How to live a Sagittarius in July. Complete general summary horoscope of Sagittarius. Those born under the sign of Sagittarius

ruling planet: Jupiter.
Lucky number: 3 (and all numbers divisible by 3) - 4, 9;
Symbol: centaur shooter, stars, wands, raised index finger;
Colors: blue, cyan, purple, crimson;
Stones: topaz, amethyst, chrysolite, turquoise, opal, carbuncle, sapphire, emerald, agate;
Flowers: carnation, daffodil, cornflower, palm;
Metal: zinc, tin;
Mascot: horseshoe, salamander;
Happy Days: Thursday;
Bad days: Wednesday;
Countries: Portugal, Hungary, Serbia, Spain, Latin American countries (except Mexico and Brazil) and Arab countries.

Aspects of the sign

Symbolic aspect. Greek myths associate the constellation Sagittarius with the centaur Chiron, whom Hercules killed in essence for nothing, having mistaken his intentions, he killed with a poisoned arrow. Zeus took Chiron to heaven and allowed him to aim his arrow at Scorpio. But Hercules himself did not escape the retribution for this evil, since it was the blood of Chiron shed by him that brought him death. The symbolic interpretation of this sign is a bow with an arrow, but if you look deeper, it is a symbol of the tragic mistake and recklessness that often accompanies people under the influence of this sign.

Astrological aspect. The sign of Sagittarius anatomically invades a person’s life through his liver and thighs, as for the inner world of a person, the patronizing influence of Jupiter assists him in many of his plans and accomplishments, extinguishing the chain of accidents and predestinations, which in other cases could very negatively affect his future fate.

Kabbalistic aspect. Sagittarius is a symbol of the duality of nature. Sagittarians have a certain power over people. This sign gives organizational ability and the makings of a leader, but also wise humility in the face of inevitable circumstances. People born under this sign make decisions immediately, they build their own empire. They are beautiful, energetic, fast, capable, loyal, noble, generous and love freedom. Sagittarius have an explosive temperament and a benevolent character. Weak mystics and magicians come out of them, at best, popularizers of the occult.

intellectual aspect. In this regard, everything depends on the intellect of parents or educators, and if they send the Sagittarius child on the right path in time, then these children will become wonderful poets, dreamers, romantics, who, precisely with their impulsiveness and their organizational skills, will be able to rally around themselves a team of like-minded people who lead them to success. But we should not forget that Sagittarians sometimes embrace feelings of hopelessness and despair as a result of overwork and an overly active role in managing events over which they essentially have no control.

General characteristics of the Sagittarius personality

Sagittarians are most often open, friendly, honest optimists, full of nobility and enthusiasm; their energy is overflowing. Sagittarians quite often turn out to be inclined towards philosophy, their mind and heart are always ready to perceive new idea. In communication, Sagittarians often show generosity, frankness, readiness to find compromises. At the same time, people born under this constellation are impulsive, unrestrained in their language, extremely careless. Sagittarians love sports, especially hunting. They can work for a long time, quickly moving towards the goal, but they absolutely do not know how to stop in time and take a break.

Sagittarius man

They are usually rare positive people. They have a bright perspective in life, initiative, full of vitality. They are very versatile and enterprising, striving to expand the range of their knowledge. They enjoy travel and exploration, and their minds are constantly on the lookout for new experiences. They are an ambitious, optimistic people, and nothing seems to be able to bring down their optimism. Sagittarians are idealists, and this seems to keep them afloat even in moments of bitter disappointment, when all their exalted ones are broken. They tend to lose their heads when they are carried away by an idea. They are supporters of a gambling struggle for what they believe in and at the same time remain loyal and independent, somehow managing to combine both of these traits. Sagittarians are extremely versatile people and can find a lot of things to do . They are teachers and philosophers by nature. Nothing suits Sagittarius more than explaining to others the high moral principles, laws and ideas that unite the Universe. Because of this, they quite often find themselves in the role of theologians or scientists.

Sir Winston Leonard CHURCHILL(November 30, 1874 -1965) - great English politician
Ludwig van Beethoven(December 16 or 17, 1770 -1827) - brilliant composer
Mark Twain(November 30, 1835-1910) - remarkable writer.
Frank SINATRA(Francis Albert) (December 12, 1915 - 1998) - American crooner
Jim Morrison(December 8, 1943 - 1971) - rock musician and leader of the Doors group.
Eugene IONESCO(Ionesco) (real name Ionescu, Jonescu) (November 26, 1912-1994) - French playwright, founder of avant-garde drama.
Michel NOSTRADAMUS(December 14, 1503-1563) French physician, astrologer, legendary prophet.
Tycho BRAGE(December 14, 1546-1601) Danish astrologer and astronomer in the service of King Frederick II refined many planetary calculations.
John MILTON(December 9, 1608-1674) - great English poet.
William Blake(November 28, 1757-1827) English poet, painter, visionary.
Charles de Gaulle(November 22, 1890 - 1970) French general and president.
Walt Disney(December 5, 1901-1966) film director, animator, artist and producer.
Kirk DOUGLAS(December 9, 1916) American actor and film director.
Bruce Lee(November 27, 1940–1973) Chinese-born martial artist, actor, and writer.
Steven Spielberg(December 18, 1946) American film director.
Brad Pitt (Pitt)(December 18, 1963) American film actor.
Alexander Isaevich SOLZHENITSYN(b. December 11, 1918) is a Russian writer.

Sagittarius Woman

She is usually modest and often has a high spirituality built on an unbreakable value system. Sagittarians love all sorts of rites and rituals. They are energetic pupils and students, they love to introduce new projects, so there are often brave scientists and researchers among them. At the same time, the longevity of Sagittarius is noted. Because of their independent nature, it is often difficult to maintain a close personal relationship with them. They often have a very relaxed disposition, generous in nature, but very resourceful in caring for the family and economical spending of household resources. In sex, they are hot, but at the same time they are perfectly able to control themselves. They have common sense and a sense of humor.

Maria LOUISE(Marie Louise) (December 7, 1791 - 1847) - French Empress from 1810 to 1814, second wife of Napoleon I,
Mary Stuart(Mary Stuart, Stewart) (December 8, 1542 - 1587) - Queen of France and Scotland.
Jane Austen(December 16, 1775) is an English writer.
Jane FONDA(December 21, 1937)— American actress and public figure.
Tina TURNER(b. November 26, 1938) is an American singer and actress.
Caroline KENNEDY(b. November 27, 1956) is a famous American writer, daughter of President John F. Kennedy.
Britney Spears(Britney Jean Spears) (b. December 2, 1981, Kentwood, Louisiana) is a famous American pop singer.
Edith Piaf(Piaf) (real name and surname Edith Giovanna Gassion, Gassion) (December 19, 1915-1963) - French singer(chansonnier).

Sagittarius personal life

Many love affairs distinguish the first half of the Sagittarius life. Since Sagittarius is a double sign, people of this sign are of two types: the devoted idealistic and romantic type, who rarely leaves the straight and narrow path of virtue, and the completely opposite type, who rushes from one lover to another in search of perfection, and on this path he forgets why he started his search and what he was looking for in the end. Married life. harmonious if the partner was born under the sign of Aries or Leo. However, it is difficult to expect family harmony if the partner is born under the sign of Pisces or Virgo.

The influence of the planet on man is fate:

Born in the years of the Moon (1929,1936,1943, 1950,1957,1964, 1971, 1978, 1985, 1992, 1999)

Lunar Sagittarius is a dreamy vagabond who writes poetry while wandering under the moon. Sometimes he strikes at mysticism, is inclined to exaggerate his own strengths and weaknesses, and is inclined to bring all his problems to people. The first love affair is often harmful and backfires (which Sagittarius, like true heir centaurs, tends to exaggerate and over-exaggerate). True happiness in marriage is rare, because the first love tragedy will leave an indelible imprint on his attitude towards his spouse.

Born in the years of Mars (1925, 1932, 1939, 1946, 1953, 1960, 1967, 1974, 1981, 1988, 1995)

The Martian Sagittarius is a classic type of centaur who is "ready to hang himself for company." Restless youth leads in youth to misunderstandings in the family, as a result of which this Sagittarius often breaks with relatives and begins to search for a friend. He is devoted to his friends to self-forgetfulness, which often leads him to losses and disappointments, but his dreamy character will again carefully help him find another friend, with whom he will again be childishly in love.

Those born in the years of Mercury (1928, 1935, 1942, 1949, 1956, 1963, 1970, 1977, 1984, 1991, 1998)

The Martian Sagittarius always has the mood to try himself in some new and unusual business. Their enchanting nature tends to hot and extreme plans, which sometimes leads them to the camp of gamblers, cheaters, casino regulars and risky stock players. In their youth, they often knock together and quickly lose their fortunes. Happiness helps them to acquire an inheritance, to enter into a happy marriage. Benefits are possible only through friends and patrons. Subsequently, they will gain a favorable financial position, but in adulthood there is a great danger of monetary losses, especially through speculation. Even lawsuits are possible.

Born in Jupiter Years (1924, 1931, 1938, 1945, 1952, 1959, 1966, 1973, 1980, 1987, 1994)

This Sagittarius is passionate about travel and adventure, even if they can only watch it on screen. Lack of extreme situations in real life he more than makes up for it by creating them for himself and successfully living in the virtual world. Jupiter favors Sagittarius actors and directors, as well as adventurers, jockeys, climbers, missionaries, as well as everyone who embarks on a new, unexplored path, creates a business from scratch.

Born in the years of Venus (1927, 1934, 1941, 1948, 1955, 1962, 1969, 1976, 1983, 1990, 1997)

Depending on whether this person is born closer to Scorpio or to Capricorn, their natures are divided into two types. A passionate nature lives in the first type, but the excess of his sexual energy is directed to creative activity and not on Don Juanism. The second type (both men and women) is a constant red tape who trembles with joy at a new sexual victory and mentally enters it into the catalog of his lovers.

Born in Saturn Years (1923, 1930, 1937, 1944, 1951, 1958, 1965, 1972, 1979, 1986, 1993)

This type of Sagittarius is prone to cynicism and melancholy, in no small part caused by disappointment in a loved one experienced at an early age. Nevertheless, cynicism becomes the second part of his secretive nature, and the first part is still romanticism and the desire to do good to people, to seek in them the best sides. In terms of health, he is threatened by diseases of the abdomen, hip and knee joints (arthritis r.) - especially it is necessary to take care of the arms and legs.

Born in the Years of the Sun (1926, 1933, 1940, 1947, 1954, 1961, 1968, 1975, 1982, 1989, 1996)

In the solar Sagittarius, all the obvious advantages and disadvantages inherent in this sign are especially clearly manifested - “love, love like that, shoot like shoot.” These Sagittarians' love of sports often leads them to illnesses after they leave the big sport. Many solar Sagittarians are prone to accidents due to their tendency to take too much risk. They are more inclined to suffer from rheumatism, in recent years they suffer from overexcitation of the nervous system.

Sagittarius life forecasts according to planetary years:

In the years of Venus (2011, 2018)

During these years, it is important for you not to miss the favorable time in March and April, as your efforts and efforts at work will bring the most tangible results. You will be able to realize the most cherished dreams and plans, colleagues at work and superiors will appreciate you and reward you. The second half of the year will be successful for creative endeavors, you will have a chance to bring your original ideas and ideas to life. good period for training and professional development.

During the Mercury Years (2012, 2019)

Sagittarians by nature are exceptionally honest and exorbitantly energetic people, they show a willingness to help anyone who needs advice or help. Under the influence of Mercury, Sagittarius men conduct successful negotiations, become enviable diplomats, and in Sagittarius women, charm reaches its peak, which makes the lack of diplomacy and intolerance characteristic of many women of this sign invisible.

general description

Sagittarius throughout life are distinguished by the activity of both the mind and the body, therefore they are usually very harmoniously developed and often in a good mood. They value openness, ease and freedom, and they perceive any restrictions painfully.
The good-heartedness and sincerity of Sagittarians, unfortunately, are balanced by impulsiveness, often excessive. In addition, people of this sign easily go to extremes, making enemies with either excessive frankness or a useless struggle for justice. Interestingly, Sagittarians more often defend other people's rights than their own; they constantly feel responsible for others and often annoy them with their guardianship.
Among Sagittarians there are two types of people - noble idealists who strive to make everyone happy, and greedy dodgy financiers who are eager to achieve power at any cost. Many, not without reason, consider the latter to be flatterers and snobs, but this does not bother them much.
By the way, all Sagittarians are confident in their own impeccability and even the most fair criticism is ignored, and good advice is rejected in the rudest way. But with those who do not try to influence their behavior, Sagittarians behave very nicely. They always have a joke or a compliment, a minute to chat and even a vest for bitter tears.
Men - Sagittarius are distinguished by talkativeness and sometimes are not inferior in their desire to chat with the ladies. The rebellious spirit turns Sagittarius into an eternal teenager who can afford outright rudeness or a hooligan trick, or even get into a fight. It's good that Sagittarians usually come out of battles as winners; by the way, after the battle, they usually spare no expense to calm down the defeated enemy. However, Sagittarius in general are always generous.
Sagittarius women make excellent mothers, who are distinguished by nobility and readiness for self-sacrifice for the sake of the family. They almost never punish children for no reason, do not cheat on their husbands, and do not deceive loved ones. The only thing Sagittarius-wife does not like is housekeeping. She can make every effort to create comfort, but the result will not satisfy her. However, her constant optimism usually helps the Sagittarius woman to calmly treat such weaknesses.
Benedict Spinoza, Michel Nostradamus, Alexander Suvorov, Tycho Brahe, Ludwig van Beethoven, Ivan Papanin, Heinrich Heine, Chingiz Aitmatov, Afanasy Fet, Fyodor Tyutchev, Friedrich Engels, Leonid Brezhnev, Rodion Shchedrin, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Eiffel, Stefan Zweig, Gustave Flaubert, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Hector Berlioz, Dmitry Likhachev, Lope de Vega, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Gianni Versace, Maria Tussauds, Walt Disney, Dale Carnegie, Natalia Krachkovskaya, Alexander Maslyakov, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Gerard Philip, Nonna Mordyukova, Yuri Nikulin , Leonid Bronevoy, Tina Turner, Jean Marais, Edith Piaf, Alisa Freindlich, Boris Grebenshchikov, Bruce Lee, Jim Hendrix, Larisa Verbitskaya, Vyacheslav Innocent, Galina Volchek, Steven Spielberg, Woody Allen, Rex Stout, Igor Ugolnikov, Garik Sukachev, Gennady Khazanov, Fedor Konyukhov, Britney Spears, Ozzy Osbourne, Patricia Kaas, Kim Basinger, Andrei Makarevich, Mila Jovovich, Christina Aguilera.

Psychological picture

Sagittarius refers to the active (male) signs and it's hard not to notice. Sagittarius, whether he is a strategist or a modest performer, is always active to the point of restlessness, besides, it is easy for him to decide on a desperate act, although due to innate fearlessness. The liveliness of Sagittarius has, perhaps, only one weak side - people of this sign are able to do only one thing, but they concentrate on it completely. They not only do not want to solve several problems at the same time, but simply cannot. It is worth adding that Sagittarians sometimes act too quickly, not having time to think about their actions and evaluate the consequences to which they can lead.
In addition, Sagittarius must necessarily believe in what he is doing. He is not guided by generally accepted standards or tempting prospects, preferring to follow his own inclinations and ideas. The latter, by the way, are fickle: Sagittarians are able to suddenly make decisions or change their point of view to the opposite.
The caution inherent in many of Sagittarius should not be confused with cowardice: it is among the people of this sign that the number of representatives of dangerous professions and admirers is especially large. extreme species sports. Sagittarians are endowed natural inclination which helps them avoid injury in risky situations.
Fearing boredom, Sagittarians are not afraid to change their lives, and they would be happy to do this as often as possible if they were not distracted from this by dreams of a happy future and world justice.

Sign element

Sagittarius belongs to the fire trine. Its flame is stable and strong, and from gusts of wind it only becomes brighter, but does not scatter sparks around itself and does not cover a large area.
Like all people of Fire, Sagittarians love all sorts of adventures, but they don’t rush headlong into them, unlike Aries, and they don’t indulge in dreams instead of actions, which Leos often sin.
Perhaps, of all the signs of his trine, Sagittarius is in the most advantageous position - his Fire is quite strong, but, at the same time, easily controlled. Sagittarians do not burn in the flame of their passions, like Aries, but they are not content, like Lions, with inactive contemplation. Their Fire burns evenly and brightly, giving the necessary energy to move forward.


Sagittarians in general are not very painful, their most serious enemies are humidity and cold. Sagittarius catch colds easily, and the case is rarely limited to just a runny nose and cough, turning into serious diseases of the lungs and throat. It is especially difficult for Sagittarians who smoke, because they tend to indulge their weaknesses and do not give up cigarettes even during illness.
Sagittarians also suffer from rheumatism, which is often the result of their habit of dressing lightly and spending a lot of time in the fresh air. It is no easier for those who are busy with sedentary work - they are worried about pain in the shoulders and back.
In general, in order to be healthy, Sagittarians need the help of a calm, reasonable person who will look after them and tame their energy. The restlessness of Sagittarius also affects their mental health - by the end of their lives they are overtaken nervous diseases which are rarely treatable.
Comparatively often, accidents occur with Sagittarius, and their consequences, as a rule, affect health for a long time. Fortunately, Sagittarians are endowed with optimism, which helps them not to lose heart even during serious illnesses.
Usually, Sagittarians do not have very good skin, and many of them suffer from dermatological diseases.

Keys to success in love

Sagittarius is not looking for easy ways to happiness, and this to a large extent affects his personal life. Fortunately, representatives of this sign are endowed with a developed sense of self-preservation, so they avoid connections that can harm them. And yet, failures in their personal lives sometimes lie in wait for them. The reason for this is the adventurous nature and the inability to stop at the moment when it is necessary.
The stubbornness inherent in them, as well as a strong desire to teach everyone who has an opinion different from their own, can also prevent Sagittarius from gaining personal happiness and spiritual harmony. It is for this reason that many novels by Sagittarius, which begin excitingly interesting, often lead to the creation of unions in which there is practically no true peace: there are always reasons for claims and discontent, criticism, reproaches and irritation. At the same time, Sagittarius does not at all seek to part with their chosen one, and he does not dare to break, expecting that things are about to go smoothly. A couple can exist long enough in the hope of harmony, but never achieve it.
In order to become happier in their personal lives, Sagittarius must recognize that, despite their energy, activity and spiritual strength, they sometimes feel the need for a sense of security. Oddly enough, these are lovers of adventure and dangerous adventures they highly value stability, fidelity and devotion in their partner.
Seven typical problems - seven keys to happiness in love
1. I can't choose the right partner
Usually Sagittarius complain about this, who already have some life experience and left behind several not very successful connections. But sometimes a similar problem arises among the young representatives of this sign, who intuitively feel that their chosen one does not meet the needs of their soul.
In romantic relationships, Sagittarians tend to rely solely on their intuition, neglecting logic and common sense. They are not scared unequal marriages or unions that seem extravagant to others. The difference in age, worldview, religious views does not seem to Sagittarius an insurmountable barrier when they are in love; the ability to be fascinated and believe in their own fantasies among representatives of this sign is very high. However, sooner or later you, like everyone else, have to come down to earth; then it turns out that you are not able to find mutual language or establish contact with your soul mate on an intuitive, subconscious level.
So, your life will become much easier if you are guided in a romantic relationship not only by emotions, but also by common sense. Sometimes you need to listen to the advice and recommendations of people who know you well - or at least take into account the opinions of others. The attraction of extravagant and unusual people is very great, but dealing with them is not easy - keep this in mind when you feel that you are close to losing your head.
2. I love him (her), but I'm bored with him (her)
Sagittarians are very freedom-loving and cannot stand restrictions, they need a change of sensations and new emotions, like air. If your chosen one is a person striving for stability, calmness and predictability in relationships, quite serious difficulties can sometimes arise. The main problem is that at an early stage of the relationship you concentrate on your chosen one and do not want to see anything around; some time later, on the contrary, you stop paying attention to a person who more than deserves it.
You should not perceive romantic relationships as a system of restrictions that interferes with self-realization or the achievement of goals. It would be prudent to keep some "private" space and allow your partner to do the same - so that each of you will have opportunities for personal growth, which is exactly what is important in order not to lose interest in each other.
If you love and appreciate your partner, don't let frivolous hobbies ruin your relationship. Coquetry and flirting can cheer you up - but, alas, not for long, and the consequences of such a mistake will not dissipate soon.
3. He/she is asking too much of me.
Brave and determined Sagittarius lose their characteristic courage when it comes to long-term commitments. Representatives of this sign strive to remain independent for as long as possible and have ways to retreat, even if they are sincerely attached to their partner. Difficulties arise at the moment when you need to translate an easy and careless relationship into a more serious direction; it is in this case that Sagittarius gets the feeling that the partner expects too much from them.
If your partner is dear to you, try to objectively assess the requirements that he makes of you - it is quite possible that they are not overstated at all. However, a sound attitude towards one's own desires and aspirations is also necessary; Are you expecting too much from your chosen one, offering to adapt to your independent, and sometimes selfish and overly extravagant character. By expecting your partner to accept you for who you are, you lose sight of your own fickleness; in fact, the person you choose has to constantly adjust to your mood. The main thing that is expected of you is consistency and predictability in behavior; if you are in enough open and learn to explain the reasons for their actions, it will be easier to achieve harmony.
4. Love relationships change my character
Freedom-loving, sometimes frivolous, cheerful Sagittarius, falling in love, becomes completely different. Severity and a tendency to jealousy appear in his character, and common sense, the ability to act decisively and not be afraid of anything, fade into the background.
you are blessed strong will and you can save it in any situations without getting into emotional dependence from your partner. Don't lose your independence, keep your own interests; sometimes it is necessary to preserve “private territory” even in the most trusting and intimate relationships, since your spiritual comfort depends on its presence.
A real threat to both love relationships and your personal development can be the loss of individuality. Remember that no matter how strongly you are attached to your chosen one, it is important to remain yourself and not blindly accept a line of behavior that can be both tactfully offered and imposed. It must be admitted that Sagittarians rarely choose tyrant partners, intuitively guessing their danger to themselves, but they can become a victim of a manipulator, a master of psychological traps and intrigues.
5. He/she doesn't take me seriously
Sagittarians often give the impression of people being cheerful, optimistic, but completely frivolous - and their partners undeservedly deprive the representatives of this sign of trust. It is hard to imagine that behind the constant cheerfulness and inexhaustible positiveness of Sagittarius, wisdom and a deep intuitive understanding of life are also hidden, but meanwhile this is exactly the case.
Sagittarians rarely show their weaknesses, complain about failures or share worries. That is why even those who constantly deal with them believe that nothing seriously bothers the representatives of this sign. It is very important to learn how to share your feelings with a partner, otherwise he is unlikely to be able to understand how deep your feelings and emotions can be, and take them seriously.
Many Sagittarians so often wear a mask of unshakable fun and optimism that they themselves get used to it, refuse to support conversations on more or less serious topics, to discuss the distant future. Watch your behavior. If in difficult situation your first reaction is to laugh it off, show off a sense of humor and avoid a frank conversation, do not be surprised that your partner perceives your relationship as pleasant, but not too serious, and sees in you a person of mood, who is interesting to deal with in his own way, but sometimes and just as tedious.
6. Romantic relationships never last.
It is difficult for Sagittarians to maintain a serious love relationship for a long time, as evidenced by the fact that the divorce rate among them is higher than among other representatives of the sign. For many Sagittarians, marriage, even outwardly happy, is hard work, because their independent nature opposes any bonds, and the desire for new experience does not go well with loyalty and constancy. In addition, Sagittarians usually have their own value system, which does not completely coincide with that which is accepted in society; sometimes it is difficult for them to find a partner who would be ready to live “not like everyone else”, and very quickly harmony is replaced by a struggle to uphold their own ideals.
In order to keep a romantic relationship from going through the blood and sweat, you must be very attentive to your true emotional needs. It is difficult to mislead you, but sometimes, being in love, you substitute own desires and aspirations those that are characteristic of your chosen one. This is a direct path to internal disharmony, the result of which is either an open conflict or a cooling of relations, leading to a break. Remember that only those who are fluent in their own language can seek a common language with a partner, and do not agree to compromises before you understand what you personally gain or lose.
It is also important that Sagittarians, for the most part, are endowed not only with sensuality and emotionality, but also with outstanding intelligence. So representatives of this sign will only benefit if they do not blindly trust their enthusiastic love - a little prudence and composure will be useful to anyone who wants to avoid serious mistakes.
7. We fight all the time
It is difficult for people who are calm and not prone to open expression of emotions to get along with Sagittarius: representatives of this sign are sometimes harsh and uncompromising, not always ready to listen to the interlocutor, but some rush to the defense own interests even when there is no one to protect them from. It may seem that Sagittarius is the initiator of conflicts in a couple, but this is not so: just " average temperature» his feelings may be stronger than those of a partner.
So, if you are sure that the chosen one does not provoke you into quarrels on purpose, be prepared to work on yourself; otherwise, it can be assumed that there are very deep problems in the couple, the solution of which will require the efforts of both partners - unless, of course, they really want to save the relationship.
If quarrels arise over trifles, then The best way to prevent them - to comprehend the science of tact and diplomacy. At first, it will seem that you are required to make huge concessions, but soon you will notice that the efforts are not in vain and the relationship improves. No matter how trite the advice to listen to the interlocutor and try to accept his point of view sounds, in your case it is very useful. The problem of many Sagittarians is the unwillingness to part with the “enemies around” line of behavior, a heightened desire for self-defense and an overly emotional reaction to any criticism, even constructive. Be gentle; nature has given you an amazing intuition and the ability to "feel" people, understand their aspirations and desires - so do not let this gift perish in oblivion. Excessively carried away by yourself, your own experiences, you turn your partner into a toy of your passions - and, meanwhile, you can see a person in him, and a very attractive person, because your choice was not accidental.

Career and professions

The career of Sagittarians usually develops unevenly, and as if contrary to their nature: able to concentrate and do the same thing long time At the same time, Sagittarians try not to be limited to one specialty, starting their lives from scratch over and over again. Diligence and concentration help them succeed in almost any endeavor, but the closer the top is, the more Sagittarians are drawn to do something new or unknown.
For the most active and fearless Sagittarius, professions that scare away people who are more peaceful and calm are best suited; policemen, firefighters, rescuers, military journalists, soldiers, pilots or divers - this is who people of this sign become if no one limits their choice.
Many Sagittarians are musically inclined, which is why they become composers, performers, or instrument makers.
Sagittarians are gamblers by nature, and those of them who do not realize this inclination in business, usually become regulars in the casino or tycoons of the stock exchange. Sorry, but in gambling Sagittarians are usually unlucky, besides, easily earned money instantly flows through their fingers.
Sagittarius usually suffer from inactivity, so work is an integral part of their life, forcing them to sacrifice not only free time, but also the interests of the family.


First love usually overtakes Sagittarians in childhood, and for the rest of their lives they retain the ability to instantly get carried away and devote themselves to each new novel with all their heart. Sagittarians are romantic and easily charmed, but they are not consistent. It may seem that Sagittarius simply collects his love victories, but this is not so - he really is sincerely in love every time and is seriously worried about the breakup.
Sagittarians should not be blamed for windiness: they are simply too active to be faithful. If Sagittarius manages to find a partner who can change with him - or better yet, stay one step ahead, such a romance can be as long as it is passionate.
True, for this you will have to seriously try: Sagittarians tend to achieve fresh erotic impressions by changing a partner, and not improving relations with someone who has already fallen victim to their charm.
The number of sexual partners for Sagittarians is usually large, and the point here is that people of this sign are always lucky in love. At the same time, they are very afraid of the manifestation of possessive instincts and often limit relations with the person they like only by sex. For the same reason, Sagittarians can maintain a relationship with an unfree partner for a long time, since this does not threaten them with any bonds.
The fear of boredom, characteristic of Sagittarius, is also manifested in their sexual life. At the same time, Sagittarians themselves rarely offer to introduce some new element into the relationship, but the partner’s ideas are accepted with enthusiasm. At the same time, they generously share their knowledge and hone their skills in the company of a completely different person.

Marriage and Compatibility

The tendency to do important things without thinking has the most dramatic effect on the family life of many Sagittarians: they marry very early, not listening to anyone's advice, and then, even disappointed, do not dare to break the bonds that bind them. The fact is that people of this sign are very proud and will rather torture themselves and others than admit a mistake they have made. Sagittarians are generally inclined to praise their home, even when, in fact, its fire has long died out.
Neither men nor women born under the sign of Sagittarius seek marriage. For happiness, they need freedom, so their chosen ones should not try to take possession of their "half" completely. In a partner, people of this sign usually value intelligence and erudition, and not external attractiveness or passion.
Family life Sagittarius is very uneven: periods of romantic passion are followed by scandals, the cause of which is the eccentricity and outbursts of anger characteristic of the representatives of this sign. At the same time, Sagittarians usually do not know how to correct their mistakes, but over time they learn to at least make amends.
Sagittarians are not averse to commanding their loved ones, but they do not tolerate such an attitude towards themselves. Direct criticism offends them in earnest, but if Sagittarius is in bad mood, he is able to make a problem out of any trifle and bring the matter to a break.
In marriage, Sagittarius may seem unpredictable and capable of flaring up because of any little thing, but the point here is rather that they are used to hiding their feelings and weaknesses even from a loved one, and give vent to feelings only when it is too late to correct mistakes.
The union of two Sagittarius will be successful and interesting, full of adventures and wanderings. Sagittarius Aries will make an excellent couple, understanding his rebellious soul, but skillfully softening selfishness and assertiveness.
Sagittarius will find the key to the conceited heart of Leo, besides charging his partner with his energy and lust for life.
But an alliance with Pisces is unlikely to develop. The fact is that the ardor inherent in Sagittarius can scare the vulnerable and sensitive Pisces.

culinary habits

Sagittarians need to observe moderation in food, but at the same time, make sure that the food is varied. Otherwise, they are overly fond of fatty and spicy foods, but they forget about fresh vegetables and fruits, and juices or tea are imperceptibly occupied with alcohol, which should be excluded altogether.
Sagittarius must be very careful in the use of seafood; dishes Japanese cuisine may cause them reluctance. Fish is preferred in boiled or baked form, without seasonings with a sharp taste and fatty sauces.
Useful presence in the diet of beans, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes.
Dietary Recommendations for Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)

The sign of the element of fire, has a pronounced charisma of a leader, strives for education, is energetic and passionate about the idea of ​​​​changing the whole world. All his life, Sagittarius strives for popularity, for a high appreciation of his work and achievements from loved ones. Sagittarius almost always succeeds in at least one of their many activities. An energetic Sagittarius by nature usually has several specialties, wide range interests and business connections. Their business, participation in public life are often accompanied by teaching or political activities.

The nature of the mark

Attention to universal problems, interest in philosophy often makes Sagittarius a spiritual guru, a university teacher, famous politician. Interest in other cultures, the need for missionary activity (dissemination of spiritual ideas), the desire to transfer knowledge and ideas ( force Sagittarius to participate) are embodied in the life of Sagittarius in the form of participation in various public events, religious and political persuasion, Active participation in social life. Sagittarius are rarely shy, they have a strong need to be seen, they are often excellent dancers and artists. Excellent athletes, athletes, Sagittarians have excellent coordination, hardy, but impatient. They love horseback riding. Enthusiasm and optimism help to surround themselves with friends and admirers. Sagittarius is very friendly, open in communication, loves to help people and take care of others. Representatives of this sign often lead social movements, go to the deputies, belong to any party. Successful in show business as a producer.

The interests of Sagittarius are like the blue lights of a gas burner - he is occupied with all the phenomena of the world, but little by little. Sagittarius is ambitious, loves to attribute to himself feats that he has not yet accomplished. Banal boasting and tactlessness is back side character of the restless Sagittarius. If Sagittarius is deprived of attention, then he will try to achieve it in any way, even violating the boundaries of decency. Sagittarians do not hesitate to express their feelings in public places, often - the perpetrators of high-profile scandals.

Sagittarius personal life and compatibility

Sagittarius man

He is repeatedly married, marriage is possible for the sake of a career, by calculation. Amorous Sagittarius is very attractive, charming and noticeable among other signs, but it is difficult to keep his constant attention. A passionate nature, he is looking for the Muse for his inspiration and the goddess for the hearth. When Sagittarius is in love, there are no barriers or obstacles for him to fulfill the desire of his beloved.

Sagittarius Woman

She needs a partner who will captivate her mind, show her the whole world, will occupy a significant place in society, or simply be talented in anything. They themselves often serve as Muses for the men of the zodiac, but they are harsh and demanding when they lack the means to feel complete freedom and independence. Often have a profession and achieve success, leaders, business women. They do charity work and like to participate in social life. Creative, ebullient natures retain youth until old age.

If your child is a Sagittarius, then you should not limit his desire to learn something new. It's not the most obedient and calm child, temperament, curiosity and sociability are striking character traits of the little Sagittarius. He will strive to get all your attention and the warmest approval of all his activities, discoveries and new friends. Very jealously, this child will follow the attention of parents to brothers and sisters, and he also needs to attend all kinds of clubs and sports sections. Do not interfere with newly emerging interests, the little Sagittarius will want to try all the activities.

Health sign Sagittarius

Depression destroys Sagittarius when he lacks attention and recognition from others. Nervous disorders can be the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. Sagittarius despises passive rest, prefers to rest, changing the scope of activity, often working to exhaustion. It is important to protect the liver, clean the blood vessels, protect the heart and nervous system from overload and stress.

Interesting countries: Australia, Madagascar, Portugal, Arabia, France, USA (California), United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Spain, Cameroon

Significant cities: Baghdad, Cologne, Acapulco, Los Angeles, Voronezh, Avignon, Stuttgart. Budapest, St. Louis, Nashville, Cincinnati, Chattanooga

Celebrities born under the sign of Sagittarius: Vincent Cassel, Miley Cyrus, Alexander Maslyakov, Natalia Krachkovskaya, Emir Kusturica, Anton Makarsky, Maxim Averin, Bruce Lee, Vladimir Mashkov, Jimi Hendrix, Alexander Kerzhakov, Boris Grebenshchikov, Brad Pitt, Ekaterina Andreeva, Alexander Blok, Evgeny Mironov, Ben Stiller , Kaley Cuoco, Mark Twain, Ridley Scott, Woody Allen, Garik Sukachev, Britney Spears, Gianni Versace, Ozzy Osbourne, Jay-Z, Fedor Tyutchev, Walt Disney, Jim Morrison, John Malkovich, Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Frank Sinatra, Sergei Svetlakov, Taylor Swift, Anna Sedokova, Ludwig van Beethoven, Milla Jovovich, Oksana Fedorova, Yuri Nikulin, Steven Spielberg, Joseph Stalin, Edith Piaf, Leonid Brezhnev, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Elena Letuchaya

Very often on life path there are people whose life is "in full swing" and filled with optimism. It is possible that most of them belong to the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius; fate prepares them only joyful and positive surprises, gifts.

General description of the mark

If we discuss the topic: "Sagittarius and fate", the first thing to note is that representatives of this zodiac sign are born under lucky star, but such a concept as "luck" is known firsthand. Luck is in Everyday life with early childhood, That's why hallmarks character becomes vitality, optimism, independence and natural sociability.

They see the world in rich colors, rarely become discouraged, and certainly never despair. They go through life easily, and all sorrows and hardships are miraculously bypassed. Sagittarians can be safely called "minions of fate", and they themselves do not deny their colossal luck in all areas of life. They have an analytical mindset and a desire to expand their horizons, so in the company of Sagittarius it will never be boring, insipid. They know how to interest, keep listeners near their person, and once again become the so-called "highlight of the program".

Representatives of this sign are open to communication, appreciate new sources of knowledge and strive for excellence. At the same time, they will never be arrogant, and even with sufficient financial security strive to be closer to the people. Sagittarians are great maximalists, and in nature there are two types of such people: sincere and open altruists; selfish and greedy despots. The second type is very rare, but everything is found in nature and spoils general idea about all archers.

Representatives of this sign always have many friends and admirers, but he himself does not become attached to people, remaining a man - a holiday for everyone and for all time. As they grow older, Sagittarians strive for financial benefits, achieve professional heights and material independence already at a respectable age. All things are going well, but such people are also not immune from failures.

Sagittarius is confident in his impeccability, therefore, he generally ignores any criticism addressed to him. Such narcissism repels, and the desire for leadership positions only increases the number of competitors on the path of life.

Love and family life

The Sagittarius man is a born hunter who watches his “prey” for a long time, and then strikes a crushing blow. It is such a "victim" that the woman she likes becomes, who ignores the next contender for her hand and heart. He is used to achieving his goal, and very often sets himself high goals.

The Sagittarius woman is aggressive, ambitious and independent, so it is very difficult for her to find a worthy man in her life. She is sure that only an accomplished man who admires others and arouses the envy of rivals should be next to her. Only with such a gentleman will she feel weak and vulnerable home of the heart.

In romantic relationships, representatives of this zodiac sign do not tolerate the "golden mean", being born maximalists. That is why, despite their optimism and love of life, they remain alone for a long time, they cannot organize an idyll in the family. The second half will have to put up with such non-standard character traits for life, otherwise, family life in full is doomed to failure.

Despite the fact that Sagittarians are windy and fickle natures, they make excellent parents. They love and idolize their children, try to give them only the best, do not see children's and teenage shortcomings. Such fanaticism is not always welcome, but representatives of this zodiac sign are simply not capable of acting differently. Children are sometimes stressed by such overprotectiveness, but for the most part, as they grow older, they experience love and a feeling of deep gratitude for their parents.

The Sagittarius man is always the earner, and the representative of the same zodiac sign is a wonderful keeper of the hearth. As for the zodiac compatibility, in this matter it is difficult to find a worthy pair for yourself.

Sagittarius by zodiac sign at one time were or are such legendary figures as Yuri Nikulin and Nonna Mordyukova, Vyacheslav Nevinny and Gennady Khazanov, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, Hector Berlioz and Boris Grebenshchikov, Alisa Freindlich and Edith Piaf.

So it’s better not to deal with Sagittarius, because their desire to idealize themselves sometimes takes them out of balance, and their inner stubbornness knows no bounds at all. However, these are true comrades and loving parents for all time.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, experts in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Complete general summary horoscope of Sagittarius

Strong planets : Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron

Weak planets: Mercury, Proserpina

Symbol: centaur, arrow and bow

Metal: tin

Landscape: oases

Favorable numbers: 5, 23

Unfavorable Numbers: 4, 11

Happy Days: Thursday

Characteristics of Sagittarius

Sagittarius born in different decades, differ from each other.

Sagittarians born in the first decade - from November 23 to December 2, - are under the influence of Mercury. Such Sagittarians are independent, enterprising, have a craving for knowledge and change of place. They are full of dignity, inclined to philosophize, love space and freedom, can lead others. They have a need to participate in everything.

Important Years: 36, 40.

Sagittarius born in the second decade - from 3 to 12 December, - are under the influence of the moon. They are dreamy, prone to reflection, planning. They love travel.

Important years: 15, 30, 40, 45, 60.

Sagittarius born in the third decade - from 13 to 21 December, are under the influence of Saturn. These are persistent, resolute, fearless, patient natures.

Important years: 19, 36, 38, 40, 45, 57, 75.

Appearance of a Sagittarius

The appearance of Sagittarius is characterized by wide hips and shoulders, a wide bone. Tendency to corpulence. Women have a graceful top and a massive bottom. Buttocks are large.

Undesirable trait for Sagittarius- narrow hips, very small mouth, thinness, pale face.

Sagittarius sexual horoscope

Sagittarius - frank, sincere, generous in feelings sign. For him, friendship and communication is more important than sex. Prefers an intelligent partner. Wants to try everything in sex, at least once. Romantic gentle lovers and mistresses.

Man born under the sign of Sagittarius

Cheerful, good-natured, educated. Likes smart women. He is not ready for strong affection, and does not require it from a woman. By nature, he is a romantic and a vagabond. He likes women. But, having received everything that is possible from the relationship, he leaves. And the woman does not try to keep him, knowing full well that he was not created for a long union. Experiencing intimacy, he sincerely believes in love, but time passes and tender memories remain from the meeting. Unsuccessful flirting does not scare him. He treats life philosophically: "Well, some other time."

Woman born under the sign of Sagittarius

An excellent partner for those who love smart, funny, addicted women. Sexually tempting, attractive and inexhaustible. She knows how to appreciate life in all its manifestations - this applies to work, art, sports and family. Sex for her is a way to feel the fullness of being, and she strives to extract the maximum possible pleasure from it. Cheerful, full of fantasy. These qualities are inherent in her in intimacy. Chooses partners to match. Knows his own worth.

Family life is a serious thing for her, but she does not always know how to make it harmonious, because the thirst for new experiences sometimes takes her away from the family hearth.


The sensitive area of ​​Sagittarius is the hips, the hair on the head.

Horoscope of fidelity and betrayal of Sagittarius

Sagittarians are addicted, are interested in the opposite sex, but their novels are not long. They tend to stick to the family.

Signs of betrayal: increased care, lies, he loses interest in talking, discussing something, and visiting.

Since Sagittarius is a sincere person, the unnaturalness of his behavior is obvious.

Sagittarius marriage horoscope

Sagittarians are friendly and outgoing. In love, they are sincere and believe in best qualities people are rarely possessive and jealous. For Sagittarians, unhappy marriages are rare.

Sagittarius man does a lot, but the demand is high. Sagittarius needs a smart wife who can give him freedom and share his interests.

Sagittarius Woman- always a wonderful companion and friend, a hospitable hostess. These women are gladly taken as wives. She is happy only when she has freedom. She shouldn't have a jealous husband.

The best partners for Sagittarians- Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio.

failed marriage - Virgo, Gemini.

Sagittarius health horoscope

Sagittarians have good health , they have every chance to live to a ripe old age in their right mind and sober memory, keeping their youth and enthusiasm for a long time.

Sagittarians don't like to get sick., lying in bed, they are bored of lounging, so they quickly recover.

Sagittarians usually lead healthy lifestyle life: do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol, go in for sports.

When deviating from the line of fate, the motor centers, hips, pelvis, buttocks, liver, hematopoietic and blood-purifying systems become vulnerable. Possible traumatic sprains of joints, muscles, varicose veins.

All Sagittarians need to remember that overeating and fatty foods lead to a loss of optimism and a good mood.

Sagittarians need a diet, preferably therapeutic fasting.

To strengthen the lungs of Sagittarius useful elecampane, sage, mint.

Any citrus fruits (especially lemon), apples (they contain a lot of iron), any fruits are useful for blood purification.

Professions for Sagittarius

Suitable Professions for Sagittarius: leader, manager, lawyer, preacher, priest, teacher, teacher, cultural worker, astronomer, oceanologist, horse breeder, translator, writer, politician, journalist, missionary, public figure, human rights activist.

Western Compatibility Horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius - Aries. A wonderful, happy union. Relations in this pair are built on friendship, cooperation, partnership, understanding, common goals. Both are optimists. Marriage can last a lifetime and be happy. The older this couple is, the stronger it is.

Sagittarius - Taurus. Such friendly and matrimonial unions are rare. That's too much different people they have nothing to talk about. Good relationships are possible subject to a large age difference, or a radical change in lifestyle on the part of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius - Gemini. Bright, interesting, energetic Sagittarius will be bored with the conservative pessimist Gemini. Only temporary relationships are possible.

Sagittarius - Cancer. Marriage is unlikely. Too different people. Cancers are grounded and notorious, while Sagittarians need an intellectual partner.

Sagittarius - Leo. good compatibility. The unity of interests sometimes leads to a successful marriage, strong friendship, long-term relationships. But they can get bored together, especially Sagittarius. Such a marriage is based on mutual respect. It has no place for petty squabbles and public humiliation of a partner.

Sagittarius - Virgo. Definitely a losing option. Different, completely opposite people. This is reflected in everything. Sagittarius is a dreamer, Virgo is a realist. It develops, it has more pragmatic goals.

Sagittarius - Libra. Possible union. Elemental Compatibility. Libra loves Sagittarius' integrity and optimism. That's just Sagittarius can be bored in this marriage.

Sagittarius - Scorpio. Union of extraordinary and strong people. There may be a strong relationship between them. mutual attraction. But marriage is not easy. They are interested in being around even after many years of living together.

Sagittarius - Sagittarius. These are people close in character and type of energy. They feel great about each other. Both are optimists and travelers. Both are not material people. The key to family happiness is the ability of a man to provide for his family.

Sagittarius - Capricorn. A very difficult union. Especially for a Sagittarius. The stubbornness of Capricorn, his unwillingness to develop, pessimism, suspicion, stinginess annoy Sagittarius. And Capricorn constantly puts pressure on Sagittarius, destroys his psyche. There are a lot of problems in this union.

Sagittarius - Aquarius. Easy relationship between two friendly people. A strong marriage of two creative people.

Sagittarius - Pisces. Incompatibility of two different elements. It is difficult for Pisces and Sagittarius to understand each other. Their temperament and goals in life are different. Both are impractical, so the house will always be a mess.

Born under the sign of Sagittarius: G. Berlioz, Lope de Vega, G. Heine, S. Zweig, Empress Elisabeth, Musset, D. Swift, Toulouse-Lautrec, Horace, Maria Stuart, S. Razin, F. Engels, De Gaulle, W. Churchill, G Zhukov, N. Karamzin, Lunacharsky, Plekhanov, Kropotkin, D. Carnegie, Milton, M. Twain, L. Beethoven, I. Strauss, M. Nostradamus, A. Rubinstein, W. Disney, G. Garibaldi, Nero, I Stalin.

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Complete general summary horoscope of Sagittarius


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