Facts about proteins: interesting and informative. Ten Surprising Facts About Squirrels You Didn't Know

Squirrels are well-known rodents of the squirrel genus. Their distinguishing featurefluffy tail, which is of great value to rodents. Thanks to the tail, the squirrel easily controls air currents in flight. It is also used as a blanket during sleep. Choosing a partner with which the squirrel will continue its race, first of all, it pays attention to the tail, which is the guarantor of the health of the male.

Squirrels are found everywhere except Australia. The genus itself includes about 30 species, popular distribution areas are Europe, America (North and South), as well as Asia.

The common squirrel is a typical appearance of the "classic" squirrel in the understanding of people. In Russia, it is possible to meet them in the European part Russian Federation and in the Siberian and Far Eastern forests.

If we talk about the growth of squirrels, then the average body length is 20-28 cm, the length of the tail is equal to 13-19 cm. The weight of an ordinary squirrel is 250-340 gr.

The color of the common squirrel changes seasonally. In winter, the skin has a gray or white tint, in summer it is red or brown. IN winter time the fur is fluffy and soft to the touch, in summer it is more rigid. The molting of the common squirrel occurs twice a year - the body, the tail - once.

In the standard diet of the squirrel there are seeds; she gives preference to the seeds of coniferous-deciduous forests. The squirrel also loves mushrooms, berries and tubers. Daily food intake varies by season, in winter food is reduced to 35 g, during the mobile period it increases to 80 g.

Squirrel prefers to lead a "tree" lifestyle. She easily “flies” from tree to tree using her tail, and moves on the ground in big leaps. Feeling the approach of danger, the common squirrel hides in the trees. She is mobile both in the morning and in the evening, devoting time to collecting "reserves" of food. In winter, the squirrel has a decrease in movement, from the trees where the nests are located, it descends for feeding, during severe frosts it sits on a tree, keeping warm in a half-asleep state.

Depending on the forest where the squirrel lives, either a hollow or twisted nests serves as a dwelling for it. The squirrel brings grass and dry leaves into the hollow, warming it. Nests are built from dry branches, filling it with moss and leaves. Usually a squirrel has more than one nest, their number reaches 15 per individual. For a week, she tries to change a couple of nests, carrying her offspring in her teeth.

  • The food for the common squirrel is not only seeds and mushrooms. In the absence of a crop, rodents do not disdain insects, bird eggs, and even gnaw at the horns of animals when they find them dropped to the ground.
  • Pregnancy of the common squirrel is about 35 days.
  • During one pregnancy, the squirrel brings from 3 to 10 cubs.
  • 4 years for the life of a common squirrel in wild nature- the term is quite long, and domesticated squirrels, whose lives are protected from dangers, live up to 10 years.
  • Power wires protect against squirrels, as they can cause a short circuit by gnawing through the wire.
  • Stocks for the winter squirrels are often hidden in their "caches". True, the fact is known that they themselves forget about where they hid the food. Thanks to this, the forest is enriched with new trees, often growing from “stored” seeds.

Flying squirrel. Characteristic features and external differences

The flying squirrel is far from the only name for an individual that also belongs to the squirrel genus. It is also called the flying squirrel or common flying squirrel.

The most important outward difference flying squirrels are the presence of a membrane between the front and hind legs. The membrane is extremely important for the movement of the squirrel, as it serves as a kind of parachute.

The flying squirrel is no different large size, its body length does not exceed 23 cm, the length of the tail of the standard is about 13 cm. The body weight is on average 2 times less than the common squirrel and is 170 g. But the fur of the flying squirrel is much softer and more pleasant to the touch, it is thick and silky. The color of the skin is two-tone, smoothly turning from gray (gray with a brown tint) to white. The tail of the flying squirrel is fluffy and its shade differs from that of the body. Molting occurs in a standard way, like that of an ordinary squirrel.

The flying squirrel is awake all year round, but it dominates night image life or, if necessary, the movement is made at dusk. True, after the appearance of the cubs, the squirrel can be seen during the day, but this happens extremely rarely. For nests, the flying squirrel chooses tree hollows or already prepared old woodpecker nests. The main thing for them is the height of the hollow, mainly it chooses a nest at a height of about 10 meters.

The flying squirrel descends to the ground much less often than the common squirrel. In the “flight”, the squirrel skillfully maneuvers, landing on a tree, it makes a strictly vertical body position. For the first jump, the flying squirrel climbs to the very top of the tree.

It is extremely difficult to notice a flying squirrel in the forest due to the color, since it merges with the crowns of trees, on which the squirrel spends 80% of the time.

The flying squirrel generally feeds on buds and seeds coniferous forest. It can also use the bark of trees as food; in the summer it dilutes the diet with berries. Squirrel's favorite delicacy is alder and birch earrings. She saves them winter period, since in bad weather and frost the flying squirrel tries not to leave the shelter and uses its "reserves" to maintain strength.

As for reproduction, this issue has not yet been fully studied. It is known that during one pregnancy, a squirrel has an average of 3 cubs (varies from 2 to 4). The duration of pregnancy is 5 weeks.

In the wild, with a flying squirrel's life expectancy of 5 years, it is already considered a long-liver. If we consider conditions artificially equated with habitat, then life expectancy increases dramatically to 13 years, since squirrels are protected from external enemies.

Flying squirrel. Curious facts

  • Outwardly, the flying squirrel resembles bat due to the membranes, however, it does not fly, but maneuvers from tree to tree.
  • In flight, the squirrel can turn 90 degrees.
  • The distance that a squirrel covers in one jump is equal to 50 meters. The distance covered record set for 2017 is 90 meters.

  • The flying squirrel feeds on nuts in a peculiar way. Unlike other types of squirrels that split the shell, the flying squirrel only makes a hole and takes out the nut without any problems.
  • The common flying squirrel is considered a social animal, since, if necessary, up to three representatives of the squirrel genus are placed in one nest. But it is worth noting the fact that this “sociality” has nothing to do with lactating proteins.

  • Already at the age of one and a half months, the cubs make the first long jumps, despite the fact that they are born blind and their sight appears only after two weeks.
  • The tail of the flying squirrel is primarily used as a brake when "flying".
  • Winter stocks of flying squirrels reach several thousand nuts, the maximum possible number of which is stored in the nest.

) told how an excess of protein in the diet affects the functioning of the kidneys, why dairy products affect sleep, and is it true that after a workout you definitely need protein.

Fact #1: The body needs both animal and plant protein.

Proteins are animal and plant origin. Animals are considered more complete - they contain 8 essential amino acids that the body needs for normal functioning, B vitamins (their lack in the diet is the cause of stress, decreased physical activity, lethargy), iron needed to maintain work immune system, thyroid gland, Omega-3 in the form of alpha-linoleic acid (required for the synthesis of other essential fatty acids).

Plant-based proteins should not be underestimated either - they are a good source of fiber that contributes to normal functioning. gastrointestinal tract. They are often called inferior - they do not contain all the essential amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, histidine). But they are also required in the diet. Approximate ratio of vegetable and animal protein: 45% to 55%.

Fact #2: Everyone's daily protein intake is different.

The amount of protein per day is individual for each person. Depends on physiological data and sports loads. On average, the norm for a healthy person varies from 1-1.5 g per kg of weight, for pregnant and lactating women - up to 2 g per kg of weight.

Fact number 3: when losing weight, the protein rate is calculated individually

During the period of weight loss, it is important to correctly calculate the protein rate. During weight loss, you do not need to sharply increase its amount - it is not safe for health. If, for example, during the period of weight maintenance your norm is 115 g, when losing weight it increases to 140. The calorie deficit should not exceed 15%. BJU standard for weight loss: proteins - 15-35%, fats - 20-35%, carbohydrates - 40-65%.

Fact #4: Lack of protein in the diet has a negative impact on health

Proteins perform many different functions: protective (necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system), transport (carry oxygen and nutrients), regulatory, energy. They are also involved in the transfer of genetic information. But first of all, this is the main construction material"for the body (epithelium, for example, is updated every 3-4 days).

The lack of protein is detrimental - all metabolic processes worsen, the work of systems and organs is disrupted. First of all, the liver, muscles and hormonal levels suffer. Athletes lose muscle mass, there are problems with the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Fact #5: Weakness and headaches can indicate a lack of protein

General weakness is one of the signs of a lack of protein in the diet. It may be accompanied by muscle spasms, tremors in the limbs, and impaired coordination of movement. Due to protein deficiency, the synthesis of serotonin and other hormones is reduced - a person may experience sleep problems and headaches. Paleness, skin rashes, a tendency to puffiness, slow healing of wounds, hair loss, delamination of the nail plate - all this is a sign that you need to reconsider your diet and take tests.

Fact number 6: get better from protein

Get better not from proteins, fats or carbohydrates, but from a calorie surplus. And it doesn’t matter how you got them: a chocolate bar or two kilograms of fish. Another thing is that protein foods are less caloric. For example: the calorie content of pink salmon is 147 kcal per 100 g, Snickers is 488 kcal. Protein is an essential macronutrient in the diet. But any excess of calories is transformed into subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Fact number 7: 4 kcal is released when 1 g of protein is oxidized

Under the influence of pepsin, the protein breaks down into polypeptides and amino acids. From recent organism synthesizes new ones it needs for normal operation, or converts them into energy. When 1 g of protein is oxidized, 4 kcal is released.

Fact #8: Excess protein in the diet puts more stress on the kidneys

From an overabundance of protein, in the first place, the kidneys suffer - the level of urea increases and uric acid in blood. Failure to comply with KBZhU can also cause structural damage to the liver.

An excess of protein is one of the causes of osteoporosis. The body can only use a certain amount of protein. He recycles the rest. For this, the body needs additional calcium, which is taken from the bones. Keep a balance to keep healthy.

Fact #9: Protein can cause allergies

Protein intolerance - rare view food allergies. It most often occurs in the early childhood(50%). The reason is disturbances in the functioning of the immune system. The body mistakenly perceives a foreign protein as harmful chemical compound and starts attacking him. Histamine is released into the blood, causing allergic reaction. Unfortunately, there is no medical treatment for this condition. You can get rid of allergies only by eliminating products containing the allergen.

Fact # 10: Protein diets give a temporary effect

Any diet gives a temporary effect. A lasting result can be achieved only by completely switching to proper nutrition. The most popular protein diet- Dukan (for which he was excluded from the medical register of France and International Association nutritionists). It implies a complete rejection of carbohydrates and unlimited consumption of animal protein.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. With a shortage, the body begins to destroy fat cells, and in parallel with them, muscles and glycogen stores.

As soon as you return carbohydrates to the diet, the body will begin to store them at a frantic speed - the kilograms will quickly return and they will bring “friends”.

Fact number 11: proteins, fats, carbohydrates are normally combined with each other

There are no products consisting of proteins alone - at least, carbohydrates are definitely present in them. And our body normally assimilates them together. The myth that proteins, fats and carbohydrates do not combine is fueled by supporters of separate nutrition, to which nutritionists also have many questions. The body needs all macronutrients - this is an indisputable fact.

Fact #12: Protein for sports nutrition comes from whey

Protein for athletes is obtained from whey (whey protein) or from cottage cheese (casein protein). For people who are not involved in sports, there is no point in additional protein intake - protein shakes are useless.

Fact #13: Protein powder is not "chemistry"

Protein powder is not chemistry if it is made from natural raw materials (milk). They are essential for quick muscle recovery after an intense workout.

Fact #14: A post-workout protein snack is just for building muscle mass.

Nutrition after a workout depends on what goals you are pursuing. If you are interested in extensions muscle mass, you need to use the "metabolic" window and eat something protein 20-30 minutes after physical activity (this is a source of amino acids necessary for recovery). Ideally, carbohydrates are also needed - they help replenish glycogen stores.

Fact #15: You need to get protein from different foods

To provide the body with all the necessary amino acids, you need to get them from different foods. Cottage cheese, for example, contains 14% protein with a complete amino acid composition. Vegetables and greens contain from one to two amino acids. And the more varied the table, the more likely it is that they will enter the body.

Fact #16: Protein intake should be even throughout the day

Protein in the diet should prevail in the evening - by the end of the day we do not need as much energy as at the beginning. Ideally, when the protein product is in every meal. Distribute your protein intake correctly. For breakfast, give preference to cheese, eggs, cottage cheese. For lunch - meat dishes, legumes, for dinner - fish and vegetables.

Fact #17: Lack of animal protein in the diet has an impact on the body

Whether positive or negative is the subject of fierce debate. Adepts of vegan diets say: without animal protein, it is quite possible to exist. I have a different opinion on this matter. The protein that enters the body with food is useless in itself. It requires only one thing - amino acids. From them, another protein is synthesized, "friendly" to our body. Non-essential amino acids can be synthesized. Indispensable - no. They only come with food. Methionine, for example, is an essential amino acid found in sufficient amounts in red meat. It is impossible to get it in the right amount from other sources.

Fact # 18: The main source of vegetable protein is legumes

Foods high in vegetable protein: beans, lentils, chickpeas, seeds, nuts, sesame. In sufficient quantities, it is found in buckwheat, wheat and cereals based on it: bulgur, spelled.

Fact #19: Protein is involved in brain stimulation

Protein is an important macronutrient for brain function. Amino acids secrete neurotransmitters - substances involved in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Protein deficiency leads to serious consequences. Fatigue and fast fatiguability- just the tip of the iceberg.

The vegetable protein contained in nuts stimulates brain activity well - include them in your daily diet.

Fact #20: Proteins Differ in Digestibility

Proteins differ in the degree of digestibility. Slow ones are broken down by the body for a long time, dulling hunger. Fast foods are better absorbed and fill you with energy faster. The source of slow proteins is cottage cheese, cheese. Fast - meat, eggs, fish.

Fact #21: Milk protein is better digested after enzymatic fermentation

Milk is 90% water. The remaining 10% goes to casein and whey proteins - globulin and albumin. The first is characterized by difficult digestibility and poor digestibility (the main reason is insolubility in water). This is a minus in the nutrition of an adult and a plus in the nutrition of children. Low speed the breakdown of milk protein contributes to a dosed and uniform saturation of the baby's blood with amino acids - their level is stable for up to six hours.

The body of an adult better absorbs calcium caseinate - a protein obtained as a result of enzymatic fermentation of milk. Many nutritionists recommend giving up milk in its pure form, preferring lactic acid products.

Whey proteins have a balanced amino acid composition. By structure, they are as close as possible to the proteins of muscle tissue. They are often used to make protein powder.

Fact #22: Dairy products can cause heaviness

After dairy products, discomfort can occur if you have bowel problems. Almost a third of the population has lactose intolerance - "milk sugar". This condition is associated with a deficiency of the lactase enzyme, which is involved in its breakdown. If 30 minutes after a glass of milk you regularly experience bloating, this is a reason to think and see a doctor.

Fact number 23: a group of enzymes that break down protein - proteinases

These are enzymes of the hydrolase group that cleave peptide bonds. They are divided into six classes: serine, threonine, cysteine, aspartate, metalloproteinases, glutamine. The lack of enzymes is the cause of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, pancreas.

Fact #24: The daily amount of protein in children's food is different from that of an adult

Daily protein intake baby food- from 2.2 to 3 g per 1 kg of weight (up to a year), from 36 to 87 g after a year. For normal growth and the development of the baby, it is important to follow these figures.

Fact #25: Chicken protein is a great source of protein

Chicken protein is a very good source of protein. It contains all the important amino acids and is low in calories. But be careful - chicken protein can cause allergies. This phenomenon occurs quite often. Chicken eggs rich in vitamins, iron, folic acid and other substances. The body can react to any of them! The most common cause is a reaction to albumin. Symptoms appear immediately: skin rash, itching, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and breathing. The norm of eggs per day is no more than three.

Fact #26: Protein foods affect mood and sleep

Proteins contain tryptophan, an amino acid responsible for good mood and normal sleep.

The lack of protein in the diet greatly affects the sleep-wake cycle in children. Due to the lack of protein, their synthesis of serotonin decreases - the baby does not fall asleep well.

You can solve the problem by increasing the intake of tryptophan: it is present in most plant proteins.

Fact #27: We have different protein digestion rates

We are all different, and the needs of the body too. Someone starts the day with a protein tomorrow and feels great, someone needs carbohydrates to start the body. Learn to listen to yourself. We have different rates of protein digestion. One organism needs an hour for this, another three. This fact must be taken into account when preparing a diet.

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Expand and clarify children's knowledge of proteins. Replenish existing knowledge of children with new information. Introduce the riddle about the squirrel and the proverbs: “If you put it further away, you will take it closer”, “A cat has a cat - also a child”. Vocabulary: nimble, cocky, businesslike, scandalous. Continue to learn to guess riddles and depict riddles. Raise interest in the nature of the native land.


Pictures and photos of squirrels, appliqué equipment.



Lesson progress:

There are many animal and bird storerooms in the forest in autumn. What birds and animals that arrange pantries for the winter do you know? (Answers of children). Today we will talk about just such an animal. Hear about him a riddle:

The squirrel riddle

From branch to branch
Fast as a ball
Jumping through the forest
Red circus.
Here he is on the fly
Tore off the bump
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran away in a hollow.

What about the riddle made you think of the protein? (Answers of children).

Squirrel makes solid stocks for the winter - in different places, different stocks, in large quantities. He is very clever at collecting nuts. Shake the branch, jump to the side and look. Which branch swings longer is heavier, which means there are more nuts on it. Here, a squirrel climbs onto this branch and bites nuts. An empty or spoiled nut is immediately recognized and will not be taken for anything. Squirrel mushrooms also store a lot for the winter. And he chooses the very best. Dries squirrels and fly agarics, presumably in medicinal purposes. Dried mushrooms are hidden in hollows or under bark that has lagged behind trees. In mushrooms, then the squirrel will only eat the hat, and throw away the leg. In addition to mushrooms and nuts, squirrels store acorns for the winter. Acorns - what tree is this from? (Answers of children). From oak.

And this is how a squirrel hides its prey: it digs a hole, carefully puts the prey into it. It will drive deeper, and from above it will rake up more earth and dry leaves, so that no one else can smell it. You never know winter forest staggering beggar animals. “The farther you put it, the closer you take it.” How do you understand this proverb? (Answers of children).

It happens that strangers eat squirrel stocks. But the squirrel itself, if it stumbles upon other people's stocks in winter, will not be ashamed and will eat them. Part of the stock will remain uneaten. This will benefit the forest: after all, in the spring they will sprout roots and sprout.

Here is how M. Prishvin wrote about the protein in the story "Squirrel Memory".

“Today, looking at the tracks of animals and birds in the snow, this is what I read on these tracks: a squirrel made its way through the snow into the moss. I got two nuts hidden there since autumn, ate them right away - I found the shells. Then she ran a dozen meters, dived again, again left the shell on the snow and after a few meters she made the third climb. What a miracle You can't think that she could smell nuts through a thick layer of snow and ice. So, since the fall, she remembered her nuts and the exact location between them. But the most amazing thing is that she could not measure, as we do, in centimeters, but directly by eye with accuracy determined, dived and pulled out. Well, how could you not envy squirrel memory and ingenuity!

Let's play with our fingers for a bit.

Finger gymnastics "Squirrel"

The squirrel jumped, jumped,
(Children spread their fingers)

By winter, the pantries were filled with:
(They begin to bend all fingers in turn, touching the pads of the corresponding palm).

Here - nuts, here - mushroom
For sons and daughters.

At the end of autumn, the squirrel will change its coat from red to gray. Why do you think? Who else changes their coat for winter? (Answers of children).
When they come very coldy you won't see a squirrel. She, curled up in a ball, can sleep for several days.

In addition to protein reserves, he likes to eat in winter pine cones. Having plucked a cone, the squirrel settles somewhere in a fork among the branches. He holds the cone in his front paws, bites the scales of the cone with his teeth and takes out fatty seeds with his lips.

If the winter turned out to be harsh and long, the squirrel eats the bark, young shoots, and buds. He cuts off a twig with his teeth and, holding it in his paws, bites off the bark and buds from it. Obest, drop it down and take on a new one. But this food is not satisfying, proteins starve with such nutrition.

But in summer, the nutrition of the squirrel is diversified by the larvae of various insects, ant and bird eggs, and, on occasion, chicks, as well as berries, fruits, catkins of willows and aspens.

It's time to play. Children depict animals, inhabitants of the forest.

Game "Show me the answer"

The poor man has no lair,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Get used to the poultry house -
Expect trouble.
red tail
Covers traces.

Who deftly jumps on the trees
And flies up to the oaks?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Dry mushrooms for the winter?

Not a beast or a bird
Afraid of everything.
Catch flies -
And splash into the water.

Like a royal crown
He wears his horns.
Eats lichen, green moss,
Likes snow meadows.

rope twists,
Head at the end.
crawling, wriggling,
Throws at the enemy.

A ball is rolling in the forest,
It has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
For bugs and mice.

This little gray
Glad even for a bread crumb,
Because before dark
She hides in a burrow.

Lying dirty
In a bristly shirt.
tail pretzel,
Snout snout.

For housing, the squirrel builds one main nest for the winter and 2-3 year old spare ones. These spare nests are like cottages, the squirrel rests in them, hides from predators, waits out summer heat. If suddenly the squirrels are in danger, then it drags them into these spare nests. Summer nests are light, wind-blown. But the winter nest is woven and built skillfully, insulated. There are, however, not very hardworking squirrels that fit magpie and crow nests under the nest, driving away the hostesses from them.

By nature, the squirrel is nimble, cocky, businesslike and scandalous. Let's take a look at the meanings of these words. What does "nimble" mean? Badass? Busy? Scandalous? (Answers of children).

Squirrels have weddings twice a year - at the end of winter and at the end of spring. Squirrels also appear twice a year. Baby squirrels are born tiny, naked, blind and ugly. But this is in our opinion. For every mother, be it a crow or a squirrel, her baby is the most beautiful of all. About that and the proverb: "A cat has a cat - also a child." A month later, the eyes of the squirrels open, the body is covered with delicate wool. And very soon they will become such pranksters and annoy their mother with their antics so much that she goes to a spare nest and there rests from her restless children. But by night, having rested, she returns to the children. After all, a squirrel is a caring mother.

In the event of an enemy attack, the squirrel tries to lead him away from the nest, running along tree trunks. Sometimes pretends to be dead, falls to the ground. It happens that, saving the kids, the squirrel dies.

As soon as the baby squirrels grow up, they leave their parents. Squirrel-daughters will go into independent life a little later. Old squirrels live in the same place, and young ones settle in a new one.

Unfortunately, the main enemy of a squirrel is a person. And it got to the point that they shot all the squirrels in the Crimea. Caught up, it's too late. I had to catch squirrels where there are a lot of them and bring them to our peninsula. Fortunately, these squirrels liked it with us, they took root well and multiplied.

But all people need to remember: we are big and strong, but we must also be kind and wise so as not to harm the small and defenseless.

Now I suggest that you do application "Squirrel".


1. How does a squirrel prepare for winter?
2. What does he store in his "pantries"?
3. What trick does he use when collecting nuts?
4. Why does a squirrel dry fly agarics?
5. What kind of tree cones does he like to eat in winter?
6. What does a squirrel eat in hungry winters?
7. What is added to the squirrel menu in summer?
8. How do squirrels make themselves at home?
9. Whose houses are occupied by some squirrels?
10. What is the nature of the squirrel?
11. How are baby squirrels born?
12. How does a squirrel take care of squirrels?

  • Squirrels (Sciurus) are a genus of rodents of the squirrel family. The genus includes about 30 species distributed in Northern and South America, Europe and temperate zone Asia.
  • Squirrels are found everywhere except Australia.

  • The common squirrel, or veksha (Sciurus vulgaris), is the only representative of the squirrel genus in the fauna of Russia.

  • There is a widespread belief that the squirrel feeds on nuts. Everyone remembers the pictures in children's books and the famous "squirrel sings songs, but gnaws everything nuts." However, this is not quite true. Squirrel -, it is often found in those forests where hazels do not grow. So what does she eat? Over most of their habitat in the forest zone, squirrels feed most often on the seeds of various coniferous trees. Most of all they love seeds or cedar pine(pine nuts), if there are none, then seeds are preferred, then, and finally, ordinary seeds, which include proteins in their diet only in the absence of others.

  • These rodents eat besides the seeds of coniferous trees. hat mushrooms, tree buds and bark, young oak foliage and, hazel fruits (hazelnuts) and, earrings and berries. Various squirrels, their larvae and pupae serve as food for squirrels. Do not disdain squirrels and eggs, they can eat chicks. On occasion, animals can eat small, and. Squirrels gnaw bones, and horns, which are shed by some forest ungulates, for example,. Thus, squirrels are omnivores.

  • The squirrel makes stocks of nuts, acorns, cones for the winter, pulling them into hollows or burying them among the roots, and also dries mushrooms by hanging them on branches. Sometimes other animals use its reserves - small, birds, even brown.

  • Squirrels live in their own nests. There may be several such nests. The squirrel's nest (gaino) has a spherical shape with one or two entrances. They are quite difficult to detect, when looking through the dense foliage it may seem that this is a nest.

  • Squirrels bring offspring up to three times a year, depending on climatic conditions a habitat. Pregnancy lasts 35 - 38 days. Belchat in middle lane usually born in April and July. The squirrels are brought up exclusively by the squirrel mother. Males do not take part in the life of offspring and may well be seriously attacked if they dare to approach the nest with squirrels.

  • Squirrels are unusually prolific, from 3 to 10 cubs can appear at a time. Newborn squirrels are blind and naked, weighing about 8 g. Naked squirrels freeze even on hot days. They need to be fed and kept warm. A squirrel cannot leave children for a long time. Leaving the nest, she wraps baby squirrels with everything that is in the nest, from matted wool to leaves and grass.

  • On the 14th day, the squirrels appear hairy, they begin to see clearly only on the 30th - 32nd day. From this moment, they begin to leave the nest. Milk is fed up to 40-50 days. They leave their mother at the age of 8-10 weeks.

  • A squirrel that has lived in nature for up to 4 years is considered a long-liver. The share of such animals under the most favorable conditions does not exceed 10%. So the age of the squirrel is not so long. For a squirrel living in an apartment, this period is not much longer. And here is a squirrel that lives in a street enclosure, in conditions close to natural, but at the same time protected from natural enemies m hunger, can live up to 12 years.

  • Proteins can cause power outages because they cause short circuits on elements of power lines that are under high voltage. In US history, squirrels have caused the NASDAQ High Tech Index to drop twice and caused a cascading power outage at the University of Alabama. Why and how does it work? The fact is that squirrels often sharpen their teeth on tree branches, but cannot distinguish between branches and electrical wires. Currently, special rubber shields are used to protect wires.

  • The squirrel personifies agility, agility, tirelessness - spinning like a squirrel (in a wheel).

squirrel photo


Squirrels are found everywhere except Australia and Antarctica.

2. The protein genus includes about 30 species distributed in North and South America, Europe and in the temperate zone of Asia.

3. Types of squirrels differ in coat color, body structure, diet, lifestyle and habits.

4. Different colors there are squirrels: black, red, brown, gray.

5. Proteins have existed on our planet for about 50 million years. During this time, they did not change anything.

Squirrel ordinary

6. The common squirrel, or veksha, is the only representative of the genus of squirrels in the fauna of Russia.

7. Raccoons, snakes and owls are considered the main enemies of these rodents.

8. From the name of the bargaining coin "Bela" comes modern name proteins.

9. In North America Fossils of an ancient squirrel have been found.

10. Squirrels love only shady and dry forests.

African pygmy squirrel

11. The smallest view considered to be a pygmy African squirrel.

12. The animal loves to eat: in a week, a squirrel eats an amount of food equal to its weight. And weight adult reaches 2 kilograms.

13. Squirrel is the champion in diet diversity. Squirrels are omnivorous, their diet includes about 150 seeds different trees. Its main part is the seeds of conifers: spruce, pine, cedar, fir, larch.

14. In the oak forests, the squirrel will not disappear either - it will eat acorns and hazelnuts. The protein menu also includes mushrooms, berries, herbs, mosses, lichens, tubers and rhizomes. If the nut harvest was not good enough, squirrels feed on buds and young shoots of trees.

15. Proteins can also be predators. In addition to plant foods, they also like to eat insects, eggs, and even small birds, mammals and frogs.

16. Black rodents are characterized by elevated temperature body.

17. Like many rodents, squirrels make stocks for the winter - they hide nuts, acorns, cones and mushrooms in the hollows of trees, and some species bury them in the ground. But often the animal forgets where he hid his food. In this case bad memory squirrel is good for the forest - nuts forgotten in the ground sprout and replenish the forest with new trees.

18. Squirrels do not hibernate in winter, but in severe frosts they may not leave the nest for several days. Despite the fact that the squirrel is a solitary animal, during cold weather the animals can gather in groups of three to six squirrels and bask in one nest.

19. A squirrel's nest is called "gaino", and one animal usually starts many, up to 15 such dwellings. Most often, the nest is built in a hollow tree or in a birdhouse, lining everything inside with dry leaves, stems, moss, feathers. If there is no suitable hollow or birdhouse, the animals build their dwelling between the branches of a tree, at a height of 7-12 meters.

20. Reproduction in squirrels occurs mainly twice a year - in winter and summer. During the mating season, the males run after the females, but the females choose their own mate. With one male, the squirrel mates once.

21. Squirrels bring offspring up to three times a year, depending on the climatic conditions of their habitat. Pregnancy lasts 35 - 38 days.

22. Squirrels in the middle lane are usually born in April and July.

23. Only mother-squirrel brings up squirrels. Males do not take part in the life of offspring and may well be seriously attacked if they dare to approach the nest with squirrels.

24. Absolutely blind and naked are baby squirrels at the time of birth. After one week, newborn squirrels begin to grow fur. And only at 8 weeks after birth, these rodents can see normally. Within two months after birth, baby squirrels are completely dependent on their mother.

25. Protein meat is prohibited for pregnant women in Croatia.

26. Squirrels mostly spend their lives on trees.

27. The front legs of the squirrel are shorter than the hind legs.

28. Squirrels are perfectly oriented in the dark.

29. The squirrel is considered the cleanest rodent.

30. Squirrels do not breed in captivity

31. The state currency of Belarus depicts a squirrel that gnaws a nut.

32. Two red squirrels are depicted on the coat of arms of the Zelenograd administrative district.

33. Squirrels lead a nomadic lifestyle. Even in ancient chronicles, large movements of squirrels are mentioned. The reason for migrations most often became crop failures of the main fodder.

34. Squirrels begin to migrate in late summer and early autumn, usually not going far, but sometimes they can go as far as 250-300 kilometers. The animals roam one by one, and during their difficult journey they swim across rivers and even sea bays, cross bare mountain peaks, and enter settlements.

35. The younger generation of squirrels is also prone to migration, but seasonal. Settling, the young can go even 70-350 kilometers from the place of birth.

36. Adults of these rodents live alone.

37. Up to 8 years fluctuates average duration life of squirrels in the wild.

38. The squirrel has long become not only a forest dweller, but also a city dweller, having mastered parks, gardens and other places convenient for obtaining food. In urban conditions, this rodent can live up to 20 years.

39. Up to 36 inches, the growth of an adult squirrel can fluctuate.

40. About 2.5 centimeters long is the smallest squirrel in the world.

41. The secret of the agility of a squirrel is in its wonderful tail. The squirrel uses its tail as a steering wheel: thanks to it, it can jump from tree to tree 15 meters in a curve and 4 meters in a straight line. The tail of the animal plays the role of a parachute: even when falling from a 30-meter height, the squirrel will remain alive and unharmed. At the same time, on the ground, the squirrel does not jump so far: only 1 meter in length.

42. In addition to helping in movement, the tail plays another important role in the life of the animal. A male squirrel will prefer a female with a fuller tail.

43. Squirrels communicate with each other with the help of tail movements.

44. Also, the tail serves as a warm cozy blanket, which you can hide on cold nights.

45. But it can also cause the death of an animal: despite the fact that squirrels - excellent swimmers, a wet tail can drag a squirrel to the bottom.

46. ​​These rodents are very easy to hand feed.

47. Poland took squirrels under protection after the Second World War.

48. These rodents have excellent night vision and sense of smell.

49. A squirrel has four front teeth, and they are constantly growing. If the teeth are too long, the squirrel will not be able to cope with nuts and cones and will die of hunger. Therefore, the animal constantly gnaws, grinding off the extra length of the teeth and sharpening them.

50. Proteins are able to copy the movements of animals and humans.

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