Biography of famous people. Outstanding citizens of Russia: list, biographies, interesting facts and achievements. "My Life, My Achievements" Henry Ford

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Famous personalities differ from us not only in their achievements in a particular area of ​​life. Facts from the life of famous people confirm their oddities. Famous people have such an entertaining biography that you want to study it in full. Interesting facts from the life of famous people will appeal to both children and adults.

1. captured Italy at the age of 26.

2. Time magazine named Hitler's Man of the Year.

3. Cleopatra was married to her brother.

4. Facts from the life of famous people of America confirm that Andrew Jackson, the President of the United States, considered the Earth to be flat.

5. At the wedding, Queen Victoria was presented with a piece of cheese, the diameter of which was 3 meters, and the weight was 500 kilograms.

6. Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' toilet. When there was a ball, his mother felt unwell and soon gave birth to him there.

7. Beethoven always brewed coffee from 64 beans.

8. Beria had syphilis.

9. Celine Dion and Madonna are the cousins ​​of the wife of Prince Charles.

10. almost always fell asleep in front of the fireplace. As a result, he experienced sleep deprivation.

11. Socks were considered the most stupid thing.

12. The most loving man is the king of the island of Tonga, who is located in pacific ocean. His name was Fatafehi ​​Paulah.

13. I have never had children, and intimate relationships too.

14. Facts from the life of famous people of Russia say that Alexander Suvorov did not lose a single battle.

15. always worked on the field on a par with other men. And this happened despite the fact that he was a count.

16. Nikola Tesla had panic fear towards microbes.

17. Andriana Lima, who is considered the famous Brazilian model, remained faithful before the wedding. And exactly 9 months after the wedding, her daughter was born.

18. Paul McCartney, due to his own workload, did not have time to purchase wedding ring own chosen one.

19. Cristiano Ronaldo is the most expensive player in the history of football.

20. Jackie Chan's mother carried him for 12 months and this famous man was born with a weight of more than 5 kilograms.

21. Interesting facts about famous people provide information that Marilyn Monroe before she became famous model, worked at an aviation factory.

22. Brad Pitt's first job was to perform on the streets in "chicken" clothes.

24. Marilyn Monroe's bra sold at auction for $14,000.

25. Hiding hair loss, Julius Caesar put a wreath of laurel on his head.

26. Elizabeth the First taxed men who had beards.

27. More than 500 million dollars for charity gave away John Rockefeller for his own life.

28. Winston Churchill smoked at least 15 cigars a day.

29. King Solomon had about 700 wives and 100 mistresses.

30. Moart has never been to school.

31. Sigmund Freud had a panic rhinestone before the number 62.

32. Louis Pasteur was the sponsor of the beer factory.

33. Alexander the Great knew about 30,000 of his own soldiers by sight.

34. Approximately 3,000 outfits were from Queen Elizabeth.

35. Voltaire's body was stolen from the grave.

36. The Dutch artist Van Gogh had bouts of insanity. In one of them he cut off his ear.

37. Yuri Gagarin wrote before the flight into space Farewell letter wife, because he did not know how the expedition would end.

38. Luciano Pavarotti was fond of football.

39. Genghis Khan had a panic fear of death. And this is despite his cruelty towards enemies.

40. When Alla Pugacheva was born, cancer was found on her throat. It was removed immediately.

41. Sylvester Stallone was often beaten in school years.

42. participated in duels more than 90 times.

43. Saddam Hussein wrote the Koran with his own blood.

44. Charlie Chaplin's body was stolen 3 months later by porters who demanded a ransom.

45. When Vladimir Putin worked for the KGB, his code name was "mol".

46. ​​The largest fee in the amount of $ 20 million was first received by Julia Roberts.

47. All shoes for Paris Hillton were made to order, because she has big size feet and it is difficult to find the right shoes.

48. Whoopi Goldberg, who is considered an actress, has no eyebrows.

49. Rihanna didn't even finish school.

50. Beethoven doused himself with ice water in order to raise his mental tone.

51. In his childhood, Charles Darwin's father considered his son mediocrity.

52. Demosthenes had a speech impediment in childhood.

53. Genghis Khan died in the process of making love.

54. Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote Sherlock Holmes, was an ophthalmologist by profession.

55. Walt Disney was afraid of mice throughout his life.

56. Mozart began composing music at the age of 3. At the age of 35, he already had over 600 works.

57. At the age of 3, Albert Einstein did not say a word.

58. Timberlake is very afraid of spiders.

59. The Italian national flag was created by Napoleon Bonaparte.

60. Queen Anne was the mother of 17 children.

61. The autograph of the Roman emperor Julius Caesar was estimated at $ 2 million.

62. Charles Dickens preferred to sleep only facing north.

63. George Washington's birthday was the only birthday that was a public holiday in the US.

64. Uma Thurman's father was a monk and professor of Eastern religion.

65. Taylor Swift played the guitar for the first time at the age of 10.

66. Ashton Kutcher trained as a biochemist.

67. Riana was a cadet in the Barbadian army.

68. Angelina Jolie in her childhood wore braces and glasses, for which she was teased by the guys.

69. Until the age of 16, Jennifer Garner did not wear a thong and did not use cosmetics because she wasn't allowed to.

70. Tom Cruise had a dream - to become a priest.

71. Demi Moore had an attempt to commit suicide during her school years.

72. Queen Victoria spent 40 years in mourning after the death of her husband. She did not take off her black dresses at that time.

73. Mussolini was scared to death of cats.

74. Alfred Hitchcock was afraid of eggs in any form.

75. Julio Iglesias played in the Real Madrid football team in his youth.

76. The highest paid actor is Charlie Chaplin.

77. Marilyn Monroe grew up in an orphanage.

78. Tchaikovsky had a law degree.

79. Ricky Martin gave birth to two children surrogate mother, and all his life he hid his own orientation.

80. Hitler was a vegetarian.

81. Two of his six spouses executed English king Henry VIII.

82. Paul McCartney's mother was a midwife and helped the kids to be born.

83. Kipling could not write his works in ink due to the fact that they were black.

84. Benjamin Franklin wanted to make a turkey national bird United States of America.

85. Bill Clinton has only sent 2 emails in all his years in office.

86. George Washington did not shake hands when meeting, but only bowed.

87. before you start writing activity, was a doctor.

88. Cleopatra preferred to test poisons on her slaves.

89. Winston Churchill had Indian ancestors on his mother's side.

90. Queen Victoria spoke English with a German accent.

91. Henry Ford, who is considered successful businessman had only a secondary education.

92. Sarah Jessica Parker is tied to a black little dress, so she even got married in a black dress.

93. At one of his concerts, Ozzy Osbourne bit off the head of a bat.

94. Elizabeth Taylor had a double row of eyelashes.

95. In my school years I was a loser in physics.

96. The Chupa Chups logo was designed by Salvador Dali.

97. Kate Middleton's wedding dress the morning after the celebration could be purchased for $300.

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Time is a harmful and elusive thing. It always oozes through your fingers and flows away to no one knows where. What to do if all your life you wanted to write symphonies better than Mozart's, and you have two children, a wife, a mother, and a burning project in addition to everything?

We are in website We are also extremely concerned about this problem: we want to realize ourselves in life and not choke on a bone. Not to give up and do great things, we are helped by examples of famous people who certainly had enough 24 hours a day.

Leonardo da Vinci

The famous “universal man” will head our list. Recall that Leonardo is an outstanding Renaissance artist (does everyone remember Gioconda?), an inventor (all his inventions formed the basis for the construction of modern submarines), a scientist, as well as a writer and musician. And he was the first to explain why the sky is blue: "The blue of the sky is due to the thickness of the illuminated particles of air, which is located between the Earth and the blackness above." He managed all this thanks to his own developed sleep system: he slept for a total of 2 hours (lights out for 15 minutes several times a day), and everything else free time changed the world and myself for the better.

Anton Chekhov

The brilliant brother of his brother (he had such a pseudonym). famous master short story, humorist and satirist, the greatest playwright and part-time doctor. He himself admitted: “Medicine is my legal wife, and literature is my mistress. When one gets bored, I spend the night at the other. Constantly torn at the crossroads of his two talents, Chekhov was engaged in medical affairs until the end of his life. He even gave his dogs names by name. medicines: Brom and Hina. But he also respected his “mistress”: over the course of his life, Chekhov created more than 300 works, including short stories and impressive dramas. And the great comedian loved to collect stamps. Here was a man!

Vladimir Nabokov

Writer and entomologist, self-taught entomologist. In honor of Vladimir Vladimirovich, more than 20 genera of butterflies are named, one of which (that's cute!) Is called Nabokovia. Nabokov also played chess very well. They made several difficult chess problems. His love for this intellectual sport was reflected in the novel "Luzhin's Defense". Recall that Nabokov was fluent in English language. "Lolita" in America is loved just as much as we do.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Goethe was known not only as a great writer and poet, but also as a scientist: he made some discoveries in the field of the theory of light. In addition, he actively collected minerals - his collection includes 18,000 copies (it is clear where Faust got such a craving for alchemy). The author of the famous drama was so lucky or well done that he slept only 5 hours a day, and he had enough strength for many, many accomplishments. Perhaps this is because Goethe adhered to strict rules and was a supporter of healthy lifestyle life: he did not drink alcohol at all and could not stand the smell of tobacco smoke. That is why he lived for 82 years and managed to create so many things.

Hugh Jackman

Not only famous actor, but also a Broadway artist, and what a one! Within one season, he managed to get all the major theater awards. Everyone knows the third area of ​​Jackman's activity, in which he achieved success - family life. Hugh and Deborra-Lee Furness have been married for 20 years, and together they have two children. Yes, what is there! Our Hugh is generally capable of everything: he can play the piano, guitar, violin, and also ... vibrate his pupils and even juggle. Probably even Wolverine can't do that.

Salvador Dali

Everyone says that he is crazy, but they are silent about the fact that he was universal. Dali is famous not only as a painter and sculptor, but also as the director of the terrible Andalusian Dog. Dali also wrote several "works": " secret life Salvador Dali, told by himself" and "The Diary of a Genius". For the sake of his psychedelic masterpieces, the humble genius often "perverted" in terms of sleep. Let us explain: Dali hired a special servant for himself, who, seeing that the owner was starting to fall asleep in complete exhaustion, woke him up after waiting a few seconds. The disheveled Dali immediately grabbed the paper and tried to sketch what he saw in the first seconds of the superficial phase of sleep.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Russian natural scientist, chemist and physicist, poet, artist... you can hardly list everything here. Lomonosov is not just an active figure - he is revered as a reformer. It was he who carried out the reform of versification. Therefore, by memorization of iambs and choreas, we, oddly enough, are obliged to an outstanding chemist. By the way, being smart does not mean being bullied. While studying in Marburg, for example, Lomonosov perfectly mastered the ability to handle a sword. Local bullies avoided this overly capable and skillful Muscovite. That's certainly a talented person is talented in everything!

Isaac Newton

Everyone should know that he is not only famous for the apple that fell on his head. Newton wrote books on theology, where he spoke about the denial of the Holy Trinity, and was also chairman of the Royal Society of Arts. Not many people know that Newton also invented two stunningly ingenious things: a means for carrying cats and a door for them (where would we be without them now?). His love for furry and mustachioed friends is to blame for this. Newton preferred vigorous activity to sleep - he set aside only 4 hours a day for night rest.

Benjamin Franklin

We all know him as an uncle from the dollar and politics, but Franklin is still like our Lomonosov. He was a journalist and inventor. He invented, for example, the stove (“Pennsylvania fireplace”), and also predicted the weather. The first developed a detailed map of the Gulf Stream. He founded the Philadelphia Academy, as well as the first public library in the States. Franklin also had musical talent. Uncle Ben managed to keep up with everything by strictly following the daily regimen, in which only 4 hours a day were allotted for sleep.

Alexander Borodin

A man whose portrait hangs both in the music class and in the chemistry class. Do you know that the author of the famous opera "Prince Igor" was also a chemist and physician? He jokingly called himself a "Sunday musician": he had to sacrifice days off in order to create something of that kind for the world of music. The memory of Borodin's everyday life was left by his wife: "I could sit for ten hours in a row, I could not sleep at all, not have lunch." Still would! After all, as you know, one of Borodin's mottos was such a super-motivating phrase: "All that we do not have, we owe only to ourselves." Also Alexander Porfiryevich was active public figure- he was one of the initiators of the opening of Women's Medical Courses.

Flea (Michael Peter Balzary)

The tireless and daring bass player of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. He became famous for his unique style of playing the bass guitar, which was dubbed as slapping and popping - slaps and tweaks. It is surprising that Flea went to study music only in 2008 (after 25 years of playing as part of a group) - he admitted that he always played by ear, but did not know music theory. Nevertheless, Flea is recognized as one of the best bass players of all time. As they say, play for a quarter of a century and learn for a century. And if you think that rock musicians do nothing but rebel all day long, then Flea is a rebuttal to you: his filmography includes 25 films, including cartoons. By the way, he is that crazy boss in the movie "Back to the Future - 2".

Michael Bulgakov

AT early years Bulgakov worked as a zemstvo doctor, and he had to be a generalist: a general practitioner, a gynecologist, a surgeon, and a dentist. "Notes of a Young Doctor" owe their birth to that period of the young Bulgakov's life. It was difficult to combine healing and creativity, so I had to “plow” a shift, treat the unpretentious village people all day, and then also carve out time for writing ... Whatever you don’t sacrifice for the sake of art. Once, in a letter to his mother, he wrote: “At night I write“ Notes of a Zemstvo Doctor. It might turn out to be a solid thing." Bulgakov is also an example of the correct attitude towards criticism. He collected critical articles about his work, including 298 negative and 3 positive feedback critics.

Well, do you still think that you do not have enough time?

There are many famous people that I admire. Most of them are talented in one or more fields. They lead a busy life, traveling from one place to another to meet their fans. My favorite celebrity is Johnny Depp. Although he had starred in many interesting movies, his best role was Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean.

In my opinion, he is a multi-talented person. Apart from being a famous actor, he is a film producer and a musician. At the moment he is 51 years old, but he doesn't look his age. I would assume he is only 30 or 35. He was born in Kentucky, the USA, in a poor background. His family often moved from one place to another, because of his father's job. When he was 15, his parents were divorced. He started dreaming about the career of a rock star at the age of 12, when his mother bought him a guitar. He then joined various garage bands to come closer to his dream.

The first big movie where he starred was “Nightmare on Elm Street”, although he had taken some smaller parts before. He became really popular after appearing in television series for teens “21 Jump Street”. I also liked his performance in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Alice in Wonderland”. I know that Johnny Depp has been nominated for major acting awards many times, although his best achievement is the Golden Globe Award. He has a certain style of acting, which distinguishes him from the crowd of other actors. I like his manner of conducting at the ceremonies or during the interviews. He seems to be a level-headed and reserved person.

By the way, acting is not his only passion. He also grows grapes and makes his own wine. translation I admire many famous people. Many of them are talented in one or more areas. They lead busy lives, traveling from one place to another to meet their fans. My favorite celebrity is Johnny Depp. Although he starred in many interesting films, his best role considered Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean.

In my opinion, this man has many talents. Besides the fact that he famous actor, he is a producer and musician. On the this moment he is 51 years old, but he does not look his age. I would give him 30 or 35 years. He was born in Kentucky, USA, to a poor family. His family often moved from one place to another for the work of his father. When he was 15, his parents divorced. He began to think about the career of a rock star at the age of 12, when his mother bought him a guitar. He then played in various garage rock bands to get closer to his dream.

The first major film he appeared in was A Nightmare on Elm Street, although he had some small roles before. He became very popular after appearing on the teen television series 21 Jump Street. I also liked his acting in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Alice in Wonderland. I know that Johnny Depp has been nominated many times for major awards, but his best achievement was the Golden Globe Award. He has a certain style of acting that sets him apart from the crowd of other actors. I like his demeanor at ceremonies or during interviews. He seems to be a level-headed and reserved person.

Once, Henry Ford, traveling in a small car of his company, saw on the road exactly the same car with a damaged engine.

He immediately provided the unfamiliar motorist with the necessary assistance: he supplied spare parts, adjusted the motor. When the grateful owner of the stuck car handed over five dollars, Ford smiled, “No, no, no money. Things are going well for me." “I don’t really believe it, venerable one! he answered. - If you succeed in business, you wouldn’t be shaking in a miserable “fordik” ...”.

Galileo Galilei spent his wedding night reading a book. Noticing that it was already dawn, he went to the bedroom, but immediately went out and asked the servant: “Who is lying in my bed?” "Your wife, sir," replied the servant. Galileo completely forgot that he was married.

The German mathematician Peter Gustav Dirichlet was very taciturn. When his son was born, he sent his father-in-law a telegram, perhaps the shortest in the history of the telegraph: "2 + 1 = 3."

The outstanding American scientist Thomas Edison, the author of many inventions in the field of electrical engineering and communications, film technology and telephony, chemistry and mining, military equipment, never worked without an assistant. For a long time in laboratory experiments and demonstrations new technology Edison was assisted by one of the assistants, in the past a simple sailor. When he was asked a question about how Edison makes his inventions, he was sincerely surprised every time: “I can’t figure it out myself. After all, I do everything for him, and Edison only frowns his forehead, but lets go of remarks addressed to me. And in general: I work, and he rests!

Once Voltaire was invited to a dinner party. When everyone was seated, it turned out that the maestro found himself between two grumpy gentlemen. Having drunk well, Voltaire's neighbors began to argue how to properly address the servants: "Bring me some water!" or "Give me water!". Voltaire unwittingly found himself right at the epicenter of this dispute. Finally, tired of this disgrace, the maestro could not stand it and said: - Gentlemen, both of these expressions are inapplicable to you! Both of you should say: "Take me to the watering hole!".

Traveling in France, Mark Twain traveled by train to the city of Dijon. The train was passing, and he asked to wake him up in time. At the same time, the writer said to the conductor: - I sleep very soundly. When you wake me up, maybe I will scream. So ignore it and be sure to drop me off at Dijon. When Mark Twain woke up, it was already morning, and the train was approaching Paris. The writer realized that Dijon had passed and became very angry. He ran to the conductor and began to reprimand him. - I've never been so angry as now! he shouted. "You're not as angry as the American I dropped off at Dijon last night," replied the guide.

After the first telegram was successfully transmitted from Europe to America, Alexander Stepanovich Popov made another report in one of the capital's clubs about his invention of a wireless telegraph system. Representatives of the royal court were present in the hall among the public, some of them were very skeptical about Popov's message. So, one of the high-society ladies, not understanding a word from the report, turned to Popov with what she thought was a tricky question: “However, how do you explain that this is a telegram during its passage through the ocean, from mainland to mainland , didn’t drown and didn’t even get wet? Alexander Stepanovich just shrugged his shoulders, and the lady, looking around, smiled smugly.

At the closing ceremony of the 1896 automobile exhibition in Paris, the French physicist and electrical engineer Marcel Despres proposed a toast to a future car that would reach speeds of 60 kilometers per hour. In response, one well-known then designer of cars responded with displeasure: - Well, why is there always someone who, with his stupid predictions, will spoil the whole celebration!

One day, an acquaintance of Alexander Pushkin, officer Kondyb, asked the poet if he could come up with a rhyme for the words "cancer" and "fish". Pushkin replied: "Fool Kondyba!" The officer was embarrassed and offered to make a rhyme for the combination "fish and cancer." Pushkin was not at a loss here either: "Kondyba is a fool."

"There is no great man for a servant." A curious confirmation of this old rule was the opinion of an old gardener who served Charles Darwin for several decades. He was fond of the famous naturalist, but had a “minimum opinion” about his abilities: “Good old gentleman, but it’s a pity he can’t find a worthwhile occupation. Judge for yourself: for several minutes he stands, staring at some flower. Well, would a person who has some serious occupation do it?

Once, speaking at a polytechnic institute at a debate about proletarian internationalism, Vladimir Mayakovsky said: - Among Russians, I feel like a Russian, among Georgians - a Georgian ... - And among fools? - suddenly someone shouted from the hall. “And for the first time among fools,” Mayakovsky replied instantly.

English theoretical physicist Paul Dirac married Wigner's sister. Soon a friend came to visit him, who still did not know anything about the event. In the midst of their conversation, a young woman entered the room, calling Dirac by name, pouring tea, and generally behaving like a mistress of the house. After some time, Dirac noticed the guest's embarrassment and, slapping his forehead, exclaimed: - Sorry, please, I forgot to introduce you - this is ... Wigner's sister!

Bernard Shaw, already a famous writer, once collided with a cyclist on the road. Fortunately, both escaped with only fright. The cyclist began to apologize, but Shaw objected: - You're out of luck, sir! A little more energy and you would have earned immortality as my killer.

One day, a very obese man said to a skinny Bernard Shaw, “You look like you might think your family is starving. - And look at you, you might think that you are the cause of this disaster.

The Prussian king Frederick II, considering himself an erudite man, liked to talk with members of his academy of sciences, sometimes asking the most ridiculous questions during these conversations. He once asked academicians: "Why does a glass filled with champagne give a cleaner ring than a glass filled with burgundy?" Professor Sulzer, on behalf of all the academicians present, replied: “Unfortunately, the members of the Academy of Sciences, with the low content that Your Majesty appointed them, are deprived of the opportunity to set up such experiments.”

Once Ilf and Petrov were asked if they had to write under a pseudonym. To which they replied: - Of course, Ilf sometimes signed Petrov, and Petrov Ilf.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, for fun, chose the addresses of 12 of the largest London bankers, who have a reputation for exceptionally honest and respectable people, and sent each of them a telegram that read: “Everything came out. Hide." The next day, all 12 bankers disappeared from London. All of them acknowledged the criminal and anti-social nature of their activities as a fact of their flight.

Alexandre Dumas once dined with famous doctor Gistal, who asked the writer to write something in his guest book. Dumas wrote: "Since Dr. Guistal treats entire families, the hospital must be closed." The doctor exclaimed: - You flatter me! Then Dumas added: "And build two cemeteries ..."

Guy de Maupassant worked for some time as an official in the ministry. A few years later, a description of Maupassant was found in the archives of the ministry: "A diligent official, but writes poorly."

In 1972, a young Indian wrote to John Lennon that he had a dream to travel around the world, but no money, and asked him to send the necessary amount. Lennon replied: "Meditate and you can see the whole world in your imagination." In 1995, the Hindu nevertheless went on a trip around the world. He received the right amount by auctioning Lennon's letter.

Once a customs officer, inspecting the luggage of the British playwright, poet and writer Oscar Wilde, who was widely known for his wit, who arrived in New York, asked the distinguished guest if he had jewelry and art objects with him that needed to be included in the declaration. “Nothing but my genius,” answered Oscar Wilde.

When the current heir to the British crown, Prince Charles, studied at Cambridge, a bodyguard went with him to all classes. The Cambridge system of education allowed the bodyguard to participate in discussion and debate. And at the end of the training, the teachers offered him to pass the exams. As a result, the bodyguard scored more points than the prince himself, and also received a diploma.

Once, at a reception, Charlie Chaplin performed a very complex opera aria for the assembled guests. When he finished, one of the guests exclaimed: - Amazing! I had no idea that you sing so wonderfully. - Not at all, - Chaplin smiled, - I never knew how to sing. I was just imitating the famous tenor I heard at the opera.

During the rest of Vladimir Vysotsky in Sochi, thieves looked into his hotel room. Together with things and clothes, they took all the documents, and even the key to the Moscow apartment. Having discovered the loss, Vysotsky went to the nearest police station, wrote a statement, and they promised to help him. But no help was needed. When he returned to the room, there were already stolen things and a note: “Sorry, Vladimir Semenovich, we didn’t know whose things these were. Jeans, unfortunately, we have already sold, but the jacket and documents are returned safe and sound.”

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