Which increases blood uric acid. Why is uric acid in the blood elevated? Symptoms and causes. Alternative methods of treatment for gout

The human body is a balanced system. For normal functioning, tissues and organs require various chemical compounds in a strictly defined ratio, including uric acid. The content of the substance in accordance with the norm means the absence of health problems. If uric acid is elevated in the blood, an additional examination is performed to find out the causes of the violation and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Test results

The substance is a nitrogenous compound that is formed as a result of the breakdown of proteins. The liver is responsible for this process, the excess is excreted from the body. An increase in uric acid in the blood indicates various disorders and often causes illness. In natural concentration, the substance serves to activate adrenaline and norepinephrine. Also, the substance has an antioxidant effect and prevents the degeneration of cells, preventing the development of cancerous tumors. A blood test can determine the exact amount of a substance in a patient's blood.

A referral for examination is issued by a doctor, more often a therapist, but the level of a substance can be examined in nephrology, endocrinology and other areas of medicine. The level of a substance in the blood is sometimes referred to in the referral and results as "uric acid". A blood test for biochemistry can be taken at a district clinic or a private laboratory. The content of uric acid in the blood of healthy people is determined by generally established standards, taking into account the gender and age category of the patient.

The norm for men is as follows:

Women are characterized by a lower amount of a substance for the normal functioning of the body:

Elevated uric acid in the blood often indicates the presence of pathologies. To accurately determine the cause of the high concentration of the nitrogenous compound, additional tests and examinations are carried out. If the disease is detected early, the treatment is most effective.

Clinical picture

A high concentration of this substance in the patient's blood is called hyperuremia. This condition often affects young children and older people. The physical condition of babies depends on hereditary factors. If uric acid in the blood is elevated, it will quickly begin to manifest itself physically. Red-pink rashes (diathesis, psoriasis, etc.) form on the skin, which subsequently begin to release fluid. At this stage, an infection can join the rash, making it difficult to treat. The most important stage of treatment is the organization of proper nutrition for mother and baby with the complete exclusion of possible allergens.

In men older than 50-60 years, an excess of purines is very common. Almost every 4th patient has symptoms. The deposition of salt crystals occurs in the joints of the fingers, causing severe pain and gout. As the disease progresses, there is an increase in the amount of salt in the joints, which causes inflammation and tissue destruction. The skin becomes red and hot to the touch. If left untreated, damage to the body and pain intensify, the patient loses the ability to move.

The process is accompanied by shooting pains in the abdomen and groin.

An increase in the level of uric acid in the blood sometimes manifests itself in the form of tartar. Damage to the heart muscle by urates leads to hypertension or a heart attack. An increase in the amount of substances in the nervous system leads to insomnia, high fatigue and other neurological manifestations. In every fifth case, hyperuremia is asymptomatic. For any ailments or unusual deviations in the work of the body, you need to take a blood test. Timely detection of deviations can be the key to rapid treatment.

Causes of violations

Excess uric acid is determined by a laboratory blood test. Statistics show that men are more prone to hyperuremia than female patients. The reasons for the increase in uric acid in the blood can be explained by a number of pathologies:

  • Kidney disorders (stones, kidney failure).
  • Incorrect liver function (various pathologies, carbon monoxide poisoning or toxic substances broken down by the liver).
  • Inflammation of the bile ducts.
  • Atherosclerosis. The development of the disease is preceded by deviations in the blood test for the lipid spectrum. The high content of the substance contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Blood diseases (anemia, leukemia, etc.). Hyperuremia causes the breakdown of certain tissues and blood cells, leading to disease.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Gout.
  • Pathologies of the skin (dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis, etc.).
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Diabetes. Disruption of hormonal metabolism sometimes leads to an increased concentration of purines even with normal kidney function.
  • Erectile dysfunction in men. The risk of violations increases 6 times with a high content of the substance in the blood.

An increase in levels does not always mean health problems. If the deviation from the norm is of a one-time nature, this means that the situation can be explained by changes in the patient's lifestyle. Long-term use of alcohol leads to malfunctions of the liver and kidneys. The result is hyperuremia. The exclusion of alcohol will bring the state of health back to normal, to confirm this, you should take a uric acid test again.

Often, hyperuremia can be explained by malnutrition, which contains a large amount of purine substances. Excess in the diet of meat (including fatty and fried), fish, rich broths, smoked meats, canned food, mushrooms and other things leads to the absorption of a large amount of protein. In addition, malnutrition often leads to obesity, which can also cause an increase in uric acid levels.

Overweight people need to donate blood for research at least once every six months.

Strengthened physical labor, especially unusual loads, lead to an increased consumption of protein by the body. As a result, the amount of protein breakdown products also increases. This is not a pathology. Sometimes the indicator is affected by medication (Aspirin, Furosemide, etc.). Also, hyperuremia can be caused by toxicosis in pregnant women, which is not a violation. In the presence of these factors that increase the rate of acid, be sure to tell your doctor about them. In order to get the most reliable analysis, a few days before the study, you need to exclude medication, strong physical exertion, the use of fatty foods and alcohol.

After receiving the results of the blood biochemistry analysis, the attending physician deciphers and gives appropriate recommendations. An elevated level of uric acid is a reason to change the diet and switch to dietary nutrition. First of all, if you have an increased content of uric acid, foods high in purine substances and acids that form uric acid should be excluded from the diet:

  • Fatty and fried meat, lard, fish
  • Rich meat and fish broths
  • Meat by-products (liver, kidneys, etc.)
  • Sausages, ham, smoked products
  • Canned meat and fish (especially sprats)
  • Mushrooms, beans
  • Sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, tomatoes
  • Sweet pastries and chocolate
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Black tea, coffee
  • Packaged juices and nectars, soda

To normalize the functioning of the body, it is recommended to use lean boiled meat without broth, dairy and sour-milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils, freshly squeezed juices, compotes, herbal tea. It is allowed to eat no more than one boiled egg per day. Your doctor will help you make a more detailed diet. Mushrooms and legumes, in agreement with the doctor, can be consumed in limited quantities.

With malnutrition, if the acid is elevated in the blood, its level is easily regulated by an appropriate diet. Perhaps this situation is single and is a consequence of many-day holidays.

With the normalization of the diet, the analysis will return to normal.

A high level of uric acid is a violation of the body and in certain cases requires medical treatment. If the nutritional correction did not work and the repeated biochemical analysis of uric acid is still elevated, it is time to take medication. Only the attending physician can prescribe the necessary drugs. Benzobromarone, Allopurinol, Colchicine, etc. are often recommended. As a folk remedy, decoctions from the leaves of strawberries, currants, lingonberries and blueberries are used. Traditional medicine can offer other healing recipes, but they can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Uric acid is a natural product in the work of the body and is always present in the blood of every person in a certain amount. The amount of the substance varies depending on gender, age and even time of day. High levels of uric acid in the blood can be similar in symptoms to various other diseases. There are cases when a child has been treated for allergies for years, not realizing the true cause of red spots on the skin. A biochemical blood test for the content of various substances significantly helps in establishing the diagnosis of the correct treatment.

Personal experience

Every family has to deal with this situation. My family hasn't been spared gout either. The therapist prescribed anti-inflammatory injections, and at first they helped. But a few days passed and the pain in the ankle (and then the big toe) resumed. And again they prescribed injections, and again the pain returned after the next course.

Then it was decided to adjust the diet. You saw the standard set of restrictions recommended by the doctor at the clinic above. But we decided to go the other way: sugar and its derivatives (sucrose, fructose) were completely removed from the diet. neither honey, nor fruits, nor jams were used. In addition, flour products were completely excluded.

Instead of medicines, homeopathy was used: Ledum (for cyanosis of the ankle, when it hurts to step on the foot), Arnica (for pain in the thumb, and if Ledum does not give an effect), Acidum uricum.

A month later, the cyanosis disappeared, the edema subsided, the leg was fully functional even under the condition of physical exertion.

In contact with

There is nothing unnecessary in the human body, it's a matter of quantity. Uric acid in the blood is an essential component of biochemical processes in protein metabolism. It is synthesized in the liver from proteins that come from the intestines with food.

Functions of uric acid in normal and pathological conditions

The sodium salt of uric acid is needed because of two main functions:

  • it stimulates the brain by activating and enhancing the action of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine;
  • is a strong antioxidant, which means that it conducts antitumor "work" with cells, preventing them from regenerating.

The body is interested in self-preservation to maintain a certain level of uric acid in the blood. Surpluses are removed 2/3 through the kidneys, 1/3 with feces. The norm in children and adults is different.

Exceeding the upper limit is called hyperuricemia. According to medical statistics, it is more often observed in men than in women. Hyperuricemia is possible in the form of a non-permanent jump in physiological conditions:

  • in athletes with heavy physical exertion;
  • in girls and women who have been on a starvation diet for weight loss for a long time;
  • when overeating products of protein origin (meat, eggs).

At the end of the cause, the level returns to normal.

However, a prolonged increase in the content of uric acid in the blood leads to pathological conditions and requires treatment. Excess salts of uric acid (they are called urates) turns into small crystalline formations and settles in the tissues of the joints. The cells of the immune system define them as "foreign agents" and try to destroy them, while changing the structure of the articular tissue itself. This is how the disease called gout begins.

In addition to the joints, salts enter the renal tubules and form stones in the urinary system. Kidney stone disease is one of the consequences of conditions when uric acid in the blood is elevated. A similar process of salt deposition can occur in the intestines, stomach, in the heart muscle, in the tissues of the eye.

Reasons for the increase

A high concentration of uric acid in the blood can occur if:

  • many products come with food, from which synthesis subsequently occurs;
  • increased work of the liver in the synthesis of uric acid;
  • reduced excretory function of the kidneys.

Violation of the liver and kidneys occurs in chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation with the manifestation of renal and hepatic insufficiency (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic pyelonephritis, nephritis, diabetes mellitus).

Other causes of hyperuricemia are determined by metabolic disorders with indirect effects on the liver and kidneys:

  • obesity;
  • decreased synthesis of B vitamins (especially B12);
  • if the function of the parathyroid glands is reduced;
  • leukemia;
  • a shift in the acid-base balance of the body towards acidosis (in coma, toxicosis in pregnant women);
  • long-term treatment with certain medications (anti-tuberculosis drugs, diuretics, aspirin, anti-cancer drugs).

In hyperuricemia, uric acid crystals are deposited in the joints with the development of gout.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms indicating an excess amount of uric acid in the body are manifested by diseases of various organs.

In babies, a hereditary type of hyperuricemia causes various skin manifestations from diathesis to psoriasis. Large pink spots appear on the cheeks, on the skin of the chest, forehead, they itch and disturb the child. Further, the rashes secrete liquid, get wet, which contributes to the attachment of the infection. Pediatricians are looking for an allergic component in the disease. The child is waiting for great difficulties in organizing nutrition and treatment.

In men around the age of 50, joints begin to hurt, the manifestations worsen at night. Most often it is 1-2 joints. In half of the patients, the big toes are affected, less often the knees, wrists, elbows, and shoulders. Disturbed by severe pain at the slightest movement, even when touched. The joint swells, deforms, the skin over it is reddened, hot to the touch. Not yet an old man loses his ability to work, cannot move.

Joint of big toe affected on left foot

With the deposition of urates in the urinary system, pain in the lower back, attacks of “shooting” pains in the groin and in the lateral sections of the abdomen are disturbing. Such patients are prone to developing an infection in the bladder (cystitis) involving the ureters. The formation of stones leads to compression and forms a mechanical obstruction to urine output. Attacks of renal colic become more frequent, become much more intense.

Dentists encounter increased deposition of uric acid salts when examining the patient's oral cavity. There is a deposition of "tartar", which provokes inflammation of the gums and disrupts the nutrition of the teeth.

Increased deposition of urates in the heart muscle, in the adrenal glands can lead to acute myocardial infarction, cause hypertension.

The defeat of the nervous system is manifested by increased fatigue, constant fatigue, insomnia.

Methods of treatment

With the described clinical manifestations, the level of uric acid in the blood should be checked immediately. The analysis is carried out in any clinic. Based on the ability of uric acid with some chemicals to give colored compounds. By the nature and intensity of coloring, a quantitative determination of the indicator is carried out using a photoelectrocalorimeter.

The first intervention in hyperuricemia to lower uric acid is diet. Reducing the dietary intake of products that can be used by the liver for the synthesis of uric acid helps to eliminate one of the causes of the disease.

From the diet should be excluded: any fatty meat, brains, kidneys and liver, tongue, bacon, smoked meat and fish products, rich broths, canned food, sausages, spicy seasonings, pickled and salted vegetables, chocolate, sweets, confectionery with cream, black tea, coffee, carbonated sweet drinks, juices from the store, alcohol. Legumes, mushrooms, rhubarb, sorrel are not recommended.

Recommended: boiled lean poultry meat, dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, hard cheeses), no more than one egg a day, vegetable oil, unlimited vegetables and fruits, green tea, weak coffee with milk, fresh juices, compotes, rosehip broth . Bread preferably black or "Doctor's" with bran, crackers and dry biscuits.

Basic dietary restrictions for patients with hyperuricemia

It is shown that fasting days are carried out every seven days: kefir-curd, fruit, watermelon. About a kilogram of food is divided into six equal portions and eaten throughout the day. You can drink juices, rosehip broth.

If the diet does not help reduce symptoms and lower uric acid levels, then medications are prescribed.

Allopurinol, Sulfinpyrazone, Benzobromarone, Colchicine are agents that block synthesis in the liver. These drugs need to be taken for years. Dosage and courses of treatment are prescribed only by a doctor.

Folk methods offer a long-term intake of decoctions of herbs and fruits. They are brewed instead of tea and drunk several times a day. Currant leaves, strawberries, lingonberries, blueberries, highlander grass are used. It is better to brew in a liter thermos overnight for a tablespoon of dry vegetable raw materials. You can choose and rotate the plants that you like the most in taste, or mix everything and use three tablespoons in the mixture.

Symptoms of hyperuricemia are similar to other diseases. Therefore, in order not to have to take unnecessary medications, you should always check the amount of uric acid in the blood. The analysis will help to establish the true cause of the ailment and prevent its further development.

Uric acid is a chemical compound resulting from the metabolism of purine substances, which are part of our DNA. Analysis of uric acid in the blood shows the position of the kidneys, liver and metabolism in general.

Functions of uric acid

The substances in uric acid have two uses:

  1. Enhances adrenaline and norepinephrine, providing activation of the functioning of the brain;
  2. It is an antioxidant, does not allow the degeneration of cells.

The norms of uric acid in the blood are individual, as they are transmitted at the genetic level.

However, there are also common boundaries. They differ by age and gender. Uric acid in the blood is normal:

  • Man - 130 - 310 µmol / liter
  • Woman - 160 - 330 µmol / liter
  • Child - 190 - 410 µmol / liter

Excess uric acid is removed by the human body naturally: 70% is excreted through the kidneys, and 30% with feces.

There are three ways to get uric acid:

  • Consuming purines from food
  • With the breakdown of cells in the body (this happens either in the process of natural aging of the body or during any disease)
  • A huge number of cells in our body form uric acid.

Why is analysis needed?

Uric acid levels can only be determined with a blood test. And it is necessary to do it in order to immediately identify hyperuricemia and begin treatment.

Hyperuricemia - an increase in the upper limits of the norms of uric acid. Often hyperuricemia is a temporary increase in uric acid, this may be due to temporary conditions:

  • A large number of physical activities (their sharp increase);
  • Sitting girls on diets, exhaustion by hunger;
  • Overeating of protein products.

However, an increase in the amount of uric acid can be permanent. This already requires treatment, otherwise a disease called gout may begin to develop.

What does the low level mean?

Low uric acid levels are rare. But to neglect the treatment in this case is not worth it. There are a number of reasons that affect the lowering of the substance:

  • Increased excretion of uric acid from the body through the kidneys;
  • Consumption of protein products in small quantities, or their absolute non-use;
  • A disorder in the development of uric acid in the liver;
  • Increased consumption of alcoholic beverages that worsen the activity of the kidneys and liver;
  • Deviation from the norm of the liver, which reduces the content of enzymes that produce this substance;
  • Reduced uric acid levels associated with genetics.
  • Toxicosis, developing during the first three months of pregnancy.

Abnormalities in the liver - the cause of a decrease in uric acid

A reduced content of this substance can lead to a pathology such as multiple sclerosis (damage to nerve endings around the perimeter of the entire body).

The uric acid level may be false. This is due to the food you consume (or rather, its composition) or the use of medicines. With the normalization of the diet and the cessation of the use of drugs, the content of uric acid is normalized within 4 days.

What does the elevated level mean?

  • Improper nutrition, an excess of fatty, salty, sweet, spicy foods. Obesity;
  • Reduced content of the B group of vitamins;
  • Problems with the thyroid and parathyroid gland;
  • Toxicosis during the first three months of pregnancy;
  • Severe alcohol poisoning (not for the first time, but repeated);
  • kidney or liver disease;
  • Diabetes;
  • Long-term use of certain drugs or antibiotics.

The higher the level of uric acid in the blood, the higher the likelihood (and / or frequency) of gouty attacks.

Reasons for exceeding

The norm of uric acid can be exceeded, which, as a rule, is affected by malnutrition (overabundance of meat in the diet). Therefore, the first thing to do to lower the level of uric acid is to reduce the consumption of protein products.

What are the symptoms of hyperuricemia

Hyperuricemia has a lot of symptoms by which it can be identified. If at least two symptoms are detected, it is necessary to immediately take an analysis for uric acid. However, it doesn't always work that way.

Attention! With hyperuremia, there may be no various symptoms at all, and it can only be determined with the help of an analysis.

In this case, a diagnosis of "Asymptomatic hyperuricemia" is made. Therefore, it is regularly recommended to undergo a general examination to identify diseases associated with increased or decreased levels of uric acid.

Symptoms of hyperuricemia:

  • Directly elevated uric acid reading;
  • In young children, a manifestation of hyperuricemia on the skin (that is, large pink spots on the skin that itch a lot);
  • The representatives of the stronger sex in pre-retirement age have frequent pain in the joints (increased pain at night). Often - damage to the big toes, knee joints. Swelling, swelling of the joints, loss (deterioration) of the ability to move;
  • Pain in the lower back, in the groin, the sides of the abdomen;
  • When examining a dentist, tartar, inflammation of the gums, increased sensitivity of the teeth (it becomes very difficult to chew food) are possible;
  • Damage to the nerves and nervous system often leads to rapid fatigue.

Lowering the level of uric acid - what to do

In order to reduce the uric acid coefficient, a fairly strict diet is required. An approximate list of what you need to exclude from your diet for the period of recovery of uric acid levels:

  • Fatty meat, kidneys, liver, brains (it is recommended to replace it with boiled or steamed chicken breast);
  • Smoked food (lard);
  • Pickled vegetables (pickles, tomatoes, mushrooms);
  • Carbonated drinks, or drinks containing more than 0.5 gas
  • Alcoholic drinks (since alcohol harms the liver, which increases the level of uric acid, but the opposite effect is needed);
  • Black tea or coffee;
  • Butter;
  • Lots of sweet food and pure sugar.

  • Boiled or steamed chicken and/or chicken meat;
  • A small amount of vegetable oil;
  • Green tea;
  • Dairy products (kefir, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese);
  • Eggs (but not more than one per day);
  • Vegetables (in unlimited quantities);
  • Fruits (in unlimited quantities);
  • Freshly squeezed juices and / or homemade compotes (not purchased).

If you follow this diet, the level of uric acid will be reduced. Once a week, fasting days are recommended. Of particular popularity is kefir fasting day, it can be replaced by watermelon, vegetables or fruits.

If the level of uric acid does not decrease while following the diet, medications are used.

Uric acid is an indicator that affects the functioning of the whole organism. Therefore, in order to avoid a malfunction or a heart attack (possibly at an elevated level), you should periodically take an analysis of the level of uric acid in the blood.

It performs important functions in the human body. However, with its high values, specialists have suspicions of serious problems with the patient's health. Treatment in this case is carried out with an integrated approach.

Uric acid - what is this substance and what is its norm

Uric acid is an organic element formed as a result of the breakdown of purines under the influence of xanthine oxidase. It is mainly produced in the liver due to metabolic processes. This substance is found in the plasma and, at an increased amount, is a crystalline formation of sodium salts, which are oxidized and remove excess nitrogen from the body.

In the body, this acid performs important functions:

  • Provides stimulation and enhancement of the action of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which affects the functions of the central nervous and peripheral systems.
  • It has an antioxidant effect, which is to protect against free radicals and prevent the formation of cancer cells.

The level of acid in the blood depends on many factors. In addition, it varies depending on the age and health of the person.An increased level of this acid in the blood is called hyperuricemia in medical terminology.

To determine the level of uric acid, experts prescribe. For this, blood must be taken from a vein. To obtain more reliable results when preparing for the study, the following recommendations are required:

  • Donate blood on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Before analysis, it is desirable to exclude physical activity and psycho-emotional overstrain.
  • A few days before the study, it is not recommended to eat foods that contain a large amount of purine.
  • When taking medications on the eve of the diagnosis, it is important to inform the specialist about this.
  • You can drink only clean, non-carbonated water before donating blood.
  • Stop smoking two hours before the test.

If certain diseases are suspected, the doctor may prescribe additional blood tests.

The rate of uric acid largely depends on the age criterion, as well as gender:

  • In men - from 200 to 420 micromoles per liter.
  • In women - from 160 to 320 micromoles per liter.
  • In children under 14 years old - from 120 to 300 units of measurement.
  • For men over 60 years of age, fluctuations from 240 to 490 micromoles per liter are possible.
  • In women after 60 years of age, the level is from 210 to 430 µmol.
  • From the age of 90 years, a level from 130 to 490 is considered a normal indicator.

Why the level rises, symptoms of high content

Depending on the main reasons for the increase in uric acid, two forms of hyperuricemia are distinguished: primary and secondary.

The primary form is considered congenital, it is also called idiopathic. In this case, during the metabolism of purine, some fermentation disturbances occur, so uric acid is produced in excess. Usually congenital disease is observed in rare cases.

Such hyperuricemia is provoked by the following conditions:

  • Lesch-Nigan syndrome
  • Kelly-Sigmiller Syndrome
  • Increased production of phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase, which occurs as a result of an inborn metabolic disorder

The secondary form is often due to excess ingestion of purine into the human body along with food. A large amount of this substance is found in foods such as legumes, pork, beef (tongue, liver, brains, kidneys).

In addition, an increased content of uric acid may indicate various pathological processes that occur in the human body.

The main causes in this case are such diseases:

  • AIDS
  • Fanconi syndrome
  • Hypereosinophilia (high blood levels of eosinophils)
  • Gout
  • malignant neoplasm
  • erysipelas
  • Tuberculosis
  • Psoriasis
  • Leukemia
  • Pneumonia
  • Eczema

The substance rises with severe and extensive burns, diseases of the gallbladder and allergies. Another factor in the high content of this substance in the blood is the intoxication of the body as a result of large doses of alcohol. The factors in which this acid exceeds the norm include overweight, frequent use of alcoholic beverages, depletion of the body, lack of vitamins, physical inactivity, taking diuretics, anti-tuberculosis drugs.

More information about gout can be found in the video:

Hyperuricemia is considered a sign of atherosclerosis, ischemic disease, rheumatism, hypoparathyroidism, acromegaly. Uric acid can rise with toxicosis in pregnant women.

With a high content of a substance in the blood, the following symptoms are observed:

  • The occurrence of dental stones
  • Decreased performance
  • Soreness in the joints
  • Chronic fatigue
  • General weakness
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Hyperemia of the skin
  • Increase in body temperature
  • Digestive disorders
  • Decrease in the number of urination
  • The fall
  • Weak heartbeat

Also, the pathological condition may be accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of a particular disease, as a result of which uric acid has increased.

Treatment with medication

To lower the amount of uric acid, it is important to direct the treatment to eliminate the disease that provoked the increase in the substance in the blood. The therapy is carried out with an integrated approach. The following methods are used for this:

  • Medications.
  • Recipes for alternative medicine.
  • Diet.
  • Physiotherapy procedures.

There are many drugs on the pharmaceutical market that effectively remove uric acid from the body and also block its synthesis. These funds include:

  • Diuretics - Furosemide, Mannitol, Hypothiazid, Lasix, Torasemide, Diakarb, Amiloride.
  • Blockers of the synthesis of a substance in the liver - Colchicine, Anturan, Allopurinol, Benzobromarone, Sulfinpyrazole, Urodan.

You are not allowed to use these medicines on your own. Only an experienced specialist can prescribe them and determine the dosage, taking into account the underlying disease, the nature of its course, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

Folk remedies

  • birch leaves
  • Nettle
  • Strawberries and currants (leaves)
  • Cowberry
  • Blueberries
  • Highlander
  • Grape leaves

To prepare these decoctions, it is necessary to pour a spoonful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and let it brew.

Removes uric acid from the body carrot tops. It is crushed and poured with boiled water, after which the remedy is infused and filtered. Drink a quarter cup three times a day. For this purpose, fresh carrot juice is also suitable.

With gout, which is most often accompanied by a high amount of uric acid, you can do foot baths using a decoction of chamomile, calendula and sage.

Diet for High Uric Acid

If the values ​​​​of the substance in the blood are increased, then a certain diet should be followed, which requires the rejection of the following foods:

  • Fatty meat broths
  • Smoked meats
  • Pickled vegetables
  • Mushrooms
  • Sorrel
  • Legumes
  • Sour cream
  • Ryazhenka
  • Chocolate
  • Puff pastry or pastry
  • Spices
  • Spices
  • Shrimps

It is important to establish a drinking regimen. It is advisable for the patient to drink more than two liters of fluid per day. Better to drink plain water. The use of coffee, tea should be limited, and carbonated drinks and energy drinks should be completely excluded from the diet. It is also forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages.Nutrition with an increased acid content should be fractional.Fasting is strongly discouraged.

Every day you should eat fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, as well as juices from them, low-fat dairy products.

With hyperuricemia, physiotherapeutic procedures are also used. The most commonly prescribed hirudotherapy, acupuncture, manual therapy, acupressure, stone and moxibustion.

Possible Complications

With a prolonged increase in the substance in the body, sodium salts are deposited in the organs, as a result of which they are damaged. Such a violation leads to serious complications, which include the following pathologies:

  • angina pectoris
  • Hypertension
  • myocardial infarction

In case of damage to the nervous system, the following conditions may occur:

  • Aggression
  • Sleep problems
  • Visual impairment
  • Migraine

To prevent such complications, it is important to follow all the instructions of the attending physician.

In this article, we consider the situation when uric acid in the blood is elevated, what are the causes, symptoms and treatment. The importance of timely elimination of such a condition is due to the fact that its accumulation causes increased salt deposition. As a result, a person develops various pathologies of the joints: gout, arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Complications also include cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

You can determine the level of the indicator in the public and private laboratory department. The duration of the study is not more than two days.

Uric acid is formed from the breakdown of purine bases and nucleic acid residues. A significant part of the purine bases is released as a result of the natural destruction of cells. A small proportion of them comes with red meat, liver and fish, as well as with wine. What causes a natural increase in the substance with a diet rich in purines, and vice versa.

Uric acid is transported by the circulatory system from the liver to the kidneys. There, 70% of the incoming substance is filtered, followed by excretion with urine. The remaining 30% is transported to the digestive tract and then excreted in the stool. At the same time, excess nitrogen is removed from the human body.

Enhanced synthesis of the substance in question or a violation of the excretion process causes its deposition in tissues. With a consistently high level of uric acid, inflammatory pathologies of the joints develop.

Interestingly, in birds, insects and a number of reptiles, the substance in question is also formed during the metabolism of peptides. Similar changes arose in them in the course of evolutionary development due to the limited water balance. In this case, the main part is introduced along with feces in a solid state.

Normal uric acid values

Before proceeding to the consideration of reference values, it should be emphasized that the data presented cannot be used for self-diagnosis. It is unacceptable to use the described values ​​for independent interpretation of the results of the analysis and the appointment of subsequent treatment. The data is provided for informational purposes only.

The final interpretation of the results of the analysis for uric acid is the task of the attending physician. When deciphering, it is important to take into account 2 criteria: the gender and age of the person being examined. Reference values ​​for children under 14 do not depend on gender. Only after 14 years of age was a separation of normal values ​​noted.

It should be emphasized that after 60 years of age, differences in the analyzes in men and women are not observed, since the level of uric acid in the body of men is reduced.

Uric acid in the blood is increased - causes, symptoms and treatment

A condition in which uric acid in the blood is elevated is medically referred to as hyperuricemia. Normally, a slight increase in the indicator is allowed. The maximum for women is 355 micromoles per liter, for men an increase in uric acid up to 430 micromoles per liter is acceptable.

Before making a diagnosis of hyperuricemia, the doctor will suggest repeating the study in order to exclude false positive results.

Symptoms of excess uric acid in the body

The danger of the condition lies in the fact that at the initial stage a person is not bothered by any symptoms. However, the analysis recorded a high content of uric acid. In the later stages, the patient has pathologies of internal organs of varying degrees.

In children, an increase in the substance is accompanied by:

  • irregular stool;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • delays in speech development;
  • nervous tic;
  • increased nervousness, irritability;
  • increased sweating;
  • uncontrolled urination;
  • pain in muscles and joints.

In puberty, patients are concerned about the sensation of itching of the genitals, pain in the lumbar region, and uncontrolled weight gain for no apparent reason.

Elevated uric acid in the blood in men and women leads to diseases of the digestive system and joints.

Causes of increased uric acid in the blood in women and men

There are three main mechanisms for the development of high concentrations of uric acid:

  • rapid death and decay of cells, which is accompanied by a slow process of their renewal. In parallel with this, activation of the exchange of genetic information is noted. The breakdown of DNA and RNA naturally causes the formation of uric acid in the blood;
  • deterioration of the functioning of the urinary organs. The kidneys slowly filter the primary urine, as a result, uric acid is actively deposited in the human body;
  • excessive dietary intake of purines.

Therefore, the main causes of the pathological condition include:

  • gouty lesions of the joints;
  • oncological diseases with growing metastases. It is known that malignant neoplasms are accompanied by active cell division and uncontrolled tissue growth. As a result, it leads to a natural increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood;
  • the use of radiation and chemotherapy, leading to increased decay of living cells;
  • pathology of the kidneys of various etiologies;
  • kidney pathology;
  • B-12 deficiency anemia;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women, etc.

Other reasons for the increase in the rate include Lesch-Nychen syndrome. With this genetic disease, the level of uric acid is significantly increased due to its increased formation. The prevalence rate does not exceed 1 case per 300 thousand people.

The disease is accompanied by mental retardation, a tendency to aggressive behavior, a tendency to inflict damage on oneself. You can notice pathology in newborn babies by delaying psychomotor development. When teething, the baby begins to show aggressive actions: biting lips, biting hands, nails and fingers.

The establishment of the final diagnosis is possible only if elevated uric acid, psychological abnormalities and neurological pathologies are detected.

Similar changes in uric acid in the blood are characteristic of Down syndrome.

In addition, an increase in this indicator is characteristic of an acute form of psoriasis, thyroid disorders, sickle cell anemia, heart pathologies, as well as obesity and lead intoxication.

Also, an increase in the level of uric acid is noted when taking salicylates, treatment with cytostatics, diuretics, etc., excessive consumption of purines with food, excessive physical activity, etc.

Reasons for the decline

For completeness, understanding the reasons for the deviation of the criterion from the norm, one should understand the possible causes of a lack of uric acid in the blood. The main reasons include:

  • violation of the functional activity of the liver. Failures in the metabolic processes of the substance in question were noted with a lack of enzymes or a decrease in their activity;
  • hereditary glucose-phosphate-amine diabetes. The patient has biochemical and clinical disturbances in the normal reabsorption of phosphate, simple sugars, and glucose;
  • alcohol dependence, in which the patient has a violation of the full functioning of the liver;
  • congenital hepatolenticular degeneration characterized by abnormal copper ion metabolism. As a result, the patient develops severe pathologies of the nervous system and other internal organs. It occurs in 7% of people with cirrhosis of the liver. The average age of disease manifestation is from 10 to 26 years. Important for the debut of pathology are external factors that destroy the liver;
  • congenital xanthinuria. Uric acid is not formed in sufficient quantities due to a lack of the xanthine oxidase enzyme;
  • Parkhon's syndrome, caused by uncontrolled excessive secretion of the hormone vasopressin. Hypourekemia is a secondary symptom of pathology;
  • following a low purine diet.

About the dangers of uric acid in the blood:

Treatment of high uric acid in the blood

Important: The treatment of elevated uric acid is the primary task of the attending physician. At the first stage, a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient and the collection of his anamnesis are carried out. According to the results of the collected information, the doctor establishes the final diagnosis.

Based on the identified pathologies and the presence of concomitant diseases, the necessary treatment tactics are determined. Failure to comply with the doctor's prescriptions for the chosen therapy tactics will lead to a complication of the patient's condition. Let's take a closer look at the main methods of treatment.

diet therapy

If uric acid in the blood is elevated, then the patient is advised to exclude dishes with a large amount of purine bases and calories. If overweight is observed, then first of all it is necessary to try to normalize body weight. The following products are excluded from the daily menu:

  • fatty meats and fish;
  • offal;
  • smoked dishes;
  • broths with a high concentration of meat products;
  • coffee;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • mushrooms;
  • cocoa and chocolate.

For heat treatment, it is better to use boiling and stewing, to refuse frying. It is important to consume at least 2 liters daily (in the absence of pathologies of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system) of pure and unsweetened water. Products that allow you to speed up the process of removing a substance from the human body include:

  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • apples;
  • potato;
  • lean meats;
  • dairy products.

Medical therapy

The need for the use of drugs is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-selection of drugs and their dosages is dangerous to health. Based on the reason for the deviation of the criterion from the norm, the doctor will select the necessary drugs.

The main drugs include:

  • allopurinol ® - directly affects the xanthiooxidase enzyme, preventing the synthesis of the substance in question. It is unacceptable to prescribe the drug to a patient with an established fact of diabetes mellitus and kidney disease;
  • sulfinpyrazone ® , the mechanism of action of which is based on accelerating the process of excretion of a substance through the kidneys. It is not prescribed for people with an allergic reaction to sulfinpyrazones, as well as for ulcers of the digestive organs and urolithiasis;
  • benzobromarone ® is able to activate an increased excretion of the substance in question along with urine. The mechanism of action is due to the inhibition of the process of its reabsorption in the kidneys. In parallel with this, the drug has a depressing effect on enzymes that contribute to the destruction of purine bases. It is not prescribed for pregnant women and children, as well as for patients with severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver.

After the course of drug therapy, repeated laboratory tests are carried out. The return of the indicator within the reference values ​​indicates the correctness of the selected treatment. The absence of positive dynamics indicates the need to select alternative drugs or change the dosage of already selected ones.

How to take a uric acid test?

A blood test for uric acid is given in the laboratory department in the morning after a 12-hour fast. You should abandon physical training on the eve of the trip to the study. Smoking is not allowed 3 hours before the venipuncture procedure.

For two days, the intake of alcoholic beverages is excluded.

Why is it important to strictly follow the rules of preparation? The doctor makes a conclusion about the patient's health on the basis of his general clinical picture, as well as data from laboratory and instrumental studies. At the same time, more than 70% of the information the doctor receives from these laboratory tests. Based on the results obtained, the patient is diagnosed and the necessary treatment is prescribed.

Distortion of the results due to improper preparation, storage and transportation of the biomaterial sample leads to an erroneous diagnosis.

For laboratory diagnostics, a chemical method is used - photocolorimetry. The essence of the technique is to determine the level of the desired substance, depending on its absorption of ultraviolet light radiation of various spectra. The result of a laboratory study on the level of uric acid in the blood is issued in the form of quantitative numerical values. The common unit of measure is micromoles per litre.


Summing up, important points should be emphasized:

  • the substance considered in the article is formed during the breakdown of purine bases. Its increase is due to a violation of enzymatic work or a decrease in the rate of its excretion;
  • conducting laboratory diagnostics is relevant when detecting signs of joint diseases (gout), the need to select methods for treating malignant neoplasms and when tracking the effectiveness of the chosen therapy;
  • the criterion under consideration is somewhat higher for men. This must be taken into account when assessing normal values ​​for a patient;
  • obtaining false positive results is due to improper preparation of the patient. The use of a large number of foods rich in purines, as well as stress and physical overstrain. In order to eliminate the inaccuracy of the analysis, when a deviation of the indicator from the norm is detected, a second study is carried out;

  • Laureate of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work in the nomination "Biological Sciences" in 2017.
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