Articulation gymnastics on the theme of fruit. Articulation gymnastics "vegetables" Leaves no need to row

D Dear visitors of the Orthodox website "Family and Faith"!

P We congratulate you all on the joyful holiday of the Nativity of Christ!

P we publish the text of the 24 most popular carols, and audio recordings for some of them.

To oliadki is a beautiful Christmas song that takes us to that wonderful night when angels flew over the born baby, the bright star of Bethlehem shone from heaven, sanctifying a small cave that contained our incomprehensible Lord Jesus Christ!

The night is quiet over Palestine

H very quiet over Palestine.
The weary earth sleeps.
Mountains, groves and valleys
The darkness of the night hid everything.
The darkness of the night hid everything.

Weary in Bethlehem
All the lights went out
Only in a distant field
The shepherds did not sleep.
The shepherds did not sleep.

The herd was correctly counted,
Circled the night watch
And, sitting down, they tied
Talk among themselves.
Talk among themselves.

Suddenly there was a gentle rustle,
The shepherds were trembling,
And in white clothes
An angel of God appeared to them.
An angel of God appeared to them.

- Do not be afraid, do not be embarrassed!
From Heavenly Father
I have come with great news
You will rejoice hearts.
You will rejoice hearts.

Mercy sends to people
Christ Himself, the Sovereign-King.
Wishing to save the sinful world,
He gave himself as a sacrifice.
He gave himself as a sacrifice.

The night is quiet over Palestine.
The weary earth sleeps.
Mountains, groves and valleys
The darkness of the night hid everything.
The darkness of the night hid everything.

Good evening to you

D good evening to you, my Lord! Rejoice!

Cover the tables, all with kilims, Rejoice!
Oh, rejoice, earth: the Son of God is born!

And put rolls with hot wheat, Rejoice!
Oh, rejoice, earth: the Son of God is born!

Bo come to you three holidays as a guest, Rejoice!
Oh, rejoice, earth: the Son of God is born!

Oh, the first holiday is the Rizdvo of Christ, Rejoice!
Oh, rejoice, earth: the Son of God is born!

And the other feast of St. Basil, Rejoice!
Oh, rejoice, earth: the Son of God is born!

And the third holiday: Baptism of the Lord, Rejoice!
Oh, rejoice, earth: the Son of God is born!

And that first holiday has come to you in the air, Rejoice!
Oh, rejoice, earth: the Son of God is born!

And that other holiday zishle you happiness, Rejoice!
Oh, rejoice, earth: the Son of God is born!

And that third feast was our share, Rejoice!
Oh, rejoice, earth: the Son of God is born!


R the birth of Christ - an angel has arrived.
He flew across the sky, singing songs to people:
- All people rejoice, celebrate this day -
Today is Christmas!

I'm flying from God, I brought joy to you,
That Christ was born in a poor den.
Hurry up, meet the baby

Shepherds from the East came first,
In a manger on the straw the Baby was found.
Stood, wept, glorified Christ
And His Holy Mother.

And the Magi, seeing a bright star,
They came to worship God and the King.
They bowed to God, they gave gifts to the Tsar:
Gold, myrrh and Lebanon.

And Herod, rebellious, learned about Christ,
Soldiers sent to kill all babies.
Babies killed, swords blunted
But Christ was in Egypt.

We have sinned a lot, Savior before You.
We are all sinful people, You are the only Saint.
Forgive our sins, give us forgiveness.
Today is Christmas!

Heaven and earth

H heaven and earth, heaven and earth,
Nini triumph!
Angelic people, Angelic people
Have fun celebrating:

A miracle, a miracle to say.

In Bethlehem, in Bethlehem
Fun news!
Pure Diva, Pure Diva,
She gave birth to Sin!

Christ is born, God is incarnate
Angels sing, the Kings soar,
Poklin vіddyat, Pastirіє warm,
A miracle, a miracle to say.

I am in the flesh, I am in the flesh
Daimo bow to God:
"Glory in cherries, glory in cherries"
Youmu go to sleep!

Christ is born, God is incarnate
Angels sing, the Kings soar,
Poklin vіddyat, Pastirіє warm,
A miracle, a miracle to tell. The night is quiet over Palestine

Celebrate, have fun

T celebrate, have fun
Good people with me
And clothe yourself with delight
In the robe of holy joy.

Now God has appeared in the world -
God of gods and King of kings.
Not in a crown, not in purple
This Heavenly Priest.

He was not born in the wards
And not in clean houses.
There was no gold to be seen
Where He lay in swaddling clothes.

Incompatible He fit
In a cramped manger, like a poor man.
Why was He born?
Why is it so poor?

To save us
From the devil's nets
Exalt and glorify
Us with your love

We will always praise God
For such a day of celebration!
Allow me to congratulate you
Happy Christmas Day!

Celebrate, have fun
good people with me
And clothe yourself with delight
In the robe of holy joy

There is a star in the sky...

1. In the sky, a clear light shone
I love the light shining.
The wind of salvation waved us, -
God is born in Bethlehem.
Shchab the earth with the sky in one zluchit,
Christ is born - praise!

2. In a dark den, in a manger on a blue
Having rested Vlad, the Tsar of the world.
Otozh until the new sleep all nі,
Waiting for our wine.
Let's sleep with love yoga,
Christ is born - praise!

3. Bless us, child God,
Grant us some love.
Nay cіla power baked impossible
Separate us from you.
Bless us - my your children!
Christ is born - praise!

This night is holy

1. This night is holy, this night of salvation
Proclaimed to the world
The Mystery of the Incarnation.

2. That night, the shepherds did not sleep near the flock.
A bright angel flew to them
From heavenly light gave.

3. Great fear seized those children of the desert,
But he said to them: oh, do not be afraid -
The whole world is joy now.

4. Where Christ was born to people for salvation,
you go look
To great humility.

5. And suddenly a song was heard from the heights of heaven:
Glory, glory to God in the highest,
Goodwill on earth.

Three glorious kings

1. Three glorious kings,
Did you come?
From a distant land
They went for the star.
To pat the begotten Christ God the truthful.
From the Most Pure Divi, from the Divine Mary.

2. From far away
we came here.
Gold, myrrh and incense -
They brought the gift.
Sob the Child was amused and blessed us all.
Yogo is glorified, glory is sung.

3. Angels sleep
They proclaim glory.
Shepherds are happy
They tell people.
That Christ God was born, incarnated in the human body.
Glory to the Born and Mother Yogo.


1. Here is a spruce in the forest, how green
And how beautiful she is
But how beautiful she is
When the house is full of candles,
She shines bright.

2. On one of the joyful nights
The Lord Jesus was born.
He is the one who redeemed the people,
After all, without Him in its darkness
This world is lost.

3. For all who believe in Christ,
And at night the light shines.
And this night is holy to us
May the joy of all be pure,
Jesus is here.

4. Let Him, child, into your house:
He lives in the heart
He wants to make a garden in it,
Enrich him with fruit
Who lets him into the house.

Angels in the sky sing a song

1. Angels in the sky are singing.

2. The Most Pure Diva laid in the manger
God's Sin, son of a coward.

3. Bring Volsvi from the East,
Gold and incense, bring myrrh.

4. Maria, Josip Prayed to God.
The shepherds with the lamb bowed to Christ.

5. Angels in the sky are singing.
They proclaim to everyone that Christ is born.

The night is silent, the night is holy

The night is silent, the night is holy
There is light and beauty in the sky.
God's Son is wrapped in swaddling clothes,
In the Bethlehem den lies.
Sleep, Holy Child,
Sleep, Holy Child.

The night is silent, the night is holy
And bright and clean.
Praises the joyful choir of angels,
Far announcing space
Over the sleeping earth.
Over the sleeping earth.

The night is silent, the night is holy
We sing Christ.
And with a smile the baby looks,
His gaze speaks of love
And shines with beauty.
And shines with beauty.

Virgin Mother of God

Virgin Mother of God, Pure Mary,
Mother Pre-chosen, beauty of the world,
Meek Lady, save Russia,
Pray for us sinners Lord Christ.

Quietly sang a lullaby over the manger
And gently rocked her Creator.
The first meekly looked into His eyes,
The first saw the light of His face.

You composed His first words in your heart
And I saw him smile for the first time.
With Him from the anger of Herod fled to a distant land.
Pray for us sinners, Your Son!

You pressed the Heavenly Child to your heart -
Before Him alone You are pure as snow.
In Bethlehem, the Lord swaddled in a manger -
On Golgotha ​​you stood at His cross.

Oh, Immaculate, who gave birth to the Messiah,
holding the truth in her hands,
Pray the Lord to save Russia,
And remember us sinners in heavenly Heaven

Silence in Bethlehem

Silence in Bethlehem
Meadows sleep and herds sleep.
The night is as bright as ever
There is a bright star in the sky
Illuminates everything around
Rivers, mountains, forest and meadow.


Peace and joy to all now.

In every heart is Bethlehem.

"To burn like a star,
We haven't seen it anywhere."
The shepherds said
Resting by the river.
Suddenly their fire went out -
The angel spread its wings

Peace and joy, peace and joy,
Peace and joy to all now.
Peace and joy in every heart,
In every heart is Bethlehem.

"Oh, don't be afraid, shepherds,
God came down to forgive sins.
He is born in the den now" -
And the angel said the name.
And sang all around
Sky, mountains, forest and meadow.

Peace and joy, peace and joy,
Peace and joy to all now.
Peace and joy in every heart,
In every heart is Bethlehem.

The shepherds entered the den,
God was found in a manger.
Next to the Virgin Mother sat,
She looked at her child.
And all around shone
Sky, mountains, forest and meadow.

Peace and joy, peace and joy,
Peace and joy to all now.
Peace and joy in every heart,
In every heart is Bethlehem.

In the land of the Jews

1. Bethlehem stands in the country of Judea,
The star above the den shines low.
The skies are shining, the angels are singing

2. The shepherds guarded the flock in the field,
The Blessed Virgin was found in a cave.
And they came to the cave to feed the herd.
And they look in the manger - there is the Mother of God.

3. A small baby in swaddling clothes
The Most Pure Virgin has in her arms, -
Pressed to the chest and feeds him
And gently caresses his Son.

4. O Lord God our Creator,
You bless us all for every hour.
The skies are shining, the angels are singing
Glory is given to the eternal God.

An angel came down to us

An angel came down to us
And he sang: "Christ is born!"
We came to glorify Christ
And congratulate you on the holiday.

Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven.
We rule our way to the house,
We praise Christ God.

New joy has become

1. New joy has become,
Yaka did not happen:
Above the den the star is clear
The whole world shone.

2. De Christ was born,
Z Divi incarnated,
Yaka man in shrouds
Poorly woke up.

3. Shepherdesses with lamb
Before Tim Child
Fall on the ring
Praise Christ God.

4. Angels sleep
They proclaim glory.
Like in heaven, so on earth
Peace to preach.

5. I tezh spіvaymo,
We glorify God.
born from Mary
Bless you all.

6. We ask you, King,
Heavenly Lord,
Gift of Lita happy
Whose house do I rule.

7. Whom the ruler,
All yoga homeland,
Grant happiness orthodox
Dear Nenets of Ukraine!

8. Give us a world to live
I praise you
And after death in your kingdom
Forever to live.

The sky is clear, the stars vkrili

1. The sky is clear, the stars vkrili,
Our land was sanctified.

2. Snow was arguing,
We paved the way.

3. Good evening, Lord, -
We brought God give.

4. Our songs garni dari
Born to be praised

5. Good God, good God,
Send us a lucky river.

Oh, at the field, floor

1. Oh, near the field, field
Samitnya hut.
There the Savior was born -
God's child.

2. Shepherds by the field
They guarded the lambs.
Yak felt about Jesus -
They came to the manger.

3. They came, they came,
She began to feed
Chi allow Bozhza Mati
Jesus Vitati.

4. Jesus, Jesus,
rozhevy voucher,
Grant a letter of happiness
In my native hut.

Let's rejoice all together

1. Let us all rejoice together, -

All calm down on earth.

2. All calm down on earth,
Praise vіddaymu youmu is worthy,
To the greedy, given from the sky
Kotriy uves svіt vіdkupiv.

3. Songs sing all at once cute
I triumphantly renew everything:
Glory is in the cherries, and the world is for the lower ones!
Merry glory to us!

4. Let us rejoice all at once, -
Christ was born in a vicious manger.
Last century, becoming a man.
All calm down on earth.

In Bethlehem, the mystery has become

1. In Bethlehem, the mystery has become great,
For there the ancestral Vlad was born.
Praise God daimo, sing merrily
Glory to God in cherries.

2. Mary the Most Pure gave birth to the Tsar,
She put it in a crib on a blue in a manger.
There shepherds are warming, Yangoli are singing:
Glory to God in cherries.

3. All Heavenly Forces glorified Christ
And the shepherds in the field called out the joy of qiu.
To that, everything is warmly playing, I will save the song:
Glory to God in cherries.

God is giving birth

1. God gives birth! Who might know?
Jesus on im'ya, and Mary Mati.

Prispіv: Here yangoli wonder, Born to be afraid.
And it was worth shaking, The donkey was grazing madly.
Shepherds swear - God in the tіlі churn ...

2. Maria Mati sleeps beautifully,
І angelic choir helps.

3. Josip the old kolish Dityatko:
Love, love, little boy.

4. Three kings came to the den
Lebanon and myrrh, bringing gold.

5. And they resort to new pastirs
I like the King of their own.

6. Today I come to him faithfully,
Praise to God born and honor vіddaimo

Shvetsyatsya, shvyatsya eyes

1. Svetsyatsya, svetsyatsya eyes,
Zorki brylyantsisty,
On the floor, uzgorachki,
On the fringes of the qyanisty.

2. Qisha syan in the evenings
The whole world is passeletstsa.
Golden bumps
We will sprinkle the Christmas tree.


If you celebrated with noise and din, then the next holiday is approaching this is Christmas. But before that, according to tradition, from January 6 to 7, caroling takes place throughout the country. The most basic attributes of this event are dressing up, that is, dressing up and reading and singing carols and the right songs. There are also games and divination.

Do you even know what a carol is? To be honest, I never even thought about this question before. But now I had to, and I share information with you. It turns out that this word means "calends", it's funny though, this is such a song with wishes for a good life, wealth, good health and a chic harvest.

Adults and children walked around the yards and apartments and sang songs, and those who opened the doors for them in response treated them. And this mood and the resulting charge of energy remained for a couple of months. And a lot of positive emotions. I remember as a child I had to perform such tunes. Yes, it was very fun and funny.

I suggest you take into service all these not too long texts and memorize them with the kids, and then walk and hum. Good luck, let's go.

Do you know how to carol properly? And another question, when? That's right, in the evening from 6 to 7 January. But, besides this, you should know some more features, which I will tell you about right now. Read and memorize, because it is very interesting, find out who the bell ringer, mekhonosha and star ringer are. And the term caroling itself means the following (I made clippings from the newspaper):

Now we go directly to the rhymes themselves, chants, choose any one you like and enchant everyone.

So it happened in the white world
For many years in a row
On such a magical, good evening
Angels fly from heaven to us
They bring goodness, hope,
Blessing in every home
Happy new year everyone
And Merry Christmas!

carol, carol
Open up the gate
Get out the chests
Give patches.
Though rub,
At least a penny
Let's not leave home like this!
Give us some candy
And maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
Christmas Eve!

Mister, gentlemen
Lord, gentlemen
master's wife,
Open the doors
And gift us!
Pie, kalach
Or something else!

carol, carol
carol, carol,
The other day of Christmas!
Who will serve the pie
Therefore, the yard of the abdomen.
Who will not give a pie,
To that gray mare
Yes, the grave is torn off!

Celebrate, have fun
Good people with me
And clothe yourself with delight
In the robe of holy joy.
Now God has appeared in the world -
God of gods and King of kings.
Not in a crown, not in purple
This Heavenly Priest.
He was not born in the wards
And not in clean houses.
There was no gold to be seen
Where He lay in swaddling clothes.
Incompatible He fit
In a cramped manger, like a poor man.
Why was He born?
Why is it so poor?
To save us
From the devil's nets
Exalt and glorify
Us with your love
We will always praise God
For such a day of celebration!
Allow me to congratulate you
Happy Christmas Day!
We wish you a lot of summer
Many, many, many years.

carol, carol,
Who will not give a pie,
We are the cow by the horns
Who will not give donuts,
We are bumps in the forehead,
Who will not give a piglet,
Tom's neck on the side.

Christmas carol came
Christmas Eve
Give me a cow
Oily head.
And God forbid that
Who is in this house.
The rye is thick for him,
Rye is stingy.
Him with an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his carpet,
From half-grain - a pie.
The Lord would give you
And living, and being,
And wealth.
And create for you, Lord, Even better than that!

carol, carol
Open up the gate
Get out the chests
Give patches.
Though the ruble
At least a penny
Let's not leave home like this!
Give us some candy
And maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
Christmas Eve!

The sparrow is flying
twirls its tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Meet Christmas!

Accept congratulations people!
The day of fun has come!
short, medium, long,
Young, young, old!
We bring congratulations to everyone,
Looking forward to this meal!

I help my mom.
I carol until the morning.
Have pity, baby
Give me candy!

Joy without borders has come
Let's celebrate in the morning!
God bless you
We wish for years!
We sow, we sow in your house,
We are waiting for treats!

Like Christ Christmas
Rolled under the window
Nikanorov's yard
On seven pillars.
Turned columns,
Our carol
Neither small nor great.
She sews under the window
He serves pies.
Here in the master's house

Do you know that the most famous carol is Carol Of The Bells and apparently, as I understand it, it has a Ukrainian origin.

Such a song is ritual and it is sung at Christmas.

Keep the processed and finished composition from the composer Nikolai Leontovich. And by the way, on January 13, the so-called Vasiliev evening, which is called Generous, is celebrated. On this day, you can also sing:

Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedrovka,
The swallow has arrived.
I started to twitter
Call the owner:
- Come out, come out, master,
Look at the cat -
There the sheep lambed
And the lambs were born
You have a good product
You will have more than one penny,
Though not money, then sex.
You have a black-browed wife.
Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedrovka,
The swallow has arrived.

Or here is another tune that can be performed by the teams of your city or village.

On a starry night, Christ is born.
In a simple manger he was laid.
An angel descended from heaven into the field,
He told the shepherds the message:
“Rejoice all - Christ is born.
In a simple manger he was laid.
Glory, glory, glory to God in the highest!
Goodwill to all people!
The angelic choir sang a song,
Peace on earth proclaimed.

Here are some more Christmas carols:

The night is silent, the night is holy
People are sleeping, the distance is clear;
Only in the barn the light burns;
There the holy couple does not sleep,
In the manger the Child is dozing.

In the manger the Child is dozing.
The night is silent, the night is holy
The height lit up
Bright Angel from heaven
He brought the news to the shepherds:
» Christ was born to you! Christ is born to you!”

The night is silent, the night is holy
A star is burning in the sky;
Shepherds are on their way
They hurry to come to Bethlehem:
They will see Christ there. They will see Christ there.

The night is silent, the night is holy
Happiness awaits all hearts.
God, let me come to Christ,
Find joy in it.
Glory forever, Christ! Glory forever, Christ!

merry carol
Carol, carol...
And the woman has a beard.
And my grandfather grew a tail.
Runs in the garden, scoundrel.

Carol, carol...
We don't care about grief.
God bless you in full.
Bins will be full.

Carol, carol...
We dance all year long.
And on all fours
We boldly climb the stairs.

Carol, carol...
Nothing cold.
I'm healthy, I'll go into the cold,
I swim in the pond.

Carol, carol...
Have fun folks, always!
After all, we should not be sad,
Enjoying the little things in life.

Carol, carol...
On the table is a candle, food.
A cute Christmas tree is shining.
The Lord blesses everyone.

caroling, caroling
I will go to any hut.
Ask the hostess
- Come on, goodies!
And cookies and sweets
And with nuts sherbet,
Pastila and marmalade -
I will be glad to all guests.
I will feed everyone
And praise the owner!

I will go to any house
And there I will sing!
There will be day and there will be night
All sorrows will go away!
Happiness to all, health to you,
We are waiting for sweets, we are a hundred grams!

We carol, we carol,
We alternate songs with dance!
And squatting, and around,
Serve a pie!

Well, good hostess,
Give us some candy!
We bring happiness, joy to the house,
We are still waiting for pies!
There will be a day and there will be food,
Kolyada will not forget you!

carol, carol,
Who will not give a pie,
We are the cow by the horns
Who will not give donuts,
We are bumps in the forehead,
Who will not give a piglet,
Tom's neck on the side.

In verse we congratulate you friends,
I came to you to carol!
Baba cook pies,
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven!
And sweets in addition,
Good luck, good luck!

Carol, you are my carol!
Open the gate soon!
Today I bring happiness to your house,
Give me sweets you, friends!

Give us coins
Candy for children
We do not harm people.
We can't refuse!

Kolyada, you are my carol!
I congratulate everyone on the holiday!
Pies on the tables glow with heat,
Everyone hears congratulations from me!

Koleda - moleda,
white beard,
Nose - bowl,
Head - a basket,
Hands - sabers,
Legs - rake,
Come on New Year's Eve
Magnify honest people!

Open doors wider
And hand out candy!
On the threshold of a carol,
Come here everyone!
We wish you health
And we're taking candy!

Joy happiness come to the house,
After New Year's Eve
Christmas is coming
The kids go caroling!
Reads short poems
Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Waiting for cookies and sweets
Hello from your family!

A star shines in the sky
Kolyada comes to the house!
Children go home
Prepare a hundred grams of candy!
If you do not pamper the children,
You'll be bored for sure!

To be in the bins
So that happiness is found in houses
Bring out your treats
May luck be with you!
We are the messengers of the holy day
We wish peace to you loving!

Kolyada comes to visit
Throw away all your affairs!
There will be joy, there will be feast
There will be peace in every home!

To make the rye thick,
To keep the butter from melting
To have money,
To keep the guys fed!
We need to feed you
We've come to carol!

I'm called Mekhonoshey
And I'm not afraid of frost!
I'm going to you for a light,
And I carry a big bag!

Mother winter has come.
Open the gate!
the holidays have arrived!
The carols have arrived!

Carol, carol!
You give us a pie
Or a slice of bread
Or half the money
Or a chicken with a crest,
Rooster with a comb!

They sowed everything, scattered everywhere,
And they fanned you with full grain!
They came to you to carol.
Happiness. Joy to offer!
And in return we want sweets,
So that we also have a lot of joy!

Merry Christmas to you people!

So that you do not know grief
And abide in wealth!

Carol, carol!
And sometimes carols
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has come
Brought Christmas.

Kolyada comes - it's a fairy tale
Happiness, snow, skates, sleds!
Lights on the Christmas tree and children's laughter!
And the general joy for all-all!
And now to us for congratulations,
Candy and cookies are included!

Christ the Savior
Born at midnight.
In the den of the poor
He settled.
Here above the nativity scene
The star is shining.
Christ Lord,
On your birthday
Give to all people
World of Enlightenment!

And God forbid that
Who is in this house!
The rye is thick for him,
Dinner rye!
Him with an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would give you
And living, and being,
And wealth!

We sow, we blow, we wave,
Merry Christmas to you!
You glorify Christ
Give us treats!

Give you Lord
In the field of nature
Hammered on the threshing floor
On the table spore
Thicker sour cream
Cows are milked!

An angel came down to you from heaven
And he said: "Christ is born!"
We came to glorify Christ
And congratulate you on the holiday.

We go caroling
Let's congratulate together!
Short poems to read
And get candy!

Kolyada came
On the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house
We wish good to all people.
gold, silver,
fluffy pies,
Soft pancakes.
good health,
Cow butter.

Carol, carol, carol!
Smiles radiant latitude!
This is joy, this is children's laughter,
Turn out your pockets for everyone!
We wish you happiness
Looking forward to eating!

Good evening good people!
May the holiday be merry.
We congratulate you on Christmas.
We wish you happiness, joy!
Good evening, good evening!
Good people to health!

Christmas carols (texts and pictures)

And now I offer even other options, which are also memorized simply, and then sung together with the children with great pleasure. Learn please! Because it's so much fun! And you can quickly print colorful pictures on a printer to make it easier to read.

Good evening to you
affectionate host,
Rejoice, rejoice earth
The Son of God was born into the world.
We are here for you, master
With good news.
Rejoice, rejoice earth
The Son of God was born into the world.
With good news
From the holy city
Rejoice, rejoice earth
The Son of God was born into the world.

At the hour of the Great Kolyada
We bake pies
At the hour of the Great Kolyada,
And let's go family to family,
Let's bring joy to people.

Let's praise Christ
Let the soul sing in the body
Let good go with good
Brings light happiness.

Our savior and creator,
Miracle light blacksmith,
We glorify you
Be with us always.

We wish at this hour
To have everything for you
And patience and peace
To appreciate life.

Ding, ding, ding, the bells are ringing!
Your sons and daughters are here!
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes Kolyada
On the eve of Christmas.
The carol came
Brought Christmas.

Christmas Eve
At least a ruble, at least a nickel -
We won't just leave!

Today an angel came down to us
And sang: "Christ is born!"
We came to glorify Christ
And congratulations on your holiday!

Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven
We bring you good news
We won't leave without guests!

Good with honey pancakes
And without honey it’s not like that,
Give, aunt (or uncle) pies!

Merry Christmas to you people!
May peace be with you,
So that you do not know grief
And abide in wealth!

Kolyada - molyada
I've entered a new gate!
And then the frost
Through tyn outgrown!
He brought the cold
So grandfather Arkhip
Got young!
Frost is small
Yes, he does not order to stand!
The frost does not order to stand,
It's time for us to carol.

Hurry, give me a carol!
Legs are chilly
I'll run home.
Who will give
He is the prince
Who won't give
Togo in the dirt!

Kalidim, Kalidim, I'm alone with the father,
My dad sent me
To get me some bread.
But I don’t want bread, serve sausage,
Don't give me sausage, I'll smash the whole house.

Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone with my mother
Knee-length casing
Give me a pie, uncle!
Open the chest
Give me a piglet!
What is in the oven - swords in a bag!

Here is mother - winter has come,
Open up the gate!
The holidays have arrived!
The carols have arrived!

Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house.
We wish all good people:
gold, silver,
fluffy pies,
soft pancakes,
good health,
Cow butter.

How many donkeys
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Happiness to you
Owner with hostess
Great health
Happy New Year,
With all kind!
Carol, carol!

Good evening, generous evening,
Good people to health.
The falcon has flown
Sat on the window
Kroil sukontse.
And the rest of the owners for hats,
And the trimmings and the belts,
Hello, Happy Holidays!

Christmas carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Who will give the pie
That is why the barn is full of cattle,
Sheep with oats
A stallion with a tail.
You will give us
We will praise
And you won't give
We will reproach!
Carol, carol!
Give me the pie!

The little boy sat on the couch
Sofa crackle - drive the ruble!

A star is shining in the sky
At the hour of holy Christmas
Kolyada came,
I went around all the houses
Knocked on doors and windows,
Laughed and played...
And behind the noisy Kolyada,
carolers crowd ...
Everyone is cheering and laughing
sing a loud song:
"Kolyada was born,
before Christmas…”

Christmas carol came
Christmas Eve
Give me a cow
Oily head.
And God forbid that
Who is in this house.
The rye is thick for him,
Rye is stingy.
Him with an ear of octopus,
From the grain of his carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would give you
And living, and being,
And wealth.
And create for you, Lord,
Even better than that!

Carol, carol!
Open the gate!
You give me a pie
piece of bread,
Sour cream pot!
Don't serve pies
We release bedbugs
mustachioed cockroaches
And striped animals!
Carol, carol!
You give us a pie
Or a slice of bread
Or half the money
Or a chicken with a crest,
Rooster with a comb!

carol, carol
Open up the gate
Get out the chests
Give patches.
Though rub,
At least a penny
Let's not leave home like this!
Give us some candy
And maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
Before Christmas!
The sparrow is flying
twirls its tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Meet Christmas!
Hello, food
You accept congratulations!
You will live together for up to two hundred years!
Happiness to you and good health!
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year!

The fact that the cold is not a problem,
Kolyada knocks on the door.
Christmas is coming to our house
Brings a lot of joy.
For many years the burning stars
Announces birth.
And the universe for a reason
Praise our Christ.
Behold, the Lord is a star in the sky
Lights up in a fast run.
He hurries to congratulate you
With triumph in this good hour.
On this day he became a father
He gave the world a Son with a crown.
So that the spirit of earthly people
He became richer and kinder.
You better open the door
Let the spirit come home from heaven.
To burn the fire of love
Merry Christmas, the world is yours!

I sing for
Who will give me a ruble in total,
And it's easy for me to dance
Ten in hand.
If there is a son in the house,
Give the hostess / owner me some cheese,
Since you have a daughter in the house,
I'll ask for a barrel of honey.
If there are more delicious
I will shelter in my pocket.
Well, hostess / owner, do not be shy!
Feed me soon!

caroling, caroling
That's how I smell.
Don't forget to pour me
And then have a bite!
Congratulations on the carol
And I wish the owners
To have prosperity in the house
And everything went smoothly for the family!

Caroling, caroling
From family to family we roam
We will tell you poems
You give us pies
Well, coins would be better,
We will buy sweets ourselves,
And a handful of nuts
And take a thimble of wine!

open stranger
And give me a gold coin.
And I am carols
I sing without looking back
I can not sleep at night
And sing songs.
Think how sweet
Sleep without carols!

The magical night is coming
The night is holy
Brings light joy
Illuminating souls.
open the gate
Carol going,
Christmas Eve
Bringing happiness to you.
To fill your house
And good and good
It's good to live in it
Without worries and hardships.
Christmas carols
From the centuries today
For your star to shine
Mercy of the Lord.

Rolled young.
We found a carol
In Ivan's yard!
Hey, uncle Ivan,
Take out the good in the yard!
Like it's cold outside
Freezes the nose
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,
Orders to serve soon
Or a warm pie
Or money with a spear,
Or a silver ruble!

Christmas carol
A carol comes to us
On the eve of Christmas.
Asks, asks carols
At least a piece of the pie.
Who will give the pie to the carol,
He will be in everything!
That cattle will be healthy
The barn will be full of cows
Who will hold his piece,
The whole year will be lonely.
Will not find luck, happiness,
The year is wasted in bad weather.
Don't feel sorry for the pie
Otherwise, you will create a debt!

Carols with notes and words

To make it fervently and loudly, it is better, of course, to carol with songs and music. Therefore, choose the appropriate text, notes are given under it. And of course, you need to prepare for such an event in advance, remember this. Learn the day before.

"The carol has come"
Russian folk song.
The carol came on the eve of Christmas.
We walked, we were looking for a holy carol.
We found a carol near Romanov's yard.
Romanov yard, iron fence.
Three towers stand in the middle of the courtyard.
In the first tower - the red sun,
The red sun is the hostess.
In the second tower - the moon is bright,
In the third tower - asterisks are frequent.
The moon is shining - the owner is here.
Asterisks are frequent - children are small.

Russian folk song.
1. Carol was born
On the eve of Christmas.
Oh carol,
My carol!
2. Open the window,
Start Christmas!
3. Open doors,
Get out of bed. Oh, carol, carol,
Golden head!
Kolyada came -
Good luck to you all!

Russian folk song.
Rolled young.
We were looking for carols
In Ivanovo yard.
Like it's cold outside
Freezes the nose
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,
Orders to submit soon:
Or a warm pie
Or butter-cottage cheese,
Or money with a spear,
Or a silver ruble.

Calendar song "Carols have gone"
Russian folk song.

1. The carol went from end to end,

2. A carol went to Marya in the yard,
Oh, carols, carols, my carols!
3. And Maryushka, our dear,
Oh, carols, carols, my carols!
4. A carol has come, open the gate,
Oh, carols, carols, my carols!

Christmas carols performed by a children's choir

Finally, I would like you to watch this video from the YouTube channel so that you have a complete idea of ​​​​how you can perform such tunes at Christmas. I hope you enjoy it, happy viewing.

Well, friends, carol and sow. I wish you new victories and good luck in everything! Happy holiday everyone! Bye and see you soon!

Best regards, Ekaterina

The great holiday of Christmas cannot do without such an attribute as Christmas carols. We offer you the texts of Christmas carols for learning and inclusion in the holiday script.

Christmas carols - what is it

The holiday itself takes place in the morning a ritual of caroling, in which children and young people take part. Going around the houses, they congratulate the owners on the holiday and scatter a handful of oats or wheat on the crowbar, while saying carols.

As a rule, caroling takes place after the service ends in the church. Children start caroling. Then young men walk in a gang - with a seven-pointed star, decorated with colored paper and ribbons, in the middle of the star - an icon of the "Birth of Christ" and a candle, and in the evening girls carol with a lantern in the form of a month or a star, which is tied to a long pole.

Children and girls carol under the windows, and young men in the house under the images. By tradition, the text of carols is intended for the owner, hostess or their children. Names are substituted into the text of the carol, and then it seems that the carol is specially intended for this person.

Rite of caroling. Young people, children go from house to house or stop under the windows and praise the owners, wish them good and prosperity in songs and jokes. The hosts give treats to the participants of such congratulatory concerts, already competing with each other in generosity and hospitality.

It is considered bad form to refuse treats to carolers, and artists even take large sacks with them to collect sweet trophies. The whole next day they receive guests and go to visit themselves.

It should be noted that all Slavic peoples have much in common in Christmas rituals. Basically, there are three stages of caroling:

1) approaching the house, carolers perform “outdoor” or “window” songs, which contain an appeal to the owner and hostess with a request to allow them to carol;

2) after obtaining permission, caroling begins: sometimes they enter the house, sometimes they do it under the windows. At the same time, carols are addressed to all family members;

3) in the final part of the rite of caroling, short couplets-wishes are performed, requests for rewards, sometimes after receiving the gift, even thanksgiving sentences are pronounced.

Of course, in different territories there are their own versions of the ceremony with some deviations from the specified scheme. Sometimes the introductory part is reduced to a brief question: “Can I carol?”, And the second stage is limited to the performance of a single song under the windows. The third stage is always present in the form of thanks, playful endings.

Christmas carols

Happy great holiday
affectionate host,
Rejoice, rejoice earth
The Son of God was born.

We are here for you, master
With good news.
Rejoice, rejoice earth
The Son of God was born.

With good news
From the holy city
Rejoice, rejoice earth
The Son of God was born.

Carol, carol!
Christmas carol came
Christmas Eve!

We walked
We were looking for carols
In all yards
Along the lanes.

Found a carol
At Petrov's yard.
Petrov's yard -
Iron tyn.

In the middle of the yard
Three towers stand:
In the first term -
bright moon,

In the second term -
red sun,
In the third term -
The stars are clear.

Bright moon -
Peter sir, light Ivanovich,
Red sun -
Galina Andreevna,

clear stars -
Those are their children.
Hello, owner and hostess,
For many centuries, for many years!

Welcome the Magi
Meet the Holy!

At Christmas, carol songs are an obligatory tradition:

Christmas has come
Let's start the celebration!
The star is with us
Prayer sings:

Your Christmas
Christ our God!
A new joy has become
Like praise in the sky

Above the den the star is clear,
Light shone.
Celebrate, have fun
Good people, with me

And clothe yourself with delight
In the robe of holy joy.
Glory to the Born
In the poor manger put.

Now God has appeared in the world -
God of gods and King of kings.
Not in a crown, not in purple
This heavenly Priest.

Glory to the Born
In the poor manger put.
He was not born in the wards
And not in clean houses.

There was no gold to be seen
Where he lay in swaddling clothes.
Glory to the Born
In the poor manger put.

Uncontainable, he fit in,
In a cramped manger, like a poor man.
Why was he born?
Why is it so poor?

Glory to the Born
In the poor manger put.
To save us
From the devil's nets

Exalt and glorify
You love us.
Glory to the Born
In the poor manger put.

We will always praise God
For such a day of celebration!
Allow me to congratulate you
Happy Christmas Day!

Glory to the Born
In the poor manger put.
Celebrate, have fun
Good people, with me

And clothe yourself with delight
In the robe of holy joy.
Glory to the Born
In the poor manger put.

The night is silent, the night is holy
In the sky - light, beauty, God
The son is wrapped in swaddling clothes,
In the Bethlehem den lies.

Sleep, Holy Child,
Sleep, Holy Child.
The night is silent, the night is holy
And bright and clean.

Praise the choir of angels
Far announcing space
Above the sleeping earth
Over the sleeping earth.

The night is silent, the night is holy
We sing about Christ.
And with a smile the baby looks,
His gaze speaks of love

And shines with beauty
And shines with beauty.

In Russia, it is customary to sing Christmas carols on Christmas holidays:

Christmas - an angel has arrived.
He flew across the sky, singing songs to people:
“All people rejoice, celebrate this day,
Today is Christmas!

I'm flying from God, I brought joy to you,
That Christ was born in a poor den.
Hurry up, meet the baby

The shepherds came to the den before anyone else,
In a manger on the straw the Baby was found.
Stood, wept, glorified Christ
And His Holy Mother.

And the Magi, seeing a bright star,
They came to worship God and the King.
They bowed to God, they gave gifts to the Tsar:
Gold, myrrh and frankincense.

And Herod, rebellious, learned about Christ,
Soldiers sent to kill all babies.
Babies were killed, all swords were blunted,
But Christ was in Egypt.

We have sinned a lot, Savior before You,
We are all sinners, you are the only Saint.
Forgive our sins, give us guidance.
Today is Christmas!

After all, without him in his darkness
This world is lost.
For all who believe in Christ,
And at night the light shines.

And this night is holy for all,
May the joy of all be pure:
Jesus is here.
Let Him, child, into your house:

He lives in the heart
He wants to make a garden in it,
Enrich him with fruit
Who lets him into the house.

This night is holy, this night is salvation
proclaimed to the world
The Mystery of the Incarnation.
That night, the shepherds did not sleep near the flock.

A bright angel flew to them
From heavenly light gave.
Great fear seized those children of the desert,
But he said to them: "Oh, do not be afraid -

There is joy in this world today.
Where Christ was born to save people,
you go see

To great humility."
And suddenly a song was heard from the heights of heaven:
"Glory, thank God, let's go
Goodwill on earth."

Our savior is born
The world's redeemer.
Father of the Future
Came to save a man!

Give me a dumpling
a spoonful of porridge,
Sausage ring.

It's not enough
Give me a piece of fat.
Take out quickly -
Don't freeze people!

Here is a spruce in the forest, how green
And how beautiful she is
But how beautiful she is
When the house is full of candles,
She shines bright.

One of those happy nights
The Lord Jesus was born
He is the one who redeemed the people,
Tausen! Here we went

There are many Christmas carols that have been sung in our country for a long time. For example, the text of the carol:

This is what we were looking for
along the lanes,
Through the nooks and crannies.

Here is Ivanov's yard.
Ivan in the yard
Yes, there are three towers.

Like a bright moon -
Ivan himself.
Red sun -
That is his wife.

Frequent asterisks -
His kids.
Christmas carol was born
Christmas Eve

Behind the mountain, behind the steep
Beyond the river, beyond the fast.
Behind the steep mountain.
Beyond the swift river

The forests are dense,
In those forests the fires are burning,
Fires are burning blazing
People are standing around the lights

People are standing, caroling:
"Oh carol, carol,
You happen, carol,
Before Christmas."

Tausen, bausen!
Give me a damn, give me an egg
pig leg,
A little bit of everything!

Carry - don't shake
Come on, don't break!
Ovsin, ovsep!
Walked all over

Through the back streets
Along the lanes.
Intestine, leg
Give me a little

Yes, at the top window.
Hello host
With hostess!
God bless you
From a full-grain pie!

At a good man
Born rye is good:
Spikelet thick,
The straw is empty!

The sparrow is flying
Tail twirls.
And you people know
Cover the tables

Receive guests
Meet Christmas!

Christmas carol texts

Christmas is known for the fact that on this day in many countries people sing carols. There are also Russian carols:

Silence in Bethlehem
The meadows have been removed and the herds are sleeping.
The night is brighter than ever
There is a bright star in the sky

Illuminates everything around
Rivers, mountains, forest and meadow.

Peace and joy to all now.

In every heart - Bethlehem.
"To burn like a star,
We have not seen anywhere,

The shepherds said
Resting by the river.
Suddenly, their fire went out -
The angel spread its wings.

Peace and joy, peace and joy,
Peace and joy to all now.

In every heart - Bethlehem.

Oh, don't be afraid, shepherds,
God came down to forgive sins.
He was born in the den now -
And the angel said the name.

And all around sang:
Sky, mountains, forest and meadow.
Peace and joy, peace and joy,
Peace and joy to all now.

Peace and joy in every heart,
In every heart - Bethlehem.
The shepherds entered the den,
God was found in a manger.

Next to the Virgin Mother sat
She looked at her child.
And all around shone:
Sky, mountains, forest and meadow.

Peace and joy, peace and joy,
Peace and joy to all now.
Peace and joy in every heart,
In every heart - Bethlehem.

Carol you, carol,
The carol came
Recorded a carol, Sovereign's court,
Sovereign's court in the middle of Moscow,
Stone middle.

In our country, it has long been customary to sing carols for the Christmas holiday:

dove gossip,
Donate Splinters
For holy evenings
To games, to gatherings.

Thank you kuma
My white swan
You didn't celebrate
Didn't play pranks

I went for a walk to the market
I bought myself silk,
I embroidered the width
I gave my dear friend.

Give you Lord
forty cows,
fifty piglets
Yes, forty hens.

A little boy
Sat down on a glass
The glass - crackle!
Give me a rupee!

little boy
Sat on a sheaf
plays the pipe,
Carol amuses.

The shepherds go with the lambs
In front of a small child
They fell on their knees
Christ was glorified:

"Please, please
Christ the king
Heavenly Emperor,
Give me a happy life."

In our country, it has long been customary to sing carols at Christmas. Here are some carol words:

Like it's cold outside
Freezes the nose.
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,
Orders to submit soon

Or a warm pie
Or butter, cottage cheese,
Or money with a spear,
Or a silver ruble!

Christ the Savior
Born at midnight.
In the den of the poor
He settled.

Here above the den the Star shines.

Christ Lord,
On your birthday
Give to all people
World of Enlightenment!

Mercy sends to people
Christ Himself, the Lord-king.
Wishing to save the sinful world,
He gave himself as a sacrifice.

He gave himself as a sacrifice.
The night is quiet over Palestine,
The weary earth sleeps.
Mountains, groves and valleys -

Hidden all the darkness of the night.
Hidden all the darkness of the night.
The night is quiet over Palestine,
The weary earth sleeps.

Mountains, groves and valleys -
Hidden all the darkness of the night.
Hidden all the darkness of the night.

Weary in Bethlehem
All the lights went out
Only in a distant field
The shepherds did not sleep.

The shepherds did not sleep.
The herd was correctly counted,
Bypassed the night watch
And, sitting down, they tied

Talk among themselves.
Talk among themselves.

Suddenly there was a gentle rustle,
The shepherds were trembling,
And in white clothes
An angel of God appeared to them.

An angel of God appeared to them.
Don't be scared, don't be embarrassed!

From Heavenly Father

It has long been customary to sing Christmas carols on the feast of the Nativity of Christ:

I came with great news
You will rejoice hearts.
You will rejoice hearts.
Kolyada came

On the eve of Christmas.
Give me a cow
Standing on the window
Looks at me.

Serve a pancake - It will bake smoothly!

Kolyada came
Christmas Eve!
Who will give a feast
That is the yard of the belly!

Who will not give a pie,
To that gray mare
Yes, the grave is torn off!
Kolyada came

Christmas Eve!
Good aunt,
The pie is sweet
Do not cut, do not break, Hurry up!

two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let's not stand!

The stove is heating up
I want a pie!

You, the owner, do not torment
Donate quickly!
How is the current frost?
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,

Orders to submit soon:
Either from the oven pies,
Or money piglet,
Or cabbage soup!

Give you God
The yard is full of bellies!
And in the stable - horses,
And in the barn - calves,
And in the hut - guys!

You give me a pie
Or a slice of bread
Or half the money

Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb,
Or a tuft of hay
But not a pitchfork to the side!

Troparion of the Feast of the Nativity of Christ

"Celebrate, be merry"

Celebrate, have fun good people with me

And with delight put on the robe of holy joy.

Now God has appeared in the world, God of gods and King of kings

Not in a crown, not in purple This Heavenly Priest.

He was not born in wards and in houses that were not cleaned.

There was no gold to be seen where He lay in swaddling clothes.

Uncontainable He fit in a cramped manger like a poor man.

Why was He born? Why is it so poor?

In order to save us from the devil's networks,
To exalt and glorify us with your love.

We will forever praise God for such a day of celebration!

Allow me to congratulate you on Christmas Day.

Repeat verse 1.

"This night is holy"

She proclaimed to the whole world the mystery of the Incarnation ( 2 times)

The shepherds at the flock did not sleep that night.

A bright angel flew to them from a bright heavenly distance. (2 times)

Great fear seized their children of the desert.

But He said: “Oh, do not be afraid, the whole world is joy now! ( 2 times)

Now God was born to people for salvation,
You go and look at the Great Humility. (2 times)

You will find the Divine Infant yourself.

He is in swaddling clothes, in a poor manger, see with your own eyes. (2 times)

And suddenly a song was heard from the heights of heaven:
“Glory, glory to God in the Highest, good will on earth!” ( 2 times)

This night is holy, this night of salvation
She proclaimed to the whole world the mystery of the Incarnation (2 times)


Christmas Angel Arrived

He flew across the sky, sang a song to people:
“You people rejoice, celebrate every day, this is the Nativity of Christ!”

The shepherds were the first to come to the cave

And they found the Baby God with his mother.

They stood, prayed, bowed to Christ, Today is the Nativity of Christ!

We have all sinned before You,
We are all sinners, you are the only Saint!
Forgive sins, give us forgiveness, Today is the Nativity of Christ.

Christmas angel has arrived

He flew across the sky to people singing a song:
“You people rejoice, celebrate all day, this is the Nativity of Christ!”

They came to congratulate you, dear teacher,
We came to glorify Christ on the holy day of the Nativity.

Christ appeared to us as a child, descending from heaven.
He was born in a den, on the holy night of miracles.

And flying to the shepherds, Chorus of angels from heaven,
They proclaim joy on the holy night of miracles.

He sang: “Glory to God in the highest!”, A star of grief from heaven,
Three wise men the way to the holy night of miracles

She pointed to the nativity scene, led them to Christ,
She shone over the manger until morning.

Star, shine on us forever, Burn in our hearts!
And always tell us about the Eternal Christ!

"Good eveningir tobi, my lord"

Dobryi vechir tobi, my lord.

Cover the tables and all with kilims.

Rejoice, oh rejoice, the earth, the Son of God was born!

That and put kalachi with hot wheat

Rejoice, oh rejoice, the earth, the Son of God was born!

Bo come to you three holidays to visit

Rejoice, oh rejoice, the earth, the Son of God was born!

And that first holiday: Christmas,

Rejoice, oh rejoice, the earth, the Son of God was born!

And that other holiday: St. Basil,

Rejoice, oh rejoice, the earth, the Son of God was born!

And that third holiday: Holy Vodokhrescha,

Rejoice, oh rejoice, the earth, the Son of God was born!

And on that word, be healthy,

Rejoice, oh rejoice, the earth, the Son of God was born!

And for those carols give chocolates,

Rejoice, oh rejoice, the earth, the Son of God was born!

To the attention of pupils and parents of the preparatory group and "AZdaBUKA"!

Learning songs for the Christmas holiday:

"We will follow the star" (round dance)

1. We will follow the star, let it shine for us.

Everyone in the world can worship Christ.

Chorus. Celebration, celebration!

Christmas has come!

2. In the dark sky in the distance, an asterisk shines,

Praises God with a bright light of rays.


3. The whole family celebrates the holiday.

Birthday of Christ- Everyone knows this!

4. We will dance, we will have fun.

Dancing near the Christmas tree, spinning merrily.


"It's Christmas"

1. A bright star is burning in the sky.

The mother says to the children at the Christmas tree:

In the whole world a celebration

Christmas has come

Christmas has come.

2. Happy holiday, happy holiday for adults and children,

Even pranksters say it

Because the celebration

Because Christmas

Christmas has come.

3. We don’t want to sleep that night at all,

I want, I want to go to the city of Bethlehem.

Look at the celebration

Where it was Christmas

Where it was Christmas.


Dear children and adults!

Getting ready for WIDE SHIRT-Learning round dance songs! Songs here→



Ask strict life
Which way to go?
Where in the world white
Leave in the morning?
Follow God
And we know this path
Go my friend, always go
Dear good!

Forget your worries
Falls and rises
Don't whine when fate leads
Not like a sister
And if it's bad with a friend -
You hope for a miracle
Hurry to him, always go
Dear good!

Oh, how many will be different
Doubts and temptations
Don't forget that this life is
Not child's play!
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law:
Go my friend, always go
Dear good!

Ask strict life
Which way to go?
Where in the world white
Leave in the morning?
Follow God
And we know this path
Go my friend, always go
Dear good!

Golden Autumn ”a cognitive and creative project in the second junior group The project of the thematic week in the second junior group“ Golden Autumn ”

Belousova Marina Alexandrovna,

MAUDO "Kindergarten No. 9, Yalutorovsk

"The world surrounding the child is, first of all, the world of nature with an unlimited wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, there is an eternal source of children's mind. It is very important from an early age to develop in children the ability to contemplate, enjoy it, peer into it and listen"

Sukhomlinsky V. A.

Project type: cognitive and creative.

Project duration: short-term (1 week).

Project participants: educators, children of the second younger group, parents.

Project relevance:

Young children have too little life experience and knowledge about nature. They are not familiar with the origin of certain phenomena, processes in nature, they cannot answer the questions they are interested in: “Why does the foliage fall?”, “Where are the insects hiding?” etc. Young children are just beginning to learn about the world, natural phenomena. Often adults forget to observe with a child, admire the beauty of the natural world, do not support children's curiosity. It is the early age that is the most favorable time for the accumulation of ideas about the world around us. It is necessary not only to show children what a beautiful world surrounds them, but also to explain why it is necessary to protect and love nature.

The participation of children in this project will make it possible to acquaint them with the idea of ​​​​autumn - as a season, its characteristic features, to develop creative abilities, search activities, coherent speech.

Objective of the project: to acquaint children with the beauty of autumn nature.

Project objectives:

1. Educational:

To acquaint children with the concept of "season - autumn", with seasonal changes in nature that occur in autumn;

Expand and activate children's vocabulary;

Encourage independent research and comparison of leaves in size, color and shape.

2. Developing:

To develop children's interest in observations, the ability to notice changes in nature;

Develop the ability to recite short poems by heart;

Develop artistic and creative abilities.

3. Educational:

To educate children in an emotional, positive attitude towards nature, the ability to see beauty at different times of the year;

Cultivate respect for nature.

The form of the final event of the project: entertainment "Colors of autumn".

Expected results:

1. Let's expand the knowledge of children about autumn, its signs and gifts, respect for nature.

2. We will replenish the vocabulary of children;

3. Let's form an interest in research, experiments, observations

Perspective project plan

Conversations:“Autumn is golden”, “What does autumn smell like”, “Signs of autumn”, “What autumn gave us”, “Respect for nature”, “How to distinguish autumn”,

Observations: for leaf fall, for the state of the weather, for trees and shrubs in autumn, for the work of a janitor in autumn, for seasonal changes, for autumn clothes for children and adults.

Tours: on the territory of the kindergarten in order to identify signs of autumn.

Work: collecting autumn leaves for crafts, collecting garbage on the site, raking dry leaves into heaps, putting toys in their places, collecting cones for crafts.

Reading: M. Prishvin "Falling leaves", Y. Tuvim "Vegetables", V. Mirovich "Falling leaves", E. Golovin "Autumn", E. Avdienko "Autumn walks along the path", Y. Taits "Picking mushrooms for berries", I. Tokmakova "Autumn Leaves", V. Suteev "Apple", Russian folk tale "Cat, rooster and fox".

Learning: A. Teslenko "Autumn".

Application: "Autumn leaves".

Painting: "Autumn rain".

Modeling:"Multicolored Umbrellas"

Breathing exercises:"Autumn Leaves", "Wind".

Articulation gymnastics:"Autumn".

Didactic games:“The Fourth Extra”, “What happens in autumn”, “Wonderful bag”, “What has changed”; “Find the same leaves”, “Cut pictures”.

Finger games:“Autumn leaves”, “Autumn is walking in our park”.

round dance games: "Bubble", "Zucchini"

Outdoor games:“The Sun and the Rain”, “On a Flat Path”, “Falling Leaves”, “Catch a Leaf”, “Run Quietly”, “Who Has the Ball?”, “Run - Do Not Hit”, “Rain Jumps along the Path”.

speech games: “Cucumber, cucumber”, “Call it in one word”, “Call it affectionately”.

S. R. games: "Treat", "Fruit and Vegetable Store", "Family".

Research activities: "Wind and leaves."

Entertainment:"Colors of Autumn"

Group exhibition:"Autumn Bouquet"

Social partnership: master class of our mothers "Autumn crafts".


Breathing exercise "Wind"

Target: develop speech breathing, sound culture of speech.

The teacher pronounces words and breathing exercises, the children repeat.

A light breeze is blowing - fff ... Exhale calm, relaxed

And shakes the leaf like that - f-f-f ...

A strong breeze is blowing - fff ... Active exhalation

And shakes the leaf like that - f-f-f ...

The breeze blows, the leaves sway and sing their songs.

autumn leaves sit on branches

autumn leaflets for children they say:

Aspen - ah-ah-ah ...

Rowan - and-and-and ...

Birch - oh-oh-oh ...

Oak - wow ...

Children sing in chorus: "ah-ah-ah", "i-i-i", "Ltd", "u-u-u"

Articulation gymnastics on the theme "Autumn"

1. Breathing exercise:

"Rain" --I.p.: o.s. 1 - alternately put straight arms forward - “catch drops” (inhale); 2 - on the exhale, say: "Drip-drip-drip!"; 3 - alternately put straight arms forward - “catch drops” (inhale); 4 - on the exhale say: "So-so-so!". Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Massage of biologically active points of the face "Autumn"

Suddenly clouds covered the sky - rub the forehead with the edge of the palm

It started to rain prickly - massage cheeks with fingertips.

For a long time the rain will cry - massage the ears

Will spread slush everywhere - fists rub the wings of the nose.

3. Exercises for the tongue:

Autumn is the season for mushroom picking. The tongue, taking a large basket (exercise "Cup" ) went to the forest. On the way to the forest I saw Brook" - a cold stream of air "flows" in the middle of a wide tongue, the tip of which rests on the base of the lower front teeth; lips parted in a smile. The tongue extended his palm and felt how cold the water was in the stream. (Children put their hands under their chins; an adult checks the correctness of the exercise by each child: “And what kind of water is in your stream?”) The tongue walked through the forest for a long time and finally came out into a clearing. I saw a lot of mushrooms on it. An exercise "Fungus" - a wide tongue "sticks" to the palate, in shape it resembles a mushroom cap, and the hyoid frenulum resembles a mushroom leg.

The tongue ran from one mushroom to another, saying: “Here is a fox, here is a pig, and this is a fly agaric ...”, etc. . (The teacher does the same, approaching each child in turn.) Having collected a full basket of mushrooms, Tongue heard the sound of a motor.

Ex. "Motor" - during a long pronunciation of the sound: d-d-d-d behind the upper teeth with quick movements with a clean, straight index finger, the child himself makes frequent oscillatory movements from side to side.

Tongue looked up and saw a flying helicopter in the sky. The tongue waved to him and returned home with the harvest.

Round dance game "Zucchini"

One of the children becomes a zucchini. He stands in the center of the circle, the children dance around him and sing:
zucchini, zucchini,
thin legs,
We fed you
We fed you
put on their feet,
Forced to dance.
Dance as much as you want
Choose who you want!

Finger game "Autumn is walking in our park"

Autumn is walking in our park, (fingers walk on the table)

Autumn gives gifts to everyone: (show two palms folded together)

Red beads - rowan, (bend fingers alternately)

Apron pink - aspen,

Umbrella yellow - poplars,

Autumn gives us fruits. (put both palms on chest)

Finger game "Autumn"

The wind flew through the forest (we make smooth, wave-like movements with the hands)

Wind leaves counted:

Here is oak (we bend one finger on both hands)

Here is maple

Here is a rowan carved,

Here from a birch - golden,

Here is the last leaf from the aspen (calmly place palms on knees)

The wind threw on the path.

Speech game "Cucumber"

“Once upon a time there was a cucumber in the world. Once the postman Pechkin brought him a telegram and read:

Cucumber, cucumber
Come to that end
The mouse lives there
Looking forward to your visit.

Cucumber took the telegram, read it again, pondered, went out into the street, and there wood whispers so quietly:

Cucumber, cucumber, don't go to that tip
The mouse lives there, it will bite your tail.

Here and chick squeaked from the nest...

Bear growled from the den ...

white-sided magpie chattered…

Snail said slowly...

And here robbers went out to the main road and shouted loudly ...

The cucumber was frightened, ran wherever his eyes looked, frightenedly saying to himself ...

I ran home and decided not to go anywhere.

Game "Autumn Leaves"

Autumn has come to the garden

(Children move in a circle, in simple steps)

The yellow leaves are circling

(Stretching out the leaves in front of them, they wave them to the right and left, raising their hands above their heads.)

yellow, red,

The most beautiful.

(They spin, hands with leaves are held above their heads)

Wind, stop, don't whistle

There is no need to row the leaves!

(waving leaves left and right)

We will not give leaves -

(hide leaves behind back)

We want to play!

(Leaves are held in front of you)

The game "Rain jumps along the path"

The rain is running down the path

Wet my boots.

Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra

Will drip until the morning.

(Funny music sounds, the teacher leaves an umbrella on the floor, and the children jump "through the puddles").

You can get wet in the rain

There are puddles everywhere, be careful!

Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra,

Looks like it's time for us to go home.

(Children calmly walk under an umbrella, at the end they hide behind a "house" chair).

We watched the rain through the window

Droplets tinkle on the glass.

Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra

It won't subside until the morning.

(Children "look out the window" shaking their heads).

Used Books

1. V.Yu. Belkovich, N.V. Grebenkina, I.A. Kildyshev. Guidelines for the exemplary basic educational program of preschool education "Mosaic": younger group. M .: OOO "Russian Word - Textbook", 2014

2. V.V. Moskalenko, N.I. Krylova “Experimental activities: development program, design technology (from work experience). Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

3. N.A. Ryzhova Program "Nature is our home": Block of classes "I and Nature". - M .: "KARAPUZ-DIDACTICS", 2005.

4. N.V. Alyoshin "Familiarization of preschoolers with the surrounding and social reality." - M., 2005.

5. A.K. Bondarenko "Didactic games in kindergarten". - M., 1991.

6. O.S. Rudik "The development of speech in children 2-4 years old" - M., 2009.

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