Mushrooms are edible and their counterparts. What mushrooms do we collect in a basket? Mushrooms twins Champignon and its dangerous twin name

Kira Stoletova

During the mushroom picking season, the forest is filled with lovers of "silent hunting". To do this, a person must be well versed in the whole variety of forest organisms and not confuse twin mushrooms with edible originals.

  • Main features

    According to their main characteristics, all mushrooms are divided into the following categories:

    If conditionally edible and inedible ones are processed, soaked and boiled, then some of them (milk mushrooms, mushrooms and morels) are safely allowed to be eaten. Only poisonous varieties are dangerous, so you need to know the external differences of unsuitable species for food.

    There are no signs that clearly define false mushrooms and the degree of their toxicity. But there are a number of features that are most common:

    • the presence of Volvo;
    • lamellar structure of the spore-bearing layer (often), although there are twin species with a spongy hymenophore;
    • bitter taste;
    • change in the color of the pulp at the break;
    • unpleasant aroma.

    The leg of a poisonous organism often grows from a volva ("pot" or "pouch").

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Volva is the remains of a veil, or velum, which serves as a protection for a young fruiting body (covers it entirely). As the fungus grows, the velum ruptures and remains in the form of rings and volva at the base of the stem, which is an important systematic feature. The Volvo is also called the vagina. It is in the form of remnants of a membranous wrapper or fragments of different sizes and shapes, located at the base of the leg. When it is characterized, be sure to indicate what it is:

    • free;
    • attached to the leg;
    • whole;
    • looks like scraps, patches;
    • dimensions.

    Let's take a closer look at what edible mushrooms and their counterparts look like.


    All lovers of "forest meat" know the main types of edible mushrooms. In each region of Russia, they are divided by season. The most popular are the following:

    • White;
    • Boletus and Boletus;
    • saffron milk caps;
    • butterflies;
    • Chanterelles;
    • Russula;
    • Honey mushrooms;
    • Raincoats;
    • Champignons.

    Almost all of them have their counterparts, which are capable of causing severe poisoning.

    Twins of the white mushroom

    White mushroom is edible even without heat treatment. Adds spice and special taste to any dish.

    Its flesh is tender and has a pleasant aroma.

    It is often confused with Bile Mushroom and Satanic Mushroom, which are inedible. False porcini mushroom has the following differences:

    • the color of the leg (in white it is beige, and in the gall one a dark mesh is visible on the leg, in satanic it is very peculiar and brightly colored);
    • cap color (white or beige for white, brown or red for twins);
    • color at the break (white never changes color, and its dangerous counterpart is satanic, turns blue at the break).

    Twins of autumn mushrooms

    A family of autumn mushrooms will be able to feed the whole company. These mushrooms grow in large groups in the depths of the forest on stumps and fallen trees. Real mushrooms are often salted and pickled. Beautiful honey-beige hats attract attention. The scent is pleasant. The legs are brown or brown at the base, and white above. They are often confused with false "brothers": sulfur yellow and brick red.

    Main differences:

    • the hat of twins is yellow or red;
    • plates are sulfur-yellow, greenish or gray;
    • there is no ring on the leg.

    Before cooking, it is better to remove the ring from the autumn mushrooms or leave only the hats. They are the most delicious and healthy, and there is a lot of chitin in the legs, so they are tougher and worse digested.

    Sometimes honey mushrooms are confused with fiber, which grows in deciduous and coniferous forests from the beginning of summer until the end of November.

    The main differences of the fiber:

    • unpleasant odor;
    • white pulp;
    • thin leg;
    • leg height up to 5 cm;
    • the shape of the cap is cone-shaped.

    The fiber (it is also called a cone-shaped whip) never changes color on the cut. Eating it causes serious intestinal poisoning. Only timely medical care can save a person.

    Twins of Champignon

    Mushroom is confused with white fly agaric.

    The description of forest champignon has its own characteristics. His hat is rounded at the bottom. In a young species, it is attached to the leg with a thin film, after touching it turns yellow. The plates have a pinkish tint, turning brown with age. The leg is dense and has a cylindrical shape. The aroma of the pulp is pleasant, not strong.

    Real champignons differ from white mushrooms in hats. They are round only at the top, they become flat below. The aroma is sharp and unpleasant, which is immediately alarming. The white plates are not tight and are pink, like the original. The stem is thin and has a striped ring, which is never found in edible champignons. The base of the leg is expanded.

    Sometimes Champignons are confused with pale grebe, one of the most dangerous and poisonous mushrooms.

    Description of the toadstool:

    • the color of the cap is pale whitish or pale beige;
    • spore-bearing layer lamellar;
    • the stem is cylindrical, narrowed towards the cap;
    • on the leg there is a characteristic "skirt"
    • the leg below has a tuberous thickening, immersed in a kind of sac.

    These mushrooms are so toxic that they can spoil the real edible mushrooms lying in the basket with one touch. A poisonous double affects all organs, often causing death, because poisoning manifests itself at a time when it is almost impossible to help.

    The pale toadstool is often confused with the green row. But upon closer inspection, you will be able to notice the difference: on the twins of edible greenfinch mushrooms there is neither Volvo nor a ring on the leg.

    Twins of the blushing fly agaric

    The blushing fly agaric is considered conditionally edible. It is sometimes confused with champignon. It does not cause such severe poisoning as the poisonous pale grebe. Some cook this type, it is served in expensive restaurants. The danger is some external similarity between the species of the blushing and panther fly agaric.

    In order not to confuse it with the panther one, it is worth understanding the differences.

    Description of the type of panther fly agaric:

    • the hat is greenish-beige;
    • the spots on the hat are pale, beige;
    • the leg is cylindrical;
    • on the leg there is a thin "skirt";
    • the color of the pulp is white;
    • on a break, the color does not change.

    In the reddening fly agaric, the flesh turns pink after contact with oxygen. The hat is red with white spots or slightly sticky.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Fly agaric gray-pink, or blushing, belongs to the category of conditionally edible mushrooms, which are collected mainly only by advanced mushroom pickers. Before cooking, it must be boiled well for 15 minutes in salted water. The taste, according to those who have tasted it, is reminiscent of chicken meat. It grows in any forest on a variety of soils, but prefers lighter areas. Mycelium begins to bear fruit in mid-June and ends somewhere by mid-October.

    In addition to the panther fly agaric, it can also be confused with a thick one. However, this species, unlike the panther, is very safe. Their flesh never changes color when exposed to air.

    Amanita muscaria is toxic and, when ingested, causes bouts of anger, visual and auditory hallucinations. If action is not taken, lethargy, coma and death will follow.

    Mokhoviki and Maslyata

    Butterfly and Mokhoviki are tasty and healthy varieties. They grow in almost all regions of Russia. But they are often confused with pepper mushroom, which is not poisonous, but is not considered edible. Their appearance is similar (the same color and shape of the cap, the size and shape of the legs), but the taste and aroma are very different.

    The main feature of the pepper mushroom is its bitter taste, similar to the taste of pepper, hence the name of the species. Often it is dried, ground, used as a seasoning for main dishes, side dishes and salads. Such mushroom seasoning can be stored for a long time in a dry and dark place.

    Chanterelle and false mushroom

    Chanterelles are best collected for cooking or pickling. They grow from summer to mid-autumn. Prefer deciduous or mixed forests. Real chanterelles correspond to this characteristic:

    • the cap of the fruiting body fuses with the stem;
    • the shape of the cap is funnel-shaped;
    • red color;
    • on the cut it releases orange milky juice;
    • plates are thick.

    Raincoat and false raincoat

    In spring, raincoats appear after morels and stitches. They are often found in park areas, pastures and forest edges after warm spring rains. There are many varieties of raincoats, but their real fruiting bodies have the following common features:

    • height - 7 cm;
    • diameter - 6-8 cm;
    • body shell double;
    • White color;
    • there are scales up to 2 mm on the surface;
    • the pulp has a slight aroma.

    When harvesting the first spring harvest, ordinary raincoats are confused with false raincoats. Their growth and development begin underground, at first the fungus looks like a tuber, which reaches 10 cm in diameter. In the lower part, at the base, a bundle of root-shaped fibers is visible. In a false raincoat, the shell of the fruiting body is single-layer, dense, there are small scales on the surface. As it ages, its color changes to yellowish or gray-white. Cracks of coffee color gradually appear.

    Signs of poisoning and first aid

    To prevent poisoning, before going into the deep forest, it is better to brush up on all the main signs of poisonous and edible species. If misfortune has occurred, knowledge of the signs of poisoning and first aid actions will help.

    Symptoms of poisoning:

    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • dizziness;
    • increase in body temperature;
    • abdominal pain;
    • blue lips;
    • cold hands and feet;
    • diarrhea.

    If fly agaric got into food, then the manifestation of sound and auditory hallucinations is possible. The state is like a sharp insanity of reason. In case of poisoning with false mushrooms, the stomach is immediately washed. To do this, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of boiled water (or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate) and then induce vomiting. This procedure will have to be repeated several times. Then you need to lie down and drink plenty of fluids to restore the water balance in the body. There is no time to waste, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. When going to the forest, it is worth remembering the basic rule of the forester: do not put a mushroom in a basket if you are not sure that it is edible.


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    Kira Stoletova

    Sometimes, instead of the desired, beloved mushrooms, poisonous varieties fall into the basket, which include the twins of the “king of the forests” - the porcini mushroom.

  • General description of dangerous twins

    For many edible mushrooms, their poisonous or conditionally edible counterparts are known. The similarity can be strong or superficial. So, the white mushroom and some of its counterparts are absolutely identical in their external features. Putting a double of the porcini mushroom in a basket, it is easy to get poisoned and, at best, go to a hospital bed. A mistake in choosing can be fatal and lead to a sad outcome.

    Even mushroom pickers with many years of experience sometimes at first glance cannot distinguish a dangerous double of a white mushroom from a real and noble specimen. Edible noble Boletus has its own characteristics and differs both in appearance and in taste.

    The main distinguishing feature of edible from poisonous is their chemical composition, which includes toxins.

    External signs are deceptive: for example, the fly agaric loses its white spots on its hat after a good downpour and becomes like a red russula. False honey agaric changes the color of the hat with age and becomes even more like a real one.

    According to the action of toxins, insidious false white mushrooms are divided into several categories according to the types of poisoning caused:

    • food intoxication;
    • damage to the nervous system;
    • fatal poisoning.

    Before going into the forest, you should understand how the white mushroom differs from its dangerous counterparts. One of the external signs that a person pays attention to is the structure of the hymenophore. Unfortunately, in all representatives of twin species, it is similar in structure to that of the edible original and is spongy. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the change in its color. You also need to be careful when studying the color of the cut (break) of the pulp. True white never changes color when broken, so before you put the fruiting body in the basket, it's best to break off a small piece from it and see what happens.


    The most noble mushroom, the king of the forest kingdom, has several brothers dangerous to human life. These include:

    • gall fungus;
    • boletus is beautiful;
    • sick of satanic;
    • boletus le Gal;
    • speckled oak.

    gall fungus

    The second name of this species is mustard (Tylopilus felleus). He deserved it quite reasonably, precisely because of his bitter taste. The gall fungus belongs to the class Agaricomycetes, the Boletaceae family, the genus Tilopil. Refers to inedible.

    Its description:

    • hat shape in the form of a hemisphere;
    • cap color from yellow to brown;
    • diameter - 4-15 cm;
    • the pulp is fibrous, white, thick, soft, turns red on the cut;
    • aroma is absent;
    • spongy hymenophore;
    • pores of an angular or rounded shape;
    • pink spore powder;
    • the leg is cylindrical;
    • height - 3-14 cm;
    • thickness - 3 cm.

    A characteristic feature of the bitter taste and the difference from the white "brother" is a bitter taste and a change in color on the cut. It turns from white to red.

    Borovik is beautiful

    Boletus pulcherrimus, or Beautiful Boletus, is another poisonous species. It has an outward resemblance to the common boletus, but changes color on the cut (turns blue) and is extremely toxic.


    • the cap is large, hemispherical (up to 25 cm);
    • velvety and dry to the touch;
    • skin color reddish-brown;
    • the pulp is dense, yellowish;
    • tubular hymenophore;
    • pores are red;
    • spores are brown, spindle-shaped;
    • the leg is thick (up to 12 cm), club-shaped or cylindrical;
    • grows up to 15 cm in height;
    • the taste is sweetish at first, then very bitter, the smell is absent.

    A characteristic feature is the presence of a fine mesh on the leg. Under the hat there are tubules, jagged, with a yellowish tinge and up to 15 cm long. When pressed, they turn blue.

    Bolet satanic

    Belongs to the biological group of mushrooms. Forms mycorrhiza with oaks, lindens and birches. This doppelganger is dangerous to health, eaten 30 g of the flesh of the satanic mushroom causes severe symptoms of poisoning. Its description:

    • the hat is large, sometimes gigantic (30-40 cm);
    • cushion shape;
    • the surface is smooth;
    • hat color olive or brown;
    • the skin is dense;
    • bottom cap is spongy (i.e. hymenophore - spongy);
    • pore color pink;
    • the leg is narrowed down, cylindrical;
    • height - up to 13 cm.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    The satanic mushroom is often called "false white mushroom" in various sources. They started doing this not too long ago. However, it is possible to confuse white fungus and satanic pain only with a cursory glance from afar. This is especially true for novice mushroom pickers, who remember the “face and profile” of the porcini mushroom, and everything else has not yet been deposited in their memory. Therefore, you need to carefully look at the color of the fruiting body. The satanic mushroom is characterized by many red flowers and, above all, its hymenophore has a red color. There are also many red tones in the color of the legs.

    By the way. The specific epithet "satanas" for the satanic mushroom (Rubroboletus satanas) was proposed by the German mycologist Harald Othmar Lenz (1798-1870) after he himself was poisoned by this mushroom.

    The satanic mushroom is characterized by a cut that turns blue upon contact with air, which gradually turns red. This is due to the process of oxidation of the poison by oxygen.

    Dubovik speckled

    Boletus erythropus is an edible counterpart. It can be used in food, soups or other dishes. This forest organism has the following description:

    • cap size - up to 20 cm in diameter;
    • to the touch it is dry and velvety;
    • pillow shape;
    • skin color red-brown;
    • olive spore powder;
    • the pores are red or orange, but the tubules are greenish-yellow (in mature ones);
    • leg 10 cm high;
    • the shape of the stem is tuberous.

    A characteristic feature is the darkening of the light edge of the cap after pressing on it and small reddish scales on the trunk of the leg. A distinctive feature from the original is the blue on the cut of the pulp.

    Borovik le Gal

    Another poisonous mushroom that looks like white is the boletus le Gal (Boletus legaliae), or legal boletus. It has this description:

    • the hat is convex, up to 15 cm;
    • the surface is smooth;
    • color pink-orange;
    • the flesh is pale, yellowish;
    • the aroma is pleasant;
    • tubular hymenophore;
    • olive spores;
    • the leg is thick, up to 5-6 cm in diameter;
    • leg height - up to 17 cm.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Borovik legal is quite widespread in the wild nature of Europe, where it inhabits mainly deciduous forests. Being a mycorrhiza-forming agent, it enters into symbiosis with oak, beech, and hornbeam. Prefers alkaline soils, ie. soils for which pH>7 (where pH is soil acidity).

    A feature is a small reddish mesh on the leg and the flesh turning blue on the cut.

    Contraindications and harm

    A mistake made while harvesting a forest crop can be fatal. A cruel joke will be played by inedible twins, who are well disguised as their noble counterparts.

    One small piece of the fruiting body of a poisonous organism can cause a lot of trouble. At the first signs of poisoning, it is necessary to wash the stomach and then go to the hospital for help. Signs of poisoning include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, weakness in the limbs, diarrhea, and fever.

    Correct porcini mushroom

    An extract from a beautiful boletus is used to treat typhus, paratyphoid and purulent skin lesions.

    Cep mushroom twins contain a large amount of psilocybin and alkaloids in their pulp. These substances actively affect the brain of a mentally ill person and normalize its activity.


    When picking mushrooms, you should not take everything that comes in your way, pluck unfamiliar organisms out of idle curiosity: this is fraught with poisoning. Some doubles are so dangerous that they lead to death.

    To date, a large number of edible, as well as inedible and deadly, or which can be safely called twins due to their pronounced external similarity, are known. Almost all “quiet hunting” lovers with many years of experience are well versed in mushrooms and can easily distinguish edible species. For novice mushroom pickers, an information table will help to distinguish inedible and dangerous to life and health twin mushrooms.

    Edible twin mushrooms

    Edible mushrooms are called species of mushrooms that can be consumed for food purposes without risk to human life and health. As a rule, all of them have a fairly high gastronomic value and are characterized by excellent taste, as well as very good nutritional value. Of course, knowing by heart all the edible varieties of mushrooms is not just difficult, but almost impossible. of the highest category and fruiting bodies of conditionally edible species have many similar external characteristics that allow us to call them twins.

    Among other things, there is a huge number of conditionally edible species. Fruiting bodies of such varieties are categorically unsuitable for eating raw, therefore, they are subjected to mandatory heat treatment before use. Depending on the species, the fruiting bodies of conditionally edible mushrooms can simply be boiled several times before the main preparation, be sure to drain the resulting mushroom broth, but there are also species that are suitable for cooking after a short soaking.

    How to distinguish edible mushrooms from false ones (video)

    In almost all types of edible mushrooms, tubules or a spongy layer are located under the hat, and when collecting lamellar varieties, attention should be paid to the frequency of the location of the plates, the way they are attached to the stem, the color of the spore powder, as well as the presence or absence of the Volvo and the ring that remain after ripening .

    Among other things, a significant part changes the color of the pulp on the cut or as a result of pressure, which should also be taken into account when picking mushrooms. Therefore, before going to the forest, you should ask what color certain edible mushrooms can be painted in.

    Inedible doppelgangers

    As a rule, such mushrooms have an unpleasant smell or taste, have small or unattractive and hard fruiting bodies, or grow in specific places.

    Category Name Features
    1 Edible boletus Belongs to the bolt family and has a brown hat of muted shades. The leg is not too thick, with a characteristic mesh pattern
    Inedible It has a convex or plano-convex, smooth, dry, brownish or brownish hat with very bitter flesh.
    2 Edible Porcini The color of the cap may vary depending on external conditions and growth, and varies from whitish-beige to dark brown with a reddish tint.
    Inedible satanic mushroom There is a reticulate dark red pattern on the legs and very characteristic yellow or reddish pores.
    3 Edible Chanterelle ordinary The fruit body is cap-shaped, of different sizes, fleshy, more or less funnel-shaped, yellowish-reddish coloring.
    Inedible Chanterelle false Flat-prostrate or funnel-shaped, with straight thin edges, orange-ocher in color with a bright yellow center, frequent, thick, yellow-orange plates that turn brown when pressed
    4 Edible Ryadovka The surface of the cap is fibrous or scaly, with plates adhering to the stem, and a characteristic floury aroma.
    Inedible Row white The hat is grayish-white in color, the flesh is inedible, has a strong and unpleasant odor and a pungent, burning taste.
    5 Edible Raincoat edible The fruit body is covered with a characteristic white two-layered shell, which is smooth on the outside and leathery on the inside. There are small spikes on the surface
    Inedible Raincoat smelly Differs from the edible variety in straight ocher spines on the fruiting body, whitish coloration and a pleasant mushroom aroma.
    6 Edible mokhovik Boletus fungus with a convex cap, fleshy, with a dry, felted surface of light brown or dark brown color
    Inedible pepper mushroom It differs from butter and mossiness mushrooms by an unpleasant taste, a red spore-bearing layer and the absence of a ring on the leg

    Dangerous twin mushrooms

    Such twin mushrooms have species-specific differences from edible varieties, including structural features of the hymenophore, the shape and color of the fruiting body. It makes no sense to focus on the smell of such mushrooms, since many edible species do not have a pronounced mushroom aroma, and, on the contrary, poisonous counterparts can have a very pleasant and strong smell.

    Features of edible mushrooms (video)

    Category Name Features
    1 Non-poisonous twin mushroom Russula green, greenfinch,. The cap of the toadstool is green, almost white, and there is also a characteristic ovoid thickening on the leg.
    poisonous kind Death cap
    2 Non-poisonous twin mushroom The float is white, the mushroom-umbrella is white, the champignon is woody. The smelly fly agaric is characterized by a white cap and a white leg, with a pronounced ring.
    poisonous kind Fly agaric smelly
    3 Non-poisonous twin mushroom Fly agaric pink Panther fly agaric belongs to deadly poisonous mushrooms and has a white flesh with an unpleasant odor.
    poisonous kind Fly agaric panther
    4 Non-poisonous twin mushroom Russula golden The bright red or orange-red cap of the red fly agaric has white or slightly yellow numerous warts with age.
    poisonous kind Fly agaric red
    5 Non-poisonous twin mushroom Float gray Amanita porphyry has a pungent and unpleasant odor, and eating can cause poisoning
    poisonous kind fly agaric porphyry
    6 Non-poisonous twin mushroom summer honey agaric A rare poisonous species listed in the Red Book has a dry and transparent odorless flesh
    poisonous kind chased.
    7 Non-poisonous twin mushroom Cherry The cap is convex or funnel-shaped, white or yellowish-gray, smooth, dry or slightly moist, with a pronounced luster
    poisonous kind Whitish talker

    In the process of picking mushrooms, it is very important to strictly adhere to the following simple rules and recommendations:

    • collection and even more so eating even after prolonged heat treatment of unfamiliar mushrooms is strictly prohibited;
    • it is impossible to collect old and insect-damaged mushrooms, even those belonging to edible species;
    • it is impossible to store the collected mushrooms for a long time without processing;
    • it is impossible to pick mushrooms in large cities, as well as near highways or industrial production facilities.

    When the first signs of mushroom poisoning appear, it is very important to provide the victim with qualified medical care as soon as possible, delivering it to the nearest medical facility. You should first provide first aid, which consists in gastric lavage, the use of activated charcoal or another adsorbent, as well as reducing the risk of dehydration. It is important to note that success in the treatment of fungal poisoning will directly depend primarily on how quickly and efficiently the entire volume of medical care will be provided to the victim.

    The five most poisonous mushrooms in Russia (video)

    Is it possible to distinguish an inedible mushroom from an edible one?

    Experts believe that it is impossible to derive a universal rule. The only guarantee against poisoning is knowledge of the characteristics of individual species, the differences between them.

    Among wild mushrooms there are poisonous ones. Some of them, at first glance, are very similar to edible ones, such doubles should be especially wary. So, poisonous mushrooms grow in pine and spruce forests: gall, pepper, satanic. The pepper mushroom is very similar to butterdish and flywheel, the satanic one looks like a “understudy” of boletus, moreover, it is very skillful, the gall mushroom from a distance also looks like a porcini mushroom.

    The difference between the White mushroom and the false ones: Gall fungus and Satanic mushroom

    The bile fungus belongs to slightly poisonous mushrooms, it is often confused with ceps. It is impossible to poison them, but its bitter taste can spoil the whole dish. The main differences are: a dark mesh pattern on the stalk (it is white in the porcini mushroom), a dirty pinkish bottom of the cap (in the porcini fungus, the tubular layer is always white or cream, turns yellow or green with age), bitter pulp (just lick the bottom of the cap to feel bitterness) - that is why the gall fungus is also called bitterness. At the break, the flesh turns pink (boletus is always white).

    The porcini mushroom is very similar in appearance to the satanic one. But if you click on its inner part (“moss”), it will turn pink. So, this is not a white mushroom, but a poisonous one.

    Differences between Chanterelle and False Chanterelle

    In fact, it is not so difficult to distinguish a real fox from a fake. For starters, pay attention to the color. In false chanterelles, unlike real ones, it is especially bright orange in the transition to copper red. And ordinary ones are just exactly yellow.

    Hat. If you notice very smooth edges, you should be wary. A real fox has a wavy decoration of this part of it.

    The legs of a real chanterelle are thick and not hollow. Spores are yellowish. But her false sister has the opposite: the leg is thin, and the spores are white.

    Smell it. It has already been said earlier that the difference between the true mistress of the forest is in her fruity or woody smell. But you are unlikely to want to put talkers in a basket after such a check.

    Mushrooms do not like to grow alone. Usually this is a whole family, united by a common mycelium. But false chanterelles have just such a feature. They are often found in a single copy. This alone is a sign to be on the lookout for.

    Look at the color of the pulp. The real one is yellowish, and in the middle it is white. The fake is distinguished by a solid orange or yellow color.

    Press lightly on the flesh with your finger. An ordinary fox will blush modestly, but a false one will remain calmly monotonous.

    Real chanterelles are rarely wormy, because they secrete chitinmannose and the larvae die under its influence. But the orange talkers do not have chitinmannose, so the larvae can infect them.

    Differences of Mokhovikov and Oil from the poisonous Pepper mushroom

    The pepper mushroom has a reddish-cherry tint to the pores of the tubules and legs. The flywheel has a tubular layer of olive or brown hues. The poisonous pepper mushroom turns red (the edible flywheel similar to it turns blue, and the butter dish does not change color). Unlike oil, the pepper mushroom does not have a ring on the leg. In the pepper mushroom, the lower spore-bearing layer of the cap approaches red, in the butter dish it approaches yellow.

    The difference between real honey mushrooms and false mushrooms

    Of the slightly poisonous mushrooms, false mushrooms are often found - they can be distinguished by an olive tint. Edible mushrooms are always brown. Twin mushrooms cause stomach upset only if they are poorly cooked or fried.

    Remember: in real mushrooms, especially in young ones, such a “skirt” is visible on the leg, like a ballerina. The false ones don't.

    The difference between champignon and grebe

    In champignon, unlike pale grebe, there is no tuberous thickening at the base of the leg. In addition, the champignon has pale pink or dark plates, while the pale grebe has white and frequent ones.

    White milk mushrooms are good for pickles. But they can also be confused with milk mushrooms, which are popularly called "squeakers". The difference is that a real mushroom is with a wet film, slimy and hides in the grass, and the fungus - “squeaky” is absolutely dry.

    Very dangerous pale grebe. It looks like russula in appearance. The hat is green, sometimes almost white. On the leg, closer to the hat, a ring is noticeable. Not to

    confuse, learn a simple selection rule: all mushrooms for pickles have holes in their stems. This is a sign that the mushroom is edible.

    The main principle of mushroom picking

    Everyone collects only those mushrooms that he knows and knows how to distinguish in any conditions, knows how young and old fruit bodies look, what they look like in dry weather, what they look like in rain, etc.

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