Volnushki quick hot way. Salting waves: getting ready for winter

Every mushroom picker knows about beautiful and appetizing mushrooms, which have other names: Volzhanka or Volvenki. In Russian forests, you can find 2 types of volushki: whites (white), krasul (pink).

These are russula mushrooms, long-term heat treatment is not necessary for them, but lovers of the forest delicacy should know how to salt volnushki mushrooms.

Volzhanok pickling methods

To get tasty and pleasant appearance appetizer, requires clarity of action, skill and a little creativity. There are several ways to salt the tangles at home correctly.

It is important not to violate the technology and recipe, then it will be impossible to get poisoned with a pickled or pickled delicacy. Salting for the winter must be done, observing all the rules for the procurement of raw materials and containers.

Preparing for salting

Tip: Before salting the volzhanki, they are cleaned with an unnecessary toothbrush, it is convenient for her to remove adhering leaves, litter, and insects from mushrooms. In order not to damage the fragile texture of the mushrooms, they should be cleaned and washed carefully, without pressure. Otherwise, the product will crumble.

Different containers are prepared for white and pink species. During preparation, the products are sorted by type and size. In the presence of large specimens, they are cut in half or into quarters. To prevent the raw material from becoming bitter, it is soaked for a couple or three days in salt water, which changes 5 times a day so that the mushrooms do not sour. The waves need to be completely immersed in the liquid so they don't get moldy.

Cold can method

To salt the mushroom, 40 grams of iodized salt, 4 bay leaves and 2 horseradish leaves, a glass of vegetable oil are taken for 2 kilograms of mushrooms.

Volnushki are salted by soaking in a solution of salt and citric acid. Mushrooms are put into pasteurized jars so that each layer is sprinkled with salt and covered with horseradish and bay leaves. Hot poured on top vegetable oil. The blanks are closed with tight lids and stored for the winter in the refrigerator for a couple of months. Thanks to the oil, air will not penetrate to the products, and since the mushrooms have not been boiled, they are not in danger of darkening.

Combination method

How to salt the waves using a combined technique is familiar to experienced chefs. Water with salt at the rate of 2 liters to 60 grams boil in a saucepan. Prepared mushrooms are laid out in portions there. At the same time, the mixture with mushrooms is stirred. 10 minutes, the waves are boiled with the removal of foam. You need to take them out with a colander or slotted spoon. The raw material is washed in running water.

Garlic is peeled, but not cut, only large cloves are allowed to be halved. A clean saucepan is taken, in which the waves are added layer by layer. At first you need to pour salt, put horseradish and garlic. For the second layer, you will need to salt the mushrooms, lay the bay leaf and leaves from the currant bush and 3 garlic cloves. The third layer is covered with a mixture of salt and dill, the last garlic is added.

A clean cloth is taken, which covers the products, and is pressed with oppression from above. A saucepan with waves is stored on a sturdy shelf in the refrigerator. This is the best winter method. The combination of the advantages of the two methods allows mushrooms to be stored longer than usual. Heat treatment makes winter snacks safer to eat. But the time of hot cooking of salted mushrooms is reduced, their own juice helps to salt the volnushki, so they are crispy.

hot method

One and a half kilos of waves will require salt in the amount of an incomplete glass, 4 currant leaves, five cloves, 4 garlic cloves, 6 bay leaves, 4 peppercorns, 5 g of allspice, a liter of water, iodized salt in the amount of 30 grams.

You need to salt the waves, first by pouring water and bringing to a boil. After boiling, cook them, stirring, for 15 minutes. Boiled products after draining the water through a colander are placed in an enamel pan. From above it is necessary to put leaves of currant and laurel. Mix salt with pepper and cloves, pour on top. Thin slices of garlic are best placed on top of the salt layer.

The broth in which the waves were boiled boils again. They are poured with raw materials, which should be covered with a plate on top with the establishment of oppression on it. The cooled products are left in the refrigerator for the time of the day.

4 half-liter jars are sterilized in the oven for 10 minutes. The lids are boiling. Volnushki are laid out in jars, brine is poured on top. Products are wrapped in hot and dry jars. Salted crispy billets are stored for the winter at 16 or 18 degrees Celsius.

Cold pickling method

It is necessary to salt the waves in a cold way, having specifically prepared the raw materials. For this method, soaking should be with the addition of 50 grams of salt per liter of liquid and 2 grams of lemon to the water. For three days, the mushrooms are in a solution that changes every 5 hours.

200 g of salt are mixed with 50 g of dry dill seeds and 20 g of cumin. After the water is drained, mushrooms in the amount of 7 kilograms are stacked in eight-centimeter layers so that the location of the hats is down. Sprinkle each layer with a mixture of salt and seasonings. A cabbage leaf is placed on top, if a barrel serves as a container, several leaves can be used. On top of the product should be a plate with a load.

Mushroom preparation is stored for the winter in a room with a temperature of 0 to 10 positive degrees. It takes a month or two to salt the waves with this method.

In the middle of summer, the harvest of low-calorie waves begins. Mushrooms will delight mushroom pickers up to late autumn. Mistresses prefer hot salting of the waves. Mushrooms will come out crispy and fragrant, and it takes less time to cook when compared to cold pickling.

Let's prepare the waves for salting in a hot way

Collect fresh, not overripe mushrooms of approximately the same size. Do not pick worm mushrooms. After a walk in nature, start processing waves at home:

  • separate the pink waves from the white ones. Cook each type separately;
  • carefully clean the mushrooms from the ground and small branches;
  • cut the mushrooms with a knife lower part legs. For pickles, usually one dense and fresh hats are chosen. Large caps cut into pieces or leave whole if desired;
  • Rinse the waves under running water and transfer to a separate bowl for a while.

Let's prepare the ingredients for hot salting of the waves


  • 1 kg of waves;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaves;
  • 2 pcs. dill umbrellas;
  • currant and cherry leaves;
  • a large sheet of horseradish;
  • 2 large cloves of garlic;
  • 10 peas of black pepper;
  • 3 art. tablespoons of salt (not iodized).

Use cloves, cumin, sweet peas as desired. Prepare jars or a special container for pickles.

We salt the waves in a hot way

The hot method does not require long-term soaking of mushrooms so that bitterness comes out of them. Soaking replaces boiling in salted water. If there are a lot of mushrooms, divide and boil in turn. Do not boil all the volnushki in one water, they will darken and start to taste bitter. Start sunbathing:

  • put a pot of water on the fire and wait for it to boil;
  • place in lightly salted boiling water Bay leaf, pepper and cherry leaves with currants. Do not add all the salt indicated in the recipe to the water;
  • lower the waves after the spices into a pot of water;
  • boil the waves for 15-25 minutes. Be sure to remove the scale;
  • transfer the boiled mushrooms to a colander. They will drain excess fluid. Do not throw out the brine, it is needed for further use. Pour it into another bowl. Thus, process all the waves, if there are a lot of them;
  • rinse the cooled mushrooms under running water;
  • transfer the wedges to a large saucepan or other container for pickles. Add garlic, dill, the rest of the salt and pour over the hot brine in which the mushrooms were boiled. Put a leaf of horseradish on top;
  • put a little oppression on the mushrooms. See that the caps do not float out of the brine, but are completely immersed in it. Cover the dish with a clean cloth, a wooden circle, put a load on top;
  • put the bowl with the cooled waves in the refrigerator or cold cellar. After a week, try delicious fragrant mushrooms.

We roll hot-salted waves into jars

Do you want to roll up jars of salted mushrooms with lids and store them in the cellar in winter? This can be done, but do not store the flakes for more than two months, because they are considered conditionally edible. Remove the mushrooms salted in the above way from the pan in a day and you can roll the blanks into glass jars. Do not try the mushrooms, they are not completely salted yet!

Put the washed and dry jars in the oven for 3 minutes. Take out, immediately put the mushrooms in a hot dish, pour the brine in which they are salted, and roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, put them in a designated place and cover with a warm thing or blanket. After a day, take it out to the cellar and after two weeks treat relatives and friends with fragrant mushrooms.

Volnushki grow under fallen leaves or hide in the grass. Finding them is difficult. But if you managed to find these mushrooms, you will make an excellent preparation for the winter.

Waves appear in the summer in July. White and pink volnushka are conditionally edible mushrooms, so this mushroom is usually salted.

Hot salting is faster and makes it possible to taste the workpiece after a few days. Boiled mushrooms immediately lose volume and fill the container tightly, without shrinkage. But hot salting mushrooms can make them softer.

Before harvesting for the winter, volushki and other mushrooms with an abundance of bitter milky juice must be soaked. For the same reason, drying the waves is not allowed.

To do this, put them in cold salted water with the addition of citric acid and leave for a day. For a liter of water, you need to take 10 g of salt and 2 g of citric acid. Water should be changed at least two or three times a day. Then rinse the waves in running water and dry.

Hot salting is used in the preparation of many mushrooms for the future, including volushki. In cleaned of debris, soaked in water, washed mushrooms, the legs are usually cut off (they are salted separately).

Large hats, if they are salted together with small ones, are cut into 2-3 parts. Then salted water (10 g of salt per liter of water) is poured into enameled dishes and put on fire. There shouldn't be too much water.

Hot salting of waves

After boiling, mushrooms are lowered into it and boiled, stirring, so as not to burn. Properly welded waves remain strong and elastic.

Some mushroom pickers, instead of boiling, pour mushrooms with boiling water for 10-20 minutes, changing boiling water 3-4 times after cooling.

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In the process of boiling, all the foam is removed from the mushrooms with a slotted spoon, after which spices and roots are added, except for bay leaves. They need to be put directly into the salting dish along with chopped garlic cloves.

For 1 kg of prepared mushrooms, usually put:

  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • a couple of bay leaves
  • 2-3 blackcurrant leaves
  • 4-5 cherry leaves
  • 3-4 black peppercorns
  • 3 cloves
  • 5 g dill seed

You can also add cumin and garlic.

Volnushki in the marinade are boiled from the moment of boiling for 10-15 minutes. Mushrooms are considered ready when they settle to the bottom and the brine becomes clear.

Then they are carefully transferred into a wide bowl to cool faster, then into jars, poured with brine, to which you need to add salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons per liter, put garlic and bay leaf. In this case, the liquid should be no more than 1/5 of the volume of the mushrooms, but they must be completely covered with brine.

A clean napkin is placed on top, and a wooden circle and oppression are placed on it. They keep it in the refrigerator for a day, then salted waves are rolled into sterilized jars.

There is a hot way of salting the waves and a little different. Mushrooms are boiled in salted water without spices, put on a sieve, washed with cold boiled water and let dry.

Then you can pickle the waves using hot salting in the same way as, that is, laying mushrooms, seasonings and salt in layers at the rate of 2-3% by weight of mushrooms in a container. Pour in the same brine in which they cooked, put dill umbrellas and garlic on top. It is also recommended to pour vegetable oil on top with a layer of 1 cm.

They will be ready in about a month. Such salted mushrooms should be stored in a cold ventilated room at a temperature of 0 to +3 ... + 4ºС.

Lovers may think about how to salt mushrooms deliciously. silent hunting» and subsequent processing. Volnushki are considered the cutest mushrooms, which are so called because of their velvety cap and ripple pattern on the water. Waves are easy to find near birches, as well as in deciduous forests. Working with them is also quite easy. It is marinated and fried, as it is the purest, softest and most delicious.

Despite the fact that the pulp of the fungus mushroom is loose and brittle, it is perfect for salting.

Some people prefer to salt mushrooms after drying, but it is important to do this process correctly to avoid poisoning.

Drying naturally begins with cleaning, and there are many opinions as to whether or not to wash the product before further processing. In fact, mushrooms should not be washed before drying, but it is much better to use a soft, damp cloth to remove all dirt. It is worth noting that in this process, the minimum humidity is important to prevent rotting.

Large mushrooms without serious defects are suitable for drying, but it is best to refuse soft and wormy species. If you need to dry the waves large sizes, then you need to sort all the available mushrooms by growth. This process allows you to dry the product with the highest quality and without harm to health.

Direct drying can be carried out in different ways:

You can dry the wave in several ways: in the sun, in the oven, in the microwave and in the oven.

  • in the sun;
  • in the oven;
  • in the microwave;
  • in a Russian oven.

Mushrooms for drying can be strung on knitting needles or skewers with a small thickness. Alternatively, the use of a lattice is not ruled out, but the mushrooms should lie with their caps down.

Previously, they used the technique of laying mushrooms on straw. It is worth laying out the product at a temperature of 60 ° C, and no more and no less, since at a low temperature they will begin to rot, and at a high temperature, on the contrary, they will burn.

Drying mushrooms outdoors is considered the easiest, as no action is required, but in fact there is a danger that if the humidity rises, the mushrooms may begin to rot. When softness and lethargy appear, it is worth immediately removing the wave, as it can bring not only harm, but also cause poisoning and even death. If you choose this method, then it is important to ensure that flies and other insects do not land on the product, and this can be done by covering the waves with gauze.

The best option for drying is an oven, as it is important to observe temperature regime, which was mentioned earlier, but at 60 ° C it is worth turning it on gradually, otherwise you may encounter a darkening of the product. In order for the mushrooms to dry exactly as needed and not burnt, it is worth using parchment to put them under the waves.

Hot way of salting flakes

Before salting, the waves must be soaked in water for 2-3 days.

Before learning how to salt volushki mushrooms, it is important to properly collect and process the product. It is worth noting that some countries recognize the flakes as a poisonous mushroom and do not use them for consumption. In fact, it all lies in the preparation, through which it is important to remove the milky juice from the mushroom, which has a bitter taste. Any mushrooms are not edible unless they are peeled and boiled, as they can lead to poisoning and death.

Salting mushrooms at home always begins with soaking in cold water at least 48 hours, and the water must be salted or diluted citric acid. During settling, do not forget about changing the water, as you need to remove the liquid filled with harmful components.

Soaked mushrooms should be boiled for 40 minutes in a salty broth, and then fried and eaten.

There is a more pleasant way to cook volnushki, for example, salting them for the winter using the hot method. This will require:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • cherry, currant, oak, laurel leaves;
  • cloves and peppercorns.

After soaking the mushrooms for a day, they are cleaned, the legs are removed and boiled for about 15 minutes in salt water. Then they are cooled, laid out in an enamel pan, parallel to the foliage. This mixture should be pressed down with a load and put in the cold for 2 days. After this period, the waves can be laid out in jars, poured with pre-prepared brine and rolled up for the winter.

Store such jars in a cool, dark place for ripening.

We again turn our attention to the mushroom business. In addition to growing mushrooms, which we wrote about in the articles "", "", "", etc., profitable business is the collection, salting and sale of mushrooms. In particular, this is a seasonal business that does not require initial investments, since nature itself grows the product for us, we only need to collect it and salt it properly.

Mushrooms volnushki

The pink volnushka is a representative of eukaryotes, the kingdom of fungi, the subkingdom of Higher fungi, the department of Basidiomycota, the class Agaricomycetes, the Russula family.

The pink wave is one of the types of conditionally edible mushrooms who found wide application as a food product in salt form.

In the people, the pink wave is called volnyanka, volzhanka, volvenka, volnyanitsa, volminka, volnukha, rubella, krasulya, decoction.

The diameter of the cap of the wave varies from 4 to 2 cm. It is convex at the base. Closer to the edge, the cap becomes more and more flat, in its center there is a deep umbilical depression. The edges of the hat are wrapped and lowered to the bottom. The villi of the skin are thick and rough, they are unevenly arranged in the form of concentric circles. The skin is not very slimy, has a pale, gray-pink color, in dry weather the color fades, that is, the skin becomes pale pink. If you touch it, then at the point of contact the skin becomes darker.

The pulp of the wave has White color, it is quite strong and dense, has a sharp taste. Milky juice is characterized by abundance, sharpness. The color of the milky juice is white, it does not change under the influence of sunlight.

The height of the stem of the wave is from 3 to 6 cm with a diameter of 1 to 2 cm. It resembles a cylinder in shape, the color is pale pink, it is somewhat narrowed at the base of the fungus, it is strong and firm. A young wave has a solid leg, later - a hollow one. There is fluff on the surface of the leg, occasionally small pits can be observed on it.

Frequent plates are white, their width is small, they are descending along the stem.

Color spore powder- white, sometimes has a creamy tint.


The color scheme of the cap is characterized by pronounced variability. In particular, its color can be yellow, orange, light hazel, and so on. The number of hairs on the hat also varies, depending on the age of the fungus. Color variability is also characteristic of the plates. In particular, in a young wave, the plates have a light pink color, after a while they turn yellow.

Wave growth

Favorite places for pink waves are birch groves, mixed woodlands with the presence of birches in the species structure, less often grow in areas with high humidity. These fungi form mycorrhiza with birches, as a rule, this is typical for old trees. Basically, the fungus is distributed in the north of the forest zone.

The duration of the season is about 3 months - the end of June-beginning of October.

This family belongs to the white wave, which, in comparison with the pink wave, has a lighter hat (almost white) and is smaller in diameter.

The nutritional value

As noted earlier, the pink wave is a conditionally edible mushroom. Despite this, the fungus is quite different good quality. It is mainly used for pickling and marinating, less often they are included in fresh main dishes. For salting, younger volushki are preferred, the diameter of which does not exceed 4 cm. Mushrooms at this age are often called "curls". Cooking volnushki provides for their preliminary soaking and blanching. In blanks, the color of the fungus changes - it becomes yellow. The pink wave has gained the greatest popularity among the population of the northern part of the country, who harvest it on winter period. For comparison, in terms of popularity, this mushroom is not inferior to the mushroom.


If it is not enough to boil the pink wave, then it has an effect characteristic of weak poisonous mushroom. At the same time, the toxins of the wave can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes, intestinal upset.

Below we consider several recipes for the correct salting of the waves, in particular cold and hot way s.

Salting volnushek mushrooms in a cold way

Salting these mushrooms is the most popular way to harvest them. Earlier, we noted that young flakes are better suited for salting, since they are characterized by higher tightness and density. Before direct salting of mushrooms, they must be soaked. For this purpose, salted water is used (about 20 g of salt should fall on 1 liter of water). The purpose of pre-soaking is to remove bitterness. Before salting, it is desirable to separate the legs from the hats. If the latter have a large diameter, then cut them. Soaking is completed when the mushroom caps acquire elasticity, that is, the ability to bend. The cap of insufficiently soaked mushrooms will break.

The cold method of salting these mushrooms is the most used. Varieties of the cold method:

Without pre-soaking;

With pre-soak.

It is interesting: scroll through our sections "" and "" - they are all about starting your own business. We recommend mushroom pickers to read - "".

The cold method of salting with pre-soaking is applicable not only for volushki, but also for milk mushrooms, serushki, and some types of russula. According to the recipe, the waves must first be cleaned of litter (needles, sand leaves), then rinse them. At the next stage, the waves must be filled cold water, which must first be salted - add 0.5 tbsp to one liter of water. l. table salt. The frequency of water changes per day should not be less than 2 times. According to numerous recommendations, it is desirable to carry out this after every 5-6 hours. Such a practical approach will eliminate the souring of mushrooms. The duration of the soaking period is 1-2 days. So, the mushrooms are soaked. Now we need to re-clean them. For this purpose, a brush, a nylon cloth is applicable. The method of laying mushrooms in a container is with caps. The thickness of each layer is from 5 to 7 cm. In the process of laying mushrooms, they must be salted. For this purpose, you should use table salt that does not contain iodine (this chemical element can cause rapid souring of mushrooms). At the same time, 30 g of salt should fall on 1 kg of waves. Before laying the first layer, you must first place spices on the bottom of the container (for 10 kg of mushrooms: bay leaf - 2 g, unground allspice - 1 g). Spices are stacked on top of the last layer of mushrooms. As spices, cloves, black currants, and so on are also added. Ideally, the container for pickling mushrooms should be wooden. In the absence of such, enamelware can be used (but we do not recommend it). In any case, the lid (wooden, round) should freely enter the container. On top of the cover is placed oppression (load). If the volume of the container, for example, a barrel is 50 liters, then the weight of the oppression should be at least 8 kg, preferably 10 kg. Important: cover, oppression must be well washed. After 2-3 days, the brine will ripen, at the same time mushrooms will precipitate. Excess brine must be removed, as previous batches settle, new layers of mushrooms will be added. In the absence of brine, the mass of oppression must be increased. Required condition when salting mushrooms - the brine level should always be above the top layer of mushrooms.

Now consider cold way which does not require pre-soaking. Volnushki should be freed from debris, rinsed twice with cold water (it is better to salt or acidify the water). Mushrooms should be placed in a container for salting in layers. In parallel with laying, salting should be carried out table salt- an average of 35 g (+/- 5 g) per kilogram of waves. According to this recipe, the use of spices is excluded. The degree of readiness of volnushki and the duration of the fermentation period are similar, as in the case of cold salting with preliminary soaking - 40 days.

Hot cooking mushrooms

As for the hot method, it allows you to shorten the maturation period of the waves. Mushrooms must be cleaned of debris, soaked (at least 1 day), rinsed with cold water. If mushrooms are not sorted by size, then large hats should be crushed. Pour water into enameled dishes at the rate of half a glass per kilogram of waves. Water must be salted first. Next, the water must be brought to a boil and add mushrooms to it. During the cooking process, constant stirring is necessary, which will prevent the mushrooms from burning. The foam is removed with a slotted spoon. The next step is to add spices. For this purpose, you will need (per kilogram of boiled mushrooms):

Salt - 2 tbsp. l.;

Bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;

Blackcurrant leaves - 2-3 pieces;

Cherry leaves - 4-5 pieces;

Unground (peas) black pepper;

Carnation - bud;

Dill - 5 g.

After boiling, the duration of cooking should be from 10 to 15 minutes. Readiness is determined by the moment of sedimentation of mushrooms and the transparency of the brine.

Boiled mushrooms and brine after cooling are placed in a barrel, jars and closed. The ratio of the masses of brine and waves is 1: 5. It will take at least 40 days for the mushrooms to fully ripen.

Prices on salted mushrooms vary greatly depending on the location, season (when to sell them) and yield, but in any case, this business will be profitable, since it does not require any investments and is a business from scratch.

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