What group does the carrot belong to? Carrot. Rare vegetable plants

It belongs to the Umbelliferae family and is called a biennial plant - that is, in the first year only the root crop and leaves sprout from the seeds, and the bush with seeds can only be expected in the second year.

What is a carrot? It consists of a leafy rosette, located on the surface of the earth, and a long root crop, hiding in the ground - this is what we eat.

Varieties of carrots.

There are several of the most popular varieties of carrots that can be seen in stores. First of all, this red carrot- succulent plant, unpretentious in the choice of soil.

There is also white carrot- as it is easy to understand, white, very sweet, rich in starch and sugar.

yellow carrot, which came from Asia, also has a sweet taste and is much wider and thicker than ordinary carrots.

All carrot varieties are good in their own way, and the choice depends only on what dishes you are going to use it in.

You can learn more about growing carrots here.

Carrots: benefits and harms.

Useful properties of carrots.

Carrots are incredibly rich in a wide variety of vitamins.- and C, and B, and K, and E. It contains a large amount of carotene substance - which means that vitamin A can also be added to the list of vitamins.

Iron, cobalt, copper, magnesium and potassium, phosphorus - the content of all these (and not only these) substances can also boast carrot.

Eating carrots is useful for many diseases. These are visual impairments, kidney and liver ailments, anemia and heart disease. It has been proven that carrots have a good effect on the color and health of the skin.

Carrot juice perfectly fights high cholesterol levels, and a decoction of carrots is used as a natural diuretic.

Why are carrots harmful?

Despite all its usefulness, carrots can also harm the body. As already mentioned, carrots contain a lot of carotene. If you eat carrots too often and in large quantities, the body will no longer cope with the processing of this substance into vitamin A - and the skin will turn yellow-orange, and the liver will begin to malfunction.

Carrots also have a slight laxative effect. Therefore, it is useful for constipation, but if you have an upset stomach, then it is worth temporarily removing carrots from the diet.

If we summarize data from different sources on the number of types of vegetables grown in the world, we get a figure of about 150-200. Vegetable crops are different from each other in terms of morphological characteristics, life cycle duration, requirements for growing conditions, harvest time and a number of other characteristics. For the consumer, the most obvious is the difference between vegetables in parts of plants used in food.

In order not to get confused in all this vegetable variety, classification is used. Vegetable plants have a number of common features that allow them to be combined into separate groups. In this way, classification of vegetables and vegetable crops- this is their division into varieties (groups, species) according to some important biological and economic characteristics. The classification of vegetables is intended for permanent use in agriculture, commodity science, cooking, and botany.

It is conditionally possible to single out a botanical classification of vegetables (according to the morphological structure of vegetable plants), classifications according to characteristics important for agriculture (life expectancy of a plant, duration of the vegetative period, method of cultivation and harvest time), and consumer and commercial or economic classifications (according to keeping quality, edible plant organs).

Botanical classification of vegetable crops

The botanical classification of vegetable crops is based on their belonging to various botanical classes and families. Most of the vegetables grown and consumed in Russia belong to the nightshade family (tomato, pepper, eggplant, potato), takvennye (zucchini, pumpkin, melon, watermelon), legumes (beans, beans, peas), cruciferous (cabbage, turnip, swede, radish). , radish, horseradish), amaryllis (onions and garlic), celery (parsley, carrots, celery), haze (beets, spinach), aster (lettuce).

Systematizes a wide variety of vegetable crops, which allows you to navigate in related crops when growing them. But, it is inconvenient in determining vegetable crops by parts used in food and methods of growing vegetable crops. Therefore, in addition to the botanical classification according to the structure of a vegetable plant, a number of others are used, based on significant economic and biological characteristics.

Classification of vegetable crops by plant life expectancy

By life cycle duration vegetable crops are:
  1. Annuals(cucumbers, watermelons, melons, spinach, peppers, eggplant, beans, beans, lettuce, radishes, zucchini, pumpkin, dill, corn, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage).
    The life cycle of annual plants from sowing to the formation of new seeds takes one year. The life of a plant can be divided into the following stages: seed germination and the appearance of cotyledon leaves, active growth of the vegetative part, the formation of reproductive organs and the full maturation of the plant.
  2. Biennial(beets, onions, celery, white cabbage, carrots, kohlrabi, turnips, rutabaga, parsnips, parsley).
    Biennial plants in the first year of their life cycle form a rosette of leaves and vegetative productive organs (root, head, bulb, tuber, stem-fruit). In the reproductive organs, nutrients are deposited, kidneys are formed. With the onset of adverse external conditions, a period of rest begins. In the second year of life, after wintering, the plant forms a stem, flowering occurs, the formation and ripening of fruits and seeds.
    Biennial vegetables are cultivated for eating their vegetative organs, which are formed in the first year of life. If it is necessary to obtain seeds of a plant, then in the fall of the first year, the productive organs with roots are removed and stored in storage in the winter, and planted in the ground again in the spring of the next year.
  3. perennial(rhubarb, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke, horseradish, onion, tarragon, asparagus, sorrel).
    Perennial plants in the first year of life are characterized by the development of the root system, leaves and buds. The formation of productive organs in perennials (for asparagus - these are shoots, for rhubarb - cuttings, for horseradish - root) occurs mainly in the second or third year of the life cycle and continues, renewing, for several years. Like biennials, perennials go through a period of dormancy and rearrangement of nutrients with the onset of winter. Perennial vegetable crops can live more than 3-5 years.
A number of annual vegetable crops can be grown as perennials. For example, tomatoes in warm climates and greenhouses can bear fruit for several years in a row, and in the open field of temperate latitudes, tomatoes bear fruit in the first year, after which the life cycle of the plant stops. And vice versa: some carrot and beet plants in years with a long cold spring bear fruit in the first year of life.

Classification of vegetable crops according to the length of the growing season

The vegetative (vegetative) period is the period of the year during which the growth and development (vegetation) of plants is possible. By the length of the growing season vegetables are divided into early-ripening (early), mid-ripening, late-ripening (late).

Classification of vegetables according to the method of cultivation

By growing method vegetables are divided into ground and greenhouse-greenhouse.

Ground vegetables are grown in open ground, greenhouse-greenhouse vegetables, respectively, in greenhouses and greenhouses. A greenhouse is a small greenhouse for growing low-growing vegetable crops such as radishes, zucchini, lettuce, cucumbers. Recently, vegetables are often grown in greenhouses using the hydroponics method.

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, when the roots of plants are placed in a special solution of all the trace elements it needs. It is believed that hydroponic vegetables are the least useful, as they have the highest content of nitrates and harmful substances. The healthiest and tastiest ground vegetables.

Classification of vegetables according to keeping quality

Keeping capacity of vegetables is a characteristic of their keeping quality, storage stability.

Depending on the keeping quality vegetables are divided into:

  1. able to go to rest(potatoes, carrots, garlic, onions, cabbage, beets)
  2. incapable of going to rest(sorrel, lettuce, dill, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pepper).

Classification of vegetables according to the part used in food

Various parts of plants are used as food. By food organs used for food, vegetable plants are divided into:
  1. Fruit (generative) vegetable crops- used for food: fruits, seeds, young ovaries:
    • gourd family(pumpkin, cucumber, watermelon, squash, zucchini)
    • nightshade family(tomato, pepper, eggplant)
    • legume family(beans, beans, peas)
    • cereal family(sweet corn)
  2. Vegetative vegetable crops- shoots, leaves, stems, root crops, rhizomes, tubers are used for food:
    • root crops(carrot, beetroot, swede, turnip, radish, radish, parsley, celery, parsnips)
    • tuber crops(potato, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato)
    • rhizomatous crops(horseradish, katran, edible burdock)
    • bulbous crops(onion, leek, slime onion, batun, shallot, garlic)
    • leafy crops(cabbage, watercress, lettuce, dill)
    • leaf crops(spinach, chard, chinese and kale, celery leaf, mustard leaf, parsley leaf, rhubarb, sorrel)
    • stem crops(kohlrabi)
    • shoot crops(cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, artichoke)
The classification according to the part used for food satisfies the specialist in the sale of the crop and the end consumer, but does not fully take into account the biological and agro-technical characteristics of vegetable crops associated with their cultivation. These features are taken into account by Edelstein's classification.

Classification of vegetables according to biological and agrotechnical features

The classification of vegetables, taking into account their biological and agrotechnical characteristics, as well as the properties of the productive organs of vegetable crops, was developed by the Soviet vegetable grower Vitaly Ivanovich Edelshtein (1881-1965), the author of more than 500 works on the biology of vegetable crops and the technology of their cultivation.

According to classification by V.I. Edelstein vegetable crops are divided into the following groups:

  1. cabbage: cabbage family - white, red, cauliflower, Savoy, Brussels sprouts kohlrabi;
  2. root crops: haze family - beets; celery family - carrots, celery, parsnips, parsley; cabbage family - radish, radish;
  3. tubers: nightshade family - potatoes; bindweed family - sweet potato; Aster family - Jerusalem artichoke.
  4. bulbous: bulbous subfamily - onion, garlic, chives, leek, batun, multi-tiered onion;
  5. fruit: pumpkin family - pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber, chayote, melon, watermelon, squash; nightshade family - pepper, tomato, eggplant, physalis; bluegrass family - sweet corn; legume family - vegetable peas, beans, beans, cowpea; Malvaceae family - okra;
  6. leafy: aster family - lettuce; marev family - spinach; celery family - dill;
  7. perennial: buckwheat family - rhubarb, sorrel; cabbage family - katran, horseradish; asparagus family - asparagus; aster family - tarragon and others;
  8. mushrooms: champignons, oyster mushrooms, stropharia (mushroom cultivation refers to vegetable growing).

Generalized economic classification of vegetables

This classification does not group vegetables according to any one characteristic (plant organ used for food, botanical family, growing conditions or consumption patterns), therefore, in the strict sense, this sorting can hardly be called a classification. But given its convenience for consumers of vegetables, it is this classification that we will use in the search menu on the website.

So, generalized economic classification vegetables divides vegetables into.

Carrot- biennial (rarely annual or perennial) plant from the genus of plants of the family Umbelliferae. The genus includes about 30 species. Widely distributed, including in the Mediterranean countries, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and America. grown in agriculture carrot seed (cultivated carrot, is considered either as an independent species, or as a subspecies wild carrot) is a biennial plant with a rough woody whitish or orange root. Cultivated carrots are divided into table and fodder.

Carrot fodder

Word carrot goes back to Proto-Slavic marky(in the genus case markve, and its Latin generic name Daucus comes from the Greek word δαῦκος denoting different umbrella plants.

Sowing carrots. Botanical illustration from the book "Bilder ur Nordens Flora" by K. A. M. Lindman, 1917-1926

In the first year of life, carrots form a rosette of leaves and a root crop, and in the second year, a seed bush and seeds. The root crop is fleshy, truncated-conical, cylindrical or spindle-shaped, weighing from 30-300 g or more, oval or elliptical in shape.

Root crops are used (for food) and seeds (for the manufacture of infusions, extracts). Root vegetables contain carotenoids, vitamins B, B2, pantothenic acid, ascorbic acid; flavonoids, anthocyanidins, sugars (3-15%), fatty and a small amount of essential oil, umbelliferone; in seeds - essential oil, flavone compounds and fatty oil. The flowers contain anthocyanin compounds and flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol). Cultivated carrot roots are used as food in raw and boiled form for the preparation of first and second courses, pies, marinades, canned food, etc. Food additive E160a and carrot juice are obtained from carrots.

In medicine, carrots are used for hypo- and beriberi. Promotes epithelialization, activates intracellular redox processes, regulates carbohydrate metabolism. The seeds are used to obtain medicines, for example, daucarina, which has an antispasmodic effect similar to that of papaverine and kellin, dilates the coronary vessels; used for atherosclerosis, coronary insufficiency with symptoms of angina pectoris. Extracts and essential oil for cosmetics and aromatherapy are obtained from the seeds.

For a long time it was believed that eating carrots improves vision. Despite the fact that carrots do contain vitamin A, which is necessary for the normal development of the visual system, the fact that the improvement of impaired vision due to the use of carrots has not been confirmed. The reason for this misconception was the rumor spread by the British during the Second World War that they fed their RAF pilots carrots, and it is allegedly because of this that the British Air Force is so successful in its night flights and in hitting targets. In reality, the British government thus sought to hide the fact that radar was used for these purposes.

carrot seeds

Carrots are an everyday type of vegetable used in cooking on all continents. It is especially valuable for carotenoids. They make up, as it were, a semi-finished product intended for vitamin A (carotenoids, under the influence of the carotenease enzyme in the human body, turn into vitamin A). Carotenes are fat-soluble, so carrots are recommended to be served with animal or vegetable fats. Often there are recommendations to saute carrots. It is a part of many canned foods: soups, second courses, sweet products. Unfortunately, carrot products are heated too much and for a long time (boiled, stewed, baked), which does not increase its nutritional value, but leads to losses. This is how carrot casseroles are prepared. Carrots are stewed, then wiped, fillers are added, baked again. Everything is repeated, as with potatoes and other vegetables. The taste, aroma as a result of cooking are good, but the benefits are much less.

Carrots should be heated less and served with animal or vegetable fats.

It is also recommended to use carrots as a fatty seasoning. Scientists have proven that its carotenoids are substances that protect fat from spoilage and oxidation. And if so, then carrots can be used to prepare fat mixtures, where it will perform a multifaceted role: an antioxidant, a fat preservative from spoilage, and also help reduce the calorie content of fats and increase their nutritional value. Such a mixture allows you to create food compositions: dishes, culinary products, pies, pies. For example, for two tablespoons of butter or margarine, take a glass of carrots grated on a coarse grater, mix and store in the refrigerator. To quickly prepare lunch or dinner, chopped raw vegetables are added to boiling water, seasoning - carrots with fats, brought to a boil and then infused without heating for 10-15 minutes. This method of cooking vegetables allows you to eat them without loss from culinary excesses.

Carrot Garnish with Butter and Nutmeg

Korean carrot. From spices, vinegar, salt, sugar and coarsely ground red hot pepper are needed. If desired, you can use garlic, ground black pepper, sesame seeds, fresh cilantro and onions

Carrots "Vichy" - a dish of French cuisine. Simmer with 1-2 tbsp butter and a pinch of brown sugar for a couple of minutes, pour 1 tbsp. l. water, salt, pepper, add finely chopped parsley, or original French herbs, bring to readiness

Moroccan carrots. A wonderful side dish with olive oil, honey, orange, lemon, garlic, harissa, zira, ground paprika, salt, ground cinnamon, walnut and cilantro

carrot pancakes

Adjika with carrots, tomatoes, sweet and capsicum peppers, garlic and sunflower oil

Introduction to the quiz

Today we will talk about carrots. Everyone knows the orange princess of our gardens and orchards. Carrots are a healthy vegetable with high taste qualities. Now guess the riddle: “What is the favorite dish of hares and rabbits?” Well, of course, it's a carrot.

Quiz "Carrot" contains 10 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz Maker: Iris Revue

1. What is a carrot?
Answer: carrot is a vegetable, garden plant, root crop with an orange sweetish root

2. What riddles do you know about carrots?
Answer: The girl is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street.
The red maiden sits in the chamber, and the scythe is in the yard.

3. What is the Snowman's nose?
Answer: carrot

4. What useful substances are found in carrots?
Answer: carotene, vitamins, ascorbic acid

5. What dishes can be prepared from carrots?
Answer: carrot juice, fresh and boiled carrot salad, carrot casserole, Ginger carrot cake, jelly, soufflé, caviar, puree soup

6. What proverbs about carrots do you know?
Answer:“Eat a carrot, if there is no apple”
"Carrots thin the blood"

7. What verses about carrots do you know?
Answer: poem "Carrot Juice" by Agnia Barto

"Suppresses the weeds
pea bushes,
And the carrots are barely visible -
All in all, it's bad."

8. What family of plants does carrot belong to?
Answer: to the umbrella family

9. Is the holiday of carrots celebrated in Russia?
Answer: no. But in a number of cities in Russia, Carrot Festivals are held in autumn, at which competitions are organized for the most original carrot dish.

10. Did ancient people know such a culture as carrots?
Answer: yes, the ancient Greeks and Romans knew how to cultivate carrots

1. To which botanical family does the radish belong?

3. Cabbage

2. Specify the productive organ of rhubarb.

4. Petioles

3. In what vegetable crop do qualitative changes end in the first year of life?

4. Indicate which phase of growth and development of plants refers to the seed period.

2. Germination

5. What amount of water (in % of weight) is needed for swelling and germination of squash seeds?

6. Indicate which size group the sorrel seeds belong to

4. Very small

7. Name the variety or hybrid of tomato included in the State Register of Agricultural Plants for cultivation in the steppe zone of Ukraine.

4. Forget-me-not F1

8. What plant placement scheme is used when growing long-climbing melon varieties?

4. 140x140 cm.

9. On what vegetable crop is pinching carried out?

2. On tomato plants;

10. What is the depth of seed placement when growing tomato seedlings (cm).

Test #2

1. Indicate to which botanical family fennel belongs

3. Celery

2. Name a vegetable crop that has a two-seeded fruit

4. Name a vegetable crop that is very demanding on soil moisture.

5. Name the biological feature of the slime onion

2. Frost resistant

4. Form a false bulb

6. At what ripeness is the zucchini harvested?

1. Removable

2. Technological

7. What kind of irrigation method involves the daily application of nutrients, which is called fertigation?

3. Drip irrigation

8. What age (days) should pepper seedlings have when planting in open ground.

9. On what vegetable crops is the “blinding” of leaf axils carried out?

1. On cucumber plants;

10. What is the depth of seed placement when growing lettuce seedlings (cm).

Test #3

1. Specify the science-based annual rate of consumption of vegetables.

3. 120-140 kg.

4. 140-160 kg.

2. Specify a vegetable crop that belongs to the class of monocots.

1. Sweet corn

3. Which family does mustard leaf belong to?

3. Cabbage

4. Name the direction of using the zucchini.

2. Technical

5. At what temperature does onion seed germination begin?

7. The role of crop rotation in the cultivation of vegetable crops:

3. Eliminates the possibility of damage to plants by pests.

8. Indicate which size group the carrot seeds belong to.

9. What is the optimal feeding area when growing early tomato seedlings (cm)?

10. Seedlings of parthenocarpic short-fruited cucumber hybrids should be planted in film greenhouses according to the scheme (see).

Test #4

1. Name the geographic center of origin of the eggplant

2. Indian

2. What phenological phase refers to the vegetative period of growth and development of vegetable crops

3. What are the optimal terms for sowing melons and gourds in the southern regions of Ukraine

4. Name the biological features of vegetable crops of the cabbage group.

2. Winter hardy

5. What type of harvest is used for pepper.

3. Reusable

6. Specify the most optimal scheme for planting tomato seedlings.

3. (90+50)x30 cm.

7. Indicate the seeding rate (in kg/ha) of onion for seeding.

4-7 days after emergence of mass seedlings.

3. To prevent stretching of the hypocotyl genus.

9. Seedlings of parthenocarpic long-fruited cucumber hybrids in winter block greenhouses are planted according to the scheme:

2. 110x30-40 cm

3. 160x45-50 cm

10. The optimal feeding area when growing seedlings of early white cabbage is (cm):

Test #5

1. Name a frost- and winter-hardy vegetable crop

4. Carrot

2. The growth of vegetable crops is:

3. Increase in the root system and above-ground mass of plants.

3. Specify the optimal concentration of CO2 in the air when growing tomatoes in protected ground

4. The main ways to regulate the light regime in open ground are:

5. What watering method provides for economical use of water?

3. Drip irrigation

6. Indicate the seeding rate of seeds of late varieties of white cabbage using the Klen precision seed drill.

2. 0.3-0.5 kg/ha

7. Specify the optimal time for sowing tomato seeds in the conditions of the south of Ukraine with a seedless method of cultivation.

8. Indicate the vegetable crop grown in seedlings and non-seedlings.

2. Leek

9. What is the optimal age for sweet onion seedlings (days)?

10. Seedlings of bee-pollinated cucumber hybrids in winter block greenhouses are planted according to the scheme: (cm)

3. 100+60x35-40

Test #6

1. Specify the botanical family to which spinach belongs.

2. Swan

2. Name a cold-resistant vegetable crop.

1. Groh vegetable

3. Indicate the vegetable crop in which the flower-bearing stem is formed in the first year.

4. What vegetable crops compact tomatoes?

3. Cauliflower

5. What type of cabbage can be grown?

2. Colored

6. What is the optimal time for planting seedlings of early white cabbage varieties in the southern regions of Ukraine?

7. Specify the optimal scheme for planting eggplant seedlings in the south of Ukraine.

8. What herbicide is used to control perennial weeds in vegetables and potatoes?

4. Roundup

9. What is the optimal feeding area when growing cucumber seedlings (cm)?

10. Seedlings of bee-pollinated cucumber hybrids should be planted in film greenhouses according to the scheme: (cm)

Test #7

1. Name the research institution for vegetable growing.

4. Research Center of UB UAAN.

2. Name the biological factor that affects the growth and development of vegetable plants.

4. Weeds

3. The main methods for regulating the thermal regime in open ground are:

1. Soil mulching

4. What vegetable crops require hilling?

2. Leek

5. When growing which vegetable crop, the use of herbicides is prohibited.

6. Specify the variety or hybrid of white cabbage recommended for growing in the conditions of southern Ukraine.

4. in 12-14 days

8. Indicate the layout of plants of long-leaf varieties and hybrids of cucumber with a seedless method of cultivation.

3. 140x20 cm.

9. Specify the optimal age of seedlings of early tomatoes (days).

10. Planting time for cucumber seedlings in the summer-autumn culture of winter greenhouses (light zone 6).

Test No.8

1. Name the geographic center of origin of asparagus.

3. Mediterranean

2. Relationship of carrots to soil moisture conditions.

2. Demanding

3. Name a vegetable crop that absorbs water well from the soil and uses it sparingly

4. Specify the optimal concentration of CO2 in the air when growing cucumbers in protected ground.

5. What is included in the preventive methods of combating diseases and pests?

3. Seed dressing

6. What is the row spacing with a strip width of 8 cm and a base track of 0.7 m.

7. What is the date of sowing green vegetable crops.

8. Specify the variety or hybrid of Brussels sprouts recommended for cultivation in the southern Ukraine.

1. Filimon F1

9. What is the optimal age for cucumber seedlings (days)?

10. Specify the time for planting cucumber seedlings in the winter-spring culture of winter greenhouses (light zone 6)?

Test #9

1. Specify the lifespan of a slime onion.

3. Perennial


1. Stem crop

3. The development of vegetable crops is:

1. Quantitative changes in plants

2. The process of formation of new cells, tissues and organs

4. What is the optimal age of seedlings (days) should a celery culture have when planting in open ground?

5. Specify the place of growing seedlings of late varieties of white cabbage.

2. Open ground

6. What is the optimal time for planting seedlings of late white cabbage varieties?

4. June 25 – July 10

7. Name the characteristic features of green vegetable crops.

4. In the first year, flower-bearing stems are cut

8. What is the name of the sevka fraction up to 0.7 cm in diameter?

3. Oatmeal

9. Indicate the time for planting tomato seedlings in the summer-autumn culture of winter greenhouses (light zone 6).

10. Specify the optimal age of medium white cabbage seedlings (days).

Test #10

1. Name the vegetable crop of the cabbage production group.

1. Kohlrabi

2. Specify the life span of a parsnip.

2. Biennial

3. Which vegetable crop is more responsive to fresh manure application?

3. Broccoli

4. Name the geographical center of origin of celery.

3. Central Asian

5. Why harrowing of crops is carried out when growing vegetable crops, for:

3. Destruction of weeds in the phase of "strings"

2. Skvorushka

7. The maximum duration (hours) of soaking pea seeds before sowing is:

8. What is the average rate of vegetation irrigation of vegetable crops in Crimea (m3/ha)?

9. Specify the optimal time for planting tomato seedlings in winter-spring culture

(6 light zone).

10. Indicate the optimal age of late white cabbage seedlings (days).

Test #11

1. Which agrobiological group does coriander belong to?

1. Green

2. Specify the food organ of the katran.

3. Early autumn plowing for vegetable crops begins with:

3. Peeling

4. Which vegetables are salt tolerant?

5. In what crops is the pinching of the apical bud carried out when growing them in open ground?

6. The culture has a root and leaf variety:

2. Parsley

7. Indicate the seeding rate (kg/ha) of zucchini culture.

8. Indicate the rate of provocative irrigation (m3/ha).

9. The optimal age of eggplant seedlings for open ground is, (days):

10. Indicate the time for planting cucumber seedlings in spring culture in film heated greenhouses (light zone 6).

Test #12

1. What is the Latin name for watermelon?

1. Cucumis meloL.

3. Citrullus vulgaris Schrad.

2. To which botanical family does lettuce belong?

3. Asters

3. Name the food organ of cauliflower.

2. Inflorescences

4. Name a vegetable that reproduces only sexually.

4. Onion batun

5. Indicate the optimal time for planting pepper seedlings in the Crimea.

6. What varieties of onions are more effective for forcing?

3. Multigerm

7. Name the brand of the seeder intended for planting cassette seedlings.

8. What is the seeding rate of sweet corn seeds (kg/ha).

9. The optimal age of early white cabbage seedlings is (days):

10. Specify the time for planting tomato seedlings in the extended culture of winter greenhouses (light zone 6)?

Test #13

1. Name the fruit of white cabbage.

4. Pod

2. What class does the onion crop belong to?

1. Monocots

3. Which agrobiological group does physalis belong to?

1. Fruit

4. What is the sowing depth (cm) of melon seeds?

5. What vegetable crop can be grown with a ribbon-nested planting scheme?

7. Specify the most optimal scheme for sowing lettuce seeds (cm).

8. What crop is grown during spring and summer sowing and planting?

1. Carrot

9. Specify the place for growing seedlings of vegetable crops for open ground.

3. Greenhouses, nurseries, film greenhouses;

10. Indicate the time for planting tomato seedlings in the spring culture of film heated greenhouses (light zone 6).

2. What type of fruit does a radish have?

1. Pod

3. Indicate the center of origin of corn.

2. South American

4. To which botanical family does lettuce chicory belong?

2. Asters

5. What is the most effective sowing method for growing onions?

2. Broadband

6. Indicate the seeding rate of squash (kg/ha).

7. Specify the sowing depth of small-seeded vegetable crops (cm).

8. Indicate the application rate of treflana herbicide (kg AI/ha) when growing tomatoes in a seedless way.

9. What is the optimal phase for picking seedlings?

4. cotyledons and the beginning - the formation of the 1st true leaf.

10. Indicate the time for planting cucumber seedlings in the spring culture of film unheated greenhouses (light zone 6).

Test #15

1. Of the listed vegetable crops, the Astrov family includes:

4. Tarragon

2. Name the food organ of the katran.

3. What production and biological group does vegetable peas belong to?

1. Fruit

4. What botanical class does rhubarb belong to?

2. Dicotyledons

5. Indicate a vegetable crop that can be effectively grown with organic fertilizers.

2. Cauliflower

6. Name a salt-tolerant crop that tolerates salt concentrations up to 1%.

7. Crops, which crops are prohibited from being treated with herbicides?

8. Indicate the seeding rate of dill for greens (kg/ha).

9. What is the standard greenhouse frame size?

3. 160x106 cm

10. Indicate the time for planting cucumber seedlings under film frame shelters (light zone 6).

Test #16

1. What botanical family does lettuce belong to?

1. Asters

2. Specify the food organ of kohlrabi cabbage.

4. Stem crops

3. Which vegetable crop has qualitative changes in the second year?

2. Carrot

4. Specify which phase annual vegetable crops do not have in the vegetative period.

1. Resting phase

5. What is the most optimal sowing scheme for growing late varieties of white cabbage with a seedless growing method?

4. 70x65-70 cm

6. Indicate at what concentration of CO2 in the soil the germination of seeds of vegetable plants stops.

7. Specify the most productive varieties of garlic in the conditions of the south of Ukraine.

4. Kharkiv purple

8. Name the most common pests of tomato in the open field.

1. Colorado potato beetle

9. Specify the most effective place for growing vegetable seedlings for winter greenhouses.

1. In winter seedling greenhouses and seedlings;

10. Indicate the time for planting tomato seedlings in the spring culture of non-heated film greenhouses (light zone 6).

Test #17

1. Indicate to which botanical family mustard leaf belongs.

2. Cabbage

2. Name a vegetable crop that has an inflorescence "extra-axillary curl".

3. At what depth is it desirable to carry out pre-sowing tillage when growing tomatoes in a seedless way (cm)?

4. Name the climatic factor.

1. Relative humidity and air composition

5. Name the morphological feature of tomato culture.

4. Forms a taproot or fibrous root system, depending on the method of cultivation

6. At what ripeness is the cucumber harvested?

2. Technical

7. Specify the optimal scheme for sowing onion seeds when growing from seeds.

3. (60+40+40) x5 cm

8. Indicate the age of seedlings of onion culture when grown in open ground.

4. 60-70 days

9. What is the optimal film thickness for heated spring greenhouses?

2. 0.18-0.20mm

10. Indicate the timing of planting cucumber seedlings in greenhouses (light zone 6).

1. The second crop after seedlings of early white cabbage;

Test #18

1. Specify the science-based rate of consumption of cucumber fruits (kg/year).

2. Specify the culture belonging to the class of monocots.

3. Slime onion

3. To which family do carrots belong?

3. Celery

4. Specify the phase of the reproductive period.

4. Budding


3. Eggplant

6. Seeds of what vegetable crops remain viable for 8-10 years?

7. What is the most optimal scheme for sowing carrot seeds?

3. (50+20)x3 cm

8. Specify preparations for combating peronosporosis on onion crops.

1. Avixil

9. What areThe main structural elements of an in-depth greenhouse?

2. foundation pit, greenhouse frame, piping;

10. Indicate the time for planting tomato seedlings under film frame shelters (light zone 6).

Test #19

1. Name the center of origin of garlic.

1. Central Asian

2. What factor is biotic?

2. Conditions that develop around cultivated plants of natural macro- and microflora and fauna

3. Indicate plants that absorb water well, but use it sparingly.

4. Carrot

4. Name a frost-resistant vegetable plant.

4. Onion batun

5. What types of harvesting are used for tomato?

4. Combined

6. Indicate the most optimal scheme for placing lettuce plants (cm).

2. (50+20)x15-20

7. Specify the planting depth of the onion sets (cm).

8. Specify the most common variety or hybrid of Brussels sprouts.

3. Filimon F1

9. What is the optimum film thickness for insulated ground structures?

3. 0.06-0.08mm

10. What is the optimal soil density for growing cucumber seedlings, g/cm3?

Test #20

1. What botanical family do carrots belong to?

4. Celery

2. What production and biological group do squash belong to?

3. Fruit

3. Name a salt-tolerant vegetable crop (can withstand the concentration of soil solution up to 1%).

1. Eggplant

4. Seeds of which vegetable crop remain viable for no more than one year?

2. Pasternak

5. Name the sowing rate (kg/ha) of table beet.

6. What kind of root system do tomato plants form with a seedless growing method?

3. Rod

7. Specify the scheme of sowing seeds (cm) of beans.

2. (50+20)x10-12

8. What drugs are used to combat cruciferous flea on cabbage plants?

4. Valaton

9. What is the optimal film thickness for greenhouses and spring greenhouses without heating?

2. 0.10-0.15mm

10. What groups are greenhouse soils divided into?

4. Organic, organomineral, mineral.

Test #21

1. What botanical family does winter radish belong to?

3. Cabbage

2. Name the center of origin of vegetable peas.

1. Abyssinian

3. Indicate a vegetable plant in which the flower stem and seeds are formed in the second year.

2. Leek

4. Name a medium-salt-resistant crop (tolerates salinity up to 0.4-0.6%).

5. Seeds of which vegetable crop remain viable for up to 4-5 years?

4. Celery

6. From what part of the seedling is the main part of the beet root formed?

2. Hypodontal knee

7. Name the most optimal time for planting potatoes during spring cultivation.

8. Indicate the required number of seeds for the seedling method of growing sweet pepper.

2. 0.8-0.9 kg/ha

9. What is the inventory area of ​​a building?

2. The total area along the inner perimeter of the base of the structure;

10. What is used as a substrate in ionoponics?

3. Catonite, anion exchanger;

Test #22

1. Which botanical family does lettuce chicory belong to?

1. Asters

2. Name the center of origin of rhubarb.

2. Mediterranean

3. The result of human activity - tools, machines, fertilization, pesticides, pinching refers to the factors:

4. Anthropogenic

4. Which vegetable crops require hilling?

5. Indicate a culture with low moisture requirements.

1 sweet corn

6. Indicate the seeding rate (kg/ha) of zucchini.

7. Which vegetable crop can withstand high soil acidity (Ph 5.0-4. S)?

8. What drug is used against wireworm, beetle and Colorado potato beetle when growing potatoes?

4. Prestige

9. Which glass is suitable for covering greenhouses?

2. Sheet window glass 4 mm thick;

10. What is used as a substrate in aggregoponics?

1. Granite crushed stone, gravel, expanded clay, perlite;

Test #23

1. Specify the lifespan of watercress.

1. Annual

2. Specify the food organ of basil.

2. Leaves and stems

3. How much water do beet seeds require to germinate?

4. How many years do seeds of vegetable crops of the celery family remain viable?

5. Specify the seeding depth of spinach plants in the open field.

6. What varieties of onions are most effective for forcing

3. Multigerm

7. Indicate the optimal time for sowing carrots during the summer sowing period.

8. Indicate the potential yield of a tomato crop.

4. over 100 t/ha

9. What is the fence area of ​​the greenhouse?

1. The total area of ​​​​the entire coverage (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof, walls, basement);

10. What is used as a substrate in chemoponics?

1. Peat, straw, coconut;

Test #24

1. Name the vegetable crops of the Asteraceae family.

1. Artichoke

2. Specify the life span of shallot plants.

2. Biennial

3. Which vegetable crop requires higher doses of phosphate fertilizers?

4. Name a salt-tolerant vegetable crop that can withstand salt concentrations in the range of 0.1-0.4%.

5. Seeds of what vegetable crops remain viable for 4-5 years?

4. Cabbage

6. What vegetable crops absorb water well and use it intensively?

2. Beetroot

7. What is the duration of soaking tomato seeds?

8. Name the most common variety of sweet pepper.

3. Ivanhoe

9. What is the construction area of ​​the structure?

1. The area along the outer perimeter of the base of the structure;

10. What is used in aeroponics as a substrate?

3. Lack of substrate;

Test #25

1. Indicate to which botanical family does garden savory belong?

4. Lamiaceae

2. What production and biological group does spinach belong to?

4. Green

3. Specify a frost-resistant vegetable crop.

2. Onion batun

4. Indicate a vegetable crop that is moderately demanding for moisture.

5. Specify the most optimal sowing depth for melon seeds (cm).

6. Indicate the scheme of placement of plants of short climbing varieties of watermelon (cm).

7. Indicate the rate of application of the herbicide treflan when growing tomatoes in seedlings (kg of AI per 1 ha).

8. Indicate the most common variety of onion.

4. Chalcedony

9. What is the usable area of ​​a cultivation facility?

2. The general surface on which plants can be grown;

10. Agrotechnical measure "stepping" is:

2. Removal of side shoots;

Test #26

1. What production and biological group does pepper belong to?

4. Fruit

2. Specify the vegetable crop belonging to the class of monocots.

1. Leek

3. Which vegetable crop has qualitative changes in the second year of life?

3. Brussels sprouts

4. Name a vegetable crop that weakly absorbs water, but consumes it sparingly.

5. Specify the most optimal scheme for planting mid-season varieties of white cabbage (cm).

6. Specify a vegetable crop that reproduces sexually and vegetatively.

2. Onion batun

7. How much water is needed for watermelon seeds to germinate?

8. Specify the optimal time for planting seedlings of pepper and eggplant.

9. The agrotechnical measure "blinding" is:

1. Removal of side shoots and buds from leaf axils;

10. What is the classification of greenhouses according to the method of heating:

1. Biological, technical;

Test #27

1. Specify the center of origin of small-fruited cucumber.

1. Indian

2. What is called phylogeny?

3. The process from birth to the end of the life of each individual

3. What vegetable crops poorly absorb water and spend it uneconomically?

4. Specify the disadvantages of the broadband method of sowing (planting).

3. Mechanical weed control is difficult.

5. What are the largest seeds of cabbage?

2. Medium

6. What inflorescence does the pepper have?

4. Single flowers

7. Which tomato planting scheme is most effective in a one-time mechanized harvest?

3. (100+40)x25-30 cm

8. What sevok in diameter (cm) belongs to the first class?

9. What is chemoponics?

2. Growing plants on organic substrates;

10. What is the classification of greenhouses according to the terms of use:

3. Early, late, middle;

Test #28

1. What is the Latin name for vegetable peas.

3. Pisum sativum

2. Name the food organ of perennial vegetable crops.

3. Name a vegetable crop grown mainly in seedlings.

2. Sweet varieties of onions

4. Indicate the optimal time for planting potatoes during the spring growing period.

5. Specify the optimal age of seedlings of Brussels sprouts.

2. 55-60 days

6. Specify the most common tomato pest.

3. Cotton scoop

7. What types of harvesting are used for radishes?

2. Selective

8. Specify the most common varieties of potatoes in the conditions of the Crimea.

2. Slavyanka

9. What are winter greenhouses according to the method of cultivation?

4. Soil, hydroponic, rack, rackless.

10. Aggregatoponics is:

1. Growing plants on solid loose substrates;

Test #29

1. Give the Latin name for fennel.

4. Focniculum vulgare Mill.

2. Name the cents of the origin of the tomato.

1. South American

3. Specify an average salt-tolerant vegetable plant that can withstand a salt concentration in the range of 0.4-0.6%.

4. Which vegetable crop absorbs water well, but uses it sparingly?

5. What vegetable crop can withstand the pH of the soil solution - 4.5-5?

6. What amount of planting material is required for planting potatoes, t/ha?

7. Specify the sowing depth of onion seeds when grown in an annual crop.

8. Specify the most optimal scheme of sowing (planting) of tomato when grown using a set of working bodies PPR-5.4.

4. 140x15-20 cm.

9. Aeroponics is:

4. Placement of plant roots in the air with periodic spraying of their nutrient solution.

10. Specify the purpose of the protected ground:

4. Growing seedlings, vegetables for production, growing plants, preserving seedlings, forcing the food organs of plants.

Test #30

1. Give the Latin name for watercress.

1. Lepidium sativum L.

2. What are called phenological phases?

1. Changes in signs in the process of phylogenesis associated with the growth and development of plants.

3. Which vegetable plant uses fruits in technical and biological ripeness for food?

4. How much carbon dioxide is contained in the air when growing vegetables in open ground?

5. What are the advantages of agrofibre compared to other polymeric materials in the cultivation of vegetables and potatoes?

2. Passes air and water

6. Specify the optimal age of seedlings of late-ripening varieties of white cabbage.

4. 45-55 days

7. Specify the row spacing for a band width of 24 cm and a base necklace of 1.4 m.

8. Name the most common variety of carrots in the Crimea.

9. Name the main types of closed ground:

2. Insulated soil, greenhouses, greenhouses, phytotrons;

10. Ionitoponics is:

4. Use as a substrate of cation exchanger and anion exchanger.

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