Clown fish content. The life of a clown fish. The most famous types of amphiprions

Every aquarist wants to have a fish that is not only bright or beautiful, but also unusually interesting, which would be interesting to watch, which would please the eye and attract attention with its peculiar behavior. It is such a fish that the clownfish is.

Description and characteristics

Bocia macracanta (clown) was discovered in Indonesia, and in 1852 it was described by the scientist Blekker. The bright appearance of the fish was so unusual that very soon the botia became a resident of aquariums around the world.

The fish botia clown grows up to 20-25 cm in length. AT natural environment its dimensions can reach 40 cm and even more, but in home maintenance it is less than half.

There are almost no visible gender differences. Only in adulthood, experts can distinguish the male from the female.

The spikes of the clown's fight.

The shape of the body is elongated, the sides are compressed, near the mouth, which is directed downwards, there are antennae.

There are thorns under her eyes, which she uses to protect herself from predatory fish. These spikes are not normally visible, as they are covered with a leather bag, but at the moment of danger they quickly come out. True, such a spike comes out only for a fraction of a second, which is why there are so few photos where this protection would be visible.

When catching from an aquarium, you must be especially careful, otherwise the spikes can get tangled in the net, which will harm the fish. For catching, it is better to use a plastic container.

The color of the body is very spectacular - on a yellow-orange background there are three contrasting black stripes. Red lower fins and a tail of the same color add brightness.

Especially saturated color in young fish. At proper care botia can live up to 20 years. During this time, the color of the body loses its brightness, but even slightly faded centenarians look quite attractive.

These aquarium fish are interesting not only for their color, but also for their unusual behavior. So, for example, not every aquarist will be able to calmly look at the fact that in his aquarium fish swim upside down. And botsiya can sleep like that. She also likes to rest on her side, at the bottom of the aquarium. True, if you know about this feature of a clown, then such pranks are scary.

Botsia clown is a fish that requires careful maintenance. Therefore, some requirements must be strictly followed:

  • since in the natural environment the botia lives in a large flock, she should also be provided with a flock in the aquarium (at least 3 fish, and preferably 6 or more);
  • based on the size and number of fish, the aquarium should have a volume of at least 250 liters;
  • water temperature should be from 24 to 30 degrees;
  • macracanthu is planted only in settled water;
  • the softness of the water should be (5 - 12 dGH) with ph: 6.0-6.5;
  • a filter with high power is needed in order to create a flow of water, because the botia needs a lot of oxygen;
  • in order for the fish to feel comfortable and safe, it needs to provide a lot of shelters, small grottoes, caves and other hidden places;
  • the soil should be poured soft, as this inhabitant likes to burrow into the ground;
  • the aquarium must be covered, otherwise, the macracanth may jump out of the water.

A varied diet of aquarium inhabitants is the key to their good health.

If the maintenance of clowns is provided at the proper level, then there will be no difficulty with food - macracanth is not picky about food. She willingly eats frozen food, live food, fruits and vegetables. Aquarium plants and even snails, if available, are well eaten. When eating, a slight click can be heard, so the clown shows his pleasure. From such a click, you can determine what this inhabitant of the aquarium likes more. But, no matter how much the clown bots love a certain food, it is necessary to ensure that the pet receives a variety of food.


Makrakantu cannot be called an aggressive villager. There is a good compatibility of the clown bots with other fish. However, the fights cannot be resisted so as not to bite the luxurious tail of a goldfish or a veiltail, so they cannot be planted in one aquarium. It is also better to remove small inhabitants - they are frightened by the unusual clicking of macracanth.

Table of compatibility of bots with other aquarium inhabitants.

Attacks of aggression occur in combat if it is kept without a flock. Then, as they grow older, the cleavers begin to “show things off” with the inhabitants of the aquarium of their own size. That is why it is highly recommended to keep the fight in a flock.

Good neighbors will be barbs, tetras or zebrafish. Other representatives of loaches are ideal for cohabitation with bots.


In the case of the clown botia, the aquarists faced challenging task- in nature, the fish spawns in conditions that are practically impossible to create artificially, so breeding clown bots in an ordinary aquarium fails. There are clubs that have been unsuccessfully trying to breed their own clown fry for many decades. Artificial spawning grounds are being created, the conditions are as close as possible to natural ones, special preparations are introduced to the fish, but few can boast that they successfully breed their own bots, breeding clowns is extremely problematic.

Some breeders from Europe managed to get offspring from clown bots.

Usually, fry are caught in their natural environment, grow up to certain size and then sent for sale.

Therefore, looking at the macracantha botia through the aquarium glass, one should not forget that this is a guest from a distant continent.

Those who decided to build their business on breeding these amazing fish it is strongly recommended to seriously weigh your strengths and capabilities.

Diseases and their treatment

The cheerful disposition of the macracanth can only manifest itself if the fish is healthy. But there are some diseases of clown bots that can depress this inhabitant of the aquarium.

In order not to bring the infection into your aquarium, you need each new fish quarantine for a week.

All diseases of aquarium fish can be divided into:

The main treatment of these diseases is the use of medicinal preparations and the creation of maximum conditions for the recovery of fish.

Below are a few of the diseases that clownfish most commonly suffer from.

In this case, you must immediately remove the fish and treat with Baktopur or Kostopur. Good result Gives clown bots treatment with delagil.

You should not hope that you can cope with the disease on your own, the disease can go into a more difficult stage, when it will take a very long time to save the pet.

Chemical poisoning

Boats are very demanding on the composition of the water, so unsettled or little settled water can cause serious harm to their health. Chlorine poisoning often occurs.

In this case, the fish breathes with difficulty, the gills become covered with mucus, the color of the color changes - it becomes pale. The behavior of macracanth during poisoning is very restless. First, the fish literally tries to jump out of the aquarium. After a while, the activity fades, the reaction to any stimuli decreases, and the pet dies.

When such symptoms appear, you should immediately transplant the fish into clean, settled water. And in order to prevent this, it is necessary to regularly check the level of chlorine in the water.

Oxygen deficiency

Botsiya clown demands great content oxygen, if it is not enough, a disease can develop in which appetite is lost, suffocation occurs and death occurs.

It is not difficult to notice the lack of air - the fish are constantly near the surface of the water and often catch air with their mouths. Snails also react very subtly to the lack of oxygen - they rise to the top of the aquarium.

To avoid trouble, the aquarium must have filters and aerators of the required power..

peptic ulcer

Buying low-quality food in dubious places can introduce the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens, the causative agent of peptic ulcer disease.

With the spread of the disease, dark spots begin to appear on the body of the fish, which then turn into ulcers. The abdomen of the sick macracanthus increases, although the appetite drops noticeably. There is damage to the scales, the eyes become larger due to bulging.

For treatment, it is necessary to transplant a sick individual and use streptocid, with the calculation of 1 tablet per 1 liter of water. If there is no streptocide, potassium permanganate is suitable, the main thing is to provide immediate treatment.

Not all aquarists can accurately identify the disease, so if unusual symptoms appear, lethargic fish or loss of appetite, you should immediately contact a specialist.

The clown boat is an unusually interesting fish, however, it requires special care and certain knowledge. Some experts advise only experienced aquarists to keep such fish. However, with a responsible approach, great desire and love for macracanths, you can successfully keep these fish, gaining experience in their company.

Aquarium clown fish is one of the most elegant marine fish. In the article I will write and show how it looks. What conditions are necessary for its proper maintenance. I’ll tell you which fish the clown gets along well with, and which ones you shouldn’t settle with. What and how does she eat and how to breed clowns in a common aquarium.

Clownfish can make sounds like clicks and grunts.

Clownfish is a reef fish and has scientific name- amphiprion. The size varies from 5 to 15 cm. The typical color for a clown is orange and yellow. There are individuals of dark brown, black and blue.

The clown fish got its name because of its color.

A distinctive feature of the color is the presence of wide transverse white stripes. Their normal number is 3: on the head, across the body and at the base of the tail.

Males are always smaller than females

The body of the fish is oval, flattened on the sides. The head is convex. The iris is orange. The fins are rounded and outlined in black. The dorsal fin tapers towards the middle, delimiting the hard and soft parts.

There are other color variations of amphiprion, derived artificially. For example, it is allowed to merge the white stripes of the "premium snowflake" and "black ice" clowns. The “naked” ocellaris has no stripes at all, and the midnight one is almost completely black.

On the this moment 30 species of these fish are known to exist

In nature, there are about 30 types of amphiprions. These fish live preferably in shallow water, at a depth of up to 15 meters among the coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Clownfish form a close symbiosis with sea anemones, which provide them with shelter and nesting sites.

The anemone venom does not harm the clown fish.

One anemone serves as a refuge for several fish. As a rule, its inhabitants do not let strangers into their territory. An anemone's alliance with clowns does her good. First of all, the fish ensures the movement of water between the tentacles and cleans the anemone. In addition, clowns drive away crabs that love to feast on anemone tentacles.

Clownfish prefer to live among sea anemones

How do fish avoid being burned? The fact is that she gradually gets used to the composition of the anemone mucus. Over time, a similar composition forms on the skin of the fish, and it ceases to be perceived by the anemone as a threat.

In nature, amphitryon lives up to 10 years. In captivity, this period is doubled due to the absence of external threats.

Keeping clown fish in an aquarium

Amphitryon, unlike others sea ​​fish, is not difficult to care for. It is kept in a marine aquarium with a volume of more than 200 liters. The water temperature is maintained at 25-27 degrees. Density of water: 1.022 - 1.025; acidity: 8.1 to 8.3.

For one pair of aquarium clowns, 60-70 liters of water are used.

Dimensions aquarium fish clown most often do not exceed 60-80 mm

Anemone is a favorite place for clown fish. Amphitryon feels comfortable in it. If desired, you can replace it with corals and marine plants. Before you put the fish to the anemone, you need to make sure that it is healthy.

You can not plant all the clowns in an anemone aquarium at the same time. Competition will provoke fish to take anemone immediately, which will lead to serious burns.

The water in the aquarium should be changed once a week, replacing 10% of the volume.

Compatibility with other inhabitants

Clownfish are peaceful creatures. However, if the territory is not enough, it begins to oppress other fish, including its own kind. Conflicts can be minimized by providing all the inhabitants with the necessary space and shelter. What fish are kept in an aquarium with clowns:

  • Butterfly fish;
  • Goby;
  • Chromis;
  • Cardinal;
  • sea ​​dog;

In captivity, clown fish often become aggressive, so it is undesirable to add peaceful species to them.

Neighbors of clowns should not show aggression. It is allowed to plant fish with an average level of aggression, provided that their size is inferior to the size of amphitrions.


Adults are fed 2 times a day. Young growth - 4 times. The entire volume of food offered must be eaten within 3 minutes. Remaining food is removed. What foods are suitable for clownfish:

  • small shrimp
  • squids
  • shellfish
  • Ready-made food for marine fish
  • Artemia
  • small pieces of fish

Clownfish feeding sea anemones. Perhaps this happens when the fish hides leftover food in the sea anemone.


In captivity, the marine clownfish actively breeds. The most difficult stage is to save the offspring by providing them with proper nutrition.

Aquarium artificial grottoes or corals can serve as a place for spawning.

5 days before spawning, the male begins courting the female. At this time, eggs are formed in her stomach. The spawning area is thoroughly cleaned by the fish. As a rule, this is a small area under sea anemones or corals.

The female spawns at the beginning of the day and produces up to 800 eggs in one clutch. The male fertilizes the eggs and removes the unfertilized eggs. A week later, fry hatch out of them. After two weeks, young individuals seek shelter.

All fry, as a rule, become males. If necessary, the fish changes sex to the opposite. In parallel with this, its size also increases.

For 400 fry you need from 300 liters sea ​​water. Water needs to be filled large quantity plankton to feed the young. After three days, you can give them larvae of deciduous crustaceans and crushed dry food for fish. Usually part of the offspring dies or is eaten, both in captivity and in nature.

The fry that were born should be planted in a separate small aquarium.

Fry are grown in a separate nursery aquarium. Water purification and aeration are kept to a minimum. Filtered water is reused. This recommendation will help keep maximum amount individuals. Active reproduction of plankton (the main food for juveniles) cannot be maintained in too clean water.

Amphiprions are monogamous. A pair of fish is created for life, remaining in one sea anemone.

A school of clown fish consists of the main pair and several young fish of indeterminate sex.

In general, the level of complexity of launch and content marine aquarium harder than fresh water. If an aquarist has experience keeping marine fish, acquiring a clown fish will not be a problem for him. You need to buy it from trusted suppliers who are trustworthy.

A flock of colorful fish frolicking in the grotto resembles famous marine life- clown fish. Fighters live in fresh water, so they can live in an ordinary aquarium. Some aquarists love these fish for their voracity and passion for eating pest snails, others for their resemblance to marine reef inhabitants.

Botsia clown (Latin Chromobotia macracanthus, English Clown Loach) is a representative of the loach fish family that lives in inland waters Sumatra and Borneo. The biotope in which the bots live is clear, slow-flowing rivers with a large amount of aquatic vegetation and submerged roots and branches of trees.

The clowns themselves have a body shape typical of loaches - torpedo-shaped, runaway, more elegant in young fish. The background color can vary from sandy to orange. Above it are 3 wide vertical black stripes. The stigma of the botia is elongated, it has 4 pairs of antennae.

Clown bots are very large fish, they can reach sizes up to 40 cm. However, in aquariums they are somewhat smaller than 25-30 cm. When individuals reach 15-20 cm, growth slows down greatly.

A curious defense mechanism of this fish deserves special attention - under the eyes of the botia there are two spikes, one on each side of the head. When at rest, they are hidden in leather bags, but as soon as the clown is stressed, the spikes appear. This happens especially often if you take the fish out of the water, so you need to perform such manipulations with extreme caution, since the spike can get tangled in the net, and in large individuals it can even pierce human skin.

In the aquarium, clownfish are mobile flocks that prefer to inhabit the bottom areas of the aquarium, sometimes hiding in various shelters and thickets of vegetation.

The ability of clown fights to communicate is interesting. Aquarists have noticed that young individuals often accompany older ones, exactly repeating any of their movements. If there are no adult fish in the aquarium, young fish begin to chase representatives of other species, trying to imitate them.

For communication purposes, fish are able to make various clicks. It is not yet clear how they make sounds, but it is believed that they use their pharyngeal teeth or undereye spines to do this.

If you look closely, you can see a leather bag with an under-eye spike.

  • Boats are schooling fish, and when kept alone, they begin to experience stress, often hide and get sick. It is better to start them with a team of 5-6 individuals, and ideally it is better to have a group of 10 or more tails.
  • As stated above, this schooling fish, moreover, growing to a very large sizes. For this reason, the aquarium should be spacious - from 200-300 liters and with a large bottom area.
  • Another reason why clown fights are not suitable for beginners is the increased requirements for water quality. These fish do not tolerate organic pollution and sharp fluctuations in parameters, so they should be launched into large mature aquariums with an established biological balance. There should also be no overpopulation.
  • An aquarium with botia should be planted with hard-leaved plants with a strong root system. Also great option there will be placement of floating vegetation that scatters direct rays, as these fish do not like bright illumination.
  • As a soil, it is better to use river sand or small pebbles.
  • Grottoes, smooth stones can be placed as decorations. Driftwood should not have sharp edges, because movable battles are easily injured by them. Be sure to have shelters in which the fish can hide and rest. It is important to watch out for small crevices in which curious fish can get stuck while exploring the area. Suspicious and dangerous areas should be filled with sealant.
  • Active fish are prone to jumping out of the water, so the aquarium must be equipped with a lid or covered with glass.
  • temperature: 24-30 °C;
  • acidity: 5.0-7.0 pH;
  • hardness: 5-10 °dH;
  • filtration and aeration are required;
  • it is desirable to have a weak current;
  • water changes should be regular and very massive - at least 30-50% weekly.

With proper care, bats can live up to 20 years.


In nature, this species is omnivorous and actively eats all types of dry and frozen food in the aquarium. Sometimes it gnaws at soft shoots of plants. The owner can offer his pet bloodworm, coretra, brine shrimp, sea fish meat, shrimp and mussels. Occasionally, you can treat bots with finely chopped earthworms, as they are an excellent source of protein. Do not give up on vegetables: cucumber, melon, zucchini, scalded lettuce.

Separately, it is worth noting the ability of bots to eat small mollusks. Although clowns do not eat snails with such pleasure as marble bots, but with a lack of food, they may well clean up the aquarium from excessively bred mollusks.


In an aquarium, it is almost impossible to get offspring from bots. In nature, these fish make long spawning migrations, moving from the riverbed to their temporarily flooded tributaries. Migration begins in September, and spawning itself takes place in October-November. Parents spawn into the water column, after which the eggs drift and settle on the surface of coastal vegetation. After some time, fry appear from them, as they grow, they move closer to the riverbed.

Clowns reach sexual maturity by the age of 5, and it is almost impossible to distinguish a male from a female. In the past, all individuals used in the aquarium trade were caught from the natural environment, but now a technique has been developed to obtain offspring using pituitary injections.

It has been noticed that in nature, fish with a size of 15-20 cm are sent to spawn. Individuals of larger sizes remain in the riverbed and do not breed.


In general, bots are very peaceful fish, but the problem is their excessive activity. For this reason, it is not recommended to plant slow-moving peaceful fish, which will be stressed by the excessive attention of the bots.

Also, do not keep snails and crustaceans with them, because, as mentioned earlier, with a lack of feeding, the bots will deal with them in the first place. Fish with long veil fins will also not do well, as the bots are prone to biting these parts of the body.

  • The ideal neighbors for these fish will be mobile cyprinids, for example different kinds.
  • You can hook up to medium-sized bots, as well as adult mobile platies, such as swordtails.
  • Clowns get along well with other types of bats and other loaches.

Many of us are unusually strongly attracted to undersea world. And even if we have only a small part of it in the form of an ordinary aquarium, it still looks beautiful and incomprehensible. A glass vessel, in which graceful fish move freely, in which there are small grottoes, snags, algae, very quickly begins to be perceived as a decoration of the whole house. And often among the inhabitants of the aquarium you can meet a clown fish.

Surely, most aquarium clowns are familiar from the notorious cartoon "Finding Nemo". And it should be noted that it was this Disney work that gave impetus to a new surge in the popularity of this amazing fish.

general description

In general, the clown fish lives in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, in their coastal coral reefs. Clowns have a very bright and attractive color for us: the whole body is decorated with orange, white, black stripes. The clown also has fins edged with a black border, a rather dense body and a short head. The back is crowned with a fin divided into 2 parts.

Clowns have one interesting hallmark. The fact is that constantly these fish make clicking sounds, they seem to grumble.

It is noteworthy that in its natural habitat this fish “collaborates” very well with sea anemones - poisonous sea ​​anemones. What is manifested in Team work"? A bright clown attracts predators to itself and lures them to an anemone, and then is content with the remnants of food.

Since anemones give clowns a sense of security, anemones are usually populated in an aquarium. With a small number of fish, which are stronger, begin to displace the weak. However, the content of this fish is possible without sea anemones: if the aquarium has grottoes and other shelters. Let's talk in more detail about how to ensure the correct maintenance of a clown at home.

Proper care

The clown fish located in the aquarium needs special care. We note the main points:

  • First of all, aquarium fish accept exclusively good quality water. The clown can't bear elevated level nitrites;
  • it is important to consult with a specialist before settling such a fish in an aquarium. The fact is that certain types in an aquarium, they begin to show aggression due to space restrictions;
  • it is desirable to settle in the aquarium a couple, and already established. Then they are more likely to reproduce. The content of these inhabitants also implies their cohabitation with non-aggressive neighbors;
  • in an aquarium whose volume does not exceed 100 liters, it is undesirable to place more than 2 fish.

In addition to the above, it is also important to pay attention to the main parameters that must be observed in the aquarium:

  • optimal temperature regime- this is about 25-27 degrees above zero;
  • acidity should be in the range of 8-8.4;
  • and the density is 1.020-1.025.

In addition, aquarium clowns require sufficient lighting. The water in the aquarium is replaced by 20% twice a month.

The clown is absolutely unpretentious in food, which allows you to feed it with shrimp, squid, fish, as well as algae, dry flakes and granules. The flock is fed 2 or 3 times a day.

Breeding issues

All clowns are male at birth, they just can change their gender later. This is very entertaining: each group of fish has its own dominant pair. This pair is two large fish that are engaged in reproduction. And if suddenly the female dies, then the male will simply change sex and look for another pair.

The female clown lays her eggs among the sea anemones. In their absence in the aquarium (or in the ocean, if we talk about the natural environment), spawning occurs under a rock or in a grotto. It should be noted that parents very much protect the place of laying eggs. Hatching begins after about 8-10 days. aquarium fry should be removed from the general aquarium for a while. You can do this calmly, since there is no effect on the growth and development of fish this procedure does not render.

This is such an unusual aquarium fish considered by us. It should be noted that clowns are often chosen by aquarists precisely because they are interesting and entertaining. You may also like these fish.

Today, clownfish are one of the most recognizable fish in the world. She became especially popular after the release of the children's cartoon Finding Nemo. Then the holders of aquariums were alarmed: everyone wanted such a fish in their water kingdom. But why such a specific name? Orange, red, white... Reminds me of something, doesn't it? The idea of ​​circus artists, in the first place, suggests, of course, the color. Add to this strange behavior, chaotic movements and restlessness. From the outside it looks pretty funny. That's why the clown fish is called that.

The clone fish became especially popular after the release of the children's cartoon Finding Nemo.

Remarkable appearance

Clown fish, or amphiprion, belongs to the genus of marine fish of the pomacenter family. Currently, about 30 species are known, each of which differs in color and habitat.

Amphiprion is one of the most memorable representatives sea ​​depths. Large white stripes in combination with bright saturated colors and black edging of the fins really look impressive. The color of the fish varies from bright orange to dark blue, red and lemon yellow individuals are less common.

Although the clown fish looks bright, it is not a champion in size at all. In the natural environment, amphiprion does not grow more than 20 cm., in an aquarium, its growth is even smaller: 10 cm is already an achievement. The head of the fish is small, the body is flattened, and the upper fin is divided, which is why it seems that there are two of them.


The clown fish lives where it is warmer - in the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans on shallow depth. Australia is considered its homeland, off the coast of which it was noticed and first described in his diaries by the naturalist Georges Cuvier. After that beautiful fish many times they were caught for accustoming to the aquarium, and the attempts were crowned with success - for their maintenance, water was needed as close as possible to that which was in their natural habitat.

Oddly enough, but in the aquarium, the clown fish lives 1.5-2 times longer than in the ocean. Average duration her life in natural conditions about 10 years. This is due to the many predators surrounding it, in other words, natural selection.

In an aquarium, clownfish live 1.5-2 times longer than in the ocean.

Lifestyle and character

Coral reefs are where clownfish live. This species is characterized by living in small flocks in the thickets of sea anemones. Amphiprions have a wonderful symbiosis with the latter. How does it come about that big fish bypass anemones, and little fidgets just "bath" in their poisonous tentacles?

In fact, the secret is quite simple: coral fish swim up to the sea anemone and let it “sting” itself a little to find out the composition of the mucus of the sea “nettle”. Then their body produces exactly the same mucus that covers their entire body and protects against the action of stinging cells. Thus, amphiprions can safely move around and live inside sea anemones.

Such an alliance is beneficial for both parties: the clown fish feeds on the remains of dead organisms inside the anemone, cleansing it from the inside, and the latter, in turn, gives the fish shelter and protection from predators. "Nemo" never swim far from their home and, despite their small size, they defend it very fiercely - rush at enemies and pinch them if they approach an anemone.

Inside each anemone lives one pair - a male and a female. Interestingly, all fry are male from birth, but they can easily change it so that each fish has a pair or in the event of the death of the female.

There is also a certain hierarchy in the fish world. Little Nemos live in small families, each of which consists of a dominant female, a male (by the way, they are larger than others) and the rest of the males. Female individuals spawn for the rest of their lives, and at one time they can lay up to a thousand eggs! During the period of maturation of the offspring, the “dad” does not leave him a single step: he saturates the eggs with oxygen and courageously protects them from predators.

"Nemo" never swim far from their home and, despite their small size, they defend it very fiercely.

Breeding fish is a great alternative to having a pet, especially if this is your child's first experience and they need to be taught responsibility. And considering how many people are now prone to allergies, but who love living things, then fish is just an ideal option.

It is quite possible to understand people whose choice fell on clown fish. It is beyond description how comical and touching they can be. For example, these fish can talk. Yes Yes exactly! They make various sounds like clapping, clicking and even grumbling, which attract aquarists.

The only negative is that they can be quite aggressive in some circumstances:

  • with a shortage of food;
  • if "Nemo" does not have any shelter, a house;
  • when a single individual is in an aquarium;
  • if several females are present (they will wage war until one of them becomes the main one);
  • they guard their dwelling very well and attack any fish approaching it, therefore it is undesirable to plant other species of marine fish, even harmless ones, with them.

But, in principle, caring for them is not so difficult. The main conditions are:

  • weekly water change;
  • good filtration;
  • water must meet the generally accepted requirements for a marine aquarium: its temperature should be 22-27 degrees Celsius, ph - be 8-8.4;
  • enough 10 liters per individual.

It is advisable to buy decorations in which the clown fish will hide (buying an anemone will be a real gift for Nemo).

It is worth feeding once a day, otherwise the water will quickly become polluted. Any food is suitable for carnivorous and omnivorous fish, but if it is varied, the “pet” will be just happy.

Thus, subject to simple rules maintenance and care can be long time become the happy owner of your personal "Nemo".

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