Capricorn born in the year of the rooster is a woman. Characteristics of male and female capricorns in the year of the rooster. The most important! What kind of girl does he want

If you believe the characteristics and compatibility of the Capricorn-Rooster man, then these are quite self-confident individuals who are accustomed to relying solely on their own opinion in everything.

Mind and unique talents distinguish this nature from the general gray mass.


The Capricorn-Rooster man is a realist and a perfectionist who is not used to being distracted by all sorts of little things. Entertainment and love are always in second place for him, and he is ready to give himself to his favorite business without a trace. And, it is worth noting, he does not feel any discomfort and remorse about this. On the contrary, Capricorn-Rooster will fiercely defend his right to a career, trying to convince other people of his innocence. The characteristic of the Capricorn-Rooster man describes the representatives of this zodiac type as very persistent individuals who do not know the word "compromise". In their attitude to certain events, they are resolute and unshakable. Having made a decision on some issue, they no longer stop and move only forward, regardless of obstacles.

At the same time, Capricorn-Rooster is a bright and cheerful nature. From childhood, he shows great interest in communication and attracts the attention of many people. Thanks to versatile talents, such men always delight and surprise others with an interesting expression of their own ideas. The Capricorn-Rooster man always easily manages to make new friends and find like-minded people. In general, he is lucky, however, fortune is not always with him. It is for this reason that he should be more attentive and more serious about the difficulties and obstacles that arise on the way to the goal. The stubborn and wayward Capricorn-Rooster painfully perceives any criticism. Most often, he simply ignores the words of people and their opinion on a particular issue.

Representatives of this type are also prone to a violent manifestation of emotions, both positive and negative. Capricorn-Rooster often tries to take everything under his own control. He can completely redraw his own life, and then wonder why his plans cannot be realized in any way. Men of such a symbolic combination, first of all, should realize that life is rapidly moving forward, and they are only going with the flow, not making great efforts to translate their goals into reality. However, working tirelessly, going against everything, is also not an option. Otherwise, the character and qualities of the Capricorn-Rooster man allow them to achieve good results in any business. The main thing for them is to try to find a middle ground between inaction and excessive zeal.

Compatibility in love

Capricorn-Rooster is distrustful of romantic feelings. Every time he tries to calculate everything in advance, and every time he fails. That is why it is extremely problematic for such men to earn the attention and location of the opposite sex. He is not used to depending on someone and prefers to be independent in everything, which can also become an obstacle to the compatibility of a Capricorn-Rooster man with a woman. The fair sex, who decide to lead a life together with such a person, should remember that his personal interests and career will always be ahead.

And therefore, there are only two ways - to accept and support the priorities of Capricorn-Rooster or not to interfere and get out of the way on which he is walking. Despite excessive self-sufficiency and prudence, such a man is very emotional in a relationship. Erupted feelings and emotions often take him by surprise. An ideal partner for such a person as Capricorn-Rooster will be a caring and flexible girl who will listen to his needs and desires.

In turn, the man will also show himself as a caring and attentive partner who will always help to cope with any life difficulties. The Capricorn-Rooster man in love strives for stability and wants to create a strong union with his beloved woman. As companions, representatives of this sign, as a rule, choose patient and accommodating women with whom it is pleasant and interesting to communicate. Even in family relationships, such a man will strive for leadership. It is extremely important for him to feel respect and support from his family. Otherwise, his wounded pride can become a cause for conflict.

Such Roosters are not talkative, calm and reserved - real conservatives. Stubborn, serious Capricorn-Roosters are not inclined to compromise. They are distinguished by endurance and patience, they act decisively: under any circumstances, they stubbornly defend their point of view. They give the impression of emotionally cold, closed people. However, behind the mask of equanimity lies a rather sensitive nature. People of this combination are looking for love and understanding, although they are not ready to admit it. According to the combined horoscope, Capricorn-Rooster is a leader: it radiates strength and self-confidence. He has the gift of persuasion, easily captivates others with his ideas. There is so much charisma and charm in the Rooster-Capricorn that it is impossible not to believe him.

Characteristics of Capricorn Rooster

This brave, resolute person is famous for his endurance, the ability to endure all troubles. A distinctive feature of the Rooster-Capricorn sign is adherence to principles: true to himself and his ideals. He cannot be confused or misled. If Capricorn-Rooster decided - so be it. This is a deeply decent person, it is not in his rules to behave in an inappropriate way. He never violates generally accepted norms of morality, on the contrary, he stands guard over order. Although the perky Rooster adds unpredictability to the sensible Capricorn, this person is still a role model. It has a lot of virtues: strength, courage, perseverance, responsibility. The people around do not just trust the Rooster-Capricorn, but admire his talents.

Capricorn-Rooster is a born fighter: fearlessly accepts the challenges of fate. Ready to fight to the last for their beliefs. Capricorn-Rooster is a successful combination that endows its representatives with amazing strength and determination. These people clearly know what they want from life, they decide with whom to communicate, which path to follow. They rely only on their own strength and do not ask for help - they are too proud and self-confident. Rooster-Capricorn is insightful, smart and logical, so he easily calculates all possible risks. Even failure, which happens to him very rarely, will not make him retreat. He will find a way to get around all obstacles and will definitely succeed. Moreover, he acts not only in his own interests, but also for the benefit of society.

Despite his busyness, the Rooster-Capricorn loves to shine in society. This is a pleasant, easy-to-communicate person, although he gives the impression of an arrogant proud man. He does not strive to please everyone without exception, but he is always glad to hear something pleasant about himself. Not indifferent to compliments, needs support, although he is afraid to admit it. However, Capricorn-Rooster trusts few people, does not like obsessive people, avoids communicating with them in every possible way. Carefully chooses friends, ready to become their reliable support, a faithful comrade. But he will never give up his leadership position, he cannot relax and let go of the situation. Sometimes it is too restless and capricious - it does not tolerate pressure and neglect. Still, being the perfect person is a difficult task.

Capricorn Rooster Compatibility

The sensible Capricorn-Rooster is used to a responsible approach to all issues, his personal life is no exception. He is not in a hurry with a choice: he looks at people for a long time. According to the love horoscope, Capricorn-Rooster is a selective, picky partner. It is very difficult to please this exacting person, but you can be completely confident in him. If he started courtship - there will be a wedding. True, the chosen one or the chosen one should be prepared for the fact that their opinion on this issue is not the main one.

Capricorn-Rooster loves his loved ones, carefully calculates all the details of family life: order, cleanliness, comfort. Does not listen to the opinion of the second half, always and in everything relies only on himself. Capricorn-Rooster is ready to surround loved ones with love and care, the only condition is that he is a leader. This is a temperamental and unpredictable person - the influence of the Rooster affects, therefore, outbursts of rage and aggression are inherent in him. But only in exceptional cases: comments and criticism from loved ones.

Capricorn Rooster Career

For the ambitious Rooster-Capricorn, it is important to be able to take place in the profession. He will never accept defeat: with amazing perseverance he achieves his goals. Does not fuss and does not try to get around obstacles: the more difficult the problem, the sweeter the success. Thanks to hard work and dedication, Capricorn-Rooster quickly reaches leadership positions. But as a subordinate, he is not very convincing: he does not like to follow instructions. Although smart, prudent and very responsible - a professional in his field.

Roosters-Capricorns do not just work, but serve high goals. They choose professions that can benefit society, although they do not forget about their own ambitions. These people are closely within certain limits: the enthusiasm and fearlessness of the Rooster, combined with the discipline of Capricorn, is the key to success in any field. People of this combination of signs become successful actors, athletes and businessmen. In addition, Roosters-Capricorns are suitable for professions related to calculations, planning or scientific activities.

These men prefer not to scatter words, but they like to show off, they try to make a favorable impression. Reliable, serious Capricorn-Roosters are of great interest to women. They seem like real men, able to support in difficult times. They are set to create a strong family, they are not interested in short-term novels. Capricorn-Rooster is a decisive man, so he will definitely achieve the favor of his chosen one. In the family, the decisive word can only belong to him, he is the leader and indisputable authority for his wife and children. He does not tolerate objections, especially criticism. But for his loved ones he creates the best conditions, works hard, sparing no mental and physical strength.

The purposeful Capricorn-Rooster woman is trying to achieve fame by any means. It is important for her to take place in the profession, so she spends all her energy on work. The truth is very favorable to the courtship of fans. She likes to listen to compliments, she will be glad if a man takes care of all domestic issues. Capricorn-Rooster is a faithful woman, she will not flirt and seek adventure on the side, she is too absorbed in her favorite work. She can be entrusted with any secret and secret, if necessary, she will help both in word and deed. She will be happy in alliance with a man who is ready to recognize her superiority. The support of a loved one will give her strength in solving the most difficult problems.

Capricorn-Rooster men are rather contradictory personalities, Capricorn's firmness, perseverance and cock's cockiness are fighting in them. However, it is possible to understand the character and pick up the key to the heart of such a man.


Such individuals are always in the spotlight, thanks to their talents and ability to share joy, energy and happiness with others. These are quite sociable people who always become spiritual leaders in the company.

The Capricorn-Rooster man always has many friends.

Throughout their lives, they are lucky in all areas of activity. They know how to reasonably evaluate their mistakes, not perceiving them as tragedies. They value their independence and independence very much, therefore they try to achieve complete financial well-being, which in most cases they succeed.

What are Capricorn-Roosters in love

In relations with the opposite sex, the Capricorn-Rooster man is characterized by love of freedom and increased distrust. Getting acquainted with a girl, from the very first moments of the meeting, he tries to calculate everything in advance, and is very upset if everything does not go according to plan. It is difficult for women to enter his location.

Capricorn-Rooster loves independence so much that the partner's attempts to limit him in freedom can destroy the relationship.

The high emotionality of such personalities sometimes leads to love at first sight, Capricorn-Rooster does not always manage to control his feelings. A calm partner who will take care of him and listen to his soul rhythms will be the perfect match for this sign. In such an alliance, this man can become a strong and reliable support for a woman, he will help her cope with any difficulties.

Marriage and family of Capricorn-Rooster man

It will be quite difficult to get along under the same roof with such a person. But if you still manage to find an approach to him, then in return you can get a loving and caring husband. The desires and requirements of Capricorn-Rooster for him are above the feelings of his soul mate. In everyday life, he himself will dictate where to put the sofa, and what saucepan to buy.

The wife must accept his opinion if she wants to maintain peace in the family.

However, a woman can no longer find such a good owner, she can be sure of the order and cleanliness of her own house, material prosperity. But the harmony of relations between family members requires a woman's great patience. Totalitarianism in the upbringing of children leads to frequent conflicts that the spouse has to resolve.

Zodiac horoscope: Capricorn sign

The least boastful of all Roosters, Capricorn-Roosters understand that in order to achieve the material success they aspire to, it is most beneficial for them to maintain a conservative image. They are true friends and lovers, but still live more with their heads than with their hearts.

The rooster in Chinese astrology is considered a sign that has a loud and attractive character. The combination of the Capricorn-Rooster man or woman code is persistent people who do not know the word compromise, decisive and unchanging in their attitude. Once these people decide something, they are almost unstoppable.

Rooster-Capricorn are people who try to create their own set of ideas and standards about the world. They are not treasonous in their decisions, they may seem cold and unemotional. Often this is a false impression, in essence they are warm and sincere, sometimes stubborn.

In the profession, these people feel better when they are engaged in some kind of constructive work, they like to be busy. They are not lazy, rather ambitious. These people have a neat approach and try to eliminate everything superfluous. They try to hide their inflexibility, but you will know how they will react to this or that question. They tend to be fixed in their thoughts and opinions.

These people get along quite easily with others. Happier in small groups of people. In personal relationships, they will look for a partner who will not try to change them, who will accept them completely. They need a partner to help them relax.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they can be moody and restless. Their normal and calm mood can become grumpy and irritable.

The rooster of the zodiac sign Capricorn is a very purposeful person, moreover, not deprived of ambition. He has both business acumen and the ability to work long and hard. He usually achieves his goals, but not too quickly.

Capricorn roosters are smart, reasonable people who are strong in logical thinking and are able to make the right plans. They are not fussy, calm and have an enviable endurance, which often helps them. Always serve high goals and never go against their principles.

Capricorn male roosters are fearless and courageous, they are not afraid of either the superior forces of the enemy, or the excellent weapons of the other side, or warlike speeches. If a Capricorn rooster gets into a fight, it goes to the end, never backs down. But he is only able to fight something big - he needs powerful motivation in any business. He himself chooses both the cause he serves and the people with whom he enters into business and personal relationships.

It can take a long time to achieve the location of the people he needs and is able to conquer anyone in the end. Before such intensity of passion, miracles of heroism and fidelity, few can resist.

And in business contacts, and in friendship, and in family relationships, Capricorn roosters, especially women, always remain faithful and devoted, you can rely on them.

British actress and model Sienna Miller. Soviet and Russian actor Vasily Lanovoy. Soviet and Russian freestyle wrestler and coach Zagalav Abdulbekov. Russian Emperor Alexander I Romanov (1777-1801-1825).
French comedian Jean-Baptiste Poquelin - Molière. Soviet and Russian actor Alexander Polovtsev. French Canadian singer Lara Fabian. Russian racing driver Vladimir Chagin.
Russian actress and model Inna Gomez. Russian singer Dima Bilan. Soviet and Russian actor Semyon Farada. Russian mathematician and mechanic Sofia Kovalevskaya.
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By the lake, born in the year of the Rooster, it becomes quite liberated and sociable, he knows how to convince, but at the same time, he is very restrained, does not seek to argue or convince anyone. This person is always cool and somewhat aloof in public, although in his soul he is sensitive and soft, longing for understanding and love.


Rooster - a man is stable, self-confident, generous. He is purposeful and with amazing perseverance knows how to move even towards the most unrealistic goals. He does not accept pressure from other people, ignores advice, his own opinion and beliefs are the only true ones. Leadership qualities, perseverance and a penetrating mind allow him to quickly reach leadership positions and easily manage his own business. In personal relationships, as in work, he is the undisputed leader and head. He does not like to make meaningless acquaintances and short relationships, the Rooster-Capricorn-man from a young age knows the price of family comfort and tranquility in the house. He is selective and picky in choosing a life partner, he takes this step consciously, is guided not by his heart, but by his mind.


Capricorn woman is powerful, stubborn, proud. She is a diligent and executive employee, attentive and pedantic. Despite the seeming dryness, this woman can be quite sincere and sweet, in a familiar and comfortable environment she manifests herself as a sociable and empathetic person. In relations with men, such a lady at first glance may seem stiff and cold, but in fact she skillfully hides her emotions and feelings, does not want to show her feminine essence, is afraid to look weak and vulnerable. She sincerely strives for marriage, loves peace, life, looking for constancy in relationships.

Rooster-Capricorn has an amazing inner strength that attracts people to him. A sense of tact, subtle humor and the ability to behave in any situation makes such a person a pleasant companion and ally in any area of ​​life.

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