image of the Mother of God, procession walked around the temple. After that, the disease began to fade, and the people began to recover. Since then, the icon has gained fame as an assistant in the fight against cholera and other terrible diseases.

Where to place the Seven Arrow Icon

Favorite Orthodox icons are most often hung above the front door, at the head of the bed, or in a special place such as the iconostasis. The seven-shooter image of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most powerful, so it is often chosen for their homes.

Does not exist strict rules about the place of the icon, but some advice given by priests should be heeded:

  • It is advisable to place the Seven-shot image of the Virgin on one of the eastern walls of the apartment / house. If this is not possible, hang at the head of the bed, above or better opposite the front door.
  • If you are going to select a corner to equip a home iconostasis, make sure that the place is within easy reach for cleaning. Icons should be kept clean.
  • There should be no household items (cosmetics, jewelry, toys, talismans, aroma lamps, souvenirs) on the shelf or on the wall next to the icon or home iconostasis.
  • Personal photographs, paintings also have no place near the icons. When saying prayers, turn to the Mother of God, Jesus, the saints, and not to archival photo even the people you love the most. Store such photos in other places or hang them on another wall. Next to the shrines, even paintings on biblical themes are out of place.
  • Wishing to have a home a large number of icons, do not put them on one small shelf. Relics should not cover one another. Plan a composition on the wall, try to place the images symmetrically so that everyone is clearly visible, open to access.
  • Traditionally, you should not hang one icon of the Seven Arrows above the dining table. Here the image of the Savior will be more appropriate. In Christian families, before eating, the Lord's Prayer is read. Sometimes cooked food is also consecrated with Gratitude to the Lord.
  • The seven-shooter icon is similar in content to the image “Softener of Evil Hearts”, so it can be hung in the nursery next to or instead of the face of the Guardian Angel or the patron saint of the child.

Before the Seven-shot Shrine, one should pray for an end to turmoil, quarrels, she will give peace and tranquility to every home, preserve, strengthen family bonds, improve relations, mutual understanding of spouses. Prayer appeals to this image of the Most Pure Virgin Mary they help to soften the hearts of unkind people, envious people, ill-wishers. The Mother of God will protect from serious illnesses, injuries, and if an ailment has appeared, she will help to overcome it faster. The main thing to remember is that it is not enough to buy an icon you like, hang it on the wall. Sincere constant prayer is needed with faith in the mercy and power of the Heavenly Queen. And according to faith, prosperity and healing will be granted to everyone.

People who have recently come to faith are reasonably wondering where icons should be in the house? AT contemporary practice there are certain rules for placing icons. These norms are dictated by the importance and significance of the home iconostasis. After all, it is necessary to show respect and reverence to the faces of saints located at home.

How to hang an icon in the house?

In the house Orthodox Christian there must be an icon of Jesus Christ, as well as a prayer cross. At the request of a believer, an icon of the Mother of God can be placed nearby, as well as images of those saints whom a person refers to as his patrons and intercessors.

How to hang an icon in the house? In order not to make a mistake, you can use the following tips:

  • The place for the holy iconostasis is chosen in a clean and bright corner of the apartment. A special shelf is hung there. Perhaps the location of the icons on the dresser or cabinet.
  • The icons themselves are placed on lace napkins. The cross can be hung on the wall nearby.
  • When choosing a space for a holy corner, it is worth considering the fact that candles and lamps will be lit there. That is why the icon shelf cannot be set too high. You must also take into account the rules fire safety and do not burn candles near curtains and similar things.
  • The iconostasis can be one for the whole family, but it can be located in each room.
  • The approach to the holy corner must be free, so that it is more convenient to pray in front of it;
  • Icons are not placed opposite windows and on window sills, they can be damaged by direct ultraviolet rays.
  • The lamp chain can be attached to the ceiling mount. Its length should be enough for the main part to be located in front of the icons.
  • A large number of icons can be arranged into a beautiful composition. And for the base, use a cupboard with glass doors or a special rack with open shelves.
  • The iconostasis must be kept clean and tidy.

So, where should the icons be in the house? This question can be answered independently. The place must be specially allocated. The faces of saints are not installed on refrigerators and TVs. To organize the first holy corner, one shelf will be enough. The place with icons is not decorated with anything other than festively decorated napkins and church paraphernalia.

Today, the red corner for an icon in a modern apartment must be chosen with faith and love. It should be the best place where your daily spiritual work will take place.

Our Orthodox ancestors called the red corner the front corner of the hut in the southeast of the dwelling. There they set up icons, tables for writing and prayers. They hung embroidered towels and homespun cloth.

“Kutny corner”, “holy corner”, “kutnik” - this is how our ancestors called the place for the iconostasis. Looking at him, they were baptized in the morning and in the evening. They knelt before him and offered fervent prayers to the Lord when it was not possible to go to the church service.

The red corner was considered as an analogy of the church altar. Today, there are not only the rules for choosing the red corner itself, but also the rules for placing icons in it. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Only the Holy Trinity can stand next to the icon of the Savior.
  • Together with the face of the Virgin, her other faces or the same Holy Trinity are placed.
  • All other icons are placed a little to the side, perhaps on a shelf below.
  • Only spiritual books and church accessories can coexist with the home iconostasis. All entertainment attributes and digital devices are best removed away.
  • In each room, the placement of icons may be different.

In addition to arranging the main place for prayer, separate places can be arranged in different rooms of the house where the presence of an image of a saint is welcome.

Orthodox icons can be installed in the kitchen so that the family, before eating, can offer prayers to the Lord and express gratitude for the food and well-being.

When placing a holy image in the kitchen, care must be taken that dirt does not get on it when cooking. It is best to remove the icon behind the glass cabinet door. Sincere prayer does not interfere.

The icon with the saint, whose name is given at baptism, is placed in the nursery, since children in Orthodoxy are taught early to pray and honor biblical covenants.

A few more icons can be placed in the bedroom, as well as in guest rooms. The only place where the faces of saints are not placed is the bathroom and toilet. Such placement can be considered sacrilege.

Some people prefer to pray in only one room. Others feel more comfortable if images of saints are present throughout the house. Here everyone chooses for himself: to make several iconostases or limit himself to one.

An icon is an image of saints from biblical or church history. And an icon is a picture that requires careful care in everyday life.

The ideal temperature in the room where the faces of the saints are placed is 18-20 degrees Celsius. Humidity should not exceed 40%.

When stains, stubborn dirt and stubborn dust appear on the icon, they are referred for restoration. Icons are not cleaned with detergents. When wiping with a damp cloth, try not to wet the face too much.

In general, dust from the image of a saint is removed with soft brushes or dry rags. It is also necessary to regularly wipe the dust in the place where the face is placed, wash napkins and tablecloths located on the iconostasis.

It is unacceptable to expose the icons to direct exposure sun rays. The colors on them may fade, and the wood will fade and crack.

The older the icon, the more careful attitude it is required. Prayed for several generations, it becomes a true relic for a certain family, which is passed from ancestors to descendants.

In addition to external cleanliness, spatial cleanliness must be observed next to the icons. Other paintings, albeit religious ones, cosmetics, posters, jewelry, CDs and ordinary books, photographs of family members, photos of active clergymen or monks, decor items or other personal items are never placed near the iconostasis.

If the owner leaves the house for a long time, where his rich iconostasis remains, then you can draw the curtains in all rooms so that the paint of the icons “rests” from the light. It is also permissible to take home icons with you to a temporary home in order to arrange an impromptu red corner there.

Now you know where in the house they should stand, and where they should not be placed. The placement of holy faces is a serious matter. And it should be discussed at the family council. Particularly believing people are not afraid to redo the interior for the construction of the iconostasis in accordance with all the rules. They easily part with vases and landscapes on the walls to make room for the faces of saints. Such an act proves even more that for these people, faith in God is in the first place, and everything material is in the second place. And they are ready for a lot for their spiritual development.

There is, according to theologians, an ancient legend about how even during his earthly life Holy Mother of God I decided with the help of the Evangelist Luke to leave a memory of myself to people. To have a special Divine sign for them, bearing the grace of the Mother of God. Accurately and subtly written off by a talented artist and healer of human souls, the image of the Madonna with the baby Jesus in her arms served as the primary source for thousands of pictorial icons.

It is understandable that people want to always have a piece of the holy image at home, but many do not know how to properly hang icons in the house. What mistakes are most often made by believing Christians who are not enlightened in this matter?

Where in the room to place a home iconostasis?

Images of saints should be given a special and honorable place. According to the testimonies of the Orthodox fathers, who knew where to hang the icon correctly, the icons were usually placed on the eastern side of the big room in the house. But, if for some significant reason, it is not possible to equip the "red corner" under the iconostasis in the living room or in the hall, then you can use any other convenient place. The main thing is that it should not be cluttered and neat.

Unacceptable accommodation nearby:

  • art pictures;
  • photographs of deceased relatives;
  • TV, music center;
  • souvenirs and non-Orthodox books.
  • attributes of other religions (statues, idols).

Icons need a free approach to perform sincere prayers with a kneeling appeal for help and doxology to the holy images.

How many icons can I have and how can I get them?

For a home iconostasis, there are no categorical requirements regarding the number of holy images in it. There may be several or even one. It is important that each icon be revered, understood and close to the people living in the house.

They need to know:

  • with what words to communicate with God through the miraculous list;
  • the face of which of the saints is depicted on it;
  • in what cases it is possible to refer to the image;
  • how and under what circumstances humanity acquired the icon;
  • when is it celebrated?
  • where a genuine sample of icon-painting art is kept.

Believers should not adhere to unfounded superstitions that icons should not be bought or given to loved ones. Any variant of an honest acquisition of a holy image is acceptable.

True illuminated icons are distributed mainly through church shops operating at churches and monasteries. There are also houses of icons, where, with the blessing of a church minister, icon painters are allowed to make author's lists of famous sacred images.

What is not considered an icon and how to deal with it?

Calendars with instructions are not considered icons Orthodox holidays and fast days, other printed publications, on the pages of which the Holy Family or God's Pleasers are depicted. Such literature should be stored separately., in a certain box, and it is wrong to hang them among real icons.

If Orthodox literature has become unusable for further use, then it is allowed to carefully burn it yourself. It must not be left lying in the wrong place and it must not be misused., for example, as wrapping paper.

If the external state of the icon has faded over time or due to exposure to water, fire, and the image on it has not become visible, then it can be taken to the master for restoration or simply left in church temple, whose employees know how to deal with it further.

How to keep icons clean and safe?

In church trading shops you can buy icon cases - special boxes for storing icons. They allow you to keep the holy images clean.

Some people lovingly decorate the shelves and salaries in the home iconostasis with embroidered towels or lace patches, artificial flowers. It is necessary to place everything in such a way as to protect flammable household items from fire. At the request of believers, shop workers will explain in an accessible way how to properly hang a burning lamp in front of the icon.

Masters - manufacturers of the base, which serves for the subsequent writing of a holy image on it, usually think over how it will be attached to the wall. In the material, more often wooden, a special hole or loop is made. If there is nothing of the kind, then it is better not to hang such an icon, but to put it on a fixed shelf. But in no case should an icon be nailed through, especially in the outline of a holy face or robe.

Icons in other rooms of the house or apartment

There is no ban on placing icons in other living quarters, in the bedroom or in the kitchen. Of course, we are not talking about a balcony or a bathroom.

  • In a room where a common meal is usually served by household members, icons depicting Christ the Savior or the Last Supper would be right to hang over the dining table. Here, prayers of thanksgiving are offered for the opportunity to eat “daily bread”.
  • Not the pagan “horseshoe for happiness” or “wind music”, but the holy image, as the eternal guardian of the well-being of the hearth, should meet all the Orthodox believers entering the house above the door. In everyday life and economic affairs, since ancient times, Christian peoples have given preference to icons depicting God's helper Nicholas the Pleasant, the Great Defender from enemies and misfortunes - George the Victorious.
  • In the bedroom or children's room, it is correct to hang a nominal icon over the head of a sleeping person. First, through the prayers of the parents, and then the baby himself, she will protect the child from bad thoughts, grant him health and obedience.

If there are many icons, then certain rules for their tiered placement are followed. Central and upper are the holy images of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Below are icons depicting the Holy Great Martyrs who suffered for the Christian faith.

How to hang icons in a room

How to hang icons in an apartment and what is a red corner?

How to hang icons in the house was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

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