Russian doppelgänger of Jim Carrey. Like two drops of water: Russian counterparts of world celebrities

It happens that you are standing at a bus stop, and next to it some familiar man is also waiting for a minibus. It looks like you've seen him somewhere. I looked closer - yes, it's Jason Statham! Where?! Or you walk down the street, and a drunken tramp is lying on the sidewalk - you come closer, and this is Indiana Jones, that is, Harrison is our beloved Ford. And in a bank, it’s not someone who draws up a loan for you, but Keira Knightley herself. In general, as it turned out, celebrities are not so inaccessible - you can meet them not only on the red carpet, but also on the street of some provincial Russian town. Don't believe? Well, then just look at these pictures.

Actor Colin Farrell is reminiscent of his Russian counterpart Pyotr Fedorov.

And the 20-year-old actress Taisiya Vilkova is practically a copy of her Hollywood colleague Chloe Morets.

Harrison Ford reminded passers-by of a drunk lying at the bus stop.

Double actor Hugh Laurie users noticed in the release of regional news.

But Jason Statham was lucky, he found two Russian doubles at once: one at a bus stop ...

(Stetham often visits Russia incognito)

And the second for eating barbecue.

In Russian Instagram, users have found a young man who is remarkably similar to the famous British actor Daniel Radcliffe. Russian "Harry Potter" lives in Krasnoyarsk and his name is Nikolay Posleda.

And this, apparently, is a Russian “tough nut”, reminiscent of Bruce Willis like two drops of water.

Directed by Quentin Tarantino, most likely preparing to shoot a film about Russia, moonlights as a magazine salesman.

The Russian double of Jim Carrey was shown even to the actor himself, who also noted the similarity.

Fans of Angelina Jolie discovered a Russian copy of the star - a Tver fashion model and TV presenter named Assol.

In a bank employee from Tyumen, many users saw a resemblance to actress Keira Knightley.

The host of the Top Gear project, Jeremy Clarkson, was reminded to users by this elderly woman.

And this is the Russian analogue of the Joker performed by Heath Ledger.

Vin Diesel must be taking a break from fancy cars in Russian public transport.

Scarlett Johansson found a very unexpected double - the similarity of the Hollywood actress and Nadezhda Krupskaya was discussed on the Web for a long time.

And this is another girl from Russia who looks like Scarlett.

Anthony Hopkins and the Russian old woman somehow suspiciously resemble each other.

British actress Maggie Smith reminds many Russian users of Tatiana Peltzer. It is curious that both actresses played a lot in the theater, and came to film success at an already mature age.

Anastasia Sudakova from St. Petersburg reminded Instagram users of Western star Megan Fox.

Anna Stoyadinovchi from Novorossiysk won the competition of the Ren-TV channel "Ours in Westeros", dedicated to the search for doubles of the heroes of the Game of Thrones series.

Internet users learned about Les Makina due to her resemblance to actress Anne Hathaway.

Singer Yuliya Nachalova reminds Katherine Jenkins, her Welsh colleague.

Someone decided that he met Johnny Depp in the Moscow metro.

Apparently, Albert Einstein also rode there.

Walter White, instead of indulging in all serious, decided to work as a bus driver.
How right Internet users are is for you to judge, dear friends. But I think there's something to it...

History knows many examples when famous people had so-called twins "from the people." Passers-by begin to greet people who are incredibly similar to stars, they are asked for autographs, and they take photos in them as a keepsake. The most enterprising even derive their own benefit from this situation - they begin to act on behalf of a famous person and extort money from gullible people.

And there are cases when a person lives and does not realize that the whole world is discussing his similarity with a star. A photo of a man who bears a striking resemblance to a young Jim Carrey during the filming of Dumb and Dumber has been circulating the Internet the other day. Presumably, the double of the Hollywood actor is a citizen of Russia. It is possible that the guy cannot even imagine that his picture was published in the largest tabloids in America and Europe.

Moreover, the glory of a simple Russian has already reached Jim Carrey himself. According to the news portal, the world-famous comedian saw a photo with his double and was wildly delighted. He also noted that he was surprised by the resemblance to an unknown man.

Recall that not so long ago the whole world was discussing another Russian who is incredibly similar to another Hollywood icon - Leonardo DiCaprio. A middle manager from the Moscow region, Roman Burtsev, has become a real star of the Internet. An employee of the rescue service took a serious step in his life and became the hero of the project of the Moscow 24 TV channel Romance with DiCaprio. After the show, the man lost weight and changed his image, becoming even more like a Hollywood star.

Now Roman successfully combines his main work with filming in commercials and parody films, where he performs in the image of DiCaprio. So, some time ago, a parody of the Titanic melodrama, which brought fame to Leonardo, appeared on the screens. According to the plot, Roman tries to escape with the help of a small raft built from a suitcase, but, as in the original, it freezes. True, the action of the parody does not take place in the ocean, but in the VDNKh pool.

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