Land turtle at home? How to care for a pet turtle

The sluggish reptile is not an affectionate, playful creature and can come across as rather boring. Nevertheless, turtles have gained incredible popularity, and only by becoming the owner of this animal can one fully comprehend the secret of its charm. But first of all, you need to find out the basic requirements and features of the content of amazing ancient creatures.

The most common pet species that live in the water, such as red-eared freshwater, marsh and musk turtles.

Red-eared turtle

Terrestrial species are also attractive, of which at home they most often contain the Central Asian and star tortoises.

Star (Indian) tortoise

Keeping a turtle at home - choosing a pet

The choice of the type of turtle primarily depends on the wishes and capabilities of the owner - the maintenance and needs of aquatic and terrestrial animals differ significantly.

Whichever type is chosen, it is better to purchase a captive-bred animal directly from the breeder, rather than an individual caught in wild nature, which can be injured during capture or transport and be a carrier of diseases. It is important to remember that both terrestrial and aquatic turtles can carry Salmonella, so careful hygiene is essential when handling these animals.

Land tortoises hibernate, so it would be wise to make a purchase in the spring or summer time to be able to observe the pet before he decides to start wintering.

Terrestrial species can live up to 100 years and have special needs, requiring long outdoor walks or keeping in fresh air in warm weather, while semi-aquatic and water sports need a large tank, filter and other expensive equipment.

Keeping a turtle at home - pet arrangement

Any tank intended for keeping turtles at home must have a reliable filtration system to keep the water clean and the microflora healthy. These large reptiles produce a lot of waste, so you need a powerful specialized filter that purifies the water.

Terrarium for keeping the red-eared turtle at home

You will also need a quality heater. Like all reptiles, the turtle is a cold-blooded animal and needs warmth to keep warm and gain energy. In addition, special UVA / UVB lamps are needed to enable the turtle to produce vitamin D, a lack of which leads to shell softening and bone problems. The temperature is maintained at 25-27 ° C, and it should be remembered that in warm water algae will develop rapidly, so these processes should be carefully controlled.

Naturally, at land species completely different needs. While small turtles can adapt to life in the enclosed space of a small terrarium, adult large turtles should be outdoors more often. Adult tortoises can develop severe metabolic disorders that lead to kidney failure if you do not provide optimal levels of temperature, humidity and fresh air.

For land turtles, a small pool is equipped in the terrarium - shell-deep, from which the pet will drink water and maintain optimal hydration of all integuments. Water is changed regularly, at least once a day.

Terrarium for keeping tortoises at home

Keeping a turtle at home - what to feed?

Nutritional requirements vary considerably from species to species, and of course larger individuals require more food. Before buying a reptile, it is important to learn about the nutritional needs and feeding habits of your favorite variety.

Many people think that turtles - both land and water - are vegetarians, but in fact they are omnivorous, and eat meat and fish, vegetables and greens. However, a vegetarian diet is perfectly acceptable if nutritional deficiencies are replenished with special feeds, vitamin and mineral supplements.

Exist Various types commercial turtle foods and supplements available at pet stores. In addition, the diet is diversified with vegetables, fruits, herbs, fish, gammarus, squid and large bloodworms.

Aquatic turtles - experience of feeding and keeping

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The red-eared turtle, sometimes called the yellow-bellied turtle, - the most common among fans of domestic turtles. Today they can be found in almost every pet store, and sometimes just in the market. Cute and small at the time of purchase, creations evoke the sea positive emotions both in children and adults. However, this popularity has a downside: a huge number of domestic red-eared turtles are initially doomed to death or life in conditions that are not suitable for them.

Is everything as simple as it seems at first? Maybe you have already acquired these beautiful creatures or are just about to - the decision is always yours. We will try to help with advice on how to keep, feed and care for them.

Types of red-eared turtles, sizes and features

The red-eared turtle includes three subspecies, which have their own characteristics of morphology (appearance).

The first representative of this species - Trachemys scripta scripta. Its peculiarity lies in the yellow color of the stripes on the muzzle (turning into a large yellow postorbital spot), which are connected at the neck. On the side (costal) shields of the dorsal shell (carapace) there are yellow stripes, and on the front shields of the abdominal shell (plastron) - yellow spots. In size, it reaches up to 27 cm.

The second representative, more familiar to all of us, - Trachemys scripta elegans. Her postorbital spots (resemble a bandage) - red, and they are quite wide. On the costal shields of the carapace there are transverse yellow stripes, and on the plastron - a large spot on each shield. Reaches up to 28 cm in size.

And the third representative, very similar in appearance to Trachemys scripta elegans, - Trachemys scripta troostii. The differences lie in the fact that in this subspecies the postorbital spot is narrower and has yellow(sometimes combined with red). On the costal shields of the carapace there are yellow transverse stripes, and on the plastron - a pattern of black spots similar to "eyes", or just small black spots. Reaches up to 21 cm in size.

As we can see, these turtles are far from "dwarf", as sellers in pet stores may claim.

It is also erroneous to think that red-eared turtles - inhabitants of our regions and Russia as a whole. Homeland of red-eared turtles: North America, Central America and north South America they also live in Europe and South-East Asia. The main habitat is shallow water bodies, ponds and rivers with a gentle current or coastal zones.

Common questions for red-eared sliders

How many years do red-eared turtles live?

The life expectancy of red-eared turtles at home with quality care and maintenance is 30-40 years. Therefore, you need to understand that you make a friend for almost a lifetime.

How to distinguish a female from a male red-eared turtle?

Determining the sex of a turtle is difficult. It is better to entrust this matter to a specialist. And for 100% determination, even research methods such as radiography with contrast and probing may be needed. - it will show the presence of hemipenis sacs. However, you can try to do it yourself. For example, according to the length of the claws on the forelimbs: in the male they are much longer and look like extended bayonets. Or by the length of the tail: the male has a longer tail. Also, the male has a notch on the abdominal shell.

Do red-eared turtles hibernate?

Some scientists argue that red-eared turtles hibernate and they need it. However, this process can occur only under certain conditions of detention, which initially prepare the turtle's body for the state of suspended animation (hibernation): a gradual decrease in temperature, a decrease in the length of daylight hours and the amount of food.

The process of bringing the animal out of suspended animation will also be difficult. It is rather difficult to imagine these processes at home. Therefore, it would be more logical not to create difficulties for yourself and not cause unnecessary harm to the health of the turtle.

All three subspecies of turtles - representatives semi-aquatic image life. In addition, they are all predators and begin to consume plant foods only at an older age.

They also require certain temperature conditions, modes of illumination and irradiation with ultraviolet spectrum.

Aquaterrarium for red-eared turtles

What is a terrarium? This is a specially equipped place created for keeping reptiles. In this case, we are dealing with an aquaterrarium, since the red-eared turtle needs both land and water. Content in boxes, basins, buckets is categorically not suitable for them!

In addition, we must remember that our turtles should live only in their "house" and in no case should they "walk" around the apartment. In hands, they can only be taken for an extremely small amount of time: during a transplant for feeding or cleaning.

The future size of our turtles indicates that they need enough space to fully grow and develop. But this does not mean at all that you can launch small turtles immediately into a large aquaterrarium. Every age - your "house", according to size.

The terrarium for the red-eared turtle should be of the horizontal type (rectangular in length). Adult pets require "homes" with a volume of at least 150 liters, and babies - about 50 l. Ordinary small turtles, which are sold in pet stores, can also be suitable for very little ones.

As for the location of the aquaterrarium in the apartment, a more suitable place is in the back of the room. In the autumn-winter period in the room where your turtle is kept, it is better not to open the windows, in order to avoid a cold draft. Yes, it is deadly for your cold-blooded pets, as a “cold” can cause a disease such as pneumonia, which becomes clearly visible when the turtle is already fully ill.

Aquaterrarium equipment

What should be mandatory in every aquaterrarium: a thermometer to control the water temperature, a shore, a water heater and a water filter.

The presence of algae and stones is not necessary, and sometimes contraindicated. Some types of algae are toxic and stones can be swallowed and cause blockages in the esophagus or intestines; in addition, they complicate cleaning. But if you still decide to decorate your terrarium in this way, then remember that the size of the stones should not be less than the head of a turtle, the stones themselves should not crumble and be multi-colored (when heated, they can emit toxic substances). It is better to select algae after a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

Coastal part of the aquaterrarium

Why does an aquaterrarium need a shore? Turtles - cold-blooded animals that are not able to create heat with their own bodies, as we mammals do. In nature, turtles come ashore to warm themselves and take a break from swimming, the same must be done for them at home.

Land should not occupy more than 1/3 of the aquaterrarium. The angle of rise out of the water should not be too obtuse or straight. It must be sharp and motionless so that the exit from the water does not “run away” from the turtle.
The shore itself must be made of enough durable material, free of loose paint and odourless.


Two types of lighting will be required: one for heating, the other - ultraviolet.

These two types of exposure will only have the following in common:

  1. Both lamps must be installed above the shore.
  2. The distance to the shore should not be less than 30 cm.
  3. Both lamps should burn for about 12 hours.

Now let's talk about each type separately.

UV lamp for red-eared turtles

In the case of reptiles, only special lamps are used that are suitable only for them. Each such lamp has its own percentage of emitted ultraviolet (UVB): 2% (2.0), 5% (5.0) and 10% (10.0). Turtles are suitable lamps 5% (5.0).

What is it for, you ask? If you do not go into the peculiarities of the physiology of the metabolism of reptiles, then without ultraviolet radiation, calcium will not be fully absorbed and work gastrointestinal tract, which will lead to quite dangerous and serious diseases in both adults and small turtles.

thermal lighting

For this type of lighting, conventional 60 W incandescent lamps are suitable. This type is required so that your turtles do not freeze while out of the water and can warm up normally for the full functioning of their body.

Water in the aquarium

This is one of those points that should not be ignored in any case, since it is in this environment that healthy turtles spend most time.

For our pets, filtered or settled water for at least a day is suitable. If the water was first filtered and then settled - you are very good host. In this case, we are engaged in the prevention of many diseases of the shell and skin.

Water temperature in an aquarium for red-eared turtles

To create comfortable living conditions for our reptiles, it will be necessary to maintain certain temperature conditions!

The water temperature should be in the range of 22-25 0 C. It can be maintained either with the help of special heating mats (provided that the dimensions of the aquaterrarium are small enough), or water heaters that can be set to a suitable temperature. To constantly monitor the temperature, you will need a special thermometer, which must be installed in the water. In addition, it must be protected from the curiosity of our pets, as they can damage it, which will lead to hit hazardous substances into water and poisoning the body.

We maintain the temperature of the shore with a heating lamp. You can control it by adjusting the height of the lamp.
Normally, the temperature of the coast should be in the range of 30-32 0 С.

What do red-eared turtles eat?

Feeding - a very important part of the life of our pets. It is with food that they get all the necessary nutrients.

Remember: feed the turtles the same that we eat, - it is forbidden!

Recall: red-eared turtles - predators and plant foods in their diet should appear only in adulthood.

Not suitable as feed: meat, semi-finished meat products (minced meat, sausages, sausages), chicken meat, oily fish, salty fish, fried, sweet and salty, ready-made dry food.

What to feed red-eared turtles at home, you ask? Let's discuss this now.
To make it easier to feed the turtles, they can be kept with fish, which they will catch and eat, getting all the necessary nutrients.

If this option does not suit you, then stick to next diet to be combined: beef liver (heart and liver), fish, insects (worms, crickets without legs, cockroaches without legs), daphnia, not dry gammarus.

What fish to feed the red-eared turtle?

As plant food suitable for adult turtles: algae (water hyacinth, hornwort, duckweed, etc.) and plants (dandelion, carrot, lettuce).

Serving size should be approximately half carapace (dorsal shell) of a turtle. But know that if she refuses to eat, then the portion size needs to be reduced, and feeding for this particular time needs to be stopped. The size of one piece should be half the size of the head and should be 1/3 of the thickness of the head.

As for the frequency of feeding, small turtles up to 7-9 cm in a carapace are fed once a day. Larger ones need to be fed less frequently. - once every other day.

Along with the food, you can give special vitamin supplements that are suitable only for reptiles, this will provide them with a complete diet.
But remember that for each age and gender group, the frequency and amount of feeding is different, so it is better to consult a specialist before giving.

To less pollute the aquaterrarium, the turtle can be fed in a specially equipped jig (if you feed it not alive aquarium fish). The kennel in this case should be of a suitable size: so that the pet can turn around and move freely in it.


The most annoying and difficult thing to do. During cleaning, the turtle must be transplanted into a specially equipped jig (the jig for feeding and temporary keeping at the time of harvesting can be one).

Cleaning is done once a week. In our case, a complete treatment from algae and bacteria with the help of antiseptics is required, followed by rinsing under running water. Chlorhexidine, sold at any pharmacy, is suitable as an antiseptic, or you can use a mild soapy solution. During cleaning, do not forget to carefully process each wall and all corners of the aquaterrarium.

Remember, as long as the tank is treated thoroughly every week, the likelihood of skin problems for your turtle will be very, very low.


This article discusses general rules maintenance of red-eared turtles, which are suitable for all three subspecies.

Before you get a turtle, weigh the pros and cons well and consider whether you can provide the necessary conditions for keeping your pet so that he is healthy and does not need veterinary care.

Remember: it is always cheaper and easier to properly maintain an exotic pet than to treat diseases that can be extremely dangerous in reptiles, in particular turtles.

Many owners, with an inept approach, shorten their life to 3-5 years. Some believe that to keep a turtle at home, it will be enough to put a basin of water and put a pebble in it. However, turtles are demanding animals and for their normal development, you will need to purchase an aquaterrarium, build or buy an island for relaxation, a UV lamp and a heating lamp, a thermometer and a water filter.

In addition to water, the turtle needs, and with a comfortable and non-slippery lift, so that the turtle can easily crawl out onto land and warm itself. Islands can be bought in specialized stores or made by hand. You can put a snag, a stone with a rough surface. But store islands, unlike those made at home, are more stable and have a textured surface. Another factor that determines the quality of the island is the absence of piercing burrs and sharp corners.

soil and plants

Depending on the purpose for which the turtle was purchased: as pet or for breeding for sale, soil is selected. In the first case, the bottom of the aquarium can be decorated with large stones, since turtles can swallow gravel. When breeding, shallow soil is required so that the turtle can freely tear it open and lay eggs. You can pour a layer of washed river sand.

Aquarium plants are of interest to the turtle, she tries to try each of them “by the tooth” and if she likes it, the plant will be eaten, if she doesn’t like it, it will be uprooted. Therefore, it is recommended to “plant” artificial plants in aquariums.

Coastal heating and temperature maintenance

Turtles are heat-loving animals and, living in natural conditions They love to bask in the sun. To bring content at home closer to natural, you will need to install. For supporting optimal temperature The aquarium must have a thermometer.

When placing the lamp, you should pay attention to two things: firstly, it should not be located too low above the island, and secondly, a protective glass will have to be installed between the lamp and the water so that splashes of water do not fall on the hot lamp.

The operating time of the lamp for heating is 10-12 hours a day. You can buy it in a specialized store.

Ultraviolet lamp

Depending on the age of the turtles, the power of the UV lamp is selected:

  • for young individuals - 5% UVB;
  • for adults - 10% UVB.

The presence of an ultraviolet lamp is the main condition for the normal development of red-eared turtles. To prevent animals from getting eye burns, install a UV lamp at a level of at least 25 cm and turn it on for 10-12 hours, turn it off only at night.

Ultraviolet prevents the development of rickets, improves metabolism, affects the activity of turtles. The rays help to absorb calcium, which is necessary for building a shell.


For the successful keeping of the red-eared turtle, it should not fall below +20 ºC, the most optimal parameter is +22 + 28 ºC.

The turtle spends most of its time in the water, so you should make sure that the water is clean. Animals sleep, eat and defecate directly in the water, so it needs to be changed frequently. A filter must be installed in the aquarium.

In the dirty aquatic environment pathogenic microorganisms develop, which cause various infectious diseases turtles, which are then difficult to cure.

The water level in the aquarium should be higher than the size of a turtle shell. This is done so that the animal, inadvertently on its back, can easily roll over on its own.

The normal development of red-eared turtles is possible only when created for them good conditions. The turtle becomes a beloved pet, so you need to take care of it accordingly.

Keeping red-eared sliders — Video

It often happens that Central Asian, American, and also red-eared turtles, at the whim of a child, become residents of city apartments.

Don't be fooled by the ruggedness of turtles, in fact, tortillas need to be created for them. special conditions. But if you take care of the proper arrangement of the terrarium, as well as a balanced diet, the turtle will surely surprise you with its activity. So, today we are discussing the nuances of keeping domestic turtles.

Weigh the pros and cons

Before you buy a turtle, think about the fact that we are talking about one of the oldest genera of reptiles. Over 220 million! turtles have lived on earth for years. They peacefully coexist with a person, but at the same time they never became truly pets.

Even living with you side by side long time, turtles do not run to rush to you, meeting you from work, rejoice that you stroke them or scratch them behind the ear. You can only appreciate the gratitude of a pet by watching its gradual increase in size. Not too much of a reward, agree?

Think about whether you are ready to take care of such a little emotional pet for years (turtles, as we remember, live quite a long time)?

If you are still determined and ready to take a turtle into your family, you must first resolve the issue of where the tortilla lives.

Arrangement of a place for a turtle

Many breeders make the serious mistake of keeping turtles on the floor. This is fraught with serious problems.

Drafts, the risk of injury, the difficulty of moving on parquet or linoleum lead to the fact that in such "comfortable" conditions the turtle does not live for long.

In Europe, where the practice of animal protection is widespread, keeping turtles at home is allowed only if there is a terrarium in which the animal is recreated. habitat tortilla habitat.

For aquatic turtles, you will need the arrangement of an aquaterrarium. For this purpose, an aquarium with a capacity of 100 liters is used. 1/3 of the total volume should be occupied by an impromptu island. The rest of the area is filled with warm water, the temperature of which is maintained by a special heater.

An incandescent lamp (40-60 W) must be fixed above the "island", and a special UVB lamp for reptiles must be installed in the upper part of the turtle's dwelling.

Land turtles are placed in an aquarium in a similar way, only without an island and water. In this case, the floor of the terrarium is covered with soil and small pebbles.

Although in a constant source of water land turtles do not need, they must be bathed regularly (at least once a week) in warm water.

Remember among turtles (both land and water) there are no decorative and dwarf species. Even when purchasing a tiny turtle, be sure that it will grow and it will need a place to grow. Therefore, you should not buy a small aquarium, it is at least not reasonable.

Turtle feeding

In order for your turtle to grow up healthy, you need to take care of a balanced diet for the animal. The basics of nutrition are largely determined by the subspecies. You can read more about the principles of feeding turtles. But the main thing to remember is that regardless of the breed of the turtle, it must be fed twice a day, preferably at the same time.

If your pet has reached a length of 10 cm, then once a week a kind of “fasting day” is arranged for him, during which only settled water is offered to the turtle.

How to tame a turtle?

In order to establish contact with your pet, you will have to be patient. Turtle delicacies such as dandelion flowers, pieces of tomato or banana will help. Offer treats from your hands and avoid sudden movements.

Such regular feedings will soon teach the reptile to respond to the appearance of the owner by turning the body or head. Pretty discreet attention, but still.

Once you have gained trust, the turtle can be handled without fear of being scratched or bitten. Over time, your pet will definitely like you and will be happy to make contact.

It looks like a harmless creature, but it is a real predator. Therefore, it will have to be fed with animal food.

Basically, water turtles are fed various insects, earthworms and snails - all this can be bought at any pet store. At least once a week, the animal should be given meat. It's best to find out what kind of meat your turtle prefers. Some are happy to eat beef, others love chicken meat, but not a single representative will refuse fish. It is advisable to pre-cook the fish and clean it of small bones so that the turtle's body can easily digest food.

It is desirable to fortify the feed. Especially useful for water turtles is calcium, which can be given once a week.

As turtles age, they switch to a "vegetarian diet". Therefore, the older the animal, the more often different vegetation, in particular algae, should be added to the diet. It also depends on the age of how often you need to feed the turtle. Juveniles need daily food, while adults have enough food for three days.

"Interior" of the aquarium

Although turtles spend most of their lives in the water, they still need dry land. Therefore, there must be an “island” with, which will warm the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hill. This "island", as well as the whole soil, should consist of sand or gravel.

Be careful, the turtles are childishly curious, everything that is in their reach will definitely be tried on the tooth. Therefore, make sure that the "grains" of the soil are large, larger than the turtle's head. It also follows from this that it is useless to add other inhabitants to the turtles: and.

The aquarium should be maintained at a constant temperature of 25°C by changing the water every time (provided it is installed). It is advisable to have thermometers that will give you information about the temperature. Note that turtles can only thrive in a large tank, so take care of that before purchasing a pet.


Before you decide to have a turtle at home, think about the fact that this is one of those few animals that can outlive a person for several years.
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