The most beautiful fish for the aquarium. The most beautiful fish in the world

We offer readers of our resource a visual and colorful list of aquarium fish with descriptions and photos of fish of each individual species. Our beginner section contains the most popular fish that are especially popular with aquarists.

On the left you can see a photo of each individual fish, to which a small description applies, located to the right of the picture. All fish are divided into subsections to make it easier for you to navigate and identify a particular species or family.

Photo Somikov and Vyunov

There are probably catfish in every aquarium, regardless of the general species composition. Look at the aquarium fish below - a photo with the names of catfish will help you decide on your future deep inhabitant of the aquarium.

All catfish have a different size, so it is very important to study their possible adult size before choosing.


A rather small fish that can live in aquariums from 30 liters. The classic color is brown. Often these small catfish are confused with larger brothers - pterygoplichts. In general, a very hardworking fish and it is good to clean growths.

Ancistrus yellow

This ancistrus is also called golden. By the way, a very good color for maintaining an aquarium according to Feng Shui, since the aquarium should simply have a gold-colored fish according to this ideology. Can grow to the same size as brown antsiks.


It is also called chain catfish. Pterygoplichts can grow up to 50 centimeters in home aquariums, making them one of the most showy fish. They lead a bottom lifestyle, if they do not have enough space, they begin to actively drive other inhabitants.


The most popular is the stellar version. It grows to small sizes - 10-12 centimeters, leads mainly night image life, sleeps during the day. A very interesting and beautiful catfish, but the fact that it is active only at night does not allow them to fully admire.


Crossoheilus are different types but in general they are all very similar. These fish have a suction cup, which can clean not only growths on glass, but also flip flops on leaves. Hardworking fish, can grow up to 15 centimeters.

Redtail catfish

One of the largest aquarium fish, they grow without stopping, and eat everything that fits into their mouths. These catfish are very beautiful, but because of their appetite and predatory inclinations, they do not get along well with smaller fish. Bright Feature may be seen in the photo - a red tail fin.


Very cute and nimble catfish corridor. We would compare them to Pomeranians in the dog world. Bottom small fish, which does not require special conditions, eats what it can find at the bottom. As a rule, they are 2-10 centimeters long. If you don’t know who to plant in the aquarium, buy a corridor.

Botsia clown

This type of bots is the most popular among aquarists. Most likely due to the fact that the clowns look very impressive, as can be seen in the photo. The peculiarity of the fish is the spikes that are under the eyes. These spines can be extended when the fish is in danger. They can live up to 20 years.

Botsia modesta

Another fish from the loach family. The peculiarity of the color of such battles is blue or blue, and bright fins. The color of the fish can change depending on the mood. In an aquarium, these fish can grow to a size of 15 centimeters.

Botsiya marble

It is in this marble coloring that the fish is most similar to the corridor catfish. Like other bats, marbles are active only at night, when they come out in search of food, and during the day they are likely to be not very visible to their owners.

Synodontis eupterus

In general, these catfish are quite peaceful inhabitants of the aquarium. These fish are schooling, and this should be borne in mind. A feature of this species is a dark color, and a large dorsal fin. Such a fish in an aquarium will most likely grow up to 12-13 centimeters.

Synodontis petricola

Unlike eupterus, it has a light color with dark spots, due to which it can look even more impressive. The fish has a clear propensity for a nocturnal lifestyle, so it may not appear very often during the day. The optimal volume for it will be from 60 liters.

synodontis changeling

There are some types of Synodontis called changelings because of characteristic feature swim belly up. These catfish also require an aquarium of medium volume or more - from 60 liters. By all behavioral features, the catfish changeling is similar to its fellow synodontis.

Pangasius (shark catfish)

This catfish is also called shark because of its characteristic appearance - in the photo of a catfish it is clearly visible (dorsal fin, body shape, etc.). Catfish can grow to gigantic sizes, so even a 200-liter aquarium will be small for it. The optimal volume is from 500 liters.


Carps in the aquarium are the most popular, primarily because of their unpretentiousness. We invite you to familiarize yourself with photos and descriptions of fish from this family.

cherry barb

Cherry barbs have a characteristic color with their name - a light cherry-colored body, with a horizontal black stripe characteristic of barbs. This fish is small (up to 2-3 cm), and can easily live in aquariums from 15-20 liters. Males are brighter and redder than females.

Sumatran barb

Perhaps one of the most spectacular types of barbs - for this it is considered one of the most popular of its kind. It is necessary to keep them in a flock, which makes the fish even more spectacular. The size in the aquarium is up to 4-5 centimeters.

torpedo barb

One of the largest barbs is the torpedo-shaped barb. They can grow up to 50-60 centimeters, depending on the volume, and they need it from 200 liters. The fish are beautiful, but, like many cyprinids, they are very fond of eating plants. It is better to keep them in a small flock of 3-5 individuals.

scarlet barb

In shape, the scarlet barb resembles the Sumatran. The fish has silvery scales, and in the middle of the body there is a bright red stripe for the entire length. This fish is unpretentious, like all barbs, and will live peacefully with guppies, neons and other medium-sized barbs.

fire barbs

A feature of fire barbs is a bright golden body color, and a black back. These fish can be called golden, which again is not bad in Feng Shui :). This fish is active, will constantly move, as a result of which, it will become an adornment of any small aquarium.

Shark barbus (bala)

Shark bala or barb is a fish that was so named as a result of its resemblance to sharks (this can be seen from the photo of the aquarium fish next to the description). These fish are large, can grow up to 30-40 centimeters, so it is better to keep them together with other large barbs in a volume of 150 liters or more.

mossy barb

It is also called the green barb because of its characteristic scale color. The fish is small, but at the same time spectacular and unusual. Also, it is rarely found in aquarium stores.

Microassembly galaxy

Very bright, and therefore a very popular fish with aquarists. This fish is a flock, and due to the bright iridescent coloring, the flock can be very spectacular. Grows to just a few centimeters, gets along well with neon, guppies, etc.

Leopard zebrafish

In our opinion, the fish is very similar to a miniature rainbow trout - it was because of the coloring that the zebrafish was called that. The fish are not large, up to 3-4 centimeters, very nimble, constantly in motion.

Danio pink

The pink color really suits these fish, and they look very impressive, especially if they live in a flock of more than 10 individuals. An oblong fish.

Danio rerio

A small fish up to 5 centimeters long. It is not difficult to recognize due to the color - black body with longitudinal white stripes. Like all danios, a nimble fish that never sits still.

Goldfish and others


Classic goldfish belong to the genus crucians. They come in a variety of colors and grow to different sizes depending on the volume of the aquarium. The classic color is red-gold. A very ancient breed of fish, for which it needs exceptional respect.

golden veiltail

Veiltails - separate view gold. The photo shows how the veil-shaped caudal fin develops. When choosing such fish for keeping, be sure to choose the right neighbors, as other fish can bite the golden tail.


Enough large breed fish, which is why they like to keep in ponds. In the photo you see the characteristic color for them - white with bright spots. different colors. The fish are not whimsical, but the volume of the aquarium is the only and important parameter for them.


Telescopes come in gold and black. In size, as a rule, they are not very large, up to 10-12 cm, so they can live in aquariums from 60 liters. The fish is spectacular and unusual, suitable for those who love everything original.

Oranda fish - little red riding hood

To some, this fish seems extremely charming, but someone may, on the contrary, consider it defective. And all because of the specific cap on top of the head - this is a small growth, and not necessarily red. One thing is for sure, that the fish is unusual, but you yourself know the taste and color.

viviparous tooth carp


These are medium-sized fish, which got their name because of the specific tail. There are black, orange, and also combined colors. Swordtails are viviparous, so at home you can achieve the appearance of offspring.


Probably everyone has heard about such fish as guppies. Small (up to 3 cm), easy to maintain and not whimsical - for this they are loved. At the same time, they can be very spectacular, males have veil-shaped multi-colored tails. Offspring will be brought even more likely than mescheki.

Mollies black

There are black, orange, yellow, and mestizos. In shape, they are a cross between guppies and swordtails. The fish is larger than the relatives described above, so it requires aquariums from 40 liters.

Velifera mollies

A fairly large subspecies of mollies - can grow up to 15-16 centimeters. Based on this, correctly select the volume of your aquarium, as it must be at least 50 liters.


Pecilia are the personification of a whole genus - Pecilia. They can come in a variety of colors, from bright orange to variegated with black patches. Fish can grow up to 5-6 centimeters.


grumbling gourami

This is one of the most common types of gourami. A very beautiful fish that has a bright pearl, or green-bluish color. In aquariums grow up to 5 centimeters.

marble gourami

The name gourami speaks for itself - the color of the fish is marble, white and blue. Fish can readily breed in an aquarium, while the male will build a nest of foam, where the offspring will be raised.

pearl gourami

A very popular fish among aquarists. As you can see in the photo, gourami is characterized by two long mustaches on the stomach, as well as a black stripe along the body. It is a classic representative of labyrinth fish.


Looking at the photo, I just want to call her a fat gourami :). In fact, the fish is very cute and beautiful. The color can be either silver-blue or red-crimson. Lyalius are shy, so we do not recommend disturbing them once again.


An equal fish that does not like encroachment on its territory. Although beautiful, it requires proper treatment. It is better not to plant them with their own kind, there are enough females and males of this species in the aquarium, they can get along with neons, guppies and other not large species.


So-called fighting fish. Males can be extremely aggressive towards other males and sometimes towards females if they don't have enough space. Cockerels can be kept even in the smallest aquariums, as they are not sensitive to volume.


blue neon

A classic representative of neon. It has a red-blue color. These are one of the most spectacular fish, as they flicker in the light, from which they got their name. You can keep them in small aquariums from 10 liters. The fish are schooling, so at least it is better to have 4-5 individuals.

red neon

The fish is very similar to the blue neon, but in this case, the red color is predominant in color. The fish must be kept in flocks, and they are more comfortable, and there will be a more colorful performance for you.

black neon

Although the fish is less popular than its counterparts, this does not make it look less impressive. A school of such tiny fish can decorate any aquarium. We recommend keeping them in large herbal aquariums.


Tetra fish love when there are a lot of living plants in the aquarium, and, accordingly, oxygen. The body of the fish is slightly flattened, the predominant colors are red, black and silver.


Ternetia is also called black tetra. The classic color is black and silver, with black vertical stripes. The fish is quite popular, so finding it in your city is not difficult.

black pacu

This fish stands out from the rest of the characins in its size - in the aquarium it grows up to 40-50 centimeters. Pacu belongs to the piranha family, so she needs to choose her neighbors very carefully.

Photo and description of Discus

We offer you for review photos and descriptions of discus aquarium fish. Fish are very loved by many aquarists, and many do not recognize anyone else at all. Yes, the fish are very spectacular, which is noticeable in the photo, but their maintenance requires appropriate knowledge, and even some skills.

green discus

Green discus has a characteristic color - green-turquoise hues with black patches. These fish grow up to a diameter of 15 centimeters in an aquarium. They are very sensitive to water and its parameters, so the maintenance of these fish must be approached very seriously.

red discus

The classic color for discus is red. The volume of the aquarium for such fish requires at least 100 liters. In general, as you already understood, this fish is not for beginners.

Discus Haeckel

These fish are distinguished by a turquoise color with black vertical stripes. If you start a flock of such fish in an aquarium of 400-500 liters, then conquer any of your guests with the beauty of the aquarium.


Below are collected aquarium fish cichlids with photos and descriptions. Cichlids belong to the perch-like order, they mainly live in South America. These fish can be of various sizes, ranging from 2 centimeters to several tens of centimeters.

Yellow cichlid (hummingbird)

One of the most popular types of cichlids. It has a lemon color with black edging on the fins. The fish get along well with their own kind, but if there are several males, tough battles can occur. Grow up to 6-7 centimeters in aquariums.

cichlid dolphin

The color of this cichlid is blue. A protruding tubercle is noticeable in the upper part of the head, as in the photo. It grows in the aquarium up to 8-10 centimeters. The fish is peaceful, so it is often recommended for keeping.

cichlid red parrot

The name speaks for itself - the fish is bright red, even orange, sometimes yellow. The fish can be large and grow up to 20 centimeters or more, so take care of the volume of your aquarium.

Black-striped cichlid

Not the largest of the cichlids, it grows up to 10 centimeters. The fish, unlike its counterparts, does not have a bright color - its classic color is dark with vertical black stripes.


One of the most big fish from the cichlid species, can grow up to 30 centimeters. It is black in color with bright orange spots. If properly maintained, they can live for more than 10 years.


Angelfish come in a variety of colors and shapes, but all of them are united by the shape of the body - like a triangle. An aquarium is recommended with a volume of 60 liters or more, for large individuals - from 100. It is better to keep a small group of angelfish of a similar size in an aquarium.


A popular pitchfork is turquoise acara. Turquoise fish with bright edging. It grows up to 25 centimeters in captivity, so it is better to keep it with fish of the same size. We recommend an aquarium volume of 100 liters or more.

Apistogramma cockatoo

From the photo you understand why the fish is called that - it seems to be shrouded in protruding feathers from above and below. It grows up to 8 centimeters, and needs an aquarium of medium size from 50 liters.



It should be said right away that the fish is one of the most expensive, and therefore it is considered rare. It can grow up to 50 centimeters or more in an aquarium with a volume of 400-500 liters. This is an oblong silvery fish that stays mainly near the surface of the water.


Serpentine fish, which constantly stays on the bottom, hides in snags and plants. As a rule, it grows up to 10-15 centimeters. If there are small fish in the aquarium, then it can eat them all, going hunting at night.


The size of the fish is different, but in general they do not grow more than 8-10 centimeters. There are also smaller types. All fish are beautiful, have a silver color, with different shades. The fish are schooling and live more calmly in a group.

A miniature version of the larger marine counterparts. It grows no more than 2 centimeters long. Unfortunately, the fish does not live very well, if something does not suit her, she is very whimsical to the conditions. If there are small snails in the aquarium, be sure to eat them all.

Aquarium fish are whimsical pets, but at the same time beautiful. Some people can literally sit for days watching how these amazing creatures behave. aquatic life. However, this is not at all surprising, at first glance it is the most beautiful, colorful, bright fish that attract the attention of not only children, but also most adults.

Aquarium fish are whimsical pets, but at the same time beautiful

Firstly, fish are usually treated differently than, for example, dogs or cats. This is not surprising, because a person has the opportunity to contact these animals only visually. However, when starting an aquarium, you need to be aware of the fact that the same living creatures will be there.

  • The aquarium itself is impossible without residents - beautiful aquarium fish inhabit it. Although they are the main point of any aquarium, plants still need to be added there.
  • Fish diseases are treated a little more difficult than ailments of cats and dogs.
  • The larger the volume of the aquarium you have chosen, the longer it will take to completely clean it. However, the fish need relatively less care.

If you still decide to start aquarium fish, then the most important step in this process is the choice of aquarium. It is worth considering the main points in choosing an aquarium:

  • the larger the aquarium, the less maintenance it requires, but the more time it takes to completely clean it, which must be done at least once a month. Fish are the same living creatures, they need to be cleaned up in the same way, and you also need to refresh the water by adding clean water to the aquarium. The larger the vessel, the less noticeable the pollution of the aquarium, but it will take several hours to clean all its corners, and you should be ready for this;
  • first decide what kind of fish and how many you would like to see in your aquarium, since there is a risk of buying a vessel less than required. The size of the aquarium must be 100% suitable for the number of fish, otherwise you will obviously not be a successful aquarist. You will learn about which fish it is better not to keep in the next paragraph;
  • to pay attention landscape design your aquarium. Contrary to popular belief, it is needed not only for general beauty. For some species of fish, it is simply necessary to have a variety of decorations, stones, and plants in the aquarium. This is especially true for various catfish. It's a good idea to consider all the factors ahead of time before buying an aquarium. It is necessary to take into account the preferences of all types of fish and plan in advance the landscape that will suit them. By planning this in advance, it will be easier for you to decide on the shape and volume of the aquarium;
  • a real highlight of the interior of an apartment or house can be an aquarium of some avant-garde or extraordinary form. It will really look great from the outside, but when buying just such a vessel for fish to live, be prepared for the fact that all possible cleaning chores will increase by about 3-5 times. A rectangular aquarium is a good old classic, and if you need a medium or large volume, then this is the one to choose. For small decorative aquariums there are many varieties, but with a small volume they do not play a significant role.

Based on these points, it is worth starting to choose an aquarium. Needless to say, when actually buying a vessel, it is worth checking it for chips and checking the tightness of the seams.

Some people can literally sit for days watching these amazing aquatic creatures behave.

A variety of aquarium fish (video)

Gallery: aquarium fish (25 photos)

Important points when buying an aquarium

When buying an aquarium, you immediately need to consider a whole bunch of factors. It would be advisable to immediately buy a cover for it with built-in lighting, because this factor is extremely important in the aquarium. There are many different formulas that calculate the amount of light needed, but this already depends on the plants you choose and, of course, on what kind of fish will live in this very vessel. For example, bottom aquarium fish, as a rule, require many times less light.

Another very interesting question that a novice aquarist may face is what material to choose for the vessel - glass or plastic. Of course, this choice is purely subjective and it depends only on the quality of a particular material. However, plastic has much more annoying drawbacks than glass. For example, it is known that some manufacturers, when gluing a plastic aquarium, use glue that is toxic to aquarium fish. This problem is also observed in glass versions, but it is much less common. And if the family has small children, animals like cats and dogs, then they can easily scratch the plastic.

Of course, in the age of technology, everyone knows that it can be polished. However, later little time after polishing, the plastic will be covered with a bunch of small scratches that will make it difficult to observe the living creatures, making everything muddy and ugly. And one day it will become so cloudy that you will no longer see your own fish.

Glass is good for everyone. If someone still thinks that a glass aquarium is easy to break, then this is absurd. They are literally eternal, leaving a scratch on the glass is difficult even for an adult. However, not all sealants are suitable for bonding glass aquariums, and some are also toxic.

There is also such a thing as frame aquariums. To be honest, they are real "monsters" in the world of fish containers. The frame is assembled using metal, and the joints are sealed with resin, which is harmless to fish. A large-capacity aquarium with filler inside and with water weighs a lot, which is why you should think about where it will stand in advance.

A frame aquarium will weigh much more. For him, you will definitely have to make a bedside table to order, because furniture that can withstand such a weight is not produced on an industrial scale.

Information about the fish

It is impossible to list absolutely all types of fish, moreover, scientists are constantly breeding new species by crossing one fish with another. It's funny that an ignorant person often classifies aquarium animals into yellow aquarium fish, red, blue, beautiful and ugly. In the same way, their classification by size is popular.

There are a huge number of fish species, there are really a lot of them, it is difficult to list them all, but you can find the most popular among them, which are most often started by novice aquarists.

Exotic fish need special care, they need a certain salinity of the water, a certain light, certain plants nearby. For a beginner, all this is difficult and incomprehensible, moreover, for most experienced people, these things also cause difficulties. Experience in keeping fish comes with age.

The most popular aquarium fish are:

  • guppies. Yes, this is the most popular and most widely known aquarium fish. Caring for her is really extremely simple, she is unpretentious. There will be no problems in breeding either, since it breeds on its own if you keep males and females in the same aquarium. Guppy is a viviparous fish, at a time it can produce from 10 to 50 fry. It is advisable to immediately transfer them to another aquarium, since in general they run the risk of becoming food for large fish. Male guppies have a bright and beautiful tail, while females are inconspicuous and gray. The only drawback of this fish is that even though it is included in the category of "most popular aquarium fish" and even leads it, guppies are a very stupid fish, many connoisseurs do not like it because of this. There is another one - Endler's guppy. These fish are smaller and breed more often. In food, all guppies are unpretentious;
  • swordsmen. These fish are so nicknamed for the fact that in males the anal fin is very elongated, and it really looks like a small sword. Females do not have this feature. Swordtails are generally valued for their pure color, whether pure red or pure black, which is why mixing of these species should not be allowed, females and males of different colors should not be kept together. Swordtails are much larger than guppies, but unpretentious in food and lighting. They are just as easy to breed. You should not fill the aquarium with a large number of male swordtails, they are quite aggressive fish;
  • zebrafish. Small, small view fish, which is characterized by a black stripe in color. There are already more nuances in keeping zebrafish than in keeping guppies or swordtails. Firstly, it is a schooling fish, that is, you need to keep at least 5-6 individuals in one aquarium. Moreover, this striped fish can easily jump out of the aquarium, as it is very mobile, it has a lot of energy. Danios are not viviparous, they lay eggs, so the process of breeding them is a little more complicated. Interestingly, they eat absolutely any kind of food, but the best option for these fish - dry flakes;
  • barbs. Usually bright and beautiful fish, they can be bright red, each variety of barb is good in its own way. They are omnivorous and do not require special care. Nevertheless, for these fish you need to choose the environment well, because they can be quite conflicting.

Now it is worth getting acquainted with such a subspecies as bottom aquarium fish. Catfish not only beautify the environment, but also help the owner to keep the aquarium clean and tidy.

Such different aquarium fish (video)

Most popular catfish

These fish get, as a rule, undeservedly little attention. However, catfish helps to create such a thing as a favorable ichthyofauna.

Catfish breeds:

  • ancistrus. These are large inhabitants of aquariums. They can grow up to 13-15 cm if the aquarium size allows it. In addition, they gained popularity due to their funny appearance - a black body with small white dots. This catfish is not easy - it eats plants, but at the same time cleans the walls of the aquarium along with decorative elements. Like all catfish, it needs to be fed with special vegetable tablets that do not remain on the surface of the aquarium, but immediately sink to the bottom. It is there that catfish pick them up;
  • corridors. These catfish are much smaller. These fish are very interesting to watch when they are in a flock, so you need to start several individuals at once. They are also very mobile and at the same time small, picking up the remnants of food that lay on the bottom, they clean the aquarium. They can be kept together with ancistrus, because these fish are fed according to the same principle - only with special tablet food.

As you can see, the practical benefits of such fish are significant. However, it is always worth remembering that an aquarium is a small, but still an ecosystem.

Aquarium pets are not for beginners

Very often, people, carried away by the appearance of a particular fish, immediately drag it into their aquarium, and then they are also outraged that it has not taken root. This is fundamentally wrong.

Names of the most unfortunate fish species for the first experience:

  • roosters. They can be found in any market, they are very colorful and very beautiful, they can have an iridescent red or blue tail. In addition, they eat almost everything that is horrible, but it is not for nothing that this fish was named that way. Roosters are very conflict fish, one of the most conflict fish that exist. By the way, they are so conflicted that it is better to keep them all alone. And even then, there is a risk that the rooster will jump out of the aquarium (if there is no lid on it). If you plant a cockerel with other fish, then they risk being left without fins and get seriously injured. Coloring, however, pleases: blue, red, orange;
  • the previous characteristics are fully consistent African cichlids, with them you need to be just as careful;
  • glass catfish. A fish that will definitely surprise absolutely everyone with its appearance. It is almost completely transparent. However, she is very sensitive to any changes in the aquarium. Aquarium keeping is a delicate science, and the experience of keeping such whimsical fish comes with time, and these are definitely not the best animals for the first try.

Fish are difficult to keep

These fish are difficult to keep due to their size, general exactingness:

  • koi. This fish is most often seen in ornamental ponds. Of course, it can also be kept in an aquarium, but koi have a similar, even typical size for the carp family, that is, they can be kept in an aquarium, but not for long. They grow quickly, and take up a lot of space;
  • red-tailed catfish. There is something special about him that attracts aquarists. Only usually these people forget to take into account that it grows in ordinary environment up to 80 kg. Slightly not the right size for aquarium fish. It also has a second name - fractocephalus;
  • red-striped snakehead. Someone thinks that these are beautiful fish for an aquarium, and it's hard to argue. They look quite specific, for an amateur. Snakeheads are predatory, very active and mobile. And this means that one of the other inhabitants of the aquarium may suffer. The name of aquarium fish speaks for itself - they really look like a snake. The whole serpentine appearance gives the snakehead some features, so it's very interesting to watch. But this fish is only suitable for experienced breeders;
  • one more predatory fish that look great - astronotus oscar. Yes, this fish is very large and very beautiful because of its black and gold coloration. However, keeping it with smaller species is the most reckless decision in the life of an aquarist. The problem is that this fish will eat absolutely everything that fits into its mouth. Some people even feed her small fish species;
  • labeo bicolor - it is those aquarium fish whose species cannot stand their own kind. This fish will attack literally anyone who is in any way similar to her coloring. Labeo are not particularly large aquarium fish, but their energy is enough to injure others.

In fact, this list can be continued and supplemented to the point of impossibility. Lots of fish that are hard to keep. Some require special conditions, others have special food, and still others will simply smash everything that they don’t like in the aquarium to pieces.

Aquarium Plants

Any greenery is extremely important for the aquarium, and especially for its inhabitants. Greens, contrary to all opinions, have a lot of useful functions. For example, it provides the fish with shelter, creates the necessary shade, and also improves the appearance of the aquarium. And it also increases the amount of oxygen in the water, neutralizing ammonia harmful to the animal world.

Plants are very easy to care for, sometimes it is even difficult to evict them from the aquarium if they have grown beyond their size. The main types of plants:

  • floating. Those that are on the surface of the water. This includes duckweed, frog;
  • unrooted plants- those that cannot be planted in the ground. They live on various snags or decorations. These include Javanese moss, hornwort, anubias;
  • rooted plants- those that are planted directly in the ground. These include cryptocoryne, arrowhead, vallisneria.

Plants are much easier than fish. It is very, very easy to identify a plant that is not suitable for beginner aquarists - it has a color close to bright red.

Attention, only TODAY!

Do you like to enjoy watching the life of fish in an aquarium? If yes, then in this article I talk about the most beautiful aquarium fish: TOP - 10 for your attention. Of course, any pets fill the house with comfort. But the aquarium is especially cozy, giving us peace and harmony.

You can populate the aquarium with such inhabitants so that it constantly attracts the eye. The beauty contest has started!

Veiltail is a golden fish with a double fin that resembles a veil. Its length is no more than 10 cm, but the tail is 3 times longer than the body, and in some veil-tails it is 6 times longer!

The queen of aquariums is the butterfly chromis. On its back are the rays of the dorsal fin, making the fish a special royal blood. The color of the chromis butterfly is very beautiful. From yellow and red tones go overflows to green, blue and purple.

Miss Elegance is rightfully considered a angelfish for its lovely fin shapes, which are similar to wings. The main difference between the scalar is four black stripes that run along its body, as well as over its eyes. The color of the scalar is varied: smoky, white, silver, yellow, fiery.


Danio is a miniature fish with a crimson color. She is very mobile and unpretentious. Frightened, it jumps out of the water, so it is recommended to cover the aquarium. It is desirable to have not one fish, but a group of 10 individuals. Then watching the outdoor games of zebrafish will bring many minutes of pleasure.

If the queen aquarium world considered to be the butterfly chromis, the recognized king is the discus. This aquarium fish is one of the most beautiful, but not suitable for a beginner aquarist due to the difficulty of care, not to mention the difficulty of breeding it. The length of the discus is about 20 cm, therefore, to keep it, you need a large aquarium, at least 40 liters per fish. It is very important to change the water in the aquarium every day, approximately 20 percent, which contains discus.

Cichlazoma severum has a color from yellowish or greenish tones to brown. This most beautiful aquarium fish is quite peaceful, but can be aggressive during spawning and while caring for offspring. Pairs are formed in young fishermen. Discus false lives in the lower and middle layers of water. To keep it, you need an aquarium with a volume of at least 200 liters.

Pearl gourami - a fish of rare beauty. They became known relatively recently, since 1933. The whole body of the gourami is strewn with pearl scattering, for which it received its name. This is a really beautiful fish, once you see one, you will definitely want to get it in your aquarium.

The radiant lionfish has a truly memorable appearance: the reddish body is complemented by darker red stripes, as well as white and black. It has spike-like fins, which are very painful when pricked. However, no deaths were noted.

The goby mandarin got its name because of the very bright coloration, reminiscent of the mantle of the imperial Chinese mandarin. it small fish, body length is 6 cm. It is believed that tangerines are difficult to care for. Some may refuse aquarium food, preferring live amphipods and hay eaters.

The Copperband Butterflyfish is easily recognizable by its five vertical bright yellow stripes and elongated snout, which is well adapted to feeding on benthic invertebrates. Let the most beautiful aquarium fish please you at home.

Despite the fact that beauty is a very subjective factor, there is some tendency towards the species preferences of aquarium inhabitants. In other words, some fish appear in houses more often, others are suitable only for some. These observations allow us to form a list of the most beautiful fish.

One of the most popular cichlids living in the Malawian lakes is the African cornflower haplochromis. Despite relatively big sizes(about 17 cm) this fish is calmer than its African relatives. There is a variety - Frontosa, whose individuals in captivity can reach a size of 35 centimeters. Therefore, it is necessary to select an aquarium taking into account the number of large individuals. These fish live in alkaline water and love a variety of shelters (grottoes, algae, houses). However, it is worth considering the fact that, despite their peaceful nature, they are still predators, so you should choose your neighbors with extreme caution.

This carp lives in fresh water. Aquarium enthusiasts like this species due to its exclusive, variegated coloration. The most popular are individuals whose body is painted in red, black, orange colors and their shades. Thanks to the efforts of breeders and selection, new shades were obtained: violet, bright yellow, dark green. The more unusual the color, the more expensive the pet will cost. The advantage of this carp is the longevity and ease of care.

The most beautiful fish is considered the king of freshwater aquariums. The shades of her body can be very different from each other. Most often found in nature brown colors. Modern aquarists have already learned how to change the color of the fish, so you can find the original specimen, although the price for it will not be small. Discus is considered one of the most expensive ornamental fish. One fish can cost the owner several hundred dollars. In favor of the acquisition of this fish is its intelligence. She is able to recognize the owner and eat from the hands. Discus prefer fresh water. warm water in a spacious aquarium. For a good maintenance, it is necessary to place hard-leaved plants in the aquarium.

This fish differs in appearance from most fish, thanks to a huge fatty bump on the forehead, which resembles a lion's head to some. In addition to this difference, it has complex behavior. Often novice aquarists take it for a slow and harmless fish for the rest. In fact, she can be brisk and very sharp. To catch it from the fish house, you have to try hard. It is best to remove all the houses from the aquarium and only then start hunting with a net. This cichlid has a small size, about 15 centimeters.

Having a stingray in your aquarium is the dream of most aquarium owners. True, such an exotic will cost the owner an amount equal to about 2,000 euros. Motoro Leopoldi will be the decoration of a freshwater house. You can find it only from true collectors and at exhibitions. The slope gained popularity due to its compact size (diameter 20-25 cm). Having a stingray in your aquarium, you need to be prepared for some of its features, namely:

  • Provide space for bottom movement;
  • Pour soft and loose soil;
  • Follow the rules for feeding bottom fish.

The stingray gets along well with the fish that occupy the upper layers. For feeding it is necessary to use fish fillet, insects. This fish can also eat dry food intended for catfish and bottom fish.


Arowana is very interesting to watch. The fact is that to catch insects, the fish jumps out of the water. behavioral feature explains the position of the fish eyes that are on the top of the head. The price of a graceful fish starts from 10 thousand dollars. Therefore, for most, it remains a dream. There are cases when wealthy owners performed operations on fish to correct eye defects. Such deviations in vision are explained by the fact that the fish catches food in the water column. Many who have seen her live note her hypnotic influence on a person.

Who didn't dream of having a goldfish in their aquarium as a child? Not surprisingly, goldfish are the most frequent inhabitants of freshwater homes. Breeders have proven that with the help of modern science you can change the golden carp beyond recognition, paint it in unusual colors. Real goldfish are large and very mobile. It is worth paying close attention to the nutrition of these inhabitants. Goldfish can eat all the food that they will be given. Overfeeding can lead to obesity, organ dysfunction.

Another large inhabitant of the aquarium. Egor sizes often exceed 60 centimeters. The size of the aquarium should be appropriate for this giant animal. But, unfortunately for breeders, catfish do not breed in captivity, hence the high price for each specimen. The main characteristics for which the catfish is so loved is its ability to contact a person and eat all kinds of food. The Orinoco catfish is very jealous of its territory and perceives swimming fish as food, so it makes no sense to settle others next to it. danger to the aquarium big catfish can become heavy cobblestones. The strength of the tail fin is enough to throw the stone aside and break the glass with it.

This fish arrived in aquariums from the waters South America. It is not easy to see how she actively frolic in the pond, because she is nocturnal. During daylight hours, fish prefer to rest in dark thickets. The fish are carnivores. To catch food at night, her body has electroreceptors, which are able to pick up slight fluctuations in electromagnetic fields. Amazing Feature of this fish is the ability to swim both forward and backward. Until recently, it was believed that it was impossible to get offspring in captivity. The idea of ​​reproduction was turned over by our compatriots, aquarists from St. Petersburg.

Panak is distinctive and original. Appearance catfish is similar to its distant ancestors. AT oral cavity he has located special body scraper-like. With its help, panak easily cleans plaque from aquarium decor, glass. The suction cups on his body are so strong that he can easily attach himself to a snag with his back down and stay in place. With such catfish, you need to be very careful. Sneaking through the scenery, he can get stuck in narrow traps and die. In general, panak is a good neighbor. He rarely attacks fish of equal size.

hybrid parrots

Amazing fish, whose head is similar to funny bright birds- parrots. The fish obtained through the efforts of Asian breeders is loved all over the world. About how they managed to create such beauty, ichthyologists are silent. The only information that the public has today is that hybrid parrots were bred from the cichlosome species. Like birds, fish have a huge variety of colorings. Asian breeders do not deny that the fish is artificially colored, but they do not intend to reveal the secrets of the technology. fun fact that are born from colored parents are completely colorless. Those who settled parrots in their aquarium note that a special growing technology does not prevent the fish from reproducing naturally.

The African cichlid fits wonderfully harmoniously into marine aquariums. It has interesting colors and majestic views. Thanks to these characteristics, the fish was awarded the title of royalty. The manufacturers note that the most interesting period in the life of fish mating games. Cyclids have always been distinguished by complex behavior, Queen Nyasa was no exception to this rule. In spite of female name breed, males are somewhat more beautiful than females. Their body has an olive color and dark stripes.

Cichlomosa severum is often called the Red Pearl and False Discus. There is a deal of truth in it. External similarity With discus, it's pretty hard to deny. An inexperienced aquarist will not be able to tell the difference between them in the same pond. The body of a red pearl is larger than the average, but this does not prevent him from remaining peaceful towards his neighbors. An exception can only be the spawning period, when both individuals begin to fiercely guard their territory. The breed was bred through the efforts of breeders, which is why its coloring is extremely effective.

It is difficult to call this fish beautiful. Its popularity is associated more with the horror and fear that a predator inspires. These fish have collected a huge number of legends and secrets around their person. Most of them are contrived, but not without logic. The most common rumor is that fish are bloodthirsty and voracious. In fact, one fish eats about 40 grams of meat in a couple of days. It would seem that such fish would never get along with other neighbors, but practice proves that barbs and charats are able to survive. Surprisingly, even viviparous and neons remain untouched.

An interesting fish that mainly lives in the lower layers of the aquarium. The fish is very social, so it is necessary to settle in small flocks in the aquarium. Botsia is a nocturnal inhabitant, so eating is best done in the evening. This inhabitant will not refuse various snags, grottoes and shelters. Botsia the clown finds his “house” and doesn’t let anyone in there anymore, so the number of shelters should correspond to the number of a special one in the aquarium. It is necessary to feed the fish with bottom food, since their mouth is located on the bottom.

Common angelfish live in fresh water. It is a mistake to compare real angelfish with decorative koi breeds. Ordinary fish grow up to 20 centimeters. If you put them in an aquarium with very peaceful neighbors, then the whiskers located on the lower part can be very long. Breeders here have also made efforts to bring out non-standard colors. The common angelfish is silver in color with dark vertical stripes all over its body, including its head and tail.

This fish came to aquarists from the waters of Thailand. It is not uncommon to hear that it is compared with a catfish. It's about her amazing ability swim belly up. Most often, such a coup is associated with eating food from the inner surface of snags. Labero Bicolor are incredible owners, so they do not tolerate competition. Most often, one individual lives in an aquarium, which ideally feels like the mistress of all territories. To get a second representative of the breed, you need to purchase a long aquarium. True, if a fight occurs between two representatives of this breed, it is unlikely that anyone will suffer.

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