Boletus with a white hat. King among mushrooms: where to look for boletus and how to distinguish it from false species. Nutritional value and calories

Boletus mushroom is one of the most common species of the Boletov family. Among the most common types of boletus are white oak fungus (sometimes called netted boletus), bronze and girlish boletus. All these mushrooms have been eaten for a long time, and in our time they are delicacy, since the halo of their distribution has significantly decreased.

Below you will find a photo and description of the boletus mushroom, information about their places of growth and recommendations for the use of these mushrooms in cooking.

Hat of a bronze boletus (Boletus aereus) (diameter 6-16 cm): brown or brown, often almost black. It has the shape of a hemisphere, in old mushrooms it becomes flat.

Leg (height 6-12.5 cm): lighter than the cap, occasionally reddish. It has a cylindrical shape, less often club-shaped or barrel-shaped, dense and hard. Tapers slightly from bottom to top.

Tubular layer: light brown or beige, turning greenish when pressed. Depending on the age of the fungus, it can be creamy or yellowish in color. The pores are very small, rounded.

Pay attention to the photo and description of the boletus pulp: like the white oak fungus, it is white, dense and very fleshy.

When growing: from late May to early October in Europe and North America.

Where can I find: in deciduous warm forests (oak, beech, hornbeam).

Eating: has excellent taste properties in any form - boiled, fried, dried, salted.

Application in traditional medicine: does not apply.

Other names: dark bronze white mushroom, copper white mushroom, hornbeam white mushroom, chestnut white mushroom, oak mushroom, rudyak. The look of this species of boletus can be judged by its French name: in France, in addition to the traditional “bronze boletus”, the mushroom has a name, recently banned in European literature, “Negro's head” (tete de negre).

According to the description, the bronze boletus mushroom is similar to gall fungus(Tylopilus felleus), but its tubular layer has a pinkish tint.

Mushroom boletus maiden

As you can see in the photo, the mushroom boletus maiden(Boletus appendiculatus) has a hat with a diameter of 7-18 cm. Its color is brown-golden, less often with a reddish tinge, almost flat, sometimes slightly convex in the center. The edges are usually slightly bent inwards.

Leg (height 8-16 cm): lighter than the cap, along the entire length with a yellowish mesh, which is practically absent in old mushrooms. The lower part is strongly pointed.

Tubular layer: bright yellow.

Pay attention to the photo of the pulp of boletus: it has a lemon hue, when pressed or at the cut site, it turns a little blue. Very dense. Has a pleasant aroma.

Hat of the netted boletus (Boletus reticulatus) (diameter 7-25 cm): from yellow to brownish brown. In young mushrooms, it is hemispherical, becoming convex with time. Velvety to the touch.

Leg (height 3-11 cm): yellowish or light brown, lighter than the cap, usually with a network of small veins, but in young mushrooms it can be almost smooth. Tapers from bottom to top, thick, dense and fleshy.

Boletus mushroom can be found in coniferous forests and is most often called white mushroom by the people. This is one of the many species of the Boletaceae family.

The photo of the boletus mushroom shows a massive stocky leg that holds a thick round cap. Its leg is thickened, smooth or, on the contrary, fibrous, and the cap is velvet or smooth to the touch.

On the cut, the boletus is white or yellowish, then gradually turns red, or, rarely, remains white.

How and where does the boletus grow

Boletus can grow in almost any climatic conditions, anywhere in the world. It is possible to meet him alone and in small groups in coniferous and deciduous forests at the bases of trees. White fungus dislikes wet cover and grows on lichen or moss, usually at the base of mature trees.

Having found one copy, you need to carefully look at the place where the boletus mushroom grows - most often, its brothers are nearby.

It is available and relevant to grow a mushroom at home on your own, but this will require a lot of effort, patience and provide it with suitable conditions for growth and reproduction.

Previously, trees (spruce, birch or pine) must be planted on the site, since the boletus is closely related to their roots.

Breeding is available in the following ways:

  • Hats of mature specimens are cut into medium-sized slices and mixed with moist soil, then laid out under a tree.
  • A carefully dug mycelium from the forest is placed in recesses under the trees and covered with forest soil on top. The planted mycelium should be regularly moderately watered.
  • Finely chop the mushroom and soak in water for 24 hours, then strain well. The remaining infusion, which contains spores, is evenly poured under the roots of trees.

Regular watering and proper planting will help you get a crop the next year: first, the mushroom appears alone, then in groups of several at once.

Popular types of boletus mushroom

There are approximately 300 species in the boletus genus, almost all of them are edible:

  • Birch mushroom (white). The skin of the cap is either smooth or wrinkled, and remains light in color when cut. A thick barrel-shaped leg of a light brown hue with a white mesh at the top.

  • Oak fungus can be harvested for a long time (from May to October) in mixed forests. Its cap has a velvety structure of brown or yellow color. The leg is stocky and smooth to the touch.

  • A girlish boletus can be with a brown or red hat with a maximum diameter of 18 centimeters. The stem is usually lighter than the cap, its lower part is pointed.

Boletus value

Of all mushrooms, boletus is considered the king - not only attractive, but also the most delicious and healthy species. Its flesh is firm, aromatic with a sweet aftertaste. Its benefit is in the high protein content, so it is equated in composition with meat, but the calorie content is quite low - about 30 kcal.

The mushroom has a tonic, healing and antibacterial property, in addition to vitamins A, B and C.

Medicine successfully uses this product in the fight against tuberculosis, increasing the metabolism of the body as a whole, and even in the treatment of ulcers. You can cook boletus in any way possible: fry, pickle, stew and dry.

It is important to know that the boletus is able to absorb toxic chemical elements, so it should be collected away from industrial enterprises and in a forest strip that is away from the roadway.

It is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

Boletus cooking rules

Collected porcini mushrooms are recommended to be soaked in cold water for 60 minutes to separate unnecessary forest debris. Then carefully clean them of dirt and cut off possible damaged areas. It is better to immediately cut the mushroom into slices to check the internal cleanliness and rot.

Usually, mushroom pickers dry mushrooms, since this procedure preserves as much as possible all the beneficial properties that are successfully used in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

You can dry the crop:

In the traditional way - in the oven at + 50 degrees, laying out their slices on parchment, for about 7 hours.

It is important to do this with the oven door ajar, so the mushrooms will not give excess juice when heated.

In a microwave oven, which is set to a power of up to 180 watts for 20 minutes. This procedure should be repeated three times, with an interval for mixing and airing the product.

They are stored for quite a long time and, unlike their counterparts, retain their color and aroma. The photo shows a dry boletus.

To store dry mushrooms, it is better to choose a dry, ventilated place where one constant temperature is maintained in order to avoid mold and moisture in the product. It is better to keep them in a cardboard box or paper bag throughout the year of storage.

Boletus photo

White mushroom has a solid size and for this reason is especially loved by mushroom pickers. It belongs to the genus Boroviks. It has unique taste characteristics and characteristic aroma. There are a total of about 300 species of boletus. Among them you can find both edible and inedible options. Among all this diversity, 10 of the most common varieties can be distinguished.

Bronze boletus

This variety is found in the forests of Europe, especially the southern and western parts. Most often it grows in deciduous forests. Likes neighborhood with trees such as:

  • hornbeam;

Sometimes the gall fungus disguises itself as white. It is inedible and has an unpleasant aftertaste. You can recognize it by the top. The lower region of the white mushroom is white or yellowish, while the gall has a cap with a pinkish sheen. If you cut the pulp, the latter will have the same pink tint. In addition, his legs are covered with a dark mesh.

Grows in deciduous forests of Europe.

Krasivonozhkovy has a wrinkled matte hat. From above it has a lemon-yellow hue. The central part is red, turning into a brown shade. The flesh is bitter, turning blue on the cut. You can meet her in the mixed forests of the European part of Russia.

The beautiful one is distinguished by an olive-brown color, after cutting it turns blue. The bottom has a dark red coating. The satanic mushroom is characterized by yellowish flesh that turns blue or red when cut. The leg has the shape of a barrel, tapers from below. Grows in deciduous forests.

In the forests where white mushrooms grow, mostly sandy soils, but mushrooms can also be found on fertile soils. It is more common under birches, less often under oaks, prefers mature trees older than 20 years. It lives in the temperate and subarctic zones throughout Eurasia.

Ceps grow from the second half of June to the end of October, but in hot weather they begin to bear fruit in May, although the largest number of mushrooms is observed in the forest from mid-July to the very end of August. In the summer months, mushrooms grow singly, and in autumn - in small groups.

You can find porcini mushrooms where the forests are at least 50 years old - it is useless to look for them in young forests. Mushroom mushrooms are also found singly, but more often in groups, therefore, having found one mushroom, you need to carefully look around - there are probably several more growing nearby. White mushrooms grow in sparse places, warm and well lit, on the edges, glades, forest clearings, often where there are many forest anthills. The best time to collect white mushrooms, when they appear in large numbers, is the time of earing of cereals, although individual mushrooms can be found until late autumn. Depending on where porcini mushrooms grow, four varieties are distinguished - birch, spruce, pine and oak.

Nutritional value of porcini mushroom (boletus)

The nutritional value of the white fungus is very high - it belongs to the first category, it is very useful, nutritious, with excellent taste. It is called white because it does not turn black on the cut and when dried. It is used for boiling and frying, for pickling, drying and salting. When dried, it retains color and aroma.

White mushroom is a delicacy product that is used for preparing a wide variety of dishes: soups, main courses, salads, appetizers, sauces, pates, etc. It is prepared for the future in dried, salted, canned and pickled form.

However, the value of white fungus is not only in its taste. It is also able to stimulate the secretion of digestive juices. It should be noted that the boletus in terms of nutrient content differs markedly from other mushrooms.

Despite all its positive qualities, it is noticeably inferior to the boletus in terms of the presence of proteins, and the chanterelle and morel in terms of the content of trace elements such as phosphorus and potassium. It should also be noted that the digestibility of protein after drying the white fungus increases by 80%. Dried mushroom has its own special flavor, so its powder is often used as a seasoning for various dishes.

White fungus also has other useful qualities: tonic, anti-infective, wound healing, antitumor. Thanks to the lecithin contained in the mushroom, it is useful for anemia and atherosclerosis, liver and kidney diseases, and eye pathologies. It has a positive effect on the immune system, helps break down glycogens and fats, remove excess cholesterol from the body.

White mushrooms growing under different trees have different cap colors. The darkest porcini mushrooms vegetate under the spruce, and the mushrooms growing under the pine have a beautiful red-brown hat.

What does the cap and leg of a porcini mushroom look like

The hat of the boletus is dry, smooth,
The lower tubular part of the cap is white at first

The cap of a young porcini mushroom is spherical, with age it becomes hemispherical, sometimes flat. The lower tubular part of the cap is white at first, then yellow or yellow-greenish, with small rounded pores, occupies from one to two thirds of the cap thickness. And what is the size of the cap of the porcini mushroom? As a rule, the diameter of the mushroom cap does not exceed 7–8 cm, but if you are lucky, you can meet a giant with a headdress up to 30 cm in diameter.

The tubules are white at first, then become yellowish-greenish or yellowish-olive. The leg is thick, thickened below, with a mesh pattern. With age, it lengthens and becomes pear-shaped or cylindrical with a club-shaped swelling below, a small white mesh pattern is noticeable on it. Sometimes it is present only in the upper part of the leg. Usually its color matches the color of the hat, only a little lighter. The height of the stem is about 20 cm, and the diameter is 5–7 cm. The flesh of the fruiting body is white, dense, odorless and with a nutty taste. In the place of the cut, the color does not change.

Borovik Rooting in the photo
(Boletus radicans) is inedible!

Boletus rooting (Boletus radicans) inedible! Hat up to 30 cm, matte, white, gray-ocher or with blue stains from damage. The cap is smooth or scaly due to cracking during growth. The tubular layer is lemon yellow, then olive green. Due to damage, a blue color may be present. Leg yellowish, thick, swollen, club-shaped. The flesh of the leg is solid, without cavities. The flesh is lemon-yellow, bitter with a slight odor, turning blue in the air.

It grows in mixed or deciduous forests under oaks or birches, sometimes in the grass at a considerable distance from the trees. Prefers calcareous or neutral soil.

The mushroom bears fruit in August and September in the form of large groups of mushrooms.

The rooting boletus can be confused with the edible blue gyroporus mushroom (Gyroporus cyanesis). How to distinguish white fungus he gyrovorus? Gyroporus radicans has air cavities inside the stem and, unlike Boletus radicans, has a good taste.

The mushroom is not poisonous, but the bitterness of the rooting boletus is so great and unpleasant that, having got to edible mushrooms, this mushroom will spoil any dish.

Borovik Yellow in the photo

Boletus yellow (Boletus impolitus) has a hat from 4 to 20 cm in diameter, grayish-yellow or yellow-brown. Pores yellowish, yellow, olive with age. Spores 12-14x4-6 µm, yellowish. The spore mass is olive-brown.

Pay attention to the photo - in the white mushroom (boletus) of this species, the leg is dirty yellow, sometimes brown-red to the base, granular, without a grid:

The pulp is dense, yellowish, yellow above the tubules, when cut, its color does not change, it tastes good.

Distributed in Polissya, Carpathian and Forest-steppe. Grows in deciduous and mixed forests, under oak. Fruiting: July - October.

A very good edible mushroom. Used fresh, pickled, can be dried.

The similarities and differences are the same as those of the white fungus.

White Steppe mushroom in the photo
The cap of the steppe mushroom has a flat-convex shape

White steppe mushroom - edible, lamellar. Grows in groups. Places of growth - the steppe regions of Central Asia, Uzbekistan, the Caucasus. The first mushrooms appear in early spring, but the peak of fruiting occurs in mid-summer.

White steppe mushroom fully justifies its name: its entire fruiting body is painted even white. In young mushrooms, the cap has a flat-convex shape, but with age it becomes funnel-shaped or acquires a slight depression in the center. The cap diameter is 6–8 cm. On its inner side there are descending plates containing colorless spores of an elongated oval shape. The stem of the fungus is straight, even, slightly narrowed at the bottom. The pulp is fleshy, dense, juicy, almost odorless.

Spruce white mushroom has a brown, reddish-brown or chestnut-brown hat and a long stem. It grows in spruce forests from the second half of July to the end of August.

Pine forest with mushrooms
Pine porcini mushroom in the photo

Pine porcini mushroom(boletus) has a dark brown hat with a reddish tint and a short thick leg. Grows in pine forests from mid-June to mid-October.

Oak forest with mushrooms
Oak white mushroom in the photo

Oak porcini mushroom has a grayish-brown cap and a long stem, as well as looser flesh than previous varieties. Grows in oak forests from early July to early October.

Birch grove with mushrooms
Birch porcini mushroom in the photo

birch porcini mushroom can be recognized by a light brown or yellowish-brown hat and a short tuberous leg. It grows in birch forests from early July to mid-October.

Here you can see photos of porcini mushrooms, the description of which is presented above:

White mushroom pine (Boletus pinicola) in the photo

The next section of the article is devoted to how to grow porcini mushrooms in the garden.

How to plant and how to grow porcini mushrooms in a country house or garden plot (with video)

Borovik has always been considered the king of all mushrooms. It is quite difficult to grow it, since it belongs to the group of mycorrhizal fungi that vegetate in symbiosis with tree roots. Therefore, the conditions for growing porcini mushrooms should be similar to the conditions under which they live in the wild.

In the photo, white mushrooms in the country
Pictured are porcini mushrooms in the garden

Mushrooms love moderately moist and light clearings, but not under the open rays of the sun. Boletus will not grow in dark places. Also, the porcini fungus does not tolerate the neighborhood with some herbs, such as fern and hoof. Before growing porcini mushrooms on the site, all these factors should be considered.

If you have appropriate trees in your garden plot, then you can easily start growing porcini fungus on an industrial scale. In artificial conditions, without trees, no one has yet been able to grow this mushroom.

Before planting porcini mushrooms in the country, you need to prepare special beds. To do this, a pit 2 m wide and 30 cm deep is dug on the selected site. It is filled with a special mixture, which is prepared in advance. Fallen oak leaves are harvested in the spring and mixed with rotten oak wood and clean horse dung. Both oak wood and horse manure must be added to the leaves in a ratio of 5% of their volume. First, leaves are laid in a layer of about 20 cm, a little horse manure and rotten wood are poured and watered with a 1% solution of ammonium nitrate.

Then lay exactly the same new layer. Thus, several layers are performed. After 7-10 days, the mixture should warm up to 40 ° C. At this point, it must be mixed so that it becomes a homogeneous mass. After a month, the mixture is ready and it is laid in a pit in the form of layers 10–12 cm thick. Each is sprinkled with a layer of garden soil 6–8 cm thick. The entire thickness of the bed is about 50 cm. In the middle it is made higher so that water rolls off it.

When growing porcini mushrooms in a personal plot, the mycelium should not be poured too much with water, it may die; but in dry autumn it should be moistened with a watering can or sprayer. Growing and caring for the mycelium consists of periodic watering during dry summers. Water preferably early in the morning. It is not necessary to apply mineral fertilizers. Solitary mushrooms appear the next year after planting, and a good harvest is taken 2 years after sowing. Under one tree you can get a bucket of harvest. When picking mushrooms, they should be carefully cut, leaving the remains of the stem so as not to damage the mycelium.

This video demonstrates how to grow porcini mushrooms in the country:

In the photo, growing porcini mushrooms in a personal plot

There are several ways to plant the mycelium of porcini mushrooms. In the first method, overripe porcini mushrooms are collected and poured with rainwater in a wooden bowl. This mixture is left for a day. Then mix well and filter through a rare tissue. As a result of this procedure, many porcini spores remain in the water. They sink to the bottom. For their germination, you can add a little baker's yeast to the water. Then gently remove the foam with a spoon and drain the upper part of the clear liquid, and place the rest of the solution with spores in the light. You can drain the remaining liquids from different containers into one. After a week, the upper part of the clear liquid is carefully drained, and the settled suspension is poured into bottles and stored in the refrigerator. This suspension can be used for a whole year, but it is better to use it within the first month, since it is at this time that the spores remain viable. This mixture is poured over the prepared bed, and the top layer of soil is first removed.

You can also pour the mixture around selected trees. First, carefully, without damaging the roots of the trees, remove the layer of soil. This is done in order to expose the roots of the trees. Then pour them with a suspension and cover with earth again. Pour the suspension at the rate of 400 g for every 30 cm2. After that, the soil should be plentifully watered with 4-5 buckets of water.

In the second method of growing porcini mushrooms in the country, the mycelium is harvested in places where porcini mushrooms grow. Why are soil layers 20 X 30 cm in size and 10–15 cm thick cut out around the fungus. Then they are cut into several parts and planted in a bed or in a chosen place so that there is a layer of earth 5–7 cm thick above them. moisten a little and cover with leaves and shields so that they are always wet.

Ceps should be sown under the same trees under which the planting material was taken. It has been noticed that mushrooms grow better under trees that are 15–25 years old.

You can sow the mycelium in another way. Why overripe caps of porcini mushrooms are cut into small pieces and mixed with a small amount of soil. Then moisturize it a bit. You can also sow slightly dried mushroom caps. They are laid out on a bed and watered. After 5-6 days they are removed - the spores, together with water, have already penetrated the soil. You can put pieces of the cap under the top layer of soil.

It is better to sow mycelium in September.

Boletus (boletus, boletus) (lat. Boletus) is a genus of mushrooms that belong to the kingdom of mushrooms, the department of basidiomycetes, the class of agaricomycetes, the order of boletes, the family of boletes. The name literally translates as "mushroom growing in coniferous forests." White fungus, one of the most common species of the boletaceae family, is often called boletus.

Boletus mushroom - description and photo. What does a boletus look like?

Mushrooms have a massive body, consisting of a cap and a very thick leg. The round cap of the boletus often has the shape of a pillow. To the touch, it can be velvety or completely smooth. The stem of the mushroom has a characteristic thickening at the bottom or in the middle. The surface of the leg is fibrous or covered with a mesh of scales, sometimes even. The flesh of the boletus is white or lemon in color, often turns blue on the cut, very rarely red or remains white.

The pores of the fungus are yellow, red, sometimes white. Spore powder has a brown color of different tones.

What is the difference between white mushroom and boletus

In Russia, mushroom picking is one of the most rewarding off-season hobbies. Eating foods of this kind replenishes the supply of protein and vitamins. In addition, mushroom preparations are perfectly stored all winter. However, there is a danger of not recognizing the variety of the fungus. So, even experienced mushroom pickers do not always know how the white mushroom differs from the mushroom.

In fact, there is no difference between porcini mushroom and boletus - these are two names for the same mushroom. Outwardly, it is not difficult to distinguish porcini mushrooms from others. The hat of a young boletus is pressed to the leg, later it opens with an umbrella. The diameter of the cap can reach 25 cm. Of course, if possible, the mushroom will outgrow these dimensions, but then it becomes unsuitable for food. In natural light, the cap of the porcini mushroom has a dark brown or almost black color. Mushrooms grown in shady places (under branches, leaves, needles) may have a light beige cap color. The flesh of the cap is white, slightly sweet in taste, with an appetizing smell of slightly toasted nuts.

The stem of a young white fungus is thick, barrel-shaped, becoming cylindrical as it grows. The color of the legs is light with a thin mesh pattern. On this basis, it is easy to distinguish the boletus from the Polish mushroom and the satanic mushroom, which are similar in other parameters. The height of the boletus leg is different: in mushrooms grown in shaded places, it is longer.

The average weight of a white fungus is from 600 to 2600 grams. Occasionally come across giants weighing up to 7 kg.

White fungus grows in deciduous and coniferous forests. Sometimes boletus can be found in heather thickets - heaths. The first fruit bodies of the white fungus appear in mid-May - early June. The period of mass collection of mushrooms is the beginning of September. At this time, under favorable weather conditions, porcini mushrooms appear immediately in whole "families" - several dozen in one limited place. It is not uncommon for experienced mushroom pickers to find such clusters of porcini mushrooms, where there were up to two hundred of them. White mushrooms grow quite quickly. New fruiting bodies may appear 2-3 days after harvest. In smaller numbers, mushrooms continue to grow until mid-November.

In terms of nutritional and taste qualities, the content of vitamins, the porcini mushroom surpasses all other mushrooms. It belongs to the first category and is eaten fresh and salted. Also white fungus is ideal for drying. In the composition of mushrooms, antibiotics were found that are deadly for Koch's bacillus (the causative agent of tuberculosis). It is also believed that porcini mushrooms contain anticancer substances.


  1. White mushroom and boletus are two names for the same mushroom.
  2. The porcini mushroom has a sweetish, with an appetizing smell of slightly toasted nuts, flesh.
  3. The average weight of a white fungus is from 600 to 2600 grams.
  4. White fungus grows in deciduous and coniferous forests.
  5. The period of mass collection of mushrooms is the beginning of September.
  6. White mushroom belongs to the first category and is eaten fresh and salted.
  7. White mushroom is ideal for drying.

Where do mushrooms grow

Mushrooms belong to one of the most common mushrooms in the world. They can be found all over the globe, except for Australia and Antarctica, because their main condition is a temperate climate zone.

Mushrooms most often live in coniferous forests (after all, this is where their name comes from), but it is very likely to meet them in mixed as well as deciduous forests.

Mushrooms should be looked for, first of all, under spruce and pine. No less, these mushrooms like to settle under chestnut, beech, hornbeam and oak. If you're lucky, you can find them next to birch trees, as well as near juniper thickets. Mushrooms grow mainly in groups, but there are also single specimens.

The mushroom very rarely lives in the tundra and forest-tundra, but in the northern taiga it is possible to collect a large number of excellent mushrooms. And if on the territory of the forest-steppe these delicious mushrooms come across to mushroom pickers less and less, then in the steppe they are no longer at all. Also, the fertility of boletus mushrooms is greatly reduced when moving from lowland forests to mountainous areas.

When do mushrooms appear

The mycelium of the fungus begins to grow from early spring to late autumn.

Since air temperature and humidity play a huge role in the appearance of a sufficient amount of these delicious gifts of nature, it is most likely to meet them on small sunny lawns, on the edges and abandoned paths. Since mushrooms react negatively to high temperatures and lack of rain, in a dry summer you should not hope for their high yields.

Cultivation of mushrooms

Few people know that they can be grown on a simple garden bed, without using special complex techniques, without special greenhouses, basements, lighting and moisture. First you need to prepare a special soil, any cottage, garden, land is suitable for this.

We lay horse manure on the selected area with a layer of 10-15 centimeters, fill it with a thoroughly mixed mixture of the following composition: 1 part of clay, 4 parts of black soil, 2 parts of overripe hardwood sawdust and 3 parts of overripe leaves.

Further. Or we buy mushroom mycelium (fortunately, now it is sold in Semena stores), or we go into the forest and find mature mushrooms, cut off the hats and turn them over with a tubular part on paper. After 1-2 days, the same mycelium remains on paper - tiny seeds of mushrooms. One medium-sized mushroom is enough for 3 square meters (a hat is about 15-20 centimeters).

Caution, because the seeds scatter from the slightest breath of the breeze, we transfer the seeds to the garden, cover them with rotten leaves. Do not let the mushrooms dry out by watering them with water at room temperature in dry weather. Also, as an additional overseeding, you can soak the overripe mushroom caps in water for 2-3 days, and when they completely “spread” into threads, water the territory with them.

When mushrooms sprout depends on the weather and the amount of rain, but the seedlings are friendly and even. During the season, up to 100 mushrooms can be collected from 1 square meter.

Mushrooms bear fruit for up to ten years or longer in one place, although for this they need to be fed annually for the winter with a mixture of horse manure and leaf humus. It is also necessary to leave 1-2 mushrooms per meter until fully ripened.

Almost all mushroom pickers know that mushrooms should not be cut, but twisted. this can lead to damage to the mycelium.

Mushrooms are obtained as if for selection, even, beautiful, of the highest grade. They do not require any care throughout the year, except for watering during particularly dry periods. Such mushrooms literally "scatter" in the markets. Restaurants are after them. So if you start growing boletus at home, you will not be left without profit!

White mushroom - boletus, what properties does it conceal?

Among the variety of varieties of mushrooms, there are more and less useful species. So, some varieties have exclusively negative properties, which are very bad, painful, and in some cases even fatally can affect a person, in other cases, useful varieties only bring benefits to a person’s life. Today, we will talk specifically about a useful mushroom - porcini mushroom, which is better known as boletus. The white mushroom has a large, fleshy cap, as well as a relatively thick stem. The mushroom cap can be either light or dark in color, it depends on its age, and in no case does it depend on whether it is harmful or not. Because many people, when they see a dark mushroom cap, immediately begin to fear, so do not panic. Also, the color of the cap may depend on where the mushrooms grow. For example, a boletus growing in a pine forest may have a darker hat than a mushroom growing in a birch grove.

White mushroom - boletus, has a lot of other names, but it is with this name that it is most famous. It is known that mushrooms of this variety can grow to impressive sizes, up to 30 cm in height. Also, often white fungus is confused with mushrooms that are not intended for consumption. Most often, the subject of this confusion is the gall fungus. However, it is quite simple to distinguish them - the boletus has a yellowish or slightly greenish surface at the bottom of the cap, while in the gall fungus this surface has a simply polluted appearance. In addition, there is a mesh pattern on the leg of an inedible mushroom, and its flesh is bitter enough to understand that it should not be consumed. While boletus can be easily consumed even raw. Well, let's talk directly about the white fungus and what useful properties it can bring to the human body.

Calories and nutritional value of mushroom

It is worth noting the calorie content of mushrooms, since it is only 22 kcal, of course, per 100 g of product. Interestingly, pickled mushrooms contain the same number of calories, but dried mushrooms contain about 280 kcal, which means that in dried form this mushroom becomes very nutritious, and in addition, it contains a large amount of proteins. So, the nutritional value is: 4 g of protein, 1.5 g of fat and only 1.1 g of carbohydrates.

Useful properties of boletus

But, we will dwell in more detail on the beneficial properties of the mushroom, as this is a key step in revealing the secrets to this product. Here, it is impossible not to note the useful composition, because of which the boletus is of high value. So, it contains a high content of vitamin A, as well as vitamin B1. Present in white fungus and vitamin C, as well as a large amount of vitamin D. More than in other products, mushrooms contain a substance such as riboflavin. This is a substance, a compound that is responsible for nail health and growth , as well as for hair growth and the formation of new skin cells, respectively, and the skin. Also, riboflavin is very important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland - if it is healthy, you can already get rid of many diseases.

Porcini mushrooms have a very aromatic and specific taste, but in addition, they are also known for being able to stimulate secretion in the stomach, thereby stimulating the secretion of gastric juice. By the way, mushrooms stimulate the production of juice much more effectively than fried meat. Since mushrooms contain a high content of sulfur, as well as various polysaccharides, porcini mushrooms can help in the fight against cancer. Also, among other things, boletus has anti-infective and disinfecting effects. In addition, boletus has a tonic effect on the body.

The composition of mushrooms also includes a special ester - the so-called lecithin, which in turn prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the blood and on the walls of blood vessels, which is very useful in case of atherosclerosis and anemia. Amino acids contained in mushrooms support the processes of tissue and cell renewal. The main amino acid that helps with this is ergothioneine, and it is also good for the eyes and liver, and also for the bone marrow and kidney function. Present in boletus and glucan. This is a special type of carbohydrate, which is also a potent antioxidant, having a significant and serious impact on the body's immunity, preventing the penetration of various bacteria and viruses into it, other carcinogens, as well as fungi. The composition of white mushrooms also contains enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of body fat and glycogen.

It is very important to know the information that mushrooms are a source of proteins that have a positive effect on the body. In general, mushrooms are a heavy food that is difficult for the body to digest and process. Therefore, it is necessary to use them, firstly, slowly, and secondly, in moderation. It is best to use mushrooms together with juicy vegetables, boiled or fried (by the way, fried mushrooms are more difficult for the body than boiled ones). For example, mushrooms are also well digested as an additive to soups.

In particular, the white mushroom boletus is used as a medicine for diseases such as tuberculosis and loss of strength, with metabolic disorders and indigestion in the body. Dried mushrooms contain a special alkaloid called hercedin. It is most often used during the treatment of angina pectoris. With the help of aqueous extracts based on boletus, they cope with ulcers and frostbite.

As for dried mushrooms, in fairness it should be noted that such mushrooms retain their taste and nutritional qualities very well. In addition, they are successfully used in the prevention of tumor diseases.

Harmful qualities of white fungus

Of course, everyone knows that even the most edible mushrooms can pose some threat to the body. Also, many of us are aware that mushrooms have a very strong degree of sorption, that is ability to absorb toxic and radioactive substances , absorption of cesium and strontium, mercury, lead and other chemical elements. That is why, sometimes you should beware of mushrooms collected near roads and highways, industrial facilities and those places where you are sure that it is contaminated. Another thing is the use of mushrooms purchased in stores. Such mushrooms are grown in special greenhouses - special rooms and basements, where these mushrooms are not afraid of pollution.

Also, it is recommended to use mushrooms for young children, since their digestive system is still too vulnerable and weak, and sometimes cannot cope with heavy food - the shell of the fungus, which is practically not affected by the child's gastric juice. Therefore, limit the nutrition of mushrooms to children under the age of 10-12 years. And only with the onset of this age, you can begin to allow the use of mushrooms, however, this must be done gradually, starting with young mushrooms and ending with well-ripened samples.

The most common types of mushrooms

Burroughs Boletus (Boletus barrowsii)

The diameter of the Burroughs mushroom cap ranges from 7 to 25 centimeters. The shape of the cap can be either flat or convex. The color of the skin can be from white to gray and yellow-brown.

The height of the legs reaches 10-25 centimeters, and the width is 2-4 centimeters. The leg is club-shaped, white in color, its surface is mesh.

The pulp is dense, whitish in color with a sweetish taste. The thickness of the tubular layer is 2-3 centimeters. With age, the tubules change from white to yellowish green. Spore powder of brown-olive color, spindle-shaped spores.

Burroughs Boletus creates mycorrhiza with coniferous and deciduous trees. These mushrooms are common in North America and do not grow in Europe. They bear fruit singly or in large groups. Harvest can be collected in June-August.

Bronze Boletus (Boletus aereus)

The hat of the bronze boletus is dense and fleshy. Its shape changes with age from spherical to prostrate. The surface of the cap is velvety, may be granular with fine cracks. The color of the hat is dark - brown-brown, almost black.

The pulp is dense white in color, with a good smell and taste. The leg is cylindrical, thickened at the base, strong and massive. Its color is reddish brown. The leg is decorated with a whitish mesh pattern.

The tubular layer is initially creamy white but becomes yellowish over time. The tubules are small and short. The spores are spindle-shaped, the color of the spore sac is olive.

Bronze mushrooms grow in forests of oak, beech and oak-hornbeam type. These mushrooms are common in Southern and Western Europe, as well as North America. They grow in warm climates. Rarely found in mountainous areas.

The season for collecting bronze mushrooms falls on the period from July to October. And in Austria, they can begin to bear fruit as early as May. According to the taste characteristics, this mushroom is equated to the porcini mushroom.

Boletus bicolor (Boletus bicolor)

The cap of the bicolor boletus is convex at first, but as it grows, it changes to an open one. The color of the skin is pink-red. The pulp is very fleshy.

If the pulp is cut, then its yellow color will change to blue. The stem is pinkish red. Tubular layer of yellow color.

Boletus bicolor grows in North America. The collection season is during the summer months.

Boletus boletus (Boletus appendiculatus)

This mushroom is also called shortened boletus, brown-yellow boletus and reddish boletus.

The diameter of the cap of the girl's boletus ranges from 5 to 20 centimeters. Initially, it has a hemispherical shape, but with age it becomes cushion-shaped. The color of the cap is yellow-brown, chestnut, light brown. The leg, pulp and tubular layer are rich yellow.

The leg is elongated, an additional growth can often grow on the leg, similar in appearance to the root. The color of the legs becomes darker from the bottom to the top. The leg is decorated with a light or brown mesh pattern. The pulp is dense, slightly bluish with a sour smell.

Borovik maiden grows in deciduous forests. The time of collection falls on the summer-autumn period.

Boletus yellow (Boletus impolitus)

Initially, the cap of the yellow boletus is hemispherical in shape, but then it changes to a flat one. The surface of the cap is slightly wrinkled or smooth, yellow-brown in color. In wet weather, the cap is slimy, while in dry weather it becomes dull.

The height of the leg ranges from 4 to 12 centimeters, its shape is tuberous. The color of the legs is yellow-brown, there is no mesh structure. The length of the tubules is 1-2 centimeters, their color is bright yellow. Spore powder of olive color.

Royal boletus (Boletus regius)

The cap diameter is 6-15 cm. It is fleshy, semicircular in shape, velvety to the touch. In adult mushrooms, the cap is “naked”, it may have small wrinkles on it. The color of the hat can vary widely - from pink, red-pink, to red-brown and purple-red. The tubules are lemon yellow.

The height of the leg ranges from 5 to 15 centimeters, the shape is barrel-shaped, and over time it becomes cylindrical. The color of the stem is chrome yellow, its base is decorated with wine-red spots, and at the top there is a fine white mesh.

The pulp is very dense, quite hard, light yellow or bright yellow. In its raw form, the pulp has a pleasant taste, the smell is not pronounced.

The royal boletus grows in Southern Europe. In our country, these mushrooms are found in the Primorsky Territory. Their habitat is oak forests on calcareous and sandy soils.

The harvest time of the royal boletus falls on May-September. In terms of taste, the royal boletus belongs to category II, it is very tasty, and also rich in vitamins. The royal boletus can be called a delicacy. These mushrooms can be salted, pickled, stewed, fried, dried and boiled. Royal mushrooms have been cultivated and grown.

Porospore Boletus (Xerocomus porosporus)

This mushroom has a hemispherical or cushion-shaped hat. The skin on the cap often cracks, resulting in a characteristic web of white cracks on a grey-brown or dark brown background.

The color of the legs is gray-brown, its base is brighter. The tubules are lemon-yellow, when pressed, they turn blue.

Boletus reticulata (Boletus reticulatus)

This boletus is sometimes referred to as a variety of white fungus. In terms of taste, the netted boletus is valued as highly as the white mushroom. The hat is fleshy and strong, spherical in shape, over time it becomes convex. The skin is velvety, but as it grows, whitish cracks appear on it, because of which the fungus got its name. The color of the cap varies from ocher to brownish.

The leg is cylindrical in shape, quite strong and fleshy, at the base it is thickened. There is also a white or brown mesh on the leg, and under the tubes it becomes yellowish. The tubes are very small. The flesh is white, slightly spongy, with a sweet taste and a strong smell.

Boletus mushrooms grow in deciduous forests, giving preference to oaks and beeches. Sometimes they can be found on the plains, but mostly grow in hilly areas. The fruiting season is at the end of spring - mid-autumn.

The nutritional qualities of the netted boletus are highly valued. This mushroom contains a large amount of riboflavin, which has a positive effect on the skin, nails and general condition of the body. With the help of these mushrooms, angina pectoris, ulcers, frostbite and other diseases are treated.

Fechtner Boletus (Boletus fechtneri)

The hat is hemispherical, becomes flat as it grows, light brown or silvery white. The surface of the cap is smooth or slightly wrinkled, in wet weather it becomes covered with mucus. The height of the legs is 4-15 centimeters.

The shape of the stem is tuberous, its lower part is thickened. The color of the legs is yellow, red-brown at the base, with a mesh pattern. Tubular layer yellow.

Horton's Boletus (Boletus hortonii)

In a young mushroom, the cap is convex, and then it changes to prostrate, with an uneven surface of red-brown or ocher-brown color. The leg is cylindrical or club-shaped, 4-9 centimeters long. Spore powder brown-olive.

Horton Boletus grows in fairly small groups in beech and oak forests. The fruiting season falls at the beginning of summer and continues until the beginning of autumn.

  • Mushrooms are one of the largest mushrooms. The weight of individual individuals can reach 3 kg, although the fruiting period of the boletus is short, only 7 days.
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