Summary of the lesson “The book is my best traveler and friend. Abstract of the lesson in the middle group of the kindergarten "Journey to the country of Chuka" (based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky)

Integrated lesson on works

K.I. Chukovsky


Arouse interest in the work of K.I. Chukovsky.


Develop reading and acting skills literary works;

Develop children's imagination emotional sphere, attention, initiative, the ability to act in concert, to play with imaginary images and objects;

Improve speech as a means of communication, work on its expressiveness.

Use children's skills in singing and movement to create a stage image.

Improving the skills of phonemic hearing;

Automation of sounds in connected speech;

Consolidation of song and musical material in a playful way;

Development of communication and control skills.

Material and equipment.

Portrait of K.I. Chukovsky and an exhibition of his books. Costumes for children and adults. Telegram. Miracle tree model. Sun cut out of cardboard. Whiskers for dancing. Sweet treats. Video camera.

Preliminary work.

Reading poems and fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky: “Moidodyr”, “wonder tree”, “Fedorino grief”, “Stolen sun”, “Cockroach”, “Fly-clatter”, “Phone”, “Confusion”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Chicken”, “ Braves”, “Jenniki”, “Pigs”, “The Elephant Reads”, “Kotausi and Mausi”, “Joy”, “Twisted Song”. Learning poems by K.I. Chukovsky.

Dramatizations: the fairy tale "Chicken" and the poem "Kotausi and Mausi". Learning the dance "Chunga-Changa". Drawing and making crafts on the topic.

Exercises for the development of speech, facial expressions and gesture.

Lesson progress

Children enter the hall, look at the exhibition - there is a portrait of K.I. Chukovsky, books with the writer's works, children's drawings.

Educator:(appeals to children) I have a magic chest with items in it. I will take out these objects in turn, and you will name the work in which this work is spoken of. Well done. And who wrote these works? (Shows a portrait of K.I. Chukovsky).

In the trunk: telephone, children remember: "Telephone", balloon " Cockroach", soap"Moydodyr", saucer"Fedorino grief", galoshes"Telephone", thermometer"Aibolit", etc.

Educator: Today we will talk about the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky - a wonderful children's poet, cheerful and cheerful person.
The game "Continue the lines."
Educator: I will read excerpts from the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky. When I stop, you must continue reading by heart.
scared goat,

She widened her eyes:

(“What is it? Why?

I don't understand anything!"

Look into the tub -

(And you will see a frog there.)

Look into the tub -

(Cockroaches are infested there.)
Educator: What story are these passages from? "Fedorino grief". Who remembers the final lines of this tale?


And on a white stool

Yes on an embroidered napkin

The samovar is standing

Like a fire is burning

And puffs, and looks at the woman:

"I forgive Fedorushka,

I serve sweet tea.

Eat, eat, Fyodor Yegorovna!”

Educator: Let's continue the game.

The bears rode

(On a bicycle.)

And behind them a cat


And behind him mosquitoes

(On the balloon.)

And behind them crayfish

(On a lame dog.)

Wolves (on a mare)

lions (in car)

Bunnies (on the tram)

Toad (on a broomstick).

They ride and laugh

(Gingerbread chews.)

What is this fairy tale? "Cockroach".

Educator: Who defeated the cockroach?


Only suddenly from behind a bush,

Because of the blue forest

From distant fields

A sparrow is flying.

Jump yes jump

Yes chirp chirp

Chicky ricky chirp chirp!

I took and pecked a cockroach,

There is no giant.

Serve the giant got it,

And his mustache was gone!

Educator: Who and in what fairy tale said to the guest:

"Beautiful Butterfly,

Eat jam!

Or you don't like

Our meal?" So said the Fly from the fairy tale "The Fly-Tsokotukha."

Educator: What happened to Mukha?

Suddenly some old man

(Our Fly was dragged into a corner,)

Wants to kill the poor

(Destroy Tsokotukha!)

Educator: How did the fairy tale end?


Suddenly from somewhere flies

little mosquito,

And in his hand it burns

Small flashlight.

“Where is the killer, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws!

Flies to the Spider

Takes out the saber

And he is at full gallop

Cuts off his head!
Educator: Read the lines from another fairy tale.

And then the Crocodile called

And with tears he asked:

("My dear, good, Send me galoshes,

And me, and my wife, and Totosha.")

What is this fairy tale? "Telephone".

Educator: Who else called the phone in this tale?

Children. Elephant, hares, monkeys, bear, herons, gazelles, kangaroos, rhinos,


Educator: Now finish the lines from another fairy tale.

Kittens meowed:

("We're tired of meowing!

We want, like pigs,


And behind them and ducklings:

(“We don’t want to quack anymore!

We want, like frogs,


What story are these lines from? "Confusion".

Educator: What else is wrong with this story?


The fish are walking across the field,

Toads fly across the sky

The mice caught the cat

They put me in a mousetrap.

And the chanterelles took the matches,

Let's go to the blue sea

The blue sea was lit.

Educator: Well done! They showed their knowledge!

Do you want to play?

Called the game
"Warm-up theatrical".

Held articulation gymnastics. Its goal is to fix the names of the organs of articulation in children's memory, to develop high-quality movements for correct pronunciation. The children are sitting scattered on the carpet.
We open the mouth-house.

Who is the master in that house?

It is the owner of the Tongue. ( Children open their mouths, stick out their tongues.)

He is comfortable in the house.

This house has two walls

These cheeks are visible to us.

The walls can be drawn into the house,

And then, like a balloon, inflate. ( Pull in and puff out cheeks.)

Paul is also in our house -

We will show the lower jaw.

This jaw is lower

Moveable in the house. ( "Do rotational movements bottom


Ceiling above, inside -

This is heaven. Look.

You can touch the sky

Knock and stay there. (Clicking tongue.)

The entrance to the house is locked.

Doors are different.

Doors are teeth. Carefully.

Close securely. (Teeth chattering).

Doors - flexible lips.

They can become a smile.

Can be assembled into a tube

Afterwards, smile again. ( They smile.)

Educator: Now it's time to show everything with gestures, and an expressive voice will help us. Get up loose!
A logarithmic exercise

"Dinner cooked."

Its goal is to increase emotional tone, develop the efficiency of memorization, attention, large and fine motor skills hands, coordination of movements, imagery of thinking. The teacher reads a poem, and the children accompany the words of the teacher with figurative movements.
We wanted to have lunch

And invited guests to the house.

The white tablecloth was covered

Spoons and forks laid out.

Sliced ​​bread and cheese

Prepared a side dish

And from minced meat cutlets for everyone

We fried without a diet.

Salted, peppered.

Kneaded. Don't forget

Put an angry bow

And close everything.

Ready, tired

We did not bake pies.

Exercise "Kitchen"

Its purpose: education of a culture of speech and movement, a clear pronunciation of consonant sounds: "l", "h", "s", "f", the development of imagery of speech, familiarizing children with collective creativity.
Today we are waiting for guests, various treats are being prepared in the kitchen. Everything whistles, hisses, gurgles, puffs.

Here's a big pot! (Children stand in a circle.) Let's show how the soup boiled, gurgled in it: "Bul-Bul-Bul!"

(Children perform onomatopoeia with their hands on each other's shoulders.)

The kettle whistled, water droplets hissed on its walls, we repeat: “psh-psh-sh”.

But the knives started to work: whack-whack-whack.

They began to chop cabbage for the pie: knock-knock-knock.

And the milk ran away from the hostesses, how does it hiss at the same time?

(Children depict milk, rising from a position, squatting and saying: psh-sh-sh.)
And without a suit, you can, children,

Turn, say, into the wind,

Or in the rain, or in a thunderstorm,

Or a butterfly, a wasp?

What will help here, friends?

(Gestures and, of course, facial expressions.)

What is mimicry? (Expression of our face.) And gestures ? (These are movements.)

There is, no doubt, a different mood,

I will name it, try to show it to us ...

(Children become loose.

Sadness, joy, calmness, surprise, grief, fear, horror, delight.)
The warm-up has come to an end

Everyone has tried now.

Now surprise guys

I invite you to a fairy tale.

Educator: And now the children will show a staging of the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Chick".
The Chicken lived in the world. He was small. Here's one.

The Chicken enters (a child in a costume).

Chick. (shows).

Educator: And he had a mother. Mom loved him very much. Mom was like this.

Enter Chicken (child in costume).


Educator: Once a cat ran into his mother and drove her away from the yard.

Cat. And this cat was like this.

Shows his paws, tail.

Educator: The chicken was left alone at the fence. Suddenly he sees: a beautiful big Rooster flew up onto the fence.

The Rooster enters (a child in a suit).

Educator: He stretched out his neck and screamed at the top of his lungs.




Educator: But he stumbled and fell into a puddle. Like this.

The Chicken sits on the floor next to the Frog (a child in a costume).

Educator: A frog was sitting in a puddle. She saw Chicken and laughed.


Educator: Then mother ran up to the Chicken.


She hugs Chicken and strokes his head.

Educator: Thank you artists!
Educator: Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky wrote poetry for children. Sometimes they contain incomprehensible, but funny words. Only connoisseurs can guess what verses they are from. Can you? (Yes!) Then listen.
"Tatalata, matalata" -

Disassemble nothing!

Children. These are the words from the poem "The Elephant Reads".

Educator: Tell this poem.

Educator: Well done! But guess where these words come from?



Children. These words are from the poem "Pigs".

Educator: Please tell me the whole poem.

The child recites a poem.
Educator: That's so know-it-alls! That's so smart! And what are these tricky words: Mausi, tailusi, Kotausi, eyes, teeth?

Children. These are the words from the poem "Kotausi and Mausi".

Children dressed as a mouse (Mausi) and a cat (Kotausi) run through the hall one after another.

Educator: I would like to know what kind of mouse it is and what kind of cat it is. Let's watch and listen to their story.


Once upon a time there was a Mousey mouse.

(Mouse enters.)

And suddenly she saw Kotausi.

(Kotausi enters.)

Kotausi has evil eyes

And evil, nasty teeth.

Kotausi ran up to Mausi

And waved his tail...


Ah, Mousey, Mousey, Mousey,

Come to me, dear Mousey!

I'll sing you a song, Mausi

Great song, Mousey!


But smart Mousey answered ...


You can't fool me, Kotausi!

I see your evil eyes

And evil, nasty teeth!


So answered clever Mausi -

And rather run from Kotausi!
The teacher brings in a mock-up of a miracle tree. Aibolit (an adult in a suit) enters and sits under a tree.


kind doctor Aibolit,

He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

Both the cow and the wolf

And a bug, and a spider,

And a bear!

Heal everyone, heal

Good Doctor Aibolit!
Educator: Dr. Aibolit, you have an urgent telegram from Hippo!

Gives a telegram to Aibolit. He reads it.

"To the animals from Africa

Want to know:

Do they know how in kindergarten


And record to us in Africa

Send urgently!

Children. Can!

Educator: Choose the rustlers for the dance, and you, dear doctor, get ready to shoot.

Children perform the Chunga-Changa dance. Aibolit films them on a video camera. At the end, the children sit down.

Aibolit. From the whole dance, it was as if the sun peeked into the hall!

Educator: It's good when the sun shines! And in one fairy tale by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, a very scary tale. Let's remember her.

The sun walked across the sky

And it ran over the cloud.

Hare looked out the window ...

(It became dark for the hare.)

And magpies are white-sided

Ride across the fields

They shouted to the cranes:

("Woe! Woe! Crocodile

Swallowed the sun in the sky!")

What is this fairy tale?

Children."Stolen Sun"

Aibolit. One of the heroes of this fairy tale is a furry and clumsy grandfather. He won scary crocodile and saved the sun. Tell me who is he?

Children. This is a bear.

Aibolit. Children, will you read poems about the sun?

Five children run in, stand around the bear.

First child.

Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Second child.

The birds began to chirp

Fly for insects.

Third child.

Became bunnies on the lawn

Roll and jump.

Fourth child.

And look: bear cubs,

Like funny kittens

Straight to the furry grandfather,

Fat-footed, run:


Hello grandpa, we're here!

Fifth child.

Happy bunnies and squirrels,

Happy boys and girls

Hugs and kisses clubfoot ...


Well thank you grandpa

For the sun!

Educator: Well done, children! Thank you, grandfather! Thanks to Aibolit and everyone who came to visit us! It's time for us to say goodbye to fairy tales. What a fun and joyful activity we have! What is joy?

Music sounds. The children stand up. Girls squat: their arms are raised above their heads, palms folded together.


Happy, happy, happy

Light birch...

(Raise hands up, spread apart.)


And on them with joy

Roses are growing.

(Slowly get up and lower your arms through the sides.)


Happy, happy, happy

dark aspens,

And on them with joy

Growing oranges.

(Puff out cheeks).


And from this joy

Sweets have also grown in our group.

Feel free to eat

Adults and kids!

Candies have grown on our miracle tree!

Adults turn the miracle tree mockup to the side where the sweets are attached. The children are eating.

Educator: Our lesson is over. But you, children, are waiting for new meetings with the heroes of poems and fairy tales by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Chick. But he thought he was very big, and lifted his head importantly. Like this. (shows).

Chicken. Mom fed him worms. And there were these worms like this.

Shows a worm-shaped marmalade and puts it in the Chicken's mouth.

The Cat (a child in a suit) runs in and chases the Chicken away with a meow.

Cat. And this cat was like this.

Shows his paws, tail.

Rooster. Ku-ka-re-ku! Am I not a stalker?! Am I not great?!

Educator: The chicken liked it. He craned his neck and squeaked with all his might.

Chick. Pee-pee-pee! I'm a nerd too! I'm great too!

Frog. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! You are far from the Rooster!

Chicken. She took pity on him and caressed him. Like this.

Hugs the Chicken and strokes his head

Once upon a time there was a Mousey mouse.

(Mouse enters.)

And suddenly she saw Kotausi.

(Kotausi enters.)

Kotausi has evil eyes

And evil, nasty teeth.

(Kotausi sneaks up on Mausi.)

Kotausi ran up to Mausi

And waved his tail...


But smart Mousey answered ...


So answered clever Mausi -

And rather run from Kotausi!

Ah, Mousey, Mousey, Mousey,

Come to me, dear Mousey!

I'll sing you a song, Mausi

Great song, Mousey!


You can't fool me, Kotausi!

I see your evil eyes

And evil, nasty teeth!


Good Doctor Aibolit,

He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

Both the cow and the wolf

And a bug, and a spider,

And a bear!

Heal everyone, heal

Good Doctor Aibolit!
"To the animals from Africa

Want to know:

Do they know how in kindergarten


Please, our dear Aibolit,

If you don't mind asking,

You will film the children's dance on camera

And record to us in Africa

Send urgently!
Children, can you dance?
First child.

Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!
Second child.

The birds began to chirp

Fly for insects.
Third child.

Became bunnies on the lawn

Roll and jump.
Fourth child.

And look: bear cubs,

Like funny kittens

Straight to the furry grandfather,

Fat-footed, run:


Hello grandpa, we're here!

Fifth child.

Happy bunnies and squirrels,

Happy boys and girls

Hugs and kisses clubfoot ...


Well thank you grandpa

For the sun!
“Animals from Africa want to know:

Do they know how to dance in kindergarten?

Please, our dear Aibolit,

If you don't mind asking,

You will film the children's dance on camera

And record to us in Africa

Lesson summary

"According to Chukovsky's Tales"

Prepared by the teacher:

Abgaryan E.N.

Volgodonsk 2014

    Recall with children the names and content of the works of K. I. Chukovsky, with whom they met, to awaken in children the joy of meeting their loved ones fairy tale characters, develop imagination.

    To form the ability to determine the content of literary works from excerpts from books and illustrations.

    Encourage "help" the heroes of these works - together with them to pronounce familiar verses, using intonational means of expressive speech.

MATERIAL: portrait of K. I. Chukovsky, illustrations for the works, “The Queen Book” with pages, split picture from four parts to the fairy tale “Fedorino Gora” (Fedor’s grandmother), the recording of the fairy tale “Confusion” is read by Chukovky.

PRELIMINARY WORK: reading fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky “Moydodyr”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Fly-Tsokotuha”, “Fedorino grief”.


Educator. Guys, do you believe in miracles?

Educator. A real miracle happened in our group this morning!

- Do you want to see?

Educator. Then close your eyes and do not peep (children close their eyes, the teacher takes out the Queen book).

“Now open your eyes and look. Did you see a miracle? See, this is Queen Book, how beautiful she is? Do you like her? (Yes). Let's open and look at the first page. What's on the first page? Here, guys, the rules for handling the book.

    Take books with clean hands.

    Books cannot be torn.

    Books cannot be crushed.

    You can't draw on books.

    You can't bend corners.

Educator. Well done boys! You know how to handle a book.

- But the Queen of Books tells us one more thing. Golden Rule, which must be remembered: “Books love silence”, so you can’t talk loudly, make noise and indulge, you need to be careful, if you want to say or answer something, you need to raise your hand. Everyone remember this rule? (Yes).

– How should we behave?

Children: be quiet.

Educator. Now we can look at the next page, what is there?

- Who is it guys? (Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky).

– Today, the Queen of Books invites us to visit your most beloved writer, who is loved by both adults and children, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

- Grandpa Korney is visiting

All children are invited!

But he is especially happy

Invite these guys

Who knows how to listen to fairy tales

Educator. Today with the Queen Book, we will remember the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky.

- Guys, do you remember how K. I. Chukovsky began to write fairy tales? (Not).

“Then I will remind you.

- Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky lived a long time ago, when your grandparents were as small as you are now.

He had four children: two daughters and two sons. He loved them very much, often played hide-and-seek with them, tag, swam with them in the sea, rode them in a boat, built fairy-tale sand castles with the children. They lived together and happily.

But one day an accident happened. One of his sons a little boy) became seriously ill. He had heat, had a severe headache. The boy did not eat anything, could not sleep, but only cried.

Chukovsky was very sorry for his son, he wanted to calm him down, and on the go he began to invent and tell him a fairy tale. The boy liked the story, he stopped crying, listened attentively, and finally fell asleep, and after a few days he completely recovered.

After this incident, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky began to compose fairy tales. And he came up with many fairy tales that are well known and loved by children and adults.

- Do you like fairy tales?

Educator. What fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky do you know?

Children. “Phone”, “Doctor Aibolit”, “Moydodyr”, “Fly-Tsokotuha”, “Fedorino grief”.

Educator. Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales.

- Let's see what's on the next page of the Queen of the book (turns the page, there is an excerpt from "Moydodyr" on it).

The sheet has flown

And a pillow

Like a frog

Ran away from me.

I'm for the candle

Candle in the oven!

I'm for the book

Ta - run

And in a jump

Under the bed!"

- Guys, did you find out what fairy tale in question?

Children. "Moydodyr".

Who is this story about? (Children's answers.)

- Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky really did not like children who do not wash their hands, do not wash their faces. About such dirty people, he wrote a fairy tale called “Moydodyr”

Our children have also prepared a surprise for you. They learned the verses from this fairy tale, and now they read them to you. Let's listen to our guys.

I child.

Suddenly from my mother's bedroom,

Bow-legged and lame,

Washbasin runs out

And shakes his head:

“Oh you, ugly, oh you, dirty,

Unwashed pig!

You're blacker than a chimney sweep

Love yourself:

You have wax on your neck

You have a blob under your nose

You have such hands

That even trousers ran away

Even trousers, even trousers

They ran away from you.

II child.

Early in the morning at dawn

The mice are washing

Both kittens and ducklings

And bugs and spiders.

You alone did not wash

And remained dirty

And ran away from dirty

And stockings and shoes.

III child.

I am the Great Washbasin,

The famous Moidodyr,

Washbasin Head

And washcloths Commander!

If I stamp my foot

Call my soldiers

Into this room in a crowd

Wash basins will fly in

And they bark and howl,

And their feet will pound

And you a brainwasher

Unwashed, they will give -

Directly to the Moyka

Directly to Moyka

Dipped head first!”

IV child.

Here is the Great Washbasin,

The famous Moidodyr,

Washbasin Head

And washcloth commander

Ran up to me dancing

And, kissing, he said:

V child.

“Now I love you,

Now I praise you!

Finally, you dirty

Pleased Moidodyr!”

Gotta, gotta wash

Mornings and evenings

And unclean

Chimney sweeps -

Shame and disgrace!

Shame and disgrace!

Educator. Thanks guys, take a seat. I am very glad that you love the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky.

- Here are the riddles, guys.

Educator. Well done, guys. You have completed the task. Children. This is Fyodor's grandmother from the fairy tale “Fedorino's grief”.

Educator: What does this fairy tale teach us?

Children. Be neat, clean, take care of the dishes, wash them, tidy up the house.

Educator. Let's take a look at the next page of the Queen of the Book and see what else she has in store for us.

- And here is the game "Tell me a word." I will read the beginning of the line, and you continue.

Kind Doctor……….(Aibolit)!

He is under a tree ……….. (sitting)

Come to him for treatment.

And a cow, and …………… .. (wolf).

And a bug, and ……………… (worm),

And a she-bear

Heal everyone, heal

Good…………………(Dr. Aibolit)!

Educator. Did you enjoy playing? What story are these lines from?

Children. Yes! From the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”


Dr. Aibolit. Hello guys. Did you call me? treat you?

Educator. Let's stand in a circle and show Dr. Aibolit that we are healthy, we do not need to be treated.

You don't need to heal us

Good doctor Aibolit.

Let's run and walk

Let's gather strength.

Our stomachs don't hurt

Like poor hippos.

We stretch our hands to the sun

And then sit down on the grass.

Like eagles we fly, soar,

We look in all directions

Where is Africa - a country?

Maybe help is needed?

Together with Chita we will ride,

Like a cheerful, sonorous ball.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Don't cling to the knot.

Friendly to the poor ostriches

The guys will walk on the grass.

Legs will lift

Walk on thick grass.

We all helped

They became strong.

“That’s how strong and healthy we are. Sit down guys.

“What is on the next page of the Queen of the Book?”

- Who is it guys? (Fly Tsokotukha).

Do you want to revive her? (Yes).

I will turn you into wizards now. Close your eyes and don't peek. Make a wish and say to yourself so that the Fly comes to life (music sounds and we turn the child into a Fly-Tsokotukha, put on wings and mustaches. With the end of the music, the children open their eyes).

- Guys, our picture came to life.

Fly Tsokotukha. I walked across the field in the morning?

Fly Tsokotukha. I found a penny in the clearing.

Children. I ran to the market and bought a samovar.

Fly Tsokotukha.

I am the Fly-Tsokotuha,

Gilded belly.

I'm waiting for a hotel today

Today I am a birthday girl.

I went to the market

I bought a samovar.

I'll treat my friends to tea

Let them come in the evening.

I am the Fly-Tsokotuha,

Gilded belly!

I have for guests

Lots of delicious sweets!

Educator. Thanks Fly-Tsokotuha, sit down with the guys.

- Guys, tell me, this heroine from which fairy tale came to us?

Children. From the fairy tale "Fly-Tsokotuha".

Educator. Guys, Korney Ivanovich was very fond of children, he often came to kindergartens and schools to read his funny poems and fairy tales. Guys, look how many fairy tales K.I. wrote to us. Let's call them again (list them).

Why do you guys like these fairy tales?

Children. Because they are kind, funny, interesting, instructive.

Educator. What do fairy tales teach us?

Children. Be kind, courteous, polite.

Educator. Thanks to K. I. Chukovsky for wonderful tales. And at the end of our lesson, let's listen to how K.I. Chukovsky himself reads his fairy tales. We swami will listen to the fairy tale "Confusion"

Abstract game lesson in kindergarten. Tales of K. Chukovsky. middle group

Author - Mazaeva Ellada Anatolyevna, educator.
The material will be of interest to educators and parents. Age group children - from 4 years.
Target: To consolidate in a playful way the knowledge of children about the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky.
Tasks: to cultivate interest in the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky;
- develop logical thinking;
- to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdishes, clothes, animals;
- to consolidate the ability to compare two groups of objects;
- to develop the skills of plasticineography;
Integration educational areas : artistic and aesthetic, speech development, physical, cognitive development, social and communicative development.
preliminary work: reading fairy tales by K. Chukovsky, looking at illustrations, watching cartoons "Fedorino grief", "Moydodyr"
Materials and equipment for the lesson: a large colorful book of Chukovsky's fairy tales, a sheet with the task "Shadows of animals", cards with the image of dishes and clothes, 5 pictures with the image of hippos, 6 rectangles of brown cardboard, butterfly templates, plasticine balls different colors, small books of Chukovsky's fairy tales for each child, a tape recorder, a recording of the song "Engine".

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Children! Let's read the story and look at the pictures.
Children: Let's!
caregiver: I have a book with beautiful illustrations. Its author is Korney Chukovsky.
The teacher opens the book and starts leafing through it. All children cannot see the picture. Children say they can't see.
Educator: Then I suggest you go on a journey for books. If we complete the tasks correctly, we will find a treasure, and everyone will have their own picture book. Do you agree?
Children: Yes!
caregiver: Then let's go! Become each other a train! Go!
The music "Engine" sounds and the children move one after another
caregiver: Here is the first stop of the "Shadow". Tell me, in which Chukovsky's fairy tale did the sun disappear and it became so dark that nothing could be seen?
Children: Stolen sun
caregiver: Correctly! Here is the task. Shadows are drawn on a sheet of paper, and you have to guess what kind of animals they are.
(children guess the shadows of animals)
caregiver: You have completed the first task. Let's go further.
Children get up like a train and move to the next stop to the music. Pictures of dishes and clothes are laid out on the table.
caregiver: in which fairy tale did the dishes run away?
Children: Fedorino grief
caregiver: in which fairy tale did the clothes run away?
Children: Moidodyr!
caregiver: Correctly! This is where you put things in order. We will be divided into two teams, boys and girls. The girls will help Fedora, and the boys will help the boy from the Moidodyr fairy tale.
Children take turns approaching the table, choosing the right picture and returning to the team.
caregiver: We check if you divided the tales correctly. Yes, that's right, well done!
The children again stand one after another and "ride on the train".
caregiver: Hippos are waiting for us at the next station. In which fairy tale did hippos get sick?
Children: "Aibolit"
caregiver: Correctly! How did the doctor treat them?
Children: Chocolates
caregiver: Yes. What delicious medicine! We will also treat hippos with chocolates. You just need to find out if there are enough chocolates for hippos? No one will be left without medicine?

Children lay out "chocolates" (rectangles made of cardboard Brown color) to each hippo.
caregiver: Enough?
Children: Yes, and one more remained.
caregiver: Which is more, hippos or chocolates?
Children: There are more chocolates than hippos for one.
caregiver: And the hippos?
Children: There are less hippos than chocolates for one
caregiver: You did well on the third task. Let's go further!
Butterfly is beautiful!
Eat jam!
Or you don't like
Our meal?
What fairy tale are these words from?
Children: "Fly Tsokotukha"
caregiver: Correctly! Butterflies have come to us and we must make them beauties.

From plasticine balls made in advance, children decorate butterfly patterns.
caregiver: Well done! Children, here we have reached our treasure.
In a beautiful package, children find thin books with Chukovsky's fairy tales.
caregiver: Did you enjoy our trip?
Children: Yes!
caregiver: Be sure to read these books with your parents at home and look at the pictures.

The lesson is fun, the children lived it in one breath.

MBDOU kindergarten №10

Synopsis of directly educational activities on speech development in the middle group. Introduction to literature.

"Journey through the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky"

Compiled by:


Kovalenko Valentina Anatolievna

Lesson progress:

Target: to consolidate and expand the children's understanding of the children's writer K.I. Chukovsky and his work.



To teach children to emotionally and actively perceive the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

Strengthen children's ability to correctly and clearly pronounce words and phrases.

To teach children to understand the hidden meaning of the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

To develop in children the ability to select words on a given topic.

Develop children's interest in expressive reading by heart excerpts from the works of K.I. Chukovsky.


Expand and activate vocabulary children.

Develop the ability to answer questions in full detailed sentences.

Continue to work on the correct coordination of words in the sentence.

Develop the prosodic side of speech (intonation and pitch of voice).

Develop sound and visual perception.

Develop coordination of movements with speech, fine motor skills of fingers / hands.


Develop the ability to work in a team.

Vocabulary work:

Photo gallery, storyteller, creativity.

Preliminary work.

Reading fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky, looking at the illustrations. Productive activity: drawing on the topic: "My favorite character." Coloring pages with the heroes of your favorite fairy tales. Modeling on the topic: "Granny Fedora's dishes", "Moydodyr and his friends." Making "Baby Books" by children with their parents, S.R.I. Aibolit Hospital.


photo frames (according to the number of works);

Muddler doll

TSO (tape recorder);

portrait of K.I. Chukovsky;

items for the game - telephone, chocolate, gloves, soap, phonendoscope, doctor's cap, saucer,

balloon, coin.

illustrations for the works "Fedorino grief", "Aibolit", "Moydodyr", "Telephone";

coloring pages by number of children;

board magnets.

  1. I. Organizational moment:

Children are in the group:

  1. II. The teacher (hereinafter B) reads the poem:

Let's open our favorite books

And again we go from page to page,

It's always nice to be with your favorite character.

Meet again, make friends

V.- Children, today I invite you to go on a journey through fairy tales. And here is where our journey will be, guess for yourself.

The phone rings.

V. - My phone rang. "Who's talking?"

V. - Where from?

D. - From a camel.

V. - What do you need?

D. - Chocolate.

Q. - From which work is this passage?

D. - answers.

Q. - And who wrote this work?

D. - answers.

V,_ For whom did K.I. Chukovsky write his works?

D. - answers.

Q. - So, how can you say about him?

D. - Children's writer

V. - K. I. Chukovsky - beloved children's writer, storyteller. His books are loved by children and read with pleasure by adults. Korney Ivanovich loved children very much, he always communicated with them with great interest, watched them a lot, and he really wanted the children to grow up kind, sympathetic, accurate, take care of everything that surrounds us, be honest, hardworking.

Q. - Have you guessed where we will go on a trip?

D. _ answers

Q. - What kind of transport could we go on a trip with you? So that we are comfortable and we all fit?

D. - answers. (By train)

B: - Let's all go on the train together and even with a song. Get comfortable and let's go.

D: - (children line up one after another and perform the familiar song “Brilliant Brand New Engine”).

Children go and sit on chairs.

V.- Our first station "Fabulous"

V. - I suggest you play a game "Heroes of fairy tales".

V. - Look, I will now remove the curtain from the board, and there Korney Ivanovich, surrounded by his favorite heroes.

V. - (removes the curtain, and there are empty frames.) - What happened? Where did everyone disappear to?

(a giggle is heard) - I don’t understand what?

Q. - Who is that giggling like that? (the Muddler doll appears)

K.- And I mixed everything up for you! Ha ha ha, hee hee hee.

V. - And who are you? We don't know you

K. - I am a Muddler doll. I don't want you to travel.

V. - Doll Confusion, and we can take you on a trip with us. Just help us to return the paintings from our favorite works by K.I. Chukovsky to their place.

K. - Ah, here they are. Only you will need to guess my riddles. I will read an excerpt from a fairy tale, and you answer and find a picture.

V. - (reads an excerpt),

D. - (guess and take the corresponding hero and insert it into the photo on the board.)

Fragments from fairy tales:

  1. 1 . The fly went across the field,
    The fly found the money.
    Fly went to the market
    And I bought a samovar ... "Fly-sokotuha"

    2 . And behind them a cat
    And behind him mosquitoes
    On a balloon.
    And behind them crayfish
    On a lame dog. "Cockroach"

    3 . Blanket
    Run away.
    The sheet has flown
    And a pillow
    Like a frog
    Ran away from me. "Moydodyr"

4. The sieve jumps across the fields,
And a trough in the meadows.
Behind the shovel broom
Walked down the street.
Axes, axes

That's how they roll down the mountain. "Fedorino grief"

5 . The frogs came running

Watered from a tub.

Extinguish, extinguish - do not extinguish,

They flood, they don't flood.


  1. Come to him for treatment

Both the crow and the wolf.

(Lights flash in the group)

Q. _ What happened? Why is the light flashing?
7 . Woe, woe, crocodile

The sun in the sky swallowed.

Darkness has come

Don't go through the gate...

(Stolen sun).

  1. 8 . And then the monkeys called:

"Send me some books, please."


Q. - And who composed all these fairy tales?

D. - answers.

B - Look at the hero. What do you think we did?

D. - answers.

V. - And it turned out to be a photo gallery (an exhibition of photographs). Let's repeat clearly one at a time, together, quietly and loudly.

V. - Well done, here they put things in order. Grab your seats in our fun little train and let's move on.

The next fabulous station is called "Guess"

K. - And I want to invite you to play another game "From what fairy tale is the subject"

V. - There are different things in the basket. Someone has lost them. Help find their owner, remember the fairy tale and the lines that talk about this subject.
Children approach the tables, under the tablecloth in the basket are various items from the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky.

Phone (My phone rang)

Balloon (Bears rode on a bicycle ... followed by mosquitoes in a balloon)

Soap (So the soap jumped)

Saucer (And saucers behind them)

Gloves (And then the hares called: “Can you send gloves?”)

Coin (The fly went across the field, the fly found the money)

K. - We coped with the task.

I will be Doctor Aibolit! (puts a doctor's hat on his head)

V.- Yes, look at us how strong and healthy we are, we don’t need to be treated. (Children do a physical minute)


You don't need to treat us (they walk in place)
Good Doctor Aibolit!
We will run and walk, we will gain strength.
Our tummies do not hurt (stroke their tummies),
Like poor hippos
We will pull our hands to the sun (hands pull up),
And then we sit down on the grass. (squat)
Like eagles we fly, soar, (waving their hands)
We look in all directions.
Where is Africa-country? (look from under the arm)
Maybe help is needed?
Together with Chita we will jump (jump on the spot),
Like a cheerful, sonorous ball.
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Don't cling to the knot.
Friendly to the poor ostriches (step in place)
The guys will walk on the grass.
Legs will lift
Walk on thick grass.
We all helped
We ourselves have become strong. (Show how strong)

TO. - I see how well done you are. So healthy and strong we go further

V. - our journey continues and at the next fairy-tale station, the Muddler doll has prepared one more task for us called “Who is who?”

K. - What characters do these fabulous names belong to?

Aibolit - ( doctor)
Barmaley - ( robber)
Fedora - ( grandmother)
Doodle - ( shark)
Moidodyr - ( wash basin)
Totoshka, Kokoshka - ( crocodiles)
Tsokotuha - ( fly)
Red, mustachioed giant - ( cockroach)

V. - Well done, you did it! Say Muddler, do you have any more assignments? Agree, the guys coped with all your tasks and deserved awards.

K. - Yes, you are just smart and clever. You know well the fairy tales and poems of K.I. Chukovsky of this wonderful author. We remembered our favorite fairy tales that you read in a group with teachers and at home with your parents.

Q. - Why do you like his fairy tales?

D. - Cheerful, funny, kind, instructive, interesting, playful, beloved.

V. - And why the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky teach us?

D. - Be kind, courageous, neat, polite.

V. - Let's say K.I. Thanks to Chukovsky for such kind and instructive children's works. I enjoyed traveling and playing with you.

K. - Guys, I have another book, this is a book with a secret. It contains drawings from the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky, only they are not so colorful, they need to be painted. I will now distribute these pictures to you, and we will ride our cheerful train to the group and decorate them. Then we will collect all the leaves and give this colorful book to the kids! Take your seats in our merry train, Oh-oh-oh I also want to give you sweet treats from Mukha-Tsokotukha, I was also invited to a birthday party and this is for you!

(children, singing the song of the train, leave and say goodbye to the Muddler doll)

Integrated lesson for the middle group of kindergarten "Journey through Chukovsky's fairy tales" (lesson with elements of mathematics and fiction)

Program content:

Consolidation of children's knowledge about ordinal counting, about quantitative counting using various analyzers, about comparing numbers. Consolidation of knowledge about numbers and geometric shapes, about the size of objects, using the terms: wide - narrow, long - short, high - low. Continue to consolidate the ability to navigate in space, in parts of the day. To consolidate children's knowledge about the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky.

Lesson progress:

Guys, today we will go on a journey through the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky. The journey will be unusual, to get to each fairy tale, we will need to complete a mathematical task. And so, we go to the first tale, listen to the task.

There are numbers in front of you, I will knock on a tambourine for you, and you will carefully count how many knocks there were and mark it with a number. (Children perform.) And still here small task. In front of you are strips stretched with fabric, buttons under the fabric, you need to count them and mark them with a number. Well, guys, now we got to the first fairy tale, and you will find out which fairy tale when I read you an excerpt from it. “The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away ...”

What is the name of this fairy tale? (showing the book "Moydodyr")
Who is she talking about?
Was the boy doing the right thing?
What is the boy like at the end of the story?

Well done guys, you remember this fairy tale well, let's go to the second fairy tale.

Move the tray with the pictures towards you and the strip on which we will lay out the pictures. Listen to the math problem. At the edge of the forest, 4 Christmas trees grew (children lay them on the top strip of the Christmas tree) and one mushroom grew under each Christmas tree. How many Christmas trees, and mushrooms? How can you say more about them? (they were equally divided) Later we noticed another Christmas tree in the clearing. How many Christmas trees have become? What is more and by how much? What needs to be done to make Christmas trees and mushrooms equally? Well done, and you coped with this task, so we approached the second fairy tale. Listen carefully to the passage. “Suddenly from the gateway a terrible giant, a red and mustachioed cockroach ....”

Yes, guys, this is the fairy tale "Cockroach". (showing the book).

Guys, who were the animals afraid of?
How did the fairy tale end?

Let's go further. The next task is all attention to the board. The lion entered the circus arena first, then the cat came out, after the cat the bear, then the horse, and the last to perform was the dog. Look carefully who is behind whom and tell me who was the first? second? third? fourth? Fifth? And now in the scatter, what was the lion in a row? What about the horse? Dog?
The good guys said it all. And so we come to the third story. “And the chanterelles took matches, went to the blue sea and lit the blue sea.” What story is this passage from? What happened in the fairy tale "Confusion"? How did the fairy tale end? Let's go further. There are two strips on the tray, they are different in size and color, we need to compare these two strips, put them in front of you so that their difference is clearly visible and put a bunny on a long strip. What is the red stripe? (long) And yellow? (short) Look guys, are the stripes the same width? (no) which strip does the hare sit on, narrow or wide? Now look at the hemp stump stripe different heights. Put the bunny on a high stump, what is the second stump? (Low). And the hare sits on which one? (on high). Well, you have completed this task. We listen to an excerpt from the fairy tale: “And Barbos came to Aibolit ...” That's right, this is the fairy tale “Aibolit”. What was Aibolit in the fairy tale? Whom did he treat? How did the fairy tale end? And now a little warm-up (physical minute).

Alright guys, let's move on. Now we will check how well you know geometric figures, I will name the figure, and you select the figure you need on your table and show it to me. (Children show the figures.) And what object does this figure look like? (Children's answers.) Well done and you coped with this task. We listen to an excerpt from a fairy tale: “Little children, don’t go for anything in the world, children, to walk in Africa, in Africa gorillas, evil crocodiles will bite, beat and offend you ... ..” What fairy tale is the passage from? That's right, "Barmaley" (showing a fairy tale). What was Barmaley like? How did the fairy tale end? And you know this fairy tale well, let's move on. And the next task will be like this. I will show pictures with parts of the day, and you will name them for me. (morning) What do we do in the morning? (showing the next picture, which depicts the day) And what do we do during the day? (this is how I show the rest of the pictures). Here we come to another story. “My phone rang, who is talking? ..” What kind of fairy tale is this? ("Telephone.") Who was on the phone? (Beasts.) Why did they call? (asked for help, asked about something).

Well, guys, we have one more, the last fairy tale that we need to get to. And we will get there by playing table football. You have football fields and balls on the tables, you listen carefully to the commands and perform movements with the ball. And so the ball rolled into the upper right corner, the ball rolled into the lower left corner, the ball was scored into the right goal "Goal!", The ball rolled into the center of the field, the ball was scored into the left goal "Goal!" a sieve through the fields, and a trough through the meadows ... From which fairy tale are the words? That's right, "Fedorino grief." What was Fedora at the beginning of the tale? What was she like at the end? Well, guys, did you do well with all the math tasks? What fairy tales did we travel today? What is the name of the author of these stories? Well done, children, I really liked you in class today.

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