Mushrooms doppelgangers edible mushroom dangerous doppelgänger. How to distinguish false champignons from real ones. Chanterelle real - chanterelle false

Mushrooms are like their prized edible counterparts. In some cases, this similarity is relatively superficial, in others it is strong. Such mushrooms are called twin mushrooms. They can be confused not only by an inexperienced, but also by an experienced mushroom picker, which often leads to sad and even fatal mistakes. In this regard, we briefly characterize the most important twin mushrooms.

Most dangerous mushrooms

The most dangerous poisonous forest mushroom found in in large numbers in beech, oak and mixed forests, is, or fly agaric green. This is a beautiful mushroom with an olive, greenish-olive, darker hat towards the center without any remains of the bedspread. records and spore powder white. The leg is white, with pale greenish stripes (moiré), with a wide hanging ring, at the base with a bag-shaped wide free white Volvo. The venom of the pale grebe is deadly poisonous.

According to the nature of the toxins formed and the symptoms of poisoning, two other deadly poisons are close to the pale grebe. fly agaric- fly agaric and fly agaric spring. Amanita smelly has white hat up to 7 cm in diameter, bad smell. grows in coniferous forests, less often - deciduous. Amanita spring also has a white color, found in deciduous and mixed forests.

These three deadly poisonous fly agarics have many edible look-alikes:

Fly agaric - the most dangerous twin of champignon

Out of ignorance or negligence, deadly poisonous fly agarics are often confused with green or olive ones. Some champignons are similar in color to the cap and the presence of a ring on the stem, but are clearly distinguished by the absence of the Volvo and the color of the plates. The plates are pinkish only in young champignons, later they darken to brown or black-brown.

Mushrooms are very important to pluck with a leg to make sure that there is no valva. The similarity of poisonous fly agaric with green or olive russula is based on the similarity of the color of the cap and plates. The plates of russula, like those of fly agarics, are white. Main hallmark good edible russula- green, greenish and some others - the absence of a ring and Volvo on the leg. Therefore, when collecting russula, it is necessary to pay attention to the details of the structure of the legs.

Dangerous counterpart of white fungus - gall fungus

In the people it is even called a false boletus. Grows in spruce and pine forests from July to September, at the same time when there is an intensive growth of porcini mushrooms. Outwardly, it is very similar to porcini. But the thin pattern on its leg is dark in color (the porcini mushroom has a white pattern), in the form of a mesh and the lower surface of the cap is pink. And its flesh at the break quickly turns red.

Looks like a pale toadstool edible row- greenfinch. However, the greenfinch on the leg has neither a ring nor a Volvo, and the color of the plates is yellowish-greenish. The most dangerous is the similarity of some forms and varieties of the polymorphic gray float fungus. The gray float, like poisonous fly agarics, has a volva at the base of the leg, but there is no ring. The color of the cap and the color of the plates are similar. Therefore, we draw the attention of mushroom pickers to the need to carefully examine the leg for the presence or absence of a ring when collecting floats.

Conditionally edible mushroom- fly agaric - can be confused with poisonous fly agaric, however, they clearly differ in the color of the pulp. In the poisonous panther fly agaric, it is white, does not change at the break, and in the edible fly agaric, the reddening pulp turns pink at the break. But it is better not to eat fly agaric, of course. None.

deadly poisonous cobweb- a little-known mushroom, has a resemblance to some edible cobwebs. Cobwebs are generally not popular among the population of the Carpathians, so the danger of collecting orange-red cobwebs instead of any of the edible cobwebs is small.

To familiarize a wide range of mushroom pickers with a deadly poisonous orange-red cobweb, we present its most important features.

Hat 3 - 9 cm in diameter, orange or brown-red, orange-orange, dry, matte. Leg 4 - 9 × 0.5 - 1.5 cm, rusty yellow, smooth, dry. The flesh is yellowish, with a slight rare smell. The plates are orange-ocher or orange-rusty. Spore powder brownish. Young fruiting bodies have a cobwebby private veil (cortina).

Honey mushrooms. Particular attention should be paid to the twins of valuable edible honey agarics(autumn real, summer mushrooms), poisonous falsehoney agarics- and . false mushrooms differ from edible ones in gray, brownish-greenish, light brownish color of the plates, the color of the spore powder and the light reddish-brown, sulfur-yellow color of the cap.

Dangerous poisonous talkers (species of the genus Clitocybe - C. dealbata, etc.) can be mistaken for edible species of this genus - for example, a funnel talker (C. qibba (Pers ~ Fr.) Kumm.) or a valuable edible succulent mushroom (Clitopilus prunulus ( Scop.: Fr.) Kumm.).

It should be remembered that poisonous talkers are characterized by a white or whitish color of the entire fruiting body, and for edible ones - whitish-yellowish, yellowish-brown, gray, ash-gray.

So, it clearly differs from the poisonous ones in the color of the plates (yellowish-pink), in the spore powder (pink), in the shape of the spores (broadly fusiform, elongated-ellipsoid, with three longitudinal wrinkled grooves); in talkers, the plates and spore powder are white, the spores are ellipsoid, smooth.

Along with edible mushrooms, poisonous ones also grow in the forest. Some of them are very different from their edible counterparts, they end up in the baskets of mushroom pickers only by a ridiculous mistake. However, there are others. The so-called false mushrooms can perfectly copy in appearance edible varieties but be poisonous.

Each mushroom picker must know exactly which mushrooms have false twins. How to distinguish edible fruiting bodies from false. To learn this, it is necessary to consider the most insidious varieties that mimic noble breeds.

Seventh place - false waves

These mushrooms are classified as false mushrooms or false mushrooms, outwardly they can resemble both. In the people they are called whites, they are classified as conditionally edible. They need to be able to cook properly, pre-soaking and boiling. If this need is neglected, there is a risk of poisoning, which will be expressed as a moderate gastrointestinal disorder. The milky is sluggish, the milky is prickly - they can all be confused with waves.

Sixth place - false pigs

Real pigs, they are also mulleins, are not collected by all mushroom pickers, although some value them highly. The mushroom is suitable for frying and salting, has a slightly sour taste. There are several varieties of this fungus that are similar to each other, one of them is poisonous - this is the alder pig. She has a thin leg, while the edible species of this mushroom have a thick leg.

Related materials:

Interesting facts about mushrooms

Fifth place - false values

Valui are amber-colored mushrooms covered with a mucous membrane. Initially, they are rounded, then, as they grow, the hat opens up and becomes flat. They are harvested for further salting, in many regions they are considered a delicacy. However, this fungus has a dangerous false double- the so-called horseradish mushroom, which has the smell of horseradish.

The stem of this mushroom is covered with scales. Gebeloma coal-loving - another dangerous double with a sharp bitter taste. This mushroom is also amber in color, slimy, but does not have a specific rounded shape of the valuu, as well as its large size.

Fourth place - false mushrooms

False mushrooms are a slightly toxic mushroom, but if you eat a large portion, it is quite possible to get poisoned. Like volnushki, mushrooms are confused with milkers, especially with gray-pink ones, which just often live in the same place where mushrooms grow, because they need similar conditions. Grey-pink milky can be dangerous. To distinguish this mushroom, just press on it. A whitish juice with an unpleasant odor comes out of the milky.

Third place - false chanterelles

Chanterelles are exclusively useful mushrooms, which delight not only with an abundance of protein, nutrients, but also with their special properties. They are even taken abroad, as it is believed that they remove radioactive substances from the body, help in the fight against cancer, and have antiseptic properties. On top of all that, they just taste good. Therefore, mushroom pickers are always happy to see a clearing of these beautiful mushrooms. But the meal can end badly, because this type of mushroom has a false double, which is poisonous.

Related materials:

The most dangerous mushrooms in Russia

The talker prefers to live not in the fallen leaves of birch groves, like a real fox, but on stumps and deadwood. While chanterelles live in families, this fungus is often found alone. But even one mushroom will be enough to get all the signs of acute poisoning.

The false fox has more bright color, while the real one is muted. The real one has wavy edges, often uneven, while the fake one is proportionately folded. If you press on a real fox, a bright spot will come out. A false one will not give any trace. In addition, it has an unpleasant odor. Experienced mushroom pickers generally advise to pay attention to the smell of mushrooms more often, to refuse unpleasantly smelling fruiting bodies.

Second place - false mushrooms

Honey mushrooms are also very popular, they have an excellent taste, are suitable for harvesting for the winter, and are perfectly stored. This mushroom is versatile and easy to pick. He has a dangerous double that is important to avoid. false honey agaric does not have a membrane that remains on the leg of the present.

The real one has a pleasant smell, while the inedible one has an earthy, not very attractive smell. The plates under the hat in real individuals are lighter, and there are scales on top. False mushrooms have more bright color than real ones - everything is the same here as with chanterelles.

Kira Stoletova

Mushrooms are a popular type of mushroom that are easy to grow at home. There is not only an edible species, but also false champignons. They pose a danger to humans - they can not be eaten.

Description of the appearance of the mushroom

Fake champignons differ, depending on the age and place where they grow. Most often there are mushrooms of a reddish hue, which are called yellow-skinned. Also well known is the type of false champignons called "flat cap". It has a sharp unpleasant odor, reminiscent of iodine.

The color of the false champignon cap may vary. If the mushroom grows in a clearing well lit by the sun, it will have a grayish tint. Organisms growing in forests are beige with an orange tint. The young false champignon has white plates under the cap, which darken and turn black with age. They are easy to distinguish because real mushrooms have a rough cap, sometimes covered with scales, while the double has a smooth skin.

False champignon has a stem 10 cm high and 2.5 cm in diameter. It is cylindrical in shape, slightly thickened at the bottom. There is a white double ring in the middle. Under the cap are thin frequent white plates with a pinkish tinge. In older mushrooms, they acquire a dark brown color.

Differences between false and edible champignon

Mushrooms false (poisonous) and real are often confused, and this is deadly. The poisonous double of the champignon has a dark circle in the center of the cap, yellowish spots appear when pressed. This verification method does not give an exact guarantee, so it should be combined with other methods.

Finding a false champignon among the real ones will turn out according to the following signs:

  • its cut quickly acquires a bright yellow tint;
  • the double has a strong smell of disinfectant;
  • when boiled, the water also turns yellow.

These are insidious mushrooms, even after long cooking, toxic substances in them do not decay.

Inedible champignon is similar to pale grebe, white fly agaric, smelly fly agaric and meadow mushrooms. They have a similar color and shape of the cap, which sometimes resembles a chanterelle mushroom. False champignons most often appear in July in mixed and deciduous forests; it is also possible to meet them in glades in city parks.

Real champignons look different. The place of the cut they have a pinkish tint. Also, the edible mushroom begins to grow in May, while the false one only begins to grow in the middle of summer.


Inedible champignon actively absorbs toxic substances from the soil. The use of such mushrooms leads to severe intoxication.

Toxoids block the production of deoxyribonucleic acid, as a result, healthy cells die. This affects the kidneys, intestines and liver most of all. A large portion of the eaten mushrooms can be fatal.

There are also substances in poisonous champignons that negatively affect proteins. This causes a violation of the contraction of the heart muscles.

Symptoms of poisoning

The first sign of poisoning is vomiting and indigestion. These symptoms appear after 2-3 hours. Later, stomach cramps appear. Similar symptoms are caused by pale grebe and poisonous meadow mushrooms.

There are several stages of champignon poisoning. Their description:

  • There is spastic pain in the abdomen, the body temperature rises. Diarrhea starts later.
  • A person feels a slight improvement in well-being, but toxic substances continue to affect the liver and kidneys. This is confirmed by the analyses. Remission lasts 1-2 days.
  • At this stage, the damage to the internal organs reaches its peak. Begins liver and kidney failure.

In case of poisoning with false champignons, it is necessary to call an ambulance at the first stage of poisoning. Before her arrival, it is important to remove toxins from the body.

Description of first aid:

  • drink 1 liter of a weak solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting to flush the stomach;
  • take sorbents at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of the patient's weight;
  • a warm heating pad is placed on the stomach and legs: this helps to avoid circulatory disorders;
  • drink strong tea or warm water.

Treatment for poisoning

After hospitalization, the patient is detoxified. This is an enema, gastric lavage or hemodialysis. The choice of treatment method depends on how much of the dangerous product the patient has eaten.

Experienced mushroom pickers are able to quickly distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. Since the latter are extremely dangerous, it is necessary to be able to distinguish their poisonous species from those that can be safely eaten.

Types of mushrooms

In most classifications, mushrooms are divided not into two, but into three large groups:

  • edible: they are not only harvested, but also specially grown for the preparation of various dishes
  • inedible (poisonous): outwardly, they can look like edible counterparts, but after eating they cause severe poisoning, often leading to death

conditionally edible: some of them are edible only at a young age, the latter cause poisoning only when mixed with alcohol or certain foods; still others require lengthy cooking to remove the pungent taste; for example, in Poland white milk mushrooms are considered inedible, while in Russia they are soaked and then salted, resulting in a peculiar dish with a pleasant aftertaste.

According to the composition of the lower layers of the mushroom cap can be:

  • tubular: the layer consists of numerous, tightly adjoining tubules running perpendicular to the cap
  • lamellar: the thinnest plates running parallel, like the tubes, are located perpendicular to the cap.

There is also a classification of fungi according to the methods of reproduction, the type of cells and some other principles, but they will not be considered within the framework of this article.

Structure. Main features

All types of mushrooms, with the exception of morels, stitches and truffles, consist of a cap and a stem that form a fruiting body. The part that is underground has the appearance of the thinnest threads called mycelium. Mushrooms are one of amazing representatives kingdoms of nature, combining the signs not only of plants, but of the simplest animals.

Therefore, scientists identified them as a separate section of botany. Like plants, they have a cellular shell structure, feed by absorbing nutrients from the soil, and reproduce by spores. A similar feature is their low mobility.

Mushrooms can be attributed to animals due to the presence of multicellular forms and chitin, which is characteristic only of arthropod skeletons. In addition, mushrooms contain glycogen, which is found only in vertebrates in the muscles and liver.

Tubular types

White mushrooms

The color of the cap of such a mushroom is by no means white - it has Brown color. The name is associated only with the opposition of its "black" buttock, the cut of which quickly darkens. The pulp of the porcini fungus remains the same even after prolonged heat treatment. The fruiting time of the main species is June-October.

In each locality, it has a special name, for example, boletus, pan-mushroom, cow or mullein. In some areas, other types of mushrooms with a light color of the stem and the space under the cap are called white: in the Cis-Urals and Far East this name is used for boletus and boletus. AT Central Asia white is called oyster mushroom, and in the Crimea - a giant talker growing in the mountains.


White mushrooms are found everywhere except Antarctica and arid regions. The main habitats are coniferous, deciduous or mixed forests. Ripening time varies by region. The first mushrooms appear in May or June. The harvest ends in the southern part of Russia and Europe in October-November, and in northern regions In the end of August.

  • Description
  • A real white mushroom has a fairly large convex velvety cap 7-30 cm in diameter, in some cases even reaching 50 cm.
  • Its skin is reddish brown.
  • In young specimens, it can be almost milky white - it darkens and “flattens out”, becoming almost flat, it only grows as it grows.
  • Less common are yellow, yellowish-orange, or reddish caps.
  • The massive leg of such a fungus at the base is dotted with small veins and has a peculiar barrel-shaped shape (there are specimens in the form of a mace).
  • Its height is 8-25 cm and thickness is about 7 cm.
  • With age, the leg begins to stretch and take on a cylindrical shape with a thickened base.
  • In some instances, it is expanded or narrowed in the center.

white mushrooms

The pulp is quite fleshy, light in color, dense. With age, it becomes fibrous and begins to turn yellow. Hence the name of the white fungus used in the Perm and Novgorod regions - yellow. Spores olive.

The tubular layer of the cap with a notch almost at the very leg is separated from the pulp quite easily. Light or soft pink in young fungi, it turns yellow over time, and then becomes greenish-olive. The smell of raw is very weak - they acquire a pleasant peculiar aroma and spicy taste only when cooked or dried.

Even experienced amateurs silent hunting» know that some of the criteria for distinguishing instances of a non-standard shape or color do not apply. Therefore, if you are not sure about the edibility of the mushroom, it is better to throw it away.

  • Kinds

Depending on the type of forests, porcini mushrooms are divided into several forms:

  • spruce white (typical form) with a red-brown cap: most common variety
  • birch: has almost White color hats
  • oak: a fairly common form; it can only be found under oaks, it has a looser flesh and a brownish-gray cap
  • pine (upland): equipped with a dark hat, which may have a slight purple sheen; flesh with a reddish-brown tint.

Separately, an early form is distinguished, which is found only in the pine forests of the Middle Volga region - its collection is carried out in May-June. Unlike the pine form, on the cut it has not brownish, but slightly red flesh. The porcini mushroom is also divided by shades (it can be different in each locality). In Europe and Transcaucasia, as well as forests North America there is a mesh form that looks like a moss fly.


There are about 40 varieties of boletus (boletus, birch), which are quite similar in appearance. They grow in small groups, called ring colonies, rarely singly. Therefore, having found the very first mushroom, you will not leave the forest empty-handed.

Boletus trees jump out of the ground literally before our eyes: per day they are able to rise by 3-4 cm. The ripening period is only 6 days. After this period, the mushrooms begin to age just as rapidly.

  • Description
  • Young mushrooms have light caps up to 18 cm in diameter - they begin to darken and turn into dark brown with age. Over time, the hat in the form of a hemisphere turns into a characteristic pillow-shaped. In moist forests it may be sticky, covered with mucus.
  • The leg of a boletus with a diameter of up to 3 cm and a height of up to 15 cm is light gray or whitish in the form of a cylinder. One more characteristic feature fungus are dark gray scales located longitudinally on the stem.
  • The pulp of the boletus is quite dense white, only slightly darkening when cut. Over time, it becomes more loose, fibrous and tough. The color of the spores is brownish-olive.
  • Kinds

According to the places of growth, shape and color, boletus is divided into 10 main species (only 9 are found in Russia):

  • ordinary: has the most valuable taste properties; the hat of such mushrooms is reddish-brown; the leg is thickened and has a fairly dense structure
  • marsh: it can only be found in wetlands; distinctive features - a thin stem, a light brown or light gray cap and looser than common type, pulp
  • black: his hat is almost black in color, and the leg is thick and shortened; has a high taste
  • harsh: has a very rich, pleasant, not too pungent smell and sweetish taste; cap, covered with scales, grayish or brown, sometimes with a purple tint
  • rosy: grows only in the North, growing period - autumn; the color of the cap is heterogeneous - from brown to brick; trying to reach for the sun, has a bent leg
  • multicolored: the leg of such a boletus is white, but the hat can have the most different shades gray and orange to brown, often with a slight light tan
  • grabber: got the name because of the peculiarities of growth - it is found only in hornbeam forests, in Russia mainly in the Caucasus; cap color from ash or whitish to ocher
  • tundra: grows under the crowns of dwarf birches, has a small hat of light beige color.

When picking mushrooms, none poisonous mushroom shouldn't even end up in the trash. After all, even a small piece of it can be enough for serious poisoning.

Aspen mushrooms (redheads)

This type of mushroom, indeed, can most often be found under aspens. And their bright hat in the form of a hemisphere (half of a ball) is very similar in color to fallen and yellowed orange-red aspen leaves. As it grows, its shape flattens.

Even a novice can collect boletus - after all, their false analogues simply do not exist. True, they often grow singly or rare groups. You can find them in deciduous or mixed forests, not only at the roots of aspens, but also birches, oaks, pines and even poplars. They are very fond of young trees and often hide in their crowns.

  • Description
  • The hat of a mature boletus with a diameter of 15-30 cm is smooth or slightly rough, fitting the leg well.
  • A tubular layer up to 3 cm in size. Over time, it darkens even with a slight touch and becomes loose.
  • Another feature of the boletus is a rather long and thick (up to 22 cm), slightly rough club-shaped leg, expanding downwards.
  • The diameter of the boletus cap, as a rule, is 5-20, less often 30 cm.
  • The fleshy and dense pulp of the boletus is immediately oxidized in the air - at the break it darkens to a blue-green color.

They are named so for their slimy skin - indeed, it seems that they were covered with oil on top. These mushrooms grow from September to October in the European part of the continent, as well as in Mexico. You can find this mushroom on sandy ground in almost all types of forests from pine and oak to birch.

It is also found in clearings and meadows. In terms of protein content, oily mushrooms are able to compete even with porcini mushrooms. They can be salted, boiled or fried. When eating, the slippery skin is removed.

  • Description
  • The hat of young mushrooms is brown-chocolate or yellow-brown, convex, in the form of a hemisphere.
  • Over time, it smooths out and becomes flatter.
  • The stalk is much lighter, with a slight yellow tint and an almost white membranous ring.
  • Its height is 4-12 cm.
  • Butterflies have juicy pulp, which is lighter under the cap itself than at the base.
  • Worms simply adore them - spoilage can reach up to 80%.
  • Kinds

good harvest

These mushrooms include not only ordinary butterflies, but also their yellow-brown variety - even the leg of such butterflies is colored intense yellow. Another type is granular. Outwardly similar to yellow-brown, but has a less intense color. He doesn't have a ring on his leg.

The larch oiler has a yellow-brown or lemon-yellow hat without cracks and tubercles and a thick leg of the same color in the form of an elongated cylinder or club.

agaric mushrooms

The mushroom, once called in Russia the king of mushrooms, can be found both in deciduous or mixed forests, mainly near birch trees. Some species are found only under coniferous trees, on acidic soils. It grows in groups, rarely singly. Milk mushrooms are harvested from early July to October.

This mushroom can be considered truly Russian - in Europe it is not recognized and is even considered poisonous due to its peculiar bitterness, which, however, disappears after soaking. It is not intended for cooking or stewing - it is only salted.

  • Description
  • The hat of a young real mushroom has a flat-convex shape.
  • As it grows, it changes to funnel-shaped with a characteristic, slightly turned inward edge, which is slightly pubescent.
  • The skin is wet, slimy, on which foliage quickly sticks, light yellowish or light cream in color, sometimes with darker spots. Hat diameter 5-20 cm.
  • The average height of the stem, smoothly flowing into the hat, is 3-7 cm.
  • As it ages, it becomes hollow. The flesh of the mushroom is quite dense, fragile and brittle.
  • Milky juice in the air begins to darken to a gray-yellow color.
  • The spore powder also has a yellow tint.
  • The smell of a fresh mushroom is very sharp, peculiar, vaguely reminiscent of the smell of fruits.

This mushroom can be harvested from June to October, after thunderstorms. You should look for it in coniferous or mixed forests, in a pile of fallen leaves or grass.

  • Description

  • These mushrooms have characteristic shape and it is difficult to confuse them with others.
  • The chanterelle's hat is one with the leg - the transition has no pronounced boundaries.
  • There is no difference in their color. Mushroom diameter 5-12 cm.
  • The edges of the cap are wrapped and slightly wavy and have a funnel-shaped or slightly depressed shape.
  • The plates are slightly wavy and fall down the stem.
  • The flesh of the leg is fibrous, light or yellowish, turns red when pressed.
  • Chanterelle has a characteristic smell of dried fruits. The taste is pleasant, with a barely pronounced sourness.
  • cinnabar red: characterized by intense pinkish-red color and fleshy fibrous flesh
  • gray: color from grayish to brown-black, gray at the edges of the cap; valued less than usual and has not pronounced taste and aroma; they rarely collect it - most mushroom pickers are simply unfamiliar with it
  • tubular: a grayish-yellow mushroom, strewn with velvety scales on top, found only in coniferous forests
  • yellowing: the color is yellow-brown, with dark scales, the leg is lighter, the taste and smell are not very pronounced
  • velvety: rare view with a cap of bright orange color, colored more intensely towards the center, the taste is pleasant, sour
  • faceted: bright yellow mushroom with a characteristic carved, very wavy edge
  • cantharellus minor: orange fox, outwardly similar to ordinary, but smaller, has a long, lighter stem and a vase-like hat
  • mushrooms

    The leg, although similar in color, is clearly demarcated and does not merge with it. On the hat, circles and spots of dark green color are often visible. The flesh of camelinas is more fleshy and not as brittle as that of camelinas.

    Worms are also planted in them. As they grow, the color of these mushrooms does not change. At the break, they give a characteristic reddish milky juice that can stain hands.

    Foxes just don't have it. The taste of these mushrooms is very pleasant - mushrooms are also considered a delicacy.

    Both chanterelles and mushrooms are considered conditionally edible due to their slight bitterness. Therefore, they are pre-boiled or soaked.

    You can find these mushrooms, resembling balls, in places with moist soil, generously enriched with organic matter. In terms of nutritional value, low-calorie champignons are not inferior even to meat. They are often grown even in greenhouses on a special substrate made from fresh manure.

    Fruiting time May-October.

    • Description

    It is necessary to collect champignons very carefully. They are often confused with false champignon and pale grebe.

    The former quickly turn yellow on the cut and have a characteristic smell of carbolic acid. The leg of the pale grebe is thinner and not as dense. They are colored differently.

    The color of the cap of the poisonous mushroom is equally light above and below, while in the champignon it is lighter below.

    • Kinds

    Mushrooms can differ in both color and surface smoothness. There are more than 200 species of them - some of them are edible or conditionally edible, while others can even be poisonous.

    The following species are used for food:

    • ordinary (meadow): often found near human dwellings, in gardens and orchards; mushroom up to 10 cm high with a light or light brown hat; its spherical shape with characteristic curved edges flattens with age; the leg is almost the same color as the top;
    • forest (blagoshushka): found in mixed or coniferous forests, much less frequently in deciduous; a brown-brown hat in the form of a half of an egg opens up over time and can reach a diameter of 7-10 cm
    • coppice: it can be found under a spruce or beech; when pressed, the light hat turns yellow; as they grow, almost white plates begin to brown
    • field: characteristic of open spaces; sometimes grows near firs; a bell-shaped hat with slightly curved edges, light or cream; pronounced almond aroma
    • garden (royal): the top is creamy, and in a mushroom growing in vivo, brown or white; softness when cut changes shade to pink
    • curve (nodule): light champignon on a long stem, which thickens and bends with growth; coniferous forest dweller
    • August, its hallmark: orange scales on the background of a brown cap; below the ring they gradually turn yellow
    • Dark red: occurs infrequently, so many mushroom pickers are even unfamiliar with it; similar in shape to ordinary champignon, distinguishing feature- dark red skin; at the break, the white flesh begins to turn red immediately

    You can even get poisoned by edible mushrooms, if you preserve them incorrectly.

    A dangerous intoxication is caused by a bacterium called butulinus, which, when it enters a jar, can quickly develop in proteins without access to oxygen in neutral or neutral conditions. alkaline environment. Therefore, mushrooms are always rolled with the addition of acid, which can destroy dangerous spores.

    Kira Stoletova

    Sometimes, instead of the desired mushrooms, poisonous varieties fall into the basket, which include the double of the porcini mushroom.

  • General description of dangerous twins

    Many edible mushrooms have their poisonous or conditionally edible counterparts. The similarity can be strong or superficial. So the white mushroom and some of its counterparts are absolutely identical in appearance. Putting a double of the porcini mushroom in the basket, it is easy to get poisoned. A mistake in the choice will be fatal and lead to a sad outcome.

    Even mushroom pickers with many years of experience sometimes at first glance cannot distinguish the dangerous double of the porcini mushroom from the real and noble one. Edible noble Boletus has its own characteristics and differs both in appearance and in taste.

    The main distinguishing feature of edible from poisonous is their chemical composition containing toxins.

    External signs are deceptive: the fly agaric loses its white spots, after good shower and becomes like a red russula. False honey agaric changes the color of the hat with age and becomes even more like a real one.

    According to the action of toxins, insidious false whites are divided into several categories:

    • food intoxication;
    • damage to the nervous system;
    • fatal poisoning.

    Before going into the forest, you should understand how the white mushroom differs from its dangerous counterparts. One of external signs- the structure of the hat. The real one is spongy, the false one, except for the satanic one, will have plates. The white toadstool, which looks like a white mushroom, turns blue or red on the cut. True white never changes color when broken, so before putting it in the basket, it's best to break off a small piece from it and see what happens.


    The most noble mushroom, the king of the forest kingdom, has several brothers dangerous to human life. These include:

    • bilious;
    • boletus is beautiful;
    • Satanic;
    • boletus le Gal;
    • speckled oak.


    The second name of this organism is mustard (Tylopilus felleus). He deserved it because of his bitter taste. gall fungus belongs to the Agaricomycete class, the type of bolets, the genus tilopiles. Refers to inedible.

    Its description:

    • hat shape in the form of a hemisphere;
    • color from yellow to brown;
    • diameter - 4-15 cm;
    • the pulp is fibrous;
    • aroma is weak
    • the leg is cylindrical;
    • height - 3-14 cm;
    • thickness - 3 cm;
    • pores of an angular or rounded shape;
    • pink spore powder.

    A characteristic feature of the bitter taste and the difference from the white "brother" is a bitter taste and a change in color on the cut. It turns from white to red.

    Borovik is beautiful

    Boletus pulcherrimus, or the Beautiful Boletus, is another poisonous species. He has resemblance with an ordinary boletus, but changes color on the cut (turns blue) and is extremely toxic.


    • the cap is large, hemispherical (up to 25 cm);
    • velvety and dry to the touch;
    • color reddish brown;
    • the pulp is dense, yellowish;
    • pores are red;
    • spores are brown, spindle-shaped;
    • the leg is thick (up to 12 cm);
    • grows up to 15 cm in height.

    A characteristic feature is a fine mesh on the leg. Under the hat there are tubules, jagged, with a yellowish tinge and up to 15 cm long. When pressed, they turn blue.


    Refers to biological group mushrooms. Forms mycosis with oaks, lindens and birches. This doppelganger is dangerous to health, eaten 30 g of the satanic mushroom causes severe symptoms of poisoning. Its description:

    • the hat is large, sometimes gigantic (30-40 cm);
    • cushion shape;
    • the surface is smooth;
    • hat color olive or brown;
    • the skin is dense;
    • bottom cap is spongy;
    • sponge color pink;
    • the leg is narrowed down, cylindrical;
    • height - up to 13 cm.

    Satanic is characterized by a bluish cut, which gradually turns red. This is due to the process of oxidation of the poison with oxygen.

    speckled oak

    Boletus erythropus is an edible counterpart. It can be used in food, soups or other dishes. This forest organism has the following description:

    • cap size - up to 20 cm in diameter;
    • to the touch it is dry and velvety;
    • pillow shape;
    • color red-brown;
    • olive spore powder;
    • the second tubular layer is red or orange;
    • leg 10 cm high;
    • the shape of the stem is tuberous.

    A characteristic feature is the darkening of the light edge of the cap after pressing on it and small reddish scales on the trunk of the leg. hallmark from the original is the blue on the cut of the pulp.

    Borovik de Gal

    Another poisonous mushroom that looks like white is the boletus le Gal (Boletus legaliae), or legal boletus. It has this description:

    • the hat is convex, up to 15 cm;
    • the surface is smooth;
    • color pink-orange;
    • the flesh is pale, yellowish;
    • the aroma is pleasant;
    • the second layer is tubular;
    • olive spores;
    • the leg is thick, up to 5-6 cm in diameter;
    • leg height - up to 17 cm.

    A feature is a small reddish mesh on the leg and the flesh turning blue on the cut.

    Contraindications and harm

    A mistake made when harvesting a forest crop can lead to lethal outcome. bad joke inedible doubles will play, which are well disguised as noble brothers.

    One small piece of a poisonous organism can cause a lot of trouble. At the first signs of poisoning, it is necessary to wash the stomach and then go to the hospital for help. Signs of poisoning include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, weakness in the limbs, diarrhea, and fever.

    Hallucinations often occur. Toxic Substances twins act on nervous system, affect the vessels and cause convulsive reflexes along with hallucinations.


    Medicines are prepared not only from edible, but also from poisonous or conditionally edible mushrooms.

    Inedible white twins are successfully used in bactericidal preparations, in frostbite ointments. They contain in their composition substances that help fight staphylococcus aureus and cancerous tumors.

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