If the dishes often break at home. Cracked or split in half. Why does glassware break?

No housewife in the kitchen can do without dishes. Saucers, plates, mugs and cups - all this is in every kitchen. And it is not surprising that these household items are overgrown with many signs and superstitions. So anyway, what does it mean broken dishes? Of course, she fights for happiness. Everyone heard about it. However, not in every situation everything is exactly like this, sometimes it can portend some troubles.

Why are the dishes breaking?

For example, at a wedding, any broken dishes only mean the happiness of the newlyweds. So, if a cup or mug, breaking, shatters into many small pieces, this portends a long and happy life for the young.

There used to be a rather instructive custom in the villages. The young bride, before entering the groom's house, at the threshold had to break clay pot. If the pot broke, then this meant that the girl retained her virginity, but if it didn’t break, it meant that she had not saved herself for her future husband.

In some regions, on the second day of the wedding, guests who came to the celebration began to beat clay pots for the happiness of the newlyweds. In some places, such traditions still remain to this day. During the wedding, the groom, or the groom, along with the bride, must break the plate of food that is presented to him by the guests. This will mean that the newlyweds leave behind all the troubles and hardships.

All of the above helps to conclude that you should not be upset if the dishes break at the wedding. This is good sign like some others But not in all countries. Here, for example, in Scotland, if the bride broke something during the wedding, then this is unfortunately.

AT Everyday life dishes break regularly, and this is normal. But, in the event that the plate is broken at the time of the quarrel, with negative emotions, then this does not bode well. A period of failures and disappointments, a lack of money and quarrels with loved ones should be expected. But if any dishes were broken with positive emotions, for example - “for happiness”, then this promises the approach of a “white stripe” in a person’s life, a variety of benefits, good luck and prosperity.

cracked crockery

A rather bad omen is the appearance of cracks on the dishes without human intervention. In this case, it is recommended to immediately collect the broken pieces and fragments, and not throw them into the household trash bag, but immediately take them out into the street and throw them into the trash can. These kinds of cracks portend financial losses and other troubles. AT folk traditions cracks on the dishes symbolize the absorption of energy by them, so the appearance of cracks on the dishes initially Bad sign.

The same applies to glassware, it is better to immediately throw it into an outdoor tank and not leave it in the apartment, this is not good.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the broken glasses. Although, in different regions Opinions on this score are diametrically opposed. Somewhere it is believed that broken glass portends good luck, improvement business relations and business success. But this interpretation is not correct for all situations. If the glass full of water a woman broke, then she should look more closely at her missus, most likely, he had a mistress.

Cracked or broken dishes should not be used, even if the damage is not serious, and the dishes are still usable for their intended purpose, even if it is a simple bread box, because there is. If you continue to use such dishes, then it can cause misfortune, make a person's life “cracked”. All fragments must be quickly collected and taken out of the house. Regardless of whether the item crashed by accident, or for good luck.

History will take with dishes

Signs associated with dishes are deeply ancient history. Since the time of clay pots, there have been various rules and instructions on how to handle these household items. For example, if a clay pot broke, it meant that trouble would soon come to the house. Our ancestors associated dishes with prosperity and well-being, which was given by the god of the Sun - Yarilo. And broken dishes showed a disrespectful attitude of a person towards him, with all the consequences negative consequences. Just like different

At the present time, on the contrary, we say “fortunately”, maybe it is a positive attitude that drives trouble away from a person. But still, it is better not to store broken dishes in the house. This is a well-known and oldest sign associated with broken dishes.

In general, the interpretation of the plate is unambiguously positive. Psychologists agree that in the human subconscious, it symbolizes well-being, as well as a source of income and material wealth. The sign of breaking a plate means, as a rule, a symbolic farewell to previous problems and worries. When the groom at the wedding beats the plate "for good luck" - this is a kind of end to his former bachelor life. It is clear that immediately after this, all the fragments must be collected and thrown away - so as not to return to a celibate life.

The sign of broken plates originated in antiquity. After the invention of porcelain, it was used exclusively by wealthy families, and if such dishes were broken, it was believed that negative energy was leaving the house with the fragments thrown out.

At the same time, there are many nuances that interpret a broken plate, both in a positive way and frankly negatively. Let's look at all the shades of a broken cymbal.

Dishes are beating - catch luck by the tail

There are so many nuances that directly affect the interpretation of the event that it is not so easy to list them all: the person himself hits the bowl or is it just a scene with his participation as a witness, what kind of dishes look like - old or new, whole, cracked or with chips on the edges, full or empty ...

  • since ancient times, at Russian weddings they beat a plate “for good luck”, this was the key to a strong and long married life;
  • a bowl accidentally broken at the ceremony of marriage, and even through the fault of the groom or bride - to the fragility of such a union;
  • according to signs that came from antiquity, breaking dishes, our ancestors scared away diseases, it was believed that this was a real medicine in the fight against fever and convulsions;
  • the fact of a bowl shattered into fragments, which happened just before the New Year, meant impending misfortunes;
  • from our ancestors, a belief came to us that, they say, such incidents are the tricks of a brownie, who is not delighted with his owners, and he urgently needs to be appeased with something;
  • another nuance was that the fragments predicted the old age of a person, and if there are a lot of them, then the future will be happy.

Returning to wedding beliefs, one should remember the tradition, observing which, the duties of the young wife included breaking the plate on the threshold - such a sign protected the married couple from scandals. However, in parallel there is another interpretation: they say that cracks will appear in the marriage from a bowl broken at a wedding.

From love to misery - one broken plate

Do not forget that there are numerous invited persons at the wedding ceremony or other event. A new relationship may develop between them. Here's what the omens say about it:

  • if a person broke a plate - soon fate will give him a love affair at the most serious level, and it will last throughout his life, and if a person of the opposite sex was nearby, then perhaps this is the object of future relationships;
  • it is very important what a person feels at the sound of broken dishes, if he is seized by panic - this is not good, because with his thoughts (they believe that these are material phenomena), their owner can attract what they are filled with;
  • many interpreters agree that the scattered fragments should be collected and, securely packed so that they do not fall out and do not harm others, throw them away.

At the same time, to eat from dishes that have a crack means to invite cracks in yourself. future life. And if the hostess keeps plate fragments in the kitchen, then it is believed that by this she attracts misfortune to the dwelling.

When thrift is not for good, but for misfortune

And in general, dishes in a person's house can tell a lot about its owner. For example, dotted with cracks and dotted with crevices, it testifies to isolation and thrift. However, is it beneficial? Interpreters will accept sure that not always:

  • to eat and drink from cracked and “chipped” dishes means to call trouble not only on yourself, but on the whole family, which from prosperity will enter into poverty and poor health, and this sign is “tested” by time;
  • it is believed that the violation of the integrity of the dishes automatically entails a negative impact on the so-called " subtle bodies”, resulting in delicious and healthy food eaten from cracked dishes will not bring pleasure and will not be healthy.

In itself, the phenomenon of a broken saucer is common in everyday life. However, it happens that someone literally does not hold the dishes in their hands. It is believed that the head of such a person is filled with numerous bad thoughts.

Therefore, it is preferable to treat or communicate with him delicately or completely limit such communication - so as not to take away the negative energy emanating from him. And in general, having witnessed such a phenomenon, you should be on your guard and be ready to confront the troubles that can be brought into the house.

Cleanliness and tidiness will not attract trouble to the house

In the minds of people, a plate is a symbol of homeliness, strong marital relations in a large friendly family with a hearth that welcomes guests. In such a house there are no dirty dishes - a symbol of future troubles. But if a plate breaks, this does not mean that happiness should definitely be expected in the house:

  • the fact of broken transparent dishes is not good, because a transparent plate personifies purity, and if it shattered into fragments, expect quarrels or warn them in advance;
  • if at the time of the broken plate a quarrel is still taking place, you should know that in this way a person attracts negative energy.

The sound of broken dishes in our subconscious is a symbolic sound marital quarrel. Psychologists are sure that by breaking bowls “in the hearts”, a person releases the negative energy accumulated in him and discharges emotionally. Negativity is replaced by peace. Smile at the sound of a bowl scattered on the floor - adversity will bypass you!

A modern sign of what dishes are beating in the house is associated with the onset of happiness. But broken cutlery does not always bring good luck. In some cases, this warns of impending troubles.

Broken dishes don't always bring good luck

Signs on a holiday

Broken dishes at the holiday - a frequent occurrence. The ringing of a broken plate at the event is accompanied by the exclamation: “For good luck!” Ancient signs say that if in the house of the newlyweds in the first month after the wedding a plate or cup broke into small pieces, then they are waiting for happy life. The smaller the fragments, the more successful their union will be.

Also in old times on the second day of the wedding, clay pots were thrown out of the window of the bride's room. A broken pot was considered proof of the bride's chastity.

If during the celebration of the anniversary a wine glass burst in the hands of a mother-in-law or mother-in-law, then scandals and quarrels await the young people next year, and relations with relatives at this time will be very bad. To minimize the influence of signs, the son-in-law must break a similar glass by throwing it over his left shoulder.

For matchmaking, a dish of food is brought to the young. The bride and groom must break it together so that there is always prosperity in their house.

If during the celebration the wife pushes the plate off the table, this is a sign that in family life will not do without cheating on the part of the groom. To prevent this, you should find the largest fragment and crush it with your left foot.

A glass broken by a man during a big fast is a warning that in the future he will become addicted to alcohol. You can neutralize the omen by spraying fragments clean water, saying: “Accept in the future it will not come true, and I, the servant of God (name), cannot sleep!”

household signs

If the dishes accidentally break on a normal day, then nothing bad will happen. If a plate or cup is intentionally broken, this portends a series of failures. A plate missed in a fit of anger leads to financial difficulties. If a cup is broken in this way, expect a quarrel with a loved one. You should not resort to this kind of expression of emotions, so as not to give misfortune the opportunity to stay in life for a long time.

Special attention deserves a sign about glass cups, glasses and glasses. There is a saying: "Where the glass breaks, life is good there." If this was done by accident by one of the household members, it is worth waiting for success.

But if someone else broke the glass utensils, this is a cause for concern. Superstition says that family well-being people who are in a trusting circle are very jealous:

  • If the glass is broken by a woman, beware of slander and damage.
  • If broken by a man, then expect unpleasant conversations that will ruin the image.
  • If a child breaks a glass, expect bad news.

If a woman breaks the cup of her husband or lover, then soon she will have a rival. A glass of water released from the hands promises good luck in business.

A broken mug of a child indicates the evil eye. The presence of the evil eye will be confirmed if a few more things of the child break in a short period of time.

A cup broken by a child - to bad news

Dishes break on their own

Sometimes you can notice that the dishes cracked without anyone's participation. Such cases occur infrequently, but if they do, then it is worth preparing for the test associated with a lack of finances. According to Feng Shui, cracked dishes take away positive energy, good luck and happiness. The appearance of a crack on the dishes is a warning, so you should not:

  • let events take their course;
  • to give up;
  • forget about the problem.

This should push for action, despite the circumstances, then the black stripe will change to white. Sometimes the dishes do not just crack, but break on their own. They say it's the pranks of the brownie. To stop them, the guard of the hearth should be appeased. Place a small bowl of milk and some cookies in the corner of the kitchen. In the morning, give a treat to the animals and the tricks of the brownie will stop.

Dishes can beat on their own when saturated with negativity. People believe that dishes can act as a conductor. When there is a lot of negativity in the room, it bursts, clearing the space.

Cracks in dishes take away luck

Broken dishes in the trash

Broken dishes are a source of negativity in the house. Its storage does not bring benefits, but attracts more trouble. Do not store dishes with minor damage in the house, even if it is your favorite cup. Such sentimentality hides in itself great danger: leaving cracked dishes, you attract loneliness.

No wonder they say that broken cup do not glue. For couples the presence of such a cup in the house can end in parting.

Chipped kitchen utensils scare away wealth. Even a small plate with a crack can attract poverty.

Get rid of all damaged dishes in the house. It is better to do this on the night of the new moon: it will pull all the troubles with it. To do this, wrap the dishes in a clean cloth, and take the bundle to a deserted place. When you leave say:

“Bit-stab, grinded with misfortune, I’ll leave it in a wasteland, I’ll send happiness to the house. As she said, so be it. Amen!"

Get new plates and cups, they will be the first step towards changes in life!

You should always always believe in the good, and good luck will accompany you in life. Everyone will decide for himself whether to trust signs or not, but broken dishes will never make life happy.

In most cases, broken dishes are considered a positive sign and portend happiness, but in practice this is not confirmed in all cases. If the dishes are often beaten by the same person, this indicates the presence of an evil eye on him. If damage to utensils has become more frequent after buying a new home, this is a hint to the owners that they need to make friends with the brownies, leaving him various goodies. In the event that chips form themselves, this is a symbol a large number negative energy in the house, which the dishes have absorbed.

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    Why do dishes often break?

    If the dishes began to beat much more often than usual, or chips of unknown origin appeared on it, it is necessary to understand in more detail the causes of such phenomena.

    If kitchen utensils often become damaged after people began to live in a new house, then these are the tricks of the brownie.

    You need to befriend him. This is quite easy to do: you should leave sweets and milk on the table in the kitchen at night.

    If among all the members of seven there is one person who constantly beats the dishes, and does it unintentionally, this is a bad omen that indicates the presence of an evil eye or damage.

    If the dishes burst by themselves, this indicates that the apartment has negative and heavy energy. This manifests itself in cases where people often quarrel, there is no mutual understanding and support in the family. The dishes absorb all the negative messages, and eventually burst or crack. Thus, the aura in the house is cleansed.

    Type of kitchen utensils

    An accurate interpretation of the signs is impossible without taking into account the type of dishes and exactly how it was damaged:

    What broke and how

    Sign value

    Cup on the floor

    There will be positive changes in the family soon

    Cup about furniture

    Superstition speaks of the presence of envious people and gossips who are trying in every possible way to spoil a person’s reputation and his position in society.

    Plate on the floor

    Expect to be invited to a big celebration or receive gifts

    Plate about furniture

    Ahead of a person expect unforeseen expenses associated with the approach of a big holiday

    Transparent plate

    To a quarrel between family members

    Opaque plate

    The sign promises success in all endeavors. For a girl, fragments of a plate portend an invitation to a romantic date; a young man should expect career growth. Married women you can count on peace and understanding with your husband

    To a meeting with old friends, pleasant conversations

    Empty glass

    To a romantic acquaintance that will turn into a stormy romance

    Glass with a drink

    Man will take someone else's fault

    Empty glass

    For a woman, belief promises a quarrel with a loved one, for a man - good luck in all matters, making material profit

    Glass with a drink

    Entrepreneurs should expect their business to prosper

    Cracked or chipped cup

    To the betrayal of one of the spouses. For an unmarried girl, a sign promises an acquaintance with a worthy guy

    glass cups

    By the beginning of a difficult period in family life. Glass symbolizes the purity of relationships and complete trust, which breaks along with the dishes. If one of the guests broke a glass cup - to a quarrel with the owners of the house

    For lonely people, a broken mug portends a meeting with their other half.

    Mug of a loved one

    An unfavorable symbol that indicates the presence of a rival

    To stability and prosperity in business

    Soon a large amount will be borrowed from a person

    ceramic teapot

    To the arrival of relatives from afar

    baby cup

    The sign speaks of the presence of the evil eye on the child

    Empty salt shaker

    To achieve this goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles.

    full salt shaker

    To vain anxieties and worries

    Empty sugar bowl

    To a calm and measured life

    full sugar bowl

    To big profits, winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance

    The dishes cracked (burst)Cracked dishes are considered an unfavorable sign. He says that soon in almost all areas of a person’s life, troubles should be expected. There may be failures at work, in personal life, financial difficulties, health problems

    Where and when did the dishes break?

    For an accurate interpretation of superstition, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the type of broken kitchen utensils, but also to the place in which it happened:

    Where did the dishes break?

    Sign value

    In someone else's house

    To break off relations with the owners of the home

    In your house (someone else's dishes)

    The sign indicates the presence of the evil eye or damage

    Breaking a plate at a party means taking away some of the negative energy of the owners of the house

    At work

    A cracked mug promises an unpleasant conversation or reprimand from the authorities.

    At the door in the hallway

    A symbol that warns of the presence of the evil eye. Limit contact with unpleasant people and put a candle in the church for health

    Under the table

    For unexpected expenses

    To positive changes in a person's life

    In the bedroom

    To health problems or the second half

    For an accurate interpretation, it is important to pay attention to the circumstances under which the trouble occurred:

    When the dishes are broken

    Sign interpretation

    On the eve of the New Year, Christmas, on Epiphany

    An accidentally broken plate indicates that a person is not in danger of health problems throughout next year. If an unpleasant incident with dishes occurred on one of the big church holidays, it promises good luck to all family members

    On your birthday

    Breaking a saucer on this day - to unexpected changes in life, improving material well-being

    During a quarrel

    To insults, disappointments and omissions

    At the funeral

    If the dishes broke during the funeral, it promises happiness and good luck, after the procession - good news from afar

    At the wake

    A sign that indicates the presence of the soul of the deceased nearby. Do not be afraid - this is an omen that a person will soon find lost thing

    The meaning of signs for people of different sex, age, marital status

    Lucky options for interpreting superstition:

    • If an unmarried girl breaks dishes, it means that she will soon receive a cherished marriage proposal.
    • For a young man, a sign promises a quick career and improved material well-being.

    Unfavorable interpretations:

    • For a married woman, belief promises a deterioration in relations with her husband. Family idyll may be disturbed due to domestic problems or the appearance of an insidious rival.
    • If a married man breaks a plate, he should expect trouble at work.
    • For elderly people, a sign predicts unforeseen expenses and a deterioration in their financial situation.
    • For people in a relationship, breaking transparent glassware means losing the trust of the other half, which will not be easy to return.

    Interpretation by days of the week

    The meaning of superstition can change dramatically depending on what day of the week the kitchen utensil broke:

    • Monday- a person can count on great luck throughout the week.
    • Tuesday- to unexpected news or making money.
    • Wednesday- a conflict with superiors or business partners is possible, which will lead to a deterioration in material well-being.
    • Thursday- to a series of minor troubles.
    • Friday- a sign promises to receive a pleasant surprise.
    • Saturday- to the arrival of a large number of guests.
    • Sunday- to quarrels and quarrels between family members.

    wedding rituals

    On the day of the wedding, the newlyweds are specially given a large plate, which they must break. If the dishes shatter into small pieces, the marriage promises to be happy and strong. After that, the witness and the witness must collect all the pieces and count them. If the number of fragments is even, this is auspicious sign. If not, the family is in trouble.

    To neutralize negative value signs, the newlyweds should throw out one piece and kiss tightly. The knot with shards is stored throughout the next year. It will serve as a symbolic amulet against quarrels. A year later, the fragments need to be buried in the ground, as they have already fulfilled their mission and helped to survive the first, most difficult year of family life.

    If the plate broke into two parts or the bride herself accidentally dropped the dishes she was holding in her hands, this is an unfavorable sign. He says that soon her husband will have a mistress.

    In this case, the bride must find the largest piece of the broken plate and step on it hard. This will help to "destroy" the opponent in advance. If the groom's dishes break during wedding celebration, this is a sign that he will suffer from alcoholism.

    Other interpretations

    The sign of broken dishes has many other, no less interesting interpretations:

    • If new kitchen utensils were damaged, this indicates the presence of an evil eye on a person.
    • If a plate of food breaks, this is an extremely negative sign. For a woman, this is a symbol that she can become a widow.
    • If the plate broke at the moment when the wife was handing it over to her husband, this indicates that the man has a mistress.
    • Broken dishes before childbirth is a positive sign. He portends an easy process of the birth of a baby.
    • Damage to dishes during pregnancy is a pleasant surprise.
    • If the defect appeared before the departure of the person, he should cancel the trip for a while.

    If the dishes are beaten daily, the omen warns of big troubles.

    Why can't you store utensils with defects and eat from them?

    Broken dishes should not be stored. As soon as there is a trouble with kitchen utensils, it must be immediately carefully removed from the house, having checked before that all the far corners of the room for the presence of the smallest parts of the dishes.

    If the dishes are broken late in the evening, they must be taken out in the morning.

    There are many tips on how to glue pieces of dishes together or even make decorations or decorations from broken plates. This is absolutely impossible to do, even if the omen portends good: such items will cause big quarrels, scandals, showdown over trifles.

    If chips have formed, but a person continues to store dishes at home, this will take away his luck and well-being. In life, big troubles will immediately begin. In addition, the storage of broken things threatens the development of new or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    Do not eat from broken dishes. Eating food from a plate with a defect will cause poverty and a deterioration in the material well-being of the family. If you regularly drink tea or coffee from a damaged cup, you can attract loneliness. Given value signs apply not only to unmarried girls, but also to married couples.

    What to do to avoid trouble?

    There are several proven ways to help neutralize Negative influence superstition:

    • To avoid trouble in your personal life, as well as financial problems, you can throw broken dishes in the trash. However, it is better to collect the fragments in a clean cloth and take them to a wasteland and leave them there, saying following words: "As white lies on black, so bad side bypass, it won't happen. Happiness will come to the house, it will happen."
    • If dishes with cracks appeared in the house, it is necessary to conduct a ceremony to neutralize the harmful effects of what happened. Utensils must be placed on an empty table without a tablecloth. Then light a candle white color take her in right hand and aim the flame at the crack so that the melted wax drips onto the damaged area. In this case, they pronounce the same words as in the first case. The plot is read until the wax completely fills the chip.

Tableware accompanies home life and the life of people for many centuries, and it is not surprising that so many superstitions are associated with it.

Plates and cutlery should be stored with care, they are not just necessary items that we use every day, but also symbols of home, hearth and strong family. In a good family, all appliances, down to the last fork, are always clean, stand neatly in their places, and you will never see dirty dishes in the sink.

The habit of washing used dishes immediately after cooking and eating is not a pedantic invention of cleanliness and perfectionists, it is also associated with mystical considerations. Dirty dishes brings only negativity into the house.

It is believed that in the house the plates beat for good luck. If it is a sign that breaking a cup or plate is a great success, and even at weddings there is such a tradition to break glasses after drinking champagne.

It turns out that everything is not so simple, and there are different signs. Is it worth it to beat the plates, and whether this always promises happiness, let's try to figure it out.

What crashed?

Of course, specially to beat the dishes normal person won't. The cymbal smashing during home scenes is more of an anecdotal exaggeration. But why does a plate or a glass break if it happens by accident?

1. Firstly, if transparent dishes break, this is bad. The transparency of glasses and plates is a symbol of purity, and if a transparent plate breaks, expect quarrels in the family. Better not wait, but try to be softer, wiser and prevent quarrels.

2. In general, if an ordinary, opaque plate breaks, then this promises good luck in all matters. The main thing is to collect the fragments very carefully and do not cut yourself, then everything will be fine.

3. If a plate broke at a wedding, it doesn't mean anything special. Previously, it was believed that this is a sign that indicates the fragility of the union. Although, of course, you should not be afraid of this - remember that your family happiness depends only on you.

4. If a glass breaks - despite the fact that it seems to be transparent, the sign says that a big romance will soon begin. There is another, less common belief about quarrels in a couple. But when there are contradictory signs, it is better to believe in a good one - it will come true.

5. But if the glass is beating, being filled with a drink, then this indicates that you will take on some other person's fault. Little good will come of this, most likely, in the future - so think in advance whether such sacrifices are needed, and why to do it.

6. If you break a glass, there will be a conflict with a partner, husband or boyfriend. Be careful with glasses, and try to maintain peace and understanding in relationships.

7. But the cup breaks for good - this portends unmarried girl acquaintance with a good young man, or says that her lover thinks of her with love. Married, this promises peace and understanding in the family.

8. It is important not to store broken plates in the house and not to use them. Sometimes you want to save your favorite plate by sealing a crack, or use it as a decor. There are even tips on how to make jewelry and crafts out of broken crockery.

This should not be done! Such plates will bring only quarrels into the house, and even if you are very sorry, throw them away - do not even keep a fragment. Buy a new one, even more beautiful, or find the same one.

9. Fragments of a broken plate must be collected immediately so that they do not lie for a minute. Even if the omen is good, the fragments can simply be dangerous. Collect them with a broom in a scoop, throw them away and immediately take out the garbage from the house.

Try not to cut yourself, and check very carefully if a random fragment has flown under a chair or into a far corner. Wash the floor to remove the smallest glass particles and get rid of the destructive energy.

10. You can’t swear when the dishes break, otherwise you will attract negative energy. Remain calm, smile, and never scold those who accidentally break a plate - even your favorite and dear one.

Believe in the best, know that everything happens for good, and do not be afraid of anything. Then only good omens will come true in your life! Author: Vasilina Serova

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