Phuket june rains are long or not. Phuket in June What's up with the waves

It often rains in June in Phuket, but you can still have a good time. Don't let them scare you scary stories about the downpours of the wall and the rest spoiled at the end. In fact, it all depends on your own mood and expectations for a vacation. Find out on the Tour Calendar what to expect from this island in the first month of the long-awaited summer.

Weather in Phuket in June

June in most of Thailand is the peak of the wet season. If on Koh Samui and in Pattaya it can flow almost imperceptibly, then in Phuket, on the contrary, it is pronounced quite clearly. So everyone who plans their trip for this period should stock up on a durable raincoat and mentally tune in to the fact that excursions can sometimes be canceled. In this regard, we recommend that you inquire in advance about how money is returned in case of force majeure situations. According to meteorologists, this month we should expect 18-19 days with heavy rainfall. As a rule, during daylight hours they are short-lived (from 15 to 60 minutes), after an hour a bright sun peeps out, but they are always intense and collapse without any warning. There are a lot of cafes and shops around the island, so there will be no problems with where to hide from the sudden onset of rain. However, it is still better to always have a plastic cape with you, besides, it takes up little space in your bag. It is also worth taking care of the safety of the camera and mobile phone. We would advise you to purchase waterproof cases for them in advance. Most of the precipitation falls in the evenings or at night. It happens that this natural phenomenon stretches until the morning. But given the huge number of entertainment venues, tourists who do not want to stay in a hotel have nothing to worry about. It is worth noting that often the weather presents pleasant surprises.

So, it is not at all excluded that half of June may turn out to be dry and clear. However, this does not happen every year. Usually the sky is covered with a dense cloud cover, and the sun honors with its presence only for a couple of hours a day. Although this has its own definite plus: there is no such suffocating heat as before, so various kinds of trips are much easier. But the exhausting stuffiness still persists, which makes such weather very difficult for families with children and people with malfunctions of the cardiovascular or respiratory system. In June, visitors can expect to rest at a maximum of +30..+32°C. Usually these values ​​are never higher. As dusk deepens environment loses the heat accumulated during the day, eventually cooling down to +25°C. This is the minimum below which the mercury column does not fall until autumn. One of the characteristic climatic features this month - increased wind gusts under the influence of monsoons. On the one hand, thanks to them, the heat is much easier to endure, but on the other hand, they lead to a fair amount of disturbance to the sea, which disrupts scheduled cruises and other events taking place on the water. When it comes to tanning, the level of insolation in the tropics is very high. And if in the middle latitudes in cloudy days there is no need to think about photoprotective agents, then here they should not be forgotten in any case. Otherwise, you doom your skin to a burn.

What to do in Phuket in June?

Many tourists are afraid of round-the-clock heavy rains and extreme stuffiness, so there are many fewer guests near the island. The low season comes into its own, the atmosphere reigning everywhere becomes measured and peaceful, the beaches are free, and there is no annoying crowd on the popular excursion routes. In general, Phuket in June fully justifies the expectations of connoisseurs of silence and lovers of a thorough immersion in the color of exotic culture. The event calendar is not able to boast a series of exciting events, but there are many ways for travelers who are thirsty for "bread and circuses" to replenish their collection of impressions - from visiting various shows to extreme entertainment.

beach holiday

We deliberately did not mention the beach holiday in the previous section, since it is in great doubt in June. The fact is that the arrival of monsoons, in addition to precipitation, entails storms that periodically play out at sea. The west coast, where all the most developed resort areas are concentrated, is under the influence of constant winds.

Therefore, kiters, wakeboarders and windsurfers mostly “live” there, for whom it is not possible to practice their favorite sports without them. All the rest prefer not hyped, but leeward spots on the eastern and southeastern ends of the island. Red flags indicating danger are also found there, but much less frequently. Among them: Cape Panwa, reliably protected from dangerous rip currents (“rips”),

Fenced from the elements by a long wall of coral reefs, Nai Yang Bay, notable for the famous Buddhist temples of Chalong and the secluded Layan Beach, which is preceded by a pair of compact islands that do not let the waves roam. It is on them that tour operators point out to their customers in the first place. However, even here you will not have to count on free swimming. The maximum that will be possible is to frolic in the surf. And swimming pools are intended for swimming, which, to be honest, tourists willingly use. Regarding the study of the underwater kingdom, this is not the right time. Of course, if you turn to professionals for services, they will certainly select the best sites for diving, but as such, the massive season has already come to an end. Firstly, because of the waves of the sea, and secondly, because of the blooming of plankton, which attracts whale sharks and impair visibility underwater. Similian, included in the list of the 10 best places on the planet for diving, has not been available for a visit since last numbers April. This month, boats carry divers towards Krabi. Travel time is about two hours, and the duration of the tour itself is from one to several days.

Entertainment and excursions

The heat is weakening, allowing inquisitive individuals to travel around the island with inspiration, discovering the stunning beauty and richness of the local nature. The programs offered allow you to inhale the heady aromas of the orchid garden (every day there is a folklore performance and an elephant show), admire the magnificence of James Bond Island and the power of full-flowing waterfalls (they are even more impressive during the wet season).

Adventurous spirits make up for their lack of adrenaline by taking part in rafting, cross-country quad biking, bungee jumping or testing their mettle by venturing into Flight of the Gibbon, a ride on tightrope ropes stretched through impenetrable jungle at dizzying heights. Adherents of an idle lifestyle have to like a rich night life. Its main center is located in Patong, on Bangla Road, nicknamed mini-Pattaya.

Holidays and festivals

It will be interesting for those who follow the events in the world of sports to visit the annual Laguna Phuket marathon with a total distance of 42 km. Runners aged 16 and older cover 21 km, children aged 12 and over 10 km, and the most unprepared master 5 km race walking. The route of the race is inevitably accompanied by the contemplation of the picturesque surroundings, as it is laid along the lovely villages, azure shores, rubber and rice plantations.

A real reason to have fun is the Chao Le Boat Festival, which falls on the 6th month lunar calendar. In its idea, it is in many ways similar to the well-known Loy Krathong holiday. With the onset of darkness, sea gypsies launch small boats, thereby “killing two birds with one stone” - driving away evil spirit and attract good luck.

What are the prices for holidays in Phuket in June?

It's no exaggeration to say that this month's prices are a bonus to the June trip. As you know, the cost of tours to Phuket, one of the most expensive resorts in Thailand, is rather high, but in June it drops almost by half. Absolutely everything is getting cheaper: flights, accommodation, excursions, souvenirs, meals. It's a pity to miss such a chance!

Floods, hurricanes and other cataclysms are completely atypical for Phuket. real threat does not exist on it. If you are not afraid of tropical showers and do not strive for a passive beach holiday, then there is a high probability that those spent on the island summer vacation will give you a lot of pleasure. Tour-Calendar hopes that our article was useful for you!

Phuket Island is located in the northern part of the Andaman Sea, a semi-enclosed body of water that is part of indian ocean. For wet tropical climate at this latitude seasonal change wind directions - monsoons. In winter they blow from the north and northeast, and in summer from the south and southwest. For those who are going to visit Phuket island in summer - in June, July and August, this means that the wind speed increases to 5-7 meters per second and with a high degree of probability it can reach a storm, spreading a wave up to two meters high. Precipitation vs. winter months also sharply increases, but this effect is achieved due to extremely intense evening and night showers. Rain is unlikely during the day.

Weather in Phuket now and for 14 days

Phuket Island in June

Phuket Island in June is already completely dominated by the southwest monsoon, which unhinderedly accelerates across the Indian Ocean and carries a large amount of moisture from it. Hotel prices reach a seasonal minimum, a large number appear.

  • Weather in Phuket in June

    Judging only by meteorological maps, the weather in Phuket in June is permanently rainy. Nevertheless, it will be erroneous to imagine that from morning to evening it pours from heaven, as if from a bucket. You have many chances to lie on the beach all day under the tropical sun. However, do not rely too much on a light haze covering it. From sunburn it does not protect - panamas, shirts with short sleeve and are required. As a rule, heavy rains begin after sunset. Annual temperature fluctuations at this latitude are small, but, nevertheless, the air temperature in June is slightly lower than in March and April: no higher than 30 0 C during the day, and up to 28 0 C at night. Periodically flying typhoons with storm winds can ruin the weather finally for several days, during which tropical showers are replaced by drizzling precipitation from low clouds.

  • Phuket beaches in June

    The beaches in Phuket are empty in June, especially the west coast, which is open to winds that disperse a high wave. On stormy days, there are red prohibitory notices along the entire coastline. However, bans do not apply to lovers. On any beach, you will not only find board rentals, but you can also get lessons in riding on the crest of a wave from experienced instructors. Swimming is still possible, especially since the water temperature in Phuket in June does not decrease - all the same 27-28 0 C as in March. It is reserved for places marked with yellow-red flags. There are no life-threatening. The lowest wave height on the beaches of Ao Yon, Coral, Trai Trang and Panwa. On quiet days, you can swim there even with children (read more about the features). and Mai Khao should be avoided.

  • Prices in Phuket in June

    Prices in Phuket in June reach the average annual minimum. Hotel owners are especially trying to please tourists, until mid-autumn they offer discounts and hold promotions, competing with each other in generosity. Do not lag behind them and airlines with travel agencies. If you actively monitor prices on the Web, you can, the price of which will be comparable to the cost of a flight to Phuket and back.

    Cafes and restaurants in Phuket traditionally work in the happy hour format in June. This is especially true for offers of different drinks. However, you can get in so well that the check for dinner for two will be half the usual. In June, mangosteen and rambutans ripen in Phuket. Their prices are halved compared to January. The famous island pineapples are littered with counters of all markets.

Phuket Island in July

Phuket Island in July continues to attack the humid southwest monsoon, the amount of precipitation increases. Along with this, there is also large quantity. The decrease in the number of tourists does not affect the hospitality of the islanders. On the contrary, it seems as if the smiles become sincere. The range of excursion offers is decreasing, offers of boat trips are disappearing from it, but they are carried out regularly on the territory of the island and neighboring provinces.

  • Weather in Phuket in July

    The weather in Phuket in July is almost the same as in June. The monsoon, which has absorbed moisture from the Indian Ocean, pours it onto the entire coast of the Andaman Sea and the islands. The rule that it rains at night remains in force. However, there is a chance of getting under a warm rain shower during the day. Typhoons, heartily rinsing the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, lying south of Phuket, touch it only by the edge. Therefore, the duration of bad weather is short: two or three days in a row, when the sun does not appear at all because of the clouds, and the downpour is replaced by drizzling precipitation. The daily temperature variation in July becomes more noticeable: in the daytime up to 30 0 C, and at night not higher than 25 0 C. It may seem strange to you, but even in such weather you can not only get a tan, but also. Therefore, do not refuse protective creams and do not go topless all day.

  • Phuket beaches in July

    The beaches in Phuket are filled with surfers and kiters in July, many of them coming from Australia, where the wave season is waning. And all because the wind is getting stronger, the storms are almost permanent, the waves grow up to two meters. At the same time, the water temperature in Phuket in July remains quite comfortable: not lower than 27 0 C. Schools continue to operate on all beaches, where you can take lessons from masters for mere pennies. Swimming is possible, but on very rare calm days. At the same time, it is worth choosing sections of the coast specially equipped for these purposes. In other places they can be found, dangerous even for experienced swimmers. More or less comfortable for families with children are the beaches of Ao Yon, Trang,.

  • Prices in Phuket in July

    Prices in Phuket in July continue to fluctuate around the average annual minimum. The cost of living is low everywhere, there is no end to offers of discounts and ongoing promotions. In almost any travel agency you can buy a ticket literally for tomorrow. And its cost will be slightly higher than the price of an air ticket. You can search and book the most suitable tour for you.

    A small number of customers makes the owners of restaurants generous. The season of promotions, discounts and so-called happy hours continues, when for half the price you can not only drink, but also have a bite. Ripe fruits - pineapple, lychee, mangosteen, the markets are literally littered. Orchards along the roads turn red with ripe rambutans. This fruit can be bought in boxes right on the roadsides.

Phuket Island in August

Those who are going to visit Phuket in August should not hope for a radical change in the nature of the weather compared to June and July. It continues to be influenced by the southwest wet monsoon. At the same time, all advantages remain in force. low season: low prices for everything, lack of crowds of tourists, the desire of locals to please visitors to the maximum. Add to this an abundance of tropical fruits, and it turns out that going to Phuket in not so crazy.

  • Weather in Phuket in August

    The weather in Phuket in August is a series of several completely rainy days, when the island is covered with the edge of a typhoon's wing, and relatively windy, during which the sun even peeps through the sky. The most intense precipitation falls just after sunset, but you can get under a warm downpour, which is akin to the soul, during the day. The temperature is kept at around 30 0 C at noon to 24 0 C at night. Therefore, the humidity is consistently high.

  • Phuket beaches in August

    It is very difficult to count on the fact that one of the days will be calm. Even if this happens, the sea can remain restless and turbulent. in August, they are still filled with surfers, although there are much fewer of them than ordinary vacationers in high season. A strong wind of a stable direction is also conducive to kiting. If you want to learn the basics of these sports, then you will have every opportunity for this: on each beach you will find a school where experienced instructors will show you what's what. Just be sure to do it first. If you still decide to swim, pay attention to the prohibition sold out. Put them in really dangerous places coast, so bravado and boasting are completely unnecessary.

  • Prices in Phuket in August

    Prices in Phuket in August are consistently low. For everything - from hotel stays to dinner at a restaurant or excursions. You can decide to go to Phuket in August spontaneously. And not a week before departure, but literally the next day. Last-minute trips at the price of an air ticket are found in almost every travel agency.

    In the restaurants and bars of the island, bored owners catch literally every gesture of visitors. So-called happy hours are becoming the rule. A rare couple who came to have lunch or dinner pays the full check, the discount reaches 50%. Fruit prices drop so low that it looks like they are being given away for free. And their diversity is very large - by August everything that bears fruit in Phuket ripens.

CLIMATE June July August
daytime temperature 32.2ºC31.8ºC31.8ºC
night temperature 28.6ºC28.2ºC28.0ºC
sea ​​temperature 29.7ºC29.4ºC29.1ºC
Sunny days 10 10 13
Light length. days (h) 12.6 12.5 12.4
Rainy days 16 17 14
Rainfall (mm) 264.7 264.3 304.8

Air temperature

Water temperature

Precipitation in MM

It captivates with its beauty. What are the huge coconut palms, snow-white sand on the shores of the gentle sea, mysterious tropical thickets, small hills, huge mountains and stunningly beautiful waterfalls. Plus, the feeling of unity with nature and peace of mind. The locals are friendly and hospitable. The tourist infrastructure in Phuket is quite well developed. It attracts tourists and excellent cuisine with an abundance of seafood dishes. In general, if you don’t want round-the-clock noise, as in Pattaya or Bangkok, but you need silence and comfort, Phuket is what you need. And do not worry: is it worth going to Phuket in June or even in July. The island is beautiful at any time of the year. For example, Cape Brahma, even on rainy days, is the most favorite place for lovers of the setting sun.

Mysterious Seasons

The climatic mystery of Phuket is the monsoons. It is these seasonal steady winds affect the weather conditions of the island. And this is either endless rain and low temperatures, or dry heat. There are two seasons, respectively: dry season and rainy season. It rains continuously from May to October. The peak is at the end of August - September. During this time, the humidity can be over 95%.

Most often it rains at night, but it happens that it pours for a week without stopping. Then a flood occurs on the island, but this is the rarest case.

Sea water has a temperature of 28-30 degrees Celsius, but the rainy season in Phuket is accompanied strong winds and the sea is stormy. Therefore, swimming is often prohibited on almost all beaches. Therefore, hotels have pools into which water is pumped from the sea.

What is the weather like in Phuket in July? Reviews of travelers testify that the rest is unforgettable in any weather.

July tours to paradise island

Most of the tourists arrive to rest in Phuket in July. You can always find out the features of weather changes this month from a travel agency agent or on a travel portal. During the rainy season, absolutely everything on the island becomes cheaper: rental of various boats, rental of real estate, prices in restaurants, tour desks and even shops.

Vacation plans

Relaxing on the beach every day is not always possible. The rains start instantly, however, and end just as abruptly. Therefore, a vacation in June-July in Phuket turns out to be non-standard. Phuket in July: is it worth going? The reviews that tourists leave on various travel portals are almost always positive. There are many entertainments on the island in this wet season: a variety of sightseeing walks and hikes, lunches and dinners in restaurants and cafes with big discounts, shops with tempting promotions, health and relaxation treatments, Thai massage sessions and all kinds of SPAs, and of course, stunning beauty beaches.

beach holiday

There are many beaches in Phuket, especially in its southern part. The most famous is Bang Tao, or, as they call it in Europe, Laguna Beach. The Laguna Phuket resort complex is located here. Almost all of them are five-star, with impeccable service, cuisine from any country in the world and golf courses.

The complete opposite of this fashionable beach is the small cozy coast of Surin. It maintains the atmosphere of a quiet rural settlement with a slow-moving life. The popularity of this place is growing year by year.

Phuket in June: yes or no? Definitely yes. The most visited Patong beach is proof of this. The number of vacationers on it, if it decreases in June-July, is not much at all. There are guesthouses and hotels, pubs and open cafes, clubs and massage and spa salons. You can have fun in Patong around the clock. It is here that the popular show of transvestites - Simon Cabaret takes place.

The cleanest beach in Phuket is Karon Beach. A few years ago the embankment was reconstructed. Now night market, shops and shops are separated from the beach by a road. Karon Beach is a quiet and cozy place. He is very much loved couples with kids.

Even more comfortable on Nai Harn. It is located in a small bay. Only the sea and the birds make noise here.

Summer monsoons uplift big waves off the coast of Phuket in July. Is it worth going? Reviews left by tourists recommend relaxing on the beaches at this time east coast. Take Chalong Beach for example. On rainy days, you can visit the famous pilgrimage center - the most beautiful Buddhist temple. In the main pagoda of this center, a piece of Buddha is kept - a fragment of a bone. The temple can be visited absolutely free of charge.

The second successful beach for this time of year is Panwa. Rest can be diversified by trips to the Aquarium biological center sea ​​research. There are many huge fish, including sharks, whose feeding is very attractive to tourists.

And, of course, Rawai Beach. Here, in case of rain, you can study the shells in the museum of the same name. It features about two thousand rare, unusual and simply beautiful shells. The age of some, according to approximate estimates of scientists, is 380 million years. At the exit of the museum, there is a small shop that sells shell items: pendants, beads, rings, and souvenirs. Resting in these places, you must definitely go to the orchid farm. Each incoming hostess gives a stunning flower. On the farm you can buy seedlings and flowering plants (each purchase will be in a special package designed for flight).

Rest on the shore of Kata Noi will be calm and comfortable. Waves practically do not reach it because of the small islands with which it is surrounded.

Journey to the Phi Phi Islands

What to do in Phuket in July? Be sure to go to the inhabited and the Phi Phi archipelago. From the east coast of Phuket there is a ferry to the islands. Visitors to the islands called this place " garden of paradise for pristine, virgin beauty. Exciting excursions are organized here today. For example, in Bantosai. This is a small cozy village. It has many cafes, shops and bungalows for guests. Feeling fabulous. Divers love Phi Phi too. Here clear water with exotic aquatic inhabitants and huge coral colonies!

Water above, water below...

Reviews about about. Phuket in July are the most diverse. Some people like the wet season, some don't. But it is during the rainy season that you need to visit the waterfalls. because of continuous rains they become powerful, their roar can be heard hundreds of meters away. the islands are slightly higher than a four-story house, nevertheless, each of them is striking in its beauty. Waterfalls can be listened to, observed and you can swim in them!

If you are cold, you need to urgently get to the hot springs. The coldest of them has a temperature of 39 degrees. And finish water procedures better than an exotic foot massage with special fish - Garra Rufa.

Hiking in the Old Town

Deciding whether to go to Phuket (Thailand) in July will be much easier if you get acquainted with the video or photo collections of the Old Town, or Phuket Town, on the tourist portals in advance. It is away from most tourist destinations and beaches.

The old town is very different from most towns on the island. There is a special spirit here: there is no tourist crowd, but there are many cozy home cafes and elegant taverns in the national style. Phuket Town is full of contrasts and mysteries. Thalang Street, for example, boasts a beautiful, modern local post office that sits next to an 18th-century mansion. It now houses the Stamp Museum.

Soi Romani Street was full of brothels. Now only red paper lanterns remain. At the end of the walk, you should definitely look into the Thai spice shop. This establishment is over a hundred years old, and only natural products are sold here.

Sacred full moon of the eighth month

On the first full moon in July, Asanha Bucha is celebrated on the island, from which great post. On this day, beautiful ceremonies are held everywhere, services are held in churches in honor of the holiday, after which men go to the monastery for three months, renouncing the earthly world.

Delight for the soul

Is it worth it to go to Phuket in June-July? Costs. Meteorologists say that sunny days July is more than cloudy. And on occasion, beach pleasure on a rainy day can be replaced with an excursion to the recently opened botanical garden. Its territory is divided into thematic areas. There is a European and Japanese garden, a corner of Balinese vegetation and others. Each of them welcomes guests with funny figurines and sculptures.

In the center of the botanical garden is a small pond with colorful fish. You can feed them for a fee.

The main attraction of the garden is the pavilion with butterflies. They are not at all afraid of people, sit on their hands and allow themselves to be photographed.

The rainy season is not a hindrance to outdoor activities!

Although the weather in July is not very bright on the island of Phuket, the reviews of tourists, lovers of active recreation on the water and under water, amaze with their emotions. Fans of surfing, diving, windsurfing and fishermen can do what they love even in inclement weather.

On days when red warning flags are posted on the beaches and there are no swimmers, rentals open where you can rent a board and pay for a lesson with an experienced instructor. For beginners in this sport, it is better to try yourself at Kata Beach. The waves here are stable, they do not break on pitfalls and do not change direction.

In June, for the hardiest on the island, the annual Phuket Lagoon Marathon is held. The 42 km track winds through tropical and rubber thickets and orchards, then through rice fields and villages. The number of participants is growing year by year and has already exceeded five thousand people. Young runners must overcome 21, and children under 12 - 10 km. There is a prize distance of 5 km for lovers of sports walking.

And finally

Many tourists who have received a vacation in June and dream of a vacation, in travel agencies listen to sad story about heavy rains, terrible jellyfish and many-meter waves on the island of Phuket.

It should be noted that Phuket is prominent representative rainy season. Most of the precipitation occurs during the dark hours of the day. Sometimes incessant downpours last all night until early morning. Precipitation during the day is also not excluded, but they are short-lived. In this case, the rain can start quite suddenly, so you should always be prepared for a sudden change in weather. There are a lot of cafes, restaurants, and small shops in Phuket where you can hide from the elements that suddenly broke out. Just as suddenly, the rain may end, and the sky immediately illuminates the bright sun.

In June, the island does not get as hot as in the spring months, so tourists have more opportunities for sightseeing holidays. average temperature air - +28 degrees. The thermometer does not rise above +31 degrees even on the hottest days. In the evening, the air cools down to +25 degrees, urging tourists to walk on fresh air if there is no rain.

Air and water temperature on the beaches of Phuket in June

photo: Average water and air temperatures in different parts of Phuket

Weather on the island today

Holidays in Phuket in June

At the beginning of summer, the wet season reigns on the island. However, in June you can find many positive moments. You just need to adjust to the weather conditions.

What to do on the island in early summer

Summer holidays in Phuket are ideal for lovers of a calm, measured holiday. You can no longer meet crowds of tourists at sightseeing sites, and many beaches are completely empty. Nevertheless, vacationers can find a lot of interesting entertainment - from visiting historical and natural attractions to extreme entertainment.

Fans of ecological routes can go to the orchid garden, where an incredible show of elephants takes place every day. You can also go on a tour of the most beautiful waterfalls of the island, but for such a trip you should choose a sunny, calm day that does not promise a sudden change in weather.

Tourists who prefer leisure with extreme notes, there will also be entertainment to your liking. They can go rafting, bungee jumping, quad biking, or go on a jeep safari through the impenetrable, virgin jungle.

June is not too rich in various holidays and festivals, but several interesting events take place on the island this month. First of all, tourists may be interested in the annual Laguna Phuket marathon. Anyone can apply to participate in the race, which takes place along a very picturesque track. Its total length is 42 kilometers. The run can be combined with a tour of the amazing natural beauties of the island. Another event in June is the Chao Le Boat Festival, which attracts a huge number of spectators. When the sun sets below the horizon, the locals lower small boats into the water, thereby expelling evil spirits and attracting good luck into their lives.

Beach holidays in June in Phuket

Phuket beaches in June - not the best the best place for relax. The most developed resorts are located on west coast islands, but at the beginning of summer there are unsuitable conditions for recreation. The West is most exposed to winds that bring huge waves. Windsurfers and kite-surfers who simply need such conditions usually rest here.

If you want to swim in the sea, sunbathe, and go banana or water skiing, you should go to the east or southeast coast. Here the sea is calmer, and you can find many cozy coves sheltered from the winds. It is here that lovers of the serene flock beach holiday. If desired, tourists can even find a place suitable for diving, although in most areas of the island it is impossible due to muddy water.

Prices for airfare Moscow - Phuket - Moscow

The cost of one round-trip ticket is indicated. The sample includes connecting flights.

Tours to Thailand in Phuket in June 2019

If you want to buy a tour to Thailand to Phuket for November at the lowest price, then book tickets in advance and at the beginning of the month. Then it is quite possible to meet 30,000 rubles per person (from 60,000 rubles for two) when staying in a 3-star hotel and eating breakfast. Rest in hotels of 4 and 5 stars will cost at least 100,000 rubles for two.

Starting from December 25, the cost of tours increases significantly. In Phuket, as in all of Thailand, the high season begins, associated with the New Year holidays. You can save only if you participate in the "Early Booking" promotion, which is offered by many tour operators from Moscow.

Selection of tours to Phuket in June

Request the cost of a last minute ticket

If the desire to go on a trip to Thailand to the island of Phuket appeared spontaneously, it doesn’t matter. We will select the most advantageous offers from a closed base for the coming dates and help you go on vacation at the best price for today.

Phuket is one of the most advertised destinations for a beach holiday. Probably, the name of this resort is the first thing that comes to mind to a person who wants to spend a vacation in Thailand. And of course, this is followed by thoughts like: “Should I go to Phuket or choose another resort?”, “Is it possible to relax there in June?”, “Is it worth going to Phuket alone / alone and how safe is it?” and other. This article will help those who have similar questions to decide.

Author's note: give unequivocal answers to the questions "Is it worth going to Phuket in June?", "Is it worth going to Phuket with a child?", "Is it worth going to Phuket alone / alone?" not difficult. The choice between Phuket and other resorts in Thailand is more difficult: each tourist has his own criteria by which he selects the best vacation spot for himself. In any case, in order to decide on the direction, you need to find out as much objective information about it as possible, for this there are sections of our website that describe in detail popular resorts Thailand.

Should I go to Phuket in June?

It's warm in Phuket all year round, the air temperature is always around +30. The sea is also always warm - + 28-30. The seasons differ from each other in the amount and duration of rains: for example, in June there are 6 times more precipitation than in February. Accordingly, it is uncomfortable to relax in the summer, since the weather is almost always cloudy, it often rains, and because of the high humidity, wet clothes dry for a very long time. At sea at this time high waves which are dangerous for swimmers.

Weather in Phuket by seasons


Mostly sunny weather, rains are rare. it best time for holidays in Phuket.


Rains happen more often than in winter, but this is not the main disadvantage of spring. The most annoying thing is that it is very hot at this time. On the thermometer, the difference with the winter months looks insignificant, only 3-4 degrees higher, but it feels like unbearable heat.


It is hot, stuffy and it often rains, quite intense. Tropical showers are no joke; city streets are sometimes knee-deep. The Thais are used to it, but the tourist life on the island freezes. Hotels are ready to provide decent discounts to those few who come to Phuket at this time, but not everyone is ready to take the risk, because a vacation in the summer in Phuket is like a lottery: maybe you are lucky and the rains do not interfere much with the holiday program, or it can pour from the sky like this that even the nearest cafe will not be able to run without getting wet to the last thread.


September and October are very rainy months. By the end of November, the picture is gradually changing: the sun peeks out more often, the sea calms down, the temperature drops. In November, you can already confidently go to Phuket. Rains, of course, cannot be avoided, but they will not spoil the rest.

So, is it worth going to Phuket in June? Of course, you can take a risk, but it is better to postpone the trip for the winter period.

Should I go to Phuket or choose another resort in Thailand?

Phuket is a universal tourist destination, unlike, for example, the islands of Koh Lanta or Chang, where, by and large, relaxation comes down to lying on the beach. At the same time, the beaches in Phuket are no worse than on other islands, and among them there are as quiet and deserted as those for which they go to Chang, Samet or Lanta. In terms of such parameters as the abundance of Russian-speaking tourists and the variety of entertainment, Pattaya can be compared with Phuket, but in terms of the beauty of nature, the transparency of the water in the sea and the quality of the beaches, it is much inferior to it. In addition, Pattaya is uncomfortable for people who are not interested in sex tourism: you have to brush off annoying prostitutes and transvestites all the time. Where Pattaya compares favorably with Phuket is more low prices and a good location: close to Bangkok and Cambodia, where you can go on an excursion.

A resort that is quite comparable to Phuket in most respects is the island of Koh Samui. It also has a lot of interesting things, there are both busy and sparsely populated beaches, well-developed infrastructure and so on. True, it is more difficult (that is, more expensive) to get to it than to Phuket, since the local airport does not accept either charter or direct flights from Russia. And the landscapes of the islands nearby Koh Samui, including the picturesque Angthong archipelago, still cannot be compared with the Similans or Phi Phi, which Phuket is proud of. Otherwise, Koh Samui is a worthy alternative to Phuket.

Should I go to Phuket or choose another resort? The answer, of course, depends on what exactly you want to get from the rest. But by and large, Phuket is suitable for any purpose, except perhaps for ultra-budget travel and expeditions to the ruins of ancient temples.

Should I go to Phuket with a child?

Definitely worth it. Despite the fact that there are no animators in local hotels, and play rooms are rare, the child will not be bored: tropical vegetation, Exotic fruits, unusual animals, warm sea with soft sand will make a deep impression on him. There are many activities on the island that are suitable for children. For example, in and the child will be able to see a huge amount rare plants and tropical flowers, and learn how pineapples and cashews grow. Butterfly Garden and Bird Garden, as you might guess from their names, introduce young visitors to a variety of species of lepidoptera and birds, and at the Serpentine Garden, children are invited to watch tricks with dangerous reptiles and reptiles.

It works in Phuket, and in which some animals are allowed to touch and feed them from their hands. But the children are most delighted with riding an elephant, feeding macaques on the mountain of monkeys and You can ride an elephant through the jungle in one of (there are four in total), flocks of monkeys, which is easy to find, and tiger cubs and their adult parents are kept in the nursery "Kingdom tigers".

There are on the island and. Pools, slides and attractions in it are designed for visitors of all ages. Another opportunity to swim with the whole family is waterfalls. In winter, during the dry season, they are shallow, so you should not expect Niagara power from them, but even such streams will impress a child who has not seen waterfalls before. What he will definitely remember for a lifetime is sea excursions to the Phi Phi Islands and the Similan archipelago. Nature and beaches are fabulous! Tours to neighboring islands most often include kayaking and snorkeling in their program, so in addition to contemplating the landscapes, the child is also provided with active recreation. And if a little traveler has a passion for fishing, you can go sea fishing. For this, special boat tours are organized in Phuket.

For an inquisitive child, informative excursions to Buddhist and Chinese temples, to the Seashell Museum or to a pearl farm will be interesting. In a floating village in Phang Nga Bay, you can meet with a completely unusual way of life of sea gypsies. The most spectacular performance dedicated to the culture and history of Thailand takes place on the stage of Siam Niramit: every evening they put on a grand show that tells about the key moments in the history of the kingdom. Something similar in scope and beauty can also be seen on the stage of "Show Fantasy".

As for the beaches of Phuket, they are great for swimming with a small child: the sand on the shore is loose and shallow, the sea is clear, and the entrance to the water is usually smooth. At the same time, there are many beaches on the island and they differ markedly from each other in the number of tourists, the texture of the sand, the availability of infrastructure, and so on. So among this variety, it will not be difficult for a family with children to find a suitable place to relax. Detailed description each of Phuket's beaches can be found in the "Phuket Beaches" section.

Should I go to Phuket with a child? Yes, it's worth it. The island has something to entertain the little guest. A special section "Rest with children" contains articles describing in detail all the interesting places for a child in Phuket.

Should I go to Phuket alone / alone?

Yes, it's quite normal. If you get bored, you can get acquainted with compatriots. There are many in Phuket. Most often, Russian-speaking tourists are found on the beaches: Kata, Karon, Patong, Bangtao. Around these beaches there are many cafes and restaurants with Russian cuisine, where vacationers from Russia gather in the evenings.

Girls do not need to worry beyond measure about the safety of a solo trip: in Phuket, the greatest threat is not so much to the life and health of a tourist as to his wallet. A visitor here often encounters inflated prices, petty deceit and divorces for money, but robberies, rapes, attacks on foreigners on the island are rare. Thais are very good-natured people who are not characterized by aggression and arrogance. True, among those who work in the tourism sector, there are often greedy and cynical types who, out of self-interest, can step over their conscience and Buddhist principles, but this is rather an exception. A tourist meeting with such Thais threatens with the loss of some amount of money and a spoiled mood, but more serious troubles occur infrequently.

So is it worth it to go to Phuket alone? Yes. It is safe and not even boring if you meet someone for a holiday together.

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