How many minutes do you need to run to lose weight. We run away from excess weight. All about running for weight loss

AT recent times very popular healthy lifestyle life, so men and women try to maintain their normal weight. Diets, exercise equipment, intense physical activity, often do not have such an effective result as we would like. For example, after using any system for weight loss, you can get rid of fat, but there is a risk of sagging weak untrained muscles, visually it will look unsportsmanlike and unaesthetic. Meanwhile, ordinary running can become effective tool to tone muscle mass and lose weight.

What is the benefit of running

First of all, the load is distributed evenly to all muscle groups without exception, metabolism is activated and fat is split. Regular jogging contributes to the fact that the body becomes more graceful, more prominent and slimmer without tiring workouts. gym. The blood is saturated with oxygen, the vessels and the heart muscle are strengthened, bone becomes stronger.

Most often, running for weight loss is used by girls, young people use it as a means to dry muscles.

Sometimes “athletes”, devoting 20 minutes to running a day, wonder why, despite their efforts, the result is not felt, and overweight continue to stay in place. Not everything is so simple, to lose weight, you need to follow a certain technique.

Why You Can't Lose Weight

If you approach the matter mechanically, as some kind of not very pleasant duty, nothing will work out, it is for this reason that most people quickly become disillusioned with running and quit classes. Man must experience positive emotions from morning or evening runs, combine business with pleasure.

When running lightly at a relatively low speed, the muscles draw energy from the glycogen produced by the liver. Enough of it for more than half an hour of intense exercise.

If the run was short in time, the body will use up glycogen very quickly, and during the first meal it will not be slow to replenish the missing reserves. Thus, the liver simply does not have time to get to fat, which is a source of energy, and the desired disposal of excess weight will not.

How to lose weight from running

Weight will begin to go away when the body switches to fat as an energy source and focuses its attention on the area of ​​​​fat deposits. A signal that a positive trend has begun will be fatigue and intermittent breathing.

In order for the fat to start to go away, you need to run for at least 40 minutes, and preferably 60. Only then will the metabolism begin to stabilize, and the fats will break down. It is better to increase the speed and time of the run gradually so that the muscles get used to the loads. You shouldn’t devote more than an hour to jogging on the very first day, because the body unprepared for such loads will begin to take energy not from fat deposits, but from proteins, thus, not the desired weight will go away, but the necessary muscle mass.

For those people who do not have a lot of time, as well as smokers and those with cardiovascular diseases, interval running is perfect. This is a very serious burden for circulatory system and light, but the result will exceed all expectations.

What is interval running? it intense training, including the alternation of maximum load and rest.

For example, the first hundred meters is overcome with quick steps, while the muscles and ligaments are warmed up; the second is jogging, at this time breathing normalizes; the third is running at a maximum pace; the fourth - the pace is reduced. At the fourth 100 meters, breathing returns to normal, there is a short rest. Then everything starts over.

During interval running training, colossal physiological changes occur in the human body. During sprinting, calories are consumed due to split glycogen, and when walking, the liver, in order to make up for the missing supply of this substance, also gets to fats. This is how the weight loss process begins.

Fast running for short distances (sprint) provides blood flow to the muscles. Due to this, fats are oxidized and release energy, which is stored in the body in the form of carbohydrates.

The training is very effective, after 20 minutes a person feels tired. In addition, fats are burned even after 6 hours after exercise, muscle mass is not lost.

Running technique

Even with normal walking, there is a load on the spine, let alone jogging, when this load doubles. To minimize the possibility of injury, you should follow a certain running technique:

  1. Avoid abrupt throwing of the body up and heavy landing of the foot on the running surface. You can not swing the body to the sides. Such fluctuations occur due to the unprofessional placement of the feet, they should be on the same line, the whole “blow” is taken by the thumb.
  2. The biggest mistake of novice runners: when moving forward, a person unbends the lower leg earlier, therefore, all the power of the blow falls on the straight leg. This is fraught with injury. What an experienced athlete does: unbends the leg smoothly and brings it forward.
  3. It is extremely important to watch your posture. The body must be motionless, this will prevent injuries to the spine. The arms should be bent in elbow joints, fingers should not be clenched into fists. The head cannot be tilted back - this way the stomach protrudes. You should also not lower it forward, as this makes it difficult to breathe.

It is equally important to choose the length of the step. It should not be too narrow or wide.

You should know it

  1. Better start running warm time year, for example, in the spring, since in winter the risk of getting a cold increases significantly.
  2. Morning running is useful for people suffering from diseases of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system. You need to go for a run about an hour before breakfast.
  3. Running during the day helps to strengthen muscles, in the evening it is most effective for losing weight and burning excess fat.
  4. It is desirable to alternate running with a jump rope, by the way, you can take it for a run, and if you take a player with your favorite music with you, then the ordinary process will turn into a pleasant walk.
  5. It is better to choose clothes for running from natural textures, it is better to exclude synthetic fabrics. A sports suit should be comfortable, and, of course, stylish and attractive. Run in a bright cute T-shirt and trendy trousers much nicer than in the old stretched sweatpants.
  6. Preference should be given not to sneakers, but to sneakers, because it is possible that you will have to run on asphalt.
  7. For summer, it is better for girls to purchase special shorts, since in them the body loses weight much more, thereby removing excess fluid from the body. Shorts help fight cellulite.
  8. For men and women, the running program practically does not differ, but for the elderly and young people, it can vary significantly. When compiling a program, one should take into account not only age, but also the state of health of a person, his work schedule. Elderly people should avoid interval running.

Who can't run

Running has contraindications:

  • Overweight. It's about oh excessively big weight, as there is a load on the lower limbs.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Serious heart problems.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Chronic bronchitis and asthma.
  • The presence of infectious diseases.
  • Vision problems.
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs.
  • Diseases of the spine.
These contraindications should be taken into account and jogging should be replaced with other, less intense ones, such as swimming and fitness, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Can you lose weight with running? The answer, of course, will be positive. Not only to lose weight, but also to pump up muscles without exercise equipment, make them fit and athletic. The main thing is to run systematically and not be lazy. Over time, you will learn to benefit from monotonous tedious activities and lose weight with pleasure. But do not rely on the fact that running is a panacea. Only in combination with a balanced diet will it be effective.

Video: how to run to lose weight

You need to start running gradually, each time adding a little in time. So you gradually accustom your body to a useful activity without harming it. If you are in poor physical shape, during the first runs you should not exceed the time limit of 15 minutes, but after a few weeks you must run for at least half an hour, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of extra pounds.

For more enduring people and those who are in excellent physical shape, it is better to run for about 40-45 minutes. Scientists have long proven the fact that fat begins to be burned only after 30 minutes of intense running.

While running, be sure to listen to your feelings - if you feel bad, it is better to replace the run with a brisk walk.

To lose weight while running, it is also very important to alternate the intensity of the load. You can, for example, run 10 minutes at a slow pace, and then accelerate for 5 minutes as much as possible. That's why it's best for those who struggle with extra pounds to run on hilly terrain rather than flat roads.

It is believed that it is more correct to run in the morning - then the body burns calories much faster. Best time for this - from 6 to 8 in the morning. Nevertheless, each organism is individual, so you should determine the time of jogging on your own, based on your well-being.

It is also very important to run at least 4 times a week, otherwise the effect of training will not be so noticeable on the figure. Daily running is more suitable for those who seek, in addition to strengthening their immune system.

With daily running, it is very important to follow the rules listed above, otherwise the body will get used to the loads and fat burning will be much slower.

Additional measures for weight loss

Running is undoubtedly good for health and figure. However, in order to quickly lose extra pounds, it is important to follow the rules of a healthy diet. To begin with, you should abandon any fast food, carbonated drinks and flour products. It is also useful to eat in small portions, but at least 4 times a day.

After running, you should not immediately rush to the refrigerator and eat chocolate with clear conscience- Eating more calories than you burned while running will not soon lead to your cherished goal. It is best to wait an hour or at least 30 minutes, and then satisfy your awakened hunger vegetable salad, boiled meat or fish.

A person whose body fat exceeds the norm often not only experiences physical and psychological discomfort, but also risks undermining his health. It is for this reason that people suffering from the problem of excess weight set a goal to lose weight. You can achieve the desired result different ways, of which the simplest and most effective is running.

Following the guidelines below and using correct technique Anyone can lose weight by running. But before starting training, it is advisable to consult a doctor (especially in the presence of diseases of the joints, spine and cardiovascular system).

What happens in the body while running?

  1. The activity of respiration increases, which leads to the entry of more air electrons into the body through the skin and lungs. The higher the level of electrons, the better all systems work and accelerate metabolic processes in the body, including metabolism, which directly affects weight loss.
  2. More carbon dioxide is produced, due to which cells and organs are saturated with oxygen, which also helps to speed up metabolism.
  3. The cells of organs and tissues are updated, in addition, there is a renewal of blood, lymph, intracellular fluid, as a result of which the body rejuvenates, which means it becomes much easier to lose weight.
  4. Running makes a person happy. This happens due to the increased activity of the pituitary gland and the release of endorphins - hormones of happiness.

What is the best way to run?

First of all, for running training, you need to choose a comfortable sports shoes: sneakers or sneakers, preferably designed specifically for running (these are now produced by many companies and are offered in various price segments), with good cushioning of the sole and a perfect fit. Running in the wrong shoes or shoes not designed for training can lead not only to unpleasant blisters, but also to serious injuries to the joints and ligaments.

Close attention should also be paid to running clothes, the main criteria when choosing which should not be price and brand, but convenience and functionality. It is not necessary to purchase several expensive tracksuits. To start training, it will be enough to have in the wardrobe:

  • several cotton T-shirts (it can also be special "breathable" sports T-shirts that remove moisture);
  • comfortable shorts (for summer runs);
  • sweatpants (for off-season);
  • and a light windbreaker jacket (preferably with a windproof breathable layer).

In addition, you should take care of socks, which can be either cotton or special moisture-wicking special synthetics, as well as comfortable underwear. The last recommendation is especially for women, who are advised to purchase a special sports bra for training that can provide the necessary support for the breasts.

For those who plan to run in the cool season, sports gloves, a cap or hat will be a useful purchase. Fans of late evening races are advised to get a windbreaker with reflective elements: such clothing will allow the athlete to be more visible to drivers and increase his safety on busy streets.

It is strongly not recommended to use shorts, pants and leggings for weight loss, sauna suits and other “special clothes” for running training, they do not allow the body to breathe, interfere with normal thermoregulation, moisture removal, and also create an extra load on the heart and kidneys, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences for the health of the runner.

When is the best time to run?

Experts believe that it is best to run, choosing a time interval for training in the morning from 6.30 to 7.30, from 11 to 12 or in the afternoon from 16 to 18: this is the best time for effective reduction weight. However, not every person can afford to run at the height of the working day, in which case you can schedule a workout for the early morning or evening.

When choosing the optimal time for running, it is recommended to build on your own biorhythms, for example:

  • "Larks" - people who feel energized in the morning and completely exhausted in the evening - usually prefer to get up early and consider the early morning to be the best time to run. This type of people, morning run charges with positive, cheerfulness and tone.
  • “Owls” are not always happy in the morning, since their activity appears only in the evening, on the contrary, they allocate time for training after a hard day. Running in the evenings allows the “owl” person to get rid of the burden of problems accumulated during the day, relieve stress, and promote healthy and sound sleep.

You can run to lose weight or keep fit at any time of the year. Running in the off-season allows the body to better adapt to low temperatures, and winter running greatly improves immunity, helps to avoid infections and various diseases, including colds.

How much should you run?

In order to see the results, the duration of a running workout should ideally be at least 40 minutes, since in the first 10-15 minutes of running the body only adjusts to a certain rhythm and adapts to the load, while the burning of excess fat accumulation begins after its adaptation.

A run, the duration of which will be shorter, will play a role in the general well-being of a person, including strengthening the cardiovascular system and some muscle groups, allowing you to feel strength in your legs, get a charge of vivacity and positive, but it will not allow you to quickly lose unnecessary kilograms. Therefore, in the case of an untrained body after one or more introductory running workouts, it is necessary to gradually increase their duration up to 40-60 minutes.

Those who want to lose weight, both by 1 kg and 5-10 kg or more, need to run regularly, for example, every other day, allowing the body to recover. Jogging daily is not recommended in order to avoid overtraining, however, you should not skip jogging either, otherwise it will not be possible to lose weight to the desired size very soon. In case of adverse weather conditions, you can replace your jogging outside with walking, training on a treadmill in the gym, or, in extreme cases, jogging on the spot at home.

Where is the best place to run?

When jogging, it is very important to lay out the correct route for jogging. The following tips will be helpful in making it.

  • If possible, try to do running training in nature: in the forest, along rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other places where the air is the cleanest and freshest in these places. If you do not have such an opportunity, you can choose a park or stadium, the main thing is that they are located as far as possible from highways and were surrounded by lots of greenery.
  • Best of all, park and forest paths (preferably without obstacles on the way), or tracks in stadiums equipped with a special coating are perfect for running. It is not recommended to run on an asphalt surface, especially without specially designed shoes with high cushioning of the sole, as this can lead to injuries.
  • For the first weeks of training, it is better to choose flat terrain, without steep ascents and descents, later you can complicate the route.

How to run correctly?

Beginning athletes often do not know how to run properly in order to lose weight, overloading the body and trying to overfulfill the plan already in the first workout, which often not only leads to overtraining, but often discourages the desire to run in the future, and sometimes even harms health.

The following rules will help you learn how to run without harming your physical and mental health and get rid of unwanted body fat.

  1. While running, breathe through your nose. If you can’t breathe through your nose, then you need to slow down a little and adjust your breathing. Coherence of breath and movement will help for a long time don't "breathe".
  2. While running, sometimes there is a sharp pain in the side, you should not ignore it, you need to take a step. When the pain will pass, you can return to running again at the previously set pace.
  3. To quickly get rid of excess weight, it is better to alternate fast - short distances and long - slow ones, practicing the so-called "interval running". In this case, even an organism that is not adapted to varying degrees of load will begin to burn calories and fats in more and tempo.
  4. You can't stop running abruptly. Finishing the workout, you need to go to the step, restoring breathing.
  5. After returning home from a run, you can drink water and take a shower. After about an hour, you can already eat something to eat.
  6. For greater effect, it is better to combine jogging with maintenance. proper diet nutrition.

How to lose weight on a treadmill?

An alternative for those who, for a number of reasons, do not want or cannot run on fresh air could be a treadmill. This cardio machine is now in the arsenal of most sports clubs, but many joggers also buy it at home, wanting to be able to run without leaving their apartment, for example, while watching their favorite series.

Regular and long-term workouts allow you to lose weight on the treadmill as quickly as when exercising outside. Additional options allow you to set the desired pace, the angle of the simulator, control your heart rate and get other benefits to increase the effectiveness of your workouts.

Regular exercise on the treadmill at least three times a week, a sufficient amount of time spent (at least 40 minutes of continuous running per workout), as well as a properly structured diet can give quick and visible results: without leaving home, you can gain strength in your legs lose weight and significantly improve your own well-being.

How to use running for weight loss, how much you need to run to get rid of the hated excess body fat? Recently, the issue of getting rid of extra pounds has become more acute. Running is one of those effective cardio exercises that contribute to weight loss in short time but not everyone knows about it. With the development of the restaurant business, especially the fast food chain, the deterioration of the environmental situation has led to an increase in the percentage of obese people. People are ready to spend a lot of money resorting to the services of fitness clubs, but there is a more budgetary and affordable way. Let's take a closer look at how to competently approach the issue of losing weight with the help of running.

Where to begin? How much should you run a day to get in shape? If you were far from sports, then you should not start with heavy loads. Untrained people need to run, starting with minimal loads. Jogging at a low pace, if it's hard, you can start with intensive walking, gradually moving to a slow run.

First you need to pre-prepare your body, as before practicing any sport. Preparation is carried out with the help of a warm-up. If you run, ignoring this rule, the body will experience stress, and it will be difficult to continue the exercise. Warming up the body is needed to prepare a muscle group for intense physical exercise.

If you run on the street, then walking to the stadium, the park will already be a warm-up. In the event that the workout is to be performed on a treadmill at home or in a fitness center, it is recommended to perform stretching and some simple exercises- head tilts, swinging arms, legs, torso tilts. Proper warm-up is performed not only to avoid injury, improve well-being, but also contributes to more effective work body while running. How much you need to warm up will depend on your general well-being. On average, 5-7 minutes is enough.

On the first day after the warm-up, start training at the pace that is most comfortable for you and try to keep it for a certain time. As soon as , go to a slower pace or to a fast pace. At the end of the session, it is important to restore breathing. If using a treadmill, walk at a slow pace, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth for a few minutes. On the street, this can be done on the way home.

In the next lessons, you can already try to slightly increase the pace. As well as speed, it is recommended to increase the duration of the run. You can start with 5 minutes, gradually running up to 7-10, as soon as this time is easily overcome, add more time. In the future, once the body is sufficiently trained, increase the duration of the run to 30-45 minutes. The distance will gradually increase along with speed and time. As soon as the first 2 parameters change, the number of kilometers run will also increase.

How much you need to run on a treadmill to lose weight, determine for yourself based on the availability of free time and current physical form. Some people can run daily, but not everyone can find the time, so 3-4 times a week is considered sufficient.

Where to run?

It all depends on the area you live in. If there is any park, stadium, playground, bike paths nearby, this will be a great option for jogging. But running every day and planning jogging programs will be difficult, because a lot depends on the weather.

You need to understand that the asphalt surface does not meet the requirements for running. Asphalt is too hard, hitting the feet on it can affect the health of the joints. Therefore, when deciding where you prefer to run, pay attention to shoes. Running shoes should be specially adapted for running and have a thick sole.

In order not to depend on weather conditions, you can use treadmill. It will be ideal for home use. How much to run on a treadmill to get the benefits of running? In terms of efficiency, such classes almost do not differ from street ones, except that it is more tedious on the simulator. But on the simulator you can work out in comfortable clothes, without adjusting to weather. At the same time, you need to be able to force yourself to run on a treadmill to lose weight, because at home there will always be more important things that will distract you.

interval running

This type of activity is heavy load on the body, which makes it very effective for weight loss. The principle is to alternate loads - for example, fast and slow running. In the process of such training, the body does not burn carbohydrates, but fats. How much you can lose weight if you use interval training depends on the characteristics of your body. Anyone who has never used interval training, but wants to use such a run for weight loss, needs to adhere to a specific program (table 1).

Basic rules of interval training:

  1. Do no more than 3 times a week.
  2. Start activity no earlier than 2 hours after eating.
  3. Excessively high speed is undesirable. Choose the optimal speed for yourself so that your breath does not go astray.
  4. Watch the pulse, the heart rate should not exceed the norm.
  5. Do not run for people who have contraindications to cardio.

Proper breathing is an important part of any physical activity both for strengthening the cardiovascular system, and for weight loss. It can contribute to and improve exercise performance and body condition. Usually, inhalation must be performed when the body is in upright position, and exhalation is done at the end of the exercise.

While running, it is more difficult to control breathing, since the load is continuous and cyclical. The need for oxygen during running increases, which is why it is important to correctly monitor the rhythm, coordinating it with breathing. For a low pace, it will be correct to take 1 inhalation and exhalation for every 4 steps. If there is not enough oxygen, try reducing the distance between steps and increasing their number.

No matter how great your desire to lose weight through running is, any physical activity has contraindications. These include:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, which can become a serious obstacle on the way.
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints.
  3. Hypertension.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Latent infectious diseases.

Therefore, before you seriously go in for sports, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Efficiency of classes

Many people ask how much you need to run to lose weight? Efficiency does not depend on frequency, but on the regularity and technique of execution. The interval between classes should not be more than 3 days. By following the daily training program and the basic rules, you can achieve excellent results and even lose up to 10 kg per month.

Running speeds up metabolism, due to which there is an active decrease in body fat, and we lose weight. During activity, intense sweating begins, which means that toxins and harmful substances are removed from the body already on the first day. Initially, the body uses carbohydrates, mainly glycogen, as energy. As soon as its supply is depleted, fats serve as an energy source. This happens after about 30 minutes of continuous physical activity.

A shorter workout will not be entirely effective, because during the first meal, carbohydrate reserves are replenished. This significantly slows down the weight loss process. Therefore, more than half an hour you need to run a day to lose weight.

Running is a fairly versatile tool in the fight for a beautiful figure, and you don’t need to run every day to get results. How much weight can you lose if you run regularly? Performing the program consistently, with a gradual increase in loads, after a week you will notice changes. The muscles on the legs will be strengthened, the sides will decrease, the tone will improve. After another couple of weeks, you can lose up to 5 kg. Combining sports with proper nutrition, you will not only come to the desired forms, but also save the result for a long time. In the complex running and healthy eating promote weight loss and improve general state health.

How much do you need to run to lose weight - half an hour will be enough, or do you need an hour, and what is the recommended regularity of these physical activities? To begin with, it should be clarified that not every person can run, just as running will not be a convenient method for losing weight for everyone. It will be very difficult for a person who is not physically prepared, with a significant excess of weight, to run, and in most cases even harmful. Start by changing your diet better side and then gradually include physical activity.

As for running, in order to begin to effectively lose weight, you need to run continuously for at least half an hour. If this rule is followed, then after about 2 weeks you can become more slender and fit - that's how much you need to run to lose weight by 5 kg approximately. If you exercise for less than half an hour, you can also notice a small minus on the scales if you weigh yourself immediately after a run. But this will not be evidence of a decrease in adipose tissue, but a loss of fluid (moreover, the more fluid will be lost, the more intense the run was).

Running intensity can vary. For beginners, brisk walking or jogging will do. They will also help burn calories. So that the run does not cause discomfort, and so that the loads are not too small and difficult to implement, learn to breathe correctly. When you run, you need to breathe exclusively through your nose. Inhale 2 steps, exhale 2 steps - this is the recommended breathing rate. It is better to start running gradually. Walk calmly for a couple of minutes, then pick up the pace, switch to jogging and then speed up if necessary. You should run in cool weather during the warm season. And it will be morning, or evening - it is not so important. They run not only in stadiums, but also in park areas. The most effective run with obstacles, along winding paths.

If you suddenly get a headache while running, feel pain in your chest, it's better to stop. In general, doctors recommend that non-professionals carefully monitor their pulse rate. For beginners, the heart rate should be no more than 60-70 of the maximum for your age. For example, for a 30-year-old woman, the maximum heart rate is 190 (formula: 220 - age in years). The heart rate during exercise should not exceed 133 beats per minute. But how do you measure your heart rate while running? If you work out on a treadmill - this is not a problem, but if you are in the fresh air, then there is nothing difficult either, you need to put on a heart rate monitor. On sale you can find various models sports watches with heart rate monitors. Before running, you should do a simple warm-up for the muscles of the body. It can be swinging arms, legs, tilts - the main thing is to work out all the limbs. 5-10 minutes of warm-up will be enough. And one more useful advice- buy high-quality shoes. The first rule is the presence of shock absorbers in sneakers. The second rule is a clearly fixed heel. The third rule is high-quality material (cotton or genuine leather).

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