Last Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. His ancestors are the Prophet. Our attitude towards the Prophet, peace be upon him. Muhammad peace be upon him Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him

Jabir ibn Samura (radiallahu anhu) narrated from the Prophet (peace be upon him):

* “When the time of my prophecy drew near, very often some tree or stone was sure to greet me.”

* “Shortly before the beginning of the sending down of revelations, in those places where I remained alone, I heard voices : "O Muhammad." I looked around and didn't see anyone around. And then I said to Khadija: "I have concerns." Khadija said: “God forbid! Trouble will not touch you, be calm. Only goodness awaits you."

In one riwaiyat it is said that he began to hear voices three or five years before the revelations came. And each time he did not see anyone nearby, only at a distance of seven miles some kind of light appeared and filled his soul with joy.

* Aisha-i Siddika narrates: “ Before the revelations, Rasulullah (peace be upon him) saw true dreams. The next day they were sure to come true. All this began on the twelfth day of the month of Rabiul Avval. Apparently, this was a preparation for receiving revelations and for his meeting with the angel.

* According to legend, when the Messenger (peace be upon him) was seven years old, Israfil (alayhi salam) took him under his protection and served him for three years. From time to time he showed himself to him and said something. When Muhammad (peace be upon him) was eleven years old, by the will of Allah, Jibril began to talk to him (alayhi salam). He served him for twenty years, but did not show himself to him personally. When he was forty years old, Jibril (alayhi salaam) appeared to him by the will of Allah, which we will tell about soon, ishnallah.

* When the time for revelations approached, Rasulullah (peace be upon him) was inspired with a love of solitude. In a cave on Mount Hira, he spent many days and nights alone, indulging in meditation and remembrance of Allah. Missing his family, he returned home and stayed with them for some time.

Khadija (r.a.) gathered some supplies for him, and he again went to the cave on Mount Hira. The width of that cave was a little more than four arshins, and in some places it was even narrower. It was about three miles from Mecca to the cave. On the way from the Sacred Mosque to Mina, the cave remained on the left side.

According to legend, Muhammad (peace be upon him) was very fond of seclusion in a cave and spent most of his time in it. The women of the Quraysh tribe have already begun to shame Khadija (r.a.), telling her: “Hey, mistress of the Arabs! You have done so much honor to Muhammad, you have spent so much good on him, and now he does not even love you.”

Khadija (r.a.) answered them: “These assumptions of yours will not touch me, I don’t even have anything like that in my thoughts. You are wrong, he will not lose interest in me. Verily, in him are the signs of greatness and the signs of prophecy. In the near future, what I have been waiting for for many years will appear.

The legends say that one month a year he remained alone in the cave, then returned, made a sevenfold tawaf around Holy Mecca, then came to the house of Khadija (r.a.).

There is no consensus among prominent imams as to exactly how Muhammad (peace be upon him) worshiped then in the cave. Some of them believed that he was thinking about the creations of Almighty Allah, about the perfect order and harmony reigning in the universe. As a result of such reflections, light was born in his blessed soul.

One of the imams said that the rites of worship were then communicated to him by the Almighty. There were also disagreements about which of the former Sharia corresponded to his then worship. Some said that there was no such correspondence, since Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the one whom everyone should follow, and he himself cannot be anyone's follower.

There were also those who claimed that he observed one of the former Sharia, but it is not clear which one. Some said that he observed the sharia of the prophet Ibrahim (alayhi salam). According to the great imams, this last point of view is the most preferable. But there were also those who said that he followed the Sharia of the Prophet Isa, or the Sharia of the Prophet Musa, or the Sharia of the Prophet Nuh. Some said that he followed the religions of all the prophets.

In the blessed heart of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) there was nothing left inherent in the created. He was so lost in that cave that the sensible Arabs began to say: "Muhammad (peace be upon him) fell in love with his Lord."

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is the last of the prophets, after him no other prophet will be born, he completes the messenger mission and is the seal of the prophets.

Every Muslim following the path of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), in order to deserve praise and happiness in this and the next world, cannot do without knowledge about the life, excellent qualities and beauty of the behavior of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).

Allah Almighty endowed His Messenger with all the perfections of this and other worlds, which he did not bestow on anyone else.

The Chosen One of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was born at dawn on the 12th day of the month of Rabi ‘ul-Awwal (April 20), 571 according to the Gregorian calendar, on Monday in the city of Mecca.

His birth was accompanied by miracles and signs, heralding an extraordinary baby. He came from the noble and famous family of Hashim from the tribe of Quraysh. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) himself said this: “The Almighty, having created the people, divided it into two parts - Arabs and non-Arabs (ajams). Then he divided the Arabs into Yemenis, Muzars and Quraysh, and chose Quraysh from them and brought me out of the best among them.

The Prophet's father (peace and blessings be upon him) was called ‘Abdullah, mother- Amina.

All Muslims should know the genealogy of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him):

by father - 'Abdullah, 'Abdul-Muttalib, Hashim, 'Abdu-Manaf, Qusayy, Kilab, Murrat, Ka'ab, Luayy, Ghalib, Fikhru, Malik, Nazar, Kinana, Khuzayma, Mudrik, Ilyas, Muzar, Nizar, Mu' add, 'Adnan;

by mother - Amina, Wahb, ‘Abdu-Manaf, Zuhrat, Kilab.

Kilab was a common ancestor of the parents of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), therefore, further all their ancestors are common and they are descendants of the prophet Isma‘il (peace be upon him), the son of the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

Father ‘Abdullah died at the age of 25, before the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). At the age of six, he becomes an orphan. Two years after the death of his mother, Muhammad lived with his grandfather Abdul-Muttalib. When he was eight years old, his grandfather also died, after which his uncle Abu-Talib, the father of the future caliph ‘Ali-ashab (may Allah be pleased with him), became the guardian of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

In those days, the Arabs had a custom to send children to be raised by nomads and hire nurses for them, so that the children would grow up developed, strong; and the grandfather of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) did the same. The Nurse of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was Halimah (peace and blessings be upon him). She discovered his physical and mental abilities at an early age: at two months he crawled, at three months he stood on his feet, at four he walked holding on to something, at six he began to move freely, at seven he ran, at the eighth month quite clearly uttered the words, at the ninth month he could conduct a smooth conversation, in which he revealed such wisdom that he amazed everyone who listened to him with amazement, at ten he began to shoot from a bow.

Halima remembered how, when he spoke for the first time, he praised Allah Almighty, and from that day on he did not touch anything without mentioning Allah, and did not take anything with his left hand.

Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) joined the work early, tending the sheep of the Meccans. He was very pure and sincere, free from any evil thought. The great confidence placed in his prudence and uprightness was the reason why fellow citizens often chose him as mediator in their disputes. He was distinguished by good-naturedness, justice, reliability, determination, integrity and intelligence.

Since childhood, he was always accompanied by a white cloud in the sky, creating a shadow for him. He never complained about fate and always praised Allah Almighty.

Prophethood was entrusted to Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in Mecca when he was forty years old. He was sent as a prophet to all mankind, to angels and jinn.

He began to preach Islam long and patiently.

At the beginning of the prophecy, the nobility of the Quraysh took up arms against the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), sensing a threat to their foundations and traditions. He and the first Muslims began to be oppressed, persecuted, infringed morally and physically.

The greatest difficulty he faced was the ridicule of his opponents. They slandered him, calling him a poet, others decided that he was possessed by the devil, accused him of witchcraft and sorcery. He was subjected to those ridicule, scolding and insults, with which the infidels are always ready to shower a person who does not fit either in mind or in activity to their level. The infidels directed all their forces to opposing the Truth, which he spread. They laughed at him, set children, insane people and women so that they threw stones at him, attacked him, trying to kill him. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions endured all this for the sake of Allah and His religion.

In 620, in the tenth year of the prophecy, Allah Almighty raised him to heaven. First, Allah transferred him at night from Mecca to Jerusalem, to the Bait-ul-Muqaddas (Isra') mosque, and then raised him to heaven (mi'raj), where many miracles were shown to him. He saw people who are being punished for their deeds, met with the prophets, many secrets of Allah were revealed to him, into which He did not initiate anyone else, he was exalted as special as Allah did not exalt anyone else, and thus he was given a special honor.

In the year 622 according to the Christian chronology, in the thirteenth year of prophecy, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), with the permission of the Almighty, together with the first Muslims, moved from Mecca to Yathrib, later called the city of the Prophet - Madinat-un-Nabi (Medina). From this migration (in Arabic "Hijra") begins the Muslim chronology (according to Hijri).

Many wars and battles took place between the early Muslims and the infidels. But the Muslims were never the first to start a war. Subsequently, Islam gradually spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught the people of the Islamic religion, explained duties and prohibitions, showed them the right path, useful for both worlds, showed people many miracles (mu'jizat). The prudent followed the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Ten years after the Hijra, Islam became the dominant religion throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) died after fully bringing the religion of Islam to the people at the age of 63, on the 12th day of the month of Rabi'-ul-Awwal, the 11th year of the Hijra, (632 AD) in Medina, and was buried in the same place, in the room of his wife 'Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), next to the Mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). (Currently, the Mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is expanded, and his tomb is inside this Mosque).

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was born, left Mecca as a Muhajir for Medina, arrived in Medina and died on Monday.

Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are called askhabs. The most revered among them are Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthman and ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with them), who later, in the order listed, became caliphs (deputies of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)), that is, the rulers of Muslims.

From Ibn ‘Abbas (Allah is pleased with both of them) it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

“Use five things before the other five happen:
➡ youth before old age,
➡ health before illness,
➡ wealth before poverty,
➡ free time before busy,
➡ life before death!”

(al-Hakim: 4/341, Ibn Abu Shayba: 34319. Imam al-Hakim, Imam az-Dhahabiy and Sheikh al-Albaniy confirmed the authenticity of the hadith. See “Sahih at-targhib”: 3355, “Sahih al-jami' ":1077).

When a person begins to understand the religion of Islam, it changes his life. The path of Islam turns the whole life of a person upside down. Some people pronounce the shahada alone, some convert to Islam with their whole families. If a husband and wife who have small children decide to convert to Islam or begin to observe, then most likely their children will become Muslims. For those with older children, especially teenagers, the transition can be more difficult.

Sometimes teenagers follow the example of their parents completely and openly, others accept Islam with some caution, and there are many who do not want change at all. However, family members who have decided to convert to Islam and those who have joined them on the path to becoming devout Muslims should remember the Sunnah in which the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) spoke about youth. It will facilitate the transition to a new faith and make it more positive for the whole family.

When the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) received the first revelation in a cave on Mount Hira, he was then forty years old. The Prophet had certain leadership qualities. A significant part of the followers of Islam at that time were young people. The Prophet Muhammad had to fulfill the most important mission that can be entrusted to a person: to change the beliefs of the pagan Arabs, turn them away from godless activities, cruel habits, depraved behavior and convince them to accept the religion of Islam as a way of life.

The history of Islam reveals to us that it was a difficult attempt to change the culture of the hard-hearted pagans who had long since become close to their traditions. But the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came with the message of Allah, and his target audience at that time was mostly young people.

Anas bin Malik (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was one of the young men who grew up around the Prophet. Anas (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) mentions that the Prophet never allowed himself a single disrespectful word either to him or to other members of this youth community. He worked for the Prophet and grew up, learning religion and science from the examples of the actions and behavior of the Prophet. At one time, Anas was recognized as one of the best narrators of hadith.

The Prophet never remained indifferent to the affairs of the youth of his time. In one hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) calls on the companions to acquire knowledge on teaching the reading of the Qur'an from four young companions: Ibn Ummu Abd, Muaz bin Jabal, Ubay Ibn Ka'b and Salim, the freedman Abu Khuzayfa.

The Prophet Muhammad had other young companions who were drawn to him. He often joked, calling Ali ibn Abi Talib "Abu Turaab" (father of dust), because he slept on the dusty ground. He was also well acquainted with his family, especially his youngest daughter Fatima, and was known to admire her in public. Many times, when Fatima entered the room where the Prophet was, he rushed to her, took her by the hands, kissed her and escorted her to her place. It is known that Fatima reciprocated his feelings. But no matter how bright and joyful the Prophet's relationship with young people, he constantly prepared them to become leaders of the future.

There is no doubt that the wife of the Prophet Aisha (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) occupied a high position at a young age, because she outlived her husband by almost half a century and became a teacher, such as history did not know before her. To this day, Muslims all over the world read her stories and treat her with the highest respect as one of the most venerable women of Islam.

Another wife of the Prophet Hafs (peace be upon her), daughter of Umar (may Allah bless him), was appointed as the custodian of the scrolls of the Holy Quran, and this is a huge responsibility for a young woman. This proves that although many of the Prophet's companions during his lifetime were teenagers, they were ready for maturity.

How did the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) achieve this?

Ali said that young people between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one needed friendship, they should be treated like friends.

Are we teaching our youth the same way? Do we deserve trust by friendship with them, do we respect their opinion, do we help them in difficulties as good friends? Or do we keep berating them for their mistakes, punishing them for not knowing, treating them with arrogance, ignoring them when they need help with the excuse that they are just "teenagers with their eternal problems"?

Today, young people absorb all the diseases of our society: drugs, prostitution, theft, and it all starts with school truancy, low education, obsession with pop culture, and through it the desire for money, fame, affordable women. Excessive exposure to the opinions of peers makes it difficult for a young Muslim to remain true to Islamic principles.

Parents of teenagers belonging to the religion of Islam must understand that the educational process goes far beyond the walls of the school. The youth who were close to the Prophet were constantly surrounded by good-natured adults of crystal honesty. From adults, young people learned how to conclude commercial transactions according to Sharia, engage in daawat (conscription), teach illiterate people, do housework, etc.

It is wrong to take away from young people the right to make their own decisions, to participate in society, to learn from real life examples, to discover their own interests and traits that will help them succeed in the adult world.

The Prophet also persistently instructed young Muslims, respected her views, and allowed the young to accompany him even in the most dangerous situations. The youth surrounding the prophet took an active position in the life of Muslim society.

Today, parents should not look at teenagers as children with some strange hormonal surges.

It is important for young Muslims to know how the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) treated the teenagers around him: always ready to be praised for good deeds and gently warning against bad deeds.

Converting to Islam with the whole family is not easy, especially if there are adult children in the family, and here it is important for them to show how much they appreciate what they do, to promote the development of their individuality, independence and autonomy in decision-making.

The best option for a family that has come to Islam or has begun to observe is the joint and mutual education of parents and children on the path to becoming good Muslims. Even if older children decide not to follow their parents' example in choosing a faith, they should still be treated with love and respect in the light of the commandments of the Sunnah, because in time they can discover the beauty of faith, how important it is for young people.

The Prophet Muhammad considered youth an important part of society. He encouraged them to learn and mature by participating in trade transactions like Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him), scholarly discussions like Ali (may Allah be pleased with him); negotiations with other peoples, like Usama ibn Zayd (may Allah be pleased with him), who led the Muslim army, which included both men who were fit for his grandfathers and fifteen-year-old teenagers.

The girls weren't left out either. The daughter of the Prophet Ruqaiya (may Allah be pleased with her) participated in the organization of the first hijra to Abyssinia during the most serious persecution of Muslims. Asma (may Allah be pleased with her), the daughter of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), risked her life helping the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and Abu Bakr when they had to leave Mecca. She could have been killed, but her unwavering determination, based on the love of Allah and the fear of him, helped her fulfill her duty and protect the Prophet and her father when they were persecuted by the Quraysh.

Learning Islam, a person changes his attitude towards people, and towards the elderly, and towards children, and towards teenagers. Many people think that teenagers are too young to make their own decisions, so it's up to them to "enjoy life", go to parties, gossip about celebrities, etc. In fact, young people need to be encouraged to be strong and active members of society. The youth of today do not know the hardships that the companions of the Prophet had to endure, but they certainly know the temptations and internal contradictions.

There are many ways to make young people active in the community: they just need the friendly support of adults who want to raise them into God-fearing people and prevent them from falling into the trap of Satan. And here you need to act in accordance with the Sunnah. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) always showed kindness and patience to the young, treated them with respect, valued their opinion, and allowed them to make their own decisions.

It is also important for new Muslims that their teenagers can find like-minded companions, regardless of age and culture. As soon as a young Muslim gains a sense of belonging to Islam and the ummah, he will form the right priorities, and he, Insha Allah, will be able to achieve real happiness in both worlds.

The religion of Islam pays great attention to the younger generation, since their health is the health of society. Everything depends only on ourselves, by changing ourselves and our environment, we can achieve good.

More than 1400 years ago, on 12 Rabi al-Awwal 570, a child was born in the influential Banu Hashim family of the Quraish tribe. His mother Amina came from another respected clan of the Quraish tribe, the Banu Zuhra. About the upcoming birth of the future great reformer Ahmad, “glorious, praised” in heaven, she was announced by an angel of the Lord, who appeared to her in a dream. She named the born child Muhammad (which means "praised").

It is known that the genealogy of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) goes back to the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). Muhammad's father, Abdullah, died a few months before his birth, and when the boy was five years old, his mother also died. In fact, he was raised by his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib.

In times of godlessness, Almighty Allah repeatedly chose prophets among people to lead the people to virtue and reverence for the One God. The Arabs were no exception, so Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), due to his outstanding personal qualities, was chosen by the Creator of the Universe as His last Messenger. At the time when he was called to prophesy and spread the religion of the world, that is, Islam, Muhammad was 40 years old.

In a short period of time, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) managed to turn people's lives around not only with the help of the Koran and the commandments of Islam, but also due to his exclusivity as a person.

Today, under the influence of Western media, many people think that this man carried his word by force, inhuman actions of movements allegedly guided by the teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) are cited as confirmation. There is no doubt that these accusations are baseless.

Let's turn to the life of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and remember who he really was and what he preached.

Truthful and reliable

From childhood, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) enjoyed the respect of his fellow tribesmen for his impeccable reputation and honesty in business. These qualities were confirmed even by his worst enemies. He also encouraged others to tell the truth, considering this the key to a successful fight against immorality.

One day a man complained to him about a lot of bad habits and asked for help. One of these habits was lying, so the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) recommended that he always tell the truth first. The man promised and left. Soon after, he was about to commit the theft, but remembered that now he would have to confess to it. So he decided not to steal. On another occasion, he wanted to drink wine, which was reprehensible, but did not do so, not wanting to hide the truth in response to possible questions. So he gradually got rid of the worst vices, and this became possible thanks to the far-sighted advice of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him).

The honesty of the Prophet was trusted not only by Muslims, but also by non-Muslims: they calmly entrusted their property to him. This explains the fact that at the time of the migration from Mecca to Medina, he had some possessions. Therefore, he ordered Ali (peace be upon him) to return all things to their owners after his departure. For these qualities, he was called As-Sidik (truthful) and Al-Amin (worthy of trust).

The unification of the tribes during the rebuilding of the Kaaba

Since the Kaaba was always revered by the Arabs as a shrine, when it was damaged by floods, the Arab tribes began to fight for the right to restore it. When, after the construction, it was time to place the Hajr al-Aswad, the "black stone" - a relic of the times of Adam and Eve - in place, the elders decided to instruct the first to enter the Kaaba the next day to settle the dispute about who would get this honor. This person turned out to be Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He suggested that the heads of all the tribes carry the stone at once, holding the edges of the canvas, on which the "black stone" would be placed. When this was done, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) set the stone in place with his own hands.

This case clearly shows his ability to wisely resolve conflicts so as not to offend anyone. In addition, we see that the future Prophet was inclined to strive for the common good and harmony even before the news of Islam was sent down to him.

Caring for people's feelings

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) taught his companions selflessness and respect for people by his own example. Usually, after the harvest, some fruit was offered to him, and one poor man also brought him the only fruit from his small plot. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) accepted it, tasted it and began to eat. Then one of the companions reminded them that they also have the right to this fruit, since he always shared gifts with them. In response, the Prophet waited for the man to leave and explained with a smile, “This fruit is still green and sour. If one of you tried it, he would show that he did not like it, and thereby offend this person. On the example of this episode, we see how the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was not indifferent to people and how he took care not to hurt their feelings.

Attention to workers' rights

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) also emphasized the need for fair treatment of servants, and this at a time when wealthy people were very cruel to those who were in their service. The Prophet, on the contrary, tied his camel with his own hands so as not to disturb anyone.

“Allah has given you your brothers to obey. And the one who has a brother under his command, let him share food and clothing with him, and do not entrust him with overwork. If he entrusts, let him help him.” (Bukhari)

Thus, it is a lesson to everyone that none of us infringe on other people, especially those who depend on us. Unfortunately, today we often see the exact opposite of this hadeeth: wealthy people do not hesitate to show their disdain for service personnel. This is contrary to the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), which calls to see household assistants, first of all, people with their own rights.

Animal protection

Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) defended the rights of not only people, but also animals. So, when someone climbed into the bird's nest and took the chicks, the Prophet ordered him to return them to their place, since the mother must already be looking for them in alarm. In addition, he ordered to show compassion to animals intended for food.

“Do not slaughter one animal in front of another, and do not slaughter it twice.” (Muslim)

This means that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) himself treated animals humanely and encouraged others to do the same. Before him, no one paid so much attention to the care of people and animals and was not so consistent in this.

Respect for women

In the pre-Islamic era, the Arabs adopted an unfair attitude towards women. They could even bury a girl who was born alive, considering her a useless creature. Women were not recognized as shares in family property and were not treated much better than slaves.

Contrary to these barbaric customs, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), in accordance with the commandments of Allah, endowed women with property rights and forbade husbands to arbitrarily dispose of their wives' property. Moreover, he charged men with the obligation to take care of their wives and children and treat them as equal members of the family. If the husband asks the woman for a divorce, she is entitled to mahr. A woman can also get a divorce if she is unhappy with her family life. Prior to that, a woman had never enjoyed such privileges, men had as many wives as they wanted, and treated them like property. But with the advent of the last Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), women received protection, since men were allowed to have no more than four wives and were treated equally.

As for the hijab, in pre-Islamic times, women wore clothes that did not hide their beauty and attractiveness, so they looked like a sexual object in the eyes of men. But Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), by order of Allah, ordered women to dress in such a way as to protect themselves from harassment by men and so that everyone could recognize a Muslim woman in a hijab.

From all this it is clear that the last Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) only improved the situation of women, did not impose anything on them, and his innovations served only their benefit.

Justice in times of war

The sole purpose of the prophetic mission of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was to spread the message of Almighty Allah. Therefore, the Prophet, whenever possible, tried not to disturb the peace. For example, when the angel Jibril suggested that he go to war in Taif, where the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was insulted and wounded, he did not do this. Moreover, he called upon its inhabitants the mercy and guidance of the Lord.

In Mecca, the first Muslims were subjected to severe persecution, the opponents of the Messenger of Allah even wanted to kill him, so he decided to move to Medina. But after that, the infidels became even more bitter against the believers who remained in Mecca. Therefore, Muslims were ordered to fight with them and achieve peace in society.

In this regard, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) introduced certain rules for the conduct of war, which prescribed:

  • Seek help from Allah alone
  • Try to first resolve conflicts through negotiations
  • If a fight is imminent, do not use dishonest means
  • Do not mutilate the bodies of the dead
  • Do not harm women, children, the elderly and the sick
  • Do not touch monks, ascetics and clerics
  • Do not destroy or use for your own purposes landings on enemy soil
  • Release prisoners who asked for protection to freedom after paying a ransom
  • Allow those under siege to make peace.

Because of this justice, the Muslim troops showed mercy after the decisive victory over the people of Mecca. This convinces us of the groundlessness of the current notion of Muslims as bloodthirsty murderers. Those who kill the innocent and fight in violation of all principles of humanity are not true followers of Islam, as by their actions they violate all the laws of Allah.

The outstanding qualities of such an outstanding personality as our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) were appreciated even by authoritative thinkers and scholars of other cultures and faiths. For example, the great spiritual leader of the Indian people, Mahatma Gandhi, considered the unsurpassed personal qualities of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) as a means of spreading Islam more effective than the sword.

We can say that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) radically transformed the lives of millions of people both at the religious, moral and social levels, and it is not by chance that he was recognized as the greatest reformer of all people who ever lived on earth. via

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