The girl's name will be born in March. Names for girls born in March. March names for girls by day of the month

Who celebrates name days in March? What female and male names should be given to newborns? Everything about the Orthodox holidays of March, we publish in the article!

Name day in March (how to name boys and girls in March)

1 - Daniel, Ilya, Makar, Nikon, Pavel, Porfiry, Julian.

2 - Maria, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Porfiry, Roman, Fedor, Theodosius.

3 - Anna, Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Kuzma, Leo, Pavel.

4 - Arkhip, Dmitry, Evgeny, Makar, Maxim, Nikita, Fedor, Fedot, Filimon.

5 - Agathon, Anton, Athanasius, Varlam, Vasily, David, Denis, Ivan, Ignat, Jonah, Leo, Leonty, Luka, Nikolai, Pahom, Pimen, Savva, Sergey, Sidor, Tit, Tikhon, Fedor, Philip, Thomas, Yaroslav.

6 - Alexander, George, Grigory, Daniel, Zakhar, Ivan, Konstantin, Olga, Pavel, Timofey.

7 - Andrei, Athanasius, Vavila, Varvara, Vladimir, Victor, Elizabeth, Ivan, Joseph, Irina, Mikhail, Nikolai, Praskovya, Sergei, Stepan, Tit, Fedor, Philip.

8 - Alexander, Alexei, Anton, Demyan, Ivan, Kuzma, Mikhail, Moses, Nikolai, Polycarp, Sergei.

9 - Ivan, Hilarion.

10 - Alexander, Anton, Eugene, Taras, Fedor.

11 - Anna, Ivan, Nikolai, Peter, Porfiry, Sevastyan, Sergey.

12 - Makar, Mikhail, Peter, Prokop, Sergei, Stepan, Timothy, Titus, Julian, Yakov.

13 - Arseny, Vasily, Ivan, Kira, Marina, Nestor, Nikolai, Sergey.

14 - Alexander, Alexandra, Anna, Anton, Antonina, Vasily, Benjamin, Daria, Evdokia, Ivan, Matrona, Mikhail, Nadezhda, Nestor, Nikifor, Olga, Peter, Sylvester.

15 - Agathon, Arseny, Joseph, Savva, Fedot.

16 - Martha, Mikhail, Sevastyan.

17 - Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gerasim, Grigory, Daniel, Pavel, Yakov.

18 - Adrian, George, David, Ivan, Iraida, Konstantin, Nikolai, Mark, Fedor, Feofan.

19 - Arkady, Konstantin, Fedor.

20 - Anna, Antonina, Vasily, Eugene, Evdokia, Ekaterina, Emelyan, Ephraim, Xenia, Lavrenty, Maria, Matrona, Nadezhda, Nestor, Nikolai, Nil, Pavel.

21 - Athanasius, Vladimir, Ivan, Lazar, Theodosius.

22 - Alexander, Alexandra, Alexei, Athanasius, Valentin, Valery, Dmitry, Ivan, Ilya, Irakli, Cyril, Leonty, Mikhail, Natalia, Nikolai, Sergey, Taras.

23 - Anastasia, Vasilisa, Victor, Vasilisa, Galina, George, Denis, Dmitry, Cyprian, Claudia, Kondraty, Leonid, Mark, Mikhail, Nika, Nikifor, Pavel, Theodora.

24 - Vasily, George, Efim, Ivan, Sofron, Theodora.

25 - Alexander, Vladimir, Grigory, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Semyon, Sergey, Feofan.

26 - Alexander, Gregory, Michael, Nicephorus, Nikolai, Terenty, Christina.

27 - Benedict, Michael, Rostislav, Theodosius.

28 - Alexander, Alexei, Denis, Mikhail, Nikandr.

29 - Alexander, Anton, Denis, Emelyan, Ivan, Pavel, Pimen, Roman, Trofim, Julian.

30 - Alexander, Alexey, Victor, Gabriel, Makar, Pavel.

31 - Daniil, Dmitry, Kirill, Natalia, Trofim.

Church Orthodox holidays in March

Theodore lived at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd century. in the city of Alasia Black Sea coast and was a soldier who openly professed faith in Christ. In 306, under the emperor Galerius, the commander tried in vain to force Theodore to sacrifice to the pagan gods. After much torment, the saint was sentenced to be burned at the stake. His body, undamaged by fire, was buried in the city of Evkhaitakh, later the relics were transferred to Constantinople.

Fifty years after Theodore's death, the emperor Julian the Apostate ordered the mayor of Constantinople to sprinkle all food supplies in the markets with idolized blood during the first week of Great Lent. Saint Theodore, appearing in a dream to the archbishop, ordered to announce to all Christians that no one should buy anything in the markets, but eat boiled wheat with honey. In commemoration of this event, the church annually celebrates another celebration of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tyron - on Saturday of the first week of Great Lent.

Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tyron

2nd of March the church also remembers. Saint Hermogenes lived at the end of the 16th – beginning of the 17th century. He was the first Metropolitan of Kazan and did much to convert to Christianity. local residents. In 1606, Metropolitan Hermogenes was elected to the primatial see. During the Troubles, when the Polish troops captured Moscow, the patriarch was imprisoned in the Miracle Monastery. From prison, he addressed the last message to the Russian people, blessing the liberation war against the conquerors. After nine months in captivity, the patriarch accepted martyrdom from hunger. After the liberation of Russia from the invaders, the body of the holy martyr was buried in the Miracle Monastery, and in 1654 was transferred to the Moscow Assumption Cathedral.

Holy Prince Yaroslav the Wise

5th of March- Memorial Day of the Right-Believing Prince Yaroslav the Wise. The Holy Prince Yaroslav was born in 978 and was the son of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir. He left a memory of himself by compiling a set of laws Kievan Rus- "Russian Truth", which, supplemented by his sons and grandson Vladimir Monomakh, became legal basis life of the Russian people. Prince Yaroslav paid much attention to Christian enlightenment; by his order, dozens of churches were built in various cities. The veneration of the noble prince Yaroslav the Wise as a locally venerated ascetic began immediately after his death in 1054. The prince was glorified as a saint in 2005 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.

Head of St. Prophet John the Baptist


It is known that March is spring. If a child was born in the spring, then in life he will show flexibility in different situations and it will be more difficult for him to succeed. The month of March suggests that people born in this month are very impressionable and sensitive. And also they are very talented and if they are not limited, they will express their emotions through art. Since children are born in March with a soft character and very impressionable, in order to emphasize courage, it is necessary to call, as some say, "tough" and very sonorous name. The girl must be called, on the contrary, a softer, but at the same time a bright name. Many people think it will be if the letter R or H is present in the name.

Names for those born in March: Daniil, Konstantin, Arkady, Makar, Mikhail, Evgeny, Viktor, Roman, Savva, Rostislav, Denis, David, Anton, Stepan, Trofim, Peter, Yegor, Yuri, Mark, Gerasim, Vyacheslav, Vasily , Maxim, Venedikt, Pavel.
born in March: Kira, Marina, Daria, Matryona, Sofia, Galina, Anastasia, Maria, Svetlana, Lydia, Nika, Alla, Uliana, Anna, Eva, Tamara, Irina, Ekaterina, Christina.

If you don’t like the ones listed, and the baby will be born in March, read the description of the name that you really like. And then think carefully about whether the child is worth your favorite name. If you are, you can pick up Christmas time - on what day, in honor of that Saint and call it.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to remember the patronymic of the child. The name and patronymic should be consonant, for example, Regina Dmitrievna or Venedikt Denisovich sound very rude, there is no euphony in them.

Attention future parents! If you want to name a child with an extraordinary name so that it always stands out, remember that the child will have a name all the time, and in the future many people will laugh at him. Before naming a child Cosmos, Russia, Police, Zhuzha, Kasper Beloved and others, think about whether the child himself will be happy when he grows up.


How to name a child by date of birth. There is a theory that every person is born under a certain name. There are several options for choosing a name for a child by date of birth. Church version - according to the calendar. The Church believes that a newborn should be named after a saint or martyr who was born on that particular day.

Helpful advice

The choice of a child's name can be influenced by family traditions, fashion trends, and national, religious roots. Not rare, today, is the decision to give a child a double or even triple name. After the baby is born, you will have a month to make a final decision. How to name a child by date of birth. The season in which a child is born has a big influence on his character. If the child was born in winter. Winter is the time of birth of talented and purposeful people.


  • what are the names in march

As soon as parents learn about the imminent birth of a baby, one of the first questions is the problem of choosing a name for the child. After all, the name can affect later life, on the fate, character of the child. Before choosing a name for the future baby, parents need to determine the most important aspect for them - traditions, fashion or church calendar.


Previously, they chose a name according to the month-word - church or. They called the child a name whose memory falls on a birthday according to the calendar. It was believed that the saint, after whom the baby is named, will become a guardian angel for and will be a protector and savior for him throughout his life. That is why birthdays are sometimes called name days, although the tradition is to call the baby after Christmas time not often observed.

If the child is on the day when according to the calendar there is no commemoration of the saints of his gender, then according to church customs, you can choose the name of the saint who is commemorated eight days after the birth of the baby or when, that is, 40 days after he was born baby. By church traditions on this day the baby is baptized. Sometimes it happens that the saint, in whose honor the parents chose the name for the child Christmas time, is commemorated on the calendar several times a year, or is commemorated in different days saints with the same name, then the days of these saints, close to the birthday of the child, are his name days, and the rest of the days during the year are small name days.

There are very few Slavic names in Christmas time, as a rule, the calendar has Jewish, Latin and Greek roots. Nowadays, the birth of a child is initially registered at the registry office, and the name is also recorded there. But it happens that given to the child the name is missing from the Christmastide. Then, at baptism, the priest translates the name into the Church Slavonic form.

Helpful advice

Now it’s very easy to choose a name by Christmas time. And you can even look at the church calendar on the Internet on various Orthodox websites and other resources.

March on the calendar Orthodox Church usually takes place under the sign of Great Lent. However, and in March Feasts are celebrated daily in honor of saints whose names may suit your child.


In the question of how to name this or that month, an echo of the ancient naming of newborns in honor of those saints is heard, the memory of which fell on or on their day. Thus, a heavenly patron was chosen for the child - a saint who, with his prayer, protected the child from all evil.

The most famous and great saint is the prophet John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan and died under tragic circumstances. He was executed by the ruler of Galilee, Herod, at the request of his Herodias, the wife of his Philip. The prophet John, whom Herod took into custody and, nevertheless, loved him very much as an interlocutor, denounced this illegal relationship, and for this he was beheaded. His name day is celebrated on March 9th.

Another important religious holiday March, dedicated to the saints - the memory of the forty martyrs of Sevastia. They were warriors of the Roman Empire who were executed by drowning in the icy Lake Sebaste in Asia Minor for confessing faith in Christ. Most of them bore names that are not found today. Nevertheless, one can meet quite familiar and beloved in Russia in the list of their names - John, Nikolai, Valery, Kirill.

Of the saints of March, one can note the blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow (March 17), as well as Prince Theodore of Smolensk and him, David and Constantine (March 18) and the Hieromartyr Patriarch Hermogenes (March 2). also in March there are such as Leo, Gregory, Alexander, Paul, Vladimir, Vasily, Yaroslav, Dionysius, Simeon.

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More and more parents, when choosing a name for their child, turn to Orthodox calendar. Thus, the ancient Orthodox tradition is being revived: to give a name to a child in honor of a saint.


AT Soviet times names were given, focusing on the system. As a result, one of the most popular names among them was the name Lena - in honor of Lenin. There were sometimes six or even eight Lena in the class. As a result, the girls were not called by name, but. The name faded into the background. Or they chose names completely, for example - Dazdraperma (long live the first of May) or Barricade. It is unlikely that the little Barricade felt comfortable when she answered the question of her name. Calling it so, the parents emphasized, as they demanded then, the child's involvement in the system

In pre-revolutionary times, the name of the child was given, focusing exclusively on the saints. The choice of the name was assigned to the priest, and he named the baby on the day of baptism. It was considered an honor for the child and parents. I read the name according to the calendar, and a great sacrament was observed: with the name of the child they gave God's intercessor.
Today, when choosing a name in accordance with Orthodox traditions, there is more freedom - there are several saints on the calendar every day, and parents themselves decide which of the proposed names they will name their child.

But still, you need to choose the name of the child according to the calendar correctly. The name is given to a saint whose day falls on the baby's birthday. But perhaps on this day only male names, but she was born. Then you should pay attention to the names that are written on the eighth day. It is on the eighth day that the rite of naming takes place. If the names of the eighth day are also not suitable, then you can choose a name on the day the sacrament of baptism is performed - this is the fortieth day after birth.

They give a name according to the calendar so that the saint, in whose honor the child is named, protects throughout his life, is a guardian angel, a heavenly intercessor. It is believed that the saint prays for the owner of the name before the Lord.
Based on this, some believing parents give the child the name of a saint without looking at the calendar. They turn to the tradition of giving a child a name in honor of a saint revered by the family. This revives continuity and strengthens the connection with.
By naming a girl after a saint, parents can be sure that they will be the only one to bear the name - for example, orthodox name Natalia is very rare in girls. Meanwhile, Natasha is a good and harmonious Russian name.

>>March names for girls

Names for girls born in March. March names for girls by day of the month

Distinctive character traits of March girls

The windy nature, inherent, perhaps, in most girls, is most pronounced in girls born in the first month of spring - March. It is often difficult for such girls to decide on something, they can rush from side to side in search of the right solution. March girls are very vulnerable and strongly amenable to other people's influence.

Girls born into the world at the beginning of spring are very impressionable, inspiration for any activity can easily come to them. Because of this, they have good creative inclinations. However, the perseverance of these girls may not be enough to implement long-term plans.

Among such people there are quite a lot of well-known creative people(actors, artists and musicians) such as Michelangelo, Vivaldi, Rimsky-Korsakov, Bruce Willis, Vrubel, Oleg Yankovsky, Irina Alferova, Irina Ponarovskaya, Tatyana Bulanova, Ekaterina Strizhenova, Anna Semenovich, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sharon Stone and many others .

Due to excessive vulnerability, the mood of girls born in March is highly dependent on the mood of the people around them. Thanks to this, imbued with sympathy for other people, they can come to their aid faster than others. Such girls are good interlocutors and grateful listeners. Given the softness of the character of impressionable girls and their indecision, when choosing a name for them, it is recommended to choose hard and strong names, which will help smooth out an overly soft character and impressionable nature.

What name to give to a girl who was born in March, according to the days of the month. Meaning of names

  1. Valentine (from Latin "strong, healthy")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew )
  2. Nina (1. from Hebrew "great granddaughter" 2.from Assyrian "queen, mistress" 3.from Georgian "young" 4.from Arabic "useful" 5. from spanish "girl" 6.from latin "brave" 7. derivative from the names of Antonina, Ninel, etc.)
  3. Marianna, Maryana (1. derived from the combination of the names Maria and Anna, literally "bitter grace" 2.from Hebrew "outraged" 3.from latin "belonging to Mary" 4. Latin derivative "marine")
  1. Camilla (1. from Greek "from a noble family" 2.from latin "temple attendant")
  2. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  1. "protecting the people")
  2. Philothea (from the Greek "pious")
  1. Barbara (1. from the ancient Slavic battle cry "in ar, in ar" "barbarians" "outlander")
  2. "worshiping God")
  3. Irina (from Greek )
  4. "holy, wise" "St")
  1. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
    Barbara (1. from the ancient Slavic battle cry "in ar, in ar" which our ancestors shouted, rushing to the attack. Ar means earth. Because of this cry, the Romans called the Slavs "barbarians". So the word barbarian happened, which was used to call foreign tribes and the name Barbara appeared. 2.from latin "outlander")
  2. Elizabeth (from the Hebrew "worshiping God")
  3. Praskovia (1. from Greek "Friday" 2.from Greek "holiday eve, cooking")
  4. Irina (from Greek "possessive, peaceful")
  1. "looking ahead" 3. from Italian "beautiful, sweet" 4.from Arabic "generous")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  1. Teresa (from the Greek "protector", "hunter")
  2. Asphea (from the Greek "magic")
  3. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  1. Marina (1. from Latin "marine"
  2. Cyrus (1. from Greek "mistress, mistress" 2.from Persian "sun, ray of light")
  3. Victoria (from Latin "winner")
  1. Cyrus (1. from Greek "mistress, mistress" 2.from Persian "sun, ray of light")
  2. Marina (1. from the Latin "sea" 2. derivative from Mary, the Old Slavic goddess of winter, the patroness of Russia)
  1. "hope")
  2. Daria (1. from Slavic "gift, gift" 2.from Greek "owner of the good" 3.from Persian "winner" 4.from Persian "great fire")
  3. "noble woman" 2. from Latin: )
  4. 2.from latin "spacious, wide" 3.from ancient Greek "Anthony's daughter")
  5. Olga (1. from the Scandinavian Helga, meaning "holy, wise" 2.formed from male name Oleg, also translated meaning "St")
  6. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  7. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek )
  8. Avdotya (a form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  1. Martha (1. from Syriac "mistress, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  1. Ulyana, Juliana (1. from Latin "belonging to the Julius family" 2. Russian form of the name Julia)
  2. Julia (1. from Greek "curly" 2.from latin "july" 3.from Hebrew "divine fire")
  1. Iraida (from ancient Greek "heroine, hero's daughter")
  1. Elena (1. from Greek "fire, torch", "sunny, shining" 2.from ancient Greek "Greek" 3. derivative of Helios, ancient greek god sun)
  1. Hope (from Russian literally "hope")
  2. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  3. Kapitolina (1.from Latin name Capitol, one of the hills on which Rome is built 2.from Latin "exalted, regal")
  4. Antonina (1. from ancient Greek "opponent", "opponent" 2.from latin "spacious, wide" 3.from ancient Greek "Anthony's daughter")
  5. Xenia, Xenya, Aksinya, Oksana (from the Greek "hospitable", "guest", "wanderer", "foreigner")
  6. Catherine (from Greek "pure, unblemished")
  7. Matryona (1. Russian, literally: "noble woman" 2. from Latin: "venerable lady", "mother of the family")
  8. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  9. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  1. Alexandra (derived from the male name Alexander, translated from the Greek meaning "protecting the people")
  2. Natalia (1. from Latin "native" 2.from latin "Christmas")
  3. Alina (1. from Latin "foreign" 2. from Old Germanic "noble")
  4. Olesya (1.from Ukrainian "protector" 2. from Old Slavonic, means "forest", "living in the forest")
  1. Victoria (from Latin "winner")
  2. Galina (from ancient Greek "quiet, calm")
  3. Nike (from the ancient Greek "victory")
  4. Vasilisa (from the Greek "royal")
  5. Anastasia (from the Greek "resurrected")
  6. Theodora (from the ancient Greek "Gift of God")
  7. Hariessa (from the Greek "friendly")
  8. Claudia, Claudia (from Latin "limping")
  1. Karina (this name has many variants of origin 1. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of sorrow Karna 2. from Latin "looking ahead" 3. from Italian "beautiful, sweet" 4.from Arabic "generous")
  2. Theodora (from the ancient Greek "Gift of God")
  3. Berta (derived from the Old Germanic Albert, meaning "brilliant, magnificent")
  1. Christina, Christina (from ancient Greek "follower of Christ")
  1. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  1. Marina (1. from Latin "marine" 2. derivative from Mary, the Old Slavic goddess of winter, the patroness of Russia)
  1. Cornelia (from Latin "dogwood tree")
  2. Natalia (1. from Latin "native" 2.from latin "Christmas")

And this is not surprising, since there are so many female names that, at times, you get lost in their diversity. Most moms and dads tend to give not only beautiful name for his daughter, but also happy.

In the spring, creative, active people are born, which is why the name of the child born in the spring should be appropriate. And what names for girls in March can you choose?

Selection rules

What is the name of the girl who was born in March? The first thing that comes to the mind of anyone who asks such a question is Martha. The name contains quite a strong energy. It personifies firmness of character, self-confidence, determination and pragmatism.

At the same time, it combines such qualities as ease of communication, erudition, charm and charisma. If "Martha" for a girl born in the first month of spring seems too banal for you, then you can use different ways choosing a good name.

By value

First of all, you need to consider the meaning of the name. Not only the character of the girl, but also the attitude of the people around her will largely depend on him. If you want to endow your daughter with beauty and good health, then you should take a closer look at these names:

  • Anfisa- fragrant, blooming
  • Anna- Darling
  • Valeria- strong
  • Valentine– healthy
  • Glafira– elegant
  • Eve- feminine
  • Elena- shining
  • Isabel- beautiful
  • Taisia- well-born
  • Juno– young

From a number of names, one can distinguish those that radiate the energy of happiness and love:

  • Beatrice- happy
  • Bogdan- given by God
  • Victoria- winner
  • Darina- endowed with talent
  • Evdokia- lucky
  • Kira- master of your life
  • Love- everyone's favorite
  • Ludmila- cute for people
  • Svetlana– light
  • Regina- regal
  • Yaroslav- shining, glorious

There are a number of female names that were formed from male ones: Alexandra, Evgenia, Vitalina, Victoria, Paulina, etc. When naming girls with such names, remember that her character will become more and more like a man's character with age.

Most often, such daughters grow up as rebels, self-sufficient, proud and independent individuals.. Often they become interested in male professions. With young years they strive to emphasize their individuality and stand out from the crowd.

By sound

In addition to the meaning of the name, its euphony is also important.. Before you run to the registry office and draw up a girl's birth certificate, think about how her name will be combined with and patronymic.

If there are a lot of letters in the surname and patronymic that sound harsh (p, f, g, s), then it is recommended to choose a name that would soften them in their sound. If there are many hard voiced consonants in the name and surname, then this combination will sound too arrogant and even harsh.

For example, Marina Andreevna Garina. The letter "r" is found in the name, and in the surname, and in the patronymic. As a result, a girl bearing such a name will cause not the most positive emotions. Such a name is associated with something aggressive and defiant.

By sound, names can be roughly divided into three categories: hard, soft and neutral:

  • Solid names include voiced consonants: Ekaterina, Karina, Marina, Irina, Victoria, Regina, Margarita. Girls with similar names grow up persistent, stubborn, ambitious and independent. They have a complex character, but in life it is thanks to him that they are ahead of their rivals and repulse ill-wishers.
  • soft-sounding names- Vasilisa, Svetlana, Alena, Elena, Alina - endow a person with a calm character, dreaminess, romance, and creative talents. Women with such names become good mothers, housewives, faithful wives.
  • Neutral names- Lyubov, Anna, Olga - give the ability to make decisions quickly, rely on their experience and find a way out of difficult situations. Girls with similar names rarely worry about their own, since they have everything planned out for years to come. They know their worth and what they want to get from life.

Unfortunate meaning

There are several names that you should not call your daughters, as their meaning is somewhat contradictory and not always positive.

  • barbarian translated from Greek as a foreigner. This name carries the energy of aggression, perseverance and riot of passions. In addition, it can give the girl a character that will become an obstacle to her communication with her peers.
  • Zemfira- the name is beautiful, but endows complex nature. The fate of the girl will depend entirely on her decisions, and they, most often, will be impulsive and thoughtless. The name is translated from Latin as “rebellious”, which means that a naughty character and the desire to do everything in your own way will be traced from an early age.
  • Kseniya translates as "alien". Will a girl with that name become a stranger among her peers? There is another translation of the name Xenia - "hospitable." But despite this, it is quite contradictory, and therefore not the most suitable for a girl born in March.
  • Lolita means "sorrow". It is not recommended to call a daughter by this name, no matter how beautiful it may seem to you.

What is the best name for a girl born in March?

March is the first month of spring, which means that girls born during this period receive a cheerful, cheerful character from nature. March children are distinguished by some frivolity and frivolity. They make decisions for a long time, often experience self-doubt. Growing up in beautiful girls, they often doubt their attractiveness, which is why they suffer from many complexes.

The names that can be called a daughter who appeared in March should give her confidence, determination and responsibility. These names include: Alina, Valeria, Victoria, Inna, Karina, Kira, Martha, Olga.

Zodiac sign

March has two zodiac signs, Pisces.. Both signs are strikingly different in characteristics, which means that their names will also be different.

The Aries girl is impulsive, stubborn and persistent. With early years She is interested in everything new and unknown. She is often impatient and willful. It is not easy for parents to raise such a lively and determined baby. The names suitable for Aries girls are as follows: Agata, Larisa, Olesya, Alena, Raisa, Yaroslav, Regina, Arina, Svetlana, Valeria, Galina.

The Pisces Girl is a gentle and sensitive nature. She is quite accommodating and calm. Has a well-developed intuition, rich imagination and original look to the world. Such names as Irina, Eva, Marianna, Elena, Natalya, Polina, Maria, Vera, Anna, Nina are ideal for her.

By patron planet

In March, the planet Jupiter comes into its own. She patronizes everyone who was born in the first month of spring. Jupiter endows March girls with thriftiness, independence, the desire for science and knowledge, the ability to think broadly and make long-term plans. Names of Jupiter: Alla, Nadezhda, Clara, Daria, Radislava, Eleanor, Anna, Maria.

According to the calendar

  • Anisa- Affectionate, responsive and friendly. Such a name will endow the girl with all the qualities of a beneficent and kind-hearted person.
  • Jana- a reflection of the essence of spring itself. The name means freshness, prosperity, youth and the beginning of a new life.
  • Narmin- gentle, decent, honest.
  • Noora- a ray of light, the onset of morning, the arrival of heat.
  • Safiya- transparent, sincere, clear, pure.
  • farida- unique, special.
  • Yasmin- beautiful as a jasmine flower.

When choosing a name for their daughter, parents of the Islamic faith should think about its euphony and energy that it carries.

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